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File size:
3 263 bytes (3.19K)
File date:
2017-03-06 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 528


From: Darren Oakey <>

-Height, weight, age, location, name.

	Darren Oakey
	age 22
	Sydney Australia

-Place you would like to live.

	Anywhere in Australia, north of Melbourne :)
	or Phoenix Az USA

-Favorite Movie/TV show, book, game, demo, music, meal.

	Aladdin, Magician, BoulderDash, 2nd Reality,
	Princes of the Universe (Queen), roast lamb

-First computer owned.

	Osborne I

-If you could have three wishes what would you wish for.

	1) a million more wishes :)
	2) eternal life
	3) genius

-How you discovered demos.

	downloaded them

-Group name, list of members.


	  BitZero - Darren Oakey
	  MindAxe (BitOne) - Brett Alcorn

	guest members:
	  AndOr - Brian Murray
	  Cy    - Adrian Thilo
	  Alex  - Alex Jonas

-What do you like/dislike about the demo scene.

		seeing cool new effects
		meeting talented people
		watching entertaining demos
	even though the scene exists on the internet, competitions are 
localised affairs, which require travelling over to Europe or America. I 
want the ability to compete, on a coding level, with people, without a 
$2000 investment.

-What is your opinion of the US.

	Cool place... it would be hundreds of times better if:
	  a) everybody owning a gun was shot
	  b) everybody on drugs was injected with a lethal dose of heroin

-What do you think of people in the US (i.e. stereotypes).

	stereotypes are always correct :)

-Career plans.

	win lotto, and sit in a room, writing operating systems on the 
latest computer equipment for the rest of my life

-Biggest disappointment in your life. 

	I don't think its happened yet.

-Good advice for others to heed.

	if you have more than 64k of code, you need to rethink your 
algorithms, because you have done badly, and can make your program 
many times faster and smaller.

-Tell us something we should know.

	learning high diving is a painful experience

-What two people today would you like to meet.

	Bill Gates, and the girl who falls in love with Wesley in the 
"The Game" episode.

-What do you hope to accomplish in the demo scene.

	to code a demo good enough that people actually disassemble it.

-How long does it take you to compose a tune.

	so far, about 22 years... but counting

-What tracker do you use to compose music.

	Darren's Nonexistent Wonder Tracker (DNWT)

-Demo plans.

	haha.. you gotta be kidding.. trade secrets :)

-Do you think most demo groups are too serious.

	nope. demo people are always people who couldn't be bothered 
making it in the real world...  we could all stand to be just a little 
more serious...

-Personal life--what else do you do for fun.

	"I collect spores, molds and fungus"

-What does the future hold for you.

	well, in the long term, probably death...
	closer down the track, hopefully fame fortune, and an incredibly 
attractive woman, with an IQ over 140.

-Where do you see the demo scene in the next 10 years.

	Completely dead.

-What do you feel is missing from the demo scene.


-Will Virtual Reality ever catch on.

	stupid question.

-How can we contact you.

    dopey @