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""u.]ted, error detected --- c. u. -stage- # ic intros, please contact me for their address. really they write 'super' (mordlord, attention) demos and intros, but only on c64. what will they do if they have no introcreator... i think we'll never get some fucking demos from them. but no i come to the most important part of this scroller: the greetinx .... : they go to c64: cupid, falcon factories, and the rest of tfb, amigagreetinx go to : the rest of excess, to megaforce (ranger|ʃ~q`@q`Sq`SS@q`}S@@0}}@@0@@0@S@q`@@q`@q`q`q`@q`q`P@0P@0|+P@0P0P@0P0P@0P@0}P@0P0}P@0P0Sp 0pSq`pS q`pq`P 0pq`pS q`Spq`S~ 0|Ȋ'p q`pS q`pS q`SP 0SS q`}p q`}} q`: 0q`p q`pq`P: 0.pq`p q`pq`|ȁp 0pq`p} q`pq`P 0pq`}p} q`p}q`@ 0q`@S q`q`P 0q`@S q`| zq`@ 0 q`S q`@S q`P 0@S q`@ q`@} q`@: 0q`@ q`q`P: 0q`@ q`uUr they live in attnang, and if you need fantastic intros, please contact me for their address. really they write 'super' (mordlord, attention) demos and intros, but only on c64. what will they do if they have no introcreator... i think we'll never get some fucking demos from them. but no i come to the most important part of this scroller: the greetinx .... : they go to c64: cupid, falcon factories, and the rest of tfb, amigagreetinx go to : the rest of excess, to megaforce (rangeruæus) and to eagle a.t. who is responsible for some graffix on this machine. also a hello must go to ripley machinery. the whole greeting list will follow in the near future, and then this 'text' file will be a little longer than this one . and now i will tell you my private slogan for my intros (like this one): stage (me) is best, forget the rest..... okay not so good, no mordlord, don't beat me, no no no,.... not the window, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ........ --- transmission aborwhW>-$! !130-+(  $*  %/,)&$"!! 復 "   #041.,*% %) ",-)'$"!"չ  +330-+)%  $-  %,*'%""#   !.41.,++% $(   (+(%$$$ wi6:ݿ  "03/...+! %'% (*''&$ ǿ  %/100.,(  %&%  "))(&$    !/32/-)# !()'%"  **'$!   .42.+#"*+*'&&wjhgM ))&"  ",20-* #+.,)('*- #&$!ɽͿ $'-/-( "'-/-*)*.1 ""!Ƚƾ  $%)-+  $&*-.-,+-02, !!!!  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greetinx go to all members of the future boys, the hotline in austria. try contact us. the address will follow in the future (boys???) okay, now before the greetings, i'll like to say some fuckings to a group called 'scanners'. they live in attv@y >onger than this one . and now i will tell you my private slogan for my intros (like this one): stage (me) is best, forget the rest..... okay not so good, no mordlord, don't beat me, no no no,.... not the window, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ........ --- transmission aborted, error detectz}^)~}*textqwyKvampirest-02:stars @st-01:snare5@st-01:squaresV@x|H-~gfef* musicqz~ hey freaks..... this is a cool new intro from the future boys tfb # hope you like it! cool colors... coding by the only 'stage' a member of the future boys. this time music by a for me unknown person, but it's great, isn't it? greetinx go to all members of the future boys, the hotline in austria. try contact us. the address will follow in the future (boys???) okay, now before the greetings, i'll like to say some fuckings to a group called 'scanners'. they live in attzl nang, and if you need fantastic intros, please contact me for their address. really they write 'super' (mordlord, attention) demos and intros, but only on c64. what will they do if they have no introcreator... i think we'll never get some fucking demos from them. but no i come to the most important part of this scroller: the greetinx .... : they go to c64: cupid, falcon factories, and the rest of tfb, amigagreetinx go to : the rest of excess, to megaforce (rangers) and to eagle az,!.t. who is responsible for some graffix on this machine. also a hello must go to ripley machinery. the whole greeting list will follow in the near future, and then this 'text' file will be a little longer than this one . and now i will tell you my private slogan for my intros (like this one): stage (me) is best, forget the rest..... okay not so good, no mordlord, don't beat me, no no no,.... not the window, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ........ --- transmission aborted, error detectz e$ed --- c. u. -stage- # ic intros, please contact me for their address. really they write 'super' (mordlord, attention) demos and intros, but only on c64. what will they do if they have no introcreator... i think we'll never get some fucking demos from them. but no i come to the most important part of this scroller: the greetinx .... : they go to c64: cupid, falcon factories, and the rest of tfb, amigagreetinx go to : the rest of excess, to megaforce (rangers) and to eagle awԦ0S@qoSSSSSS@S@@q`@|eybvampirest-02:stars @st-01:snare5@st-01:squaresV@x-ZYXWVUTSRgfedcba`_^]rqponmlkjih}|{zyxwvuts|wۀNSSS@}S@}}@q`q`@@@q`wkȹ'*@@}@}}@S@@0SSS@q`SSS@q`Sq`q`q`@q`q`@@0q`-t"! -,+w  "! ! #$#"#"  !! 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