File Archive

File download


File size:
816 860 bytes (797.71K)
File date:
2017-06-04 15:04:54
Download count:
all-time: 4


  • bplay.exe 429.78K
  • bsrendv.dll 92.00K
  • changes.txt 9.22K
  • doc/ dir
  • doc/ini_files.html 8.55K
  • lang/ dir
  • lang/Bulgarian.lng 5.42K
  • lang/Chinese.lng 5.89K
  • lang/Dansk.lng 2.39K
  • lang/Deutsch.lng 12.41K
  • lang/Eesti.lng 9.63K
  • lang/English.lng 10.71K
  • lang/Finnish.lng 4.84K
  • lang/Français.lng 11.73K
  • lang/Greek.lng 2.76K
  • lang/hebrew.lng 2.28K
  • lang/Hrvatski.lng 7.36K
  • lang/Italiano.lng 8.04K
  • lang/korean.lng 6.74K
  • lang/Magyar.lng 7.42K
  • lang/Nederlands.lng 7.04K
  • lang/Norsk.lng 2.42K
  • lang/Polish.lng 11.01K
  • lang/Portugese.lng 4.41K
  • lang/Portuguese.lng 4.40K
  • lang/Romanian.lng 2.46K
  • lang/Russian.lng 6.33K
  • lang/Serbo-Croat.lng 5.35K
  • lang/Slovenski.lng 7.99K
  • lang/Slovenƒina.lng 7.41K
  • lang/Spanish.lng 10.71K
  • lang/Srpski.lng 7.05K
  • lang/Svenska.lng 7.07K
  • lang/Turkce.lng 2.25K
  • lang/Ukraine.lng 2.49K
  • lang/¼esky.lng 10.19K
  • plugins/ dir
  • plugins/winamp/ dir
  • skins/ dir
  • skins/base/ dir
  • skins/base/bnextd.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bnextn.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bnextu.bmp 1.38K
  • skins/base/bopend.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bopenn.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bopenu.bmp 1.37K
  • skins/base/bpaused.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bpausen.bmp 524B
  • skins/base/bpauseu.bmp 1.45K
  • skins/base/bplayd.bmp 512B
  • skins/base/bplayn.bmp 512B
  • skins/base/bplayu.bmp 1.40K
  • skins/base/bprevd.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bprevn.bmp 516B
  • skins/base/bprevu.bmp 1.38K
  • skins/base/bstopd.bmp 512B
  • skins/base/bstopn.bmp 512B
  • skins/base/bstopu.bmp 1.41K
  • skins/base/btn1d.bmp 2.21K
  • skins/base/btn1n.bmp 2.21K
  • skins/base/btn1u.bmp 2.21K
  • skins/base/Btn2d.BMP 450B
  • skins/base/Btn2N.BMP 450B
  • skins/base/Btn2U.BMP 450B
  • skins/base/main.bmp 63.21K
  • skins/base/skin.ini 3.90K
  • skins/BLU_phuture084.bsz 156.59K
  • skins/KDEmod.bsz 26.37K
  • skins/WinDVDplus2.bsz 38.61K
  • unreg.bat 144B


Version 0.84
          New rendering engine
          More subtitle format supported and added support for MDVD control codes
          Added support for Winamp DSP plugins
          Added support for chapters and movies on 2 or more CDs,
          new shortcuts Ctrl+Z/B - Prev/Next chapter, Shift+Z/B - Prev/Next CD,
          you can also use Ctrl/Shift with muse and next/prev buttons
          Added color controls (Brightnes, Contrast...) for MPEG4 files
          Added option to remember all settings for every movie played
          Added option to auto show main window on mouse move
          Added Desktop mode option
          Added over-scan option (4,6,8,2,5 keys on numeric keyboard in full screen mode)
          'Progressive rendering' option is back
          Added support for DivX 4
          Added support for Dedynamic filter
          Added option to draw subtitles to Overlay surface (usefull for Matrox users)
          Added support for RGB overlays
          Added support for subtitles in AVI files (created with SubMux)
          Added comamnd line option for setting Aspect ratio (ex. -ar=16:9)
          Improved multi audio stream support, now you can choose which streams should play,
          all stremas can also be played together.
          Improved support for external audio files, now you can add more than one file
          and also choose which one should play
          Subtitle font can now be anti-aliased
          OSD font can now be changed
          Limited multi-monitor support
          Some INI files fixes and additions
          Some skins additions, now almost every player command can have it's own button
          Finnaly fixed annoying bug, where DivX 3 settings was set to 0
          Player is now compatible with NT 4
          Decoder filters can now be dynamically loaded
          Some other changes and bug fixes

Version 0.833
          Added option to remember last movie played
          Fixed bug with Win 2k, there were problems if player was not run under Administrator account
          Fixed bug with seeking, when external audio file was loaded
          Some .ini file fixes, now all paths are relative to location of .ini file
          .ini files have now also .bsi extension, so you can simply click on this file and run everything
          Some other bug fixes
Version 0.832
          Fixed not playing OpenDivX files bug
Version 0.831
          Improved bookmarks and added bookmarks editor
          Added recent file list
          Added EQ (DirectX 8 required)
          Fixed resize bug in fullscreen
          Sometimes not all audio streams were find - fixed
          Fixed bug with seeking if Overlay was selected
          Some other bug fixes
Version 0.83
          Added Option for external audio file
          Added 'Save as' option
          Added better WinLIRC configuration
          Added option to switch between time and frames
          Added option to change resolution when switching to full screen mode
          Added option to 'scroll' video in Pan scan mode (middle mouse button)
          Added bookmarks
          Video can now be resized in full screen mode (+/- keys)
          Added shortcuts for aspect ratios Shift+1/2/3 for Org/16:9/4:3 and A for cycling through all aspect ratios
          Fixed some bugs with subtitles, more than 2 lines are supported now
          Some ini file fixes
          Some other bug fixes and additions
Version 0.823
          Added option to save AC3 and DivX ;-) settings
          Added "shadow" effect option for subtitles
          Fixed "freezing" problems, when switching full screen, closing player...
          Some other changes and bug fixes
Version 0.821
          Fixed bug with .ini files
          More than 2 audio streams supported
Version 0.82
          Added support for zipped skins (.bsz), just click on .bsz file to install skin
          Added support for WinLIRC Infrared Remote Control -
          Added support for AVI files with AC3 stream and InterVideo Audio decoder
          Added support for multichannel AVI files and Semi's DirectSound 3D filter
          Added support for ini files, look at bsplay.ini for example, also MicroDVD ini files are supported (minimal)
          Added checking for vertical-blank interval should fix "tearing" effect visible during high motion scenes
          Added option to switch to specified display mode on startup
          Added option to specify subtitles directory
          Added support for overlay (bugs!)
          Command line additions and changes, see About
          Some improvements to playlist
          Movie can now be paused and resumed with mouse click on the window
          Fixed bug with resolution changing, now original mode is restored at exit
          Fixed some bugs with language files
          Fixed Enqueue in BSPlayer, player crashed if wasn't already started
          Fixed bug with multichannel AVI files, only worked if both streams was the same bitrate, stereo/mono...
          Some other fixes and changes
Version 0.81
          Added custom aspect ratios
          Volume can be set with left/middle mouse button+wheel or just wheel in full screen
          Added 'repeat all' option
          Updated language file
          Fixed problems with 'Pause' mode
          Skin fixes and additions
          Some other changes and bug fixes
Version 0.8
          Supported AVI files with 2 audio streams (experimental)
          Multilanguage support
          Now you can resize movie with mouse wheel
          Added shortcuts fot 50,100,200% zoom (1,2,3) and resizing movie (+/-)
          Added 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio option
          Subtitle font, custom pan-scan... is now remebered - optional
          Skin fixes and additions
          Fixed bug, if movie width was more then current screen resolution
          Fixed problem with some subtitles, sometimes lost sync
          Some other changes and bug fixes
          A lot of internal changes and added code so probably some new bugs
Version 0.71
          Mouse cursor now hidden in full screen mode
          Added 'Enqueue in BSPlayer' shell extension
          Playlist improved
          Some other fixes and added features
Version 0.7
          Improved skin support, now skins can be any shape, size and transparent
          Frame capture added, shortcuts P - original size and Shift+P - current window size, including full screen
          Added option to choose between transparent subtitles and subtitles with background
          Added Mute option
          Added Jump to time option
          Fixed few bugs
Version 0.63
          Fixed bug with resolution changing, mainly visible if you turn on TV out on some cards
Version 0.62
          Added command line support for subtitles
          Added repeat option
Version 0.61
          Fixed bug with playlist
Version 0.6
          Added support for SubRip and Subviewer subtitle format
          Playlist support
          Added filter properties option
          More colors to choose for subtitles
          Some other requested features
          Fixed few bugs
          Some internal changes
Version 0.52
          Added 'subtitle time correction', use ctrl + left/right for large steps and shift + left/right for small
          Added Alway on top option
          Added progressive rendering option - can improve playback on some computers
          Fixed bug with large fonts and some other bugs
          New shortcuts for Play(X), Stop(C), Pause(V)
Version 0.51
          Fixed stupid bug with new option.
          Added option for registering file types.
          Only warning message, if hardware isn't capable of bliting and stretching.
Version 0.5
          Added 'Custom Pan&Scan' option, useful for movies with black bars on 
          the top and bottom.
          Added option to use alternate disectshow filter for DivX -> improved DivX playback
          on slower computers (Thanks to Erzig for help on this).
          Keyboard shortcuts for backward, forward, volume, subtitles and full 
          A few bug fixes.
Version 0.41
          Fixed bug with skins.
          Added option to load subtitles from any directory.
Version 0.4
          A few bugs fixed. Some new features.
          Simple command line support (many req):
          bplay "Movie Name.avi" -fs ,  -fs is for full screen and is optional.
          Drag & drop support.
          Basic skin support. Look in .\skins\base\ for example.
Version 0.3
          Does not use windows media player control anymore.
          Support Micro-DVD subtitle format, support for SubRip format (.srt)
          will be back in next version.
          Too many changes too list
Version 0.2
          A lot of bugs fixed and a few features added.
          Resolution changing still doesn't work as it should, will be corrected 
          in 0.3
          All problems with subtiles color, font, position..., will be corrected 
          in 0.4(?)
          For now I use SAMI captioning of windows media player control. This 
          will change in next versions.
Version 0.1
        BSplayer v 0.1 released (first public release)