File Archive

File download


File size:
21 223 bytes (20.73K)
File date:
2014-10-10 23:02:19
Download count:
all-time: 91


  • BinFlare/ dir
  • BinFlare/BinFlare 948B
  • BinFlare/More/ dir
  • BinFlare/More/Source 9.45K
  • BinFlare/More/tEXTra 7.89K
  • BinFlare/More/Z_SNAP 20.73K
  • BinFlare/ReadMe 1.07K


name:   BinFlare
author: ArmOric / Arm'S Tech
size:   < 1024 bytes (squashed, runnable absolute)
needs:  VIDC 20, maybe SA for speed...
descr.: Technical preview of a future 1kb demo...

Bit of tech :

 This is no scenarized demo... Just got time to check/solve the
tech bits : how to blur "many" views of an object/efficiently
emulate bit planes. On a SA at least...
 I got more than 60 FPS in 800X600 for full screen redraw (CLS
limit top-speed is 84 FPS on my 200Mhz SA) with the proposed
raster scheme. The "fill" engine actually does reach the maximal
fill speed (84 fps), its the object management (lots of FP calls
actually...) that slows it down...

 Maybe, with an extended deadline, I can get a nice thing with
this technique : anti-aliased things, motion blur... With the
same screen rasterizing method, in a non 1Kb system where
objects are handled correctly, I get good specs for Z-buffer:
the snapshot is from 66 Z-buffered balls intersecting at more
than 60Hz with non uniform background in 640X480... 

End of the advertising :) See you soon on a nearby raster !