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See you, -Thomas ing text) - security options that prevent CLI commands from being executed or printed when NewAUX is used for remote shells in BBSs - as many things as possible you want me to include 8. Epilogue If you like this program and you think I deserve more than being mentioned in this .doc file feel free to send any presents like beer or anything else to me. All generous donators will be mentioned in future releases of NewAUX, and zJ"@.)3T` yXNJg#P"@N` 9\LhN"¹hfLf`J9g:JygSyf* y0( |g*y09H 58g @~ NK`*@Jm fN) fC3| #|$,xN2`f&a fN`QJ9f&N mp,yDN m < nNj`N<|~<) >)"Nm\m`mXdahJ@f`amXdVmZdP0p md"mhJ1`g8;Gt:1``JFg SF1`g`RE1Pg;FrF;Ev#N`fmtf0-r@e mv@dpNupNuH 9}Dg*@NBLNufa fN`Q ihf#$ #(|~<) >)"Nm\m`N-vEv g&E gE gE< g`6RHSGg0  gN09T|0g 9#yTV# #` prQ`B( +fRHQ`< -fPRHSGe. $fRHQ` ;QJgD#PNu prQ +fRHQ$`6 -fPRHQ`&<0$ЂЂQJgD#PNupr %fRHQ`<ЀQ#PNuE`QA BBBV@HN)<) g( yH h fhfifN`NN8`f6aN gQN)NNj;^deviceBaudBandit.devicePatch installed. Patch removed.  *4BNlxB?sbPROGSpWNK`*@(m a(m$a(m(a f` g 0, |fNuXO~ ` `gza(iN gN<2,&| e l(`LC H 58g@ @JAg |g|f,| Wf"##3pJAfp3N`faN gNT`N`H@"i,K`*@g f*@LNuNNNQN5NfN 9dg yd,xNJf/9dN0XOJ9gCB,xN> 9Xg /NI @:%?x 0 `@@` ````08~|???FQ; w$$@'0$$H 'H&2IIOIHII)2{AJ$BRsC ,BR3z\\( R}@\(R|(??;  3C`^mXOJFf,x.:g N|"GNpNu :g$@$*Sc&j$,.+J9gSA`Q`2 r,xN:Jg"@%@$S A`Q P"KN.r,yzC ,xNz.g&p"<N:JgF"@|3| GN.y, yd,xNJfn yHNJg#Psurrounded by the square brackets '[' and ']' and either watch the parameter change automatically or, if required, enter a new value or character string. If you do not enter anything the old value will be restored when you press the or key. The 'Lines' parameter sets the height of the screen used for monitoring serial activity. Whenever a program opens the NewAUX device a window will be opened on this screen. If many serial units are used at the sa %me time all windows will be opened on the same screen thus giving you a great overview of serial traffic. Apart from monitoring the data received and sent by your serial port you can even type text when the monitor window is active. Everything you type is included in the data stream just as if you were sitting at the remote end. A lines value of greater than 256 automatically makes the screen interlaced. The access mode can either be 'shared' or 'exclusive'. If  G you want NewAUX to work with your BBS always use 'shared'. This enables your BBS-Software to share its serial device unit with the NewAUX program. If NewAUX does not have to function with other programs accessing the same serial unit you may specify 'exclusive'. But this normally does not lead to any advantages so keep it 'shared'. The 'Buffer' is used to store incoming data in order to avoid loss of data due to slow programs not being able to fetch the bytes from t  vhe serial port as quickly as they are received there. Since AUX is normally used for things like remote shells, about 2 kilobytes (2048 bytes) should be quite all right. The length of the serial buffer must be divisible by 64. If you enter a length that is not, AUXEdit adjusts the value accordingly. The 'Data bits', 'Parity' and 'Stop bits' parameters are the same like in your favourite terminal program. They are normally set to '8N1'. The 'Speed' specifies the trans  l6fer speed in bits/second. Common values used are 19200 or even 38400. Keep in mind that an ordinary 68000 Amiga should merely be used at a maximum speed of 19200 bits/second. Also many multi port serial boards do not support higher transfer rates. As I expected you know this parameter already, too. Select no handshake, 7-wire (RTS/CTS), XOn/XOff or a combination of both. For most applications 'none' will work perfectly. The last setup entry contains the name o  9f the serial device to use. This enables you to run NewAUX with a different device than 'serial.device'. This is extremely important if you own a multi port serial board that is shipped with a custom serial device driver. Enter 'x' to write the altered settings to 's:NewAUX.config' and exit the program or 'q' to leave without saving. 6. Troubleshooting After you have installed NewAUX as described above there are not many things that can cause malfunction.  6C To check the device driver disconnect everything from your serial port(s). After that mount the device using the unit number of one of your serial ports or a value of zero if you do not own a multi port serial board. For example NewAUX 0 AUX: should work for a standard Amiga computer. After that use 'NewShell' to create a shell using the NewAUX device. To cling to the example, type NewShell AUX: If no screen opens it is very difficult t |o help you. You should then contact me and tell me which hardware you are using and which settings are contained in your 's:NewAUX.config' file. If a screen opens you are quite lucky. In such a case the problem is that the serial device cannot be opened properly when you use NewAUX with your BBS for example. Check your configuration file, especially the handshake option. Sometimes the NewAUX device does not work if the handshake is set to something else thanI what is used by the software NewAUX has to work with, like e. g. your BBS. If you cannot figure out how to find proper settings for NewAUX, just delete 's:NewAUX.config' and start 'AUXEdit'. 'AUXEdit' will then use its internal standard parameters which normally work quite well. Press 'x' to write them again in your 's:' folder. 7. The next release It will include some additional features: - optimised message handling code (version 1.00 does not accept any J_A keystrokes whilst printing text) - security options that prevent CLI commands from being executed or printed when NewAUX is used for remote shells in BBSs - as many things as possible you want me to include 8. Epilogue If you like this program and you think I deserve more than being mentioned in this .doc file feel free to send any presents like beer or anything else to me. All generous donators will be mentioned in future releases of NewAUX, and there will be lots of future releases. Also if you have any problems (using NewAUX), any suggestions or bug reports you are encouraged to contact me. I will be glad considering your statements in future releases. Contact me via electronic mail at or via snail mail: Thomas Lopatic St. Rochus-Str. 22 W-8044 Lohhof Germany I'm looking forward to hearing from y%Ah@ory allocations. Purely cosmetic. - Worked around problem (bug?) in arp.library pattern matching routines. A pattern such as #> would cause memory corruption in prior versions of LhA. Although the arp documentation states that PreParse() will never produce parsed strings longer than the original, it sometimes does. (Thanks to Gary Chapman for reporting this problem) - Printout fixed for extraction with `-t' and `-T' options, now only prints the names of the files that wer&3e actually extracted. - Re-enabling of cursor changed to make certain console emulators happy. (Thanks to A.J.Brouwer) - Recursive file collection fixed. No longer scans unnecessary directories when explicit filespecs are given. - Files with names beginning with a dash (`-') can now be specified on the command line by using double-dashes (`--') as stated in the manual. - Files beginning with an at-sign (`@') can now be specified by using double at-signs. - Manual tidie'\d up and corrected to treat the evaluation version only. No more references to registered-user-only options, commands or programs. - LhA now supports LhArc-style autoshow files. Autoshow files are files with names ending in `.displayme' (case insignificant). - Option (`-M') added for disabling of autoshow files. Autoshow files are disabled by default when the `-m' option is used. - LhA now promptly aborts with an error condition if a file cannot be opened for archiving. (T(q/hanks to Magnus Holmgren for reporting this problem). - `Warning: premature end of file, no archive terminator seen' message removed, since many people thought this was a bug with LhA. Served no real purpose anyway. - Freshen command implemented. - LhA now restores empty subdirectories as created by AmigaDOS LhArc 1.30 (with `-re' option) does not yet archive them however. - LhA extract commands now accept a destination-directory specification anywhere on the command li)G/t2ne. - LhA now deletes temporary archives from the working directory when an update or freshen operation is interrupted. __________________________________________________________________________ ========================================================================== V1.00 : Released Dec 20 1991 - First public release w files are disabled by default when the `-m' option is used. - LhA now promptly aborts with an error condition if a file cannot be opened for archiving. (Te for the original AUX device supplied by Commodore. NewAUX was designed to meet the special needs of people running a bulletin board system on their Amiga. However everyone else using the AUX device might enjoy the new features provided by this package. NewAUX allows you to monitor the data passing your serial port on a separate screen. For example if someone is working with the remote shell of your BBS you can watch him working. Moreover NewAUX can be configured to use its own setup thus being completely independent from the settings made with the 'Preferences' program. Apart from that this package works with any serial device and any unit number. It therefore supports even multi serial port expansion boards. 4. Installation Copy the 'NewAUX-Handler' to your 'l:' directory. The 'NewAUX.config' must be located in your 's:' folder. Move the other files anywhere you want them to be. 5. How to use NewAUX In order to use the NKewAUX handler you have to mount it. In contrast to the original AUX device on your Workbench this is not accomplished by using 'mount' since this command does not support unit numbers for AUX-like devices. So use the 'NewAUX' command instead. Specify the unit number of the serial device to be used and the name to access the device. For example NewAUX 0 AUX: would mount a device named 'AUX:' and assign it to the internal serial port of your Amiga co*0mputer. Just like 'mount AUX:' did in former times. If you run a multi serial board you might need something like NewAUX 3 AUX3: which would mount an AUX device accessible by the name 'AUX3:' and using unit 3 of your multi port serial board. It is just this easy. To alter the settings of your NewAUX device use the 'AUXEdit' command. It allows you to change the most important settings of your serial device when using NewAUX. Just press the letter x3rchive and the files contained are not altered in any way. However, you are not allowed to accept any payment except a reasonable and thus nominal fee to compensate the costs of the required magnetic media. Single parts of this package must not be distributed. Please make sure your package is complete. Compare the contents of your archive to this list of contents. File Length --------------------- NewAUX 5172 c AUXEdit 8352 NewAUX-Handler 3988 NewAUX.config 42 NewAUX.doc 8808 'Commodore' is a trademark of Commodore Business Machines, Inc. 'Amiga' is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. 2. DISCLAIMER IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PROGRAMS. 3. What is NewAUX? Just as the name suggests, NewAUX is a substitut$όe options after the command. Useful when running automated BBS file testing. (Suggested by Frederick Page) When this option is enabled all options must be specified before the command, like in LZ and LHArc. - Fixed bug in the automatic stack allocation code, which would cause LhA to crash when run together with MungWall with a CLI stack size of less than 6000 bytes. (Chris Green at CBM). The minimum stack size has also been reduced to 4000 bytes. - Some central list han$Sdling routines rewritten in assembler to reduce size. - When listing archives, LhA now prints years after 2000 in only two digits (before it was displayed as 100 etc. ). Normally, files with these dates have invalid datestamps. - The `p' command now no longer emit the in-between-file message or the console reset sequence when the `-q' option is used. `-n' can be used to suppress the in-between-file message alone. (Loren J. Rittle) - Fixed cosmetic `bug' caused by bug in ޡ͉KS1.3 console device. (Michael Beer). - Fixed progress indicator type 2 & 3 bug. Earlier versions would die when extracting zero-length files or empty directories with the `-D2' or `-D3' options. Thanks to Camillo Srs for reporting. V1.11 : Jan 19 1992 - Fixed packing progress indicator type 3 (-D3) glitch. - Fixed the last bug in compression. The compression ratio has also been improved slightly over V1.10 (Thanks to Stefan Becker for reporting). - Fixed a few `bugs' iın the manual. - Add operations now respect the -N option setting. - Add operations now respect the -F option setting. V1.10 : Jan 13 1992 Major update; [all in a weeks work] - Bug in compression fixed, would show up mostly on large files, but had nothing to do with the size of the file really. This bug only affected LHA (-lh5-) compression. Because of the nature of this bugfix, the LHA compression is now better than before - but the difference is very slight. - Fixed ra Wre bug in decompression code (several persons reported this and the offending file had been hatched via ADS). Handling of corrupted archives improved as well - V1.00 would crash on some bad data. This release will never do so. - Bug fixed where LhA would report an error and leave the temporary archive in the working directory. This happened when updating or deleting files in an archive on the same device as the work directory. Cause: DeleteFile in dos.library returns TRU!#2E if delete was OK, and FALSE otherwise, I thought it was the other way around. (That's what you get for not reading the docs carefully enough). - Fixed stupid bug where LhA would refuse to do anything to delete- protected files, even if you didn't want to write to the file. - Fixed minor problem where LhA poked outside allocated memory (allocated 2 bytes too little for two buffers), this had no real effect however as the memory being stepped on never could get used by an "}y other task anyway. (thanks to Peer Hasselmeyer for discovering this bug with MungWall). - Progress indicator update rate is now 4096 bytes in compression. Still hardcoded however. - Fixed problem where some corrupted archives or too long level 2 headers would cause LhA to crash. (Thanks to Jerry Sandstedt for reporting and supplying an offending archive). - Fixed problem when arp.library could not be opened. Now exits cleanly with a message and error return code. - !#&LhA now reports already existing files (a and m commands) differently. In previous versions the source file with the whole path was printed, now LhA lists the name of the file as stored in the archive. - Recursive file collection changed somewhat, any explicit filespec will now be looked for only in the current home directory, and not in all scanned directories as before. If you want the old behaviour enclose the name in parantheses. By explicit filespec I mean a filespec "$}Jawithout any wildcard characters. - If a directory name (without trailing `/' or `:') is specified as an action file with (a,f,u,m) commands, it is translated to `dir/*'. i.e. LhA will archive all files in that directory; if the `-r' option is enabled (recursive file collection) all files in the directory and it's subdirectories will be archived. Useful when using together with disk utilities such as Browser, DirOpus etc. Note that you cannot use this technique to archi#%ve an entire device/assigned directory, since LhA will treat this as a home directory specification. In this case, 'device:*' or `device:#?' must be used. - Archive attributes are no longer set to ----rw-d by default, on request from WB users. It can still be switched on with the -A switch however. - When attribute preservation is off, LhA now sets the attribute field on added files to --p-rwed (0x20) for MS-DOS compatibility. - Attributes are no longer preserved by defaul$\$t on extract commands. The archive update commands (a,f,u,m) still preserve attributes by default however. - Changed `vv' command, now all fields are OK. - LhA now emits a warning if the first action file specification is an explicit (no wildcards) name and the file does not exist. No error code is returned to the shell. - LhA now returns an error code when no archive matches the archive spec. - Fixed bug where LhA would print the wrong byte count for certain failed mem'p extract (like with `-x1' or `-x'), but not when writing the files to the output device (like with `-x0'). This mode is selected by using `-x2'. (Magnus Holmgren) V1.23 : Apr 4 1992 - Fixed compression I/O error detection on archive temporary device. - LhA now supresses requesters when looking for ENV: (Pavel Vna) V1.22 : Apr 2 1992 - Fixed compression bug. Introduced in V1.20. Quite rare. (Mats Nyman) - Changed `-y' option behaviour. Now no longer appends `.lha' or `.lzh'( suffix if archive name already contains one (Thanks to Mats Nyman). - Fixed problem where LhA would not restore file attributes with level 0 headers even if you specified `-a' on extraction. (Thanks to Ken Krebs) V1.20 : Mar 26 1992 - LhA now supports multivolume archives. On the evaluation version, only extracting and listing of multivolume archives is allowed. Currently the maximum number of volumes is 100 - if you go above this limit LhA won't complain but the behavi)bour is undefined (a crash is very likely to occur). - LhA now appends a lower-case `.lzh' or `.lha' instead of the upper-case suffixes in earlier versions. (Purely cosmetic) - Added support for OS2.0 local variables. Local variables override the global ENV:LHAOPTS if present. - Added `S' response to queries. Pressing `s' will cause LhA to assume negative response to all following queries of the same class. (i.e. generally skipping all following files). - Fixed bug in co*둌nsole font size detection on public screens other than the WB. - Fixed problem with updating/deleting files in/from archives on another device than the one the working directory is on. - LhA now reads default options from the environment variable LHAOPTS unless the `-I' switch is specified before the archive name. Note that the `-I' switch is special because it HAS to be specified directly after a dash (`-') like in "LhA -I a ram:test *.h", and not like this: "LhA -nI a+'B ram:test *.h". You will get a warning message if LhA detects this. Specifying the `-I' option within LHAOPTS is not a good idea.. - Implemented `-H' switch. LhA can now write level 1 and level 2 headers. - Fixed disk full detection problem when extracting stored files. (Juha Luoma). - LhA now emits no ANSI sequences at all when listing archives. (A.J.Brouwer). - Added `q' modifier to `l' and `v' commands to allow for creation of name-only archive listings. (Use `-N' opti,;on to suppress copyright msg). (Niklas Sjberg) - Added `-Qd' option to make LhA ignore the delete protection file when moving files. (Will delete the file regardless of the delete protection flag state). - Added `-Qw' option to cause LhA to ignore wildcards. Useful when processing files containing wildcard characters (`~[]()*#?%). (Paul van der Heu). - LhA now can process SFX archives created with LhASFX. This means you can use LhA to test uploaded SFX archives on a -MOBBS without taking the risk of running the `.RUN' file (which is dangerous since there's no way of knowing if it actually is a SFX archive or some type of `bomb'). - Changed command line parsing to enable user to archive entire volumes or directories simply by specifying `df0:' and `dir/' as action file specs if they are followed by another directory name or are last on the command line. Idea from Pavel Va. See manual for more detailed explanation. - Added '-e' option. to archive empty subdirectories (only valid when used together with '-r' option). - Added '-d' option to set archive file date to that of the newest file in the archive. - Added '-K' option to remove empty directories when moving files with the `m' command. - Changed console reset sequence once more to please some console emulators. - Added `-y' option to force suffix append. - Added -lh4- compression switch (`-1') serves no real purpose but I added it for the sake of/ d completeness. - Fixed handling of level 2 headers. Would crash hard in earlier versions. - LhA now supports all extended header types. - All ARP dependencies removed. ARP is never used under KS2.x, but under 1.x ARP will be used if pattern.library does not exist. If neither ARP nor pattern.library exists when running under KS1.x, LhA uses its internal (inferior) pattern matching routines handling `?' and `*' only. - Added replace (`r') command. Works like update command 0'but replaces files in archive regardless of datestamps. (Same effect as `u' command with option `-Qr'). - Added `-Qr' option. This option disables the datestamp comparison for the `f' and `u' commands, so all files that exists in the archive will be replaced regardless of file modification dates. - Fixed cosmetic problem when using the `-n' option with the add/update commands. Would emit one linefeed for every present file in the archive. - Added `-Qd' option to deleteo autoshow files after showing/extracting. - Rewrote the -lh1- encoding routines in assembler, now -lh1- compression is about 1.6 times faster than before. (REGISTERED version only) - LhA now recognizes `.ZOM' files as being compressed and will not attempt further compression. (Olaf Barthel) - Implemented `-h' option to disable the homedir facility. Useful when running ToolManager, which passes directories as `dirname/'. (Oliver Knorr). - Implemented `-Qo' option to disabl2{Only appeared if you had no LHAOPTS environment variable. (Many reports). V1.35 : - Added `y' command ("copy archive with new options"). Name says it all. See manual for details. - Added `h' command ("hunt for diffs arc <-> filesys"). This command compares the contents of an archive with the contents of the current or `destination' directory, and reports any differences. Useful to see what files have changed since the last backup/archiving. With this command the `-D' o3>ption setting affects what method of display is used. V1.34 : - Fixed bug in SetFDate() which would cause LhA to leave files locked until the end of the program, thus disabling the `-Qd' option. - Fixed bug in level-1 header handling. Would cause LhA to generate corrupted entries when a delete/update operation was performed on an archive containing level-1 headers with extended headers. - Added `c' (concatenate) command. With this command it is possible to concatenate t4 wo or more archives into one, or to append one or more archives to another. Currently it does not check for duplicate files. V1.33 : - Fixed Enforcer hit in `LhX'. - Reduced executable size even further by compressing the usage texts. Gains 1-2K depending on program version. - Reduced executable size by approximately 1KB. No change in memory requirements however. - The `-Qq' option is now implemented. When it is enabled LhA will not perform the standard archive scan-thro5dugh before adding files to the archive. This will speed up the operation considerably, but can cause problems if the archive has no archive terminator (if an update operation was aborted with CTRL-C for instance). This also means that LhA will not check if a file already exists in the archive; thus a file can be added to an archive twice. Useful if you know the files you're adding are not already in the archive (Fido Mail-packets for instance). (Roger Nordin) - Now the6} `-B' option is implemented. When this option is enabled, LhA will keep the original archive renamed to `xxx.bak' when files are removed from an archive (via the delete, freshen, replace, or update commands). - Now checks that `-P' task priority is in the correct range ( [-5,5] ) - With V37+, now sets WILDSTAR flag in dl_Root->rn_Flags to enable the `*' wildcard, which is disabled by default in OS2.x. Many people thought this was a bug in LhA, but it really is because whe 7*n LhA started using the V37 dos.library pattern routines, some people did not use a program such as `star' or `starburst'. This *WAS* mentioned in the manual. - With V37+, now uses SetFileDate() to set directory/file dates. With pre-V37 uses packets instead. V1.32 : May 1992 - No longer creates empty archives if no files to add to the new archive are found. (Roger Nordin) - Changed `vv' list output format. The Host OS is now spelled out (i.e. `Amiga' and `Unix' instead  8:of `A' and `U' for example). - Fixed problem where a CTRL-C user break occasionally would cause LhA to leave a file locked on exit (extraction only). - Case conversion with `-u' and `-l' options now also affect archiving as intended. - Added `-Qn' option to optionally enable/disable case conversion of national characters. This should be disabled when running 1.3 or 2.04 with the old FFS and OFS file systems which handles national characters incorrectly when calculating f 9$ ilename hash values. With WB2.1 you can format `national' filesystem disks (`DOS\2' and `DOS\3', for OFS and FFS respectively), which handles these characters correctly. All previous versions had national character case conversion *enabled*. It is now *disabled* by default. - Fixed infinite-loop bug in delete command. (Dennis Vasko) - Fixed `-Y' option. Was broken in earlier versions. - Fixed `-y' option again to work the way it's supposed to. Previously it would not wor :n)5k at all. - Fixed bug in level 2 header filenote handling. Previously it would emit a filename exthdr twice instead of one filename+one filenote exthdr. (Gunnar Klauberg) - The `-C' option (clear arc-bit on extract) is now set by default (as the doc says). (forgot who reported this, sorry). - Added `-Qb' option to force LhA to test an archive before extracting anything from it. If the test fails nothing is extracted. - Added safety check for delete command. The delete com ;pD!mand must always be specified with `d' only (not `delete' or `del' or anything else, just `d'). (Klaus Weber). - LhA now maps foreign (MS-DOS) file attributes to Amiga attributes if the files were archived with level 1 or 2 headers on the source system. V1.31 : private release V1.30 : Apr 6 1992 - Significantly faster -lh5- and -lh1- compression. (registered) - Fixed bug in level 1 header handling. Previously it would break 50% of the time on machines with 68000 proces&^Iysors. (Mats Nyman) - Fixed xclose() bug. This would cause archives to disappear when the last file had been deleted. (Ola Olsson) - Added new mode to `-x' option. In this mode the entire archived pathname is used when writing the files to the output device (like with `-x1' or `-x'), but not when selecting them (like with `-x0'). This mode is selected by using `-x3'. - Added new mode to `-x' option. In this mode the entire archived pathname is used when selecting files to=f.3 2.5.51 `-2' (add) Use LhA compression (-lh5-) ...... 40 2.5.52 `-Qa' (all) Use simple console I/O .......... 40 2.5.53 `-Qb' (ext) Test archive before extract ..... 40 2.5.54 `-Qd' (ext) Delete autoshow files .......... 40 2.5.55 `-Qh' (add) Set Huffman buffer size ......... 41 2.5.56 `-Qn' (all) Set national character mode ..... 41 2.5.57 `-Qo' (all) Ignore options after command .... 4>]\؇1 2.5.58 `-Qp' (move) Ignore delete protection flag .. 41 2.5.59 `-Qq' (add) Quick add ..................... 42 2.5.60 `-Qr' (add) Skip datestamp check ........... 42 2.5.61 `-Qw' (all) Disable wildcards ............. 42 2.6 Autoshow files ................................ 42 2.7 Residentability .............................. 42 2.8 Multi-volume archives ....................?2>..... 43 2.8.1 Multivolume file names ....................... 43 2.9 A bit about headers ............................. 43 2.10 Some tips for archiving efficiently ............. 43 2.11 Using as little memory as possible ............... 44 2.12 Creating fully MS-DOS compatible archives ....... 44 2.13 Recovering data from corrupt archives ........... 44 5 Acknowledgements ....................`J.............. 45 - III - add) Store big files with ratio........ 38 2.5.47 `-z' (add) Do not compress files ............ 39 2.5.48 `-Z' (add) Compress archives .............. 39 - II - 2.5.49 `-0' (add) Use LhArc 1.x compression ........ 39 2.5.50 `-1' (add) Use LhA compression (-lh4-) ...... 40 10 as an interim solution until it is released]. - Added code to handle case when LhA is called with a bad environment, i.e. all fields in the process structure not correctly initialized. This should take care of most problems arising with brain-damaged programs such as GCCHost, which fail to set up a CLI structure. - LhA now respects -x setting with level-[12] headers. - Added protection for `s:startup-sequence'-type hacks. (A.J. Brouwer) - Fixed requester suppression bug. Bto release any version of LhA publically until V2.00, but since there were a few bugs in V1.32e I decided to release this cleaned-up and hopefully bug-free version. It's based on the old (pre-V2.xx) source code and no new features have been added since V1.35 - the only changes are bugfixes. All changes are described in `update.txt'. The most important are: - Handling of `~', `[' and `]' wildcards now work in non-international character translation mode. - Security measures C9to prevent `s:startup-sequence'-type hacks implemented. - Bug fixed in handling of multivolume archives in evaluation version. - The suppressed-system-requester bug has been fixed. - Now respects -x option setting at all times. - The `-s' option now works as advertised. Somehow this never got implemented (actually I thought I had done it but since I don't use it myself I never noticed until a bug report arrived). - Added `y', `h' and `c' commands. See manual for deDv[tails. - Quick-add mode - LhA now enables `*' wildcard for OS2.x - no need for WildStar type programs anymore. That's about it. All the fancy new stuff is in V2.xx and as the program has been almost entirely rewritten none of it is present in this interim release. This is mainly a bugfix release. Boring - but that's life. Enjoy, Stefan __________________________________________________________________________ ====================================================EhK====================== `` Please allow 2-8 weeks for delivery ,, During spring/early summer 1992 I could not deliver on time to everybody, so this time frame was exceeded. I have sent off most registrations during this summer however, so now I have more time and should be able to ship within a week after the order has arrived at my place. My sincere apologies to those who had to wait a VERY long time for their copy to arrive. I'm working hard on improving thiVk4s program and the support and distribution for the next release (V2.00). Read the `Future.txt' file for more info. LhA would never have been what it is now without your support. Thank You! __________________________________________________________________________ ========================================================================== , Stefan __________________________________________________________________________ ====================================================@z========= V1.38 : August 27 1992 [ Interim release ] - Fixed `-s' option. Now it finally works. Somehow I forgot to implement this before. - Fixed bug when specifying the same file twice. (Roland Bless & Lazarus Marhenke) V1.37 : Not really released - Fixed bug in handling of `~', `[' and `]' wildcard tokens. Would not work unless national translation was enabled. (Affected V1.32 -> V1.36) (Mattias Korsbck) V1.36 : August 18 1992 [Miscellaneous bugfixes from LhA V2.0H C Tilde (~) ........................... 14 Percent sign (%) ..................... 14 2.3.2 KS1.3 ARP and KS2.x pattern matching ......... 15 2.3.3 National characters ...................... 15 2.4 Commands ..................................... 16 2.4.1 `a' Add files to archive .................... 16 2.4.2 `c' Concatenate/Append archives ........... I9S 16 2.4.3 `d' Delete files from archive ............... 17 2.4.4 `e' Extract files from archive .............. 17 2.4.5 `f' Freshen files in archive ................ 18 2.4.7 `h' Hunt for diffs arc <-> filesys............ 18 2.4.8 `l' List archive contents (terse) ........... 19 `lq' List archive (terse-quick) ....... 20 2.4.9 `m' Move files to archive ...........JI........ 20 2.4.14 `p' Print files to stdout .................. 20 2.4.15 `r' Replace files ........................ 20 2.4.17 `t' Test archive integrity ................ 21 2.4.18 `u' Update archive ....................... 21 2.4.19 `v' List archive (verbose) ................ 21 `vq' List archive (verbose-quick) .... 22 - I - K' 2.4.20 `vv' List archive (full) .................. 22 2.4.21 `x' Extract files with path ................ 23 2.4.22 `y' Copy archive with new options ........... 23 2.5 Options ...................................... 24 2.5.1 `-a' (upx) Preserve file attributes ......... 24 2.5.2 `-A' (upd) Set archive attributes ........... 25 2.5.3 `-b' (all) Set I/O buffer size .....Lg.......... 25 2.5.4 `-B' (upd) Keep backup of archives ........... 26 2.5.5 `-c' (all) Confirm files ................... 26 2.5.6 `-C' (ext) Clear arc-bit on extract .......... 26 2.5.6 `-d' (upd) Archive date=newest file ......... 26 2.5.8 `-D' (all) Alternate progress display ....... 26 2.5.9 `-e' (add) Archive empty directories ........ 27 2.5.10 `-E' (ext) Touch extractedMNw` files ........... 28 2.5.11 `-f' (all) Ignore filenotes ............... 28 2.5.12 `-F' (all) Use fast progress display ........ 28 2.5.13 `-g' (add) Garble files with password ....... 29 2.5.14 `-G' (ext) Only extract newer files ......... 29 2.5.15 `-h' (add) Disable homedirectories ........ 29 2.5.16 `-H' (add) Write header level .............. 29 2.5.17 `-i' (all) Read fN*Oilelist from file .......... 29 2.5.18 `-I' (all) Ignore LHAOPTS variable ......... 30 2.5.19 `-k' (all) Keep partial files .............. 30 2.5.20 `-K' (move) Kill empty directories ......... 31 2.5.21 `-l' (ALL) Make filenames lowercase ........ 31 2.5.22 `-L' (ALL) Create filelist ................ 31 2.5.23 `-m' (ALL) No messages for query ............ 32 2.5.24 `-M' (exOPGk-t) No autoshow files ............... 32 2.5.25 `-n' (upx) No byte progress indicator ....... 32 2.5.26 `-N' (all) No progress indicator ........... 32 2.5.27 `-p' (ALL) Pause after loading ............. 33 2.5.28 `-P' (ALL) Set task priority ............... 33 2.5.29 `-q' (ALL) Be quiet ....................... 33 2.5.30 `-Q' (ALL) Alternate option set ............ 33 2.5.31Pf `-r' (add) Collect action files recursively . 33 2.5.32 `-R' (ALL) Collect archive files recursively 34 2.5.33 `-s' (add) Add files with a-flag unset....... 35 2.5.34 `-S' (add) Set A-flag on archived files...... 35 2.5.35 `-t' (ext) Only new files .................. 35 2.5.36 `-T' (upx) New and newer files .............. 35 2.5.37 `-u' (ALL) Make filenames uppercase ........ 35 Q< 2.5.38 `-U' (upx) Set update interval ............. 36 2.5.39 `-v' (add) Set compression speed ........... 36 2.5.40 `-V' (all) Enable multi-volume archives. ... 36 2.5.41 `-w' (upd) Set work directory .............. 37 2.5.42 `-W' (add) Exclude filenames .............. 37 2.5.43 `-x' (all) Preserve and use pathnames ....... 37 2.5.44 `-X' (ALL) Do not append suffix ............. 38 <{5 2.5.45 `-y' (all) Always append suffix ............ 38 2.5.46 `-Y' (add) Store big files with ratio........ 38 2.5.47 `-z' (add) Do not compress files ............ 39 2.5.48 `-Z' (add) Compress archives .............. 39 - II - 2.5.49 `-0' (add) Use LhArc 1.x compression ........ 39 2.5.50 `-1' (add) Use LhA compression (-lh4-) ...... 40 Sc rather LhA was written from scratch for the Amiga. Haruhiko Okumura For devising the -lh5- and -lh4- compression algorithms, and for releasing the C source for these to the public domain. These sources were used as a reference when writing the 680x0 assembler versions of TTfU the compression code. Some algorithms were replaced with my own, faster ones but the ideas are the same. Robert K.Jung For making the feature-packed ARJ for MSDOS, from which several ideas for commands and features for LhA were taken. Paolo Zibetti For making the first LhArc-style archiver for the AmiUREga, which made me interested in file archivers and more advanced data compression techniques. Ron Birk For digging out the source codes I needed before I gained access to InterNet myself - Thanks! Martin Olsson For supplying me with the source for LhA V2.11, which was used as a reference. (I wrote theVd~" -lh5- decompression with only the 80x86 source available.. hard work!) LhArcA users Big thanks to all of you who registered for LhArcA and LhA even before the programs were finished (LhArcA never was, but those who V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 46 registered will receive LhI/LhA when it's W5U6 finished). LhA users Big thanks to all who registered so far, and even bigger thanks to those who reported bugs and problems with the previous releases - without you this program would never be what it is now. The license agreement was heavily inspired by the TrapDoor license, which in turn was inspired bX&]dy Jack Radigan and the GNU General public License. The manual was formatted with a modified version of `proff' (originally written for VAX/VMS/MSDOS by Ozan S. Yigit and Steven Tress). The program was developed using the Lattice C Compiler and Assembler on a 25MHz Amiga 3000. Great compiler, great computer! Furthermore RCS and MKID were used to simplify the maintenance and development processYn greatly. Inspiration provided (in order of significance) by Emma, Depeche Mode, Recoil, Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, OMD, Electronic, The KLF/JAMS, Yazoo, Tears for Fears, Simple Minds and Kraftwerk!! "Infinities of dreams imploding into one ..." Table Of Contents LhA V1.38 1 - Introduction ............Zͤ......................... 1 1.1 About the manual ............................... 1 1.2 System requirements ........................... 1 1.4 Terminology .................................. 1 1.5 LhA - what is it? ................................ 2 1.6 What is a file archiver anyway? ................... 2 1.8 Compatibility and Amiga-specific features ....... 4 1.9 About the author [9program history and future........ 4 2 Reference guide .................................... 5 2.1 Command line syntax ............................ 5 2.1.1 Specifying options ....................... 5 2.1.2 Specifying commands ...................... 5 2.1.3 Specifying archives ...................... 5 2.1.4 Specifying action files ................... 6 2.1.5 Hom\\ e directories ......................... 6 2.1.6 Recursive file collection ................. 7 2.1.7 Specifying destination directory .......... 9 2.1.8 `@'-files ............................... 9 2.1.9 LhA limitations .......................... 9 2.2 Environment variables ......................... 10 2.3 Pattern matching .............................. 11 G\J2.3.0 Exactly what is pattern matching anyway? ..... 11 2.3.1 Accepted pattern tokens ................... 11 Question mark (?) .................... 11 Star/Asterisk (*) ................... 12 Hash mark (#) ........................ 12 Square brackets ([]) ................. 12 Parentheses and the vertical bar ....... 13 ^ =`joinlzh' programs simply by entering `make' in the `unixutil' directory. These two programs are useful when transferring big archives to and from **IX systems. 2.8.1 Multivolume file names The first file of a multivolume archive is named `name.lha' or `name.lzh'. The following volumes are named `name.l01', `name.l02' and so on. Multivolume archives spanning more than 100 volumes are not currently supported. _hN 2.9 A bit about headers A `header' has to be written to the archive for every file in order for the archiver to know what the files are called, how they were compressed etc. The original LhArc had a very primitive header layout and had no good way of storing any machine-specific info like filenotes (I created a workaround in LhArcA 0.99, by putting the filenote in the filename field - LhArc and`nE_ LZ later adopted this method). In **IX LhArc V1.02 the authors introduced a new type of header (level 1 header) that allowed slightly more info to be stored, but the header length was still limited to 255 bytes. In LHA 2.13 for MS-DOS a new header type was introduced - level 2 headers. With this latest header type an arbitrary amount of information can be stored. LhA can both read and write all these header types. To aΒ select what type of headers to write, use the `-H' option. LHA for MSDOS and LHa for **IX creates level-1 headers by default. LhA uses level 0 headers by default for compatibility reasons (LZ and LhArc does not handle level 1 and level 2 headers correctly). If you want to know what header levels an archive contains, use the `vv' command. 2.10 Some tips for archiving efficiently If you are going to arcbCQIhive a big bunch of similar or small files - text files for example - you can improve compression performance greatly by first creating an archive WITHOUT compression (using the `-z' option), and then add this file to V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 44 archive (with compression). As an example I added a big directory with various sources and some binaries (total 2480 c$[=N files, 5102117 bytes). this way with: LhA -z -r a hd:test msrc: and then compressed it with LhA -Z -Qh64 a hd:msrc hd:test.lha The final `hd:msrc.lha' archive ended up being 1545076 bytes. When compressed the normal way (`LhA -r -Qh64 a hd:msrc msrc:'), the archive was 2114777 bytes long. Quite a difference.. 2.11 Using as little memory as possible When using the default settingdjDs, LhA requires about 300KB to archive, and 180KB to extract files. To reduce this to a minimum you can reduce the I/O buffer size to 8K. This will save you about 48K when archiving and at least 24K when extracting. You can reduce the archiving memory usage even more by reducing the Huffman buffer size to 4K, but it is not recommended since compression performance will drop significantly. PlecUease note that the above figures for memory usage includes stack and program code. 2.12 Creating fully MS-DOS compatible archives In order to satisfy MSDOS archivers, you may have to disable a few Amiga-specific features. Filenotes are not supported under MSDOS and thus the filenote archiving should be disabled with the `-f' option. Furthermore you should disable file attribute preservation with the `-a' ofption. Autoshow files are not supported by MSDOS LHA V2.13. If you use header level 1 or 2 you don't have to worry about disabling the file attribute preservation. LHA V2.13 for MSDOS and LHa 0.04 for **IX creates level 1 headers by default. To summarize, use the following options to create archives for use with MSDOS LHA: `-H0a0f' In order to create archives that are extractible with LhArc thegI following options should be used when creating archives: `-H0 -0' and for MS-DOS LHarc: `-H0a0f -0' V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 45 2.13 Recovering data from corrupt archives It is never possible to recover all lost data from a corrupt archive, but you can retrieve as much data as possible by using the `-k' option and a small I/O buffer (8K). An example wRould be: LhA -k -b8 x dl:Corrupt ram: This would extract as much as possible from the corrupt archive to `ram:'. 5 Acknowledgements Haruyasu Yoshizaki For releasing the source of the original LHA for MSDOS. The source was used as a reference when writing this program. No actual code was copied from this source, iafter displaying them. This option is OFF by default. 2.5.55 `-Qh' (add) Set Huffman buffer size This option can be used to set the size of the buffer used in LHA compression (default or selected with the `-2' or `-1' options) for collecting statistics. The size of this buffer affects the compression ratio in unpredictable ways (you cannot tell with certainty whether a large buffer will be better or j! worse). As a general rule, keep this at the default, but if you are compressing homogenous data with a relatively fixed relative frequency of symbols (like text files), setting this to a large value will improve compression. Binaries generally compress best with the default setting. The Huffman buffer may be of any size between 4K and 64K and must be specified immediately following the `-Qh' string, in kilok?32KB) without compression if compression ratio is lower than 3%. This is because extraction times of these files are long on slower machines. This option is OFF by default (all files are compressed). vƾ 2.5.47 `-z' (add) Do not compress files This option, when active, will force LhA to store all updated or added files in the archive without attempting to compress them. Useful for making fast backups where archive size is of no importance. It is not advisable to use this option when making archives for distribution via modem or networks since the archive will end up much larger than if it w was compressed. EXAMPLE `lha -z a foo.lha *.bmp' Will store all files in the current directory with a suffix of `.bmp' in the archive file `foo.lha' without compressing them. This option is OFF by default. 2.5.48 `-Z' (add) Compress archives This option will cause LhA to attempt compressing already compressed files. By default, LhA will not attempt to compress files whichxtR are already compressed (typically archive files or picture files in GIF or JPEG format). The file type is determined from the suffix, and files with names ending in `.lzh', `.lha', `.zoo', `.zip', `arj', `.arc', `.dms', `.wrp', `.lhw', `.zap', `.pak', `.pp', `.gif', or `.jpg'. The reason why already compressed files should not be compressed is that the number of bytes gained by this is so small y that it is not worth the time spent compressing/decompressing it. This option is OFF by default. 2.5.49 `-0' (add) Use LhArc 1.x compression This option causes LhA to use the old -lh1- compression method when updating archives. This compression method is slightly faster than the normal -lh5- compression but has looser compression and is much slower to decompress. WhenzPV this compression mode is used, LhA defaults to appending a suffix of `.lzh' when creating archives. V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 40 When this option is specified, option `-2' is automatically deactivated. By default the -lh5- compression is used. 2.5.50 `-1' (add) Use LhA compression (-lh4-) This option causes LhA to use the new -lh4- compression {(; method when updating archives. This compression method is slightly faster than the -lh5- compression but has looser compression and is generally slightly slower to decompress. When this compression mode is used, LhA defaults to appending a suffix of `.lha' when creating archives. 2.5.51 `-2' (add) Use LhA compression (-lh5-) This option causes LhA to use the new -lh5- compression method |Ǽwhen updating archives. This compression method is slightly slower than the old -lh1- compression but has tighter compression and is much faster to decompress. When this compression mode is used, LhA defaults to appending a suffix of `.lha' when creating archives. When this option is specified, option `-0' is automatically deactivated. This is the default compression mode. 2.5.52 `-Qa' (a}^Pll) Use simple console I/O When this option is enabled LhA will not try to do any fancy stuff like examining the size of the console window, or turning off or repositioning the cursor. Enabling this option also disables the byte progress indicator (like with `-n'), since this requires cursor repositioning. This option is OFF by default. 2.5.53 `-Qb' (ext) Test archive before extract When this swhAitch is enabled LhA will test an archive's integrity before extracting. If the archive fails the integrity check, the archive is not extracted from at all. Useful in certain FIDO BBS setups. This option is OFF by default. 2.5.54 `-Qd' (ext) Delete autoshow files When this option is enabled LhA will delete autoshow files V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 41 DMffer size is used (set with the `-b' option). The reason of this behaviour is that the normal progress indication would slow down decompression. The default update interval is 8192 (8K) bytes for -lh1- and -lh5- compression and 4096 (4K) bytes for -lh1- decompression. The update rate for -lh5- decompression is determined by the I/O buffer size setting (see note above). 2.5.39 `-v' (addO) Set compression speed This option can be used to increase or decrease the compression speed. -v0 is the slowest, and -v9 is the fastest. As usual you can't get anything for free, so compression performance is slightly looser with -v9 than with -v0 but the difference in speed can be significant (especially with some binary graphics data). Higher compression speed is attained by using less statistics67V in the compression phase. The default compression speed is 5 - best in 99% of all cases. V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 37 2.5.40 `-V' (all) Enable multi-volume archives. This option enables the multi-volume feature of LhA. Note that in the evaluation version you cannot create or update multivolume archives, only extract from and list. Please conW`sult the section about multi-volume archives for more information. Further options must be separated from the `V' by at least one whitespace character. In the registered version, the desired volume size in KB should be specified after the `V' character. If you want LhA to automatically detect what volume size it should use, use `-Va' (for `use all available space'). EXAMPLE `LhA -Va a df0:MyArc *.c' would arD Start of ArcFList data (this line is NOT in the file) LhA.c ArcList.c FSys/*.(c|h|i|asm|prf|man|doc|txt) ---> End of ArcFList data (this line is NOT in the file) The following command line: `lha -iArcFList u /aab/lha.lzh' Will do the same thing as this command: V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 30 `lha u XBg /aab/lha.lzh LhA.c ArcList.c FSys/*.(c|h|i|asm|prf|man|doc|txt)' NOTE This command works almost exactly like entering the following command line: LhA ? ???? @file Thus you can include options in your -i file. The only difference is that the -i file cannot contain a destination directory specification while you E can do this with the @file method. The destination directory will always be taken from the command line when using the -i option. See the section about `@'(include)-files for an alternate way of doing this. 2.5.18 `-I' (all) Ignore LHAOPTS variable When this option is specified, LhA will not try to read the defaults from the LHAOPTS local or global environment variable. Note that this option is special because it has to be specified directly after a dash (`-') on the command line. This option is OFF by default. 2.5.19 `-k' (all) Keep partial files This option will, if it's enabled, prevent LhA from deleting temporary files when an error occurs. Normally temporary files that fail the CRC check, cause I/O errors or are interrupted with CTRL-C are deleted before exiting LhA with an eʔrror message, with this option you can force LhA to keep those (often) partial files. This can be useful when trying to recover data from corrupted archives - LhA will attempt to extract the data from the erraneous archive file and put a special filenote on the file to indicate that it failed the CRC check and probably is corrupted. NOTE Please that in the cuĎrrent release, for certain errors all data that has been extracted may not be in the partially extracted file, because of internal I/O buffering. In this case, set the I/O buffer to the V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 31 smallest value possible (8KB) to recover as much as possible. Because of this, small files may not be recovered at all. This jz only applies to LHA (-lh5-) compression, LhArc compressed files will always have all extracted data in the partially extracted file. This option is OFF by default (partial files are deleted). 2.5.20 `-K' (move) Kill empty directories When this option is used together with the move (`m') command LhA will delete all directories that are empty after moving all files to the archive. Useful for ʘxmoving an entire subdirectory tree with the `-r' (collect files recursively) option. This option is OFF by default (empty directories are not deleted). 2.5.21 `-l' (ALL) Make filenames lowercase This option, when active, will cause LhA to convert all filenames to lowercase. This is useful when extracting files from archives created on MSDOS systems, whose filenames are all uppercase, _ which look completely braindead (IMHO). Use this option to make them look nicer! EXAMPLE `LhA -l x myarc' will extract all files from `myarc.(lzh|lha)', making all filenames lowercase. This option if OFF by default 2.5.22 `-L' (ALL) Create filelist When this option is enabled, it will cause LhA to create a list of the files it has acted upon (i.e. what files in the last~As( program if the A-bit was set. This option is ON by default. 2.5.6 `-d' (upd) Archive date=newest file When this option is active LhA will set the last modification date of the archive to the same date as the last modified file in the archive. This more accurately reflects the real age of the archive contents than the date of the last archive update. This option is OFF by default. V1.38 LhA User's Guide Page 27 2.5.8 `-D' (all) Alternate progress display This switch is used to change the look of the byte progress indicator that LhA displays when it is compressing or decompressing files. There are several different types of progress indicators, you can specify which one you want with a digit after the '-D' string. 0: This is the default progress indicator, it displays how many bytes of the file LhA has processed, and how many bytes there is in the file like this: (xxxxxxx/yyyyyyy) where x = bytes processed, and y = total bytes in the file. 1: This progress indicator simply shows a `rotating line' that is rotated 45 degrees every time the progress indicator display is updated). 2: This progress indiP)cator shows how many percent of the file LhA has processed. 3: This progress indicator displays a growing bar that indicates how much of the file that has been processed. EXAMPLE `lha -D2 a src *.asm' will add files to the archive `src.lha' with a percentage indicator (type 2). NOTE When used with the `h' command this option has a `/Vslightly different meaning. See the section about the `h' command for a detailed explanation. The default progress indication type is 0. 2.5.9 `-e' (add) Archive empty directories When this option is used together with the `-r' (collect files recursively) option, LhA will archive all empty subdirectories. This option is OFF by default (empty subdirectories are not V1.38 jr} LhA User's Guide Page 28 archived). 2.5.10 `-E' (ext) Touch extracted files When this option is enabled, LhA will set the file modification date of all extracted files to the current time. This can be useful if you do HD backups by date rather than by archive bit. This option is OFF by default (the original modification dates are restored). 2.5.11 2`-f' (all) Ignore filenotes When this option is enabled, LhA will not store or restore any filenotes. There is no real need to do this, since it does not cause any compatibility problems with other systems because of the way the filenotes are stored. If problems should arise anyway, try enabling this option or use headers of level 1 or higher if the target system supports it. See the section about compatibiLlity (1.7) for a discussion about this and other compatibility issues. This option is OFF by default (filenotes are stored and restored) 2.5.12 `-F' (all) Use fast progress display In this mode LhA uses a different method of display progress for the extract and test commands. Normally, LhA emits a linefeed (LF) after each file has been processed, thus advancing/scrolling the display one li