-++--\ /\ /--\ /-++-\ /\ /\ /\ || |\ /*-\ /| \> V || V /*-\ |*\ || || |/ /| |\ \*\ || /| |\ |**\ || |+-+| || || \-\ || || || || \**| || \| |+--+| \*\ || |+--+| || \*| || |\ || || -\ */ || || || || || <+/ \/ \/ \/ \--/ <+-> \/ \/ \/ \/ PRESENTS NAME: SYMBOLIA DESCRIPTION: PACKED ON FLOPPY FOR EASY TRADE REQUIREMENTS: AGA. 3MB HD. 2MB CHIP. SOME FAST. RELEASE: 25-NOV-95 Ok, this is just a quick thing I threw together. Originally when we (Cobra and I) released Symbolia, we wanted to put it on floppy for easier trade (for PD Companies etc), as I thought that being a large LHA sort of limited its availability. And yes I know that sounds SO lame, but if you think about it, if you ask people which AGA demos they know, it's mostly floppy based demos. However, Cobra thought it was a crap idea.... Anyway, since then, Cobra has since sold his Amiga and moved onto the PC (vomit!!), so I figured I'd do it myself. So I now OFFICIALLY apologise for this crap installation method, which will no doubt become the source of amusement for coders everywhere, but as I'm not a programmer I had to make do.... For these reasons (me not being a programmer and Cobra not approving of the idea in the first place), I have decided NOT to make this an Access release, as the demo is not exactly brand new anymore, and would tarnish the group name....... IMPORTANT! - This demo does not work on 040 (or above?) machines. Possibly some degraders will work (like Tude?). I can't say, as Cobra sold his Amiga, and so did his 040 owning mate (apparently). Right, in keeping with my recent dig at PD CDs not including the documentation with Klondike cardsets, I thought I'd better practice what I preach and thank the following people and products:- (1). Splice Lite by Mark Cunnell (2). Script Maker by Franck Aniere (I only based my script on the script this produced, but I thought I should mention it). Oh, to install it, just double-click the icon on disk 1 and follow the instructions from there... Greets go out to all the Access dudes around the globe, as well as anyone who knows me :) Rastan 25-11-95