FOREVER14  p  (7:7:0:24999a 8,0;" FOREVER14 invitation ";10 ,11 ;"GEMBA BOYS";11 ,14;"    ",,,"Code: Noby",," Msx: z00m",,"Text: Ellvis"  ""49152 (54610R FOREVER14 -9-/9!n@V/=uni pt2 and pt3 player r.0=! F!4!l4go2"O:  x,d~2"z^#}2"nf"!"!i"~08 8>2~!"8>22/>{222>2)L!h~2##~#"^#VR,C" N#F"z_#}2" ">2>!Q"8>22/>z222>2)!C7"0go_| } ! ˾#w!QwRl"o<2!"l"""^"{"!P_^#;2 OǑG N#F&8yw#xw% #{ >2(O 0554B!T\>0-]2!b}}|w#{w  O"""ͮJwE62 o g"3͕.<(ʯ88@88<(<(<( <( w 7ww ,o~2uw 0 V 2ćgo<6wwwwï6͕ ͮ?w9ww1=  w'y"͕wwy~2nf" 8(I8(%8(8`8 8Â88‡_!^#V2 w Ưsgo111~w  2 nf w w~wo&~#fo>>wo&^#VRu t>>8 sr>>(R/Dw w 6 w w   w w ww wwww 2F2 o g"I 2s2 g o"ȯw2go"ɇ_r!!!^#V!!!utɇ_!!!^#V!!!utɔ*Ķ=CIĔĔasĔĔĔĔĔĔį2F3s~n fg~o9<<8w~ů`8>_nf&~Go9x<<8w` bRQ/>OxG^V p(ut Ʈoɕg^V111ݶ(>5 9~wnf|utV ^V(R~wwww~y(q(( <(=woxů8>ݶƮoȕg~A ݶ2xy(///݆h(w!*džw݆2h(wxH!ȶwݶ 5 ݮw~ 8~ w ɯ2*2=2!5!l5 S AW2!!!#~< (!!!~<"z===_}2 !!!sDM""111!]6Co!5 !z6C!5 !6C>>2!Q*":2!n*":2!*"*|2>>_W*["ȯ!ȶ( 5 >>w!!!": (Mƽ_ǓW!!O ~Nqw#~NqwO ~ Nq w22!_~~_~w!yCB< y~Cy $d*e  50` `! %=]17MS_qW#%)-/3!#'+-1U!%)+;M_ ipv} bhmu{jrx~xProTracker 3.5 compilation of .pull.over.[]. by .z00m.02\2013. 1sy  -!$'*@V^@h^yyQy\yyy<HtwTWyϱhtot{wkrhtot{wkrϱ ~}4@ϱ@\ϱ {BCDϱhhthotto{tw{kwrkhhthotto{tw{kwrkϱ'~ʱ}@~A~{}@{y4@ϱ\ 4@\Աtӹ'a#c @tE~4@\ 4@\԰tӹ'a#c @tE~ϱ<{{}ϱ~{}~{}~{}~}{}{yϱ8{@4@ϱ\ 4@\Աtӹ'a#c @tE~4@\ 4@\԰tӹ'a#c @tD@tE~ϱ8{@ϱoo{ov{{vς{~ʂr~yroo{ov{{vς{~ʂr~yrϱ'ʱ@A@@ϱW {@WԱtӽh\]^ {{@tEy@W {@W԰tӽh\]^ {{@tEyϱ<@ϱW {@WԱtӽh\]^ {{@tEy@W {@W԰tӽh\]^ {{@tEyϱϱ8@@ϱW {@WԱtӽh\]^ {{@tEy@W {@W԰tӽh\]^ {@tD{@tEy@tϱ ϱ F~4@ϱ\ 4@\Աtӹ'a#c @tE~4@\ 4@\԰tӹ'a#c @tD@ttE~@tϱttttttѱttHttttttѱttϱ~~ʱϱʃς~{zyw~~ʱϱʃπu@Zo[h\԰tӹ|Y>e԰tӹuZ;fuZo[h\԰tӹ|Y>e԰tӹuZ;fϱttttttѱttHtttttttttϱ~~ʱϱʃς~{zyw~~ʱϱHtttttu@Zo[h\԰tӹ|Y>e԰tӹuZ;fuZo[h\԰tӹ|Y԰ttttϱttttttѱttttttttѱttϱ~~ʱA˱tɱ̱tɱͱtɱαttttʱϱu@Zo[h\Ѱ\ϱttttttt CϒσN      ^>!34?68>G!6!6#6#6͞v!Z> w+vv !@@uv68 6:68ve!U~ !U"#"!xOG>( Gy???O @0x  x $|} o|8gX&@z{ _z8WX@x!U !x00~# >=2>2!V~ !V~#" >2>2 o&)))+>d=2V>2!G2' +% >2f!~ !> #"5o&)))!306I#>=2f/!Y>#o&)))3 #< !3>#+68##= >(=2>=2>2!+H x"SBM> >(0   WkeW@TET U@pW0ĥjEW`U@ -@<TZT @ K@rWfրRWcU@@TRT &@@&p`@WɂJ@W9@%@L3 T$+@T IfU@ik@WB@)W$@Z[@cfTB JT 3U@@l3hTm" ZT @ U@@0ɴT"V VT j@@-+@`dT֢ZT @3U@Kk@2ZTJJPT @U@@ iiT*+XT U U@@ [ T*-h%(T U `U@%@T*5(-HT U U@ i@ZTJkXT @U@Z@(JT֢JT @U@@%hjETRT i@U@%@-XET%" R֠W J@U@),@-PETiB ZT ҀU@KH@)PETBj`W )4U@Ы@)PEVֶª@T mU@@)PEWZ삫k@W UA- @)PEUkYZT ֲUAI`@-PEUrւRW ZUBZ@@-XET.RԀT J\UF@%hjETJƵW +pUE@(JTְkDT `UIi@RTZE)T UOTkX-jT ְU@ [ T)HZT RUO miT%l֪VT JU@2ZT5ZT kXUO`dTJVT -hU@Y0ɤT+]T 5UOl3hT R-m(T U@cfT Z5-HT UOٜT kXWU@@l3`TT ZU@@60`T֐W kU@@T VT )U@@rTV [WU@@<TZª k`T U@@0TkB)@WրU@@8Tb@T ZU@@T"WJ@U@@@BCEFHIKLNPQSTVWXZ[]^`abdefgijklmnopqrstuvwxxyzz{||}}~~~~~~}}||{{zyxxwvutsrrponmlkjigfedba`^][ZYWVTSQPNMKIHFECB@?=;:875421/.,+)(&%#"!   "#%&')*,-/023568:;=>8 bit demo partyATARI/COMMODORE/ZX SPECTRUMSLOVAKIA/TRENCIN/HORNA SUCAMarch 15-17. 2013theme: ELVIS LIVES!www.forever-party.netGembaboys invite demosceners to party Forever 14: ELVIS LIVES! Come and join 14th incarnation of pure 8bit multiscene spirit with the traditional competitions, great people and lot of fun! Take part in one of the competitions - Music, Graphics, 1k Intro or Demo, bring your stuff into Wild compo or Presentation! Enjoy the traditional quizes and knowledge compos. Watch the works on bigscreen and hear the sound from new, powerfull soundsystem. Meet your old friends and find new ones on the scenes from the Europe! Forever 14 - the most friendly demoparty with the only computers that matter! Credits: Code: Noby, Msx: z00m, text: Ellvis, Gfx grab from greetings to all sceners around the world DEMO OR DIE! 00000?6666h bd&F8l8{{00 8866~00`?00 0`?ckkc< ?``? cc~`>`ccc?cccc?````0000`  ~~  ~?cko`~?coccc~cncc~````ncccc~|`~``|`~```~`gccccoccc<<ccccnccc`````cwkcccs{ogcocccccco``occcg}~ccncc~`{~cccccocccc6ccckkocc.cccff~ 0`0 xx>?3x03??c`occco```{cccco`~cc{?`occcc <036333kkccoccccocccccco`ccc{?0000~`{>ccccocccflcckkcc.ccccc{>`0x x6lBBBM>>($ /??4` ? 0`` P0`` `0` ~00`` p0  0``  0 (0`` 0 0`` ?0 t?p0`p p00 0 p  0`   00` 8 `0` | @00`  @0  @00p L Sހ0`    _000  0 ? ? ? =p   00 Ѐ 0  ǀ 000 π 0  ?齀 00   ?0 0 ? ?00  ? 0 0 00  ? 0 0?00  ? 000 ? ?00   ?000  `?000  000  000 ? 00  ? 000  00   000 025 ? ?? 000t 000? 000 0002 A000 ?000 ?000'000? 000_7w? o=000/ 000'0006 000 ?000000000? 000000 ?000 ?000  000  000 000  000 ?000  ?000? 000?  000? 000??  000?? 00??  000 ? ?00  ?00]X  S??? 0 00 00  00  00  00  00  ?00  ?00  W?00X? ? wª00?  W008?  00?  W00  WW00 '00  '00 O00  G009 6 (0p?_/p0?_=?9|x?O8?_xe?~?~??~ ~UoUT<> T@*|?m