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File size:
35 667 bytes (34.83K)
File date:
2022-06-26 13:38:14
Download count:
all-time: 4


  • FILE_ID.DIZ 295B
  • RELEASE.EXE 25.82K


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           úùþ PrESEnTz þùú 
  [ 4FiLEs v3.19 - CraCKEd VeRSiON ]
³       4FILES File manager, annotator & FAST navigator v3.19        ³
³                 SEE BELOW FOR PRODUCT INFORMATION                  ³
³           This is a VENDINFO Product Information Record            ³
³                                                                    ³
³ This record is a means of conveying information about a software   ³
³ product from the author to distributors and users.  It contains a  ³
³ normal, "human-readable" section (you're reading it now), followed ³
³ by a compressed data record.  The data record contains a great     ³
³ deal of information in a form useable by automated tools.  This    ³
³ allows BBSes, disk vendors, etc. to test automatically for         ³
³ permission to distribute, and to automatically extract product     ³
³ information for use in BBS files databases, vendor catalogs, etc.  ³
³                                                                    ³
³ The VENDINFO file standard is published and is freely useable.     ³
³                                                                    ³
³ The VENDINFO toolset includes a free end-user viewer, processing   ³
³ tools for use by distributors (BBSes, shareware disk vendors,      ³
³ etc.), and the editor used by author/publishers to produce these   ³
³ records.  These tools are either free or very-low cost shareware.  ³
³ The toolset can be obtained from many sources, including the       ³
³ originators of VENDINFO:                                           ³
³                                                                    ³
³ Rams' Island Software   Voice: 303-841-2848  CompuServe: 76244,324 ³
³ 7644 E. Lakecliff Way     BBS: 303-841-6269     FidoNet: 1:104/333 ³
³ Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA                          RIME: RAMSISLE  ³
VENDINFO standard v1.00, produced by VendEdit v1.00, 13-Oct-1994

===== Product Information ==============================
   Product:             4FILES File manager, annotator & FAST navigator
   Version:             3.19
   Version Date:        12-Oct-1994
   Product Type:        Software
   Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
      Shareware, subject to distribution restrictions

   Product Description: 4FILES v3.19, A MULTI-PURPOSE FILE MANAGER 
                        recommended by PC-Computing magazine, 9/94. 
                        Combines fast disk navigation with complete 
                        file management, program launching, and 4DOS 
                        & NDOS compatible file annotation. Puts your 
                        favorite utilities and apps at your finger 
                        tips. Sort the directory any way you like. 
                        On-the-fly reconfiguration. Nice interface. 
                        For DOS, Windows, OS/2, and DV. <ASP> 
                        shareware, $30 w/ printed manual.

   Category:            File managers
   Required Packages:   4FILE319
   This Package:        4FILE319

   Required Configuration
      Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 8086/8088)
      Minimum OS:       MS-DOS 3.1
      Standard RAM:     128K
      Hard Drive Space: 60K
      Req'd Software:   File viewer included. Can call your favorite 
                        archive utilities, editors, etc

      Address:          Hand-Crafted Software
                        Box 6001
                        Sitka, Alaska 99835
      Phone:            907-747-8996
      FAX:              907-747-4801
      BBS Name:         MAS-BBS
      BBS Phone:        718-444-5089
      CompuServe:       72037,3607

      Address:          Hand-Crafted Software
                        Box 6001
                        Sitka, Alaska 99835
      Phone:            907-747-8996
      FAX:              907-747-4801
      BBS Name:         MAS-BBS
      BBS Phone:        718-444-5089
      CompuServe:       72037,3607

===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================


 CONTENTS:   ... 1) A note to all users, new and old.
             ... 2) A note for NEW users.

             ... 3) Compatibility.


    Have you tried a previous version?  If so, read 4F-UPDAT.TXT.

    If you have difficulties be sure to check the section on
compatibility below, and also press <Alt-F10> to check your
configuration.  If that doesn't help, call, fax or e-mail me for Tech

    If you will be using 4FILES under OS/2 or MS-Windows, CTRL-ESC &
ALT-ESC have their OS/2 or Windows rather than 4FILES functions; use
plain ESC or SHIFT-ESC to quit 4FILES.  The mouse will behave like a
Windows mouse when 4FILES is in a window and like a 4FILES mouse when
4FILES is displayed full screen.  Your mouse driver should be loaded
before loading Windows.  ALT-ENTER and ALT-HOME are used in Windows and
OS/2 respectively to toggle between running 4FILES in a window of full


    Thanks for taking the time to give 4FILES a try!  4F.DOC has both
general and detailed installation instructions; look for "Quick
Start," "MS-Windows," and "OS/2" in the table of contents.  The file
4F-INSTL.TXT gives more detailed installation instructions.

    One of the first things you should do is use <Alt-F10> to call up the
configuration menu.  This is where you setup 4FILES so it can find your
utilities and set colors and options.  If a utility is in your PATH you
need give only its filename AND extension (required), but a full pathspec
results in better performance.

    4FILES comes with the <Grey+> key setup to view files by calling
4F-TV.COM (supplied with 4FILES).  You may wish to reconfigure 4FILES
to other browse utilities such as Vern Buerg's LIST or the 4DOS LIST
command (configure this as LIST.ALS).  4DOS LIST requires shelling to
DOS, which is slow; Buerg's LIST is a better choice.  The Help file
will not be shown unless the browser "port" is correctly configured.

    Also, use <Alt-F10> to set the keyboard type you use if you have a
laptop computer or an old PC keyboard.

    Directory navigation is one of 4FILES' strong suits, and to make
the most of it, you should read the Navigation section in 4F.DOC.  Play
around a lot with the navigation keys.  Other important keys are <TAB>
to toggle between file management and file description modes, <F7> to
toggle display of file attributes or file time, and for EGA/VGA
Ctrl-<F7> to change the number of rows displayed.  <Alt-Char>, where
Char is any alphanumeric key, searches for files and subdirectories
starting with the character.

    There are many other features and a great file note editor, all
well integrated into the keyboard to put a lot of power at your
finger-tips in an easy to learn and remember arrangement.  Please
lavish a little time on the manual (4F.DOC) and at least look at "Quick
Start" therein for now.  I have worked hard to incorporate a lot of
features into 4FILES and to write a thorough manual.  It would be a
shame for you to miss the full benefits of that labor by trying to
get-by by running the program by the seat of your pants (although it's
easy enough that you can get pretty far that way).

=================  4FILES is compatible with MSDOS 3.x and higher,
DRDOS 5.x and higher, all versions of 4DOS and NDOS, OS/2, Windows &

A)  PC-Magazine's LOG.COM is poorly behaved, and whenever a utility is
called from 4FILES, LOG.COM causes an "incorrect configuration" message
to be displayed, even though execution was good.  Use the 4DOS LOG
facility or another shareware LOG program instead.

B)  With NEWKEY.EXE, you should run NEWKEYSP.EXE and free-up <Ctrl-Esc>
for use by other programs via one of the menus.  Otherwise, this key
will be non-functional in 4FILES.

C)  A number of freeware key-swap utilities (e.g. SWITCH5.COM) ignore
or do not properly update keyboard BIOS data.  If you have keyboard
trouble, try unloading such programs, and if necessary look for a
better replacement.

===== Packing List =====================================

As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:

        Filename      Size     Date       Time     CRC32
      4F-XRAY.BAT     2377  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   7F427838
           4F.COM    60496  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   FD9E98E6
        4F-TV.COM     1008  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   6CA6C8EC
      FILE_ID.DIZ      354  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   1F0457B5
           4F.DOC    97849  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   0DF6E4AB
        4F-TV.DOC     2798  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   16F7139A
           4F.HLP    19263  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   6AE53D86
     4F-I-OS2.ICO      888  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   05B42872
     4F-I-WIN.ICO      766  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   639F87A0
      4F-READ.ME      4276  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   08EB0759
           4F.PIF      545  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   402E3959
     4F-INSTL.TXT     4895  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   5DE45010
       4F-REG.TXT     2578  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   49EDDBDF
      4F-SITE.TXT      958  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   23D5350D
     4F-UPDAT.TXT    12797  12-Oct-1994  03:19a   45BC4E69

===== Installation =====================================

1) Copy all files to a subdirectory that is in your PATH.

2) Be sure you have a TEMP subdirectory defined, such as by a
   "SET TEMP=C:\" line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

3) Run 4FILES by typing 4F.

4) Type <Alt><F10> to configure 4FILES.  You may define utility or
   application programs that are called by certain 4FILES keys.  If you
   use a laptop computer or have an old-style PC keyboard, be sure to
   select your keyboard type from menu item "2. Options."  There are
   many other configuration items that add great flexibility to the
   program, change colors, or brand the program as registered.

5) 4FILES provides fast directory navigation as-is, but its capabilities
   are greatly enhanced when teamed-up with change-directory utilities
   such as LCD, ACD or Norton's NCD.  Configure 4FILES to use one of
   these utilities, if available.

6) Read "Quick-Start" in 4F.DOC or the printed manual for additional

7) For more detailed or basic instructions, see 4F-INSTL.TXT.

-= 30 =-

A site license is required if installation or distribution of 4FILES
within your company, institution, organization, government agency, etc.
can result in more than one simultaneous use of 4FILES.  To apply for a
Site License, please submit a registration form (see the file 4F_REG.TXT)
along with the appropriate fee, with discounts on the single copy price
of $30 as shown:

   Total # of
   Terminals    Discount
   ---------    --------
     2 -   4      15%
     5 -   9      25%
    10 -  24      33%
    25 -  49      47%
    50 -  99      53%
   100 - 249      64%
   250 - 499      72%
      500+        76%
      501+        60%

===== Warranty =========================================

Any use of 4FILES constitutes your agreement that it is provided "as-is"
with no express or implied warranty (other than free technical support),
that you assume full responsibility for assuring that it performs
acceptably on your system, and that in no event shall Hand-Crafted
Software, Larry Edwards, or their successors be held liable damages
arising from use of the program.

===== License for Use and Distribution =================

==================================  4FILES and its documentation are
copyrighted intellectual property which are distributed as shareware, and
may be used or distributed only in compliance with the following terms
and conditions.  4FILES is neither free nor in the public domain.  All
rights are reserved worldwide by the author.  Any use of 4FILES
constitutes your agreement to all provisions herein.

========================================  Use of 4FILES is free during
your evaluation period.  This period ends when you begin to use 4FILES
for any useful work which is not incidental to exploring its
capabilities, and may not exceed 30-days beyond your acquisition date.
When you use 4FILES for the primary purpose of accomplishing useful work
(as contrasted to a genuine evaluation) you are obligated to do your
"share" of the shareware arrangement by registering your copy promptly.

=============================  A site license is required if 4FILES can
potentially be used simultaneously on more than one computer, terminal or
workstation in a business, institution, organization, government agency,
home, etc.   To apply for a license, please fill out the registration
form in 4F_REG.TXT.  A sample site license and rates are contained in the
file 4F-SITE.TXT

Distribution by any means is encouraged, provided:

1) ... that the distribution includes all original files (see Packing
List, below) in their unaltered forms and with unaltered filenames, and
does not include the .CFG file.  If the package is incomplete its
distribution is prohibited; please contact me for a complete package.  A
BBS may add a tag file listing it as the source, and disk vendors may add
introductory or installation batch files.

2) ... that, unless a higher figure has been approved in writing, the
distribution fee does not exceed $8 if 4FILES is distributed alone or $12
if it is packed on-disk with other programs.  Commercial vendors who are
not members of ASP must have written permission to distribute.  Please
inquire as necessary.

3) ... that in any vendor catalog or other publication, it is clearly
stated that this is shareware and that $30 must be paid to Hand-Crafted
Software if the program is useful (in addition to the distributors fee,
if any).

4) ... that 4FILES may not be included or bundled with other goods or
services without express written permission of the author.  Inquiries are
welcome, and a non-shareware version can be produced for such purposes.

===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================


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