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File size:
60 580 bytes (59.16K)
File date:
2022-06-26 13:38:27
Download count:
all-time: 5


  • DREAM.NFO 7.09K
  • INTRO.EXE 22.23K
  • MUSIC 41.26K
  • PAL 4.25K
  • PIC 62.50K


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                       Epic Final/Sales Version from OCEAN

 ³  þ RELEASE INFORMATION þ                                                  ³
 ³ Cracked by  : ABACUS                                                      ³
 ³ Released    : 11th August 1992                                            ³
 ³ Graphics    : VGA 256 colors                                              ³
 ³ Sound       : Roland / Soundblaster / Adlib / Pc-Speaker                  ³
 ³  þ RELEASE NOTES þ                                                        ³
   Wow! An awesome game, great gfx and superb vector graphics. You sure do 
   remember this one, but it did crash sometimes, and wasnt that bugfree...
   Anyways, The Dream Team is here once again to bring you GREAT and QUALITY
   games, perfectly cracked. (Sorry razor, nothing to re-crack)

   NOTE: Extasy did released epic BETA version with lots of bugs and uncomplete
         levels, the game did also crash once in a while. This is the FINAL
         sales version, which was also protected, the BETA wasn't...

   FLOPPY INSTALLATION NOTES: Unzip all zip files to flopies and run install

   HARD DRIVE INSTALLATION  : Unzip all files in 1 directory
                              Type: SUBST A: .
                              Make sure you have 8 meg free diskspace
                              Run install

   Greetings : All groups that keep tight and dont fuck up cracks

   Yet another QUALITY release by TDT!

   Have fun and see you later in our next crack!

 ³   If you like this release then write to us! Support the group that makes ³
 ³                this possible for you : THE DREAM TEAM                     ³
 ³  Greeting goes to the software companies, dont be sad, we just make you   ³
 ³ guys a favour spreading your releases to countries you would never reach  ³
 ³ The Dream Team is always ready to take in new members. But we want only   ³
 ³ the best. If you can supply games, make music (MOD) , or draw graphics    ³
 ³ contact us by calling the nearest TDT bbs or write to our post box!       ³
 ³                                                                           ³
 ³ Also if you are intrested in the newest and hottest make sure to write to ³
 ³                      us for a free program diskette                       ³
 ³                            The Dream Team                                 ³
 ³                              PO. BOX 52                                   ³
 ³                          810 70 AELVKARLEBY                               ³
 ³                                SWEDEN                                     ³
 ³                         THE DREAM TEAM MEMBERS                            ³
 ³    ABACUS, Ace, ActionMan, Asmodeus, Desert Rat, Califboy, Devious Doze   ³
 ³       Hard Core, IronSide, Major Theft, Mr Thompson, Nightman, Offset     ³
 ³               Pablo, Phil Thrust, Redskin, Roger Wilco, Snake Man         ³
 ³       Spread, Stroke , The Ghost Wind, Union Jack, Wolverine, Yip Yip     ³ 
 ³                      THE DREAM TEAM COURIER SYSTEM                        ³
 ³   Fallen Angel , Venom , Boo , Cuca , Marauder, Black Mischief, Pixel     ³
 ³ The Headman, Lord Of the Rings, Turbo Interceptor, Syzzo, S.S , O-Z-Z-Y   ³
 ³                       THE DREAM TEAM MEMBER BOARDS                        ³
 ³ Unlawful Entry ............ 612-PRI-VATE ....... 6 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ Revelation ................ 301-PRI-VATE ....... 5 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ Akira Project ............. 416-512-8567 ....... 3 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ East BBS ............... +(46)-8-940-614 ................................ ³
 ³ Twins ..................... 514-723-4351 ....... 3 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ No Name BBS ........... +(49)-ELITE-CALL ................................ ³
 ³ New Central Europe ... +(49)-911-758-383 .......10 Nodes ................ ³
 ³                           DISTRIBUTION SITES                              ³
 ³ Juve Rehab .......... +(358)-187-818-316 ....... 2 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ Free Q8 ................ +(965)-532-4360 ................................ ³
 ³ Highland Board ........ +(39)-362-554422 ....... 4 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ Hell ...................... 313-349-4933 ....... 2 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ The Underworld ............ 916-429-2232 ................................ ³ 
 ³ Orange Juice ........... +(61)-357-10747 ....... 3 Nodes ................ ³
 ³ Cimmeria .............. +(90)-1-384-0863 ................................ ³
 ³ Exodus BBS ............. +(352)-42-44-92 ................................ ³
 ³ Big Time .................. 519-978-3388 ................................ ³
 ³ Lite House Express ........ 407-624-4329 ....... 2 Nodes ................ ³

                   TDT 1992 : Your Dream's Come Alive!