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File size:
17 336 bytes (16.93K)
File date:
2022-06-26 13:38:36
Download count:
all-time: 4

Screenshot (by pouë



  • LARRY5.NFO 5.64K
  • RUNME.BAT 142B
  • USA-FLT.EXE 14.71K


 USA/FLT                  United Software Association                  USA/FLT
                             Fairlight PC Division

                               Proudly Presents

                             Leisure Suit Larry 5




                               - USA Members -

     The NotSoHumble Babe, Silencer, Genesis, Suicidal, Strider, R. Bubba
   Magillicutty, The Necromancer, Static, Harry Lime, Black Plague, Drone #5
                        Lord Sterling, Captain Kirk

                              - USA Couriers -

                Morpheus, The Bartender, Crime Slave, Snuggles  

                               - USA Boards -

    BOARD NAME          POSITION       NUMBER         SYSOP
    BBS-A-Holic         Western Home   213-PRI-VATE   Genesis
    Enterprize Elite    Eastern Home   313-442-7543   Static / The NSH Babe 
    The Inferno         Member Board   416-841-1933   Black Plague
    House Of Lords      Member Board   714-681-9219   Lord Sterling
    The Rush Board      Member Board   313-348-6057   The Necromancer
    Hidden Empire       Dist Site      301-926-6131   The Emperor
    tHe CrAcK iN tImE   Dist Site      2o1-573-o449   The Punisher
    Support HQ          Dist Site      415-692-6037   X-Terminator
    The Red Sector      Dist Site      713-952-7682   The Guardian

Game Notes: After putting out Spellcasting 2o1 Beta, Might & Magic ]I[, and
            now Leisure Suit Larry 5, we could sit here and brag about how
            great we are, but we're not gonna do that.  We're not like that.
            We're out here doing the best we can and we'll let our releases
            speak for themselves.  Enjoy the ware and look for more soon!

            Since this is a big and competitive release and since Sierra
            notoriously hides their copy protection in the middle or
            near-ending of their games, we decided not to sit on our ass
            playing this thing all day looking for protection.  We're gonna
            put this release out and if there is some protection hiding you
            can damn well count on a crack or scanned dox being released
            ASAP.  This might seem lame to some of you, but, believe me, with
            a game this large and with every crack group in the world wanting
            to put it out, this is the most sensible way to handle the

            We have been seeing ALOT of posting going on about USA, offering
            us support, congratulations, best wishes, good luck, thanks, and
            constructive criticism.  We've received a ton of very kind and
            supportive feedback from most of you out there, and we'd just like
            to say "Thanks a million!"  We appreciate all of your good wishes
            and support more than you could imagine.  You can be damn sure
            we're going to continue working hard to serve you, and bring you
            all the latest and greatest releases.  That's right - We said
            "Serve you".  We know you're sick of self-serving crack groups
            who think they are God's gift to piracy.  We don't play that
            bullshit.  We're here to serve the you, the little guys, and we
            know it, and you know it, and that's the way it is.

               - USA/FLT Senior Staff - Genesis, TNSH Babe and Silencer

Greets: INC - Sorry for teasing you about Hare Raising Havoc, it is a really
              decent game!  How about a solve?
      RAZOR - Notice you are putting RZR in your filenames now... yuk.
         PE - Release something dammit!
        THG - <This Space Intentionally Left Blank>
  The Joker - You should change your handle to The Poseur.  You're board is
              not a USA site so please quit lying to your users.


                So you wanna be a Dist Site or Member huh?

   If you are interested in becoming a USA/FLT Dist Site or Member, please
   contact Genesis at BBS-A-Holic or TNSH Babe at Enterprise Elite.  Tell
   us what you have to offer to USA/FLT and you will be considered.  All
   of our members and dist sites are completely functional.  If you can't
   or don't want to do anything to help out, and just want to sit there
   and run a dist site, then forget it.  But if think you have something to
   offer and you want to help the newest up and coming group reach the top,
   give us a call.

                      So you wanna be a Courier huh?

   Fill out a USA/FLT courier application and send it up to one of the Home
   boards reserved for our courier leader, Suicidal.


                        You may contact us by mail at:

                         35526 Grand River, Suite 104
                         Farmington Hills, MI  48335


                        "All's Fair In Love And Warez"
