@DATABASE ExoticGUI @VER$ ExoticRipper® V3.2 Hypertext @WIDTH 72 @HEIGHT 200 @NODE MAIN "ExoticRipper® V3.2" INFECT's ExoticRipper® 3.2 programmed by René "Turbo" Trolldenier and Mark "Marley" Leitiger @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction} @{" Thanx " LINK Thanx} @{" Copyrights " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Copyrights} @{" Distribution " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Distribution} @{" ProgramStart " LINK ProgramStart} @{" Gadgets " LINK Gadgets} @{" Menues " LINK Menues} @{" Hints " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Hints} @{" Configuration " LINK Configuration} @{" Soundformats " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Soundformats} @{" Bugs " LINK Bugs} @{" History " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/History} @{" Registration Info " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Registration} @{" Addresses " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Contact} @{" Greetings " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Greetings} @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction INTRODUCTION ExoticRipper3.2 or ExoticGUI (read 'Graphical User Interface') represents not a program in itself but a userfriendly interface to ExoticRipper V2.31+ , which requires Kickstart2.04, at least. Please see information on @{"ExoticRipper" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/MAIN} if are not familiar with it. THE new feature in the GUI is the @{"EaglePlayer-Support" LINK Thanx}. @ENDNODE @NODE Thanx THANKS We have to thank Eagleeye and Buggs of DEFECT-Software for their friendly supply of a basic (not BASIC,you fool!) interface code to the most universal module-player on earth - EaglePlayer - . @ENDNODE @NODE ProgramStart PROGRAMSTART If you want to use ExoticGUI you must have the corresponding program named 'ExoticRipper' which is loaded by the GUI from the program directory. But not necessarily. See @{"Configuration" LINK Configuration}. Besides conventions on ExoticRipper @{"Programstart" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/ProgramStart} apply. @ENDNODE @NODE Configuration CONFIGURATION The GUI is configurable by tooltypes from the *.info file only: 1) RIPPER=DH3:Tools/ExoticRipper.020 This lets the GUI try to load/communicate with the ripper-program accessible by the given path. If this tooltype is missing the ripper must be named 'ExoticRipper' and it must be located in the same directory as the ExoticGUI. Do not try to use an ExoticRipper version prior to V2.29 . 2) PLAYER=DH0:Music/EaglePlayer This lets the GUI try to load/communicate with the player-program accessible by the given path. If this tooltype is missing the player must be named 'EaglePlayer' and it must be located in the same directory as the ExoticGUI. Do not try to use an EaglePlayer version prior to V1.50. Only in connection with V1.54 or higher modules will be played correctly. 3) FONT=Siesta,11 Lets you specify the font the GUI should try to use. Only non-proportional ones are supported. Minimum fontsize is 8 pt. 4) MODE=CUST1|always This tooltype specimen will change the default setting of the @{"cyclegadget" LINK CycleGadget} which sets the ripmode. CUST1 can also be CUST2 or CUST3 or CUST4, as you like it. Another toolvalue is SINGLE. This value switches to the single- soundformat ripmode. Instead of "always" you should write the for- mat number that shall become the default setting. (Example: MODE=SINGLE|17 ->Protrackermode becomes default mode) The 2nd toolvalue (including the | ) can also be left out. However then the click on the @{"hunt-gadget" LINK HuntGadget} will let pop up again the old annoying soundformat selector. 5) HELPPATH=RAM:ExoticRipper/DOC This tooltype describes the path where the document files can be found, important for @{"About/Help-Menues" LINK MENUES} Besides conventions on ExoticRipper @{"Configuration" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Configuration} apply. @ENDNODE @NODE Gadgets GADGETS ______________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | RipStart | RipEnd | Origin | Actual Address | | | @{"00017654" LINK RipStartEndGadget} @{"000FFFFE" LINK RipStartEndGadget} @{"00000F00" LINK OriginGadget} @{" " LINK ActualAddressGadget} | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | ( Status / Information Area ) | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | @{"SearchRange" LINK SearchRangeGadget} @{"Find" LINK FindGadget} @{"ShiftBuff" LINK ShiftBuffGadget} @{"Write" LINK WriteGadget} | | | | @{"Hunt" LINK HuntGadget} @{"@Multi" LINK CycleGadget} | | @{"EaglePlay" LINK EaglePlayGadget} @{"MemDump" LINK MemDumpGadget} @{"FreeBuff" LINK FreeBuffGadget} @{"Read" LINK ReadGadget} | | | | @{"Continue" LINK ContinueGadget} @{"Samples" LINK SamplesGadget} | | Reset NoFastMem ClearMem DiskRead | | --------------------------------------------------------------- @ENDNODE @NODE Menues MENUES Project-Menu: - About/Help tries to acces the related pages in document-files accessible through the @{"HELPPATH-Tooltype" LINK CONFIGURATION} - Quit: equivalent to the close-gadget Command-Menu: - @{"Install Boot" ALINK ExoticRipper.Guide/BOOT-COMMAND} - @{"Play Sample" ALINK ExoticRipper.Guide/P-COMMAND} - @{"Decrunch" ALINK ExoticRipper.Guide/DC-COMMAND} Settings-Menu: (not yet supported) @ENDNODE @NODE ActualAddressGadget ACTUAL ADDRESS DISPLAY This proportional bar display shall give you an idea of how far the module search process has progressed. it is combined with a hexadecimal address display. no inputs possible! @ENDNODE @NODE Bugs BUGS Some fonts seem to be cut off after scrolling the status window area. For other bugs see @{" ExoticRipper.guide " ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/Bugs}. @ENDNODE @NODE RipStartEndGadget SEARCHRANGE STRING GADGETS This is mainly for information display only but inputs are pos- sible here. You should use the @{"SearchRange-Gadget" LINK SearchRangeGadget} instead. See @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/A-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE OriginGadget ORIGIN GADGET A value "FFFFFFFF" in this field means: origin is invalid. Inputs are only valid if they are smaller than your current hexadecimal maximum chipmemory address, plus a buffer must be loaded. See @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/O-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE SearchRangeGadget SEARCHRANGE GADGET This opens a requester that gives you 4 choices: - reset searchrange - set chipmemory searchrange - set fastpmemory searchrange - set searchrange to chipmemory image Read further info on the complying A-Command in @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/A-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE FindGadget FINDGADGET This opens a requester that wants an input plus 3 choices: The input field: - enter a string to search for , don't forget the " " or ' ' - or enter a series of BYTES beginning with a $ (an even number of hexadecimals must follow after $) The gadgets: - "search" -> perform searching - "find next" -> continue searching - "cancel" Read further info on the complying F-Command in @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/F-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE ShiftBuffGadget SHIFTBUFF GADGET Shifts the ripbuffer by one byte. See @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/SB-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE WriteGadget WRITE GADGET At first this opens a requester that gives you 3 choices: - write song+samples see info on @{"W-COMMAND" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/W-COMMAND} in ExoticRipper.guide - write song see info on @{"WD-COMMAND" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/WD-COMMAND} in ExoticRipper.guide - write samples see info on @{"WS-COMMAND" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/WS-COMMAND} in ExoticRipper.guide Important: Write song+samples means that the module is saved with POSSIBLE sampleadata just after the songdata, there need not be any ! That depends on the soundformat, otherwise there are split sound- formats on which write song and write song+samples do exactly the same ... @ENDNODE @NODE EaglePlayGadget EAGLEPLAY GADGET Tries to let the detected module play by EaglePlayer. For compatibility when using player-batches you have to use our module-name conventions, i.e. your configured prefixes must be the same as ours. See file: @{" EaglePlayers.Batch " ALINK EaglePlayers.Batch/main 1} Important: See @{"Configuration" LINK Configuration}. @ENDNODE @NODE MemDumpGadget MEMDUMP GADGET Displays a hexdump beginning at either the actual searchrange start or at the current address where sth. has been detected by the ripper. Continuously clicking the gadget lets also continue the memory display. @ENDNODE @NODE FreeBuffGadget FREEBUFF GADGET This releases the following buffer types from the allocated system memory: - (protected) modules and/or sampledata - allocated read buffer - chipmem image buffer (sorted by priority of freeing) See @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/DA-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE ReadGadget READ GADGET Lets you select one or more files to read to a buffer. See @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/R-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE HuntGadget HUNT GADGET This is it what all is about: The gadget starts the search for a soundmodule in the actual searchrange. After activating it will be transformed to an Abort- gadget which will do what it pretends. The hunt-mode which is used is defined by the @{"CycleGadget" LINK CycleGadget} to the right. All other modes than 'Multi' require to do a selection from module formats displayed in a listview. Either by selecting the "Always"-gadget from the selector or by setting the GUI-MODE- @{"tooltype" LINK CONFIGURATION} you can suppress the listview selector for next use. In Cruncher mode this button starts/breaks the hunt for packed data in searchrange. See @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/HC-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE CycleGadget HUNTMODE CYCLE GADGET Here you can choose the ripmode which is to activate by clicking @{"Hunt" LINK HuntGadget}. 4 custom configurable ripmodes are available through this gadget. The mode "Cruncher" allows to use the new decruncher scanner. About their configuration see @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/CONFIGURATION}. @ENDNODE @NODE SamplesGadget SAMPLES GADGET If some module was detected that could have external sampledata and if the @{"Origin" LINK OriginGadget} is valid this gadget will start the hunt for sampledata. See also @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/SMP-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE @NODE ContinueGadget CONTINUE GADGET After clicking the @{"AbortGadget" LINK HuntGadget} or after some module has been detected the hunt for modules can be continued with this gadget. See also @{"ExoticRipper.guide" ALINK ExoticRipper.guide/C-COMMAND}. @ENDNODE