ctools version 0.1 Copyright (C) 1995 Jochen Metzinger The archive contains programs for accessing a C=128 CP/M disk image of a C=1541 (*.D64) with the PC. The files: CTOOLS.PAS: main program CFILES.PAS: file I/O routines CDIRECTO.PAS: directory routines CDEVICE.PAS: accessing .D64 images (CP/M style) C1541.PAS: accessing .D64 images (C128 style) CERRORS.PAS: handle errors CSET.BAT [d64-image]: set/show CP/M image name (*.D64) CDIR.BAT [cpm-file]: show directory of CP/M image CTYPE.BAT cpm-file: print files from CP/M image CREAD.BAT cpm-file: read files from CP/M image to DOS CWRITE.BAT dos-file: write files from DOS TO CP/M image CREN.BAT old-file new-file: rename old-files to new-files on CP/M image CDEL.BAT cpm-file: delete files on CP/M image Compilation: I've compiled the program with Turbo Pascal 6.0, Compile|Primary File on CTOOLS.PAS and Compile|Destination on Disk. You can call TPC /M CTOOLS to get CTOOLS.EXE. Author: Copyright (C)1995 by Jochen Metzinger Schrammsweg 33 D D-20249 Hamburg Germany email: 1metzing@rzdspc1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de This program comes without any warranty. You are using it at your own risk. Ctools is copyrighted software (C)1995 by Jochen Metzinger. The program is released into the public domain. You may use, modify, copy and distribute this without restrictions but without charging money for it.