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I ain't in my Ascii-Mood, but this small one might satisfy somebody.. Lay down where your comfertable.. Concentrate your eyes on a spot, it might be anywhere... Now, take a deep breath and relax!... Deeper... And deeper... Now imagine a stairway.. You take one step at a time.. One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Now, feel your body relaxed and satisfied.. your soul is wandering.. Around.. To a deep dark jungle, Hot and comfertable Now, back to boring life! First of all, Im VERY upset. Just because of this: ----------------------------------------------------[cLIP fROM xCZ cOLLy]---- Haha. Someone asked me if I hadn't got a girlfriend since I never wrote about her in my collections. So, this is the declarence of that Linda is the one I love, and date. But since I -REALLY- dont think that the ment- ioning of her here, in a computer-text-file, will make any difference to her, I've choosen not to include that fact in my previous coolections. Do you really think that a asc2-colly is the true love-definition? Think again! - I bet she won't agree! :) / © xCZ/sOS 1995 ----------------------------------------------------[cLIP fROM xCZ cOLLy]---- Trivial speaks up: ------------------ Let me tell you... Ascii is love!, And i you would have explained the ascii scene to your girlfriend you would have found out the she had been very pleased to know that you DARE to tell the whole world about her.. How you love her, a.s.o. It's a celibration!, It's hip (?).. . Eh?, Sure Computers aint got no soul!, But it's surely a Love-Definition telling everybody that you love her.. Mine agreed :)..... Do i make myself clear???????.. 1. C O M P U T E R S H A S N O S O U L . 2. A S C I I I S A L O V E D E F I N I T I O N . 3. T R I V I A L L O V E S M A R I A 4. X C L U Z I W E L O V E S L I N D A ................. . . .. . .......... ...... . . : Finns det en man som osjälviskt ger sitt liv för att rädda kamrater.. . Som struntar i äran och i stället ställer upp på de svaga och förtrycktas sida ... Som insett vansinnet i att rita ascii som drabbar så många miljoner. oskyldiga och som svurit att aldrig vila förren scenen är död.. Finns den . mannen?.... Svaret är NEJ!. Men motsatsen finns. Han kallas Trivial och : kämpar på den allierade sidan. I övrigt sympatiserar han med Mortimer Twang.. ....................................... .. .... . : .......................... . . . . ..... . : : .......................... . . .: ......... . . . .... , . : god made my funky and . . im glad he blessed me : : that way.... you know : : gotta make us a way : . somehow, and once again . it's time to move on get . on. Move on up to that spaceship to the funkyness . . the browness, so who's my ! . funkeeh brother in law, its . : mortimer t that i spend my james brown hours with back . . in the times. the funk was : all that we had.. until... : . .. :................. .. ... .: a__ ___ .Æ ¬^w_ _ _^"""¤w_______ _µµ___°mæ°"°*&µµµµÑZÆZ_¯¯"°s ]Ø@¶®ØØæ®#wÆØØ®ØØØØØØØØØææ怀æµm_ _æØØÑæØØØØØØØØÑØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ#ÆØØØwe*°°* _æØØØØ#®ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØMØØØØØ__. ,/"M#ÑØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØmÆØØØؤC#_ ¸Kæ°_µØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØK_ 4¼ ¶Æ ¬¶ØØØØØØØØØØØØP°°""°°°°°°¶ÑØØØØØØØØØØØÑ# ÑQ ¶WÆØ#@ØØØØØ#@P"¯ ¶ØØØØØØØØØØ@Ñ_ ¬# ¬"m_ÆØ##ØØ#w,___ __µµø^°°"¶ØØØØØØØØØØ®Ø# ØØ°¶ÆØØØØ ¬¶°^^ ¬¯¬°¶" ¶ØØØØØØØØØØ#¯@¤w_ ØQ ØØØØF _ÆØØØØØØØØQØ&.mr° ¬2µØ#ãØØQw_`---------' __gØØØÑØØ@ØØØ°¯M# "Ñ#ØØÑØѶg_ __ ___w*°_ØØ@° ¶L ØØQ ¶Ø °" ,*¯¯Æ@Þ-WWw*P" µÆØØW@# ¬¾ÆØØ_ wQ__ ,æ""*w_ __,w*°ÑØ ¶K,w_ضØØw J#m4W#_ ¬Ø" ¶K"#¸ ¬" Æ0Þ ¬¤¤@*w__jf ¶& ¶_ #0Þ Ø"¶__ ¶K ¬#_ #0Þ Ø´ ¬¶#Æ^-w.__ # ¶w #0Þ # ¶w_ "°-4Ñm-M*ww*Æw, ¶ØL_ JF _*_ ¬*w__ ¶K ¯ æ" ¬Ø#wmqç¤QØ®®"& ¯~*m_# _ض ¯ °w¬^°"NZ 2* ,P ¬#_a- ¬°m,_ °gÆ a/ ¶¬*_ ¬^m.___æØ°¯°" ØÞ ¯°°ã# [ ©Mt/dS! ] _________ |o o ________ ________ (_________\||l________)|l/ )l/________) `--- ____ |- _ _| ____ ____ ___, (______l_____)(____/|l__,l/____)|/____)(______ ---' ---' `-- ` \ ---' b r o o k l y n b e a t s .... . . . : tRiViAL rAdAVi mOR7iMER diNO fELIX^dABId oRliNGo 243 kRUSTy! : rICKz xXX wHiRLWINd rAMiREz mATt .. .................................................... . . ........ . ... . ....: : . : (c) copyright 1996 all rights of the owner and of the work represented herein reserved. public performance, commersial use, hiring or rental of this collection is prohibited Our intention in divine stylers is not to ripp styles or to start any quarrels and wars Any simularities to other artist's previous released work * are fully coincidental * There are so many packs released these days that the chance that you have a style that is 100% different from all the others is none. It is also a FACT that artists DO get influenced by others whether they want it or not. If you realize that, you can tell the difference between influenced work and rippoff. Check out if your 'own' style is so fucking extraordinary. Please remember that before you start talking shit If you find the style that trivial represent too much lookalike yours; contact him instead of writing bullshit in your own collections that he probably dont ever get the chance to view. were to reach him can be found in another part of this collection. Besides all that boring mumbo jumbo; feel free to use (if you find any:) t^'s asciiwork in your own collections, at your board or whatever as long as the tag remains intact. (and if it is in a collection; full credit of course) Every week ascii groups & Artists all over the world release hundreds of ascii-collections. Some are good, a few are great. Most of them are average. Only a few however are suitable for Me, My board, Divine Stylers & the rest of the scene. Therefore you will never find more than 5 - 10 new volumes of trivial's ascii's in one year. This time we have selected agan the most beatiful pieces of ascii's i've could make during the last one or two months or whatever. Some of them are unknown, some of them brand new experimental and also a few classics fitting perfectly together in this collection. An imaginary journey. Travelling from the dark deep jungle and a hot desert to a lively city or an open field. Being impressed and overwhelmed by the positive power and strenght. This is what Ascii's does to us!. .____________ _ __. ______ _____________._________. _________. ` :_ .___\____/__) ._ | |_) ____ | ________ ______. _// _| |/ | \--' \_____|-----\ \\__ | : .__\`----------,_____/-------'________\-------/_____\----\_____________| | : t^/dS! If you met an ascii artist, wouldn't you want to know what got him high or what sounds did he dance to, or what was his style and what was in his stash box?. .. We speak ascii!. With the ascii we were on the threshold of something but now the secret is out!. It has happened. The mothership has landed. We have entered the realm of scienced ascii's. Hyperdimensional ised, computers with feelings, molecular holograms floating in realtime... Exploding kaleidoscopic aural asciiscapes. this ascii is from outaspace that you tune into through your innaspace. Wobbly, wriggly wiggly, chrunchy rubbery and unreadeble ascii's that are probing psychotropical frontiers and tuning us into our shamanistic resonances once again. So let your self be hypnotised and get hip to the asciitrip. Maybe i shall let you all know. I met this great girlie, we hang around alot, pardying, trippin and all those thing.. Hadn't heard from her for two days so i just came back to my place from her's, where her parent's told me that she would never come back home again, she had runnawayed to stockholm/sweden at thursday evening and she was there with alot of friends and should stay there. So i will have to call my neighbour and we will go in our ford sierra later tonight to see her. I can't imagine how stupid all of ya will think i am. In every asciicollection i make, there's alot of girlietalk and that sort of things but i just do ascii's when i met a girl i like. So now you know the history about her. Now let me give you some logos that might satisfy you needs.... __ . _ _________ .__ _ _______\ |/______ . \_ \| __/_.________ __\__ _______ _/_(| ____ __ ___ ______ .__ ! \| \| __.___ //___). . /___)__________ _//_ ) \\| ( . . _\_| \__ ___/ `-----'\__\ _ /__/_. \_ / tRiViAL | |_ diViNE |\\__|___ _ ._____ _t^/dS!\__/_/_\ | |_ diNO! _. :/ sTyLERs! : _._/ //_______|__ _ \\\_____| __| !/ mOrTIMEr t\| | . \| _/ _________////_\ ___/________\_. : viETCONg |__ _: | |\\__________________\____________\. |_ _ kRUSTy ._/ \ __________ __ ._ | .___________//_ _| `-------' |_____///oRLiNgO! : |/ : |_____________\\\_______________|_ vELVEt j. |_ :__ _`-' ____|/_____ \_ & mORE! _// //__________ _\ /_______________//_______________| `----÷--.__ _ `------ : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : n u p .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ______________________ ___________________ / __ / ______________./ _ / .----/ (/ /______\____ | _/ / : /____/ / / | __________/------. |__ /________________/______________________|_________\t^/dS! ____: /________________________________________________ ______________ __\ * You make ascii's worth living for! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : f a t a l .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _____________ ._______. /_ _________/ _________________. _________ | | / ___/_______\____ \._ |_________\_____ \| | /______\ ________/ | _/ ________/ | |_ _ /________\ | |_ _ \ |________// \___________|________///----\___________|t^/dS! * Back in the times i knew that our o2o tours ruled! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : m o ' s o u l .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ................. _________.......: m o ' s o u l :........... _________\ | :...............: : / / _ |_______ ______. ___ : /________//-----//__| \\_ | /__/ : : t^/dS!/________________| : : : _:___ : .__________ \ __/_______________ ____:____| / \_______________ /_______ ________._________\ | / : / (/ / \\_ | / | / : /__________/__________________|_______//_________|______/ : : :................................................: * Oh desoto!, i loved you home made t-shirt at tp5! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : monstaz of art! .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _________ ____________ _______. _____ _____/ |____ _____.__\___ /______ _ |______\__ _\_________ / \ _ | \\_ | )/ / _///_ _/ _____///_\_ / /______\\----//_|__________|----/______/ _______ \____|---\_____/ _______/ : //________/ \_______\\: : ________ .______. : : _____ _________._\______/_ ______ ______|___ |_ t^/dS! : : | \\_ |_ _______/______\___ _\._\ __ _/_ _/ : :......|______________//_____ / ______/// | \)___//// |_ _ : : `---\_________|____\//________///.........: : : : m O A . m o n s t e r s o f a r t . m O A : :.................................................: * Esko! is still with you in your soulz! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : b o o n d o c k s .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _________ ________________ | _|____________ ___________ _________) __ / t^/dS! | \__ / \\_ | \\_ \ _ )/ / _| _/ /____________|____________\\\_/ /_ \\______________/ /_________/// ._______. __________|_ | ________ ________ \ _|/ |_____ _______._\ _____/____._______/ /_______ \ \_ |_ \\_ | (/ |_ _ _/ / __/______ \_______________//____________|_____________//__\\\ \_____________ \ \________\ ///________/ * Hollands coolest, or shall i say europes?, (Besides Undiscovered then :) * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : w i l d p a l m s.________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _________ _________ _______\ _/____ ___. ________\ / _ / \ // |________ / __//\ / _____//________\ | |/ \_ /_ /__________| |_ _____________/// /__________// ____________ _\ _ /_ _________ __________ _____ _ | _/ ///_____\_____ _ \._________.________\ |_ _///_____ | _______/ ______/// _| | / _ |____________ \ |_______\ _______\_________\ |_ ____//-----//__| //_______/ \__________// ________________________ _ _ _:_ _., /_)\_____________________ _: /__| ____________ _ * I love our hour long shit-chat's about nothing!, comming to see ya in the beggining of march! * 4 : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : m o g u e ! .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _____________ ________________ ____________ | `-------/_________\ _______ /_______ _____| __ `----/ | \ _ t^/dS! / __ \________/ __/ ___\ | __________/ `----\_/__________/-----------------\_____\ ________________|___________/// * Nice 'pepper-war' you and slime! had in the cafeteria at tp5! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : s l i m e ! .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ________ _________ _____ ____________ _________ _\ ____|_____\ |---` `-- _ `-----/ ___ `-----/ \\____________ \ | | \ __ / ____________/ .-----\ __________\_____|---------|______\_/_____/\_________\\t^/dS!--. | \_/ | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------' : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : Mortimer t. .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : __________ ___________ ________ _______.__________ | _ `-------/_________\_____ _/__\_ `--/ | _ `-------/ | \ _ / ___ / _ __/ |_ _ /__ | \ _ / |_____\ /____/---------/--\\\___________///_______/_____|_____\ /_____/ : \\\_/ \_/ : : .________________ t^/dS! __________________ : : | _____ `---------\_________ _/_________. : :..........| __________________/ __/ |_ _....: |_______________\\ ------\\____________________/// * whohow! next month you and me are goin to HOLLANd!!!!!!!! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : d u m b f u n k .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _________. .___________ ________ _______\_ |________ _____| _ `------/ _/______ / ______ | ___\ | \ _ / ____ \ /__________ /____|_______________|_____\ /_____/_______ /_______\ \_/ \_/ \_/ ________ t^/dS! .___________ _________ _\_______)___________ ______| _ `------/----\ `---/ | _______/ ___\ | \ / _ __________/-----/ |_________| __________________|-----\ _______/-----\\\______________/ \_/ * Whow!, what a awesome board, and such a friendly sysop :) * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : d i n o .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ________. __________ _______\ |_____,-----/ _ `------/____________ / ____ | / \ / ___ / /________ /_____|_________/------\ _______/------------/ \_/ \_/t^/dS! * 2 nya linor men ingen bas... rular! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : masturbation stat..________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | m a s t u r b a t i o n | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :_____ _ ____ _____ _____ : ____//________/ |____ ______\___ \. |__ .__ ___ _______ | __________ / _____/___/ ___ | ___/____\_ ____ ___ /______ . _\ _________/__ \ \___________|__ \ \ |______/_ `----/ : \_/ \ _________\t^/dS! \ ________\ | / \ /: |_ \_/ \_/ |______| /------ \ _____/ | |/ \_/ _. : \| -______________________________________________________________ _ _ ______ __. * Sorry for not keeping the contact, well be around a.s.a.p! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : mystic desc logo...________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : __________ _____ _ ____ | `------/ ___//_______/ |___ -| \ _ / __________ / ______/___-. :`-----\_/_____/ \ ________/ \ \; | \_/ t^/dS! \ __________\ . \_/ : : | +------------------------------------------+ : : | . `------------------------------------------' * Mystic rules! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : u - m a n .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ________ _____________________ _ _____ ________ ---/ ___\ \ `---------/___________ `-/ _ `--------/-. _/____________________\ \ _ / ___ /_ \ / | ----------------[t^/dS! `-----\_/________/________________/-----\ ______/---' \_/ * Called Robyn yet hahahah ? * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : Final Impact.. .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _______ _____ ___________ _ ______ _________ / _____/________\__ )__\ _ `-------/___________ /. | _/ ________/ \ )| / __ | |_ _-. .-\ _____\__________ _ __\-----|_______/_\ ___________|_______ _/// : . \_/ t^/dS! \_/ \_/ ! : . : ____ ____________ _______ _ __ ______ ______ __, .____ | __\__ )_\ _ `--------/ __ `----/__________ /. ____/____. __/______ \ \ _ / _______/ __ | \ | \_ \ __________\ \ /_____/______\ \_____________|__________|_____________\ : `----\_/ . | : `----------------------- - ----------------------------------------- - --' * Ok, so now it's monday.. Back online? * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : Z o n e .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _____ ____________________________ _______\___ \_ _ __________) __ / __ `-----/ / ____________/ ___ )| / ____________/ / `-----' ____________________| /\_________// `---------------\t^/dS! |_______/ * H„r harru din jevvla logga som du tjata om! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : k n a r k .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ________ _________ ____ __.___________ /----\ `---/ _ `--------/____________ |_______ _/_______. / _ ________/------/ \ / __ / _/ |_ /------\\\_____________/-----\ _______/________________/----\\_____________// : \_/t^/dS! ! . ____________________ . | /----------------\ `-----------/ : ! / _ ___________________________/-----------/ | `-------/-------------------\\\_____________________________________/-----' * Eskilstuna^Amsterdam^Kristiania^Maastricht, Europes four temples! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : vietcong .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ___ ___________ ________ __________ __________.___(___ \___/ __ `----/ |__ .--/ ___\ | / ____________/ ____/-------/--. | /_______________________|___________\___________\\\___ \ / ! : [t^/dS!] `---------------/ | . .________________ _____________ __________________. ! ! | _____________/__________\ _ `--------/ __ | : `--| `------' ____ \ /______________ _|-----' |_________________________,------\ __________/ //_________\ \_/ * Thanx for letting me borrow your housekey, keep in contact! * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : e l i t e .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | ____________ ________ __ ____ | __ `-----/ |___(___ _/___, .__ ___________ | _____________/ | _____/---------/ __ `-----/ |___________// /_________|____________ \ / _____________/ t^/dS! /_________________/\____________// * That does not include me :) * : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : kiWi .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ________ _____ _ ____ /----\ `-----/ _____(__ _/___.________/_\________._____(__ /__. / _ __________/-----/ | / \ | | /------\\\______________/_____________ _|____________\_ ____|____________| t^/dS!\_/ : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : p u c k .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ____________. ________ _\ _ |_________ _______. _________/--------/ `---/ | _________| ____\ |/ __/____ _ ___________/------/ t^|_____\ /____________________|_____________/---\\\________________/dS! : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : vintertidtabell .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _____ _______ , .___ .________ ________. ____ _______._(__ _/_./ _ `----/ ____/___| __ `----/ __ | / ___\ | | \ / \ | _________/ ______|-----/ /______________|________|____\ ___/\___________|_______// -----\__________/ :_ _ \_/ : :/// , .____ _____ ______. _ _| _! | ____/______._____(__ _/___.__________\ | \\\! \\_ [t^/dS!] | \ | | ______ |_ _ : : |______________|______________|_______ /______|/// ._ _ . \_/ _/// , .___ ______ .________ ._________ _____._____:_ | ____/_____.________\____ \| /________|_ __ `-----/ | / | \ |_ _ __ _| ________ / ___________/ | / |______________///___________\|___\ __________/__________///_______|____/ \_/ : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : Nödutgång .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : _ _ o _ ____ ____ ___ | _|_ ____ ____-. ____ ____ _ __/ \__ _ |/ ) (____\ (___\| (____\ l____) (____\ (____\| |/ ) (____\ \\\_ _///. :_ _ ----' ----' t^\_/dS! : _/// | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : m a n g a .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ________ _____ _________ ___________. _____ | _ `----------/_______\___ \._\ _ `------/ __ |_______\____\. | \ _ / __ | \ /_________ | __ |-. |____\ /______/_______________|______\ _____/ //_________|_____________| | ÷------\_/t^/dS!-------------------------\_/----------------------------------+ | m a n g a p i c t u r e s o n l i n e 1 9 9 6 | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' : . . : . ! . | | . : : . _| | \_ | _ __ ________________: :__________________ __ _/)_____ ____)__ ______ / _/ __/_ b r o o k l y n b e a t s ) . ./_/ _ )\______/ :-----' \_ \_/ _/__ l o g o : e s k o .________________ _ _: /_____/ :/________\/ /_ __________._ |_______ _ _ /_\ __ /_/-/ /_____\ | __:t^/dS! /__\)_ /_____)/ \_ _. \_| _/ `--/_______/ \| | : :_ _ |_ _/// _/ : : | . | | | | | . | : ____________ __ `--------/_____ ______________ __________________/ ____/____________\__ /----------/ _____________// _ ____________________ / _ __________/------/ t^/dS! _/____________/---------//________________/__________ _/ __ / `--------------------/ You all know those little compressed pills or those stickers?, yes, the ones that makes you happy all day long. Have you ever seen that you'r girlfriend or best pal has blue 'fishskin' all over her/he's body?, Have you ever seen realtime fractals in asphalt? or maybe even better, have you seen the flowers in some park in rasta-plasma?, molecular holograms floating in realtime It's so easy, not to expensive, Just put that hoffman at your toung and fly. Because if everybody in the whole world were trippin, this place should be so much happier... / © t^/dS! SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! W K E Varför ska just du gå me' i Divine Stylers? N D A E R S [X] Du tjänar minst 5 spänn K - [X] Du får en trasig ic krets A O [X] Du kommer in gratis på alla - N rock konserter G L [X] Du blir glad som en fisk R Y [X] Du tycker det en en bra julklapp A ! [X] Du har ditt livs chans T * [X] Vi blir glada i S [X] Alla blir glada S W [X] Du blir glad - E [X] Risken att få ett kassaskåp M D i huvudet minskar avsevärt. E E [X] Du st”djer Svenska Asciifonden D S [X] Din Hype-Faktor ökar - - [X] Du slipper bli berömd D O [X] Chipsen smakar bättre S N [X] Ingen annan grupp vill ha ! L dej så du har inget val! * Y [X] Du får en bamsekram av Dino D * S SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! * SWEDES ONLY! ........................... . . ... : : diViNE sTYLERs c/O tRiViAL . vASTRA aSGATAn 15, 4tR : eSKiLSTUNa! : sWEdEn! :................... . . . .......................... . .. : : d S ! f A N C L U b : p O b O X 7 1 4 3 . n i E U W E G E i N : h O L L A N D :....................................... . . ... ...._____.| o.._____-..|....._. . . . : (____\\| | (____\\| |_____\) : . iNTERCHANgE! ÷ wILd pALMs ÷ oNE eIGHt sEVEn : sOUtHERn cOMFORt! ÷ dUMbfUNk! ÷ sWiTChbACk! . mASTUrbAtIOn sTATiOn ÷ 12 iNCh ÷ + otHERs!? . ______ | _____ | _____ _____ _____ ....(_____\\|.`------, |/....\).(/____l`------, /____/ | /____/ ....... . .. . .. . ..................................................... . : If you would like to join our divine posse, leave a comment and attatch : some of your work to a letter at some at our hq's. Preferly at Dumbfunk! : ........ . .................................. . . ...................... . : @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ diViNE sTYLERs ]-. | ¬ØØØØø ________. | ¦ µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE ©Mt ¦ ·gØØØ# ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____ : øØØØØL °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw· mØØØØØr ___ØØØØØWØØØØØF ¬¶ØØØØØ#w øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯ ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø ¦--------------------------------- - -¦ | aSCiicOLLEcTiON bY tRiViAL/dS! | · eNTiTLEd ' bROOKLYn bEAtS' · `-------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ __ _ _ / ________________________________________________________________ _ _____/ \ _ \/ eNdS hERE.... [][·T·R·Y··T·H·I·S··O·N·E··F·R·E·A·K·S·][] . . .| [ T · H · E O · A · s · E ] `--------------.|| |___ __________||`-------------..-----------------------------------------. |`---------.| | || dlt | | || | || ----------------------------------------' | || | _______|| ---------------------------------------' `----------'`-| / |`---------/-----------------------------'(__ .------`---.--------' / / / .---------.| l | (________/__________________ / / | || _ .--|-----------------------------------.| _/ / | l || | | | uPLOADER: aSCII |||/ / `---------'| | | | lOCATiON: [!- hEAVEN -!] ||| _________/__ `-| `--|------------------------------------'|____________/ `--------' `-----------' »· eFFECT eQUAL hQ ^ mO[l]EN, WhQ ^ sTOER & nUTTELOOS eUROPEAN hQ ·« »· hYPEROPIA dISTRiBUTION ^ jAMM dISTRiBUTION ^ bLASM dUTCH hQ ·« »· tONS oF cEWL uPLOADS eVERY dAY ·« »· eUROPE'S bIGGEST sTRIPPED aSCII aND /X cONFERENCE ·« »· aMIGA ^ pC-sCENE ^ aSCII ^ mUSIC ^ rEQUESTS ^ /X ·« »· aLL rUNNING oN a cEWL cOMMODORE 2000/030 28k8 poWER ·« 28k8 V.34 / V.fast »· +31-[0]-30-6067278 ·« [][·T·R·Y··T·H·I·S··O·N·E··F·R·E·A·K·S·][]