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Scrollz #05
by argon | Download pack

This pack is really marred by low quality control.
Some of the writers are just now starting to grasp the art,
and it shows. Grammar errors litter the pack (most notably
the word "brung" in klu-up.lit), which is really inexcusable
for a group that has a fair number of releases behind it.

Veteran writers really carried the pack through it seems,
with a great poem by Mister E. (me-1298.cia), and two good lits by oldschooler Julian Stardawn. Eterna also released a humorous, well-crafted poem (et-cpl~1.lit), but her other lits were too long and diluted to sustain alot of power.

Overall the pack wasn't a failure, but wasn't an
overwhelming success either. A below average pack in scope and execution with a few gems here and there, making it worth a look.

- argon

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