File Archive

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File size:
114 592 bytes (111.91K)
File date:
2022-06-26 13:36:20
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • DRAGON.FNT 4.00K
  • TEKNO.PCX 144.28K
  • TR97.NFO 12.42K
  • TR97APP.EXE 35.37K


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    d$'      ; $$$sss$$$s$$$sss$$$s$$ssss$$$$$$       $$$     .,d$$$$$Sý'`$$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                    -=X=- Seniors/Leaders -=X=-                     $$
    $$  Fractal Guru xXx Highlander xXx Jaeger xXx Magnet xXx Undertaker  $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[BBS WAREZ DIVISION]######%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::: $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$               -=X=- BBS Division Coordinators -=X=-                $$
    $$                 TheDoW xXx Jaeger xXx Undertaker                   $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                      -=X=- BBS Sysgods -=X=-                       $$
    $$          Fractal Guru xXx Martin xXx Jaeger xXx Bruce lee          $$
    $$       TheDow xXx Eddie xXx Undertaker xXx Obs/Bigdady xXx Tbl      $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                     -=X=- BBS Couriers -=X=-                       $$
    $$   Fractal Guru xXx Sonic xXx Highlander xXx Lordjohn xXx Kossak    $$
    $$                  xXx Psychopat xXx CyBeRMaN xXx                    $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                       -=X=- BBS Coding -=X=-                       $$
    $$         Bruce Lee xXx Martin xXx Dark God xXx Fractal Guru         $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[INET WAREZ DIVISION]#####%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::: $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                 -=X=- Internet Coordinators -=X=-                  $$
    $$          B|aCKStaR xXx WsS xXx Fractal Guru xXx Highlander         $$
    $$              Nl1 xXx CoYo_T xXx Aerotech xXx |Wazza|               $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                    -=X=- Internet Couriers -=X=-                   $$
    $$                 Wss xXx Sacx xXx Aerotech xXx `Kain`               $$
    $$               Oliver xXx |WaZZa| xXx Pgoo xXx Darkman_             $$
    $$                     xXx DaRKNeSS xXx GlaCe xXx                     $$
    $$                 King4ever xXx Pulpfact xXx _Shadows_               $$
    $$               _Oxy_ xXx Rikhard xXx |Dong| xXx Jagwar              $$
    $$                   DaHmEr xXx N33DNicK xXx MeKuN                    $$
    $$                   Psychopat xXx RaY_GuN xXx KuMa                   $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                    -=X=- Internet Site Ops -=X=-                   $$
    $$       Cyberded xXx Killjocks xXx Jackal xXx Dahmer xXx Coyo_t      $$
    $$    Bob_Binet xXx Coldblood xXx Tantrix xXx Xeroxxx xXx B|ackstar   $$
    $$            |VilE| xXx NL1 xXx AiRFoX xXx AzaZeL xXx PooHy          $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                  -=X=- Internet Trial Members -=X=-                $$
    $$             Paint0Man xXx [Rip] xXx Kinstinct xXx MoTs             $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%########[MIZK DIVISION]#########%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::: $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                      -=X=- Amiga Coding -=X=-                      $$
    $$                            Star Phoenix                            $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                       -=X=- Pc Coding -=X=-                        $$
    $$       Varatron xXx CaoS xXx OuTFiTJoE xXx Highlander xXx Byter     $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                   -=X=- Ansi Asci Artists -=X=-                    $$
    $$     Roy[SaC] xXx _RaKooN xXx Lordjohn xXx Dark God xXx Magnet      $$
    $$                          xXx RaVe[SaC] xXx                         $$
    $$ ³         ú úúúùúùùùTEKNOúRAGEúBBSúHEADKUARTERSùùùúùúúú ú        ³ $$
    $$ ³ NAME             SYSOP     PHONE NUMBER       NODES     STATUS ³ $$
    $$ ³ Trafic Paradize  TheDow     +819-x-Xxxxxxxxxx   5    Canada HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Trafic Paradize  TheDow     TELNET-xxxxxxxxxx  10    Canada HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Fiberglass       Tbl        +972-3-Xxxxxxxxxx   3    Israel1HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ DeaThR0W BBs     THe_JiM    +972-3-Xxxxxxxxxx   4    Israel2HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Purple Haze      Obs/Bigdady+972-4-Xxxxxxxxxx  12    Israel3HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Kaotic Pleasure  Fg!/Magnet +351-1-Xxxxxxxxxx   1          WHQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Last Hope        Bruce Lee  +351-1-Xxxxxxxxxx   1        Lx HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ X Files          Jaeger     +351-63-Xxxxxxxxx   1         E HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Drugstore        Undertaker +351-1-Xxxxxxxxxx   1     PORTO HQ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Digital Dungeon  Martin     +351-1-Xxxxxxxxxx   2       Distro ³ $$
    $$ ³ Sanctuary        Eddie      +351-1-Xxxxxxxxxx   1       Closed ³ $$
    $$ ³         ú úúúùúùùùTEKNOúRAGEúFTPúHEADKUARTERSùùùúùúúú ú        ³ $$
    $$ ³ NAME             SYSOP    ADDRESS   MAX. UU   COUNTRY   SPEED  ³ $$
    $$ ³ Pxxx Rxxxx - WHQ Coyo_t    down v.         6   E.C. US      T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Pxxxxxxx         Killjocks down v.        10   U.S.A.       T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Rxxxxxx Exxx     Jackal    xxxxxxx        10   CANADA       T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Dxxxxxxxx        Dahmer    down v.        10   CANADA    Cable ³ $$
    $$ ³ Sxxxxx Dxxxxxx   Cyberded  xxxxxxx        15   CANADA    Cable ³ $$
    $$ ³ Txxxxxx lxxx EHQ Tantrix   down v.        10   UK           T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Vxxxxxxx Xxxxxx  Xeroxxx   down v.        25   U.S.A.       T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Cxxxxxxxx        Coldblood down v.        xx   U.S.A.       T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Txx Bxxxxxxxx    B|ackstar xxxxxxx        10   U.S.A.    Cable ³ $$
    $$ ³ Bxx_Bxxxx        Bob_BiNeT xxxxxxx         5   CANADA     128K ³ $$
    $$ ³ Cxxxx Bxxxx      AzaZeL    xxxxxxx        20   U.S.A.       T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ _sXe_            poohy     xxxxxxx         5   U.S.A.       T1 ³ $$
    $$ ³ xxxxxx xxxxxxx   AirFoX    xxxxxxx        21   U.S.A.      T3+ ³ $$
    $$ ³ Nxxxxxxx         NL1       xxxxxxx        08   U.S.A.       T3 ³ $$
    $$ ³ Dxxxxxxxxxx Lxxx |ViLe|    xxxxxxx        08   CANADA    Cable ³ $$
       '    ÃØ´ Zeus - Woodson - Freddy Krueger - Dahmer - CP   ÃØ´ $'
       ­    ³³³ Treznor - Dark Lizard - Varthkrl - Gandalf      ³³³ ;
       $    ³³³ Inebriate - Dot - Ice-t - Nailbomb - K__K       ³³³ l,
       $;   ³³³ China Blue - Marbitoz - Offset                  ³³³ $$$s
     $$$$$  ³³³ SwaT  - Paradigm - Mortality - RisC - DsC - TuR ³³³ $$$$$'
    ;$$$$$s.³³³ PoWeR - TRG - RaZoR 1911 - #syndcafe Chan:))))  ³³³ l$$$$,
    $$$$$$ü'ÃØ´ I hope i didn't forget someone, warn me:)))     ÃØ´ ;$$$$$b.
   `S$$$    ³ÀÄÍÍÍÄÄÍÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÄÍÍÍÄÍ[eon:end^of^note]Ù³  `$$$$$$$$
    $$$$Ss. À[noragerewlzteknoragerewlzteknoragerewlzteknoragerew]Ù   `ü$$$$ü'
     ý$$$$$$$$$$b,..,d$$$$$$$b,.     .s,..,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S%$$P'
          'ýSý"^''          ý$$$$$$$$$P'        'S$P'
                             `ýS$$$Sý'           ,ý
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                  $$$aü^ý$Ss,sSý^øü$$$$$$       ggg$$$"""øüS
     ,ssssssssss$ $$$    $$$$$$    $$$$$$  $$$  $$ø$$$ssssggg $sssssssssss,
    d$$ýýýýýýýýý$ $$$   ,$$$$$$ssssSü'$$$  $$$  $$sggg   ,$$$ $ýýýýýýýýýý$$b
    $$'           $$$   $$$'$$$sssss  $$$ss$$$ss$$$$$$sss$$$$            `$$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ì Tekno^Rage web page at:             $$
    $$ ì Get on #teknorage  at effnet and apply us if u got enough skills $$
    $$ ì New inet courier divizion born!!!                                $$
    $$   keep a look at our work! tooons of Oday warez! :)                $$
    $$ ì Just keep watchin out homepage for newz...                       $$
    $$ ì DaHmER, Killjocks, ColdBlooD, Mdx and Coyo_T are down :((( Well  $$
    $$   vacations sucks!! Dahmer is down for good i think and that is    $$
    $$   worst:(( Keep showing that we are good so we can get more sites  $$
    $$   to courier for!! The Courier of the week is WSS like always!!    $$
    $$ ì Kicked members for inactivity: |breez|, DarkCyDe, |devious|      $$
    $$   ShoTGuN, ElDeRLoC. We need more work guys.:)                     $$
    $$,                                                                  ,$$

               $$$aü^ý$Ss,sS$ý^øü$Ss$$$gs    ,sSý^øü$$$$$$"""øüS
     ,sssssss$ $$$    $$$$$$$    $$$ü$$  "$$$$$$    $$$$$$ssssggg $sssssss,
    d$$ýýýýýý$ $$$   ,$$$"$$$    $$$g$$   $$ü$$$ssssSü'ggg   ,$$$ $ýýýýýý$$b
    $$'        $$$   $$$' `S$ssss$Sü$$$sss$$s$$$sssss  $$$sss$$$$        `$$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                    í Wanna join the group??? í                     $$
    $$        Just call xfiles bbs and leech the file "TR-APP.ZIP"        $$
    $$             Fill it and send it in priv8 to the sysgod!            $$
    $$                                 0r                                 $$
    $$              Join #teknorage at effnet and contact us              $$
    $$               Or (part ][, the adventure goes on...)               $$
    $$                          Send an email 2:                          $$
    $$             ì Fractal guru ( ì             $$
    $$               ì Highlander ( ì               $$
    $$              ì TeKnO RaGe  ( ì               $$
    $$,                                                                  ,$$
                     UpDaTeD By HiGhLaNdR in 16 July 1997