DOS pCNJg @ hpNup`dos.library߃mNin the rotation mat. move.w d4,d2 move.w Matrix12,Rotx12 move.w Matrix22,Rotx22 ; The second column move.w Matrix32,Rotx32 ; of the starting matrix ; does not change. muls Matrix11,d1 muls Matrix13,d2 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx13 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix21,d1 muls Matrix23,d2 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx23 muls Matrix31,d3 muls Matrix33,d4 add.l d3,d4 lsl.l #2,d4 swap d4 move.w d4,Rotx33 moveq #8,d7 move.l #Rotx11,a1 7; Address of result matrix move.l #Matrix11,a2 ; Address of original matrix yrotlop1: move.w (a1)+,(a2)+ ; Copy result matrix dbra d7,yrotlop1 ; to original matrix rts ******************************************** * Z-axis - Rotation matrix multiplications * ******************************************** zrotate: move.w ZAngle,d0 jsr SinCos move.w d1,SinZ move.w d2,CosZ move.w d1,d3 move.w d2,d4 muls Matrix11,d2 muls Matrix12,d1 sub.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx115< move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix21,d2 muls Matrix22,d1 sub.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx21 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix31,d2 muls Matrix32,d1 sub.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx31 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix11,d1 muls Matrix12,d2 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx12 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix21,d1 muls Matrix22,d2 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx22 muls Matrix31,d3 muls Matrix32,d4 add.l d3,d4  3lsl.l #2,d4 swap d4 move.w d4,Rotx32 move.w Matrix13,Rotx13 ; The third column remains move.w Matrix23,Rotx23 ; Unchanged move.w Matrix33,Rotx33 moveq #8,d7 move.l #Rotx11,a1 move.l #Matrix11,a2 zrotlop1: move.w (a1)+,(a2)+ ; Copy to general dbra d7,zrotlop1 ; rotation matrix rts ************************************************************** * Multiply every point whose Array address is in datx etc. * * by previous translation of the coordinate source to * * poinL;vSt [offx,offy,offz], with the general rotation matrix. * * The coordinate source of the result coordinates is then * * moved to point [xoffs,yoffs,zoffs] * ************************************************************** rotate: move.w NumMark,d0 ; Number of points to be ext.l d0 ; transformed as counter subq.l #1,d0 move.l datx,a1 move.l daty,a2 move.l datz,a3 move.l pointx,a4 move.l pointy,a5 move.l pointz,a6 rotate1: move.w (a1)+,d1 ; X-CoordinaE(te add.w Offx,d1 move.w d1,d4 move.w (a2)+,d2 ; Y-Coordinate add.w Offy,d2 ; Translation to point[offx,offy,offz] move.w d2,d5 move.w (a3)+,d3 ; Z-Coordinate add.w offz,d3 move.w d3,d6 muls Matrix11,d1 muls Matrix21,d2 muls Matrix31,d3 add.l d1,d2 add.l d2,d3 lsl.l #2,d3 swap d3 add.w xoffs,d3 move.w d3,(a4)+ ; Rotated X-Coordinate move.w d4,d1 move.w d5,d2 move.w d6,d3 muls Matrix12,d1 muls Matrix22,d2 muls Matrix32,d3 add.l d1,d2 add.l d2,d3 lsl.l #2,d3 swap d3 add.w  Gyoffs,d3 move.w d3,(a5)+ ; Rotated Y-Coordinate muls Matrix13,d4 muls Matrix23,d5 muls Matrix33,d6 add.l d4,d5 add.l d5,d6 lsl.l #2,d6 swap d6 add.w Zoffs,d6 move.w d6,(a6)+ ; Rotated Z-Coordinate dbra d0,rotate1 rts ********************************************************************* * Perspective, calculated from the transformed points in the arrays * * pointx, pointy and pointz the screen coordinates, which * * are then stored in the arrays xplot and yplot.   * ********************************************************************* pers: move.l pointx,a1 ; Beginning address of point arrays move.l pointy,a2 move.l pointz,a3 move.l xplot,a4 ; Start address of display coordinate move.l yplot,a5 ; array. move.w NumMark,d0 ; Number of points to be transformed ext.l d0 subq.l #1,d0 perlop: move.w (a3)+,d5 ; Z-coordinate of object move.w d5,d6 move.w Dist,d4 ; Enlargement factor sub.w d5,d4 ; Dist minus Z-coordinate of obj!0.coord ext.l d4 lsl.l #8,d4 ; Times 256 for value fitting move.w Zobs,d3 ; Projection center Z-coordinates ext.l d3 sub.l d6,d3 ; Minus z-coordinate of object bne.s pers1 moveq #0,d1 ; Catch division by zero addq.l #2,a1 addq.l #2,a2 move.w d1,(a4)+ move.w d1,(a5)+ bra.s perend1 pers1: divs d3,d4 move.w d4,d3 move.w (a1)+,d1 ; X-Coordinate of object move.w d1,d2 neg.w d1 muls d1,d3 ; Multiplied by perspective factor lsr.l #8,d3 ; /256 save value fitting add.w d3,d2  vn#$f,d4 and.w d2,d4 ; low 4 bits sub.w d3,d1 ; Height mulu #res/8,d3 ; Start address sub.w d2,d0 ; Width blt.s No1 tst.w d1 blt.s No2 cmp.w d0,d1 bge.s No3 moveq #$11,d7 bra.s OctSel ; Octant # No3: moveq #1,d7 exg d1,d0 OctSel: bra.s No4 No2: neg.w d1 cmp.w d0,d1 bge.s Skip moveq #$19,d7 bra.s No4 Skip: moveq #5,d7 exg d1,d0 No4: bra.s OctsSel No1: neg.w d0 tst.w d1 blt.s No11 cmp.w d0,d1 bge.s No12 moveq #$15,d7 bra.s OctSel2 No12: moveq #9,d7 exg d1,d0 OctSel2: bra. s OctsSel No11: neg.w d1 cmp.w d0,d1 bge.s No13 moveq #$1d,d7 bra.s OctsSel No13: moveq #$d,d7 exg d1,d0 OctsSel: add.w d1,d1 asr.w #3,d2 ext.l d2 add.l d2,d3 ; Total offset move.w d1,d2 sub.w d0,d2 bge.s NoMinus ori.w #$40,d7 ; Sign = - NoMinus: lea $dff000,a0 move.w d2,a3 move.w #$ffff,d6 ; LinePtrn WaitBl: btst #6,2(a0) bne.s WaitBl move.w d1,$62(a0) ; 4Y move.w d2,d1 sub.w d0,d1 move.w d1,$64(a0) ; 4Y-4X moveq #-1,d1 move.l d1,$44(a0) ; AFWM+ALWM move.w #res/8,$60(Γa0) ; BitMap Width in bytes move.w d7,d5 addq.w #1,d0 asl.w #6,d0 addq.w #2,d0 ; Blitsize move.w d4,d2 swap d4 asr.l #4,d4 ; First pixelpos ori.w #$b00,d4 ; Use ABD move.w #$8000,$74(a0) ; Index clr.w d1 NoSpesh: move.l DrawPlane,d7 ; Pointer swap d5 move.w d4,d5 move.b #$ca,d5 ; MinTerms swap d5 add.l d3,d7 WtBl2: btst #6,2(a0) bne.s WtBl2 move.l d5,$40(a0) ; BltCon0 & 1 move.w a3,$52(a0) ; 2Y-X move.l d7,$48(a0) move.l d7,$54(a0) ; Start address of line move.w d d6,$72(a0) ; Pattern move.w d0,$58(a0) ; Size movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a3 rts ***************************************************** * Sine and cosine function, angle is passed in D0 * * and the sine and cosine are returned in D1 and D2 * ***************************************************** sincos: tst.w d0 ; Angle neg. add 360 bpl.s NoAddi add.w #360,d0 noaddi: move.l #sintab,a1 ; Beginning ad. of sinetable move.l d0,d2 ; Angle in d0 and d2 lsl.w #1,d0 ; Angle tim Xes 2 as index move.w 0(a1,d0.w),d1 ; Sine to D1 cmp.w #270,d2 ; Calc cosine through blt.s plus9 ; displacement of sine value sub.w #270,d2 ; by 90 degrees bra sendsin plus9: add.w #90,d2 sendsin: lsl.w #1,d2 move.w (a1,d2.w),d2 ; Cosine to D2 rts ; And return ***************************************************** * Sine function * * Angle is passed in d0 and the sine returned in D1 * ***************************************************** sin: move.l #sintab, ,;a1 tst.w d0 bpl.s sin1 add.w #360,d0 sin1: lsl.w #1,d0 move.w (a1,d0.w),d1 rts ************************************************************* * Init the main diagonal of the result matrix with * * ones which were multiplied by 2^14. This subroutine must * * be called at least once before the call by rotate, or the * * result matrix will only consist of zeros. * ************************************************************* matinit: moveq #0,d1 move.w #16384, /od2 ; The initial value for move.w d2,Matrix11 ; the main diagonal of move.w d1,Matrix12 ; the result matrix move.w d1,Matrix13 ; all other elements move.w d1,Matrix21 ; at zero. move.w d2,Matrix22 move.w d1,Matrix23 move.w d1,Matrix31 move.w d1,Matrix32 move.w d2,Matrix33 rts *************************************************************** * Multiplication of the rotation matrix by the rotation * * matrix for rotation about the X-Axis * ******* j******************************************************** xrotate: move.w XAngle,d0 ; Multiply matrix11-matrix33 jsr SinCos ; with the rotation matrix move.w d1,sinx ; for a rotation about the X-Axis move.w d2,cosx move.w d1,d3 move.w d2,d4 move.w Matrix11,Rotx11 ; The first column of the matrix move.w Matrix21,Rotx21 ; Does not change with X rotation move.w Matrix31,Rotx31 muls Matrix12,d2 muls Matrix13,d1 sub.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx12 move.w d3,d1 move.w d>4,d2 muls Matrix22,d2 muls Matrix23,d1 sub.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,rotx22 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix32,d2 muls Matrix33,d1 sub.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx32 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix12,d1 muls Matrix13,d2 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx13 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix22,d1 muls Matrix23,d2 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx23 muls Matrix32,d3 muls Matrix33,d4 add.l d3,d4 lsl.l #2,d4 swap d4 move.w  2-d4,Rotx33 move.l #Rotx11,a1 move.l #Matrix11,a2 moveq #8,d7 ; Number of matrix elements roxlop1: move.w (a1)+,(a2)+ ; Copy result matrix, which dbra d7,roxlop1 ; is still in ROTXnn, to MATRIXnn rts *********************************************************** * Multiply the general rotation matrix by the Y-axis * * rotation matrix. Results are stored in the general * * rotation matrix * *********************************************************** yrotate: move.w YAngle,)Hd0 ; Angle around which rotation is made jsr SinCos move.w d1,siny move.w d2,cosy move.w d1,d3 ; Sine of Y-Angle move.w d2,d4 ; Cosine of Y-angle muls Matrix11,d2 muls Matrix13,d1 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx11 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix21,d2 muls Matrix23,d1 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx21 move.w d3,d1 move.w d4,d2 muls Matrix31,d2 muls Matrix33,d1 add.l d1,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 swap d2 move.w d2,Rotx31 neg.w d3 move.w d3,d1 ; -siny 6dMgH  !'$*)+)!*" '' "               #"           " %&    6eW2   !                               6fEak                               6gQUK                        6hHXI                                            6iz    6j}T:                   <ߐ ; Init screen stuff bsr Main ; Do main stuff bsr Reset ; Reset screen stuff rts **************************** * Pass upper screen to VDC * * while drawing the other * **************************** pageup: move.l d0,-(a7) move.l #$70000,DrawPlane ; Rastport structure move.l #$78000,d0 ; BitMap pointer move.w d0,LowBMPtr swap d0 move.w d0,HiBMPtr ; Copper fixes the rest bsr WaitBot move.l (a7)+,d0 rts **************************** * Pass lower screen to VDC * * while dr?`awing the other * **************************** pagedown: move.l d0,-(a7) move.l #$78000,DrawPlane ; Rastport structure move.l #$70000,d0 ; BitMap pointer move.w d0,LowBMPtr swap d0 move.w d0,HiBMPtr ; Copper fixes the rest bsr Waitbot move.l (a7)+,d0 rts WaitBot: move.w #$222,color cmp.b #BotLine,$dff006 bne.s WaitBot move.w #$000,color rts ******************** * Clear the screen * ******************** clwork: btst #14,$dff002 bne.s ClWork move.l DrawPlane,$dff054 move.l # —$01000000,$dff040 move.w #0,$dff066 move.w #200*64+wpl,$dff058 move.w #$0f0,color rts **************************** * Initialize stuff routine * **************************** Start: move.l 4.w,a6 jsr -132(a6) lea GfxName,a1 moveq #0,d0 jsr -552(a6) ; Open Gfx Library move.l d0,GfxBase move.l d0,a6 move.l $32(a6),OldCop move.l #Coplist,$32(a6) ; Set coplist pointer rts Reset: move.l GfxBase,a6 move.l OldCop,$32(a6) move.l 4.w,a6 jsr -138(a6) rts ****************************** `A************************************* * Draw-line routine, The points are passed in D2,D3 (start point) * * and A2, A3 (end point) * ******************************************************************* Drawl: movem.l d0-d3/a0-a1,-(a7) move.l d2,d0 move.l d3,d1 ; X,y start move.l a2,d2 move.l a3,d3 ; X,y end bsr Draw movem.l (a7)+,d0-d3/a0-a1 rts **************** * Blitter Line * **************** Draw: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a3,-(a7) moveq 6Y"MVM         ! #"$          !!           6Z#WDK     $''& (!# $ $$  "$           "&&'*,( "$             #( !$   6[$jjK                "&$ !#    #%"   !( & %$      !#!$#   !!$ &!$6\%QR6    %%+()% !)"*%+(##       #           !'*$0,& ++   6]&@               $!$&(* '$"$                $ %,( -0+ -1.$ ,2. ",(  (& &*& %+( $,()!6^'J\Q             " # $#"        & (#&$ %          6_(`]T &'+(,))* &*          ! ! !              " !##          6`)G,B "*( !,& !+        % ($#  #          $ ('%"             6a*DP=      " !                 ! !$ !(                           6b+mfI             &$ '$%       *(-+!,,( %+$ %               6c8=+              $#)& #( & #(!&     ( %,(!+(''               6N-IJD         " ** -) &(    ($((#    ( ,&(*   % *% -*,,(!.*+&        6O.jM8      "   !!( !          '* .* --*&"           %"$&    ) 6P/K79$&#     !"$&#"( !) #)&+(*(&(!     !&*(+)%*  #                #6Q0=Wi #) ($#" ('&'((( (" &        !    !     !%%"+)*+,$)*"     " #&#!       6R1mR.                           !%'+$.*!,*!& !$ "   !6S2AOB '(),  %  %#*, #            &$ $&       &!'($*( !+' "               6T3<5              &" ++ !+ $        ! ! ## &$ #&# "$        ! 6U44Xg    !  !$% !% )"#!$     $$%)!'*)      !"& %0(.1 !/)#(!       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D`hv(0@HX`pxp       $             6{o                            6ה'  $   #!     $   (     ! -%*     " "          %6=4           ,   " !    2  -) &                    !   6*                         !  %"      6FrY )                       ) 1 1)"    %(  '  6틆  &!                                       6N                "                     !   6)                  ' $)              6&                           $             6  $     "%       "                6'w4 "            6/R`y    $                              6ʧeW                     6Oe                           "    )     )      6̔1   !         *       !#     %   ,    ( 6#      !        / $   "        !           ""6Ί7^               !           6E                             6               (              $%      4  6b?  0-  "     +     #                     6ҏ$                  # ,                  6?Qc                         6k:E                                            G  scrolling.s6                  6 "                          )%     6cy          %    (   2       %      !   6Ȓ!0                          #  !      aYX   real short.SX矮move.l $04,a6 lea gfxname,a1 jsr -408(a6) move.l d0,gfxbase move.l d0,a0 move.l 50(a0),oldclist move.l #newclist,50(a0) move.l gfxbase,a6 lea bitmap,a0 move.l #$01,d0 move.l #336,d1 move.l #200,d2 jsr -390(a6) move.l #$60000,plane1 lea rastport,a1 jsr -198(a6) move.l #bitmap,r_bitmap lea rastport,a1 jsr -48(a6) move.l #scrollm,zeiger move.l $6c,oldirq+2 move.l #newirq,$6c wait: btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s wait move.l oldirq+2,$6c move.l gfxbase,a0 move.l oldclist,50(a0) move.l w\  short scroll.S. BitPlane1=$50000 ;Adresse Bitplane 1 BitPlane2=$54000 ;Adresse Bitplane 2 BitPlane3=$58000 ;Adresse Bitplane 3 BitPlane4=$5c000 ;Adresse Bitplane 4 BitPlane5=$60000 ;Adresse BItplane 5 Exec=4 ;Basisadresse Execbase Permit=-138 ;Stop Multitasking Open= -30 Close= -30 -6 Read= -30 -12 Forbid=-132 ;Start Multitasking OpenLibrary=-408 CloseLibrary=-414 InitRastPort=-198 InitBitMap=-390 SetRast= -30 -204 Move= -30 -210 Draw= -30 -216 Text= -30 -30 RectFill= -30 -276 ScrollRaster= -30 Xa   ScrollX.Sp%,gfxb=$7ff00 count=$7ff04 baba=$7ff08 charp=$7ff0c oldcop=$7ff10 intrpt=$7ff14 count2=$7ff18 rastport=$7fe00 bitmap=$7fea0 org $40000 load $40000 beg: movem.l a6/a5/a4/a3/a2/a1/a0/d7/d6/d5/d4/d3/d2/d1/d0,-(A7) move.l #scrolly,charp ; Where scrolly resides move.l $000004,a6 lea glib,a1 jsr -408(a6) move.l d0,a6 move.l a6,gfxbase lea bitmap,a0 moveq #1,d0 moveq #8,d1 moveq #8,d2 jsr -390(a6) ; InitBitmap lea bitmap,a0 move.l #work,8(a0) lea rastport,a1 jsr -198(a6) ; I_@2nitRastPort lea bitmap,a0 move.l a0,rastport+4 ; struct BitMap *bitmap move.b #1,count2 move.b #$08,count lea $48000,a0 moveq #$7f,d0 clrmem: clr.l (a0)+ dbf d0,clrmem move.w #$8380,$dff096 move.w #$0020,$dff096 move.w #$4000,$dff09a chkbtn: btst #6,$bfe001 beq pressed cmpi.b #228,$dff006 bne.s chkbtn move.w #$00f,$dff180 move.l #copl,$dff080 lea $dff000,a0 clr.l $120(a0) clr.w $102(a0) move.l #$c9f00000,$40(a0) move.l #$ffffffff,$44(a0) move.l #$00048000,$50(a}_0) move.l #$00047ffe,$54(a0) clr.l $64(a0) move.w #$1018,$58(a0) wtbl: btst #$e,$dff002 bne.s wtbl move.l #$c9f00000,$40(a0) move.l #$ffffffff,$44(a0) move.l #$00049000,$50(a0) move.l #$00048ffe,$54(a0) clr.l $64(a0) move.w #$1018,$58(a0) wtbl2: btst #$e,$dff002 bne.s wtbl2 subq.b #$04,count bne.L endint move.b #$08,count scroll: subq.b #$01,count2 bne.s nonewchar move.w #$00f0,$dff180 lea rastport,a1 moveq #8,d0 moveq #6,d1 jsr -240(a6) ; Move (0,0) move.l charp,a0 moveq #1,d0 lea rastport,a1 move.l gfxbase,a6 jsr -60(a6) ; Fix char into workarea addq.l #1,charp move.l charp,a0 tst.b (a0) bne.s noend move.l #scrolly,charp noend: move.b #8,count2 move.b #8,count nonewchar: move.w #$0f00,$dff180 lea work,a0 lea $48000+47,a1 lea $49000+47,a2 moveq #7,d5 loop1: roxl.b #1,(a0) bcc.s clearit lea char,a3 ; A Set point lea char+8,a4 moveq #7,d4 clp: move.b (a3)+,(a1) move.b (a4)+,(a2) add.l #48,a1 add.l #48,a2 dbf d4,clp bra.s skipit clearit: m oveq #7,d4 cllp: clr.b (a1) clr.b (a2) add.l #48,a1 add.l #48,a2 dbf d4,cllp skipit: addq.l #2,a0 dbf d5,loop1 endint: move.w #$000,$dff180 lea wave+2,a2 lea wave+10,a4 move.w (a2),d6 moveq #30,d5 tlp: move.w (a4),(a2) addq.l #8,a2 addq.l #8,a4 dbf d5,tlp move.w d6,(a2) bra chkbtn pressed: move.w #$8020,$dff096 move.w #$c000,$dff09a move.l gfxbase,a6 move.l $26(a6),$dff080 movem.l (a7)+,a6/a5/a4/a3/a2/a1/a0/d7/d6/d5/d4/d3/d2/d1/d0 rts gfxbase:dc.l 0 copl: dc.w $008e,$6080,$00M90,$9fe0 dc.w $0092,$0028,$00e0,$0004,$00e2,$8000 dc.w $00e4,$0004,$00e6,$9000,$010a,$0002 dc.w $0182,$000a,$0184,$055e,$0186,$0fff dc.w $0094,$00d8,$0108,$0002 dc.w $0104,$0010,$0100,$2200 dc.w $6001,$ff00 wave: dc.w $0102,$0011,$6201,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0022,$6401,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0033,$6601,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0044,$6801,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0055,$6a01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0066,$6c01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0077,$6e01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0088,$7001,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0099,$7201,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00d#aa,$7401,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00bb,$7601,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00cc,$7801,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00dd,$7a01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ee,$7c01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ff,$7e01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ff,$8001,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ee,$8201,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00dd,$8401,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00cc,$8601,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00bb,$8801,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00aa,$8a01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0099,$8c01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0088,$8e01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0077,$9001,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0066,$9201,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0055,$9401,$ff00 dc.w $010\^2,$0044,$9601,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0033,$9801,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0022,$9a01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0011,$9c01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0000,$9e01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0000 dc.w $fffe,$fffe glib: dc "graphics.library",0 eo: scrolly: dc "TETRAGON PROUDLY PRESENTS... MEGACRUNCH V1.00, Written By " dc "AntiAction for TETRAGON in 1988. ",0 char: dc.b %11111111 dc.b %10000001 dc.b %10000001 dc.b %10000001 dc.b %10000001 dc.b %10000001 dc.b %10000001 dc.b %11111111 dc.b %11111111 dc.b %11111110 sD dc.b %11111110 dc.b %11111110 dc.b %11111110 dc.b %11111110 dc.b %11111110 dc.b %10000000,0 end: work:blk.w 8,0 0ee,$7c01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ff,$7e01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ff,$8001,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00ee,$8201,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00dd,$8401,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00cc,$8601,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00bb,$8801,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$00aa,$8a01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0099,$8c01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0088,$8e01,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0077,$9001,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0066,$9201,$ff00 dc.w $0102,$0055,$9401,$ff00 dc.w $010Zz+-  DEFJAM.S.IStart: move.l $4.W,a6 lea Dos,a1 jsr -408(a6) move.l d0,a6 move.l $80.W,d1 lea Name,a0 Loop1: cmp.b (a0)+,d1 bne.s Loop1 move.l a0,d1 move.l #$0,d2 jsr -30(a6) move.l d0,-(a7) move.l d0,d1 move.l #$18000,d2 move.l #$30000,d3 jsr -42(a6) move.l (a7)+,d1 jsr -36(a6) jmp $18000 Name: dc.b 0,"FROSTBYTE",0 dc.b 1,"GUNSHOOT",0 dc.b 2,"MACH3",0 dc.b 3,"ROLLING",0 dc.b 4,"SLAYGON",0 dc.b 5,"WIZBALL",0 Dos: dc.b "dos.library",0 p} DEVSpr+ pMENUտ|Y  STARTUP-SEQUENCEYDISKTURBO SETMAP OCTON TYPE S/MENU PROMPT "POWERLORDS->COOL IS THE RULE! " BIIIG PA MUS0  Ԡ$n,x4؉0*|f0X&t,0 xfgе$KA ا(5pl(jNߕ NnV t?1lrrfr`(B!VC2(t.%Br;kP|   TALMODIGHET!  DER DETTE EN SP0K? COMMING UP! (OR MAYBE NOT?)Ao VEL JEG FR VEL SLUTTE AV N D#  }HILSEN OCTON (HE HE HE)f,  PREVIEWp]move.l $04,a6 ; execbase... lea gfxname,a1 ; graphic.library jsr -408(a6) ; kall rutine... (GetSprite) move.l d0,gfxbase move.l d0,a0 move.l 50(a0),oldclist move.l #newclist,50(a0) move.l gfxbase,a6 ; grafikk-handle til a6 lea bitmap,a0 move.l #$01,d0 ; 1-plane move.l #336,d1 ; strrelse p skjerm move.l #200,d2 ; - " - jsr -390(a6) ; Initialize BitMap (InitBitMap) move.l #$60000,plane1 lea rastport,a1 jsr -198(a6) ; Initialize RastPort move.l #bitmap,r_bitmap lea rast7iport,a1 jsr -48(a6) ; ClearScreen move.l #scrollm,zeiger ; Scroll teksten... move.l $6c,oldirq+2 ; Gamle irq-interrupten move.l #newirq,$6c ; Ny irq-interrupt wait: btst #6,$bfe001 ; Venstre musetast trykket? bne.s wait ; Nei ? G tilbake til wait: move.l oldirq+2,$6c ; Ja. Gammel irq tilbake move.l gfxbase,a0 move.l oldclist,50(a0) ; Gammel copperlist move.l $04,a6 ; execbase... move.l gfxbase,a1 jsr -414(a6) ; FreeSprite... rts ; reset newirq: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) ; SAhave d0-d7 & a0-a6 -> stackpointer move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #$01,d0 clr.l d1 clr.l d2 move.l #190,d3 move.l #336,d4 move.l #200,d5 jsr -396(a6) ; ScrollRaster sub.b #$01,rows bne.s exit ; negativ? G til exit move.b #$08,rows lea rastport,a1 move.l #320,d0 move.l #198,d1 jsr -240(a6) ; move... lea rastport,a1 move.l zeiger,a0 move.l #$01,d0 jsr -60(a6) ; vis text (Text) addq.l #$01,zeiger cmp.l #end,zeiger blt.s exit move.l #scrollm,zeiger exit: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; Gamle verdier tilbake oldirq: jmp $00000000 newclist: ; Ny copperliste: dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1,$0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000,$0108,$0002,$010a,$0002 dc.w $0100,$1200,$0180,$0000,$0182,$0fff dc.w $00e0,$0006,$00e2,$0000,$ffff,$fffe scrollm: dc.b "F O U N D A T I O N " end: even zeiger: dc.l 0 oldclist: dc.l 0 gfxbase: dc.l 0 gfxname: dc.b "graphics.library",0 even bitmap: blk.w 4,0 plane1: blk.l 20,0 rastport: dc.l 0 r_bitmap: blk.l 30,0 r Jows: dc.b 2 0-a6 -> stackpointer move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #$01,d0 clr.l d1 clr.l d2 move.l #190,d3 move.l #336,d4 move.l #200,d5 jsr -396(a6) ; ScrollRaster sub.b #$01,rows bne.s exit ; negativ? G til exit move.b #$08,rows lea rastport,a1 move.l #320,d0 move.l #198,d1 jsr -240(a6) ; move... lea rastport,a1 move.l zeiger,a0 move.l #$01,d0 jsr -60(a6) ; vis text (Text) addq.l #$01,zeiger cmp.l #end,zeiger blt.s exit move.l #scrollm,zeiger exit: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a  ;'b    Dobbel-X.S  :'RpONMLKJIH !  Dobbel-Y.S HB; ----- graphics.library ----- scrollraster= -396 setapen= -342 text= -60 setfont= -66 closefont= -78 move= -240 draw= -246 initbitmap= -390 initrastport= -198 clearscreen= -48 ; ----- exec.library ----- allocabs= -204 openlibrary= -408 closelibrary= -414 forbid= -132 permit= -138 ; ----- diskfont.library ----- openfont= -30 execbase= $04 movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; ---- open graphics.library ---- move.l execbase,a6 lea gfxname,a1 jsr openlibrary(a6) move.l d0,  rnz1; ----- graphics.library ----- scrollraster= -396 setapen= -342 text= -60 setfont= -66 closefont= -78 move= -240 draw= -246 initbitmap= -390 initrastport= -198 clearscreen= -48 ; ----- exec.library ----- allocabs= -204 openlibrary= -408 closelibrary= -414 forbid= -132 permit= -138 ; ----- diskfont.library ----- openfont= -30 execbase= $04 movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) move.l yliste,yteller ; ---- open graphics.library ---- move.l execbase,a6 lea gfxname,a1 jsr open Mulibrary(a6) move.l d0,gfxbase jsr forbid(a6) ; Forby multitasking. move.w #$0020,$dff096 ; Stop sprite DMA. move.l gfxbase,a0 ; Sette inn copperlisten. add.l #$32,a0 move.w #$0080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA av. move.l (a0),oldcopper move.l #newcopper,(a0) move.w #$8080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA paa. ; ** INITIALISERINGEN AV BITMAPSTRUKTUREN move.l gfxbase,a6 lea bitmap,a0 ; Bitmap'en move.l #$02,d0 ; Ant. bitplanes move.l #352,d1 ; Bredde move.l #200,d2 ; H0 Dqyde jsr initbitmap(a6) move.l #$50000,plane1 move.l #$52260,plane1+4 lea rastport,a1 jsr initrastport(a6) move.l #bitmap,r_bitmap lea rastport,a1 jsr clearscreen(a6) ; Slette skjermen lea rastport,a1 ; Sette tegnefarge fra move.l #$01,d0 ; fargeregister 01. jsr setapen(a6) ; Setter Pen A move.w #$4000,$dff09a ; Setter inn ny irq move.l $6c,oldirq move.l #newirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a wait: btst #6,$bfe001 ; Venstre musetast trykket ?? bne.s wait move.w  M #$4000,$dff09a ; Tilbake til gammel irq. move.l oldirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a move.l execbase,a6 move.l gfxbase,a1 ; Lukke graphic.lib. jsr closelibrary(a6) move.l gfxbase,a0 ; Bruke gammel copperliste. add.l #$32,a0 move.w #$0080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA av. move.l oldcopper,(a0) move.w #$8080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA paa. move.l execbase,a6 jsr permit(a6) ; Tillater multitasking. move.w #$8020,$dff096 ; Slaar paa sprite DMA. movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 error:  / rts newirq: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) move.l gfxbase,a6 ; scrolling lea rastport,a1 ;RastPort move.l #1,d0 ; dX. Pixels ad gangen. X-retn. move.l #0,d1 move.l #0,d2 ; min X move.l #20,d3 ; min Y move.l #351,d4 ; max X move.l #40,d5 ; max Y jsr scrollraster(a6) ; Kaller scroll-rutine. lea rastport,a1 move.l #1,d0 move.l #0,d1 move.l #100,d2 move.l #20,d3 move.l #219,d4 move.l #40,d5 jsr scrollraster(a6) ;lea rastport,a1 ;move.l #1,d0 ;move.l #0, kxd1 ;move.l #140,d2 ;move.l #20,d3 ;move.l #180,d4 ;move.l #40,d5 ;jsr scrollraster(a6) clr.l d5 move.b yteller,d5 cmp.b #10,d5 bne videre lea yliste,a2 move.l a2,yteller clr.l d5 videre: move.b d5,yretn sub.b #$01,rows ; schon 1 zeichen gescrollt bne.L continue1 ; ALT 1 TEGN SCROLLET move.b #9,rows move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #$02,d0 jsr setapen(a6) lea rastport,a1 move.l #319,d0 move.l #38,d1 bsr text1 add.l #$01,c_ptr cmp.l #ende,c_ptr bne.s   continue1 move.l #scrollmsg,c_ptr continue1: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 dc.w $4ef9 oldirq: dc.l 0 text1: jsr move(a6) ; Hente neste tegn fra lea rastport,a1 ; scrolltexten. move.l c_ptr,a0 move.l #1,d0 jsr text(a6) rts newcopper: dc.w $0180,$0030,$0182,$00f0 dc.w $0184,$00f0,$0186,$02b2 dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1 dc.w $0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $0108,$0004,$010a,$0004 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000 dc.w $0100,$2200,$00e0,$0005 dc.w $00e2,$0000,$00e4,$0005 dc.w $00e6,$2260 $,$ffff,$fffe even scrollmsg: dc.b " HAV .. HAH ...NEI, FILLERN ! PRVER EN GNAG..GANG" dc.b " TIL. HVA SYNES DU OM DENNE SURCEN DA? DENNE FORDOBLER" dc.b " TEKSTEN I X-RETNINGEN SOM DU SER. KUUL EFFEKT HVA?! " ende: even dc.w 0 gfxbase: dc.l 0 bitmap: blk.w 4,0 plane1: blk.l 10,0 rastport: ; Gitt verdien 0. Dvs. current window ??? blk.l 1,0 r_bitmap: blk.l 26,0 oldcopper: dc.l 0 gfxname: dc.b "graphics.library",0 rows: dc.b 2 even c_ptr: dc.l scrollmsg  oFeptr1: dc.l 24 ptr2: dc.l 696 yretn: dc.b 0 even yteller: dc.l 0 yliste: dc.b 0,0,1,1,2,3,5,-3,-2,-1,-1,0,0,10  move(a6) ; Hente neste tegn fra lea rastport,a1 ; scrolltexten. move.l c_ptr,a0 move.l #1,d0 jsr text(a6) rts newcopper: dc.w $0180,$0030,$0182,$00f0 dc.w $0184,$00f0,$0186,$02b2 dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1 dc.w $0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $0108,$0004,$010a,$0004 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000 dc.w $0100,$2200,$00e0,$0005 dc.w $00e2,$0000,$00e4,$0005 dc.w $00e6,$2260u "$5 Cp # @?>=<;GFP,  bSinus-Scroll.SPB; ----- graphics.library ----- scrollraster= -396 setapen= -342 text= -60 setfont= -66 closefont= -78 move= -240 draw= -246 initbitmap= -390 initrastport= -198 clearscreen= -48 ; ----- exec.library ----- allocabs= -204 openlibrary= -408 closelibrary= -414 forbid= -132 permit= -138 ; ----- diskfont.library ----- openfont= -30 execbase= $04 movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; ---- open graphics.library ---- move.l execbase,a6 lea gfxname,a1 jsr openlibrary(a6) move.l d0,   SOURCE-RIPPERp9876543210EDCBA[Z l @ Exterminator./.-,+*)('&%:  paZ2a eHA PJ"H,xHE6 a2L/&IP .P,SN @I (g @BI=*)('&%-h [mus0p:2lr HA PJ"H,xHE6 a2L/&IP .P,SN @I (g @BIϼh  #PromptS {wO>O(jdp N$"<I(l/ / g ,倲l"4(T`,2(jtp NJg2**p$A. J (F >09PROMPT start r҉"v$G" pP(j8NJfG" pP(j$NN"JfG$ !"$0v !*p ! setmapa EeHK8A"P$QX+IX+JHaL"mQ ,xN.&mP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_|z kg kg kg kg kNqJzRn/C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`.BC* m PP""m N."mQ N.LNa(J  K"m ""qPN`>aP`6JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q``HK"#""#  Type"`,OO(jdp N$"<I(l/ / g ,倲l"4(T`,2(jtp NJg2**p$A. 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JEG ELSKER SKRIVE MASSE BULLSHIT" dc.b ", S SCROLLS ER DET RE @jeےTTE FOR MEG!!! DETTE ER EN " dc.b "FALSK SINUS SCROLL. SER KUULT UT ALIKEVEL, ELLER HUR? " dc.b " NEI, N M JEG POSTE DENNE ...... BYE!!! " ende: even dc.w 0 gfxbase: dc.l 0 bitmap: blk.w 4,0 plane1: blk.l 10,0 rastport: ; Gitt verdien 0. Dvs. current window ??? blk.l 1,0 r_bitmap: blk.l 26,0 oldcopper: dc.l 0 gfxname: dc.b "graphics.library",0 rows: dc.b 2 even c_ptr: dc.l scrollmsg ptr1: dc.l 24 ptr2: dc.l 696 yretn: dc.w 0 flagg: dc.b 2 $ 0  neste tegn fra lea rastport,a1 ; scrolltexten. move.l c_ptr,a0 move.l #1,d0 jsr text(a6) rts newcopper: dc.w $0180,$0300,$0182,$0f00 dc.w $0184,$0f00,$0186,$02b2 dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1 dc.w $0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $0108,$0004,$010a,$0004 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000 dc.w $0100,$2200,$00e0,$0005 dc.w $00e2,$0000,$00e4,$0005 dc.w $00e6,$2260,$ffff,$fffe even scrollmsg: dc.b "OCTON IS BACK AGAIN!!! JEG ELSKER SKRIVE MASSE BULLSHIT" dc.b ", S SCROLLS ER DET REBlUi\6a26`gO,P rWBTR|X= "xVgn&Ѭ7A\`A,Ơ{|5BK(t爾 I@Fɀ#05%eeR*HNM˂D (rMz BN3_yހfhElpH:ht8فOb|g@r1O"ШOPXԽH~}%B4XPVT nLOnR.y4?א^nC oHG?n@2WyoEHa@p#'?XJ^#?˦AΏ$< Ly:$AƙdZ?2~=?PBu!`K0l#$+xOxn&B^%9OI`$HT~00 \~64+L#n'C5@BsqG$l&^B}>E5JGnG) move.l #$50000,plane1 move.l #$52260,plane1+4 lea rastport,a1 jsr initrastport(a6) move.l #bitmap,r_bitmap lea rastport,a1 jsr clearscreen(a6) ; Slette skjermen lea rastport,a1 ; Sette tegnefarge fra move.l #$01,d0 ; fargeregister 01. jsr setapen(a6) ; Setter Pen A move.w #$4000,$dff09a ; Setter inn ny irq move.l $6c,oldirq move.l #newirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a wait: btst #6,$bfe001 ; Venstre musetast trykket ?? bne.s wait move.w #$4000,$dff09a ; Tilb; ;ake til gammel irq. move.l oldirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a move.l execbase,a6 move.l gfxbase,a1 ; Lukke graphic.lib. jsr closelibrary(a6) move.l gfxbase,a0 ; Bruke gammel copperliste. add.l #$32,a0 move.w #$0080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA av. move.l oldcopper,(a0) move.w #$8080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA paa. move.l execbase,a6 jsr permit(a6) ; Tillater multitasking. move.w #$8020,$dff096 ; Slaar paa sprite DMA. movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 error: rts newirq: movem.l d0 I gfxbase jsr forbid(a6) ; Forby multitasking. move.w #$0020,$dff096 ; Stop sprite DMA. move.l gfxbase,a0 ; Sette inn copperlisten. add.l #$32,a0 move.w #$0080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA av. move.l (a0),oldcopper move.l #newcopper,(a0) move.w #$8080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA paa. ; ** INITIALISERINGEN AV BITMAPSTRUKTUREN move.l gfxbase,a6 lea bitmap,a0 ; Bitmap'en move.l #$02,d0 ; Ant. bitplanes move.l #352,d1 ; Bredde move.l #200,d2 ; H0yde jsr initbitmap(a6 JnG) move.l #$50000,plane1 move.l #$52260,plane1+4 lea rastport,a1 jsr initrastport(a6) move.l #bitmap,r_bitmap lea rastport,a1 jsr clearscreen(a6) ; Slette skjermen lea rastport,a1 ; Sette tegnefarge fra move.l #$01,d0 ; fargeregister 01. jsr setapen(a6) ; Setter Pen A move.w #$4000,$dff09a ; Setter inn ny irq move.l $6c,oldirq move.l #newirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a wait: btst #6,$bfe001 ; Venstre musetast trykket ?? bne.s wait move.w #$4000,$dff09a ; Tilb K 7ake til gammel irq. move.l oldirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a move.l execbase,a6 move.l gfxbase,a1 ; Lukke graphic.lib. jsr closelibrary(a6) move.l gfxbase,a0 ; Bruke gammel copperliste. add.l #$32,a0 move.w #$0080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA av. move.l oldcopper,(a0) move.w #$8080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA paa. move.l execbase,a6 jsr permit(a6) ; Tillater multitasking. move.w #$8020,$dff096 ; Slaar paa sprite DMA. movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 error: rts newirq: movem.l d0 L<1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) move.l gfxbase,a6 ; scrolling lea rastport,a1 ;RastPort move.l #2,d0 ; dX. Pixels ad gangen. X-retn. move.l #0,d1 move.l #0,d2 ; min X move.l #10,d3 ; min Y move.l #351,d4 ; max X move.l #50,d5 ; max Y jsr scrollraster(a6) ; Kaller scroll-rutine. sub.b #$01,rows ; schon 1 zeichen gescrollt bne.L continue1 ; ALT 1 TEGN SCROLLET move.b #5,rows move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #$02,d0 jsr setapen(a6) lea rastport,a1 move.l #3 M+} 20,d0 move.l #20,d1 bsr text1 runde: bsr scroll addq.w #2,miny cmp.w #29,miny bne runde move.w #15,miny add.l #$01,c_ptr cmp.l #ende,c_ptr bne.s continue1 move.l #scrollmsg,c_ptr continue1: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 dc.w $4ef9 oldirq: dc.l 0 text1: jsr move(a6) ; Hente neste tegn fra lea rastport,a1 ; scrolltexten. move.l c_ptr,a0 move.l #1,d0 jsr text(a6) rts newcopper: dc.w $0180,$0003,$0182,$000f dc.w $0184,$000f,$0186,$02b2 dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1 dc.w $0 NTB092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $0108,$0004,$010a,$0004 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000 dc.w $0100,$2200,$00e0,$0005 dc.w $00e2,$0000,$00e4,$0005 dc.w $00e6,$2260,$ffff,$fffe even scroll: lea rastport,a1 clr.l d0 move.l #-1,d1 move.l #320,d2 clr.l d3 move.w miny,d3 move.l #350,d4 move.l #35,d5 jsr scrollraster(a6) rts scrollmsg: dc.b " HEI ANTIMON! DENNE RUTINEN FORDOBLER TEKSTEN" dc.b " I Y-RETNING. ENKELT HVA? DEN ER BYGGET UT I " dc.b "FRA EN STANDARD HQC-SCRO OgLL. DU VET VEL HVORDAN MAN BRUKER" dc.b " SCROLLRASTER? MED DEN KAN DU SCROLLE ALT SOM ER INNEN" dc.b "FOR EN RAMME (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) ET GITT ANTALL PIXELS." dc.b " DU KAN SCROLLE ALLE VEIER, OG DU KAN OGS LAGE FLE" dc.b "RE SLIKE RAMMER. F.EKS. TO VERTIKALE OG TO HORISONTALE. " dc.b " .....OCTON. " ende: even dc.w 0 gfxbase: dc.l 0 bitmap: blk.w 4,0 plane1: blk.l 10,0 rastport: ; Gitt verdien 0. Dvs. current window ??? blk.l 1,0 r g w_bitmap: blk.l 26,0 oldcopper: dc.l 0 gfxname: dc.b "graphics.library",0 rows: dc.b 2 even c_ptr: dc.l scrollmsg ptr1: dc.l 24 ptr2: dc.l 696 yretn: dc.b 0 even miny: dc.w 15 yliste: dc.b 0,0,1,1,2,3,5,-3,-2,-1,-1,0,0,10  #320,d2 clr.l d3 move.w miny,d3 move.l #350,d4 move.l #35,d5 jsr scrollraster(a6) rts scrollmsg: dc.b " HEI ANTIMON! DENNE RUTINEN FORDOBLER TEKSTEN" dc.b " I Y-RETNING. ENKELT HVA? DEN ER BYGGET UT I " dc.b "FRA EN STANDARD HQC-SCROFgfxbase jsr forbid(a6) ; Forby multitasking. move.w #$0020,$dff096 ; Stop sprite DMA. move.l gfxbase,a0 ; Sette inn copperlisten. add.l #$32,a0 move.w #$0080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA av. move.l (a0),oldcopper move.l #newcopper,(a0) move.w #$8080,$dff096 ; Copper DMA paa. ; ** INITIALISERINGEN AV BITMAPSTRUKTUREN move.l gfxbase,a6 lea bitmap,a0 ; Bitmap'en move.l #$02,d0 ; Ant. bitplanes move.l #352,d1 ; Bredde move.l #200,d2 ; H0yde jsr initbitmap(a6Rffff,$fffe posx: dc.w 29440,39296,33024,36096,3328,22144,20480,4736,43008,31872, dc.w 24064,43904,14464,43264,42240,24192,25472,30336,31744,33536, dc.w 30208,20480,15104,7040,33280,24576,19200,2432,34688,23168, dc.w 25472,33536,29952,10368,20992,5760,21888,2432,16384,25856, dc.w 44800,13056,29696,42496,17152,40320,36096,42880,14592,18688, dc.w 19200,33152,9856,9856,34560,30848,32384,42240,11776,23296, dc.w 21376,6144,21888,27520,7936,14848,11008,25728,36736,5632, dc.w 384,3200,7552,SMb32256,23680,42240,27648,25088,32512,19584, dc.w 4608,15488,37760,41216,20480,8704,37120,25984,38400,5120, dc.w 44416,26240,27776,31488,38528,17280,10240,2944,15872,12544, dc.w 26368,4608,7808,12032,23296,39680,18688,4864,24832,16128, posy: dc.w 15616,21376,30464,11904,6784,14208,29312,25472,9344,15872, dc.w 5376,32256,28160,13184,23680,19328,14592,23296,27648,11392, dc.w 2176,13440,10880,13056,20736,26496,1920,22528,19840,20224, dc.w 23424,22912,28032,8576,27648,12672,27264,15232,28T:Ӵ16,12544, dc.w 30848,2432,22784,15232,6144,4736,11136,7680,1792,8576, dc.w 2048,2944,22016,4096,19328,13568,6016,11776,27392,1920, dc.w 12672,20480,21504,32512,20864,29952,28544,10368,32384,4992, dc.w 17920,13696,18688,0,15744,14720,7808,31360,32256,1024, dc.w 14976,22400,29824,6144,14720,18688,29184,18432,19328,18816, dc.w 28672,28928,1024,9344,29184,21120,19712,8960,1664,1920, dc.w 31360,21376,26752,9216,31232,29952,17664,27776,9728,128, sine: dc.w 0, 4, 8, 12 dc.w 16, 22, 26, 30,U2J 34, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 66, 70 dc.w 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128 dc.w 130, 134, 138, 142, 146, 150, 154, 156, 160, 164, 166, 170 dc.w 174, 176, 180, 184, 186, 190, 192, 196, 198, 200, 204, 206 dc.w 208, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 226, 228, 230, 232, 232 dc.w 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 242, 244, 246, 246, 248, 248, 250, 250 dc.w 252, 252, 252, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 256, 254 dc.w 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 252, 252, 252, 250, 250V, 248, 248 dc.w 246, 246, 244, 242, 242, 240, 238, 236, 234, 232, 232, 230, 228 dc.w 226,222,220,218,216,214,212,208,206,204,200,198,196 dc.w 192,190,186,184,180,176,174,170,166,164,160,156,154,150 dc.w 146, 142, 138, 134, 130, 126, 124, 120, 116, 112, 108, 104 dc.w 100, 94, 90, 86, 82, 78, 74, 70, 66, 60, 56, 52, 48, 44, 40 dc.w 34, 30, 26, 22, 16, 12, 8, 4,-2,-6,-10,-14,-18,-24,-28,-32,-36 dc.w -42,-46,-50,-54,-58,-62,-68,-72,-76,-80,-84,-88,-92,-96,-102 dc.w -106,-110,-114 dc.w -1WD18,-122,-126,-130,-132,-136,-140,-144,-148,-152,-156,-158,-162 dc.w -166,-168,-172,-176,-178,-182,-186,-188,-192,-194,-198,-200,-202 dc.w -206,-208,-210,-214,-216,-218,-220,-222,-224,-228,-230,-232,-234 dc.w -234,-236,-238,-240,-242,-244,-244,-246,-248,-248,-250,-250,-252 dc.w -252,-254,-254,-254,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256 dc.w -256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-254,-254,-254,-252,-252,-250,-250 dc.w -248,-248,-246,-244,-244,-242,-240,-238,-236,-234,-234,-232,-230 dc.w 90:0-228,-224,-222,-220,-218,-216,-214,-210,-208,-206,-202,-200,-198 dc.w -194,-192,-188,-186,-182,-178,-176,-172,-168,-166,-162,-158,-156 dc.w -152,-148,-144,-140,-136,-132,-128,-126,-122,-118,-114,-110,-106 dc.w -102,-96,-92,-88,-84,-80,-76,-72,-68,-62,-58,-54,-50,-46,-42,-36 dc.w -32,-28,-24,-18,-14,-10,-6 end: 2, 48, 44, 40 dc.w 34, 30, 26, 22, 16, 12, 8, 4,-2,-6,-10,-14,-18,-24,-28,-32,-36 dc.w -42,-46,-50,-54,-58,-62,-68,-72,-76,-80,-84,-88,-92,-96,-102 dc.w -106,-110,-114 dc.w -1Y=$04,a6 move.l gfxbase,a1 jsr -414(a6) rts newirq: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #$01,d0 clr.l d1 clr.l d2 move.l #190,d3 move.l #336,d4 move.l #200,d5 jsr -396(a6) sub.b #$01,rows bne.s exit move.b #$08,rows lea rastport,a1 move.l #320,d0 move.l #198,d1 jsr -240(a6) lea rastport,a1 move.l zeiger,a0 move.l #$01,d0 jsr -60(a6) addq.l #$01,zeiger cmp.l #end,zeiger blt.s exit move.l #scrollm,zeiger exit: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 oldirq: jmp $00000000iS newclist: dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1,$0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000,$0108,$0002,$010a,$0002 dc.w $0100,$1200,$0180,$0000,$0182,$0fff dc.w $00e0,$0006,$00e2,$0000,$ffff,$fffe scrollm: dc.b "F O U N D A T I O N " end: even zeiger: dc.l 0 oldclist: dc.l 0 gfxbase: dc.l 0 gfxname: dc.b "graphics.library",0 even bitmap: blk.w 4,0 plane1: blk.l 20,0 rastport: dc.l 0 r_bitmap: blk.l 30,0 rows: dc.b 2 $6c move.l gfxbase,a0 move.l oldclist,50(a0) move.l [e^A|g`a610Q3eNuprS@Sf< * QNu Hx\Jh.eLyzU'3KF0}=W+0?`(%Gi -zg\PsLH2YRKTF!+`"4SQxy=q I@'KGJ9^~5{U5E 'fN`zZFUhP8IѳB~ X n`.' @nð-)%Ԑ#̘tEEMqrb~yxY LH \EPgۺpvlօM( La8åȪB .YHi-݆c9*~!!퉞鉠jEqf-@.D>72D4EDiFA?OƾxD, YXnf :Q$ 9 ٳA ݈?`"AA=S?uT< u1J^/{ # TPTI'[YtLZ?APTR$XX 9urr |v^IJtYWs! C@ mq2DܳP YmVtmOA |Ed#>[M(n1)DpW[*T^ ],u#WssU+dž66Kk(TL"`@q~Œ\5 ; EHTt )|7pLfFpfU0+< LE]* Ѣ@d%&6 *m h]Jkatack rts systack:dc.l 0 gfxlib:dc "graphics.library",0,0 gfxbase:dc.l 0 Initchips: ; Initialize custom chips move.w $dff01c,intesave move.w $dff01e,intrsave move.w $dff002,dmasave move.w $dff010,adksave move.w #%0111111111111111,$dff096 ; DMACONW move.w #%1000001111100000,$dff096 ; Disable disk access. move.w #%0111111111111111,$dff09a ; INTENA move.w #%1100000000110100,$dff09a ; Enable desired IRQ's move.l #copl,$dff080 rts intesave:dc.w 0 intrsave:dc.w 0 dmasave:dc.w 0 adksav^e:dc.w 0 InitInt: ; Initialize interrupts move.l $6c,level3save ; Save level 3 vector move.l $6c,af3+2 move.l $68,level2save ; Save level 2 vector move.l $68,af2+2 move.l #level2irq,$68 ; Set new interrupt vector 2 move.l #level3irq,$6c ; Set new interrupt vector 3 rts level2save:dc.l 0 level3save:dc.l 0 ResetInt: ; Reset Interrupts move.l level3save,$6c ; Restore level 3 vector move.l level2save,$68 ; Restore level 2 vector rts Resetchips: ; Reset custom chi_I@ps move.w intesave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff09a ; Reset Interrupts move.w intrsave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff09c ; Reset interrupt request move.w dmasave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff096 ; Reset DMAConw move.w adksave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff09e ; Reset ADK move.l gfxbase,a0 move.l $26(a0),$dff080 rts SwitchOSIn: ; Allow OS to operate again. move.l 4,a6 ; System Base jsr -$8a(a6) ; _LVOPermit move.l systack,d0 ; Systemstack jsr -$9c(a6) ; _LVOUserStat`>pe rts level2irq: af2:jmp 0 level3irq: movem.l d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6,-(a7) ;move.w #$000f,$dff180 movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6 af3:jmp 0 rotdly:dc.w 250 rotdirection:dc.w 0 rotate:dc.w 0 dorotation: tst.w rotate bne.s rotatin subq.w #1,rotdly bne.s norot move.w #150,rotate rotatin: subq.w #1,rotate beq.s norot3 tst.w rotdirection bne.s other lea dire,a0 moveq #99,d6 slp: move.w (a0),d0 addq.w #2,d0 cmpi.w #720,d0 blt.s nomoa?[ re subi.w #720,d0 nomore: move.w d0,(a0)+ dbf d6,slp bra.s norot2 other: lea dire,a0 moveq #99,d6 slp2: move.w (a0),d0 subq.w #2,d0 cmpi.w #0,d0 bge.s nomore2 addi.w #720,d0 nomore2: move.w d0,(a0)+ dbf d6,slp2 bra.s norot2 norot3: not.w rotdirection move.w #250,rotdly norot2: norot: rts initother: lea $60000,a0 move.w #$3000,d0 clp: clr.l (a0)+ dbf d0,clp rts Wait: ; Wait. wtl: cmp.b #255,$dff006 bne.s wtl ;move.w #$fff,$dff180 bsr dostars ;move.w #$003,$dff180 bsr dorotatib"+on ;move.w #$002,$dff180 jsr $4015c ;move.w #$000,$dff180 btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s wait rts delay180:dc.w 200 dostars: moveq #99,d2 lea $60000,a0 ; Bpl 1 lea $64000,a1 ; Bpl 2 lea sine,a6 ; Sine table lea posx,a5 ; X pos table lea posy,a4 ; Y pos table lea dire,a3 ; Direction table thelot: move.w (a5),d0 ; Xpos * 100 move.w (a4),d1 ; Ypos * 100 move.w (a3)+,d7 ; Direction (angle * 2) move.w d7,d6 add.w #180,d6 ; Y direction cmpi.w #720,d6 blt.s notnow subi. c0j{w #720,d6 ; cos(360)=cos(0) notnow: movem.l d0/d1/d3/a1,-(a7) lsr.w #7,d0 lsr.w #1,d1 and.w #$ffc0,d1 ; YPos/128 * 64 = Row offset move.w d0,d3 lsr.w #3,d3 ; Byte offset not.b d0 ; DELETE OLD STAR andi.b #7,d0 add.w d3,d1 bclr d0,0(a0,d1) bclr d0,0(a1,d1) add.w #$4000,a1 bclr d0,0(a1,d1) movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d3/a1 move.w (a6,d7.w),d5 ; Get sine value move.w (a6,d6.w),d4 ; Get cosine value move.w 198(a3),d7 ; Distance muls d7,d4 muls d7,d5 asr.w #5,d4 asr.w #5,d5 a de̊dd.w d5,d0 ; Xpos add.w d4,d1 ; Ypos move.w d0,(a5)+ ; Xpos save move.w d1,(a4)+ ; YPos save lsr.l #7,d0 ; Xpos = Xpos/128 = Xpos lsr.l #7,d1 ; Ypos = Ypos/128 = Ypos cmpi.w #352,d0 bge.s res cmp.w #256,d1 blt.s nores res: move.w #176,d0 move.w #22528,-2(a5) ; Save the pos'n moveq #127,d1 move.w #16256,-2(a4) clr.w 198(a3) ; Clear nummoves moveq #0,d7 nores: addq.w #1,198(a3) ; One step further ; SETDOT lsl.w #6,d1 ; * 64 move.w d0,d3 lsr.w #3,d3 ;  eDivide by 8 = byte offset add.w d3,d1 not.b d0 andi.b #7,d0 lsr.w #4,d7 beq.s Nopl3 addq.b #1,d7 ; Color is dependent upon dist cmpi.b #7,d7 ble.s nofix moveq #7,d7 nofix: lsr.b #1,d7 bcc.s nopl1 setp1: bset d0,0(a0,d1) ; Set point nopl1: lsr.b #1,d7 bcc.s nopl2 setp2: bset d0,0(a1,d1) nopl2: lsr.b #1,d7 bcc.s nopl3 add.w #$4000,a1 bset d0,(a1,d1) sub.w #$4000,a1 nopl3: dbf d2,thelot rts dire: dc.w 468,624,524,574,52,352,326,76,684,506 dc.w 382,698,230,688,672,384,406,482,504 f,532 dc.w 480,326,240,112,530,390,306,38,552,368 dc.w 406,532,476,166,334,92,348,38,260,410 dc.w 712,208,472,676,272,640,574,680,232,296 dc.w 304,526,156,158,548,490,514,672,188,372 dc.w 340,98,348,438,126,236,176,410,584,88 dc.w 6,52,120,512,378,670,440,398,516,312 dc.w 72,246,600,656,326,138,590,412,610,82 dc.w 706,418,442,500,612,274,164,48,254,200 dc.w 420,74,124,192,370,630,298,76,394,256 nummoves: blk.w 100,0 copl: dc.w $0100,$3200 dc.w $00e0,$0006,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $00e4,$000 Qkz6,$00e6,$4000 dc.w $00e8,$0006,$00ea,$8000 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0030,$008e,$2480 dc.w $0090,$24e0,$0092,$0030,$0094,$00d8 dc.w $010a,$0014,$0108,$0014,$0120,$0000 dc.w $0122,$0000 dc.w $0182,$0111,$0184,$0222,$0186,$0444,$0188,$0777 dc.w $018a,$0aaa,$018c,$0bbb,$018e,$0ccc dc.w $0124,$0000,$0126,$0000,$0128,$0000,$012a,$0000 dc.w $012c,$0000,$012e,$0000,$0130,$0000,$0132,$0000 dc.w $0134,$0000,$0136,$0000,$0138,$0000,$013a,$0000 dc.w $013c,$0000,$013e,$0000 dc.w $0180,$0000 dc.w $ h>*N.w #3,d3 ; Divide by 8 = byte offset add.w d3,d1 not.b d0 andi.b #7,d0 lsr.w #4,d7 beq.s Nopl3 addq.b #1,d7 ; Color is dependent upon dist cmpi.b #7,d7 ble.s nofix moveq #7,d7 nofix: lsr.b #1,d7 bcc.s nopl1 setp1: bset d0,0(a0,d1) ; Set point nopl1: lsr.b #1,d7 bcc.s nopl2 setp2: bset d0,0(a1,d1) nopl2: lsr.b #1,d7 bcc.s nopl3 add.w #$4000,a1 bset d0,(a1,d1) sub.w #$4000,a1 nopl3: NoDraw: dbf d2,thelot rts dire: dc.w 468,624,524,574,52,352,326,76,684,506 dc.w 382,698,230,6 i88,672,384,406,482,504,532 dc.w 480,326,240,112,530,390,306,38,552,368 dc.w 406,532,476,166,334,92,348,38,260,410 dc.w 712,208,472,676,272,640,574,680,232,296 dc.w 304,526,156,158,548,490,514,672,188,372 dc.w 340,98,348,438,126,236,176,410,584,88 dc.w 6,52,120,512,378,670,440,398,516,312 dc.w 72,246,600,656,326,138,590,412,610,82 dc.w 706,418,442,500,612,274,164,48,254,200 dc.w 420,74,124,192,370,630,298,76,394,256 nummoves: blk.w 100,0 copl: dc.w $0100,$3200 dc.w $00e0,$0006,$00e2 j),$0000 dc.w $00e4,$0006,$00e6,$4000 dc.w $00e8,$0006,$00ea,$8000 dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0030,$008e,$2480 dc.w $0090,$24e0,$0092,$0030,$0094,$00d8 dc.w $010a,$0014,$0108,$0014,$0120,$0000 dc.w $0122,$0000 dc.w $0182,$0111,$0184,$0222,$0186,$0444,$0188,$0777 dc.w $018a,$0aaa,$018c,$0bbb,$018e,$0ccc dc.w $0124,$0000,$0126,$0000,$0128,$0000,$012a,$0000 dc.w $012c,$0000,$012e,$0000,$0130,$0000,$0132,$0000 dc.w $0134,$0000,$0136,$0000,$0138,$0000,$013a,$0000 dc.w $013c,$0000,$013e,$0000 dkc.w $0180,$0000 dc.w $ffff,$fffe posx: dc.w 29440,39296,33024,36096,3328,22144,20480,4736,43008,31872, dc.w 24064,43904,14464,43264,42240,24192,25472,30336,31744,33536, dc.w 30208,20480,15104,7040,33280,24576,19200,2432,34688,23168, dc.w 25472,33536,29952,10368,20992,5760,21888,2432,16384,25856, dc.w 44800,13056,29696,42496,17152,40320,36096,42880,14592,18688, dc.w 19200,33152,9856,9856,34560,30848,32384,42240,11776,23296, dc.w 21376,6144,21888,27520,7936,14848,11008,25728,36736,563l2, dc.w 384,3200,7552,32256,23680,42240,27648,25088,32512,19584, dc.w 4608,15488,37760,41216,20480,8704,37120,25984,38400,5120, dc.w 44416,26240,27776,31488,38528,17280,10240,2944,15872,12544, dc.w 26368,4608,7808,12032,23296,39680,18688,4864,24832,16128, posy: dc.w 15616,21376,30464,11904,6784,14208,29312,25472,9344,15872, dc.w 5376,32256,28160,13184,23680,19328,14592,23296,27648,11392, dc.w 2176,13440,10880,13056,20736,26496,1920,22528,19840,20224, dc.w 23424,22912,28032,8576,2764ms8,12672,27264,15232,2816,12544, dc.w 30848,2432,22784,15232,6144,4736,11136,7680,1792,8576, dc.w 2048,2944,22016,4096,19328,13568,6016,11776,27392,1920, dc.w 12672,20480,21504,32512,20864,29952,28544,10368,32384,4992, dc.w 17920,13696,18688,0,15744,14720,7808,31360,32256,1024, dc.w 14976,22400,29824,6144,14720,18688,29184,18432,19328,18816, dc.w 28672,28928,1024,9344,29184,21120,19712,8960,1664,1920, dc.w 31360,21376,26752,9216,31232,29952,17664,27776,9728,128, sine: dc.w 0, 4, 8, 1nd2 dc.w 16, 22, 26, 30, 34, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 66, 70 dc.w 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128 dc.w 130, 134, 138, 142, 146, 150, 154, 156, 160, 164, 166, 170 dc.w 174, 176, 180, 184, 186, 190, 192, 196, 198, 200, 204, 206 dc.w 208, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 226, 228, 230, 232, 232 dc.w 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 242, 244, 246, 246, 248, 248, 250, 250 dc.w 252, 252, 252, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 256, 254 dc.w 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2oWP52, 252, 252, 250, 250, 248, 248 dc.w 246, 246, 244, 242, 242, 240, 238, 236, 234, 232, 232, 230, 228 dc.w 226,222,220,218,216,214,212,208,206,204,200,198,196 dc.w 192,190,186,184,180,176,174,170,166,164,160,156,154,150 dc.w 146, 142, 138, 134, 130, 126, 124, 120, 116, 112, 108, 104 dc.w 100, 94, 90, 86, 82, 78, 74, 70, 66, 60, 56, 52, 48, 44, 40 dc.w 34, 30, 26, 22, 16, 12, 8, 4,-2,-6,-10,-14,-18,-24,-28,-32,-36 dc.w -42,-46,-50,-54,-58,-62,-68,-72,-76,-80,-84,-88,-92,-96,-102 dc.w p^-106,-110,-114 dc.w -118,-122,-126,-130,-132,-136,-140,-144,-148,-152,-156,-158,-162 dc.w -166,-168,-172,-176,-178,-182,-186,-188,-192,-194,-198,-200,-202 dc.w -206,-208,-210,-214,-216,-218,-220,-222,-224,-228,-230,-232,-234 dc.w -234,-236,-238,-240,-242,-244,-244,-246,-248,-248,-250,-250,-252 dc.w -252,-254,-254,-254,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256 dc.w -256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-254,-254,-254,-252,-252,-250,-250 dc.w -248,-248,-246,-244,-244,-242,-240,-238,-236,-23O7%4,-234,-232,-230 dc.w -228,-224,-222,-220,-218,-216,-214,-210,-208,-206,-202,-200,-198 dc.w -194,-192,-188,-186,-182,-178,-176,-172,-168,-166,-162,-158,-156 dc.w -152,-148,-144,-140,-136,-132,-128,-126,-122,-118,-114,-110,-106 dc.w -102,-96,-92,-88,-84,-80,-76,-72,-68,-62,-58,-54,-50,-46,-42,-36 dc.w -32,-28,-24,-18,-14,-10,-6 end: 2, 48, 44, 40 dc.w 34, 30, 26, 22, 16, 12, 8, 4,-2,-6,-10,-14,-18,-24,-28,-32,-36 dc.w -42,-46,-50,-54,-58,-62,-68,-72,-76,-80,-84,-88,-92,-96,-102 dc.w \PhReset custom chips bsr SwitchOSin ; Switch in Operating System. move.l InitialSP,a7 ; Restore Stack Frame Pointer movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6/d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7 rts InitialSP:dc.l 0 ; Hold initial SP SwitchOSout: ; Switch out disturbing stuff. move.l $4,a6 ; System Base lea gfxlib,a1 clr.l d0 jsr -552(a6) ; _LVOOpenLibrary move.l d0,gfxbase ; Save Graphics_lib base jsr -$84(a6) ; _LVOForbid jsr -$96(a6) ; _LVOSuperState move.l d0,systack ; System ss]=gE---------------------------------------* * D0=BOBWidth in words, D1=Height in pixels * * D2=BitMapWidth in bytes. * * D3=Horiz.Position, D4=Vertical Position * * A1=BitMap Pointer * ********************************************************* EraseBobNoSave: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) bsr WaitBlit ext.l d4 addq.w #1,d0 asr.w #4,d3 ; Divide by 16 to get word offset. asl.w #1,d3 ; Multiply with 2 to get byte offset mulu d2,d4 ; To get byte offset =vertwidth*ypos add.w d3,d4  ; Total offset add.l d4,a1 ; Calc BitMap pointer move.l a1,$dff054 ; BLTDPT move.w #$0100,$dff040 ; D=0 clr.w $dff042 ; BLTCON1 move.w d2,d3 ; BitMapWidth in bytes asr.w #1,d3 ; Divide by two. sub.w d0,d3 ; Calculate modulo asl.w #1,d3 ; Must be even move.w d3,$dff066 ; BLTDMOD lsl.w #6,d1 ; Height is mapped to bits 6-15 ori.w d0,d1 ; Width is mapped to bits 0-5 move.w d1,$dff058 ; BLTSIZE and trigger movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ckground * *---------------- gb ; Xpos add.w d4,d1 ; Ypos move.w d0,(a5)+ ; Xpos save move.w d1,(a4)+ ; YPos save lsr.l #7,d0 ; Xpos = Xpos/128 = Xpos lsr.l #7,d1 ; Ypos = Ypos/128 = Ypos cmpi.w #352,d0 bge.s res cmp.w #256,d1 blt.s nores res: move.w #176,d0 move.w #22528,-2(a5) ; Save the pos'n moveq #127,d1 move.w #16256,-2(a4) clr.w 198(a3) ; Clear nummoves moveq #0,d7 nores: addq.w #1,198(a3) ; One step further tst.w Drawem bne.s NoDraw ; SETDOT lsl.w #6,d1 ; * 64 move.w d0,d3 lsrv!m chips bsr SwitchOSin ; Switch in Operating System. move.l InitialSP,a7 ; Restore Stack Frame Pointer movem.l (a7)+,a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6/d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7 rts InitialSP:dc.l 0 ; Hold initial SP SwitchOSout: ; Switch out disturbing stuff. move.l $4,a6 ; System Base lea gfxlib,a1 clr.l d0 jsr -552(a6) ; _LVOOpenLibrary move.l d0,gfxbase ; Save Graphics_lib base jsr -$84(a6) ; _LVOForbid jsr -$96(a6) ; _LVOSuperState move.l d0,systack ; System stack rts sw25ystack:dc.l 0 gfxlib:dc "graphics.library",0,0 gfxbase:dc.l 0 Initchips: ; Initialize custom chips move.w $dff01c,intesave move.w $dff01e,intrsave move.w $dff002,dmasave move.w $dff010,adksave move.w #%0111111111111111,$dff096 ; DMACONW move.w #%1000001111100000,$dff096 ; Disable disk access. move.w #%0111111111111111,$dff09a ; INTENA move.w #%1100000000110100,$dff09a ; Enable desired IRQ's move.l #copl,$dff080 rts intesave:dc.w 0 intrsave:dc.w 0 dmasave:dc.w 0 adksave:dc.w 0 IxݸnitInt: ; Initialize interrupts move.l $6c,level3save ; Save level 3 vector move.l $6c,af3+2 move.l $68,level2save ; Save level 2 vector move.l $68,af2+2 move.l #level2irq,$68 ; Set new interrupt vector 2 move.l #level3irq,$6c ; Set new interrupt vector 3 rts level2save:dc.l 0 level3save:dc.l 0 ResetInt: ; Reset Interrupts move.l level3save,$6c ; Restore level 3 vector move.l level2save,$68 ; Restore level 2 vector rts Resetchips: ; Reset custom chips move.w iybntesave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff09a ; Reset Interrupts move.w intrsave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff09c ; Reset interrupt request move.w dmasave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff096 ; Reset DMAConw move.w adksave,d7 bset #$f,d7 move.w d7,$dff09e ; Reset ADK move.l gfxbase,a0 move.l $26(a0),$dff080 rts SwitchOSIn: ; Allow OS to operate again. move.l 4,a6 ; System Base jsr -$8a(a6) ; _LVOPermit move.l systack,d0 ; Systemstack jsr -$9c(a6) ; _LVOUserState rts levezml2irq: af2:jmp 0 level3irq: movem.l d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6,-(a7) ;move.w #$000f,$dff180 movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6 af3:jmp 0 rotdly:dc.w 250 rotdirection:dc.w 0 rotate:dc.w 0 dorotation: tst.w rotate bne.s rotatin subq.w #1,rotdly bne.s norot move.w #150,rotate rotatin: subq.w #1,rotate beq.s norot3 tst.w rotdirection bne.s other lea dire,a0 moveq #99,d6 slp: move.w (a0),d0 addq.w #2,d0 cmpi.w #720,d0 blt.s nomore subi.w #{720,d0 nomore: move.w d0,(a0)+ dbf d6,slp bra.s norot2 other: lea dire,a0 moveq #99,d6 slp2: move.w (a0),d0 subq.w #2,d0 cmpi.w #0,d0 bge.s nomore2 addi.w #720,d0 nomore2: move.w d0,(a0)+ dbf d6,slp2 bra.s norot2 norot3: not.w rotdirection move.w #250,rotdly norot2: norot: rts initother: lea $60000,a0 move.w #$3000,d0 clp: clr.l (a0)+ dbf d0,clp rts Wait: ; Wait. wtl: cmp.b #255,$dff006 bne.s wtl bsr dostars tst.w Drawem beq.s NoSub subq.w #1,Drawem ; A bit ugly in the beg|Tpinning NoSub: bsr dorotation btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s wait rts delay180:dc.w 200 Drawem:dc.w 100 dostars: moveq #99,d2 lea $60000,a0 ; Bpl 1 lea $64000,a1 ; Bpl 2 lea sine,a6 ; Sine table lea posx,a5 ; X pos table lea posy,a4 ; Y pos table lea dire,a3 ; Direction table thelot: move.w (a5),d0 ; Xpos * 100 move.w (a4),d1 ; Ypos * 100 move.w (a3)+,d7 ; Direction (angle * 2) move.w d7,d6 add.w #180,d6 ; Y direction cmpi.w #720,d6 blt.s notnow subi.w #720,d6  t; cos(360)=cos(0) notnow: movem.l d0/d1/d3/a1,-(a7) lsr.w #7,d0 lsr.w #1,d1 and.w #$ffc0,d1 ; YPos/128 * 64 = Row offset move.w d0,d3 lsr.w #3,d3 ; Byte offset not.b d0 ; DELETE OLD STAR andi.b #7,d0 add.w d3,d1 bclr d0,0(a0,d1) bclr d0,0(a1,d1) add.w #$4000,a1 bclr d0,0(a1,d1) movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d3/a1 move.w (a6,d7.w),d5 ; Get sine value move.w (a6,d6.w),d4 ; Get cosine value move.w 198(a3),d7 ; Distance muls d7,d4 muls d7,d5 asr.w #5,d4 asr.w #5,d5 add.w d5,d0 ~2 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 dc.b 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 dc.b 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 dc.b 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 dc.b 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 dc.b 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5 dc.b 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 dc.b 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2*,-2 dc.b -2,-2,-2,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5 dc.b -6,-6,-6,-6,-6,-6,-6,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8 dc.b -8,-8,-8,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10 dc.b -10,-10 dc.b -10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10 dc.b -10,-10,-10,-10,-10 dc.b -10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10 dc.b -10,-10,-10,-10,-10 dc.b -10,-10,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8 dc.b -8,-7H3,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-7,-6,-6,-6,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5 dc.b -5,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-1,-1 dc.b -1,-1,-1 Rad5: dc.b 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 dc.b 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 dc.b 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 dc.b 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 dc.b 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 d*8c.b 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 dc.b 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 dc.b 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 dc.b 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 dc.b -1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3 dc.b -3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4 dc.b -4,-4,-4,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5 dc.b -5,-5,-5cpE,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5 dc.b -5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5 dc.b -5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4 dc.b -4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-4,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3 dc.b -3,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 dc.b -1,-1,-1 SfFl:dc.w 0  4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 dc.b 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 dtY* * * ********************************************************************* ************************************************* * MakeMask * * D7=Depth, D0=WordWidth, D1=Height * * A0-A5 Contains Source BM's, A6=Dest * ************************************************* MakeMask: tst.b d7 beq.s MMaskRet ; If 0 Depth, return bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a1,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s dMMaskRet move.l a2,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a3,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a4,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a5,a0 bsr MaskIt MMaskRet: rts ********************************* * A0=Source, A6=Destination * * D = A+D * ********************************* MaskIt: movem.l d2-d3,-(a7) bsr WaitBlit move.l a0,$dff050 ; BLTAPT move.l a6,$dff054 ; BLTDPT move.l a6,$dff04c ; BLTBPT clr.l $dff064 ; The Modulos = 0 cRlr.w $dff062 move.l #-1,$dff044 ; Ze masks move.l #$0dfc0000,$dff040 ; D = A+B move.w d1,d2 ; Height asl.w #6,d2 ; Mapped to bits 6-15 ori.w d0,d2 ; Width move.w d2,$dff058 ; Trigger blit movem.l (a7)+,d2-d3 rts ****************************** * Wait for blitter to finish * ****************************** WaitBlit: btst #14,$dff002 bne.s WaitBlit rts ********************************************************* * Put A Bob plane into a bitmap, no background saving * * \or masking with masks * *-------------------------------------------------------* * D0=BOBWidth in words, D1=Height in pixels * * D2=BitMapWidth in bytes. * * D3=Horiz.Position, D4=Vertical Position * * A0=BobData Pointer * * A1=BitMap Pointer * ********************************************************* PutBobNoSave: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) bsr WaitBlit addq.w #1,d0 swap d4 move.w #0,d4 ; Used as long later swap d4 move.w d3,d5 asr.w #4,d5 ; Divide by 16 to get wobrd offset. asl.w #1,d5 ; Multiply with 2 to get byte offset mulu d2,d4 ; To get byte offset =vertwidth*ypos add.w d5,d4 ; Total offset and.w #15,d3 ; Shift value = low 4 bits add.l d4,a1 ; Calc BitMap pointer move.l a0,$dff050 ; BLTAPT move.l a1,$dff054 ; BLTDPT move.l a1,$dff04c ; BLTBPT move.l #$ffff0000,$dff044 ; First and LastWord masks ror.w #4,d3 ; No.Of shifts ori.w #$0dfc,d3 ; D=A+B move.w d3,$dff040 ; BLTCON0 clr.w $dff042 ; BLTCON1 move.w d2,d3 ; BitMarpWidth in bytes asr.w #1,d3 ; Divide by two. sub.w d0,d3 ; Calculate modulo asl.w #1,d3 ; Must be even move.w d3,$dff062 ; BLTBMOD move.w d3,$dff066 ; BLTDMOD move.w #-2,$dff064 ; BLTAMOD lsl.w #6,d1 ; Height is mapped to bits 6-15 ori.w d0,d1 ; Width is mapped to bits 0-5 move.w d1,$dff058 ; BLTSIZE and trigger movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ********************************************************* * Erase a bob without restoring the background * *---------------- ---------------------* * D0=BOBWidth in words, D1=Height in pixels * * D2=BitMapWidth in bytes. * * D3=Horiz.Position, D4=Vertical Position * * A0=BobData Pointer * * A1=BitMap Pointer * ********************************************************* PutBobNoSave: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) bsr WaitBlit addq.w #1,d0 swap d4 move.w #0,d4 ; Used as long later swap d4 move.w d3,d5 asr.w #4,d5 ; Divide by 16 to get word offset. asl.w #1,d5 ; Multiply with 2 to get byte offset ¬ mulu d2,d4 ; To get byte offset =vertwidth*ypos add.w d5,d4 ; Total offset and.w #15,d3 ; Shift value = low 4 bits add.l d4,a1 ; Calc BitMap pointer move.l a0,$dff050 ; BLTAPT move.l a1,$dff054 ; BLTDPT move.l a1,$dff04c ; BLTBPT move.l #$ffff0000,$dff044 ; First and LastWord masks ror.w #4,d3 ; No.Of shifts ori.w #$0dfc,d3 ; D=A+B move.w d3,$dff040 ; BLTCON0 clr.w $dff042 ; BLTCON1 move.w d2,d3 ; BitMapWidth in bytes asr.w #1,d3 ; Divide by two. sub.w d0,d3  rO; Calculate modulo asl.w #1,d3 ; Must be even move.w d3,$dff062 ; BLTBMOD move.w d3,$dff066 ; BLTDMOD move.w #-2,$dff064 ; BLTAMOD lsl.w #6,d1 ; Height is mapped to bits 6-15 ori.w d0,d1 ; Width is mapped to bits 0-5 move.w d1,$dff058 ; BLTSIZE and trigger movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ********************************************************* * Erase a bob without restoring the background * *-------------------------------------------------------* * D0=BOBWidth in wo_ rds, D1=Height in pixels * * D2=BitMapWidth in bytes. * * D3=Horiz.Position, D4=Vertical Position * * A1=BitMap Pointer * ********************************************************* EraseBobNoSave: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) bsr WaitBlit ext.l d4 addq.w #1,d0 asr.w #4,d3 ; Divide by 16 to get word offset. asl.w #1,d3 ; Multiply with 2 to get byte offset mulu d2,d4 ; To get byte offset =vertwidth*ypos add.w d3,d4 ; Total offset add.l d4,a1 ; Calc BitMap pointer move.lZu a1,$dff054 ; BLTDPT move.w #$0100,$dff040 ; D=0 clr.w $dff042 ; BLTCON1 move.w d2,d3 ; BitMapWidth in bytes asr.w #1,d3 ; Divide by two. sub.w d0,d3 ; Calculate modulo asl.w #1,d3 ; Must be even move.w d3,$dff066 ; BLTDMOD lsl.w #6,d1 ; Height is mapped to bits 6-15 ori.w d0,d1 ; Width is mapped to bits 0-5 move.w d1,$dff058 ; BLTSIZE and trigger movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts BobImage: dc.w %0100000000000000 dc.w %1110000000000000 dc.w %0100000000000000 Rad20: dc[ow7.b 0,0,0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6 dc.b 7,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,10,10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13 dc.b 13,13,13,14,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17 dc.b 17,17,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19 dc.b 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19 dc.b 19, 19, 19, 19, 19 dc.b 19, 19, 19, 19, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17 dc.b 17, 16, 16, 16, 16 dc.b 16, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12 dc.b 12, 12, 11, 11, 11 dc.b 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4 dc.b 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-3,-3,-3 dc.b -4,-4,-4,-5,-5,-5,-6,-6,-6,-7,-7,-7,-8,-8,-8,-9,-9,-9,-10,-10,-10 dc.b -11,-11,-11,-11,-12,-12,-12,-13,-13,-13,-13,-14,-14,-14,-14,-15 dc.b -15,-15,-15,-16,-16 dc.b -16,-16,-16,-17,-17,-17,-17,-17,-18,-18,-18,-18,-18,-18,-19,-19 dc.b -19,-19,-19,-19,-19 dc.b -20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20[,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20 dc.b -20,-20,-20,-20,-20 dc.b -20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20 dc.b -19,-19,-19,-19,-19 dc.b -19,-19,-18,-18,-18,-18,-18,-18,-17,-17,-17,-17,-17,-16,-16,-16 dc.b -16,-16,-15,-15,-15 dc.b -15,-14,-14,-14,-14,-13,-13,-13,-13,-12,-12,-12,-11,-11,-11,-10 dc.b -10,-10,-10,-9,-9 dc.b -9,-8,-8,-8,-7,-7,-7,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-3,-3,-3,-2,-2 dc.b -2,-1,-1 Rad14: dc.b 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, ;ȸ4, 4, 4 dc.b 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9 dc.b 9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12 dc.b 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 dc.b 13, 13, 13, 14, 14 dc.b 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 13 dc.b 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 dc.b 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 dc.b 12, 11, 11, 11, 11 dc.b 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, Z8, 8, 8 dc.b 8, 8, 7 dc.b 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3 dc.b 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2 dc.b -3,-3,-3,-3,-4,-4,-4,-4,-5,-5,-5,-5,-6,-6,-6,-6,-6,-7,-7,-7,-7 dc.b -8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-11,-11,-11,-11 dc.b -11,-11 dc.b -11,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13 dc.b -14,-14,-14,-14,-14 dc.b -14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-15,-15,-15,-15,-15,-15 dc.b -15,-15,-1}ݻ5,-15,-15 dc.b -15,-15,-15,-15,-15,-15,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14 dc.b -14,-14,-14,-14,-14 dc.b -13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-13,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-11 dc.b -11,-11,-11,-11,-11 dc.b -10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-9,-9,-9,-9,-9,-8,-8,-8,-8,-8,-7,-7,-7 dc.b -7,-6 dc.b -6,-6,-6,-6,-5,-5,-5,-5,-4,-4,-4,-4,-3,-3,-3,-3,-2,-2,-2,-2,-1 dc.b -1,-1,-1 Rad10: dc.b 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 dc.b 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,5XYT??C^A9f3A0 g9fNuA02 gN C^2N PQRSTUVXZ\^`bdfhjlnljhfdb`^\ZXVUTSRQPPPPPP  1,:LRZ Cps/ KEYMAPS~h6 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes6: lea Rad5,a2 bsr PlaceOn add.w #180,d6 dbf d5,Rad5LE move.w SaveD6,d6 add.w #225,d6 moveq #1,d5 All4E8: cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoRes8 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes8: st SfFl lea Rad14,a2 bsr PlaceOn sf SfFl add.w #90,d6 dbf d5,All4E8 move.w saveD6,d6 move.w #$000,$dff180 btst #6,$bfe001 bne.L EEKItsaLoop move.l 4.w,a6 moveq #0,d0 lea GraphName,a1 jsr -552(a6) move.l d0,a0 move.l $26(a0),$dff080 rts SaveD6:dc.w 0 PlaceOn: move.w d6,d7 add.w #90,d7 cmp.w #360,d7 blt.sVؿ NoRe4 sub.w #360,d7 NoRe4: move.b (a2,d7),d4 ; Y Pos move.b (a2,d6),d3 ; X Pos ext.w d4 ext.w d3 tst.b SfFl beq.s EnterDraw asr.w #1,d4 asr.w #1,d3 EnterDraw: add.w YCenter,d4 add.w XCenter,d3 lea BobImage,a0 ; Bob lea $78000,a1 ; BitMap moveq #1,d0 ; Width moveq #3,d1 ; Height moveq #40,d2 ; BM Width in bytes bsr PutBobNoSave rts EraseOn: move.w d6,d7 add.w #90,d7 cmp.w #360,d7 blt.L NoReE sub.w #360,d7 NoReE: move.b (a2,d7),d4 ; Y Pos move.b (a2,d6),d3 ; X^ Pos ext.w d4 ext.w d3 tst.b SfFl beq.s EnterErase asr.w #1,d4 asr.w #1,d3 EnterErase: add.w YCenter,d4 add.w XCenter,d3 lea $78000,a1 ; BitMap moveq #1,d0 ; Width moveq #3,d1 ; Height moveq #40,d2 ; BM Width in bytes bsr EraseBobNoSave rts YCenter:dc.w 100 XCenter:dc.w 100 copl: dc.l $01001200,$00e00007,$00e28000,$00920038,$009400d0 dc.l $008e2c81,$0090f4c1,$fffffffe GraphName: dc "graphics.library",0 even *************************************************************ϼ******** * * * * * SOME ROUTINES FOR THE HANDLING OF BLITTER OBJECTS (BOBS) * * * * Written By AntiAction of TETRAGON on 18th of July -88. * * * *  * ********************************************************************* ************************************************* * MakeMask * * D7=Depth, D0=WordWidth, D1=Height * * A0-A5 Contains Source BM's, A6=Dest * ************************************************* MakeMask: tst.b d7 beq.s MMaskRet ; If 0 Depth, return bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a1,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a2,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet  5ermove.l a3,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a4,a0 bsr MaskIt subq.b #1,d7 beq.s MMaskRet move.l a5,a0 bsr MaskIt MMaskRet: rts ********************************* * A0=Source, A6=Destination * * D = A+D * ********************************* MaskIt: movem.l d2-d3,-(a7) bsr WaitBlit move.l a0,$dff050 ; BLTAPT move.l a6,$dff054 ; BLTDPT move.l a6,$dff04c ; BLTBPT clr.l $dff064 ; The Modulos = 0 clr.w $dff062 move.l #-1,$dff044 ; Ze masks move.l #$0dfc000 70,$dff040 ; D = A+B move.w d1,d2 ; Height asl.w #6,d2 ; Mapped to bits 6-15 ori.w d0,d2 ; Width move.w d2,$dff058 ; Trigger blit movem.l (a7)+,d2-d3 rts ****************************** * Wait for blitter to finish * ****************************** WaitBlit: btst #14,$dff002 bne.s WaitBlit rts ********************************************************* * Put A Bob plane into a bitmap, no background saving * * or masking with masks * *---------------------------------- Z blt.s NoRes3 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes3: lea Rad10,a2 bsr EraseOn move.w SaveD6,d6 add.w #90,d6 moveq #1,d5 Rad5L: cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoRes4 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes4: lea Rad5,a2 bsr EraseOn add.w #180,d6 dbf d5,Rad5L move.w SaveD6,d6 add.w #225,d6 moveq #1,d5 All4E5: cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoRes7 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes7: st SfFl lea Rad14,a2 bsr EraseOn sf SfFl add.w #90,d6 dbf d5,All4E5 move.w SaveD6,d6 addq.w #4,d6 cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoReset sub.w #360,d6 NoReset: move.w d6,saveD6 moveq .#3,d5 All4E: cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoRes1 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes1: lea Rad20,a2 bsr PlaceOn add.w #90,d6 dbf d5,All4E move.w SaveD6,d6 add.w #45,d6 moveq #3,d5 All4E2: cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoRes2 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes2: lea Rad14,a2 bsr PlaceOn add.w #90,d6 dbf d5,All4E2 move.w SaveD6,d6 add.w #90,d6 cmp.w #360,d6 blt.L NoRes5 sub.w #360,d6 NoRes5: lea Rad10,a2 bsr PlaceOn moveq #0,d4 moveq #0,d3 bsr EnterDraw move.w SaveD6,d6 add.w #90,d6 moveq #1,d5 Rad5LE: cmp.w #360,d6 blt.s NoRes$ . 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' dc.b 'Greetings to HEADBANGER, ERROR-SOFT, IRATA,#a`N ' dc.b 'LIGHT-CIRCLE and RADWAR (Hi Markus!)... ' dc.b 'This scroll-demo is written in 68000 Assembler ' dc.b 'with full Copper and Interrupt control !!! ' dc.b 'Look for flashing POWER-LAMP !!! ' dc.b 'As soon as possible coming TBR Intro-Disk 1... ' len1: equ * dauer: dc.b 1,0  Plane2: blk.l 1,0 Plane3: blk.l 1,0 Plane4: blk.l 1,0 Plane5: blk.l 1,0 Planes: blk.l 1,0 ;----- Hier beginnt die Rasterport-Struktur ----- RastPort: blk.l 1,0 R_BitMap: blk.l 1,0 blk.(kjih} @  DiskTurbo}29EHA PJ"H,xHE6 a2L/&IP .P,SN @I (g @BID9'0~ 0BA` %~@X3=5 cҴ#7@ @=M&TJ`!R9kEasCz4E hD$|. D @,TD ²a)`spĄKL $ B!ZIHh"Zg76@=Z$j%JsD?)@reR3IH @nl. * 0  &v[~`ָp<$c$dH ;*7e:J 8PޠY3q98 pD0zج 0t`W0 F=b0QFOh ~Š?k@bVmZ Se0ΥI_PԠ3@{T/eH2m 9@q4)RҤH %0 Bp e17nGU7Ktn\t**;I`*W0 `6w'\`D;ɀx3fL{0 @5z|u*TP]R@)9` 61"\: Rޢ a`ـ^"N,)qKedED0` @Eo} B@R ڇH5G0 LxP z.-\s ?F$ mApv0z;Ot(@p!_50`P|s,!рDCл >k] rwch0@2r/<LĠ!r!u K C' dȞXd<"uÐ"}hlz 1bw@Gt`H@CC= V~oϋd&QbfF`N(c 1d3=;PLrhibdkd a7CA+ө BQf &"T1L @:P 1HF$c0`g h\[%VapΊ$  2GPPNX 0КW&4(S&pOC RG0 nLH` %%U6ǟ| MAq =a; a=X .Zwa QO;}OF L {P{w$Q{cZK[S'eKsaC;rM ]L =m,] ~P +(*)jHx |BGOv3M"_==>V-xs}@DA`wg-v5A ExsGߨt,m s;Eޣ%{A%@OPR S&O@Ey$D" +87% GD&RDđ dE=QP )nlnp—2 kHЀ$ӘCZ\LK~nfJtɪ%ҳ -366 WritePixel= -30 -294 SetAPen= -30 -312 WaitTOF= -30 -240 start: jsr setup ;Initialisiert die Bitmaps und ;oeffnet benoetigte Libraries initirq: move.w #$4000,$dff09a move.l $6c,Oldirq move.l #Neuirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a jmp grafik Neuirq: movem.l d0-d2/a0-a1,-(a7) move SR,-(sp) move.w $dff01e,d0 btst #5,d0 bne.s makeirq bra Endirq Makeirq: nop Endirq: move (sp)+,SR movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a1 {e DC.W $4ef9 Oldirq: DC.L $0000 grafik: jsr setcopper move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #1,d0 jsr setapen(a6) init: move.l #text1,a2 move.l #len1-text1,d7 sub #1,d7 move.b #1,dauer l2: sub.b #1,dauer bne no move.b #3,dauer eor.b #2,$bfe001 no: jsr set1 move.l a2,a0 move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #2,d0 jsr setapen(a6) move.w #1,d0 jsr text(a6) jsr set2 move.l a2,a0 move.l gfxbase,a6 move.w #3,d0 jsr setapen(a6) lea rastport,a1 move.w 7#1,d0 jsr text(a6) jsr scroll add.l #1,a2 jsr wait dbra d7,l2 jmp init scroll: move #4,d6 l1: move.l gfxbase,a6 jsr waittof(a6) lea rastport,a1 move.w #2,d0 move.w #0,d1 move.w #0,d2 move.w #180,d3 move.w #330,d4 move.w #187,d5 jsr scrollraster(a6) move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.w #3,d0 move.w #0,d1 move.w #0,d2 move.w #191,d3 move.w #330,d4 move.w #200,d5 jsr scrollraster(a6) dbra d6,l1 rts set1: move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #321,d0W5Z move.l #197,d1 jsr move(a6) rts set2: move.l gfxbase,a6 lea rastport,a1 move.l #321,d0 move.l #186,d1 jsr move(a6) rts wait: andi.b #64,$bfe001 ;Bit 7 (linke Maustaste) beq stop rts stop: move.w #$4000,$dff09a move.l oldirq,$6c move.w #$c000,$dff09a move.l oldcop,(a0) ;Alte Copperliste wieder bereit- move.l exec,a6 move.l GfxBase,a1 ;stellen und Gfxlibrary jsr CloseLibrary(a6);schliessen move.l dos_base,a1 jsr closelibrary(a6) jsr Permit(a6) ;Multitasking wiedger zulassen ILLEGAL ;Rueckkehr zum SEKA rts ;ende open_file: move.l dos_base,a6 move.l #filename,d1 move.l #1005,d2 jsr Open(a6) beq wait move.l d0,bif rts load: move.l dos_base,a6 move.l bif,d1 jsr Read(a6) rts close_file: move.l dos_base,a6 move.l bif,d1 jsr Close(a6) rts setup: move.l Exec,a6 ;Exebase-Adresse nach a6 jsr Forbid(a6) ;Stop Multitasking move.l exec,a6 lea.l dosname,a1 jsr Openlibrary(a6) move.l d0,dos_base lea GrName,a1 ;Gfxname nac8#h a1 jsr OpenLibrary(a6) ;Gfxlibrary oeffnen move.l d0,GfxBase ;Basisadresse buffern move.l d0,a6 add.l #$32,d0 move.l d0,copptr ; ---- Setup the BitMap lea BitMap,a0 ;Bitmapstruktur nach a0 moveq #5,d0 ;Tiefe (5 Bitplanes) move.l #640,d1 ;320 Pixel nach x move.l #200,d2 ;200 Pixel nach y jsr InitBitMap(a6) ;Bitmap Initialisieren lea RastPort,a1 ;erhaltenen Rastport nach a1 jsr InitRastPort(a6);Rastport initialisieren move.l #BitMap,R_BitMap move.l #BitPlane1,d0gD; ;Adresse Bitplane nach d0 move.l d0,Plane1 ;Adresse auch nach Plane1 move.l d0,a0 ;und nach Adressregister a0 move.w d0,lo1 ;sowie in Copperliste speichern swap d0 ;Hi-Nibble isolieren und eben- move.w d0,hi1 ;falls nach Copperliste move.l #16000,d0 ;8000 Bytes fuer Bitplane bele- move.b #$00,d1 ;gen cl1: move.b d1,(a0)+ dbf d0,cl1 move.l #BitPlane2,d0 move.l d0,Plane2 move.l d0,a0 move.w d0,lo2 swap d0 move.w d0,hi2 move.l #16000,d0 move.b #$00,d1 cl2: move.b  d1,(a0)+ dbf d0,cl2 move.l #BitPlane3,d0 move.l d0,Plane3 move.l d0,a0 move.w d0,lo3 swap d0 move.w d0,hi3 move.l #16000,d0 move.b #$00,d1 cl3: move.b d1,(a0)+ dbf d0,cl3 move.l #BitPlane4,d0 move.l d0,Plane4 move.l d0,a0 move.w d0,lo4 swap d0 move.w d0,hi4 move.l #16000,d0 move.b #$00,d1 cl4: move.b d1,(a0)+ dbf d0,cl4 move.l #BitPlane5,d0 move.l d0,Plane5 move.l d0,a0 move.w d0,lo5 swap d0 move.w d0,hi5 move.l #16000,d0 move.b #$00,d1 cl5: move.b d1,(a 80)+ dbf d0,cl5 rts setcopper: move.l copptr,a0 ;Adresse der Copperliste nach a0 move.l (a0),oldcop ;Alte Liste zwischenspeichern move.l #Copper,(a0) ;Neue Liste fue Copper rts Copper: DC.W $0180 co0: dc.w $0000 DC.W $0182 co1: dc.w $0fff DC.W $0184 co2: dc.w $000f DC.W $0186 co3: dc.w $0f00 DC.W $0188 co4: dc.w $000f DC.W $018a co5: dc.w $0f0f DC.W $018c co6: dc.w $00ff DC.W $018e co7: dc.w $f0ff DC.W $0190 co8: dc.w $0620 DC.W $0192 co9: dc.w $0e50 DC.W $01 ɫu(94 co10: dc.w $09f1 DC.W $0196 co11: dc.w $0eb0 dc.w $0198 co12: dc.w $055f dc.w $019a co13: dc.w $092f dc.w $019c co14: dc.w $00f8 dc.w $019e co15: dc.w $0ccc dc.w $01a0 co16: dc.w $0000 dc.w $01a2 co17: dc.w $0d22 dc.w $01a4 co18: dc.w $0000 dc.w $01a6 co19: dc.w $0fca dc.w $01a8 co20: dc.w $0444 dc.w $01aa co21: dc.w $0555 dc.w $01ac co22: dc.w $0666 dc.w $01ae co23: dc.w $0777 dc.w $01b0 co24: dc.w $0888 dc.w $01b2 co25: dc.w $0999 dc.w $01b4 co26: dc.w $0aaa  # dc.w $01b6 co27: dc.w $0bbb dc.w $01b8 co28: dc.w $0ccc dc.w $01ba co29: dc.w $0ddd dc.w $01bc co30: dc.w $0eee dc.w $01be co31: dc.w $0fff DC.W $00e0 hi1: DC.W $0002 DC.W $00e2 lo1: DC.W $1000 DC.W $00e4 hi2: DC.W $0002 DC.W $00e6 lo2: DC.W $1000 DC.W $00e8 hi3: DC.W $0002 DC.W $00ea lo3: DC.W $1000 DC.W $00ec hi4: DC.W $0002 DC.W $00ee lo4: DC.W $1000 DC.W $00f0 hi5: DC.W $0002 DC.W $00f2 lo5: DC.W $1000 DC.W $0100,%0101000000000000 DC.W $0102 delay: DC.W $ff D%W붐,$0138,0,$013a,0,$013c,0,$013e,0 dc.w $ffff,$fffe GfxName: dc "graphics.library",0 even GfxBase:dc.l 0 OldCop:dc.l 0 Main: bsr GetReso bsr MakeWrld ; Create the world system bsr WorldSet ; Pass the world parameters bsr SetRotDp ; Init obs.ref.point bsr PageUp bsr ClWork bsr PageDown bsr ClWork ; Init both pages bsr inp_chan ; Input and change parameters move.w #2047,dist mainlop1: bsr PointRot bsr Pers ; Do Perspective bsr DrawN1 ; Draw It bsr PageUp ; Display It&l bsr Inp_Chan ; Input new parameters bsr ClWork bsr PointRot ; Rotate bsr Pers ; Perspective bsr DrawN1 ; Drawit bsr PageDown bsr Inp_Chan ; Input Parameters bsr ClWork btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s mainlop1 mainend: bsr PageUp rts inp_chan: addq.w #1,Hyangle addq.w #1,Hzangle cmp.w #360,Hyangle blt.s Nosub sub.w #360,Hyangle NosuB: cmp.w #360,hzangle blt.s Nosubz sub.w #360,Hzangle NosuBz: sub.w #10,Dist cmp.w #-1000,Dist bgt.s NoClr move.w #-1000,Dist NoClr: move.w #$00f,color rt'5*s ************************************************ * Init the rotation reference point to [0,0,0] * ************************************************ setrotdp: moveq #0,d1 move.w d1,rotdpx move.w d1,rotdpy move.w d1,rotdpz move.w #0,hyangle ; Start rotation angle move.w #0,hxangle move.w #0,hzangle rts *********************************************************** * Rotation around one point, the rotation reference point * *********************************************************** (Xcpointrot: move.w Hxangle,xangle ; Rotate the world around the angle move.w hyangle,yangle ; hxangle, hyangle, hzangle about the move.w hzangle,zangle move.w rotdpx,d0 ; Rotation reference point move.w rotdpy,d1 move.w rotdpz,d2 move.w d0,xoffs move.w d1,yoffs move.w d2,zoffs ; Add for back transformation neg.w d0 neg.w d1 neg.w d2 move.w d0,offx ; Subtract for transformation move.w d1,offy move.w d2,offz bsr Matinit bsr zrotate bsr yrotate bsr xrotate bsr rotate move.w #$f00,color r)ts ***************************************************** * Creation of the world system from the object data * ***************************************************** Makewrld: move.l #ObjDatx,a1 ; Create the world system by move.l #ObjDaty,a2 move.l #ObjDatz,a3 move.l #worldx,a4 move.l #worldy,a5 move.l #worldz,a6 move.w hnummark,d0 ext.l d0 subq.l #1,d0 makewl1: move.w (a1)+,(a4)+ ; Copying the object data into the move.w (a2)+,(a5)+ ; world data move.w (a3)+,(a6)+ dbra d0,makew*Є ]l1 move.w hnumline,d0 ext.l d0 subq.l #1,d0 move.l #ObjLin,a1 move.l #wlinxy,a2 makewl2: move.l (a1)+,(a2)+ dbra d0,makewl2 rts *********************************************** * Pass the world parameters to base variables * *********************************************** worldset: move.l #Worldx,datx ; Pass variables for rotation routine move.l #worldy,daty move.l #Worldz,datz move.l #viewx,pointx move.l #viewy,pointy move.l #viewz,pointz move.l #wlinxy,linxy move.w PictureX,x0 mo+Rve.w Picturey,Y0 move.w proz,zobs move.w r1z1,dist move.l #screenx,xplot move.l #screeny,yplot move.w hnumline,numline move.w hnummark,nummark rts getReso: move.w #res/2,PictureX move.w #100,pictureY rts ***************** * variable data * ***************** ********************* * Object definition * ********************* ObjDatx: dc.w -35,-35,-15,-35,-25,-10,-10,10,10,15,15,35,15,-45,-45,45 dc.w 45,-45,45,-35,-35,-25,-25,-10,-20,-20,-10,0,0,-5,5 dc.w 10,10,20,20,25,25,35,3,Xg/5 ObjDaty: dc.w -20,20,20,0,0,-20,20,-20,20,-20,20,0,-20,-30,30,30 dc.w -30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30 dc.w -30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30 ObjDatz: dc.w -20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20 dc.w 0,0,0,0,20,20,15,5,5,15,15,15,5,5,15,5,5,5,15,5,5,15 dc.w 15,5,15,5 ***** What points should be connected with lines? **** ObjLin: dc.w 1,2, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 7,8, 8,9, 10,11, 11,12, 12,10 dc.w 14,15, 15,16, 16,17, 17,14, 14,18, 18,-a 19, 19,17 dc.w 20,21, 21,22, 22,23, 23,20, 24,25, 25,26, 26,27 dc.w 28,29, 30,31, 32,33, 33,34, 34,35, 35,32 dc.w 36,37, 37,38, 38,39 hnummark:dc.w 39 ; Number of corner points of the object hnumline:dc.w 32 ; Number of lines in the object hxangle:dc.w 0 ; Rotation angle of the object around X axis hyangle:dc.w 0 hzangle:dc.w 0 xwplus:dc.w 0 ; Angle increment around x axis ywplus:dc.w 0 zwplus:dc.w 0 picturex:dc.w res picturey:dc.w 100 ; Origin location on screen rot.>9dpx:dc.w 0 rotdpy:dc.w 0 rotdpz:dc.w 0 ; Rotation datum point r1z1:dc.w 0 normz:dc.w 1500 plusrot:dc.l 0 first:dc.l 0 second:dc.w 0 delta1:dc.w 0 flag:dc.b 1 even diffz:dc.w 0 dx:dc.w 0 dy:dc.w 0 dz:dc.w 0 worldx:blk.w 100,0 ; World coordinate array worldy:blk.w 100,0 worldz:blk.w 100,0 viewx:blk.w 100,0 ; View coordinate array viewy:blk.w 100,0 viewz:blk.w 100,0 screenx:blk.w 100,0 ; Display coordinate array screeny:blk.w 100,0 wlinxy:blk.l 300,0 ; Line array prox:dc.w 0/Y ; Coordinates of the projection center proy:dc.w 0 ; on the positive Z-axis proz:dc.w 2000 offx:dc.w 0 offy:dc.w 0 offz:dc.w 0 xoffs:dc.w 0 yoffs:dc.w 0 zoffs:dc.w 0 loopc:dc.l 0 end:  of the object hnumline:dc.w 32 ; Number of lines in the object hxangle:dc.w 0 ; Rotation angle of the object around X axis hyangle:dc.w 0 hzangle:dc.w 0 xwplus:dc.w 0 ; Angle increment around x axis ywplus:dc.w 0 zwplus:dc.w 0 picturex:dc.w res picturey:dc.w 100 ; Origin location on screen rot`L ; Add to x-coordinate add.w x0,d2 ; Add screen offset (center point) move.w d2,(a4)+ ; Display X-coordinate move.w (a2)+,d1 ; Y-Coordinate of object move.w d1,d2 neg.w d1 muls d1,d4 lsr.l #8,d4 ; /256 add.w d4,d2 neg.w d2 ; Display offset, mirror of Y-Axis add.w y0,d2 ; Source at [X0,Y0] move.w d2,(a5)+ ; Display Y-Coordinate perend1: dbra d0,perlop ; Until all points transformed move.w #$ff0,color rts ******************************************************* * Draw nunOmber of lines from array from lines in linxy * ******************************************************* drawn1: move.l XPlot,a4 ; Display X-Coordinate move.l YPlot,a5 ; Display Y-Coordinate move.w numline,d0 ; Number of lines ext.l d0 subq.l #1,d0 ; As counter move.l linxy,a6 ; Address of line array drlop: move.l (a6)+,d1 ; First line (P1,P2) subq.w #1,d1 ; Fit to list structure lsl.w #1,d1 ; Times list element length (2) move.w (a4,d1.w),d2 ; X-Coordinate of 2nd point mзsove.w (a5,d1.w),d3 ; Y-Coordinate of second point swap d1 subq.w #1,d1 lsl.w #1,d1 move.w (a4,d1.w),a2 ; X-Coordinate of first point move.w (a5,d1.w),a3 ; Y-Coordinate of first point bsr Drawl ; Draw line from P1 to P2 dbra d0,drlop ; Until all lines drawn rts ************************ * Simple counting loop * ************************ wait1: dbra d0,wait1 ; Delay loop rts *********************************** * Variables for the basic program * ********************************Y*** * Sine table starts here sintab: dc.w 0,286,572,857,1143,1428,1713,1997,2280 dc.w 2563,2845,3126,3406,3686,3964,4240,4516 dc.w 4790,5063,5334,5604,5872,6138,6402,6664 dc.w 6924,7182,7438,7692,7943,8192,8438,8682 dc.w 8923,9162,9397,9630,9860,10087,10311,10531 dc.w 10749,10963,11174,11381,11585,11786,11982,12176 dc.w 12365,12551,12733,12911,13085,13255,13421,13583 dc.w 13741,13894,14044,14189,14330,14466,14598,14726 dc.w 14849,14962,15082,15191,15296,15396,15491,15582 dc.w 15668*5,15749,15826,15897,15964,16026,16083,16135 dc.w 16182,16225,16262,16294,16322,16344,16362,16374 dc.w 16382,16383 dc.w 16382,16374,16362,16344,16322,16294,16262,16225 dc.w 16182 dc.w 16135,16083,16026,15964,15897,15826,15749,15668 dc.w 15582,15491,15396,15296,15191,15082,14962,14849 dc.w 14726,14598,14466,14330,14189,14044,13894,13741 dc.w 13583,13421,13255,13085,12911,12733,12551,12365 dc.w 12176,11982,11786,11585,11381,11174,10963,10749 dc.w 10531,10311,10087,9860,9630,9397,9162,89& 23 dc.w 8682,8438,8192,7943,7692,7438,7182,6924 dc.w 6664,6402,6138,5872,5604,5334,5063,4790 dc.w 4516,4240,3964,3686,3406,3126,2845,2563 dc.w 2280,1997,1713,1428,1143,857,572,286,0 dc.w -286,-572,-857,-1143,-1428,-1713,-1997,-2280 dc.w -2563,-2845,-3126,-3406,-3686,-3964,-4240,-4516 dc.w -4790,-5063,-5334,-5604,-5872,-6138,-6402,-6664 dc.w -6924,-7182,-7438,-7692,-7943,-8192,-8438,-8682 dc.w -8923,-9162,-9397,-9630,-9860,-10087,-10311,-10531 dc.w -10749,-10963,-11174,-11381,-11585, ܍a*-11786,-11982,-12176 dc.w -12365,-12551,-12733,-12911,-13085,-13255,-13421,-13583 dc.w -13741,-13894,-14044,-14189,-14330,-14466,-14598,-14726 dc.w -14849,-14962,-15082,-15191,-15296,-15396,-15491,-15582 dc.w -15668,-15749,-15826,-15897,-15964,-16026,-16083,-16135 dc.w -16182,-16225,-16262,-16294,-16322,-16344,-16362,-16374 dc.w -16382,-16383 dc.w -16382,-16374,-16362,-16344,-16322,-16294,-16262,-16225 dc.w -16182 dc.w -16135,-16083,-16026,-15964,-15897,-15826,-15749,-15668 dc.w -15!݀v}582,-15491,-15396,-15296,-15191,-15082,-14962,-14849 dc.w -14726,-14598,-14466,-14330,-14189,-14044,-13894,-13741 dc.w -13583,-13421,-13255,-13085,-12911,-12733,-12551,-12365 dc.w -12176,-11982,-11786,-11585,-11381,-11174,-10963,-10749 dc.w -10531,-10311,-10087,-9860,-9630,-9397,-9162,-8923 dc.w -8682,-8438,-8192,-7943,-7692,-7438,-7182,-6924 dc.w -6664,-6402,-6138,-5872,-5604,-5334,-5063,-4790 dc.w -4516,-4240,-3964,-3686,-3406,-3126,-2845,-2563 dc.w -2280,-1997,-1713,-1428,-1143,-8"b57,-572,-286,0 x0:dc.w 0 y0:dc.w 0 z0:dc.w 0 z1:dc.w 0 linxy:dc.l 0 ; Address of line array nummark:dc.w 0 ; Number of points numline:dc.w 0 ; Number of lines pointx:dc.l 0 ; Variables of point arrays for world, pointy:dc.l 0 ; view, and screen coordinates pointz:dc.l 0 xplot:dc.l 0 yplot:dc.l 0 datx:dc.l 0 daty:dc.l 0 datz:dc.l 0 sinx:dc.w 0 ; Temporary storage for sin & cos siny:dc.w 0 ; values sinz:dc.w 0 cosx:dc.w 0 cosy:dc.w 0 cosz:dc.w 0 var1:dc.w 0 ; General v#tݦariables var2:dc.w 0 var3:dc.w 0 xangle:dc.w 0 ; Variables for passing angles yangle:dc.w 0 ; to the rotation subroutine zangle:dc.w 0 leftx:dc.w 0 lefty:dc.w 0 rightx:dc.w 0 righty:dc.w 0 dist:dc.w 0 zobs:dc.w 1500 rotx11:dc.w 16384 ; Space here for the result matrix rotx12:dc.w 0 ; of matrix multiplication rotx13:dc.w 0 rotx21:dc.w 0 rotx22:dc.w 16384 rotx23:dc.w 0 rotx31:dc.w 0 rotx32:dc.w 0 rotx33:dc.w 16384 matrix11:dc.w 0 ; Space here for the general rotation matrix12$,:dc.w 0 ; matrix matrix13:dc.w 0 matrix21:dc.w 0 matrix22:dc.w 0 matrix23:dc.w 0 matrix31:dc.w 0 matrix32:dc.w 0 matrix33:dc.w 0 DrawPlane:dc.l 0 CopList: dc.w $0180,$0003,$0182,$00f dc.w $0100,res/321*32768+$1200,$00e0 hibmptr: dc.w $0007,$00e2 lowbmptr: dc.w $0000,$0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0 dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$f4c1 dc.w $0120 sp1h:dc.w 0,$0122 sp1l:dc.w 0,$0124 sp2h:dc.w 0,$0126 sp2l:dc.w 0,$0128 sp3h:dc.w 0,$012a sp3l:dc.w 0,$012c,0,$012e,0,$0130,0,$0132,0,$0134,0 dc.w $0136,0