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File size:
22 604 bytes (22.07K)
File date:
2022-06-26 13:38:32
Download count:
all-time: 5


  • INC.EXE 21.14K
  • INC.NFO 4.90K


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 ³                 INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF CRACKERS Presents:                ³
 ³ Game    ³ Hugo II Final Release    ³ ³ Supplier   ³ Macro Nit              ³
 ³ Company ³ Silverock Productions    ³ ³ Cracker    ³ Macro Nit              ³
 ³ Display ³ VGA 256 Colours          ³ ³ Packager   ³ Night Ranger           ³
 ³ Sound   ³ Honker/Soundblaster      ³ ³ Protection ³ Doc Check (I Think)    ³
 ³ Rating  ³ 9/10                     ³ ³ Date       ³ 06/25/92               ³
 ³                                RELEASE NOTES                               ³
  This is kind of an update for Hugo II that we released a while back. Thing is
  this version has many more levels and also has the TV verions that is shown
  in Denmark. The game is in Danish but as with the first one this shouldn't
  spoil your fun, as they isn't any in game danish text. Apart from that this
  game is fucking excellent! Make sure you have at least 580k before running

  I have been playing this game for a little while now and have discovered that
  sometimes the game crashes out for some reason. This is nothing to do with
  the crack but we are contacting Silverock Productions about this.

  Greets to :- Cool Hand, Cooler Hand (The Next INC Boss!), Cracksmith, Lestat
               The Triton, Ford Perfect, Rifleman, Patch, Jake Pickett, Rescue
               Raider and Bar "This Buds For You" Manager

  I would also like to thank Amanda and Lacy "Be Carefull" for a very
  entertaining conference. Also sorry to hear about your Prostate Cancer, Cool
  Hand! hah.
  Also I would like to welcome Rick Dangerous and Company to the INC
  Programming team. Looks like TRSi get smaller and smaller every day! hehehe.

  INC are still looking for some good couriers so if your interested apply to

  Heart Of Gold 408-733-6127
                (For Americans, leave a message to 'Ford Perfect')
  Digital Underground +49-232-313318
                (For Europeans, Leave a message to 'Iceman INC')

   Write To:  -=I.N.C. U.S.=-              -=INC Europe=-
              P.O. Box 170933              Postlagernd
              Arlington, Texas             8858 Neuburg/Donau
                       76003               West Germany

 Final Note: Support Software Companies! If you enjoy playing a game, and
             think it's worth the money (few are these days), then by all
             means- BUY IT! Someone's got to make it worth a programmer's
             effort to keep up the high standards! They DESERVE it!

                         -=INC '92: Alone at the Top!=-

                    ³   World HQ    -   Midnight Oil III   ³
                    ³   European HQ - Nuclear Wastelandz   ³
                    ³   Courier HQ  -      Heart Of Gold   ³
 ³          INC Distribution Sites / Member Boards / Support Boards           ³
  10 Downing Street            Inn Of The Last Home           Psychiatric Ward
  Above the Law                McClusky's Bar & Grill           Star Frontiers
  Animal House                 Midnight Oil                       The Colisium
  B2 Bombers                   Midnight Oil III                   The Crusades
  Body Count                   Monkey Island                      The Exorcist
  Boner's Domain               MotherBoard VII              The Generic Access
  Castle Perilous              Nevada Testing Grounds            The Gallifrey
  Coffee Break                 Nuclear Wastelandz                  The Gallows
  Dark Well                    O.K. Corrale                    The Krack House
  Digital Underground          Orgasm                       The Last Dimension
  Dumper's Den                 Out of ReaCH              The Manhattan Project
  EpiCenter                    Parallel Reality                Wizard's Palace
  Heart Of Gold                People's Front of Judea          Wizard's Tower