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The party, tripling the previous visitor record in Finland, was with no doubt the biggest party in Finnish history. This year we have made some improvements and we hope that we will have as good weather as we had last year and to see you all there again. The Assembly '93 is arranged by The Movement, Accession and Complex (Amiga), Future Crew (PC), Aggression (ST) and Extend (C64). The partyplace is a school in Kerava and the party starts at 10:00 in the morning on Friday the 30th of July and ends at 18:00 on Sunday the 1st of August. HOW TO GET THERE: Kerava is located 20 kilometers outside Helsinki and only 10 km from Helsinki airport. The partyplace is called 'Nikkarin ylaaste' and the address is Keskikatu 3. If you don't come by car it is easiest to first get to Helsinki and then take the local train K, R, H, N or T and get off at Kerava. The train trip takes about 30 mins. From the station in Kerava it is a 400 meter walk to the partyplace. Maps will be at the train-station. If you come by car then first get to Helsinki and drive out from Helsinki to the North-East on Lahti-highway (E75). Get off the highway at Kerava and make a left turn from the next intersection. Then it's just to follow the signs we have put up and to go with the flow. If you want maps then contact us. If you come by plane then just take a taxi to the partyplace. It will cost you about 70 FIM. We can also provide some kind of taxi-service for foreigners free of charge. So just phone us in advance and tell us when you are in Finland. COMPETITIONS As always on these kind of meetings, there will be some compos. We'll have the traditional Demo-, Gfx-, Music-, R-Time- and Intro- competitions and some other compos like Frisbee-, Soccer- and Disk- throwing competitions (Last year a C-64 guy set the World Record to 72.539m, nearly disqualified for not having an Anarchy demo on the disk). This year the disk must contain a Kefrens demo according to the recent changes in the rules. The competitions are shown on a big screen and we have a powerful Surround Sound System. RULES AND PRIZES All Amiga competitions will be run on a A500, KS1.3, 0.5Mb chip and 0.5Mb fast memory. Amiga DEMO: One group may release several demos. Amiga MUSIC: Must be an executable file. Only one tune/person. Amiga GFX: Picture must be an IFF picture loadable in DP 3.0. Only one picture/ person. Amiga INTRO: The intro must be less than 40960 bytes(40kb). Amiga R-TIME: Must be executable and made in 5h out of scratch. All contestants must be at the party. All productions will be spread immediately after the competitions. The Amiga prizes are: DEMO INTRO MUSIC GFX R-TIME 1st 10000 2000 1000 1000 1000 2nd 6000 1200 600 600 600 3rd 4000 800 400 400 400 ---------------------------------- tot. 20000 4000 2000 2000 2000 There will be some hardware prizes too, we don't know exactly what they will be yet. DEADLINES All the deadlines are at 15:00 on Saturday the 31 of July. (But of course cool demos by famous groups can be let in after the deadline.. ..NOT!) The competitions are all held on Saturday the 31 of July and Sunday the 1st of August. FEATURES AT THE PARTY Cafe: The Cafe will be open 24h a day and will sell all kinds of munchies: Coke, coffee, breakfast stuff and all kinds of kwixnax. Techno: Dance Nation(Captain/Frantic) and the Mighty Rubberboots(Damones) will appear in our show. Frantic has made some interesting computer animated videos for Dance Nation and of course these will be shown. Planet FunFun!: In Kerava you will find Scandinavia's biggest inside amusement park called 'Planet FunFun', it opened less than one year ago. At night the place works as a big disco/bar. Central TV-system: There are TVs all over the partyplace showing the party schedule, general information and important announcements. Party T-Shirts: The most Fashionable T-Shirts will be sold at the party. (NOT AVAILABLE IN ANY STORES!) Online BBS: There will be a party-BBS online at the partyplace. It can be phoned during the partytime, not before and not after! The number can be found on our boards a few weeks before and during the party. Assembly Hotline: You can call your friends at the party, or to get some information about the results, or just to chat with the organizers. Movies: The newest ray-trace movies will be shown on the big screen. Assemby '93 Movie: Assembly the movie will be made at the Assembly. Game competition: Terra Marque, a game-company consisting of the 20 most elite guys in the finnish Amiga scene, will show a playable preview of their forthcoming Elfmania- game. Naturally there will be a competition with suprise prizes. Showers and quiet sleeping places: Yes! Weather: Expert meteorologists agree that the weather in Kerava will be sunny, the temperature will be at least 25'C and babes will wear extremely short miniskirts! MORE INFO The entrance fee is 100 FIM and can not be payed in advance. (No pre-announcement is needed.) FOR EVEN MORE INFO CALL OUR BOARDS: WASTED TIME - +358-0-5053602 and +358-0-5053101 STARPORT - +358-0-8044626 and +358-0-8041133 And don't forget to call our online BBS during the party! OR CALL THE ORGANIZERS: Turtle /ACC +358-0-550884 (Sam) Moku /ACC +358-0-29494418 (Moku) MeeGosh /TMM +358-0-5052441 (John) PARTY HOTLINE: Assembly hotline +358-49-419545 (30.Jul-01.Aug ONLY!) OR YOU MIGHT WRITE TO: ASSEMBLY '93 PO BOX 54 02701 KAUNIAINEN FINLAND We hope you will enjoy this weekend, coz we sure will! CREDITS Code + fonts JEF Artwork ALEX TOASTMASTER Music REFLEX No Santa-part because of 330 Nx$.6@Dh8@"(jr.8@z   & F N " 0    " * 4 26VZz~hnTTUpUzUUUUk$k,k4k<kDkLkTk\kdklktk|kkl4l<ltllllm m m(mZmvm~mmmmmooo$o.pnppppppq~qqqqqr@I4*<L .4NRV ` X z  , < B TPNPRPXPjPPQRTUUNUV(jjjkkkkkkmn`noo oPoop*p\pq:qlq6BTVf@BXI8? 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