File Archive

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File size:
7 917 bytes (7.73K)
File date:
2014-10-10 23:02:19
Download count:
all-time: 25


name:   Rottweiler
author: James Andrews (
size:   2044 bytes
needs:  BAX to compile
descr.: ROT 13 encoder/decoder


Background:    ROT13 is a simple encryption method used on Usenet, for
               disguising plot spoilers, obscuring rude jokes etc. ROT13ing
               a text file turns it into garbage; ROT13ing it again
               turns it back into readable English (or Swedish, etc...)

Instructions:  Drag a text file to the rottweiler on the iconbar, either
               from the filer or from another application.
Kludge:        In order to get around the (since modified) rule that
               "Programs must be able to run without external data" rule,
               I incorporated a secret feature into Rottweiler:
               Click Menu over the Info window to view a sample of ROT13ed
               text. Click Menu over the Info window again to see it
               translated back into English.

Limitations:   * cannot handle files larger than 29k (unlikely that you'll
                 ever need to ROT13 that much text...)
               * !Scrap must have been 'seen' by filer before Rottweiler
                 will work
Features:      * Support for interactive help
               * Built in icon and templates