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File size:
6 570 bytes (6.42K)
File date:
2024-08-30 20:12:06
Download count:
all-time: 0


  • ROXOR/ dir
  • ROXOR/ROXOR.jpg 5.59K
  • ROXOR/ROXOR.nfo 1.95K
  • ROXOR/ROXOR_SP0.exe 254B
  • ROXOR/ROXOR_SP1.exe 254B
  • ROXOR/ROXOR_SP2.exe 254B
  • ROXOR/ROXOR_SP3.asm 1.85K
  • ROXOR/ROXOR_SP3.exe 254B


__________________  ____  __________ __________
\______   \_____  \ \   \/  \_____  \\______   \
 |       _//   |   \ \     / /   |   \|       _/
 |    |   /    |    \/     \/    |    |    |   \
 |____|_  \_______  /___/\  \_______  |____|_  /
        \/        \/      \_/       \/       \/

                             [use Courier New Font] ^^

ROXOR [<256 bytes Windows XP .exe intro]

Copyright 19/05/08 by zerofun

.code ---> 74 bytes
.shit ---> 180 bytes
.exe ----> 254 bytes

The WHOLE point of ROXOR is NOT the shitty XOR texture
effect, but the nicely hacked .exe format. Yah Mon?!
ROXOR uses hardcoded API addresses and I have therefore 
enclosed a file for each Windows XP version. Use the 
one appropriate for your system. Note that ROXOR has 
only been tested on Windows XP SP3 (IA32). It
should all work in THEORY. LOL!!!

Contact me at borncannibal AT hotmail DOT com

Use NASM to assemble ROXOR:

   nasm -f bin -o ROXOR_SP3.exe ROXOR_SP3.asm

USE ROXOR_SP0.exe when you have:
   Windows XP SP0 (IA32)
   kernel32.dll, gdi32.dll and user32.dll 5.1.2600.0
   kernel32.LoadLibraryA: 77E805D8
   user32.GetDC: 77D45F40
   gdi32.SetPixel: 77C767C7
   user32.ReleaseDC: 77D45F4F

USE ROXOR_SP1.exe when you have:
   Windows XP SP1 (IA32)
   kernel32.dll, gdi32.dll and user32.dll 5.1.2600.11061
   kernel32.LoadLibraryA: 77E7D961
   user32.GetDC: 77D45332
   gdi32.SetPixel: 77C76C0E
   user32.ReleaseDC: 77D45341

USE ROXOR_SP2.exe when you have:
   Windows XP SP2 (IA32)
   kernel32.dll, gdi32.dll and user32.dll 5.1.2600.21802
   kernel32.LoadLibraryA: 7C801D77
   user32.GetDC: 77D48697
   gdi32.SetPixel: 77F1D3E1
   user32.ReleaseDC: 77D4866D

USE ROXOR_SP3.exe when you have:
   Windows XP SP3 (IA32)
   kernel32.dll, gdi32.dll and user32.dll 5.1.2600.5512
   kernel32.LoadLibraryA: 7C801D7B
   user32.GetDC: 7E4186C7
   gdi32.SetPixel: 77F1B83B
   user32.ReleaseDC: 7E41869D