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File size:
557 901 bytes (544.83K)
File date:
2017-03-06 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 1


  • DV.000 64.75K
  • DV.001 36.75K
  • DV.002 19.90K
  • DV.003 64.00K
  • DV.004 768B
  • DV.005 30.61K
  • DV.006 768B
  • DV.007 11.99K
  • DV.008 4.77K
  • DV.009 768B
  • DV.00A 20.94K
  • DV.00B 768B
  • DV.00C 37.88K
  • DV.00D 378.96K
  • DV.00E 79.65K
  • DV.00F 768B
  • DV.010 32.50K
  • DV.011 14.54K
  • DV.012 5.63K
  • DV.013 7.95K
  • DV.014 9.55K
  • DV.015 41.37K
  • DV.016 768B
  • DV.017 47.44K
  • DVISION!.NFO 2.11K
  • LISH.EXE 135.91K
  • LISH.NFO 5.54K


		      **** DVision Software Group ****

We are:
  Wild Weasel     General Manager / Musician      Roland Muts
  WIWYG           Graphical Artist                Wouter Nijman
  Khaell          Storywriter                     Remko de Lange
  Math Fobewiyo   Public Relations / Storywriter  Arno de Lange
  SAM             Program Manager                 Sebastiaan Megens
  Simm            Coder / Musician                Desmond Germans

  PC and MSX only

We do:
  Try to get some real games off the ground in the near future
  Try to come up with original demos / intros

We did:
  LightShade demo, a small first demo, 5th place at Bizarre '94
  SDTetris, a tribute to Konami and its outrageous SF RPG: SD Snatcher
  SD Snatcher Sound Test
  Space Manbow Sound Test    

We will do:
  "Principia", a new demo, to compete at a party in the near future (probably 
  The Party '94)
  DFence, something like Aleste, Raptor or Space Manbow
  More really cool games including a great RPG !

We don't:
  Have a deadline
  Try to hate other demo groups

The rumors:
  We designed a brand new device independent music system, which takes only 
  32K for a fullgame music score, including all instruments and soundeffects 
  (compare that to the average 300Kb of an .S3M file)
  We will go to the Party '94
  We have an official DVision-agent in Japan (our Japan Manager :)

Principia will:
  contain: 3D vectorstuff (We CAN do that) and some really cool & hot new 
  effects you've never seen before!
  have a THEME!!! (the next generation in demo programming)
  be fully in 386 (real mode) Assembly

We can be reached at / in / on / by:
  Voice:   (+31)-(0)2990-31758 (ask for Roland, between 20:00 & 22:00 CET)
  Fax:     (+31)-(0)2990-31758 (between 0:00 & 23:59 CET)
  Snail:   DVision Software Group
	   Jaagweg 15     
	   1452 PB  Ilpendam   
	   The Netherlands
  Email: /

                    ---   May DVision be with you   ---

                **[[  LIGHTSHADE TECHNICAL INFORMATION  ]]**

This file contains information on how-we-did-it topics.

                         **** GENERAL INFORMATION ****

For the music and sound effects we used ScreamTracker 3 from Future Crew. The
sound effects in the demo are part of the musical score.

To play the S3M-files, we used the MIDAS Sound System of Petteri Kangaslampi
and Jarno Paanen (with some slight modifications).

The graphics are mostly designed with Deluxe Paint II enhanced for PC. If you
want to make pictures we strongly recommend this program.

The demo is entirely coded using Borland's Turbo C++ 3.0 (only the C part, no
classes, templates etc.) with lots of inline assembler (even 32bit code !).

                             **** DOOMPLASMA ****

This is just another subdivision plasma with palette rotation. The buildup
algorithm for the plasma to shape itself around the sentences is a little
more difficult though.

                             **** CRAZY LOGO ****

4 images - 4 bitplanes.

                              **** STARFIELD ****

Fixed point 3D star calculations. There are a total of 500 stars on the 
screen all the way through.

                             **** CROSSFADER ****

Not too difficult either. A simple calculation shows that 16^2 is 256 color 
combinations so each image can have 16 colors. This algorithm uses MORE than 
16 colors per image, and all pictures together contain a great lot more than
256 colors...

                             **** WARP BEAR ****

Bit image mapping. We applied a strange periodic function for the warping 
(oil-on-water) effect.

                             **** DIZZY BEAR ****

Simple animation.

                            **** ZOOMING BEAR ****

We needed a black screen and fading out was too common.

                       **** LIGHTSHADE TITLESCREEN ****

Just another palette trick, nothing special.

                              **** CREDITS ****

The effect was too slow for an full-screen demo part so we used it here.

                             **** GREETINGS ****

No comment.

                       **** MORE QUESTIONS / TIPS ****

We will not release the sourcecode yet, maybe later sometime. A newer version
will be considered (SB support, bugfixes, etc.), but we will mainly 
concentrate on games (read DVISION!.NFO) or another demo.
If you still have questions or tips, contact us (see DVISION!.NFO).


                                Simm, SAM.

                       DVision Software Group 1994


Some notes on LightShade 1.13:

LightShade 1.0 (or just LightShade) depended heavily on an FPU (it had 
floating point fading, for example). This wasn't such a problem for the 
competition (486DX2-66), but for 386-processors without an FPU, the demo was 
awfully slow. I fixed this (I wanted the demo to run on _my_ machine, a 
386DX40 :) and so it should now run quite smooth on a fast
386 with a fast videocard. Most of the old FPU-code has been changed to
fixed point code. The no-music option has been added. Some minor bugs were 

Once more:




Some notes on LightShade 1.15
(LightShade 1.14 was not released, since it contained a rather old version of

At last, I can enjoy the full demo on my machine (SB only)!!! With the help
of the MIDAS Sound System, LightShade should now work with GUS, SB, PAS and
Windows Sound System.

We didn't have the possibility to test LightShade with a PAS (or Windows
Sound System), but we think it'll work anyway.

Thanks Petteri & Jarno, for creating MIDAS!

And once again:



                       ..--++ L I G H T S H A D E ++--..

                                Version 1.15
                         DVision Software Group 1994

                 *********** GENERAL INFORMATION ************

This file is to inform you of our first and newest demo: LightShade.
This demo was actually made in 11 days and 6 hours total (well, with the
revisions and all, it's quite possible it took a bit longer :) and has the
following features:

    - 486 or 386 required, preferably at 33 MHz and up
      (you don't need a floating point coprocessor, as with the previous
    - VGA (a fast VGA is recommended)
    - GUS 512Kb, SB or 100% compatible, PAS, Windows Sound System 
    - Startup parameters to start the demo
    - Harddisk installation required

LightShade became 5th on Bizarre '94 (out of 9 :), with 56 points.
Bizarre '94 took place on May 7 & 8 at Nijmegen. 
Although we didn't win the contest, we were very proud of our first product.

              ********** HOW TO INSTALL / RUN ***********

You probably got this demo with the following files:
    LISH.NFO     = this file
    LISHTECH.NFO = how we did it
    DVISION!.NFO = what we do and don't
    LISH.EXE     = the actual executable
    DV.000 .. DV.017
                 = all demo data

to install LightShade, copy these files to a directory on your harddisk.
Now you can type:

    LISH <starting point> <music volume>

and the demo should start with a couple of questions concerning the soundcard 
you want to use, I/O address, IRQ, DMA and mixing frequency. 
The 'starting point' is one of the optional parameters. You can start
LightShade at the following points:
    0: start at the beginning
    1: start at the CrazyLogo
    2: start at the StarField
    3: start at the CrossFader
    4: start at the Title
The other parameter is the music volume, but you can only set it if you also
choose a starting point. Possible volumes are 0 to 64.

It is wise to give LightShade all your memory, to avoid hangups and
'Error loading ...' messages. LightShade needs about 512Kb of free main RAM
and some EMS (for most soundcards). 

LightShade has no demo-looping option (at least not yet).

If you press a key during the demo, it will finish the current event and
then quit to DOS.

We couldn't test LightShade with PAS or Windows Sound System, so you have
to figure out how much memory (conventional/EMS) you need with these

                   *********** TROUBLESHOOTING ************

Here is a list of things that could go wrong (as far as we tested it) with 
the appropriate solution:

    P: I get "Error loading ..." messages.
    S: You don't have all the data for the demo or you don't have enough free
       memory. Try freeing some of the TSR's from memory (review your 
       AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS). For more information on how to do this,
       read your DOS-manual.

    P: I get a "MIDAS: out of conventional memory" error.
    S: You probably don't have enough EMS-memory. Change your CONFIG.SYS
       to install more EMS-memory (1024K should really be enough).

    P: One part of the demo goes on too long and the music doesn't fit the 
       demo anymore.
    S: This could be several things: 
           - you don't have a fast enough computer (or a fast enough VGA)
           - you have a very fragmented or very slow harddisk 
       Try to use a lower mixing frequency: the sound system uses a lot of
       processing time.
       Try unfragmenting your harddisk (COMPRESS) or use a disk cache like    
       SmartDrive. If that doesn't work, wait for a newer version or buy a 
       faster computer.

    P: I hear nothing / nothing but UltraClicks.
    S: Either you're someone making making fun of us or you have found a bug 
       we couldn't find. It seems some GUSses are different then others.
       Another possible source of trouble may be QEMM. Try running LightShade
       without QEMM. 
       Notify us when it still doesn't work and tell us exactly what your 
       configuration is and what your TSR's are so we can pinpoint the problem 
       for the newer versions. For information on how to contact us, read the 
       DVISION!.NFO file.

    P: The program is located on a DoubleSpace disk and it won't run.
       (it may be possible you get a 'Stack overflow' error)
    S: We don't know why, but DoubleSpace can cause serious problem when you
       want to run LightShade. The only solution we know of, is installing
       LightShade to an un-DoubleSpace-d disk.

    P: I've got a PAS/Windows Sound System, but I can't get LightShade to
       produce any sound.
    S: Sorry to say it, but that's tough luck... PAS/WSS-support came with 
       the sound-library we're using (MIDAS Sound System), but we don't have
       a PAS/WSS, so we can't test it.

We tested LightShade on the following systems/configs and it didn't cause any
problems with those:
    386DX40,ET4000: with/without SmartDrv, with/without Himem, 
                    with/without DOS High&UMB, with/without EMM386
    486DX40,Diamond Speedstar: SmartDrv, Himem, DOS High&UMB, EMM386
    486DX33,Diamond Speedstar: SmartDrv, Himem, DOS High&UMB, EMM386
    486DX33,Trident T8900: SmartDrv, Himem, DOS High&UMB, EMM386

Hope you like(d) it and if you have anything to ask or say about LightShade,
please contact us (read the file DVISION!.NFO on how to do that).


                                        Simm & SAM / DVision