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File size:
20 073 bytes (19.60K)
File date:
2014-10-10 23:02:19
Download count:
all-time: 27


name:   AF8, AF16 (AudioFerence8, AudioFerence16)
author: Michael Kübel (
size:   1010/965 bytes
needs:  Risc PC, StrongARM recommended (...because of precalculation time),
        AF8 -> 8 bit sound system, AF16 -> 16 bit sound card
descr.: audio animated interference effects   


1) Start any Tracker-Player Application with your favourite song...

2) - Double click on 'AF8' if you've got a 8 bit sound system
   - Double click on 'AF16' if you've got a 16 bit sound card

3) Wait about 6 seconds (StrongARM), precalculation time 

4) The animation starts when there's some action on the sound system
   (Some stable rings mean just silence...) 

   - Use some keys to interact:

   'Space'  switches through up to the 8 possible voices of the sound system
            (AF8 only !, AF16 uses only one voice (mix of left & right))
   'Return' switch through 4 different interference-like effects
   'Tab'    switch between 2 palette effects (1st is more stable,
            2nd calculates the palette depending on the sample values
            and gives more flashy and darker results)
4) Hit 'Escape' to quit

This is my first entry for a competition like this, and I appreciate for all
the help from Pervect of Topix and the people on the Codecraft mailing list.

Some Credits:

- Pervect...........for the really nice !Squasher App and letting me use his
                    'memory-block-address-finding' - code :-)  
- Exoticorn.........for some hints and having a nice time at MS2k
- Denys Bogatz......initial code to get the sound system infos 
- Dirk Krumbholz....optimizing the sound system info code
- Mr.Hill...........for his nice Basic-Interference-Routine, from where the
                    idea for my code came from.
- Andre Timmermans..for testing and correcting the 16bit version 

If you want to have some more sound visualisation applications then have a
look at my other productions at Andre Timmermans '!DigitalCD'-Web-site:

   *** ***


P.S.: If you want to play a little bit with the code, just try altering
      the following value '2' in the source and recompile it:

      EQUFS 2
