DOSPpCNJg @ hpNup`dos.library(jp N&A/ g Ip(QID%L(jp rNp."g&AIp&Q" 2(jxp N NuJJpNu `09RUN start rp Q0cdxduDS(jdp N$"<I(l/ / g ,倲l"4(T`,2(jtp NJg2**p$A. J (F Aq startup-sequence~Hߡ~-W Fairlight1987 A "o T+mfair_lightRQPOdcba`_^]\[Zonmlkjihgfet2 %CTextr~'o sp   supremacypτ5  /.-6543HGFEDCBA@?>SRQPON6 pictureNDFORM6ILBMBMHD@ @CMAP`Р`P PP𠐀రp PPP000PPP```DPPVh,h@Z.nt})N,)CRNG+ CRNG, CRNG) CRNG BODY5{000 Hӌ%     '&%$#"!/* soundrI=/$'    #/!    E3#')?T;/ 90 C7;fG)0/6'7 Ϲ¯ $/!((FG4QPfnvwojwkxx_s|tx`\L3!. $$ǥȼôŹ3"CDMboXn{zxuyzpetN/.*1@FD3-6   $+*+5CNC77(+0(1;%"ʺø #(/74%ᇋJ> textM)  #*-C;MTWYM?IMU>C><;/<)(:3!*.=. %,-"!   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(and i hope that the baby is not disturbing your beauty sleep too much! hahahehaha!) john and michael (yeti), it was very nice to myreet you! and i hope that i will see you soon again! (maybe at the pcw show this month!?) mr.pinge (relax), you are also very a very cool dude! but i still want you to accept my offer!!!!!! dutch usa team, now you are totally on amiga! i hope that you will be making as brill demos on that machine as you did on the good old 64! duke, you are a very nice and cool friend indeed! mzp, sorry that we did not have much time to talk on the party, but maybe we will meet 4\Fagain someday! anyway, you are one of the coolest on the conferences!! peter (megaforce), thanx for the phonecalls! and keep up the terrific work on amiga! i can not think of anyone else right now! and i have to go now... i really hope that you will like this piece of swedish quality programming! enjoy the game..... signed, strider of fairlight! el (yeti), it was very nice to m]  .fastdirp<ZZ,yC\BNh,@"<h$<N g*#X"$<&<N"9XNN|Nudos.librarysys:SUPREMACY/sound"<$<N g#X"$<&<N"9XNNsys:SUPREMACY/pictureI8<BQ"<&$<N gZ#X"$<&<@N"9XNN:sys:SUPREMACY/text <6`$9333333333?3?3NB y BMHDfB 2cxHA Ag BAHARAHAHA333 AgB3@ B  CMAPg a`"ACBBBBD2Q BODYg aR` #Jygj*H,y89a ygf,y89a ygJ,y89a yg.,y89a yg,y89ahB:9۹۹۹۹۹ DfTBBBB4929BNuB gSDg|><<~~>>>??>>>?||~x|??>><<>>?<>>><>>>>>?|xx~|>?<<~~~~~~?~~~~>|csw~~|<>x??>||~>>>>>?>|s9<<~~~~~~~>w>s;=~~~~~?|>xx ZBf@|>??|>||>?~?>||>x}~??|>||>?|~~? 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