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File size:
688 150 bytes (672.02K)
File date:
2014-11-17 23:02:38
Download count:
all-time: 90

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • nehe - the snowman (2002)/ReadMe.txt 5.20K
  • nehe - the snowman (2002)/SnowBit1.neo 16.70K
  • nehe - the snowman (2002)/SnowMain.dat 585.94K
  • nehe - the snowman (2002)/The Snowman.exe 207.50K


                             Atari ST - The Snowman

                  Converted To OpenGL By Jeff Molofee ( NeHe )                  

                - 2002

 This was one of my favorite Atari ST demos back in the day.  I toyed with the
 idea of porting it to the PC many years ago, but always ran into problems
 trying to grab both the graphics and the sounds from this demo.

 The original soundtrack is a raw audio format.  Sounded raspy on my Atari Ste
 and just as bad using Steem (emulator).  After converting the audio I was
 happy to hear that the quality of the sample is not really all that bad.  The
 resulting WAV file sounds good, and is almost the exact same size as the
 original audio file.  The audio file is the only file from the original Atari
 ST demo that must be replaced.  I didn't feel like making a player :(

 The video was a completely different story, and took many hours of late night
 coding and many more hours reading documentation from the net.  The file
 snowbit1.neo contains the text you see on either side of the animation.  NEO
 for those of you that have never heard of it is an Atari ST format created
 by an art program called NeoChrome.

 NeoChrome is not all that complex.  However, it's a 4bpp image with a
 resolution of 320x200.  Not exactly an OpenGL friendly format. The bits are
 reversed, and each palette index is created by calculating the bits on all
 4 bitplanes per pixel (alot of work).  Alot of struggling, alot of reading
 the NEO specs and alot more struggling.  Many hours later, I finished coding
 a basic loader able to convert the image to a 24bit RGB format.  YAY!!!

 The video file snowmain.dat was a little trickier.  I wasn't really sure what
 type of data was in the file.  I spent almost an entire day trying to extract
 data.  I went through the entire file with a hex editor at least 20 times.  I
 searched the net for information on the "grabber" software mentioned on the
 main screen.  In the long run, I discovered that the data inside this file is
 actually NeoChrome images without the header (YAY again!!!).  75 images to be
 exact.  Each image 160x100x4bpp.  Which means each image is 16000/2 bytes or
 8000 bytes.  8000*75=600000 which is exactly the size of snowmain.dat.

 I wrote a quick console application to rip all the images from the file.  I
 did this in order to map out each frame and so I could grab the colors from
 each frame using Adobe.  The exported files are .IFF format... a nice AMIGA
 format that is very similar to .NEO.  Instead of every bitplane being stored
 one after another, .IFF's store each bitplane on a seperate line.  Plus
 Irfanview loads .IFF files (more good news).

 After extracting the data, building a palette, resampling the sound, and
 coding the NeoChrome loader, I started on the animation.  More work!  It turns
 out that the 75 frames of animation are not in order, and some frames are used
 multiple times.  I actually had to watch the original demo at 10% speed in
 order to write out a list of which frame to display and how long to keep it on
 the screen.

 All in all, it was a long process, but like any project I pushed myself, and
 learned alot of new things in the process.  I hope you enjoy the port as much
 as I do!

 * It's interesting to note that there is a frame of animation (frame 13) that
   is not used in the demo.  It's a single picture of a house.  Not sure if
   the original coder forgot to include it or if it's just one of them
   mysteries :)

 Please share this file with as many people as you can.  Hopefully this demo
 motivates other Atari fans out there.  It would be nice to see some of the
 classics brought to life on the PC!

 As mentioned above, if you already have the ST version of this demo... copy
 The Snowman.exe into the directory.  This demo works with the original
 Atari ST files!

 ** HUGE RESPECT to the original coders!!!

                            Original Readme Follows

 Welcome to The Snowman, a Christmas demo brought to you directly from the
 Atari Land of Plenty -- West Germany.

 This demo was created using ST Replay 4 to digitize the music and The Grabber
 to digitize and animate the graphics.

 This demo requires a color monitor, double-sided drive and at least one meg of
 memory to run.  YOU MUST FORMAT THE DISK TO 82 TRACK, 10 SECTORS as the files
 are over 800K when unarced.

 Simply unarc to the double sided disk, create an AUTO folder and copy RUN.PRG
 into this folder.  Then, simply reboot with your newly-created disk in
 Drive A.

 Brought to you from:
   ST VISION International User Group
   Postfach 1651
   D-6070 LANGEN
   West Germany

   Unicorn Publications (makers of Atari Interface Magazine)
   3487 Braeburn Circle
   Ann Arbor, MI 48108
   (313) 973-8825
