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The Maiden Gig in Paris wasreally great ! Did you see'em in Germany? Hope so...Anyway good luck in your next projects!"<PZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE KILLER LOOPFUNNY BUSINESSGERMANY We've got a really Big number of TrashShow diz Winterin Paris! Wanna come and visit us for Metallica?Megadeth? Testament? Raahh ! Just march or die pal!sz<PZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE MEL O'DEESHININGGERMANY Thanks for paying the Beerbill! I'll be my r,>B^)turn on TheChristmas Party for sure!! See you there!"<FZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE REFLEXREBELSFRANCE T'as un gros nez, tu sais?Melodine c'est d'la Geeerrrbe!"<FZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE LOKHTSBFRANCE T'avais des timbres dans ton sac ? combbARRGaahhhhrrggg.. ArG.L<PZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE AVORIAZSYNTEXFRANCE That wuz great to meet you, the amount of graphicsyou drawn is really impressive... C'est un veritablefesr-?vtival... d'AvOrIAz.(Hum, celle la je dois la rendre Bruno Carette) THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE SHOCKEREX-AGILEFRANCE Merci et a bientot , J'espere te voir rapidement! THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Bon il me manque encore de tes modules !!!T@THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE REDLIGHTDREr.@LwAMDEALERSFRANCE Toujours aussi nul a KICK OFF ! Vivement notre superbe Trackmo! THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Mon logo ! Je veux mon logo !! THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE ALL MEMBERSDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Poody Time , Poody Time cross the usa ! THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESr/A^s4FRANCE FREDDOXTSBFRANCE Et les drink charts ?? (Ed:Aaaararrrrrffffffffffff) THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE NAKAJIMA est MORT ! VIVE NAKAJIMA ! THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE DENINDEPENDENTFRANCE VIVE DD VERCHUREN !!!r0BY JjIIDzAAr1C*r2D(r3E&r4F$r518r H:F= sprite! Prends pas la mouche chaque fois quel'on te fait une remarque...Sois un peu moins fier...Marches pas la tete haute comme ca tu vas finir parte prendre une branche dans la gueule! Etre humbleca s'apprend...a moins que tu ne sois pas siintelligent que tu le parait...Sinon bon travail pourla human target ...rien a redire...par contre sur ton comportement...the great performer...arf! Donnes moil'adresse de ton magasin...prisunic?carrefour?Allez sans rancune!!!r!I^DARYLSHININGFRANCE GREGALCATRAZSWITZERLAND Hello roger rabbit-amnesia...haha...three yearsago but in our memories for ever!! Nice musics inodyssey but I prefer your musics for the masterdemo 2 and megademo 4(nice work !) Tell to alain mybest regards and stay cool at phone...Mc disk is acool mag ...Good idea to take foreign divisions likecoma(cool guyz)with you.This mag is the most popularon da scene ...You've made the good choice!!See ya in hell or paradise my fr"J)1riend!!DARYLSHININGFRANCE HORNETALCATRAZSWITZERLAND Salut alain! Tell to olivier to recontact me forprograms on next and mac...Well tell to nifty nitand moonraker my best regards...Of course it'savailable for greg and you first...hehe!!keep up the good work ...oups! I forget pgcs..tell him that I'll ring his phone soon!!!DARYLSHININGFRANCE PGCSALCATRAZSWITZERLAND Hi pascal!! Best regards from me and yannick-skymanfrom lyon...Nowr#Kx I left to paris ...nice city...Nice rave parties! Continue your great artwork anddon't forget to write to skyman!!!Nice meeting in march 1990...Alcatraz the power!!!DARYLSHININGFRANCE MIKESPREADPOINTAUSTRIA Hello mike! Have you forgot my name? I made amistake ? Err... Hopefully you're still tradingwith my brother and I think the problem is my addy...Here we're again ... Write here now I hope thatbuddah is preparing a new demo!?!Keep up the good work r$Lyxmy friend!DARYLSHININGFRANCE WRAITHCARILLONFINLAND Nice friend mikka! Is your book soon finished?I'll buy sum books for my friends...Just bring sumfinish cd's if you visit my place diz summer...You're welcome at anytime in paris... cool citywith bitches and rave parties sex shops like finishones(nut much better than yours?)...ja!Keep up the good work my great finish friend...Hasta la pasta!!!DARYLSHININGFRANCE STRIPERHORIZONSWEDENr%MzC Hello robert! Kid icarus is back!Still producing gfx for your games? Best regards frommy lovely sister sandra and kisses for your boyfriendjari(awcy)'m joking...Jari is cool!! Do yaprefer girls only 14 years aged? Or older than you?Still small dick sized guy you're?well i'll call ya soon...DARYLSHININGFRANCE DIDDLESANITYGERMANY Hi marc! Nice Trsi easter party in leuven? Ya likedfrench beers? Haha! Tell to jester that I don'twant to forget hir&NY`~m but I'm very busy with bad(forthcoming on disk too!)It takes me all my freetime!Yep...Call me for nice deliriums...Don't forget your cool french friend daryl!!!DARYLSHININGFRANCE THE PRIDESANITYDENMARK Hello palle! Still alive or dead? Killed by yourgirlfriend? Danish girls are pretty hot I guess...I'll see diz summer during my holidayz in denmarkhahaha!!! Just kidding... Don't forget me ...Here's my new addy keep up the good work with yournice packr'O*s! You're a good trader on da scene andjust stay on diz fuckin'scene for ever!DARYLSHININGFRANCE DREAM WARRIORPHENOMENASWEDEN Hi fredrik ! For a long time ago...hehe ! Are you stillalive ? Have you sum problems with your girlfriend(s)??Ya stooped activities ? @Pha@ do nothing nowdawz?Well everybody is waiting for crystal symphony 3 or amusic disk with strange ! Keep up the friendship man !your friend signing off...DARYLSHININGFRANCE r(P{3NJESTERSANITYGERMANY Hi volker ! I like fgth like you...It's a cool groupstill good synthetic I'm joking!Keep up the good work ! Stay cool as you're and try tostay on da scene forever like me...The immortal guyzdaryl and jester ! Say hello to the pride and diddleof course... Bye my friend!DARYLSHININGFRANCE FACETANARCHYHOLLAND Hi martijn ! Howdy my great friend ? Still drawingnice gfx for mirage and anarchy ? You're the bestdutch designerr)Q7 ! Continue your great work ...You're onthe top ! Hope to meet ya during da mirage prime'92 inholland diz summer. I'll bring sum french canabis withme...ah ah joke ! Guess you already have it ! have funand makes good friend: that's the real life ! Keep onmovin' and stay cool like you're...See ya in paradiseDARYLSHININGFRANCE DANANARCHYENGLAND Hi dan ! Thanx for your last cool phone call !Nice muzax-disk from you...You're a cool guy !Keep up the good wor*<6ork man!DARYLSHININGFRANCE RAVETSLFRANCE Yep my little brother ! Still the coolest on da fuckin'scene...Sorry for the lame contro and my famous packs..Don't be jealous if this summer I'll present U xavieremy new girlfriend...Maybe only 16 years but prettyhot... And not for you ! Too young for a girl !Apprends a lire sur une regle d'abord...tu me comprends!Bye my brother!d<_ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE COUGARSANITYGERMANY Burps! 'Got erSqCNGLAND I'm terribly sorry for my extrem delays ! I've beenvery busy and I totally forgot to send you the stuffsback. Anyway I'll do in a few days. By the way, whenwill your slide be ready ? I'm looking forward toseeing the final result. Bye.ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE REFLEXREBELSFRANCE Noon ! No, don't kill me ! I know each time you ask mefor this raytraced animation, it always get outta mymind. Really sorry, you know, I've been very busy andI had a fewrTzj problem with my hard disk... I've beenobliged to change the whole accelerator board and that'snot just like repairing a floppy. Anyway, I'll try tomake this in a near future (ceci dit, tout est relatifalors...). Au fait, c'est reparti pour le music disk,alors tu peux recommencer a composer...FLETCHTSBFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hello fred!Why the hell did ya cut your hair ???your carl lewis look is a bit weird!!Hehe!!anyway thanx for the great tune rU$and for the joboffer...don't worry I send back your techno tapessoon!!!!Gloubiboulga rulezz!!VUFLETCHTSBFRANCE ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE Hi friend and great gfx...It's a nice cocktail!!!Thanx for spiritual moral artistic and friendly support!What about a financial one???Haha!!!Hope to see ya very soon..."dPFLETCHTSBFRANCE NAMWILLOWFRANCE Hi pierre...great code nice dezign cool members...Willow is now one of the leading crew on rVW]the scene!!!Hard competition for us!!hehe!!Thanx for your active and friendly support...Boom rulezzz!!!FLETCHTSBFRANCE CLAWZNEGATIVEFRANCE Yabadabadooo mathieu!!Nice holidays in beyrouththis summer??? Hehe!! It's the right place to playhuman target!!! Keep making great noise and psykedelicletters!! See ya soon dude and don't forget thelive tune...Hehe!!!FLETCHTSBFRANCE LOKHTSBFRANCE Hello pat...Your favourite chatterbox is on lirWvneagain!!! Nice little trip in brive but too muchturning roads hehe!!! I eagerly wait your glenz rubberand light sourced vector cube!!! Hehe!! The previewyou show me was...amazing!!!See ya in bordeaux in september...szdPFLETCHTSBFRANCE ANEXREBELSFRANCE Hi old pal!! No news from you for a long time...Did ya received my last letter??I'm waiting for great clip arts from you for thesecond me again!!!<dFFLETCHTSBFRANCE ELMERDRrXm;gEAMDEALERSFRANCE Hello pixel master...Thanx for your your coolsupport and for the great titlepic!!!What about swapping our computers??? Hehe!!!FLETCHTSBFRANCE TITANANARCHYFRANCE Yo dude! Nice trip in holland with conquest??hehe!!I really like your gfx and I eagerly wait to see theforthcoming production from french anarchists!!See ya soon and don't forget to send me your last gfx!d_nFLETCHTSBFRANCE WORMTSBFRANCE Hi joseph ! Are you rYfFready for a new great trip inthe scene?? Hehe!!! It'll be great to work with youagain...keep the pressure and load your devpac!!hehe!!Hope to see ya very soon in paris...FLETCHTSBFRANCE DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE Hello pal...surfing with the alien this summer???Thanx for your support and I'm waiting for your nextlong long letter...FLETCHTSBFRANCE POLARISMAJIC 12FRANCE Yoho pal! Thanx for your cool support and don'tforget the ultrZ0ҳ.imate challenge : I'm waiting forthe picture!!! Kiss to your sister...everywhere...arf!!FLETCHTSBFRANCE SPHARTEFACTFRANCE Hello dude! Always cool and long letters...Friendshiprulezz!!! I'm waiting for some clip arts from you inlive issue two!! See ya soon...FLETCHTSBFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE Yoho dude! Always playing with pixels??Try to use more than four colors in your next logoHehe!!! Thanx for your friendly and artistic supportSee r[}9ya ...vpFLETCHTSBFRANCE PARANOIAKEOC 1999FRANCE Hi man ! Hope that you'll not leave the scene inspite of the party failure...Eoc must reach 1999!!!Anyway thanx for your cool support and friendshiprulezz!!!FLETCHTSBFRANCE DARYLSHININGFRANCE Thanx for ya cool support and for your long messyz...I'm going to buy a new keyboard!! Hehe!!Don't forget to collect sum messyz for live issue 2...Good luck in your new crew...FLETr\CHTSBFRANCE WARDENARISEGERMANY Hello man! Shame on us..@Live@ wasn't ready in timeto insert your party advert in the party zone!!!I'm really sorry...anyway I hope that the conferencewas a great success!! Thanx for your active supportand Friendship rulezz!!!FLETCHTSBFRANCE VON BUBBLELIQUIDFRANCE Hello man ! Good luck in your new crew...Thanx for suporting live...Delayz rulezz!!!!DARYLSHININGFRANCE REFLEXREBELSFRANCE Hi manrGKiac of noses!!! Still good chip tunes...Nicemusic you made! Now back to serious things...Rebels?are they on the top? Remember bad issue 7?Nice trip to belgium...on a failli se tuer dans levirage a bruxelles mais on a ete sauve grace a tongrand nez!! Trsi easter conference'93 is just forus next year...Prepare you to die ..Haha!I'll change my car for a porsche or renault a310 v6turbo(nice french car!!!)DARYLSHININGFRANCE PERFORMERMELON DEZIGNFRANCE Hi ler ^ SHe about my 'no letter from me'but as you must know, preparing a party is afucking time eater. See ya soon !PARANOIAKEOC 1999FRANCE BUSHBABYDAMAGE INC????? No no I havent forgotten you guy wait and seemy new packs will come soon.LdFPARANOIAKEOC 1999FRANCE BRUCE AND LOGEOC 1999FRANCE Eh les mecs comment avez vous trouve mes gfx ???!!!PARANOIAKEOC 1999FRANCE APPOLOMAJIC 12????? Well well don't think I'm dead, I'llr _; write you soon,but I'm sure that it will be before that I knowcoding !!!!PARANOIAKEOC 1999FRANCE ALL CONTACTS OF?????????? To all my new and old contacts : yes i know you'rewaiting for my letters and your disks. don't beangry about me. I'll write you all very soon.But at this time I'm very busied with preparing theparty and trying (yes trying !) to code something.I'm thinking about you, and you'll never regretyour patience... See ya soon !!vpr `.f$ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE JOES!P-SCOOPEXAUSTRIA Hey pal ! How are you ? Nice letter from you, but so long delays... It seems that you're getting lazy.Hope we'll be able to meet during the summer holidays. Is 'D&P II' soon finidhed ? What about your heart ? Phone me one of those days when you're at hr a4ome (I've tried several times this month without success).Bye !!!ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE DOHDELIGHTFRANCE Eh ? What's up since yesterday ? Did ya manage tosurvive the first level monster (la madre)? Va efanculo ! Allo Allo, nom de code LAS ACEITUNAS DELGRANDE PAIS, je vous recois 5/5 : 'Allez vous fairesucer le periwinkle.', I ripite : 'Va te faire gaufrerchez VOX DEI !'. Over and out...ELMERDRrbzEAMDEALERSFRANCE ARIOSDELIGHTFRANCE Hi ! Are you still alive ? It seems that you'reimprisonned at your place ? Are you obliged tosatisfy the outrageous sexual instinct of yourdog ? If so, let me know, maybe I could help you(condoms)?ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MARVELSTATIC BYTESNORWAY Hi boy. It seems you're getting as lazy as me good work guy). But don't go to far, it may be dangerous for yourrcfg health, only experimented people can reach this level, remember that ! Hope to hear from you soon.AZELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE TMB DESIGNSILENTSNORWAY Your letters are still so messy (and sulfuric). Perhaps that if you decide to clean up that mess in your brain, things would be better?! No, after all don't change anything, rdu that's perfect. Will your slide be ready soon ? Write me and send it !ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE LORD HELMETPMCNORWAY Pshhhh.... What a pity ! Raw 4 has not been released yet and no news from you ! Do you want my death ? Is that what you want ? Sob... Sob... Well, as always, I 'm wareliting, I'll send you some articles soon. Bye.ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE XANNOZONEFRANCE Sorry for my delays guy, don't worry I will sendsoon, but I've been very busy these weeks. Anyway,recieve my greetings for your cooperation it's verykind of you even if you don't have the time.Big thanx anyway.ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE CHRYLIANINDEPENDENTFRANCE Yeahhh !!!! Hey guy, really amazing turfnes fromyou ! I like them for sure ! Hope you'll send me somemore very soon I'm waiting. By the way did ya enjoymy VHS ? Wait and see, I'll send you an amazing onelater on. A part ca, les exams ca roule ?ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE AUDIOMONSTERSILENTSFRANCE AAAHHH noooo ! I'm not dead ! I know it's my turn tosend, I'm terribly sorry you know, but I couldn't phoneyou for a long time 'coz of my (once again) amazingphonebill. Hope you'll understand. Don't cry rgor I'llconfiscate your pacifier. I'll write soon !ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE No message for you sorry... I don't talk with longhaired Pelforth drinker ! Bon d'accord mais c'estbien parce que c'est toi hein. Nice (extremely nice)musics from you (je dis ca pour faire croire que tum'en envoie alors qu'en fait c'est pas vrai, c'estjuste pour faire comme si) ! Hope you'll send someother soon (la encore c'est pour faire mine). Nexttime IrRC'll go to Bordeaux I promise we'll have a beertogether, I swear it so wait the next time. Anywaywe'll meet this summer so don't cry... See ya.ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE TFGMAJIC 12DENMARK Hi guy. Too bad for the deal... But that doesn't matter,I'll work with you anyway, recieve my greetings foryour friendship. I don't think I have much to say, you'llprobably have recieved my letter till then. Bye.ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE PROPHETGOLDFIREErio will be great !!! vpNAMWILLOWFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hello moby !!! I was very happy to see you at the trsi party you are a really cool dude !!vpNAMWILLOWFRANCE DR1MIPSGERYONFRANCE Hello doc I wait still for ray traced pic !OPdPNAMWILLOWFRANCE TROYANGERYONFRANCE Dots are good for you !!! MatrirjPL8xs are very good fordots then work with matrixsNAMWILLOWFRANCE ATWILLINTERFACEFRANCE Hello luc ! What do you do ?? I have not seen thefinished version of your pack !! Speed up ! OPdPNAMWILLOWFRANCE AXELOZONEFRANCE Remember!!James brown is dead and techno is not deadOPdPNAMWILLOWFRANCE POLARISMAJIC 12FRANCE I have not received your postcard from deutschland !!OPdPNAMWILLOWFRANCE SPOCKOZONEFRANCE YrkVdnr|vNAMWILLOWFRANCE ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE Hello alex !! I hope that one of your gfx will bereleased in the next issue of mC disk !! Thanksfor your cooperation and for your gfxs !!!You are a really good friend !!"PPNAMWILLOWFRANCE MONTYANALOGFRANCE Your ziks are very beautifull I will use them ina soon coming pack or intro !!! Thanks !ddnNAMWILLOWFRANCE BOOTBUSTERCONTRASTFRANCE Hello dude what do you do with your highquality productionr}Q8 ?vp NAMWILLOWFRANCE MASSIVECYCLONEFRANCE Great ziks !!!! Who will code your tune disk ?? vp NAMWILLOWFRANCE FTBCYCLONEFRANCE Hello fred !! Thanks for your intro (I hope you will released it) be more energetic !!!!vp NAMWILLOWFRANCE MR MIXXDELIGHTFRANCE Melon !!!!! Hey hey your rhCare a cool dude but I have nothing from you like your packs ...vpNAMWILLOWFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE Hello rhah I think you are a very good grapher but you are too modest !!! You have won the eremation gfx competition !!!! I hope that your soon coming demrf all thanx 4 the Onkelz tape!Geile Qualitat...Hoffentlich treffe ich dich malauf irgendeiner Party, write sooner, pleez !Bye>ddWARDENARISEGERMANY TOXICINTERACTIVEGERMANY You still have 2 disks from me !Yeah, send 'em back !>dnWARDENARISEGERMANY TRAXHURRICANEDENMARK Always cool sendings. You have been my firstcontact in the wild denmark.Good luck with yarparty, sorry that I cannot come, but maybe wewill meet at the Anarchy, Crysteal eryE`\tc. Party 92in Aars. ByeWARDENARISEGERMANY FLETCHTSBFRANCE Hi Jerome ! Thanx 4 filling out the sheet andwriting to me. I hope you like my messys. Do youthink I have written enough of them ? Hope to hearfrom ya soon, bye !ddnWARDENARISEGERMANY VISIONARISEGERMANY Hi Rene ! Thanx for the P.M. menu ! Willst dujetzt in Assembler coden, cool ! Hope to see youonce again in the next time, spatestens atArise Party...bye for now !r.!WARDENARISEGERMANY DIDDIEZONEGERMANY Hi Martin! You have the longest letters I recieveand you are the second real friend in the scene.Hope that your intro is ready soon, send it me intime ! What about our cooperation demo ? Hope tohear from ya soon. See you at the Arise Party inHellenthal in August. Bye !WARDENARISEGERMANY KREATORX-TRADEGERMANY Today I recieved your sending. Cool stuff ! Yeah,what about some music swapping ? Metal is a coorjlmusic style ! Hope you start making pax in sometime again, they have been quite cool !"PPWARDENARISEGERMANY KR '33AXISHOLLAND Hope you liked my stuff ! I hope to hear fromya soon ! Bye !"PPWARDENARISEGERMANY LOGICNOXIOUSSWEDEN Hope you liked my stuff and put if on yar packs.I hope to hear from ya soon."PPWARDENARISEGERMANY LEEROYANTHRAXGERMANY Hi Heiko ! Thanx for the Tankard, Public Enemyand Jingo de Lunch tapes.rOEWARDENARISEGERMANY FLASHANTHRAXGERMANY Hi Andreas ! Nice meetings, eh ? Still boozinglike hell ? See you at Arise Party in August.I am looking forward to see you there, but noRandale, klar ?!WARDENARISEGERMANY EVERYBODY?????????? If you wanna swap legal stuff, long lettersand tapes, contact Warden of Arise at this addy: Holger Schmitz Feldstrasse 45 5162 Niederzier 7 United GermanyrbBPPWARDENARISEGERMANY CRUISERARISEGREECE Hey Cruiser ! Hope you will manage it to beour greece hq ! Do you come to our party ?Hehe, bye !3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE GOOFYIRISFRANCE Hello man ! We are waiting for more graphix fromyou very soon ! I call you soon !3:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE LIBERT ERIC?????????? Hi friend ! J'espere voir quelque chosede toi tres prochainement ! je t'envoi dela demo tres prochainerơnent !Bye3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE RHODANARCHYFRANCE Hello man ! nice infestation packs !I'll call you soon !3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE BABYMAJIC 12FRANCE Hi man ! Nice musics3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE NAMWILLOWFRANCE Hello dude ! Cool demos and packs too ! Yourdemo for the trsi is cool but it's very short !3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE EXECUTIONERREDNEX????? Hi man ! What s new frorB{m you ????? Hope to seea new production from rednex soon !3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE KOUGARDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hi friend ! I am waiting for your muzaks ! Do youlike my last graphix ???3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Hello man ! Your graphix are cool !! Please sendme some of your pictures !!3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE TIKDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Salut toi ! J'attends toujours tes graphs !!r$n3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hi cool dude ! Nice musics as always !!!!3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE ARROWSTRANGE????? Hi dude ! Sorry for my delay but in the futurI'll send faster than light !!!!!3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE AXELTREACL????? Hi dude ! Nice sendings !!! But please senda little bit faster ! Have a nice day.3|:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE DARK KNIGHTSYMBIOSISFRANr6MCE Hi man !!! Nice sendings I am waiting for yourproduction in 4 disks !!!!3:DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE RAVESILENTSFRANCE Hey man send back my disx !Etre dans tsl ne te donne pas le droit devoler des disks !DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE DO-XUDO????? Hello man !! Nice sendings I hope you'll likeour productions !!! And mega sorry for theloooong delay ! Hope you enjoy our last productionBye bye and hope to see some disx from you veryrs##soon in my mail box !!DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE FERRISDTECT????? Hi man !!! The world is waiting for the next issueof hack mag !!! What's happend ??DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE ARRAKISBRAINWAVE????? Hi man ! What's new ??????DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE DTMIRISFRANCE Hi dude !! I hope to see your demo soon !!!DIGITAL MASTERSOLARISFRANCE CHRISIRISFRANCE !! F E L I C I T A T I O N S !!rPǯsof time..But I'll recontact ya as soon as possible.@*dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCE Verry good idea your message box, a good releasefor your group.Hellos to fredd, lokh, and all my friendsin teuhseuhbeuh.....(ed:Thanxxxxxx)IDEALREBELSFRANCE HYGRAICCTSBFRANCE The only one, the beautiful, the last but not theleast, hygraicc of tsb .pfiouu, alors, elle avanceta putain de musique a la con qu'on s'est faitchier a ecouter pendant derdux heures sans qu'elleavance d'un seul pattern !Bon aller a demain crapule...@*dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE ZAAKTSBFRANCE Your father is a really champions in amigahardware you know !! I understand now why you haveall this memory in your computers.....heheSigne ton petit zorro qui t'aime tres fort..._dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE MCSANDROMEDANORWAY Cool demos last time, really cool I mean...Don't stop this work !!!OPdPIDEALREBELSFRANCE RWrPOKEFRENSDENMARK Please recontact me boy, your last intros werecool....IDEALREBELSFRANCE STIX?????SWEDEN Hello pal....Scuze for the delay but I will send ya somethingsoon...IDEALREBELSFRANCE WALTMELON DEZIGNFRANCE Your killer design is the best ever you know ?When the next demo from melon ???Maybe more gfx from ya ?IDEALREBELSFRANCE ZOZOMAJIC 12HUNGARY Your french section is lame !Sorry to tell you thatrۘ but it's true !Soon a mail.....IDEALREBELSFRANCE BLOCKREBELSFINLAND Yo pal....When do ya decide yourself to sendme a mail ?? soon I hope...WARDENARISEGERMANY RAHIEMAMNESIAGERMANY Hi friend ! Yep, you are one of the real friendsI have in the scene. You are a quite cool dude andyou are always writing nice letters. Hope to seeyou either at the Arise or at the Pleasureparty in Summer.<dFWARDENARISEGERMANY MAGICHrZYSTERICGERMANY Hey, ya lame diskstealer ! Send my disks back !Diskstealing is mega out !!!<dKWARDENARISEGERMANY COBRAPLEASUREGERMANY Hi Karsten ! Nice sending, but I haven't recievinganything from ya in the last time...what is up ?Hope to see you at the Pleasure Party. Please sendme sum info-sheets ! Bye"dPWARDENARISEGERMANY BARRAKUDAACUMEGERMANY Hi Sebastian ! Today I received a nice sending fromya, your pax are goil,really ! Yep, hrl(Aope that wewill swap for a very long time and that we will seeus at the Pleasure Party in Reutlingen. ByeWARDENARISEGERMANY EQUIARISEGERMANY Hi Thomas ! You are the fastest in sending disks back,am I right ? But shit egal, wie lauft es im Abi ?Nice meetings on TRSi Party and Arise Meeting inHellenthal, you are a cool dude ! Yep, see you againat the Arise Party...ZPWARDENARISEGERMANY EXCALIBURTHE DARK DEMONGERMANY Yeah, Boehse Onkelrmz are the best, well, cool musictaste, what about some tape swapping ? Write soon...WARDENARISEGERMANY JOKERTECHGERMANY Hi Peter ! Nice meeting on TRSI party ! You havenice letters full of jokes and your pax are thevery best. The new menu is better than the older one,but your handwriting is as ugly as mine. By the way:wie is es im Abi ? Ich hoffe doch gut ! Bye..WARDENARISEGERMANY KYLEARISEGERMANY Hi Stephan ! Yep, quite cool meer]4xtinx, eh ? Howmany voting-sheets have you recieved, he he ?Good luck while counting 'em ... he he ..See youat the Arise Party..Do you come to the PleasureParty in Reutlingen, too ? Me and Bitworm will go100 % Die hellenthaler Crew muss ich noch fragen...WARDENARISEGERMANY MASQUERADE?????GERMANY Plk 115 182 C, 5160 Duren Germany (lamer)Waaah, you are a fucking diskstealer, too, and Ithought that you were cool and we could have metsome time, but no, surrsGxely you have thousends ofcontax that you don't need me, who live about10 km away from ya.ZPWARDENARISEGERMANY N.A.FINDEPENDENTGERMANY Hi Normann ! Have you recieved the greetinx fromGenius of Magic ? Greet him again !Write sooner, ya lazy boy, bye..ZPWARDENARISEGERMANY OPUS 12SUBCULTURE 89GERMANY Shit that you quitted the scene. You have been acool dude and my first contact..hopefully see toat the Arise Party together with D.J.Freezerzr...ZPWARDENARISEGERMANY FASHION DESIGNPLEASUREGERMANY Hi Andreas ! What about some gfx-swapping ?Hope you write soon back. Du bist einer meinerschnellsten und coolsten contax..yeah, see youat the Pleasure Party...send sum info-sheets.."dPWARDENARISEGERMANY REBEL MCTSBGERMANY Hi Mate ! You have cool pax with cool coding !Thanx for sticker sending. I am looking forwardto seeing you at the Arise Party in Summer, bye !WARDr~a@ENARISEGERMANY SKYLINEARISEGERMANY Hi Alex ! Bist du eigentlich immer knulle, wenndu die Briefe schreibst ? Du bist namlich immercool drauf, die Packs sind auch cool, aber greetinxsolten rein und der Stuff sollte auch etwas neuersein (see Going 2 extremes 2). Sorry 4 Kritik,aber ist halt meine Meinung. Kommt ihr 3 dennjetzt mit zur Pleasure Party ? Write soon backwith all my disk ! Bye>ddWARDENARISEGERMANY SLUMLORDAUTOPSYGERMANY Hey Mann ! First or6@logo,great !!!dcnTITANANARCHYFRANCE WALTMELON DEZIGNFRANCE Hi! Christophe! great 'human target' demo !!!"NPTITANANARCHYFRANCE MACK?????FRANCE Great gfxmen, I wait your slide show !!!o2TITANANARCHYFRANCE DCASILENTSFRANCE Hi! David, stuff rulez !!! Isn't it ???!!!! hehe !!!o2TITANANARCHYFRANCE AUDIOMONSTERSILENTSFRANCE I love your music productions, florence rules !!!>(2TITANANARCHYrSsFRANCE ZOOMANARCHYFRANCE I wait your slide show number two !!!"(2TITANANARCHYFRANCE CONQUESTANARCHYFRANCE Hi! Friend, giant week end, no ??, mr conquest !!!d(2TITANANARCHYFRANCE GREMLINSHYPNOSFRANCE Thanx for your greetings in anews !!, Hein pijnou !!!"2TITANANARCHYFRANCE SHINYCALYPSOFRANCE Fun, fun, staying cool anytime !!!TITANANARCHYFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE rD Game gear rulez!!!, You hard drive is out???Shit !!!TITANANARCHYFRANCE RONANANARCHYFRANCE I like your impressive movement!!Funny behaviour !!!AZ TITANANARCHYFRANCE SCUDREBELSFRANCE What do you think of 'biactol'? Arf, too bad !!!)_ATITANANARCHYFRANCE MATRIXREBELSFRANCE I found your raster line great !! arf !!hehe !! oup !!)_ATITANANARCHYFRANCE GOOFY?????FrRANCE Hello cool men!, and your game ??? Good luck !!!)_ATITANANARCHYFRANCE DANDEVILNTFRANCE Gloup !!, arf, hehe, yo, alors ????VPTITANANARCHYFRANCE ABGSPIRITFRANCE What do you think of my gfx, average no ???VPTITANANARCHYFRANCE ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hello freak!!, Janette is not dead hehe !!!VPTITANANARCHYFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE Coucou rhah ba joie !!! What do you prepare ???rqTITANANARCHYFRANCE CAPTAINDEVILSFRANCE Beer rulez !!!But I prefere some beautiful girls !!!"dPTITANANARCHYFRANCE JINXDEVILSFRANCE My technic for some logo its too cool!!Isn't it !!!"dPTITANANARCHYFRANCE LDTFUSIONFRANCE Bouloche rules!!! arffffffff !!!!!!!!!!"dPTITANANARCHYFRANCE ABBASBOMBFRANCE I want my diks !!!And akira french version please !!!!!!!!!>ddTITANANARCHYFRANCE ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIrheyGNFRANCE Please learn the antialiasing technick !!!!"PTITANANARCHYFRANCE ?????TECHFRANCE When you use my logo, don't delete the nameof my team ! Shit !d_nTITANANARCHYFRANCE 7TH EYEALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Cool trsi party no ? arf techno shit !!!!!!!TITANANARCHYFRANCE SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Stop your mess on demomania !!!!! arf !!!!Je crac !!!!d_nTITANANARCHYFRANCE BABYMAJIC 12FRANCE Arrete les jroins fabien !!!Non, je blaguais !!! heheTITANANARCHYFRANCE COUGARSANITYGERMANY Verycool men, I like your little castle pic !!!!TITANANARCHYFRANCE GROODIGITAL????? I don't forget you, I'll write you soon !!!d_nTITANANARCHYFRANCE NEPTUNEANARCHYFRANCE The best cool coder around the world !!!Super car rulez !!!TITANANARCHYFRANCE HOFSILENTSFRANCE I think that, you are one of the best gfxmanor̔eBn amiga, wiz !! Cabeu !!_dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE ANEXREBELSFRANCE He phillipe, penses a nous et penses a ce que jet'ai dis....ce serai bete de tout gacher....A bientot.!!_dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hey..have you forgotten me ??I'am still here andI wait for you....Ok see ya ......@*dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE BURSTTSBFRANCE Biiiiiip.......Biiiiiip......Connect 14400 hst.....Hey do you ever fucking your dog my frir\Nend...Try with hygraicc.....See ya tomorrow..hehe@*dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE THOMASNEMESISSECRET LAND Hehe when do we make a turlututu conf together ?Call me soon....@*dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE STYLEVEGASWITZERLAND Sorry for the fucking laps of time but I need someto change of team so..Please scuze me pal.....Soon good news...@*dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE CYBERSONIKANARCHYHOLLAND Hey do ya received my mail ?? Just because Ididn't received rы!any answer...Recontact me please._dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE CHARLIEEX:ACMESWEDEN Sorry dude for your group, It was one of thecoolest team I gfx cool muzaks andcode not bad....I'll write ya soon._dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE DARYLSHININGFRANCE Still good news..Scuze me for the fucking laspsof time..But I'll recontact ya as soon as possible._dPIDEALREBELSFRANCE RAVETSLFRANCE Still good news..Scuze me for the fucking laspr chip tunes from you. A pity you stay in Rebels, you, Maniac of nOse (hahaha)...MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RICOUBOUMTAGADAFRANCE Yo RiC'... Putain j'ai soif, j'veux une Pelforth!Pull-Marine Rules !!! (Surtout la version de Sunqui est, il faut bien le dire, tres superieure ala tienne !!!) (HAHA)MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE PIBSYNTEXFRANCE Salut mon Pibounet !!! J'ai regarde tous lesfilms pornos que tu m'as prete. Rhooo, c'est degoutant ! HerZ=he... Jacob's Ladder est bien coolpis La Releve aussi ! Ca trip ! Allez hop ! Seeyou soon !!!MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE DENNEWDAYFRANCE Haha, vous aussi vous avez trouve le peigne ?Non, tu la baiserai volontiers...Que te dire d'autre que tu ne sais deja, amour dema vie. Que nu, je me donne a mon chien ?MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE GRAZ'ZTHERETIQUESFRANCE Salut Fred ! C'est quand raD tu veux que tu reviens a Bordeaux ! Ya d'autres pizzerias tu sais !!! Essaye juste de pas amener ton frere !MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE???(HAHA) Alors ? Toujours fan de Iron Merden ? Laisse tomber ptit gars ! rXw Ecoute un grand Musicien comme moi ! Je suis porteur de la parole divine.@Metallica@ est LE groupe.<dKREBEL MCTSBGERMANY SLICKDESIGNGERMANY Yo lars, still in design? What about sending a!complete! greetinxlist, not mixed with theone from link...<dKREBEL MCTSBGERMANY DEICIDEDEVILSGERMANYrh Na stefan, alles klar? Lange nichts mehr von dirgehoert! Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns mal bald wieder aufeiner party. Spaetestens ja auf der expo koeln.REBEL MCTSBGERMANY BOOTBUSTERCONTRASTGERMANY Ey aref, ich fahr zur arise party am08.08.92-09.08.92. du kommst doch mit, oder?Ruf mich doch vorher mal eben an. Du weisst ja,die armen swapper. (modem trader) uebrigens moechteich von dir immer noch die 2.50 dm.du weisst ja, die... (s.o.)OPdPREBEL r.MCTSBGERMANY NAVYVANISHGERMANY Yo tom, die slide kommt ja wohl noch bis zur ariseparty, ehh?!Anyway, keep on great painting.OPdPREBEL MCTSBGERMANY MURDOGMEXXGERMANY Yo patrick, ich habe gehoert, dass du unter die tradergegangen bist. Stimmt das? Mach auf jeden fall deinecool paeckchen weiter. (Wenn du zu diesem zeitpunktnoch in mexx bist)szdPREBEL MCTSBGERMANY KILLRAVENPARADISEGERMANY Andre, andre... Kommst du zur arise conferencer??Man sieht sich ja dann wohl hoffentlich!szdPREBEL MCTSBGERMANY STEFFSHININGGERMANY Yo volker, ich habe mir letzte woche (week 21)auch ein hst geholt. Jetzt fehlt mir nur noch deranschluss. Denn ich will meinen eigenen.Voraussichtlich 2 wochen noch.szdPREBEL MCTSBGERMANY DR. MASTERMINDLASER DANCEGERMANY Yo roman, ich bin jetzt bei meiner 25. compact undhatte schon 3 verschiedene menus. Wie siehts beidir aus? Ein menu fuer eine serie? HahrSHahadAREBEL MCTSBGERMANY LEONZENITHGERMANY Tach manni, machst du eigentlich auch bei zenith packs?Wenn ja,dann schick mir bitte mal ein paar.Keep on great time.dAREBEL MCTSBGERMANY KRS ONEARMAGEDDONGERMANY Hast du es als leader jetzt nicht mehr noetig,dich bei mir zu melden?Tu das doch noch mal in naechster zeit.REBEL MCTSBGERMANY LANCEDECADEGERMANY Eh hansemann, bist du jetzt eigentlich schon sysop?Gib mir mal r0deine bbs nr.! Call mich bitte noch malkurz , damit wir nen treffpunkt in den ferienausmachen koennen!REBEL MCTSBGERMANY DOW JONESDELIGHTGERMANY Hey dow jones, wenn du nichts besseres zu tun hast,kannst du mir mal wieder 2-3 tsb ansis painten.Waer echt cool!dAREBEL MCTSBGERMANY TSMS!P-SCOOPEXGERMANY Hallo henning, kommst du zur arise conference?Wenn du kommst,kannst du es mir ja schnell schreiben!REBEL MCTSBGERMANYrq=} WARDENARISEGERMANY Hey holger, ich warte auf die erste ausgabe.Ich hoffe, du hast readers digest schon gesehen.Es soll in 3 tagen kommen.Heute ist der 29.05.1992.>ddREBEL MCTSBGERMANY CYBERSONIKANARCHYHOLLAND Keep on the cool sendings. please send the newestissue of microprose as soon as it is released.REBEL MCTSBGERMANY TOXICDESIGNGERMANY Na, du ficker?! haste gezz deine mb's?And always remember: .... WindsurfirTng chiemsee rulez ....Ich wollte dich ja nach ganz oben schreiben, aber deinemessy war nicht so wichtig. Ausserdem stehen meinebesten contacts ganz oben, und je tiefer destounwichtiger der contact. Also geh einfach nach hausedu scheiss lamer und fick deine 14-jaehrige freundin,die handball spielt und nen tannenbaum im kamin hat.Das war uebrigens kein fake, du blase... (hehe)>anTITANANARCHYFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCE Very nice gfxmen!!, I found your 'wet dream' res couilles !!! haha ! Bon, quand est-ce que tu nous sors une bonne music ? Ca changera ! haha (just kidding). MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE CROQUIKDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Alors ? Qu'est-ce que tu deviens Nesquik ?  rR Ca marche l'IUT ? Pas encore degoute ? Moi, il m'a fallu 1 an et demi pour que je  m'apercoive que ca me cassait les couilles! Tiens jusqu'au bout,ca peut valoir le coup! hehe) as charrier quoi ! une game boy ?! hahahaSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE CONTROLALCATRAZSWITZERLAND Hi mate !, Remember the problem with the post ! arghopefully you've got a quite fast reaction ! hehehope to see you one day! at the Beach party maybe ??? I will send ya articles, arf arf when I willfinish that 'shitty' exams...HurgSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE NICKSPACEBALLS????? Thanx for the Wayfarer demo that was really nice !Hope there will be sorqʦ!me other cool sending likethiz one !!! Sure they will ...liked the Crazy long letter (record)...SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE TANEOC 1999FRANCE Quite a long time without news, is the letterlost ??? or are you working hard on the hotsister Compet...??? may be yur brain dead ??allo allo ??? Sun to Tan allo allo ??(non pas san ku kai)SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE STYLEVEGA????? Hello guy, have you liked the beachtro ?? hopeit worked ! ... hehe shar9`xme on me I have sendya a bad crunched version ! houps Sorry but youalready know that ... come at the Beach Guys !SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE FABIANDESIRE????? Yihhho nice tunes, good luck for yourmusic band ! heheLdFSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE SKYWALKERCOLLISION????? Hi multinames man ! have you changed since the lasttime ? may be you will beat me at this game ...I've got 15 pseudo already hahahaSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE JASPHrÄENOMENA????? Remember that old old letter I have sent you ???the messy wasn't on a letter ! It was on an asciifile on the disk ! arg sorrry !Next time It will be a Real letter ...arf arfdFSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE NAPZEROES????? Hello waiting for your products hehe...soon ?or are yu dead ?SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE LORD HELMETPMCNORWAY what's new ??? forgot me ??? hawhaw anywayhope to see a new edition of raw soon or maybea new PMC demo r%@x??? hope so!Do you still wrote ultra super short messy ???hem hemSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MUSHROOM STUDIOSNOXIOUS????? WAaah Hope that the new version of PTKyou are working on will fulfill my Dreams andthose of all the musicians around !!!...see ya dude...It's a shame you can't come to the beach !!sFSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE WOTWSUPPLEX????? Hi Guy ! thx ya for the letter and your nice tune !we may meet at the Beach party ...hehe if yurv can make it !...Yu will of course ?SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE DEICIDEDEVILS????? Hi to the first German member of Devils ...Yu have to try to beat the record of Nick-spaceballsfor the longest letter coz he sended me a two pagesletter & yu only one ...hahahaSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE HYGRAICCTSBFRANCE cool tres cool le debut de Bloodcity !enfin je te l'ai deja dit je crois non ???haha...avec de la chance on iraa la beach ensemble ... Arf rɡO!)^AMOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Yo Hugues ! J'espere qu'elle te prend pas lamusic... Tu dois commencer a la connaitre cellela ! A bientot ! Galette bretonne rules ! MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE OISTEIN EIDEM.O.NNORWAY Hey it's a long time I didn't receive anything from you. Write back please ! Have you r heard the shitty tunes in @Agony@ ? Yours were quite better ! MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE JESTERSANITYGERMANY Hello Volker, it's a pity we didn't meet at the @TRSI@ easter party. Hope we'll meet someday ! Anyway, @JESTERDAY@ was brilliant. I'm happy to see you didn't drop r94e amiga music !< FMOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE FREDDOXTSBFRANCE Your banana split is just the best ever !Hope to have soon another pizza party withyou. Tu suces bien rules ! Je VEUX gouter ta mousse au chocolat! GRMBL!!!" FMOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCEGFX(?)I hope you finally managed to do lower case fontscos' I'm typing this text in lower case !Try to draw a little bit more instearxOTIFMELON DEZIGNFRANCE You asked me the drinktro and the voting formularof the Drink Charts and then you did not vote...why ?ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ATWILLLIQUIDFRANCE Yohooo !! What about your synthetic tunes musicdisk ? See you at the Beach Party...or at least during another night on rtel<dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE CLAWZTSBFRANCE Yohooo !! What about your synthetic tunes musicdisk ? See you at the Beach Party...or at leastdurirf|cng another night on rteldDANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE SHEDWILLOWFRANCE Yoho sorry for the delay but I was quite busylately... Anyway,nice demo at the Trsi party ..A new quality french group seem to be born !dDANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCE Just to try the system..hehe..Not too tired to typeall these fucking messages ??dDANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE VINNIESPACEBALLS????? Only to say that I really enjoy your musicsrm{ !!Want to hear more from you !!Really nice'n fast demos !szdPANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RACKMAJIC 12????? Really impressive gfx !!!Your stone effects are so good !szdPANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE COUGARSANITYGERMANY Hehe..I wonder if you are as good at drinkingthan at drawing.Rumours..rumours.. Anyway ,I didn't receive any vote from you for thecharts...Wargh !ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE POLARISMAJIC 12FRANCE Yohoooo Juju rύz!!! So..still phoning from yourpen-friend's house in Germany ?? Hehehe..anywaythis time I won't be able to send you the photoof my cat...coz Moket is now a carpet..roads areso dangerous nowadays.szdPANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ZARKODLEGION OF DESPAIRFRANCE YOhooo !!! What about your projects with Ramus ??The avantage with you is that nobody will believeyou if you tell your Gfx are digitized or boughtto someone like ?? ahaha !!ANTONYrY&yDREAMDEALERSFRANCE GOLDFINGERREALITY????? Thx for writing me one more time !! I have really toapologize for often being too slow ! Summer holidaysshould improve this !! Hope there isn't too muchdamage in Croatia for you,your family and yourfriends ...METAL DEATHLEPROSYAUSTRIA MEGADETHALCATRAZ????? Hi pal !I received your last letter but I'm not ableto answer,because you didn't write your addyanywhere... My adress-file fucked up with my lasthd cr+Prash ! So please write again and don't forgetto give me the address ! cuszdPANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MENTALANARCHYFRANCE Thx for your letter ! Sorry for the delay ! Also thx)~ SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE GRYZORDMACONFRANCE Salut mon grygry, j'espere que tu t'eclates toujours autant a l'armee...allez quoi encore quelque moiS a tenir...Hawhawhaw Courage !)~rd SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE Salut Rappeur-Head, la grande forme? pret a repondre a ton courrier, hehehe garde espoir tu t'en sortiras... ne souris pas surtout. Cote courrier vers moi tu es plutot lent en tout cas !!!)~ SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE JINXDEVILSFRANCE Encore merci pour ce que tu sais r$ meme si finalement je m'en sert pas, coz c un peu trop lent...hakhak... mets un masque quand tu vas voir Rhah...parait que c'est atroce...)~ SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MERLINDEVILSFRANCE Yohooo on se voit pas souvent mais hop Coucou !)~ SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE GRAZ'ZTHERETIQUESFRANCE salut les 2 freres, cra gaze la cohabitation... faudrait dire a zorgan d'etre moins bete sur les bords hahaha...SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE GREGHERETIQUESFRANCE salut les 2 freres, ca gaze la cohabitation...faudrait dire a zorgan d'etre moins bete sur lesbords hahaha...SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ZORGANHERETIQUESFRANCE regarde le messy d'au dessus...maitre chanteur !OPdPSUNDREAMDEALERSr+FRANCE BOUFFONHERETIQUESFRANCE parait que ca existe un pseud pareil !! HUUUfaut etre un zerotics pour trouver ces noms !SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RICOUMYSTICSFRANCE hip hip ... n'oublie pas tu as l'original de lamd 1 ...hemTu me l'as pas vire hein !!!c'est une antiquite HOOO !OPdPSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE POLARISMAJIC 12FRANCE t'as de la pub sur tout les aerosols c deja ca...HahaBen ouai non ???SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCEr  BIGMHEMOROIDSFRANCE turluuu... Quelle idee bizarre !!!je voudrai bien voircomment c'est chez toi !!!OPdPSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE STRANGERHEMOROIDSFRANCE Vive turlutu Cha... hahaha st,amiga et apres pc ?"_PSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE CORTOINDEPENDENTFRANCE ben si tu peux lire ca je t'envoi un coucou...haw haw>bPSUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RONANANARCHYFRANCE Salut ! super les equalizers de spring ! ca change !et vive imagina ..r]Qc may send you some french beer one day just to taste the difference! Also congratulations for being the 50th voter of the drink charts !ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE Yohoooo Roger !! WHat about - your phone bill ? - your software team project ?I wasn't present at the Eremation party...shameon me ! But I have a quite good excuse this time !!!I really hope thr؆eat the Dreamdealers and the drinkcharts team will show you and the other PMC membershow to booze !!! Pastis is OK !Pelforth is better !!!!Never forget : Dreamdealers -our bar is 24h/24 open-> ,ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE Yohooo ! Thx for writting me ! Sorry for the delay ! Nice packs !L FANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE SLIGHT?????FRANCE YO !!! Still among stars, somewhere between MarrΚ^;sand Venus ?? Come back ! Do you still want to renta camping car to come to the beach party ??? Cold nights on rtel are always cool with you !L FANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE THE SEVENTH SONHERETIQUESFRANCE Yohooo tete de crabe !! Still playing footballin your mountains ? We should try to have sometroubles with new guys... The amiga scene is so boring without rer+)+al action !!! FANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ZORGANHERETIQUESFRANCE The madest,the utilities master !!Nice rap deliriums (tremens ?) on the bestfrench BBS ...Rtel !! Thx for the digits you agreed to make ! FANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE FREDHERETIQUESFRANCE Thx for sending me the preview of your soon comingtrackMo !! The 3d routines are so powerful !!!Really impressive for a first demo !! Will you ro also present it at the PARTY II ?? Whynot including it with our 5 disks project ? It would be a 7 disks project ! ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE CONQUESTANARCHYFRANCEr/vo Thx for your help with the drink charts ! It was precious.. Nice you support french ideas !>t3ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE PICTALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Arghhh...I'm a so slowwww disks sender !!Anyway,what about the Chuppa Dogga ?ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Ouah ouah !! Still drawing funny dogs ??? Hum...howdo you feed all of them ?rݎ#nLdKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ARIOSDELIGHTFRANCE You really look like a top model on the photo !!dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE DOHDELIGHTFRANCE I just sent you my Auvergnian cooking should help you a lot !!LdKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE BIG REDDELIGHTFRANCE Argh..we should met one day ! Auvergne rulez !dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE KROMDELIGHTFRANCE No more news from you !! Where are you ?Still skiirXng ?ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE ROOKIEANARCHYFRANCE It seems that you caught the consolmania..when willwe see you at micro kids on the french 3rd channel ?Just to win the megadrive...Hope to see you all atthe beach party.Nice job with Spring Melodies !ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RONANANARCHYFRANCE It seems that you caught the consolmania..when willwe see you at micro kids on the french 3rd channel ?Just to win the megadrive...Hope to seer\! you all atthe beach party.Nice job with Spring Melodies !LdKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE FTBCYCLONEFRANCE So you are back ? Sorry but I lost the address yougave me on me if you can !A soon coming demo ?ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE RHODANARCHYFRANCE I don't think we will insert the best disk packssection in the Drink Charts is not the aim required !But anyway you could get a special mention witha very alcoholic loaderrmQr !! Hehe !!dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE THANATOSPMCFRANCE Sorry but I feel so lazy that I wonder if I willone day be able to send you my gfx !Anyway ,rumourssay you improved your style !<dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE PHASERNEWTYPEFRANCE?????Thx for sending me your first intro !Short but nice design !<dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE 7TH EYEALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Thx for the votes you got at the quartz party....I lost your addrr.Zess one more time ... I will writeyou when I'll find it back !ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE WALTMELON DEZIGNFRANCE Too bad you don't like our charts...Don't you enjoylife ? Why do you still claim that the charset ofTales of A Dream is ripped from yours ? So why didyou refuse to see mine -which colors are more inthe yellows and which letters are more curved-at theCyclone Party 91 ???Why dwell on the past ? Odd...<dKANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE MrπXoby en plus...Non seulement tu me lache mais en plusc avec mon amant...t gonfle...Zouzou les petalles vaincra!!!dKALEXALCATRAZFRANCE NEUCHCYCLONEFRANCE Eh, NEUCH! That's a wonderful game you are makin'!Remember TBT of TNT rules !!:ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE HEADALCATRAZ????? Yo guy! Good meetings we did, didn't we ? Surely another one in a not so far future !" TALEXALCATRAZFRANCE NAMWILLOWFRANCE Hi dude, that's quite fr/unny to talk to you throughthe great TSB message box, even if I can tell youwhat I want everyday when I meet you around,in town or at school, but anyway let me tellyou that... you do a real good job in your demos, may Willow grow up and last for a long time...VPALEXALCATRAZFRANCE LATYLPUMAFRANCE what do you mean....?OPdPALEXALCATRAZFRANCE TITANANARCHYFRANCE Hoy titanic Titan, for sure r%pI loved your stylein logosNice to meet you everytime, and thanks again forthe tricks and advises on DPaint. I guess I writeyou soon. 4ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE REFLEXREBELSFRANCE Hi Reflex, we met at the TRSI party and I didn'teven hear some new tunes from you, so how is going Rebels Fr now? new productions planned for the near future ?"dUALEXALCATRAZFRANCE HOFSILENTSFRANCE Eventually you found a tr@Geam with The Silents.That's good for you, I guess. Now I hope to seemore of your wonderful art in soon coming demosfrom DCA. See you "dTALEXALCATRAZFRANCE DCASILENTSFRANCE Hoy DCA, I am eager to see your coming demo,when did you tell me it will be released ? ...June, jully ? I am sure you'll make the moststunning new effects ever.ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE QUEDEXALCATRAZAUSTRIA Hoy Quedex, I have no news from you for long nowwhat do you dor}W> ?Answer me, please.ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCE Hello good boy ! So you did it, the message box isready to be released, and what about the demo youmade, see again the transitions and it's really okfor a hit ! Release it too!But maybe your prepare bigger projects...Hope to see you againALEXALCATRAZFRANCE AGONYATLANTYSFRANCE Hello Agony, I am sure the life is great in Atlantysmaybe something planed for the forthcoming monthrsa...Yes ?Thanks again for your great sendings. See you'ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE DARYL?????FRANCE Yop Daryl !No more news from you ? Hey friend, when yill webe able to read the big 'Bad' paper? So you must bearound 520 pages ready at this time! You've beatenMc Disk!By the way remember this: Nothing is more fatal thanan overdose of Overdose (understand who wants to)!Ok, see you...ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE FTBCYCLONEFRANCE?????Hey guys around,r輍, guess what? Cyclone is alive!How can you stand this? Cyclone is there with a newfantastic composer: Massive, you'll know him as soonas you'll be able to share his compositions on youramiga ! Everything depends on one guy: You, FTB !A musicdisc? There is not so much time left now!But I know you'll do it , Won't you !ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE MENTALANARCHYFRANCE Yo good friend !Only a month of exams left and then:Holidays !Maybe near the beach in july, see your`R there !dUALEXALCATRAZFRANCE WALTMELON DEZIGNFRANCE Zorglub's rules !, Bon je vais parler en francaisparce que sinon tu comprends pas (deja moi c'estpas toujours clair...): Eviv bulgroz !ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE QUEDEXALCATRAZAUSTRIA Hello my big friend!Still some tricky problems withli'll brothers and sisters in your car ? Hey! Showthem stunt car and maybe they will think twicebefore going on a car with you ! I'm always gladto read somerAD news from Austria in your long letters,btw send a card in holidays !ALEXALCATRAZFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCE Let's go for a li'll paradox: I wanted to be thefirst (maybe after Nam) to congratulate you insidethe production itself, for all the graphisms (of anew kind of design) you drawn,in Live-the messageboxand for all that weren't used. Hopefully everybodycan see a piece nowadays,not as your last demo (btw,when the next demo is released now ?)Ok... Ok, it rP=is maybe too much at this time andyou're right, you deserved to sleep for a while,but don't be too long ! Bye> ,ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE AVORIAZSYNTEXFRANCE Thanx for sending me your gfx animator ! Great idea ! It seems that this accident improved your brain capacity ! Hope to see you -and your handscanner- Send kisses to the syntex familly -arQnd especially to Bird's baby!!-> ,ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE UFOLEPROSYAUSTRIA Hi !! Really cool multi-chat system !! Your BBS is improving days to days! Thx for the help you provide me for the drink charts !!> ,ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE METAL DEATHLEPROSYAUSTRIA Yoho !!! You are certainly the best co-sysop of the hard rock planet ! Otherwise, Ir{+ life is cooolll....Wakin' up at 4 am to make a 30 km walk is good for your health.But dont worry Lokh will think of, when can we see your pinguin ninja mutant family demo on our screens?And show us your gfx.......szdPLOKHTSBFRANCE ZIRIAXTSBLUXEMBOURG Hi dude, 'twas cool to meet ya and your beer at theIris party.'Hope to sea ya again ..... But not ar|zh Ut theNext Iris party coz it waz really too lame...Anyway i'm sure we'll meet again to drink together...LOKHTSBFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Grmbl. yahhhaaaaa after my exams I'll drive toBordeaux and I'll be on your back!!!!I wont let you breath !!So prepare your ass ! Hey for the next drink chartsjust ask the question about the best beer...33 exportroulez hahahahaha..... 'Hope to listen to yourfuckin zik soooooonnnnn coz I love the way you maketechnr}*Qo and foooonnnnnnk music yeahhhh !!!!!!LdKLOKHTSBFRANCE ALBATROSINDEPENDENTFRANCE Hi Alex.... Still angry against me ?... I hope to seeyou in a next party even if you are quit bored by thescene.I think you made a good choice but having friendshere is cool,so all I hope is to have a chat with you.again.dKLOKHTSBFRANCE NEWMARKTSBFRANCE Yoo Newmy... So, are you still leaving us for the armynext year ??? We didn't hear you much zis days. r~NAreyou working so hard ?? Yeah I bet you are... c u l8r NewmyLOKHTSBFRANCE EKTARTSBFRANCE Waaaarrrgglll!!!! scuse me I'm thinking of your PC...this is a chemical reaction.... sorry. Scheurf...Well if you read this mess, that meens that you'restill alive (and it maybe a good thing..). I hope youkept your miga so we can meet at the beach party. Iloved your present last time....really.I didn't findthe way to use it but it was really great. Was it forthernR cat? Mmmmmhh yeah ... I'll think about it...By the way, I wont be in Orleans next year (sorry mylove) but in Bordeaux with Freddox and Moby..... Yep.Sad isnt it? c u your LokhAZLOKHTSBFRANCE H3O+LIQUIDFRANCE Well, I think I'm still angry... yeah !!! next time I'll see you I'll smash your Miga with the empty head of another musician ....:-) na!!! And then rSwe can have a good time to repair it.... But I still dont know what kind of zik you play.... So I'll have to come in your house to hear your stuff. But be carefull my wraith is terriblewhen I hear techno.... or shit like wait and PTCMBA...LOKHTSBFRANCE ENDERARTWORKFRANCESFX-GFXSo after a long time your back on the scene!!!taratata! Hop! I hope to srڀ;-ee one of your prodsoooonn....soonest than us..arf. Well the only thingI can tell you is that a hard disk is cool.... verycool, especially for a musician like you, you canhave most of your samples on a partition rather thanan 18 disks hehehe. Anyway we're waiting for yourgod...ddnLOKHTSBFRANCE LASERDANCETSBGERMANY Yooooo..... your TSB dots source is cool, yep!Could you send your addy to Fletch so we (me and Freddox we'll be in the same town in september)raGcan send you our sources...arf. Anyway it would becool if could meet in one of the next party.ddnLOKHTSBFRANCE SYNCTSBFRANCE Hugh! I'll send you all the gfx you need to makeyour demo... By the way I hope you contacted FletchYou will se we are in cool group here in TeuSeuBeuSo I hope I'll see you again.... If you come toBordeaux just gimme a call.... to have a big timehehehe... bye.ddnLOKHTSBFRANCE SARONTSBGERMANY Cool packsrYi.... Every body ask us for them here inFrance... go on on your job, it's cool. By theway, can you put them on Silver Moon, so Hygraicccan take them and send them to us (Fredd an Fletchand me)...hehe'hope to see you in a next party.NLOKHTSBFRANCE DENINDEPENDENTFRANCE Verschuren uber alles!!!!Do you always go to sleep soearly???LE DORMEUR DOIT SE REVEILLER !!!!c u at a next touzeAZLOKHTSBFRANCE AVORIAZSYNTEXFRANCESCANNEr FR Alors les corses. Vous nous la faites qd cette party en Corse hein???? Qu'on se fasse une bronzing party.... I like the way you draw I was really impressed!!! (I love your scanner huhuhu)LOKHTSBFRANCE ALL MEMBERSHERETIQUESFRANCE Salllut salllut !!! Alors les serpents? elleest qd la garden 2? faites gaffe! je retiensZouzou les petalles enr otages et si je n'aipas de nouvelles ds 2 semaines je la lachesur la scene!!! Et je vous denonce enDemomania niark niark connais tres bien 7th son...hehehevpLOKHTSBFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE ViVa InTrYx !!!!!         na...<sLOKHTSBFRANCE ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Tu ne m'aime plus hein? avoue!!!Tu me trompe en cachette Fredd me l'a ditet avec ce cheveulu de MrpK=0COCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE BILLY THE KIDGRACE????? Hi mate...Nice sending!!Please send back faster please...COCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE FREDDOXTSBFRANCE Thanx for your help and see you soonat next party..."NPCOCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE TKBDEVILSFRANCE Thanks for your help and continueyour great work in devils!>`dCOCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hi man...there is long time no?!See you later arqnnd continue your great workin dreamdealers!>`dCOCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE GOBBLIN?????HOLLAND Thanks for your nice stuff...But can yousend back faster please!!See you soon...COCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE SHADOWARTEFACTFRANCE Salut man...Pas grand chose a te dire ...a la prochaine!!DOHDELIGHTFRANCE ARIOSDELIGHTFRANCE How are you doing blood brother??Keep on your good work!I hope you'll present me la caissiere de chezscore!rrl>+!!coolness and duchesse anne rules!LdKDOHDELIGHTFRANCE ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE I've never sais it to you but i think you'd better stop listening plastic bertrand...Take example on groplouc-syntheshit and listen benny b...yo!!! Coolness and langlauf rulez!!dKDOHDELIGHTFRANCE SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE You know I think we have made a cool tune together...but what can it be used for??There's too much partsand it's about 200 ko...At last can yrsoou carry me to the beach party with redlight?Yes or no?Bye!See you on rtel...DOHDELIGHTFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE What's more beautiful than a huge heavy andcoloured explosion?Doh far away in chemicals will send you more of hisblowing creations!!! Continue to try drawing(il estbeau ton logo!!!) I hope I'll could come to yourparty and don't forget...You can phone mewhen you want ...or else see you on rtel!d_dDOHDELIGHTFRANCE ANTONYDREAMDEArtLERSFRANCE You know what??I stopped cooking stupid things!!Hope I'll see you on the beach party...don't forget the gfx for my music disk!a +++DOHDELIGHTFRANCE ALL MEMBERSDELIGHTFRANCE This messy is for all delight members living aroundparis...Is it polluted air which gives you so much lazyness??Come in britany to make a water cure ...and you'll see the difference!!...)_dnFREDDOXTSBFRANCE FRANCKINDEPENDENTFRANCE Hello franck...It was realy nice to meet you at orleand...You still going to raves??? I will perhaps (?) come..just for testing...because the zik-style..well...Hope to see you soon (at the Garden-party?)good luck for ... byeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE MATRIXREBELSFRANCE Hello daniel !!Thanx for the phone calls , and don't hesitate dosend me some cool (rT of course) ziksWe (lokh & me) haven't gone at paris because wehave realy no time.But I think we will meet together soon(are you still coding ??) byeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE SHERIUFIZZLEFRANCE Hello antoine ..Well , I'll try to be a bit faster than previous ...and don't hesitate to re-contact me..thanxBy the way , your Trace-It prog are greatbut a bit slowwhy don't you make an asm version of it ???bye and see ya soon !FREDDOXTSBFRANCE RrUPGOUZOUZ?????FRANCE Hi pascal....I will soon send you the new version of d....It was very hard to have this version.Please send back some cool (code) stuff...thanx. byeKFREDDOXTSBFRANCE WORMTSBFRANCE Hello joseph..You are a real cool coder...with nice and @crazy ideas@ (hehehe)but next year you will have nothing to do.. so a big demo in preparation for @tsb@???.. gloups But rV first .. the new menu ? @hope to see tou soon@ .. byeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE JOETSBLUXEMBOURG Hi joel !It was very nice to meet you at the iris party(france)I haven't time to write to you.. till now , but I willwrite you soon... perhaps we will meet together soon.Hope to have news from you... byeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE 7TH EYEALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Hi Antoine !Are you working on a trackmo ??Don't hesitate to write me rW!Yagain..thanx..see ya soonFREDDOXTSBFRANCE ZYRIAXTSBLUXEMBOURG Hello jean michel !Thanx a lot for the source.I haven't answer youbecause of having no time.. exams..etcI will try to repare this delay and write to you soonyour demo was @great@ in code..because the design isn'tvery ... but continue.. see you soon ! byeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE NMITSBLUXEMBOURG Hello tom !Do you remember me ? (at the iris party-paris)Well it was very nice to rX" < meet you....with your special @baby's feeding bottle@ ... heheheHope to see a new prod from you soon... byeOPbFBOMBSQUADKROMFRANCE GREILIENERGYAUSTRIA @Please recontact me!!@ Your postlugernd seemsto be dead!!_dPBOMBSQUADKROMFRANCE PHRASHERDICTATORSSWEDEN Nice to swap with you!!Your last logo isquite good!<dFBOMBSQUADKROMFRANCE ?????BASSFRANCE Tekkno rules!!But graf is better!!Reecris moi vite!UPBOMBSQrY RUADKROMFRANCE MERLINDEVILSFRANCE Gnark Gnark Gnark...Quand tu veux pour lebras de fer...ainsi que pour la boisson!!"dPBOMBSQUADKROMFRANCE MAXX DJINTENSEFRANCE Your last musik disk is really great!!Continue!!BOMBSQUADKROMFRANCE MOPALCATRAZMALTA Yeah!Did you enjoy looking at my postcard?!!BOMBSQUADKROMFRANCE SPHARTEFACTFRANCE Cool de swapper avec toi...Tekkno rulez!_dPSPHARTEFACTFRANCE FLETrD$,pity you move to Lyon.Bye. And may the gloups be with you !!! Kiss @Laeti@ for me (????)FREDDOXTSBFRANCE LAETIMYSTICSFRANCE Gloups... helloYou make the @best@ coffee I have ever drink.When will you make some croque-messieur for a poor coder and a pseudo-good zikos (hum...)Hope to see you soon (bdx?)...NFREDDOXTSBFRANCE DENINDEPENDENTFRANCE Hello @visse roy@ (!!!) Nice speak and delrE%irium party on nitel I'm waiting for your modules and the ideas for the m.d. (bientot une nouvelle recette avec des moules ... @bien fraiches@.. hehe ) bye. a+++ @Verchuren Rulez@ FREDDOXTSBFRANCE NIRVANAINDEPENDENTFRANCEDORMEUSEHello my sweet heart...(ohoh ???) Bon .. v dodo zzzz zzzzz zzz zz zz zzzzzz zzz zzz zzz zz zzzzz zzz zz zzz zzzrF&iX zzz zzhehe.. hope to see you soon .. I will prepare somemoucraines ...bye FREDDOXTSBFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE Hello guy... Thanx for not having censored me in club bateaux be the way , It's a very cool club with nice speaking about rG'$ serious problems.. (@regis@..) Hope to see you soon on nitel for a new secret-salon (like @*sal delire@,do you remember???) bye..FREDDOXTSBFRANCE COCONUTSARTEFACTFRANCE Hello Franck,have you received my letter???with wonderfull drawing... hehe.Don't forget to send me your next production.ByeddxFREDDOXTSBFRANCE NAMWILLOWFRANCE rH(9Hello pierreI really like your prods , perhaps a little shortbut there are very cool.Hum... we are still searching for good coders and morecool contacts like you.....Hope to see you at the Garden-party 2 . ByeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE MANOKTERMINATORSFRANCE Hello guyWell.. I know I'm not the faster contact you have...but I have nothing new to send to you. (Until now!)arf...thanks for your @friendship@.. Bye>_nFREDDOXTSBFRANCE TITANANArI)X;RCHYFRANCE HelloThanks for your sending (compil 5), I really likeyour packs.There are really cool.I also like your gfx . well hope to see ya soonand have more friendship contacts...Don't hesitate to draw more clip-arts for @LIVE@Bye FREDDOXTSBFRANCE NEPTUNEANARCHYFRANCE HelloHope your math sup was a succes... It's realy hard ???I suppose you won't code something for a long timeIt's sad... byeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE EKTARTSBFRANCE rJ*Gloups...Well you should sell your pc ..It's not the good wayWill you make some new gfx for us ???Arf..@PC: Pure Chit@ (well...shit)Bye.."PPFREDDOXTSBFRANCE ANEXREBELSFRANCE Hello philipe.I realy like your gfx, one of the @best one@...Is it right that you stop computing ???Hope no... see ya soon . ByeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE FLETCHTSBFRANCE Gloups...Gloups...Gloups...Hello sheriffWelcome to the grmbl club... the greatest group erK+nver madeYour @scanner@ works fine! (huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu)I will @never@ use again Iffmaster for LIVE , Ok ???Blurp. (Try to find the secret word!!!)AZ FREDDOXTSBFRANCE NEOINDEPENDENTBELGIUM Hello olivier Have you received my disks?? I have no news from you until your last calling.. Hope the army wasn't too hard and boring (?).. And don't stop making grL,=ood gfx.. Hope to see you soon, with Joseph ?FREDDOXTSBFRANCE LOKHTSBFRANCE Gloups.. patrice...Hummm Tolkien rules...Don't forget to buy some moules (bien ...)for the grmblAnd don't stop making bugged-routines.. (see the moby mess)For the Garden-party : I bring the pail and you the shovel...@Heritiques ruleZ@L KFREDDOXTSBFRANCE HPATINDEPENDENTFRANCE Hello patrice...When will you buy an @amiga@ and @crash@ your rM-&Uqa..(bip)..stHehehe I will write to you soon for more hp-progsAnd amiga stuff... or perhaps I will come to brest ? Well..God will say... ByeFREDDOXTSBFRANCE BLACK TIGER?????FRANCE Hello stephane..I'm waiting for your first production...and I will soon come to your home to see akirain japanese version ???bye and good luckFREDDOXTSBFRANCE JANETTELIAR BANDFRANCELIARHello Patrick...hehe I have receivedrN>n your letter and your photohehe thanks ... but the were too much sweet smellotherwise hope to see you soon (is it possible???)FREDDOXTSBFRANCE HYGRAICCTSBFRANCE Hello guys...Nice calling, but a bit too early ( 11 am)Hope to see you a the Mega Party of the year :The G A R D E N P A R T YTry to reach the secret parts...With your special message.. hehehSee ya soonFREDDOXTSBFRANCE ILLUSIONDZETAFRANCE Hello stephane..You shouldr9/XXTSBFRANCE ELMERDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Blurp...Hum...Je t'aiderais bien a la porter cette valise...Mais elle est trop @lourde!!@  Ceci dit .. @Gravos@ la matos que tu as !!!!Bon A+++ et a bientot (a bdx???)L :FREDDOXTSBFRANCE MAX.OVERDRIVESYNTEXFRANCE hi julien...ben c t bien cool la @garden@ hein??? Cela faisait une bonne occasion pour ce voir Et on continu a echanger r:0-) qq sources et demos ?? Un peu plus rapide(!)... quand viendras-tu visiter bordeaux ?(et moi la corse ?) A+++++++++++AZ FREDDOXTSBFRANCE BIRDSYNTEXFRANCE Hi man.... Well.. hum .. after a little explication... (Bateaux's club).. everything is OK ??? r;1O' I hope that Max have gave you @LIVE@ (he? otherwise what are you reading now???) Arg.. j'arrete de taper en anglais c trop chiant!!! et puis la langue officiel de la Corse c'est leFrancais non??Bon A++++FREDDOXTSBFRANCE ZEBIGALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Hi J-philippe !I will perhaps start coding the @drinkcharts@ one day..Heheheheheheh arg, I start it Immer<2gdiately !!!!!!!!!And i send you soon a preview.. with some requests..Hope to see you soon...FREDDOXTSBFRANCE COUGARDREAMDEALERSFRANCE HI guy...I will perhaps phone you soon for a ... hum @(poisson!)@Well... hope to see you soonAZ FREDDOXTSBFRANCE GRAZ'ZTHERETIQUESFRANCE @Zitrone rulez !!!!@ Well,your invitation-demo was great.. Yeahhhhh When will you come to bdx??? r=3- in september ?? I have already buy kilos of @noodles@ and @pizzassss@ We will make sex-party with moby,Lokh, you and me.. heheh @Blurp@ (=pizza+bieer)P FREDDOXTSBFRANCE AVORIAZSYNTEXFRANCE hi mate !!! Your hardware is the best I have ever seen.. Especialy your scanner... r>4c~ (huhuhuhuhuhuh) Well, cool to meet you at the garden... See you soon at @the garden party 2@ !!!FREDDOXTSBFRANCE POLARISMAJIC 12FRANCE Hello dude ...Humm ... what about your new messages ???Arrgghhh.. no matter .. in the next issue,ok ???I have lost 3 disks at the garden-party...It was the most important disks I har?5Juve brought thereWith the live-source and most of the messages !!!@Bye@, and see you soonAZ FREDDOXTSBFRANCE LANTERNE ROUGEDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Oooouuuupppppssss....... Hum nice @pseudo@.. but why this one ??? Strange isn't it??? heheheh You can also look at the Redlight-mess @Macdonald rulez@ !!!!AZ FREDDOXTSBFRANCE ALBATROSINDEPEr@6g>XNDENTFRANCE Hi Alexandre,thanx for your sending... Your routs were very cool,but why don't you add perspective ??? hum... Good luck for your game.. the next best-seller-game??? Well hope to see you soon... and you will receive some disks soon.. FREDDOXTSBFRANCE MOBYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Pizza rurA78oǥles !!! (grmbl...) I'am trying to improve the @banana's split@ It's a hard way.. but we won't fail... also in preparation the @flaming moe@... hehe see ya soon.... I really like this tune.! rB8 & huhu....  FREDDOXTSBFRANCE ANTONYDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Hello tony from @topolino@ !!! (do you remember...? It was a very cool meeting (aurillac) and I hope that the @garden-party@ will be as cool as it Aurillac is really good place for a party..... hum why not ...? and don't forget to sign the testament ...  Hope to chi ya founesz TFREDDOXTSBrC#]FRANCE RONANANARCHYFRANCE Hello ronan , thanks for your help (?)I really like your spring melodies equalizerIt's a very cool the way : try @Devpac@ ... otherwize you will never do something good (hum...!) I hope to have more news from you. (even on archimedes ???)FREDDOXTSBFRANCE RICOUMYSTICSFRANCESFX-GFXHello Eric , I will soon send back your gameWhat a r.:^lHRATCHERFAIRLIGHTNORWAY Clean the shit with Frequenz, ok?KYLETSBNORWAY EVERYBODY?????WORLDWIDE Contact me: Kyle-TSB Bergsalleen 12 0854 Oslo 8 Norway)^ALIVE STAFFTSBFRANCE CHIT CHAT STAFFMIRAGEGERMANY Hi !! Hope you'll like this prod as much as we like yours !NECRONOMICONINTRYXFRANCE EVERYBODY?????????? Hi guys !!! This is Necronomicon speaking...If you need gfx, or anything er/;lse then write to:Hurtaux Ludovic,8 rue du danube,51100 REINS FRANCE(Only cool guy!) or call:26-07-31-23If you want to join a cool group then call to 26-02-61-52 ask for Laurent (France)MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE LEEBOLDDUAL CREWENGLAND Yep, you swa thah England played the worst soccerin the Euro 92 ! But france wasn't so good too !!See tou , mate !MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE SPEEDHAWKREBELS????? Hey carsten, nice to swap with you again !Alwar0< +iys high quality sendings...MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE SHRIKENOXIOUS????? Good luck in your new team ! May the PC force bewith you !!!MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE HADESDEVILSFRANCE Very nice work lately , nice desigh !Let's hope captain will be happy !! ne te bourrespas trop avec les sudistes !MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE 911SILENTSGERMANY Send your music-disk as soon as it will be out !!Nice tunes lately!GRETZKYPROFr1=ZHECYFRANCE RHAHPMCFRANCE J'espere que tu ne vas pas me repondre dans5 mois ?!? assure olivierGRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE HALFASTANALOGFRANCE Euh ... euh t'es mort ou tu ne me parles plus cool dude ? Merde et mes deux disks ? GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE BABYMAJIC 12FRANCE Salut ma poule en amandes grillees au coulis deframboise!Alors daryl il te l'a pete ton petit cul ? Quel bande de phoques ces deux-la !!Euh ... euh ... je crois bien que r2>(t'as des disks amoi , me trompe-je ?? GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE DARYLSHININGFRANCE Hi cool teknofan ! et mon interview ca roule !J'attend le next numero de bad man! Passe le bonjoura ton petit frere !! GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE SUNDREAMDEALERSFRANCE Vivement cet ete hein ? Qu'on puisse delirer a montpellier ! La ville de tous les dangers !Putain de merde que les vacances se font attendre ! GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE PATSANALr3?sxOGFRANCE J'espere que tu t'es entraine a kick off sinonTu vas encore derouille ! arf arf arf en tout cas coolfriendship with you ! Keep cool man ! GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE MR KEELDEVILSFRANCE Oh le lyonnais toujours aussi pourrie cette fuckingville? Si tu veux on peut se faire un meeting finjuin ou debut juillet ! Chez toi ou chez moi commetu preferes ok ? GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE 7TH EYEALLIANCE DESIGNFRANCE Dommage moi j'aimais bien r4@swapper avec toi ?!?!Recris moi si tu veux un jour ! Bonne bourre ! GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE BABY BOBEREMATIONFRANCE T'en es ou dans le groupe ? Et continues de m'envoyervos productions !! Oh arnaud sans dec tu as perdu madresse?GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE BACTERIAVEGAFRANCE I want to get back my articles ! So you must send me back my cool articles please !! If you use them,send me a letter to explain me ok ? GRETZKYPROFECr5AtwYFRANCE POULYHYSTERICFRANCE What do you do ? You have a fucking delay man ?Send me quickly please !What have made your group ???GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE PARANOIAKEOC 1999FRANCE Salut ! Alors comment va ? Ca gaze a martigues ? En tout j'espere bien te revoir dans un futur proche...GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE SCAL-TOURISTINTENSEFRANCE Alors qu'est-ce que vous me faites ? Hein un petitcaca nerveux ?? Oh les gars faut prendre de lamaturitr6B re! En tout cas c'est quand vous voulez lagretzky-fucktro!! Arf arf arf arf je suis mort derires ! Ce qu'il y a de sur c'est qu'il faut pas etrepresse pour voir sortir le tune-disk de dj maxx !Putain ca fait bien 2 ou 3 mois que vous le faitespoireaute le pauvre ! Ca va bien qu'il est patient !!GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE CLAWZTSBFRANCE Alors t'as entendu les tunes de notre zicos (sln)?Il est loin d'etre manchot hein ? Je t'enverraisnumeric 3 tu pourras mieux jr7C)Yhuger de sa valeur !Alors ton sejour aux states ??GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE BIBIQUARTZFRANCE Ouh ouh ! Comment va la seule meuf de la scene ?Enfin presque ! Dis voir ton copain te sequestreou quoi? Je n'ai plus de nouvelles de ta part !GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE SYRIONINTRYXFRANCE Alors tu t'en sors sur rtel ?? Avec tous lesdetracteurs que tu as ! En tout cas tu dois passerdu temps a leur repondre non ?GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE r8.pDJ BASSBASSFRANCE Cool ton disk vynil ! Alors t'es bientot riche non ?GRETZKYPROFECYFRANCE MAGELLANMAJIC 12FRANCE Alors ca boum les images de synthese sur pc ?? Tiens moi au courant si tu fais fortune hein ?Penses aux potes !!! DFREDDOXTSBFRANCE RICKOGERYONMONACO Hi man...Ouaip je sais, bcp de delais ...arf!Mais je t'envois qq chose tres prochainement !!!Encore merci pour les disksde la bible. A bientot-FREDDOr#E?Iq8=q4"%q3>qq4q48 qq>$$$$$$>>>>>>pppqq!>$<qq3#40:q5>&?qpppppqqv>$3=8q!0"q5v0294%4#q=0q2>%#4qq<08"qq294#294q4?2>#420#q<08?%4?0?%q:8=q(q0q$?q;>=8q>6>q>?q!4$%q!4$%|4%#4q<4%%#4q$?4q;>=84q7>?%4qnnnnqqq4%q'>8#q<4<4q$?4q;>=84q<$"8 $4qr$FK94949494949qqqqq qppppqqqQQ MENU MESSAGES FOR COUNTRY MESSAGES FROM COUNTRYMESSAGES FOR GROUP *MESSAGES FROM GROUPMESSAGES FOR PERSON MESSAGES FROM PERSON   OPTIONS  CREDITS   HOW TO WRITE TO LIVE ? THE CREDITS   CODE FREDDOX - THE SPECIAL BROTHERS  GFX FLETCH - THE SPECIAL BROTHERS  SFX MOBY - DREAMDEALERS   MORAL SUPPORT : EVERYBODY ON THE SCENEr%Gu$ How to write to live ??? Send your messages to :FLETCH/TSB : @LIVE@ 10 BD LOUIS BLANC 19100 BRIVE FRANCEOn magnetic or paper support.(French people should try : 3614 RTEL1 BAL: TEUSEUBEU)Don't forget the @NAME,GROUPE,COUNTRY@ !!!     Did you really expected one???    Don't hesitate ... ... to write to Live team for more information ! @FROM : @@ - @@ - @@ TO r&HR : @@ - @@ - @O GDGFGGmF @MESSAGES FOR COUNTRY@ @MESSAGES FROM COUNTRY@ @MESSAGES FOR PERSON@ @MESSAGES FROM PERSON@ @MESSAGES FOR GROUP@ @MESSAGES FROM GROUP@  Not found !!!Previous Page Next PageWp@r'I:?=d\ddddeeLeeff<fxffg,ghgHb,,REFLEXREBELSFRANCE TITANANARCHYFRANCE Salut bouffon!J'ai adore ta super blague dans chitchat.Dire du mal des autres ca te connait...Seulementma connerie moi je peux la cacher alors que toutle monde peut apprecier ton sale bide de gros porchahaha. Donnes tes doigts!Note de Reflex: tes musiques puent!Note de Hof: arretes de ripper mr(J.ges textures!Note de Anex: confirmation!REFLEXREBELSFRANCE HOFTSLFRANCE D'accord on fait comme ca!KYLETSBNORWAY DREAMERPMCNORWAY Nice meeting you two times in the Summer holliday!KYLETSBNORWAY TECHNYSILENTSSWITZERLAND Cool that you lived with TSB Norway on your hollidayin Norway! Hope you had a plesant vacation!KYLETSBNORWAY ZOBS!P-SCOOPEXNORWAY You change your mind rather fast!r)K}7fKYLETSBNORWAY SPEEDHAWKREBELSGERMANY Keep your nice sendings coming, M8!KYLETSBNORWAY RAVESILENTSFRANCE Send soon!KYLETSBNORWAY ZEPHYRSILENTSFINLAND Good luck with your new crew! Long delays rulez!KYLETSBNORWAY EXECUTIONERS!P-SCOOPEXDENMARK Nice hearing from you again!KYLETSBNORWAY KRISREBELSTURQUEY Nice GFX you drawed on the Assembly intro!KYLETSBNORWAYr*L[ WONDERBOYDUAL CREWGERMANY Modem rulez! Keep those beer-labels coming!KYLETSBNORWAY MIKE DCOMPLEXGERMANY If you send in 1992, I'll send in 93!KYLETSBNORWAY ICARUSALLIANCE DESIGNENGLAND Howdy!KYLETSBNORWAY LOGICREBELSSWEDEN Nice pack! Keep em comig!KYLETSBNORWAY MFDSILENTSENGLAND How is going with your girl-friend?KYLETSBNORWAY HAWKEYEKEFRENSDENMARK Guardianr+M Dragon II was great!Keep those homies coming!KYLETSBNORWAY JEANS!P-SCOOPEXHUNGARY Did you visit Norway?KYLETSBNORWAY CYBERSONIKALCATRAZHOLLAND Hope you are satisfied with yar new team!KYLETSBNORWAY MICRO-PALALCATRAZNORWAY OK, send when you move back to Troms!KYLETSBNORWAY FREQUENZRAZOR 1911NORWAY Call his board! +47 2 236265 Sysop:Frequenz/RZRCo's: Kyle/TSB and Assassin/RZR! CITY Wr,N^=KAREZ rulez!KYLETSBNORWAY SLEEPWALKERMAJIC 12NORWAY Hi Marius! Tilbakestaaende nabo, or wot???KYLETSBNORWAY DARYLSHININGFRANCE Sorry for my delay!KYLETSBNORWAY ZIG ZAGPARAGONNORWAY Draw a logo, and I'll be glad!KYLETSBNORWAY HYGRAICCTSBFRANCE LIVE is going to rule! (Ed:Yeeeeeaaahh @GREAT@ mess!!!!!!!!)KYLETSBNORWAY ELLIOTAWESOMESWEDEN Cool intro tunes your-9/t are making!KYLETSBNORWAY MC-BLASTERTSBNORWAY Spitfire and Clue: TSB Norway rulez!!!So let's produce something!KYLETSBNORWAY ED-209EXOTIC MENFINLAND You are a VERY cool guy!Keep those crazy letters coming!KYLETSBNORWAY CLAND-TECTFINLAND OK, I'll send back! Led Zeppelin rulez!KYLETSBNORWAY COREHI-JACKSWEDEN Cool talking to you on the Gathering pardey!KYLETSBNORWAY SCrPE5@*||g C CCg Zd BBNuCp2XIQNuH\..f-|D=|d=|$f=|$b=|BE` ~fNu<f`t 3HyHRC|oH9g9f..faV..faL?6<`X<@fHAWa2L 9H\`p<fHAWaL 9H\`L<f**989K#VH3H`<f**989K#H3H`G GyH3pHH޹H"G "rQr8zA22@ҹHLH@@ ..f=@@ .~..f-IP-AL-AT=DXJ9H\g..f-IP-@L-@T=DXҹHBQ`>=| @=|B-|D-|}P-|}T=|d=|f=|%XNu=| @=|B-|D-|}P-|}T=|d=|f=|TXNu<>HAfB2|(4|S@46GHAfBC` 4|aL?FFHAfBC` 4|aL?..fa&L4UB2XC2XIQ4HBJBgHB8Bz:B&DBORDG..f-|D=|d=Bf=Bb=|B(@H@@ .rR.f=@@~..f-HP-AL-AT=DXpQNuCzp2XIQNuSAH@1@H@1@PHЂQNu <A 1@H@1@ < Hr$<Aa <r$<pAa <r$<Aa <r$<A az <(r$< A ab <Vr$<@A aJ <[A H@1@H@1@ <]xH@1@ H@1@ <_H@1@H@1@ <b8H@1@H@1@ <fxH@1@"H@1@& <fH@1@*>9 O3H3H=|=|=|=|(-|=|!3lNuSyH,nP3H, yH2p Qf yrSAH. 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