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File size:
3 011 bytes (2.94K)
File date:
2017-03-06 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 652


From: Tomi Aarnio <>

> -Height, weight, age, location, name.

	Height 173 cm (5'9''); weight 61 kg (some 140lbs?);
	age 20; location Turku, Finland; name Tomi Aarnio;
	handle Devastator/EMF.

> -Place you would like to live.

	I like it here, thank you. :)

> -Favorite Movie/TV show, book, game, demo, music, meal.

	TV show: "The Simpsons"
	Movie: "Alien"
	Book: "Needful Things" by Stephen King
	Game: DOOM :)
	Demo: "Show", "Crystal Dream 2" and "Second Reality" (all of them)

> -First computer owned.

	ABC-80 (of course that was actually owned by my dad),
	bought around 1978, had that until 1985 when we bought
	a PC.

> -How you discovered demos.

	My friend bought an Amiga in 1988 and showed me some
	demos. I was sold instantly; never knew that a computer
	could do things like that. :)

> -Group name, list of members.
	Electromotive Force (EMF), members:
	Devastator, Saracen, Saint, Vortex, The Grim Reaper,
	Daemon, Whalebone, Dominic.

> -What do you like/dislike about the demo scene.
	I like the *progress* and dislike... Hmmh... crappy releases.

> -What is your opinion of the US.
	Well... Demo-wise, a third-world country. :)

> -What do you think of people in the US (i.e. stereotypes).

	Stereotypes, well, off the top of my head -- people in
	the States are overly religious, going to church every
	week and so on. In Finland only some 10% of people go
	to church regularly and about 20% don't believe in any
	god at all. Also, you people don't understand soccer!

> -Career plans.

	I'm studying Computer Science, that should tell you
	enough. :)

> -Biggest disappointment in your life.
	Well... Can't really tell. No major disappointments, I

> -Good advice for others to heed.

	Use your brain. Don't believe any crap that people tell you.

> -Demo plans.

	Something for Assembly'94.

> -Do you think most demo groups are too serious.

	No - you need to be quite serious if you want to get anything
	done. What's FUN in demo coding is the satisfaction you get
	when you get something working and ultimately when you get a
	product released. Coding itself isn't very fun, it's more
	like frustrating and it really gets on your nerves when a
	thing doesn't work, no matter what you do.

> -Personal life--what else do you do for fun.

	Well... Going to parties (a lot) and consequently drinking...
	Hanging around at the University... Hanging around the Net...
	Playing floorball (I think that's what it's called in English;
	it's like hockey without ice, I hope you know what I mean)...
	Well, that's about it, I guess.

> -What does the future hold for you.

	Going to the army for a year this fall (we have an obligatory
	military service here in Finland (shit)). After that, studying
	for some five-six years or so, after that, who knows, a job
	and a family and all that stuff. :)

> -Where do you see the demo scene in the next 10 years.

	Wellwell... I can't say; that's just TOO far away...

> -How can we contact you.

	Via email: