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Updated: 12/05-1995 Next update:01/06-1995 Updates every month! ______________________________________ _/ _ _ _/ \_____ _/ _____/ 2508 lN$ F \_ | | \_ | |_/ ____\_ __/__ pU fUN????? | | | || | || | || | | wz {` | | | || _ || | .|| | .| ( hP!?!!!) | l_j || | ||. | ||| | || l___j l___jl___| ||| ___jl___ | \___jl___/ \___j -=*> F <*=- ______________ _______________________________ _____ _/ _____/ _/__/ _____/ _____/ _____/ | _/ \_ __/_\_ | \__ |___\_ __/_\_ | \_ | | | | || | w{xYI|| | || | || .| || | | | | .|| | || | || | .|| || || _ | | | ||| | || | || | ||| | .|| | .| l___ || ___j| ___jl___ |l___ ||l___| || \___jl___/ l___/ \___j \___jmAZE\___j =============================================================================== Call these fine Eltech boards NOW!! Raveland BBS - +47 OF FL IN E! - 23.00 - 08w|Qg.00 Bondelandet BBS - +47 63 87 55 01 - 24 hours Nemisis BBS - +44 BU ST ED !! - 22.00 - 06.00 The Gasworks - +44 ?????????????? - ??????? Permanent Vacation - +44 (01257) 416994 - 22.00 - 06.00 The Senile Cat BBS - +44 (0829) 271303 - 22.00 - 06.00 Flamestrike BBS - +47 51 63 17 02 - 24 hours fخ kWL $WAPPNG, tY tH$ aDDY$: P.O.W./IRIS Purple Haze/Speedy Mr.Frw}enzy/SquasH Felix/Parasite Tore Skra Sletta 41 Audun Evensen Karsten L. Fischer Granveien 3 1800 Askim Seterveien 17 GML.Hovseterv. 2d 4370 EGERSUND NORWAY 2162 BRRUD 0768 OSLO NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY Noodle/FP/Desire Woober/Technology Spike/Orion ? mAYB tH$ Stephan Schipper Gran Myrland Kjell Breimo wLL b yU? Tijm 20 Gamnes w~&vW Linerleveien 2 1373 EC HUIZEN 9130 Hanes 8200 Fauske wT t m!!! HOLLAND NORWAY NORWAY Hampo/Eltech Mic Flair/Eltech Wade/Eltech Lithium/Eltech 17 Town Road 100 Deerfold Dan Avoca 2 Heather Gardens Croston Astley Village King St Belton Nr Preston Chorley Bradley Great Yarmouth Lancs. Lancs. Wolverhampton Norfolk wfq> PR5 7RA PR7 1UH West Mids. NR31 9PP ENGLAND ENGLAND WV14 8PQ ENGLAND ENGLAND C-Rad/Eltech Skinner/Eltech Pink Panter/Eltech 62 Stewart Ave Kjell Espen Johansen John Svendsen Bo'Ness Storgata 5 Prost Stabels Vei 169 West Lothian 8310 KABELVG 2020 Skedsmokorset Scotland NORWAY NORWAY EH51 9NW ENGLAND Dr.OwEctave/Eltech Preacher/Eltech K, $UPP$ tHAT'$ NUGH Rob Bowden Varatunveien 57 fR nW! s yU l8'... 5 Prospect Terr 4300 SANDNES Bury BL8 1BB NORWAY .\\A2 F LTH! ENGLAND . . : : ================.===========================================.================== : w !) : aDDY:mA2/LTH. . mA2/LTH:aDDY $AUHAGN 12 : iNDEX : $AUHAGN 12 2850 lNA . ~~~~~ . 2850 lNA n()WAY : dIRECTORY: : n()WAY . . wT t m fخ : mODULES : wT t m fخ aLL kND$ F . cHIP-mODULES dIRECw kHTORY nR.1 (a-C) . aLL kND$ F $WAPPNG!! : cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.2 (d-F) : $WAPPNG . cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.3 (g-I) . (mU$T mU$AN!): cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.4 (j-K) : (mU$T mU$AN!) . cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.5 (l-N) . : cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.6 (o-Q) : cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.7 (r-T) cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.8 (u-W)w  NLY mDUL$ : cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.9 (Cartoon mods): NLY mDUL$ fM tH hD N . cHIP-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.10(CurtCool mds). fM tH hD N tH$ l$T! : oCTAmED-mODULES : tH$ l$T! . fRED mODULES . aLL tH mUDL$ : mODULES bY:mAZE (!!!) : aLL tH mUDL$ $ pAKD wTH . cHIP-mODULES bY:mAZE (!!!) . $ pAKD wTH pWPAK! : nOT fINISH mODULw zES bY:mAZE (!!!) : pWPA! . lHA pACKED mODULES bY:mAZE (!!!) . V 910 HP$! : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.1 : V 910 HP$! V 750 $D$! . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.2 . V 750 $D$! V 310 mD$! : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.3 : V 310 mD$! . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.4 . a$ yU AN $ : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.5 : a$ yU AN $ hAV lFw @>T . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.6 . hAV lFT XXN t jؿN : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.7 : XXN t jؿN tH kWL cW . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.8 . tH kWL cW ._-L-T---H_. : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.9 : ._-L-T---H_. . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.10 . wT t m : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.11 : wT t m fR tH nW$T . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.12 . w5fR tH nW$T dGTAL HP$!! : sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.13 : dGTAL HP$!! . sID-mODULES dIRECTORY nR.14 . : : K, hR w g! hP yU wLL NJY mY mDUL l$T! K, hR w g! ??????????????????????????????????????? > .\\A2 F LTH's MDUL L$T < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MODUw7ӦLES Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod. {viol} 29768 Don-Cato/Talent mod. - e n i g m a - 187012 Tip&Mantronix/Phenomena mod. loadtune 101100 Bjrn A. Lynne mod.# rapina4 # 32834 Dune/? mod.## te-x-mas 3 ##.pp 68824 XTD/Mystic & TRSI mod.## wreck ## 3176wG44 XTD/Mystic & TRSI mod.(( lover breath )) 142812 Audiomonster/ex.Anarchy mod.((( canal green ))) 94520 Audiomonster/Melon Design mod.((( florence ))) 255412 Audiomonster/ex.The Silents mod.(((( apocalypse ))) 111672 Audiomonster/ex.Anarchy mod.((((( nebulos ))))) 127844 Audiomonster/ex.The Silents mod....Ctic Thief..... 87444 LizardKing/ex.Strange modw~....oppenheimer 164324 - mod...a_demosong 54182 4-mat/ex.Anarchy mod..gymnopedies. 159606 Bruno/Anarchy mod.1,2,3(1st-steelmix) 127410 Gary Steel/? Mod.12th Warrior 143030 Bjrn A. Lynne mod.2. desert division 87444 PacMan/? mod.3d demo tune(mf) 146830 Mad Freak/Anarchy mod.3ddemoii 224540 MadwML Freak/Anarchy mod.70s reprise 56658 Audiomonster/ex.Anarchy mod.acess.high(nhp-bkh) 290780 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.a king is born 118072 - mod.a.g.techno 174536 Time Guardian/Paradise mod.a.hiscore 48546 - mod.alice in cyberland-i 353790 Felix/Suspiria mod.allnite groove 171478 Dizzy/Carillion mod.almost...............wtڼ 72154 - mod.alternative s 172310 Dizzy/Carillion mod.apache 385000 Brainiack mod.arachnological 85208 Brain Damage/Charm of change!.v2 46496 Curt Cool/Depth mod.asphyxiated 142744 - mod.AttributedHorro 419460 Jogeir/VD/Fairlight mod.AvecDesPeches 134314 BrainBug/Alcatraz mod.Avernuw-W s 166558 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.AWESOME1 111536 - mod.back to the boots 120176 Mac/? mod.BadBoogie 168974 BrainBug/Alcatraz mod.beavis&butthead v4. 88756 - mod.beavis'n'butthead 279886 - mod.banana split 304552 Dizzy/Carillion mod.beneath dignity 191170 Mr.Man/Andromeda mod.beyond wbA 148936 Scott/Spaceballs mod.BeyondWeird3 234542 Jayce/Scoopex mod.bimbam2 155458 Draghan/S.p.s.a.m. mod.bionic savage_bf 186512 Blue Fox/? mod.BluePrint 155014 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.BombasticlySexy 158478 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.boom! and she cums! 284004 Dens Design N mod.BowelMovements 237664 w BrainBug/Alcatraz mod.beyond_music 432158 Captain/Image mod.cannon fodder 208788 - mod.caroline 154920 - mod.cazal_beyond 169660 - mod.Check the law 110028 Woober/Saints mod.chinese.dreams 97010 FireFox/Phenomena mod.ChipChop2(Final) 99316 BrainBug/Alcatraz mod.chip-slayer! 150210 wɵ Lizardking/Razor 1991 mod.chitchat12(bkh-nhp) 197316 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.chzardomene 106584 Dizzy/Carillion mod.Chord slayer 117692 Woober/Saints mod.ChuckRock01 39626 - mod.Colourline 29946 Abstract/? mod.coltris 164202 Dizzy/Carillion mod.compulsion to obey 289016 Lizardking/Razor 1911 mod.Condom_CowRrruption 230652 Travolta/Spaceballs mod.confusion_rulezzz 171802 Spike/? 213608 - mod.cosmical bossanova 74336 Howard/Legend mod.crack the eggshell! 93602 Jester/Sanity mod.cyberchrist 327724 David Lynch/? mod.cultoftecno 102418 Trashcan/Shining 8 mod.cybercity_beach 191404 Mr.Frenzy/wDФSquasH mod.cybernetic 80856 P.O.W/IRIS MOD.cyberotica 171268 Clawz/Complex mod.days of doom 260000 P.O.W./Black Jack mod.decibel overload 197288 ElLoco&SundanceKid/Talent mod.defloration 408034 Emax/TRSI mod.Denied Love.pp 154800 Emax/TRSI mod.det ska' nok gaa 127146 - MOD.DIGITAL INNOVATION 167150 w Nuke/Anarchy mod.Disc#10_music.nr1 140460 Chromag/Polka Brothers mod.discobaeveren 14772 Curt Cool/Depth mod.discobaeveren ii 33428 Curt Cool/Depth mod.discoii 18408 Curt Cool/Depth mod.distances 129882 Jester/Sanity mod.distant call 147920 Mr.Man/Andromeda mod.dizzy funk+ 129358 Symph'o'nee/wAex.Wizzcat runover 78908 Curt Cool/Depth mod.DoItWithTheGang 70026 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.DOS 114076 Mr.Urk/Shining mod.dragonsfunk 193036 Moby/Sanity mod.dream dimension 185448 X-Poole/Nuance mod.dream off (mco) 56338 HmC mod.DrSnuggles 99566 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.dull razors bequest w168526 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.ddstekkno 130542 Subject/Balance mod.Ec24 intro 49842 ?/Static Bytes mod.Ecstatic Guidance.pp 145100 Emax/TRSI mod.electric drug 139428 - mod.elekfunk ! 224342 Moby/Sanity mod.electronic confuz. 35544 Curt Cool/Depth mod.eliptical 256302 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.enigma yea_+\spwM r 249550 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.equal justice 485974 Blue Fox/Blc and Vocal/Rebels mod.epsonic(nph&bkh) 198662 Nph&Bkh/The Silents mod.E.S.A 3 48614 ?/BnK mod.erotic malfunction 222564 ?/DtE^AcC mod.essential classics 208612 Noiseless mod.Evolution.pp 109980 Emax/TRSI mod.excithrill 265140 wl8;Curt Cool/Depth mod.expressions 89370 Echo/LSD mod.exterminate-smooth 329648 Echo/LSD mod.FaceAnotherDay 437944 Jogeir Liljedahl mod.FaceAnotherDay2 408406 Jogeir Liljedahl mod.Fading like a rose 172586 Croon/No Linits mod.fairyland (nhp-bkh) 313206 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.fake u 96 277394 Htd/Vectra mod.fby-winning wڤI 78632 FBY/? mod.fctitletune 107692 - MOD.FIELDSOFGREEN 107616 Uncle Tom/Red Sector&Tristar mod.fireworks 149306 Axel/Brainstorm mod.flashdance-1 140154 Yawron/The Gigants mod.flower power 194726 Jester/Sanity mod.flying world 30338 LizardKing/Alcatraz mod.fourth-reality 229868 Mr.Frenzw y/SquasH mod.freedom 190732 - mod.FreeFromGuitar 190698 Bruno/ex.Anarchy Mod.Frozen Moments 154064 - mod.ftuffe 55130 ?/Anarchy (Nuke?) mod.fuck the norm 281812 Chromag/ D C S mod.Full-Moon(VD-FLT)-1 184584 - mod.Full-Moon(VD-FLT)-2 119820 Heatbeat/Carillion???? mod.funk it up 139924 w!MSyntex/Stone Arts mod.funkier than wax 182080 Technix/Anathema mod.future is here! 146886 P.O.W/IRIS mod.Ga-ze-bo 29584 - mod.Gameover 110484 - score (nhp) 124138 NHP/Anarchy score iii(nhp) 190882 NHP/Anarchy mod.gammel folkemusikk 43768 - mod.garbage collection 98678 Peter Salmou?%startup-sequence%%hdf0:c/type df0:s/text dc.exe ;This disk is Eltech Norway. ;If you want to sell this disk, do not charge more than 2 USD, 1 GPD or ;10 Norwegian Crowns (or similar in your own countrys currency). ;Spread the disk! Ta! ;Coding and graphics by: Preacher and Splash ;Music and packing by: Maze #h)mod.39 9Tp]A@ J EDIT-BACKUP@Vdf0:c/newtopaz df0:c/font5 df0:c/type df0:s/text dc.exe ;This disk is Eltech Norway. ;If you want to sell this disk, do not charge more than 2 USD, 1 GPD or ;10 Norwegian Crowns (or similar in your own countrys currency). ;Spread the disk! Ta! ;Coding and graphics by: Preacher and Splash ;Music and packing by: Maze sspw"Snsen/PMC mod.ghaza 162900 Bjrn A. Lynne mod.giana cries! 139760 X-Poole/Nuance mod.girl from ipanema 147272 Dizzy/Carillion trash 3 v2 204728 Jesper Kyd/The Silents mod.gobbprew 60492 ?/Anarchy mod.Gods17 320044 - mod.grapevine8 113062 Bernard Summer/LSD mod.grease w#j2 134576 Jester/Sanity dragon 163246 S.L.L/Hydronic mod.guitar slinger 406354 Noiseless(Jogeir L.) mod.gummisnoppis 144030 Tip/Dual Crew mod.Handskor 57058 Bruno/ex.Anarchy MOD.harleymusic 85834 Kevin Collier mod.heal-the-world 149172 Tex/Ram Jam mod.Heart_attack 167540 Gacuch/Olw$W d Bulls mod.heaven & hell 164020 Night Shade/Crusaders mod.Heavylight 115620 Android/? mod.high density 119250 Virgill/Sanity 99006 Slide/Parasite mod.hp.technostyle 127484 Tune'a'fish/Abslute! mod.human coma (JB) 421714 - mod.humantarget 241640 ?/Melon Design mod.hypnotic_sound w%d{ 380068 Brainiack mod.infatuation 105526 Case/Zentih mod.interceptia 169472 Lord Interface/Andromeda mod.i hate marshmallows 220796 Deejay/Hypnosis mod.illusions.pp 70360 GMB/Black jack the kitchen(4mt) 126720 4-Mat/Anarchy mod.interference 132618 Virgill/Sanity mod.intro 34122 Noiseless(w&|0 Jogier L.) mod.introbeat 53980 - mod.introductorium... 59800 Dj Joge/Chrome mod.introff 70694 - mod.ItsABootyTime 93716 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.ItsNoiseless! 148028 Jogeir Liljedahl mod.I`VE GOT THE POWER 418152 Burgame mod.jag funk 54560 Spaceman(ex.Nuke/Anarchy!) mod.jamaica fever 23026 w'A Xerxes/Voice mod.jam_session 185486 B & H mod.jimi hendrix 248486 Hein/Vision mod.journey 117724 Eagle/ex.IRIS now GODS mod.joyride 190090 Psimon/Compact mod.JULIUS! 385804 Julius/VD/Fairlight mod.JumHopByStranger 164566 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.just for blue 205182 Dizzy/Carillion MODw(Gu.killing floor2.1 127602 Chorus&Sid/Razor 1911 mod.kinky single 178232 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.kirchhof's revenge 199192 Decker/Andromeda mod.Land of shadows 119072 Croon/No Limits vie est rose 77596 Tip&Mantronix/Phenomena mod.LASTPASS 133142 HeadX/Absence mod.let's_get_wet.. 202674 Jelace/Banana Design mod.light-w)S$l95 63848 Curt Cool/Depth mod.listen 132650 Bruno/Anarchy Mod.Loader2 38826 Beathoven/Pad mod.loadertrack2 46140 ?/Bass mod.looseronlaugh 67340 Olof Gustafsson/DigitalI mod.mamushka 26722 Soul/Shining mod.Marusha Madness.pp 183520 Emax/TRSI mod.ModernSurf 59824 w*f Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.molecule's revenge 152746 Jester/Sanity mod.monkey,sjoo-hooi!! 227960 Felix/Suspiria mod.MoonGate 256276 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.moongazer 131218 - mod.moove sukka! 149914 Naurodancer/Abyss glamorous life 195912 Jester/Sanity mod.natural narcotic 86348 B.I.T/EON mod.naughty ones w+bo& 102638 Martin Agger/Melon mod.nemesis 355512 Misty&Dearon/Shining mod.newer let you down 321934 Felix/Suspiria mod.Next Way to Future.pp 92124 Emax/TRSI mod.nightline's_colors 134586 Nutcase/Balance mod.nothing matters 121330 Carebear&Haze mod.nutopia (bkh-nhp) 128724 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.ode 199766 NHP&w,|+/BKH/Anarchy mod.oepir_risti-issue2 187386 LizardKing/Razor 1911 piste 133380 Blue Fox/Balance mod.oh_yeah 119730 - mod.Omen_III 1544758 - mod.OneWay 144204 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.On the run 178468 - mod.old best wild-west 49200 - mod.old_movie_tribute 323442 BrainBug/Alcw-;atraz mod.opposite opinion 175252 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.out of energy 226964 Curt Cool/Depth mod.over the moon 78668 Bernard Summer/LSD mod.oz (nhp-bkh) 194856 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.pan-interphase 313138 Felix/Suspiria mod.pathway 175626 Dizzy/Carillion mod.pbcfhivshfacyt 130144 Filippetto/Zenith mod.personal pw.̫-roblems 124424 Subject/Balance mod.phuture 50700 Curt Cool/Depth mod.Piano 83248 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.piano-dansen 73028 Curt Cool/Depth mod.pianointro 593150 Mr.Frency/Squace mod.pinball-stage-1 188526 Olof Gustafsson/DigitalI mod.pinball-stage-4 151800 Olof Gustafsson/DigitalI mod.planets w/G}Jk 127640 - mod.plasmetic piece 72668 - mod.project !gizmo! 108522 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.pure joy.more2 56260 Tall/DeadElks (SuddenSex) mod.quadrascope 206750 Bethoven/Technology mod.qwerty's jam 76324 Slaze/Definace mod.rain 104388 Chromag/DCS&PolkaBrothers mod.rain theme 271976 w0p+ NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.Rainbow 36506 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.rasta man-firefox 118284 FireFox/Phenomena mod.reborning 112410 Tex/Ram Jam mod.reggae on the rocks 149616 ElLoco&SundanceKid/Talent mod.real fantasy 73844 Woober/Saints mod.revealed.truths 256840 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.reverie of truth 350054 Misty & Dearon/Shw1ۘpining mod.Road 97780 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.roll-on 490080 Kristian Gjertsen mod.Rubber.Computer 223052 Hille/Insanity mod.safe_sex. comp. 161030 Winger/Fever Design mod.sandstorm 141964 Scott/SpaceBalls mod.schlagsahne 109676 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.scoopex 113312 - mod.SCREW w2n 324546 Toilet Records mod.SerenadeTo 125818 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.sequestral 184412 Mr.Man/Andromeda mod.shining 191754 Heatbeat/Carillion me the way! 95992 Woober/Saints (Technology!) mod.Slidepick 194850 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.somewhereinholland 145354 Mr.Urk/Shining mod.sonic dreams 679w3={n80 Peter Salmonsen/PMC mod.Sound o'da lunatic .PP 321846 Svolkraq/Grollum mod.spacewead 135768 The Allm. Bjrn Ligan mod.space_debris 347582 - mod.spell-amelioration 173670 Uncle Tom/Razor 1911 mod.sp_pt315 306974 - mod.stardust memories 153676 Jester/Sanity MOD.Starlight 307652 - mod.Stolen Data #10 w4 }U 152136 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.stop_racism 177624 Otis/Perseus-ic Mod.Stories Never End 2.pp 67868 - mod.StorOchLiten 89422 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.strange flute tune 156684 Twisted/D-Tect mod.stratosphere 36868 Gin Production mod.sub rave2 212954 Brainbug/Alcatraz mod.sulphuric_ash 174154 Nutcase/Deadw5d6line mod.summer in gambia 250700 LizardKing/Strange mod.SunsetOn77 190058 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.SusikoiraRoi 129190 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.suspended nightmare 323342 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.switchback 237700 Chromag/Polka Brothers mod.sylvia's theme 128916 Mel'o'dee/DCS mod.SynnissaKypsynyt 177738 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.techw60no 78568 X-Ample/Frantic mod.technoII 240706 - MOD.Techno Hype of 1994 100000 Michael&Projex/Nuance mod.technolife 134150 Codex/? mod.technomania 171916 Trashcan/Shining 8 mod.technostyle(z) 75290 Zoltar/Doom mod.tekkno-trip 74256 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH 42992 w77GODragham mod.terminator 3 232448 Dreamer/Flainkaus mod.texas highway 290776 Crumudgeon/Depth mod.the chart #10 (1) 78516 ?/Ram Jam mod.the chart #10 (2) 115940 ?/Ram Jam mod.the cruise 143588 Matt/Hiron mod.the fly (nhp-bkh) 316512 NHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.the forbidden part 130676 Felix/Suspiria mod.the return of yeti 15w8; 9530 Axel/BrainStorm mod.the search for me 170204 Tip&Mantronix/Phenomena mod.the sign 118572 Woober/Saints mod.the-rockin'ruler 64790 ?/Anarchy mod.theautumisnear 156660 Dr.Bully/Majic 12 mod.tiny art 114240 Woober/Saints (Technology!) mod.title tune cut 260224 - mod.Tja 206016 Bruno/ex.w9dQ?Anarchy mod.Top20 210750 Cee-Dee&Thug/Equinox mod.trail of the lost 157652 ?/Agnostic Front mod.tranceformation 191058 ?/Kefrens mod.transonic theme 202624 Beathoven/Transonic mod.t-ravel 168078 Siracon/Defiance mod.trsi-40k intro 41780 ?/TRSI mod.TunneHairio 168728 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.twice as techno w: 279424 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.twoparted cramp 204484 - mod.underground 76770 Maso/Accession mod.uralvolga fine 153724 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.Valerian777 36664 Bruno/ex.Anarchy mod.vanja 183284 Brainbug/Alcatraz mod.variations 198742 Noiseless(Jogeir L.) mod.vault of heaven 265288 w;gʛNHP&BKH/Anarchy mod.vioce of galaxy I 136528 Bethoven/Technology mod.walls of jeriko 180140 Joachim Sobczak mod.warm-up 103052 Nicola Tomjanovich mod.whatever.pp 102608 CPS mod.wild impressions.2 129238 Lizardking/Strange mod.wizardry 228354 Jester/Sanity of tomorrow 3 139242 HardCore/Subzero mod.x.deserw<|ct-song 1 164056 Jason/? mod.xtec# 86600 Thrashcan/Shining 8 mod.yackow 81572 Woober/Saints mod.yoafrica-dia 197674 Diablo/Budbrain mod.zoocolors (nhp-bkh) 249862 NHP&BKH/Anarchy =Total 345 modules in this directory! More follows under "chip-modules"! ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHIP-MODULES! ~~~~~~~~~~~w=ode~~ Directory nr.1 (from A-C) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod._*\|fr=nch fr|=$|\* 1868 Curt Cool/Depth mod...... succubi ..... 16848 Scorpion/Ctrl mod.-=+=- *1 0 0* -=+=- 4348 Curt Cool/Depth mod.1005.pp 1355 Mikromission mod.1 minute of amok 25932 Curt Cool/Depth mod.14k trance w>u 5824 Curt Cool/Depth mod.1987-tune 3492 Curt Cool/Depth mod.80'er dans 14700 Curt Cool/Depth Mod.3c_MiniChip 3302 Brutal/Noise mod.absolut solskin 12394 Olp/Talent mod.abundance of aunts 5048 Symph o'nee/Wizzcat(Vegard) mod.ace venturist 3916 Woober/Technology mod.altzeme 9520 Wow?t1ober/Technology mod.amiex 3440 Woober/Technology of funk 27040 - mod.audiomatic 10000 KTN/MelloW mod.awe intro 15.pp 5976 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.awe intro 16.pp 6240 Mr.Fremzy/SquasH MOD. black boulder 16990 Madlock/Motion MOD.## MICROTUNE ##.pp 1004 XTD/Union mod.## shaky ##.pp w@#IM310908 XTD/Mystic & TRSI mod.## syntherella 2 ## 48814 XTD/Mystic & TRSI MOD.## SYNTUNE ##.pp 7584 XTD/Union MOD.(-HANGING FIRE-).pp 5024 Killerman/Majic 12 mod.---> chipomax <--- .pp 7780 - MOD.(C)(H)(I)(P)(#)(2)!. 5504 - mod.(chip)-evermore 3280 Dr.Backup/Cadaver mod.1 13412 Lloyd/Klein Design MOD.13000 TONSwA s OF CHIP.pp 8044 Flite/Sceptic mod.2120bytes? 2122 Yoghurt/Spaceballs mod.22st ct pioneer 11862 Adt/Absolute! mod.2_days_double_is 23752 Jelace/Banana Design mod.3266-chippy 3266 - mod.40k-intro 10380 Diesel/? MOD.40KB INTRO THEME3.pp 12136 Solid/Bonzai mod.4mat chip 18098 4mat/AnarcwBbHhy mod.5922 5922 Beathoven/Infect mod.<>-cool it down1-<> 11174 Flite/Scetic mod.>m i n i s o u n d< 4532 Axis/Eremation mod.accident.amimix 6312 Curt Cool/Depth mod.advokatens vise 10080 Curt Cool/Depth mod.a fucking chip-tune 6944 Typhoon/Avalon mod.after midnight 3944 Curt Cool/Depth mod.airport.remix wClS( 4992 Curt Cool/Depth Mod.A-Team 2142 Core Design mod.afternoon ditty... 16416 Curt Cool/Depth mod.agonizing trip 24988 Vegard!/Scoopex MOD.AGONOMICLE1.2.pp 5680 Muffler/Evacue mod.ah_part2 16220 Hellhound/Mystic mod.a hi! from depth 5204 Curt Cool/Depth mod.a nice one... 3668 Curt CowD!ol/Depth MOD.AJE.pp 3500 Grimlock/? MOD.ALIENTRO1.0.pp 3508 Howie/Essen mod.alloy_run 21390 Pink/Sceptic/Prx! mod.alltid pucko 16242 Some1&Prime/Crl mod.andromeda tinyintro 33960 Jelly-Fish/D.I.D mod.a new beginning 19340 Curt Cool/Depth mod.another one 8876 B.i.t/Cinefex mod.another_vision wEݸY 5540 Pingo/Noise mod.anozzer onez 11228 Curt Cool/Depth mod.ant* 16984 Hellhound/Mystic MOD.ANTIPASTI#40.pp 5460 2pac/Zenith mod.a piece of crap 1 2016 Behemoth/Evacue mod.appendix intro 11496 Voice/Appendix mod.aquastreet 22266 Oxb/Scoopex mod.arkanoid 6848 Scorpion/CTRLwF}4 mod.arnesune 23020 D-Zire/The Silents mod.artcore 20664 Pink/Abyss MOD.ART OF FUNK.pp 16660 Gandbox/Solaris para goos (plus) 14134 Adt/Absolte! mod.ass intro 10760 Rastaman/Humane mod.atari 21272 - mod.atom 1056 XTD/Mystic&TRSI mod.b.i.t-introtune 8 6296 wGź [ B.i.t/Eon mod.back to basics 13890 D-Zire/The Silents mod.back to school.chip 6168 Curt Cool/Depth mod.back to the roots 3464 Curt Cool/Depth mod.balance.scope 7140 Balance/Score MOD.BAMSE I TROLLSKOGEN.KOGEN 5356 Some1&Prime/C.u.m. Design mod.battleship 1 3560 Gandbox/Ivory mod.battleship 2 5708 Gandbox/Ivory modwH< .battleship 3 6180 Gandbox/Ivory mod.battleship 4 4276 Gandbox/Ivory MOD.BEER-POWER!3.pp 3620 Slime/Sceptic mod.behind the walls 5404 Mantronix/Razor 1911 mod.bent 14548 Curt Cool/Depth mod.bergakungenssa14 11200 - mod.bethoven's death 6676 Woober/Saints MOD.BETWEEN 2 WATERS.pp 8808 H*)('&%$#"! wwIi Doh/Cryptoburners mod.big numbers 9764 Bassline/Anthrox mod.big shot. 19628 Strike/Pulse mod.bingbong 9736 Arrogance/IRIS mod.bitch-hip1 3828 - lamp 19786 Scorpion/CTRL mod.blade runner 20508 R^C^P/Big 1 mod.blast your brain 12894 Silence/BB mod.blood wJɿ18886 Pseudolukian/Dsr chips i 3504 Curt Cool/Depth intro 10 24768 MG/Pulse mod.bob-l- 9134 Scorpion/CTRL mod.BOMBINTRO 2374 ?/BOMB! mod.bomb jack 21264 Scorpion/CTRL MOD.BOLOGNESE.pp 3544 Rotox/Score/Dbpp mod.boring idea 10606 Wigflipper/Awe MOD.BOUNCIwKʐ NG BYTES.pp 10752 - mod.breakthrough 14068 Curt Cool/Depth mod.brightness 4372 Woober/Technology mod.bubble of blue 16084 Scorpion/CTRL mod.butchersnatcher 3124 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.byssan lull 816 Curt Cool/Depth mod.c64-tune #1 11712 Curt Cool/Depth mod.cabinet plouf 20000 wLKη Gandbox/Eden mod.cable-intro 14090 Kristian Gjertsen mod.Carsp 584 Core Design mod.castle of death2 4360 Emax/TRSI mod.chamionchip #1 37574 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.championchip tech 25804 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH patterns 7464 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chillroom 9556 Nuke/Lemon. MOD.CHINK A CHIP.pp wMfgY 4156 Pink/Pyrodex mod.chip er upopulaert 2740 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chip-bass 4ever! 8644 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chip-top #02 1112 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chip-top #03 784 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chip-top #03.02 792 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chip-top #04 1732 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chip-top #06 1940 CwN\urt Cool/Depth mod.chipfunks 2996 Curt Cool/Depth Mod.chip -esel'93 7858 - mod.chip meal 14278 Arrogance/IRIS MOD.CHIP RULEZ.pp 3800 Arrogance/IRIS mod.chip saa det basker 10000 Liquid/Parasite mod.chip-001.pp 3696 King/Psycho Mod.chip-2 15372 - mod.CHIP-P 16778 wOeq - mod.CHIP3 3354 - mod.chip-top #01 5326 Emax/TRSI MOD.CHIPIZ II.pp 5412 - MOD.CHIPIZ III.pp 6200 - MOD.CHIPIZ IV.pp 11706 - MOD.CHIPIZ IX.pp 17680 - MOD.CHIPIZ V.pp 3032 - MOD.CHIPIZ VI.pp 10640 - MOD.CHIPIZ VII.pp 5192 - MOD.CwPuHIPIZ VIII.pp 11520 - MOD.CHIPIZ.pp 2824 - mod.chipmunks.pp 5380 - mod.chipovsky 30000 Bass/TSL mod.chipsy kings 14604 R^C^P/Big 1 mod.chiptune-12k 12416 Nuke/Anarchy mod.Chip_Chap 6456 Seat/Paradise mod.chiprotist 29018 R^C^P/Big 1 mod.chiprave.01.pp wQkR 18540 Scanner/Nexus mod.cirkus(u bcome mad) 12284 Curt Cool/Depth mod.clean_laundry4 10980 Beathawk/Wizzcat mod.clouds 14750 OXB/Scoopex mod.cloze doze 14894 Beathawk/Wizzcat MOD.CONFETTIS.pp 11180 Rotox/Score/Dbpp mod.cons-smallintro2 7360 C.o.n.s/Panic 1976 Curt CoowRѳR(l/Depth mod.coopy*0001 8888 Cartoon&Jelace mod.coopy*0002 22222 Cartoon&Jelace mod.coopy*0003 12222 Cartoon&Jelace mod.coopy*0004 31310 Cartoon&Jelace mod.count floyd! 16512 Lukian/Desire MOD.COUNT-TO-ZERO.pp 7596 Hunz/? mod.coy-hot 29648 Monty/? mod.cozanostra 26144 wSO;+ XTD/Mystic/TRSI mod.crazy egg 5504 Clawz/Bomb! mod.cry_of_doom_6 10114 Clawz/Bomb! mod.cure at random 16640 Clash/Angelica mod.cut_sanity 12924 Scud/Compact Directory nr.2 (from D-F) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.d0dssejler 23790 Scorpion/CTRL mod.d-3000 wTөol 7612 Dr.J/Pulsar mod.daddy-cool 15780 KTN/MelloW mod.dag 22462 ?/LSD mod.daffy8 21186 - mod.dark side 2684 Woober/Saints mod.days of thunder 14208 Clawz/Bomb! MOD.DCS-IDIOT SOUNDS.pp 14608 T./DCS mod.death zone 4152 Grandbox/Ivory(Eden!) mod.Delicate 0ooz.pp wUY+ 7440 Emax/TRSI MOD.DEMONS!.pp 13404 Executor/Ram Jam mod.den typiske snack 2124 Curt Cool/Depth mod.der stod 3 pils! 3136 Curt Cool/Depth mod.departed 5620 KTN/MelloW mod.der red 23440 Watts/Dual 4mat mod.desirata 23584 Stargazer/Sonic MOD.DIGITAL BASS-LINE.pp 6148 Emax/TrwV*si mod.Digipluck.pp 6620 Emax/Trsi mod.disco zax 10308 Mel'o'dee/Shining mod.dl!-zak00.pp 8444 Deathlord/Mystic mod.dont drink dis tune 27436 Curt Cool/Depth you wanne...yep? 7730 Paso/Dytec mod.doin damage 8250 Sly/Illusion mod.dont drink dis tune 27436 Curt Cool/Depth mod.doomsday-hydra.pp 8wW480 Hydra/Devils mod.dr. chip.pp 5616 Flite/Sceptic mod.drole 20624 Pseudolukian/Dsr mod.dt-funky-sr 25262 - mod.dust in my eyes .ln. 6502 Adt/Absolute! MOD.DWELL OF HEARTS.pp 5008 Claws/Digital mod.echoing 29264 - mod.Eclipse 18512 Hi-lite/? mod.economy4 1892wX׾U24 Xtd/Action Direct mod.egg 12606 Orco/? mod.eight wonder-hydra 8712 Hydra/Devils mod.ekimolla.pp 8532 Mindshadow/Nuance mod.elef's fight 4540 Vegard!/Scoopex mod.enchantment#4 8014 Covert Action Team/Essence mod.en solrig dag.pp 6424 Curt Cool/Depth mod.enchantment#4 2604 Action TewYK|\am/Essence 3628 Curt Cool/Depth mod.eruption.pp 9088 Dolphin/Noxious mod.eteer 12048 Watts/Dual 4matt mod.etyu 7168 - mod.evening 25596 - mod.everybody loves... 2180 Curt Cool/Depth mod.expedition in... 16908 Curt Cool/Depth mod.explosion.pp 7768 wZz< Dynamite/Analog mod.eyewash-josh 2567 Stargazer/Sonic mod.fairy tale-hydra.pp 3124 Hydra/Devils MOD.FAKEDTRUTH.pp 6736 E.M.F/Anaheim mod.falling 20090 Mandella/Voodoo mod.falling part 2 25026 Mandella/Voodoo mod.Fanatic.pp 9856 - mod.fanatical.pp 5024 Deadbeat/Zenon mod.faster than light w[/ 6360 Curt Cool/Depth track.pp 1756 G.T.O./Digital mod.feed your chicken!! 7824 Hellrazor/TRSI mod.felix3.pp 6340 Felix/Suspiria mod.fjorded.pp 6492 Hollywood/Freestyle MOD.FLAGADA.pp 7696 Gandbox/Ivory mod.flippy introtune.pp 11872 Emax/TRSI mod.floating_dog 9200 Balrow\ۤg/Purple Turtle mod.flour 8332 Woober/Technology MOD.FLOWER-POT.pp 7144 Hunz/Pearl high-drop dead.pp 7992 Beathawk/Diffusion MOD.FOR FUN.pp 6056 Headx/Absence mod.for-tune (heha) 10164 Curt Cool/Depth mod.fractal.pp 4292 Bertesek/Casyopea mod.free4all 12770 Hollywood/Lunatics mod.frew]Ųdag - en sej dag 9588 Curt Cool/Depth MOD.FRI_AN_EGG?.pp 9868 Jukebox/Sth Guild mod.fuckfuckfuckfuck 17594 Mad Freak/Anarchy mod.funkyintro 22962 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.funkyintrohehehe 13788 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.funky trip 16128 - mod.funky tune.pp 6724 - mod.fusion 1964 Curt w^V{bBCool/Depth MOD.FUTURA.pp 14384 Deadlock/Kronical mod.fysiometrical 6178 Hawk/Sanctuary Directory nr.3 (from G-I) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.## gaily ## 19570 XTD/Mystic & Union MOD.******HARDCHIP*****. 19456 Black Dragon/Heretia mod.g-force.pp 3856 Gazar/Futura musiw_2c 1 4708 Uncle Tom/TRSI mod.ghost 5040 Twilight/Ghost mod.ghost.pp 8720 - mod.gigglechip 2 40782 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.good son 5260 Woober/Technology mod.golden 50th 24362 - mod.gonads_cracks 8520 Omri Suleiman/? mod.goodbye.grim.pp 3760 Grim/Digital modw`~BT.gore 3384 Curt Cool/Depth mod.gosh my foot smells.pp 3048 Spirou/Senseless mod.gott_att_bajsa 17044 Hellhound/Submission mod.greasy duck v1.pp 10916 Latyl MOD.GRIND.pp 1016 Hunz/STH Guild mod.gross 13902 Bright Brick/DVS can only get 10456 Buzzer/Zenon mod.gum.pp 618waO0 Kalashnikov/X-Trade mod.hakkechips 16314 Brigdeclaw/ex.IRIS now GODS mod.halo 03 5696 ???/Halo mod.happy ending?.pp 3088 Wal/Punishers MOD.HAPPYLAUGH.pp 10272 Hunz/Pearl mod.hardcore dance .pp 9964 - mod.harmo-nique1 29248 Reverse/Digital mod.harr'yo yfaibo! 14486 Gandbox/Eden mod.hdf-hurwbry up! 15140 Hardfire/Intense mod.headcrash-intro1 18022 J.Feldkoetter mod.heat 20680 Hollywood/EOC 1999 mod.heat3 3448 Heatbeat/Carillion MOD.HEATBEAT.pp 11216 Heatbeat/Carillion mod.heatcliff!.pp 11412 - mod.hector 14654 - MOD.heli 30432 4-mat/Awc⤊Jcnarchy? mod.herlig dildo 10300 - mod.hhh! 21340 Hellhound/Mystic mod.highspeed 15960 Nugget/Rebels mod.hip 12892 Tummo/Dual Format mod.hiplash2 22374 Fizban/Compact 1148 Groo/Virtual Dremas mod.hotwires.pp 8380 Clawz/Digital mod.houseofsoul.pp wd)ͦ 2244 Fresh/Img mod.hulk hulk by dvs.pp 3780 - mod.hunting in paris,,,.pp 5812 Reflame/Mmt mod.hurry_up! 10296 Reflex/Rebles mod.hustler.chip 18312 Organic/Shining (mc) 7928 Curt Cool/Depth mod.i'm sick! 8284 Buzzer/Zenon mod.i(s) 10096 Deadbeat/Bronx mod.ice_cloud weOcR/ 16950 Nutcase/Deadline mod.ik_haat_ze.pp 1984 Msw/Effect mod.images of you 9522 Scorpion/CTRL MOD.IMMORTAL FOREVER.pp 13116 Strobo/Stellar the closet.pp 3884 Hollywood/? mod.infra 36408 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH MOD.INFRACTALIA.pp 6104 Laurence/Sceptic MOD.INMENU1.pp 7204 LegenwfӅd/? mod.insert_coins.pp 8748 Mush/? mod.internal chip.pp 4300 The Sonicom Musics mod.interride 17154 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH MOD.INTRO NUMBER 84.pp 4504 Woth/Essence mod.intro 13.pp 3608 Woth/Essence mod.intro nr.181.pp 7520 Woth/Essence mod.intro number 44.pp 4372 Woth/Gothic mod.intro number 46.pp 7768 wg| Woth/Gothic mod.intro number 52.pp 10620 Woth/Dual Crew mod.intro number 65.pp 3112 Woth/Silents MOD.INTRO NUMBER 84.pp 4504 Woth/Essence mod.intro-tune coop 19018 NhP/Anarchy&Hydra/Devils mod.intro-tune1.pp 2076 Peters/Jokes mod.intro-tune10.pp 6972 Peters/Jokes mod.intro-tune16.pp 6196 Peters/Jokes mod.intro-twhq une2.pp 3140 Peters/Jokes mod.intro.. 9800 Tall/Sudden Sex mod.Intro31 4044 Woth/Gothic mod.introfronty 11836 The Dezecrator/Classic mod.introghost 9900 The Dezecrator/Classic mod.intromaniac.pp 2992 Gazar/Futura mod.intromusic2 5288 Dr.Awesome/Crusaders mod.intromusic4 wi[?I 4356 Bjrn A. Lynne mod.intromusic5 3968 Dr.Awesome/Crusaders MOD.intromuz-2.hb 4012 Heatbeat/Carillion MOD.intromuz-6.hb 7550 Heatbeat/Carillion mod.intro-tune coop 19018 Nhp/Anarchy mod.introtune for space 19140 Jimi/Legend mod.intro_22 11496 Woth/Gothic mod.intro_42 11702 Woth/Gwjjothic mod.intro.. 9800 Tall/Reaction's ram hot 16782 Bass/The Silents Directory nr.4 (from J-L) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.jagged edge 8566 KTN/MelloW mod.j.chips0094 23752 Jelace/BDZ mod.j.chips0116 33114 Jelace/BDZ mod.jeroen_tel_tune.cpr 17554 wk Nw Chipper/Crace mod.jingle1.pp 11280 - mod.jolly 28788 Curt Cool/Depth mod.juliana.pp 9024 Ache&Nrg MOD.JUMP AND RUN 2.pp 4116 Woth/WWF Pro mod.jump'n roll style 4332 Mr.Frency/Squace mod.jungle power.pp 3708 Fabian/Desire mod.just for fun 19060 Woober/Saints MOD.JUST-RIGHT.pp wl {T 17824 Hunz/Pearl mod.kaffe og kage.pp 9268 Liquid/Parasite mod.kana 8528 Strobo/Stellar MOD.kanarie-mix 32768 Hein Design/Vision mod.kaukasus_karosseri.pp 8680 Travolta/Spaceballs(ex.!) mod.keep going 21716 Clyde/Triumph MOD.KEWLDEWDCUL8M8ARGH!. 5176 Grimlock/Grotesticle mod.kill fast 8596 wm) Curt Cool/Depth mod.kill cars!.pp 7016 Quark mod.killer bees(t).chip 8160 Donovan/Vicious mod.kims chips er gode!.pp 4352 Kollaps/Focus Design mod.kims.pp 2104 Curt Cool/Depth MOD.KINDER.pp 4208 Gandbox/Ivory mod.kinesisk polka.pp 6288 Nugget/Rebels mod.kit wanker.pp 7632 Soul&Merlin/DCS mod.klein_he..wn3...pp 596 MSW/Effect mod.kobbersmeden 872 Curt Cool/Depth mod.krakout-2.pp 3448 Curt Cool/Cure mod.kriebelstune.pp 7580 Zoef/Desire mod.kukko.pp 2972 Groo/Virtual Dreams MOD.L.. 27598 4-mat/Anarchy mod.lal 1848 Curt Cool/Depth mod.last betrayal remix.pp 6376 wo1 Hydra/Devils mod.last history.pp 5664 M.c.MP mod.last_minute.pp 3460 Claw/C-Lous MOD.LE-CHIPS_REVENGE.pp 4764 Rotox/Score mod.leisure suit lony 13396 Lonestar/Design mod.les 12606 - mod.let's_play_da_game!.pp 8112 Deadbeat/Bronx mod.lick my nipples,yes 4472 Nao&Nuke/Lemon MOD.LIFE AT HOT SUMMER.p 7576 wpgl Beathawk/Wizzcat is hard 4064 Vegard!/Scoopex mod.lilly_chip_3.pp 12620 Accord/Alchemy mod.lilly_chip_4.pp 13108 Accord/Alchemy mod.lite-13.pp 3840 Grim/Digital MOD.LILLY_CHIP_10.pp 12548 Accord/Alchemy mod.Little Feet 10124 Strobo/Stellar mod.Little Giant 12770 Mango/Stellar mod.littlegawq+ndbox.pp 2448 - mod.littlesong.pp 7108 Shadow/? mod.loadacrap! 8572 Twilight/Digital mod.loadertune 19216 Curt Cool/Depth mod.log... from blammo! 21684 Scorpion/CTRL mod.lost scrotum.pp 3608 Paso/Dynamix MOD.LOVE IS NO SHIELD.pp 6540 Flite/Sceptic, sex etc... 4804 Curt Cool/DepthH@ڲdcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:987654321(DC.exepeΉTHzHI TXH&HPK,x/|a WQH&ֈPK.PK n (g @BI<,Eh|zVJ $@( Df 5FRJ $@0g\JS@gJfVJ` DgJgRz TrHAgT$N:Jg"@" ((IXI f*I g/ Dg6$A(""Sf$W Be$Sf$W ^"CN.t%XX`>zRb45F/M@VK &@" AfPHAa8$ RK &@0g2a$($B" ӒS@grf ؁`"MYSAe"Q`XNu AgrHAJAg"_Q N.ANJf ( n%eNkLNuK|x~z$K" Jga(ae>t0a$AFgpaQe$NugNu* NuDrgQNu* `0ap54Ffaepa6paAGg`a6D30Q3eNu ^NF4x\*`K36(.!gf /܀ˆ| WqN6cS SȐtf> 90&?E|'p~@^>Q|Ţ(\M~7lt`I,o|9?q@ptq_=Y! >|~׈#A/Ș\P/, 2O&C}fjc+# "NC$VF3}YSf,W7__Ü<9@ fv@;?;ʟ( ؅I|ԘmA݀)4hF .D\0쎀qƔo\ԔY7 CV8z(N,\! #tOE@ vp@o 3Iq$B"q|/t#sॷe" ! $Kp(!("GO$!$+u@ XpGG&4@KKhAT#@.P8__$.5`I)p+0 .H . .8 ]rq]j諄l`]zER \l + t]nDkJmذ\@"lϘs 2O _sX0d>(i  Tء= @$À `xqȀ@= DE_s@F?% _ PXХ,{_ÇjCj -M #~fK >"a|T '3 A=/_?}} |Bk _82$k߰WAd0Z?B 1H=s>n `*!l^Ze ԏ$oqRq4O-{H/ V H fCdiy1͗e dAPSd\%l޿n$kݜƁ 0d/^ b/~u|38epQ/ @?f?F.ĬQWk|quׯHcO8p2 30pV"6G '1Oe:"A/cXD?!-W؁AqqqE8?p[<|L!G|CQgNc ΀q]83 @yjl Ѐ Ah!P @4q .Op}>8D{so!9E x=`x`*X0$b( :FY-L n,Igz!iO#Կ@@ 0p  h8D'0 "~30p^ׅAƙob:Oka cTTs4zBO|ĥ1@ sS 9 H<%@hp ꫊y(pGP׌rlOC tRrFy%`ˬ..S0D0]r?A;Pٽ1o>~db u%8?8ˏn6ĹKN7J.ˇ q5.9(V J*,8}ԌwEq_3\B>k3 -p8AwP@< k79I|BR^0 x]2³|O?|ȿ W'@@ &_8ϒh /輏ՀPm<^C;_tGj ǿdh@'ax# _/$ _烎q ǰE U @Š|1w]|o?8f~^ x@8`|>yyKof?٤;@o;fH /<~]i,Y}9|~wӌ0|~<c"u׸n9߼+YG㾖,~8.(: b'#AlNp:LN_Ps`$ b|`f Y y8gG)8 eGGF1燡@  8\w \63>M?ol/u'_ @Jpp@@` p P`H`<tժ,i< {Y9l P~,D1 8fa0# "eV`:'sȀ";1;Iտ}pN.S"W!=Ē~B? 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9098 w}k Fabian/Desire MOD.NOTH'IN TO GAIN.pp 4772 Hunz/Pearl mod.nothing but dust 11532 Vegard!/Scoopex mod.ocean (2nd edition) 22736 DreamFish/TRSI MOD.OFFENCYT.pp 8844 Skiller/Skenge mod.official paradise 1468 Woober/Saints mod.oista_veikkoa!! 3952 Deadbeat/Bronx mod.on and on 30376 Omega/Rebels w~90 12096 Strobo/Stellar MOD.ORIENT CHIP PACK.pp 17100 - mod.outerspace 10740 KTN/MelloW mod.out of style.pp 3608 Mh/? mod.overestimate 15956 Lord Interface/Andromeda Directory nr.6 (from P-R) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOD.P.pp 7712 - mod.pack zakkw|#1!.pp 5706 Mikromission/? mod.packmusica 17490 Nutcase/ex.Deadline(Balance) mod.packs r' us 18700 Hydline/Quartz mod.packtune53.pp 4584 Spherical/PRD mod.papercuts... 3256 Curt Cool/Depth mod.Partychip.pp 5996 Case/Zenith&Tom/Manitou mod.patriot.pp 7664 Loxley/Equinox mod.peak flow wT 19424 Ronny Selnes mod.Pepperoni-Encounter.p 5536 Emax/TRSI mod.petit crap 1584 Curt Cool/Depth mod.pigeon on the gate 18788 Tummo/Dual 4mat mod.pianointro4.5 16452 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.pianoting 6508 Curt Cool/Depth mod.pip 5.0 12908 Some1+Prime/Scoopex MOD.PIP 6.2 19886 Somwe`e1+Prime/Scoopex mod.pitcher 9152 Fresh/Img 8464 Dr.Fruid/Frogs mod.please insert coin 6900 Wigflipper/Awe mod.pleasure_to_paso??? 8548 Paso/Dytec mod.polku taynna homoja 5256 - mod.pom-pom-pom.cpr.pp 4624 Chipper/Desire mod.popelich 6436 Beathoven/Infect mod.poppia3 1588w Ո8 Nugget/Rebels mod.power-battle #3 (4 Chan) 15520 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.power-battle #4 (3 Chan) 16544 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.power-battle (ingame 19986 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.prevail einstein.pp 10020 Hawk/Effect mod.problems with atari.pp 7320 Chipper/Grace-SF 4228 Chipper/Grace-SF mod.psycho 6608 Curt Cool/Depw!T]}th mod.psychochip-003.pp 3408 King/Psycho mod.psychochip-005.pp 7684 King/Psycho mod.psychochip-007.pp 5052 King/Psycho mod.puff the magic 2172 Curt Cool/Depth mod.pukki(s) 10148 Deadbeat/Bronx mod.purple-shades 13232 Hi-lite/S!P mod.pyramids 17446 Scorpion/CTRL mod.qwak intro.pp 5608 w"\| TDK/Melon mod.r-m-d_crack_tune.pp 5040 M.C.MP/Remedy mod.Railroad.pp 756 Mange/Stellar mod.raindrops.pp 3196 Flite/Sceptic mod.rambo 8898 - mod.rap'n'rup.pp 4892 Flite/Sceptic mod.rebelmania 15328 Mantronix/ex.Razor 1911(PHA) mod.rebelious 3688 Woober/Technology mod.rebels!!! w#m 20580 4-mat/ex.Anarchy MOD.REELBOUNCER.pp 12708 Heatbeat/CNCD mod.reflex's 10210 - mod.relaxation 7548 Curt Cool/Depth mod.relaxed odissy 7508 KTN/MelloW mod.revenge of mr.zippy.pp 3388 Beathawk/Wizzcat mod.revolution.tix8.opt.pp 2436 Reflex/rebels MOD.REVOLVER SHORT.pp 4548 Pak/Nebula mw$I;od.rewind the mind 15590 Adt&Erno/Abslute! mod.rhythm & emotion 4360 Curt Cool/Depth mod.rider_mot_lyckan.pp 5688 Fresh/Img mod.rid of cramer 30586 Scorpion/CTRL mod.rise the pack 11876 Woober/Technology mod.risky_business.cpr 18192 Chipper/Desire mod.robocop.end 2052 Jon Dunn mod.rock and bonk.pp 3900 w%؈ TDK/Melon mod.rocksteady beat of 13328 Curt Cool/Depth mod.ruby-tuesday 10246 Joff/LSD mod.russian theme 8192 The Dark Knight/Anthrox Directory nr.7 (from S-U) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.saga-magata-ga-haka.pp 2648 Jesus P. of Awake mod.sampleripping... 8384 Curt Cool/Depth mod.saw&K'nctuary 16570 Stargazer/Sonic mod.sanity-tune.pp 5536 Microforce/Sanity mod.sarcophaser 34536 Hyrda/Devils it 4 yourself! 20576 Curt Cool/Depth mod.scales of joy 16702 Mel o'dee/Shining mod.scarborough fair 1152 Curt Cool/Depth mod.sceptic-nevermind 7088 Flite/Sceptic mod.Secret Gardens.pp w':\,5656 Emax/Trsi mod.seikkailumies.pp 3920 ?/DCS mod.selectorsong 6610 Lucky Strike/Cytax mod.Seq Line.pp 10412 Emax/Trsi mod.sequence line.pp 10412 Emax/TRSI mod.severe braindamage 4252 Curt Cool/Depth mod.shadow movements#1 10056 Boo/Talent mod.share and enjoy 17396 4-Mat/Anarchy mod.shiny-meadows.pp w(4&h 10400 Hi-Lite/Scoopex mod.ship muz 5732 Arrogance/IRIS mod.shipmania2.pp 3888 Placid/TEK mod.shipshop 8684 Arrogance/IRIS mod.shock therapy 01 14936 Chromag/Dcs MOD.SHOCK THERAPY 02.pp 8460 Chromag/Dcs mod.short cracktune 2.pp 4824 Omega/Rebels mod.short loading2-msw-.pp 12596 MSW/Effect mod.shorw) t tune 13676 Typhoon/Avalon mod.short-tune mk2 15000 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH mod.short'n funky+ 25400 Freddy/Centura mod.shortchip forever.pp 1764 Pepe/HDL mod.shortchip.pp 5400 TDK/ATX mod.shortcut-chip.pp 7368 Pepe/HDL mod.shortest *msw'92*.pp 4100 MSW/Effect mod.shortman.pp 8332 Placid/Analow*6~g 7652 Legend/AddOnic mod.shortsong1 4716 - mod.shorty2 16936 Devastator/PMC mod.shorty5.pp 1516 Devastator/PMC mod.short-but-shocking! 3996 Fabian/Desire 7652 Legend/Addonic mod.shortsong1 4716 - mod.shorty_02 3548 Grim Prow-ductions mod.shorty_16 2114 Grim Productions mod.silent dream 24000 Exorcist/? 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Azoth joins as a coder. Maze joins from Exxon as a musician. Preacher joins from Exxon as a coder. Splash joins from Exxon as a sysop and coder. Webster joins as a musician. Tipper joins as a /X coder. Tex joins as a coder and GFX artist. Xin-Lie-Yang joins as a HPA. Xin-Lie-Yang gets busted when hacking. He is fined $1500. Xin-Lie-Yang and Webster are kicked. A memberstro will be released soon. Behind Bars BBS joins as USA HQ. Behind Bars BBS bust! Skinner did not leave EltechJ- for Neo! Tex changed his handle to Dr.Death. Southern Empire is the new Eltech Oz HQ. B.C left for RTR. Azoth left for a vague reason. The Wulf left for a vague reason. FuLL NoRWaY MeMBeRS LiST Dr. Death (Musician) Dr. Octave (Musician) Hurricane (Mail trader) Kurgan (GFX & coder) Maze (Musician) Mr. Anonym (GFX) Muse (Musician) Pink Panther(Sysop & modem trader) Preacher (Code) Sheela (GFX) Skinner (Manager, mail trader) Splash (Code, sy-xsop) Tipper (/X coder & mail trader) Southern Empire is the new Eltech Oz HQ. B.C left for RTR. Azoth left for a vague reason. The Wulf left for a vague reason. FuLL NoRWaY MeMBeRS LiST Dr. Death (Musician) Dr. Octave (Musician) Hurricane (Mail trader) Kurgan (GFX & coder) Maze (Musician) Mr. Anonym (GFX) Muse (Musician) Pink Panther(Sysop & modem trader) Preacher (Code) Sheela (GFX) Skinner (Manager, mail trader) Splash (Code, sywܧ Sun&Woth/DreamDealers&DCS mod.slap fight 16098 Scorpion/CTRL mod.slide the guitars 6560 Woober/Saints mod.small-intro-tune 26680 Nuke/Anarchy mod.smallsong1.pp 7828 Twilight/Ghost mod.smallsong7.pp 5664 Twilight/Ghost MOD.SMITHS.pp 8076 Rotox/Score/Dbpp mod.snes theme 6266 - 7732 Deelite/Enigma what... 6400 - mod.software_of_society.pp 5672 Hellhound/Jetset mod.solitary brotha.pp 1944 Claws/Complex mod.solstik 4660 Curt Cool/Depth mod.south 4232 Curt Cool/Depth mod.some days.pp 10612 Bernard Summer/LSD mod.southern_commando.pp 3532 Somew?@ Guy! mod.south sealand 15016 Curt Cool/Depth mod.Space Chip.pp 3932 Mango/Stellar mod.speed it up.pp 7224 Spirou/Senseless MOD.SPEEDY'S THEME.pp 10528 Subject/Balance MOD.SPICE IT UP.pp 13468 Jester/Sanity mod.spring air 4436 Sire/? quality.pp 8808 Ache&Nrg/Pointless mod.stars?.pp H?Y#"!      w$w}'- 3320 Nugget/Rebels mod.starvoyager.pp 4464 Frank/The Doors mod.starworx.pp 4892 4-Mat/Anarchy mod.squashchip.pp 6430 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH! mod.stillspace 4036 Zardax/Elysion mod.stoned moments.pp 7052 Flite/Sceptic mod.suckchip 8168 Arrogance/IRIS mod.suicide.01 8640 Hmc/Alcatrawz mod.summer 22724 Nuke/Anarchy MOD.SUMMERFADE.pp 7304 Hunz/? mod.sundancer 11504 Flite/Sceptic mod.suolaa.pp 3988 Beathawk/Wizzcat mod.super mario land 8728 Reflex/Movement mod.super1 24894 - MOD.SUPERCHIPS.pp 10320 Rotox/Scope/Dbpp mod.supershort.01 5656 w߱3J- mod.supplex_theme 8800 Biscrok/Supplex mod.suprise.pp 2388 Bartesek/Casyopea mod.sweetbeat 10622 Slammie/Addicts mod.sweetday 8436 Clawz/Digital mod.sweet revenge 9678 Curt Cool/Depth mod.synthetik 2 16654 Gandbox/Ivory mod.synthetik chip town 5764 Vegard!/Scoopex mod.Synthetik_Fields.pp w&O 7686 Grandbox/Ivory mod.synthsong 4816 - mod.synth_v_noise2.0 16564 Blo/Vision mod.tango theme (not!) 2580 Curt Cool/Depth mod.Tannkrem-Snus.pp 11657 Mikromission/? MOD.TASTE LIKE MINT.pp 3068 Mikromission/? mod.techno iv 10288 Curt Cool/Depth mod.tecknotronik 19964 Curt Cool/Depth mod.tekcwno v 3708 Curt Cool/Depth mod.techno_quartz 16346 TdK/Atx MOD.THE BLUE ROOM.pp 15248 Size/Score mod.the bug 3700 Vegard!/Scoopex mod.the foley chipmix 3028 Curt Cool/Depth mod.the frog #1 18254 Watts/dual format mod.the mace song 6620 Wigflipper/Awe mod.the moon dance 12700 wO Steroid/Jetset mod.the-caves 16988 Madlock/Motion mod.the real thing 2528 Curt Cool/Depth mod.the typical 40k 7400 Curt Cool/Depth mod.this is (4) it 25688 Curt Cool/Depth mod.tic_surgery 11486 Gore/? MOD.TIME BOMB.pp 7084 Snoop/Union mod.too speedy 16932 Terrax/Palace gun c=64 wf 35526 Mr.Frenzy/SquasH MOD.TRACEJUMP.pp 5708 Hunz/? mod.trancerium.short 12428 Curt Cool/Depth mod.trained_by_noxious 10872 - MOD.TRAINERTUNE.pp 6624 - to chipland 13384 Snoop/Union mod.trembling chords.f 28548 Laurence/Sceptic mod.tttechno iii 4588 Curt Cool/Depth mod.ttttechno ii w ^# 5544 Curt Cool/Depth mod.tttttechno 16280 Curt Cool/Depth mod.tun(en) 2352 Curt Cool/Depth mod.tune to offence2.5! 16224 - mod.Tune-o-Matic 3820 ?/Tsb mod.tunkkanen ilmapiiri 25524 Shade/Offworld mod.turbo overload 19718 Flite/Sceptic mod.tussu2 11846 Chipper/Desire mod.ufuxumw #er 2 40246 - mod.uncle weirds 7480 Curt Cool/Depth mod.unhealthy chips 1336 Curt Cool/Depth mod.unknown 1 6304 - mod.ur 17254 Oxb/Scoopex mod.urban chaos v4 2500 Ts/Diesel mod.ussr 8412 Mac/Eph mod.utter lunacy 3648 Curt Cool/Depth Directory nr.8 w|YP(from V-Z) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.vampire 23890 Pseudolukian/Desire mod.vanity... intro 10316 Curt Cool/Depth mod.violence.short 8864 Curt Cool/Depth mod.vnc92-introzak-2 17484 Vince/Dytec mod.VOYAGE-OF-REALITY 23800 Matthew Simmonds (4-Mat!) mod.wacky III 870wrt0 Fabian/Desire mod.wait state 13488 - mod.walk_a_bout 12122 Pink/Sceptic mod.walther 13840 Grim/Digital mod.wandering_mind. 29990 Dirk/lengend mod.[l&w]-wantoness 00 1 7124 Woober&Lucifer/Technology mod.ware_of_society 10056 Hellhound/Jetset mod.warning_sign 10452 Mantronix/Fairlight(PhA!) wwmod.week 41550 Strobo/Stellar mod.weer n chipje.pp 5036 Facet/Lemon.(lemON.!) mod.weerverrektklein.pp 2276 MSW/effect mod.welcome to dying!!! 5944 Tero Lehtonen/? MOD.WELCOME.pp 4496 Gandbox/Badcat mod.what a fine mess... 4540 Curt Cool/Depth mod.why? 14148 Curt Cool/Depth mod.wink of an eye w+ 10826 Mel o'dee/Shining mod.wizardry 8466 4-Mat/Anarchy mod.wizball 32562 DreamFish/TRSI mod.wog your dog 18878 Scorpion/CTRL mod.wonderdog music 7004 - mod.wotv 10960 Woth/Essence mod.y.faty.loremy 43142 Bass/Silents mod.yellowcandy 10808 Sire/Supplex mod.York.pp wa 2076 Emax/Trsi mod.yoghurt.pp 7908 - mod.youngsters 7112 Curt Cool/Depth MOD.YUMYUM.pp 8196 Rotox/Score mod.zenith intro 3 24066 Blue Silence/Zenith mod.zipzap 10292 DJ Production mod.zwerge4 23006 Woth/Essence mod.ZZZAX NO EG 21688 - mod.x-prezz wJO 28564 Kefir/Balance Directory nr.9 (Chipsby:Cartoon)Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.c.chips#0000.pp 3504 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0001.pp 3436 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0002.pp 2848 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0003.pp 10976 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0004.pp 7556 Cartoon/? mod.c.chw&2ips#0005.pp 3072 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0006.pp 3608 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0007.pp 3624 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0008.pp 3072 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0009.pp 3576 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0010.pp 2988 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0011.pp 5812 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0012.pp 5872 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0013w:.G.pp 5388 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0014.pp 5168 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0015.pp 2696 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0016.pp 5436 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0017.pp 5552 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0018.pp 6504 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0019.pp 4432 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0020.pp 3620 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0021.pp w= 5848 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0022.pp 12168 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0023.pp 5020 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0024.pp 4304 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0025.pp 5772 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0026.pp 4992 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0027.pp 3816 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0028.pp 4080 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0029.pp w1wp 2460 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0030.pp 2808 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0031.pp 3240 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0032.pp 1440 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0033.pp 3356 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0034.pp 3756 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0035.pp 3192 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0036.pp 10504 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0037.pp 9980 w| Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0038.pp 10304 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0039.pp 9540 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0040.pp 10032 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0041.pp 7808 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0042.pp 5480 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0043.pp 10216 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0044.pp 9248 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0045.pp 7776 w3Q Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0046.pp 11176 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0047.pp 9640 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0048.pp 5572 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0049.pp 5964 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0050.pp 2624 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0051.pp 4040 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0052.pp 10064 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0053.pp 10328 Cartoow.n/? mod.c.chips#0054.pp 8056 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0055.pp 836 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0056.pp 9988 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0057.pp 1264 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0058.pp 4840 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0059.pp 5564 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0060.pp 7020 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0061.pp 3352 Cartoon/? mod.wxc.chips#0062.pp 8460 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0063.pp 17996 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0064.pp 3184 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0065.pp 10496 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0066.pp 8260 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0067.pp 6192 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0068.pp 8180 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0069.pp 4012 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#w'#0070.pp 2688 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0071.pp 2528 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0072.pp 5700 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0073.pp 3872 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0074.pp 6440 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0075.pp 2192 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0076.pp 10680 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0077.pp 9992 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0078.pp wF|W 7476 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0079.pp 5304 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0080.pp 4996 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0081.pp 2476 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0082.pp 4876 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0083.pp 3924 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0084.pp 4572 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0085.pp 8364 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0086.pp w9tP 6528 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0087.pp 5400 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0088.pp 4308 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0089.pp 10236 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0090.pp 3176 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0091.pp 5460 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0092.pp 2336 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0093.pp 2340 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0094.pp 257w 2 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0095.pp 4536 Cartoon/? mod.c.chips#0096.pp 5312 Cartoon/? Directory nr.10(Chipsby:CurtCool)Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.chiptune no. 27 6440 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 38 5392 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 41 2348 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no.wVZ 42 9940 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 43 5168 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 44 3600 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 45.1 1292 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 45.2 2328 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 46 2744 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 49 1340 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 50 4712 wv Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 52 3400 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 53 2056 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 54 3032 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 55 3892 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 56 4584 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 57 5020 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 60 3544 Curt Cool/Depth mow]'Od.chiptune no. 62 3636 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 63 2588 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 66 3968 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 67 3692 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 69 3756 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 70 9454 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 72 6368 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 75 w"< 3824 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 76 1200 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 77 1168 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 78 5168 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 79 5048 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 80 4244 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 81 5032 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 82 3420 CurtwԳ Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 83 3532 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 84 7728 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 86 3224 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 87 9132 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 88 3248 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 89 2988 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 90 9884 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune nw)Go. 91 2684 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 93 2652 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 95 3684 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 96 4484 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 97 4318 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 98 3992 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 99 3624 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 101 9926 w)^y Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 102 8372 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 103 11410 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 104 11886 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 105 15150 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 106 10036 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 108 17010 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 109 9768 Curt Cool/Depth w'Nmod.chiptune no. 110 9704 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 111 16578 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 112 9802 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 113 3152 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 116 2708 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 117 4444 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 120 2284 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 122 w 3512 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 123 4172 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 124 5244 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 125 2828 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 126 4792 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 127 12840 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 133 16998 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 137 3460 CuwMzҘrt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 139 3780 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 140 10896 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 141 5484 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 144 4960 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 149 4956 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 150 3280 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 151 3112 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptunew } no. 152 3484 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 153 12152 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 154 14326 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 157 9860 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 158 14076 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 159 4196 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 160 7240 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 161 13952 w*c Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 162 4048 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 163 2528 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 165 3868 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 166 3420 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 167 4224 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 168 4064 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 169 4972 Curt Cool/Deptw8 h mod.chiptune no. 170 4500 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 171 4248 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 177 3524 Curt Cool/Depth mod.chiptune no. 178 3304 Curt Cool/Depth =Total 924 CHIP-modules in 10 directories! More follows under "Fred modules!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRED MODULES Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~wC>֠~~~~~ FRED.S01-RoboCop_Title 15042 FRED.S02-SummerTime 19078 FRED.S03-RainyDays 5702 FRED.S04-ExplosionOfTime 14206 FRED.S05-ToyMaker 4712 FRED.S06-TheJourney 9030 FRED.S07-Hunchback 5408 FRED.S08-SnowFlake 8146 FRED.S09-Mutants 4606 FRED.S10-BlueMax 4454 FRED.S11-Pelifix 10470 FRED.S12-ArkPandora 15644 FRED.S13-HyperSportwx2%s 9516 FRED.S14-FiddlingAround 7279 FRED.S15-FlashDance 9184 FRED.S16-Nemesis_Title 10366 FRED.S17-SkyGlider 16388 FRED.S18-Prosonix 9866 FRED.S19-VictoryLane 8324 FRED.S20-ExplodingFist 4206 FRED.S21-BombJack 9628 FRED.S22-HybrisLight 11116 FRED.S23-CrazyMind 30482 FRED.S24-Wonderland 23685 FRED.UnknownGame_Muzax 19784 =Total 25 FRwiV¥ED-modules in 1 directory! More follows under "OctaMed Modules"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCTAMED MODULES Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ med.AndJusticeForAllMED 130460 Dan Pyrik med.CREEPING 155978 Dan Pyrik Med.Friends 263824 - med.Goldberg 349112 wB^ J.S.Bach med.Moby.Livin'Insanity 143242 Moby/Sanity med.session 21612 Dr.Awesome/Crusaders med.StarDance 137124 Dr.Awesome/Crusaders med.Turtles2 31225 - med.WHAT IS LOVE 370182 - =Total 9 OCTAMED modules in 1 directory! More follows under "Mods. by:Maze"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MODULES ~~~w ~~~~ Modules made by: Maze/Eltech! Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.alone? 135244 Maze/EltecH mod.bring the beat back 140002 Maze/EltecH mod.chaos.. hiddenpart! 68282 Maze/EltecH mod.chaos.. part1! 296416 Maze/EltecH mod.chaos.. part2! 347478 Maze/EltecH mod.chaos.. part3! 366420 w Z Maze/EltecH mod.-*It's Just Chaos..*- 180000 Maze/EltecH mod.credits 19112 Maze/EltecH mod.duck_dance.remix 456782 Maze/EltecH mod.endtune 79110 Maze/EltecH the base now! 130006 Maze/EltecH mod.joho jodlei 185828 Maze/EltecH mod.lost in the dark 81976 Maze/EltecH mod.lost_dreams (For TG'94!) 169164w w Maze/EltecH is no shield 278098 Maze/EltecH mod.max mix 286748 Maze/EltecH 20820 Maze/EltecH ii 23754 Maze/EltecH mod.merlin.castle 65000 Maze/EltecH mod.q33 43410 Maze/EltecH alert 110006 Maze/EltecH mod.red_alert_2 w   373708 Maze/EltecH mod.rock n'roll.. 97472 Maze/EltecH 37850 Maze/EltecH MOD.SEARCH for DESTINY 211074 Maze/EltecH mod.slomo -ii 85872 Maze/EltecH mod.slow-tune 294684 Maze/EltecH mod.sound of silence (for Hex!)480282 Maze/EltecH mod.symphonie 103752 Maze/EltecH mod.symphonie -ii w ` 69674 Maze/EltecH mod.takeovercontrol 65570 Maze/EltecH mod.tnf intro 54316 Maze/EltecH mod.turrican3.mix 114154 Maze/EltecH mod.unknown name 161342 Maze/EltecH mod.what is love? 130006 Maze/EltecH mod.whole world 79726 Maze/EltecH mod.whynot? 133288 Maze/EltecH =Total 37 mowxdules in 1 directory! More follows under "Chips by Maze"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHIP-MODULES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ChipmodulesthatIhavecomposed Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod.chippy_nr.001 14306 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.002 9116 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.003 21554 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.00w3e^*4 9352 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.005 3166 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.005 v2 4190 Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.006 13678 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.007 11106 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.008 8864 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.009 3744 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.010 8864 Maze/EltecH! w2fRmod.chippy_nr.011 16210 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.012 7360 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.013 13874 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.014 10252 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.015 11550 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.016 6816 Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.017 5964 Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.018 4964 w\?c Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.019 5988 Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.020 12630 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.021 3744 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.021 v2 3748 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.023 25748 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.025.small 3166 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.026 2142 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.027 w7I0 20364 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.028 18122 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.029 20896 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.030 17214 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.031 7576 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.032 19288 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.033 24362 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.034 8826 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.0wL35 15382 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.036 11214 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.037 8690 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.038 8618 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.039 11442 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.040 (C64 Conv.) 65910 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.041 (C64 Conv.) 40146 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.042 (C64 Conv.) 59032 Maze/EltecH!w mod.chippy_nr.043 18696 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.044 14344 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.045 5868 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.046 5128 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.047 10978 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.048 14606 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.049 14740 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.050 15460 w"  Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.051 6928 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.052 6928 Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.053 6904 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.054 14682 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.055 10882 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.056 16942 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.058 17512 Maze/EltecH! MOD.CHIPpy_nr.059.smallest w>R6 2114 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.060 18804 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.061 12418 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.063 10370 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.064 8568 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.065 8462 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.066 17722 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.067 12492 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.wH068 9176 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.070 6442 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.071 8270 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.072 11580 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.074 11694 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.075 8448 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.076 11694 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.077 10158 Maze/EltecHw! mod.chippy_nr.078 17570 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.079 8354 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.080 8496 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.081 9746 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.082 18264 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.084 14386 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.085 11726 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.086 16450 w Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.087 13302 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.088 9274 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.089 9556 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.090 13610 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.091 13044 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.092 (C64 Conv.) 26048 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.093 11084 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.094 w 4394 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.095 10802 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.097 13132 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.098 10538 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.099.smallest 2114 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.100 8882 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.101 7630 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.102 13680 Maze/EltecH! 6410 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.104 10678 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.105 12370 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.107 10422 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.108 13412 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.109 5810 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.110 11476 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.113 6730 Maze/Eltecwy1H! mod.chippy_nr.114 12774 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.115 7820 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.116 9700 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.117 13332 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.118 13702 Maze/EltecH! mod.chippy_nr.119 8690 Maze/EltecH! =Total 111 CHIP-modules in 1 directory! More follows under "Not Fin. Mods"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w>r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOT FINISH MODULES! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modules that isn't finish Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOD.CHIPpy_nr.029.notfin 20896 Maze/Eltech MOD.CHIPpy_nr.057.notfin 11854 Maze/Eltech MOD.CHIPpy_nr.062.notfin 12974 Maze/Eltech MOD.CHIPpy_nr.069.notfin 6134 Maze/Eltech MOD.CHIPpy_nr.073.notfin w 6880 Maze/Eltech mod.chippy_nr.083.notfin 9692 Maze/Eltech mod.chippy_nr.095.notfin 22014 Maze/Eltech mod.chippy_nr.106.notfin 14708 Maze/Eltech mod.test 4 ?????? Maze/Eltech =Total 9 modules in 1 directory! More follows under "Lha Packed mods, Maze"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LHA PACKED MODS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LhaPackedModw+eJs. (Oldtunesbyme) Size: Composed by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OldTunes.lha (79modules) 2815283 Maze/Eltech OldTunes2.lha (6 modules) 204121 Maze/Eltech OldTunes3.lha (2 modules) 160768 Maze/Eltech OldTunes4.lha (5 modules) 186368 Maze/Eltech OldTunes5.lha (4 modules) 188247 Maze/Eltech OldTunes6.lha (2 modules) 86400 Maze/Eltech w < =Many OLD and NOT so good modules! More follows under "Sid Modules"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SID MODULES ~~~~~~~~~~ Directory nr.1 (DemoTunes_1) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20CC_1 3328 20CC_2 3776 antic 3136 arne-afl 2144 Atomi 3840 AxelF.Remix 3282 bassline w!li 3552 brian-graffitty 3328 Con 2752 crest-msk 4064 Crypt 3840 Danko-Crystal 4096 Drax_1 3712 Drax_2 5664 Drax_3 2950 Drax_4 3974 Drax_5 3647 Drax_6 3438 Drax_7 2160 egon-larson w"8. 2048 Einstein 3840 enigma-tbb 3744 Errors 3584 FairlightRemix 2048 Fairlight_1 3680 Fame_1 2816 Fame_2 3328 FBR_Intro 2384 Flash_1 7840 Flash_2 3008 geir 3520 GuyShavitt_1 2592 GuyShavw#_itt_2 3104 GuyShavitt_3 3264 HenningRokling 3328 Directory nr.2 (DemoTunes_2) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hippel_1 4032 Hippel_2 9120 Hippel_3 2816 Hippel_4 4096 Hippel_5 2432 Hippel_6 1792 Illusion_Intro 4096 Jeany-Tune 3072w%*(z kaos 4096 Laxity_1 3168 Laxity_2 3840 legend! 2272 Light 2464 Link_1 5536 Link_2 3436 Link_3 3771 mad 3776 Maniac 3648 Marc 4096 Mayem 3328 me! $9]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%ww&Iڟ. 3232 MON_1 3864 Moon 2816 Music_042.c64 8192 NeedYouINXS 4096 note 3872 PolterGeist 4096 Popcorn 4608 Revo 3072 richard-rinn 4032 Rock_1 3360 Rock_2 3552 Rock_3 4320 Sector9 w'7g 1984 Shining_8 2560 Short'nSade 2176 Soedesoft_1 4096 Soedesoft_2 2768 success 4096 tbf 2560 Whats... 5888 WindOfChange 3904 Directory nr.3 (DemoTunes_3) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 3074 2 2519 3 w(( 4514 4 3570 5 5378 6 7641 8 6919 9 5186 10 9984 11 4610 13 4450 14 4080 15 4096 16 7778 17 5378 18 w)5 5122 19 7936 20 3840 21 2674 22 2962 23 4098 24 4610 25 4994 26 15284 27 15548 28 8194 29 16384 30 8770 31 w*% 3170 32 2722 33 3364 34 3842 35 3170 36 6146 37 7548 38 7778 39 3586 40 13058 41 5122 42 8194 43 7778w+& 44 3341 45 4098 46 7168 47 8194 48 4418 49 5378 50 11653 51 8188 52 4354 53 7682 54 5902 56 5378 57 w, 2688 58 4862 59 4736 60 4098 61 4898 62 5120 63 3314 64 5877 65 4844 66 4335 67 15287 68 3202 69 4097 70 w-z. 3202 71 4097 72 4814 73 4637 74 2816 75 2169 76 7170 77 3618 78 4162 79 3570 80 4994 Directory nr.1 (Flash) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Flash1 w.ҌQ 2992 flash10 2629 flash11 2322 flash12 2632 flash2 3682 flash3 3552 flash4 2741 flash5 2805 flash6 3030 flash7 2950 flash8 2924 flash9 2700 Directory nr.1 (nice_stuff) Size: ~~~~~~~~~w/t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 180.DAT 3773 720.DAT 3892 2000_AD.DAT 2103 3545_II.DAT 2748 AMJ1.DAT 3367 ARNE1.DAT 2959 ARNE2.DAT 4678 AZTEC_CH.DAT 1666 BAPPA1.DAT 3374 BAPPA2.DAT 3585 CYBERND2.DAT 4386 CYBERNOI.DAT 4386 DANw0c KO-CR.DAT 4096 DANKO1.DAT 4864 DANKO2.DAT 2560 DANKO3.DAT 3328 DANKO4.DAT 5240 DANKO5.DAT 3886 DANKO6.DAT 3334 DANKO7.DAT 3814 DANKO8.DAT 4261 DANKO9.DAT 4602 DEEK1.DAT 5842 DEEK2.DAT 5575 DEEK3.DAT 36w1V 95 DEEK4.DAT 3310 DEEK5.DAT 3987 Directory nr.2 (nice_stuff_I) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAME_1.DAT 2816 FAME_2.DAT 3328 FLOTSAM1.DAT 4094 FLOTSAM2.DAT 2848 GEIR1.DAT 3736 GEIR2.DAT 3695 GEIR3.DAT 4352 GEIR4.DAT 3588 GUY1.DAT w2۠ǒ 3591 GUY2.DAT 2809 GUY3.DAT 2586 GUY4.DAT 2519 GUY5.DAT 3328 GUY6.DAT 4565 HIPPEL_1.DAT 4032 HIPPEL_2.DAT 9120 HIPPEL_3.DAT 2816 HIPPEL_4.DAT 4096 HIPPEL_5.DAT 2432 HIPPEL_6.DAT 1792 Directory nr.3 (nice_stuff_II) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w3G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JEROEN1.DAT 3951 JEROEN2.DAT 5632 JEROEN3.DAT 3328 JT1.DAT 3357 JT2.DAT 4096 JT3.DAT 2445 LARS1.DAT 8448 LINK_1.DAT 5536 LINK_2.DAT 3436 LINK_3.DAT 3771 L_NINJA.DAT 10496 L_NINJA2.DAT 37922 L_NINJA3.DAT w4L 26962 MUSIC015.DAT 2722 MUSIC016.DAT 2823 MUSIC017.DAT 3440 MUSIC018.DAT 2780 MUSIC019.DAT 3107 MUSIC021.DAT 1928 MUSIC023.DAT 1971 MUSIC024.DAT 4093 MUSIC025.DAT 2720 MUSIC026.DAT 2912 MUSIC027.DAT 3312 MUSIC029.DAT 3224 MUSIC03w5Z1F1.DAT 2608 MUSIC032.DAT 1640 MUSIC034.DAT 1872 MUSIC036.DAT 4096 MUSIC039.DAT 4096 MUSIC041.DAT 4096 MUSIC042.DAT 3072 Directory nr.4 (nice_stuff_III) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drax10 4062 Drax11 4002 Drax12 4282 Drax13 4068w6; Drax9 3774 Future1 2782 Future10 2855 Future11 2839 Future12 2828 Future13 3011 Future14 2771 Future15 2942 Future16 2964 Future17 2965 Future18 3034 Future19 2808 Future2 w7f 2954 Future20 3005 Future21 2700 Future23 2770 Future24 2952 Future25 2798 Future26 2868 Future27 2942 Future28 2932 Future29 2977 Future3 2945 Future4 2600 Future5 2988 Future6 w8/ 2745 Future7 3220 Future8 2951 Future9 2969 JCH10 2537 JCH11 2432 JCH12 2548 JCH13 2736 JCH14 2720 JCH15 2737 JCH16 2815 JCH17 2815 JCH18 2944 JCH19 w9e 3108 JCH20 3488 JCH21 3321 JCH22 3384 JCH23 3776 JCH24 3645 JCH25 3583 JO1 3584 Xayne1 1840 Xayne2 3989 Xayne3 1647 Directory nr.1 (from A-F) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ALFA1.DAT w:y% 4505 ALIEN.DAT 476 AMAUROTE.DAT 3778 AMJ1.DAT 3367 ANTIC.DAT 3136 ATHENA.DAT 4146 AVENGER.DAT 3050 AXELFREM.DAT 3282 BABYGANG.DAT 8930 BANGKLDR.DAT 2867 BANGKOK.DAT 4218 BART1.DAT 4380 BASKET_M.DAT 2674 BATTLw;״UE_V.DAT 3570 BEASTIES.DAT 1984 BEVERLY.DAT 2658 BLACK_LA.DAT 6919 BLOWITUP.DAT 2330 BMX_KIDZ.DAT 4118 BMX_SIMU.DAT 3802 BOBBY_BE.DAT 3011 BODYSLAM.DAT 6983 BOMBO.DAT 4096 BRAVESTA.DAT 4051 BREAK_TH.DAT 2816 BRIAN-GR.DAT 3328w8 3047 DRAX10.DAT 5689 DRAX11.DAT 3974 DRAX12.DAT 3962 DRAX2.DAT 5689 DRAX3.DAT 3500 DRAX4.DAT 3512 DRAX5.DAT 3292 DRAX6.DAT 4047 DRAX7.DAT 18445 DRAX8.DAT 3779 DRAX9.DAT 3714 DRAX_1.DAT 3712 DRAX_2.DAT w?+f 5664 DRAX_3.DAT 2950 DRAX_4.DAT 3974 DRAX_5.DAT 3647 DRAX_6.DAT 3438 DRAX_7.DAT 2160 DRDESTRU.DAT 3530 DTDECATH.DAT 2768 DT_OLYMP.DAT 5890 DUCK1.DAT 3072 ENDURO_R.DAT 3709 ENIGMA-T.DAT 3744 ENIGMA_F.DAT 2674 ERRORS.DAT w@o: 3584 FGTH.DAT 4610 FIREFLY.DAT 4146 FIRELORD.DAT 3840 FLASH_GO.DAT 5120 FLOTSAM1.DAT 4094 FLOTSAM2.DAT 2848 FLTREMIX.DAT 2048 Directory nr.2 (from G-L) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ GAME_OVE.DAT 8354 GUTZ.DAT 2466 GUY_1.DAT 2592 GUY_2wAWa.DAT 3104 GUY_3.DAT 3264 HARVEY_H.DAT 3426 HAYES1.DAT 2880 HEAVEN.DAT 3262 HELICOPT.DAT 7618 HENNINGR.DAT 3328 HIGHENCN.DAT 1538 HSSHOWJU.DAT 4096 HTD1.DAT 3168 HUMAN_RA.DAT 12758 HUNTER'S.DAT 2658 HYPABALL.DAT 6400wB)G HYPER_SP.DAT 8192 HYSTERIA.DAT 4234 I-BALL.DAT 3931 ILLUSION.DAT 4096 IMPLOSIO.DAT 4114 INSPECTO.DAT 3926 INTERNAT.DAT 4608 IO.DAT 3774 IRONCAT1.DAT 3136 IRONCAT2.DAT 3217 IRONCAT3.DAT 2324 IRONCAT4.DAT 2785 IRON_CAT.DAT wC;R 2978 IRON_LOR.DAT 4707 JACK_THE.DAT 4598 JAIL_BRE.DAT 2914 JAMES_BO.DAT 1701 JCH1.DAT 2675 JCH2.DAT 5334 JCH3.DAT 3840 JCH4.DAT 4049 JCH5.DAT 2730 JCH6.DAT 6464 JCH7.DAT 4049 JCH8.DAT 3872 JEANY-TU.DAT wD,( 3072 JEFF1.DAT 5660 JEFF2.DAT 4096 JEFF3.DAT 5660 JERRY_TH.DAT 6688 JESPER1.DAT 3236 JEWELS.DAT 3234 KAOS.DAT 4096 KENTILLA.DAT 4352 KETTLE.DAT 6682 KILLER_R.DAT 3155 KINETIX.DAT 5940 KNIGHT_G.DAT 3704 KNOCKOUT.DAT wE^Z< 2466 KONG_STR.DAT 3904 KONNI.DAT 2752 KRISTIAN.DAT 16384 LAXITY1.DAT 3488 LAXITY_1.DAT 3168 LAXITY_2.DAT 3840 LAXITY_A.DAT 3365 LEGEND!.DAT 2272 LEVIATHA.DAT 3106 LIC2KILL.DAT 4098 LIGHT.DAT 2464 LIGHTFOR.DAT 3584 LIVING_D.DAT wFs 3281 LOCO.DAT 9218 LOUIE1.DAT 3072 Directory nr.3 (from M-O) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ MAD.DAT 3776 MAD1.DAT 1710 MADBALLS.DAT 2946 MAG_MAX.DAT 2340 MANIACMA.DAT 4096 MARC.DAT 4096 MARIO_BR.DAT 2946 MASK.DAT 4098 MASTEwGkRS.DAT 3945 MASTER_O.DAT 3058 MATCHDAY.DAT 4578 MAXIBAR.DAT 4063 MAYEM.DAT 3328 ME!.DAT 3232 MEGA_APO.DAT 3460 MENACE.DAT 4402 METAL1.DAT 3347 METAL2.DAT 3984 METAL3.DAT 2789 METAL4.DAT 3316 METAL5.DAT 3456wH\s METAL6.DAT 4002 MICKEY_M.DAT 3720 MILKRACE.DAT 3396 MIXER1.DAT 3954 MON_1.DAT 3864 MOON.DAT 2816 MOON1.DAT 2621 MSK1.DAT 1888 MSK2.DAT 4052 MULE.DAT 1624 MUSIC015.DAT 2722 MUSIC016.DAT 2823 MUSIC017.DAT wI 3440 MUSIC018.DAT 2780 MUSIC019.DAT 3107 MUSIC021.DAT 1928 MUSIC023.DAT 1971 MUSIC024.DAT 4093 MUSIC025.DAT 2720 MUSIC026.DAT 2912 MUSIC027.DAT 3312 MUSIC029.DAT 3224 MUSIC031.DAT 2608 MUSIC032.DAT 1640 MUSIC034.DAT 1872 MUSIC035.DAT wJo~ 1928 MUSIC036.DAT 4096 MUSIC039.DAT 4096 MUSIC041.DAT 4096 MUSIC042.DAT 3072 MUTANTS.DAT 3762 MYTH.DAT 8162 NEEDYOUI.DAT 4096 NEFARIOU.DAT 3133 NEVER_EN.DAT 4608 NEW_COMM.DAT 2427 NEW_LIMI.DAT 11354 NEW_ZEAL.DAT 4544 NINJAREM.DAT wK 21586 NIPPER_2.DAT 4598 NONTERRA.DAT 2304 NOTE.DAT 3872 NO_POWER.DAT 3267 NWARLOCK.DAT 4195 O'NEILL1.DAT 3808 O'NEILL2.DAT 2784 OCEAN_LO.DAT 3328 OCTAPOLI.DAT 2904 ODIE1.DAT 3808 ODIE2.DAT 2799 OH_NO!.DAT 3594 ONEMANDR.DAT wL\I 3968 OPHONGK.DAT 3872 OPWOLF.DAT 5218 OPWOLFLD.DAT 4786 ORION.DAT 4834 OUTRUN.DAT 4866 Directory nr.4 (from P-R) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ PALADIN1.DAT 4096 PANDORA.DAT 3160 PANTHER.DAT 3328 PARALLAX.DAT 7168 PARTY_20.DAT 3314 PHANTwM0OM1.DAT 4608 PHANTOMS.DAT 4096 PING_PON.DAT 6082 PLATOU.DAT 8192 PLAYBOY.DAT 3469 POLTERGE.DAT 4096 POPCORN.DAT 4608 PRI1.DAT 3782 PRI2.DAT 3963 PRI3.DAT 4096 PRI4.DAT 7712 PRO1.DAT 4163 QUEDEX_L.DAT 11222wN9 QUIT_WIZ.DAT 11261 RAGE1.DAT 3072 RAGE2.DAT 3328 RAGE3.DAT 3840 RAGE4.DAT 3328 RAMBO3.DAT 12546 RASPUTIN.DAT 4032 RASTAN_S.DAT 6354 RED_DEV1.DAT 5806 RED_DEV2.DAT 4864 RED_DEV3.DAT 3471 RED_DEV4.DAT 3472 RED_DEV5.DAT wO4 3616 RED_DEV6.DAT 3904 RENEGADE.DAT 14850 REVDOH.DAT 3362 REVO.DAT 3072 REYN1.DAT 4075 RHYME1.DAT 3404 RICHARD.DAT 4032 RICK1.DAT 3507 ROADRUNN.DAT 4818 ROB1.DAT 3910 ROB2.DAT 5719 ROBIN_OF.DAT 3699 ROCK1.DAT wPc 3726 ROCK2.DAT 4096 ROCK3.DAT 3200 ROCK_1.DAT 3360 ROCK_2.DAT 3552 ROCK_3.DAT 4320 ROLANDS.DAT 7216 Directory nr.5 (from S-T) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ SAMPLE.DAT 5791 SECTOR9.DAT 1984 SEQ1.DAT 2560 SERIEMIX.DAT 2434 SHADOWFI.DAT wQ@.` 2634 SHADOWSK.DAT 2268 SHADOW_S.DAT 2268 SHARK1.DAT 4321 SHINING8.DAT 2560 SHOGOON1.DAT 4109 SHOGOON2.DAT 4109 SHORT'NS.DAT 2176 SHORTCIR.DAT 9472 SHORT_CI.DAT 9472 SLAINE.DAT 3645 SLAYGON1.DAT 3072 SOEDE1.DAT 4096 SOEDE_1.DATwR 4096 SOEDE_2.DAT 2768 SOLOMON'.DAT 3426 SOLOMONS.DAT 3426 SPACEHAR.DAT 8233 SPACE_HA.DAT 8233 SPECIALA.DAT 4000 SPLITPER.DAT 3973 SPLITTIN.DAT 4298 SPLIT_PE.DAT 3973 STARTRAD.DAT 2080 STAR_TRA.DAT 2080 STAR_WAR.DAT 3059 STAX1wSkS/.DAT 3309 STEVEN1.DAT 4089 STREETSP.DAT 3138 STREETSU.DAT 3648 STREET_S.DAT 3138 STRONGMA.DAT 3200 SUCCESS.DAT 4096 SYNDROM1.DAT 4301 SYNDROM2.DAT 3621 SYNDROM3.DAT 4611 TANGO1.DAT 3840 TARGETRE.DAT 7871 TARGET_R.DAT 7871wTBQ TARZAN.DAT 3333 TBF.DAT 2560 TDC1.DAT 3456 TDM1.DAT 2148 TDM2.DAT 3595 TDM3.DAT 2448 TDM4.DAT 4387 TDM5.DAT 3374 TERRACRE.DAT 9792 TERRA_CR.DAT 9792 THANATOS.DAT 4098 THEVIKIN.DAT 5632 THE_FORC.DAT wU#L 11261 THE_HUMA.DAT 4448 TOO_MUCH.DAT 11261 TOTALECL.DAT 3096 TOTALREC.DAT 8146 TO_TMC.DAT 2099 TRAIL_IN.DAT 4097 TRANSFOR.DAT 2178 TRANTOR.DAT 3957 TRAP.DAT 4352 TRAPDOOR.DAT 2816 TRIVIA.DAT 4831 TROLL.DAT 4850 TROLLIEW.DAT w VGl[ 13826 TURBOTRO.DAT 44258 TYPHOON.DAT 5958 Directory nr.6 (from U-Z) Size: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ UNKNOWN1.DAT 2560 UNKNOWN2.DAT 2400 UNKNOWN3.DAT 3457 UNKNOWN4.DAT 2816 UNKNOWN5.DAT 4128 UNKNOWN6.DAT 3072 UNKNOWN7.DAT 3664 UNKNOWN8.DAT 3277 UNKNOWN9.DAT w W# 2482 UNKNWN10.DAT 2998 UNKNWN11.DAT 2560 UNKNWN12.DAT 2848 UNKNWN13.DAT 3853 UNKNWN14.DAT 2793 UNKNWN15.DAT 4096 UNKNWN16.DAT 4208 UNKNWN17.DAT 3866 UNKNWN18.DAT 3593 UNKNWN19.DAT 4672 UNKNWN20.DAT 3584 UNKNWN21.DAT 2930 WASTE.DAT w X4q 2674 WESTBANK.DAT 3154 WINDOFCH.DAT 3904 WIZ.DAT 4098 WIZARDRY.DAT 12288 WIZARD_W.DAT 4098 YIE_AR_K.DAT 7808 ZARDAX1.DAT 3104 ZARDAX2.DAT 3584 ZARDAX3.DAT 3467 ZARDAX4.DAT 4003 ZARDAX5.DAT 3968 ZARDAX6.DAT 4081 ZARDAw YX7.DAT 4096 ZARDAX8.DAT 3960 ZARDAX9.DAT 2615 ZYRON1.DAT 4481 =Total 697 SID modules in 14 directories! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For swapping modules or samples, write to this addy: Maze of Eltech Sauhagen 12 2850 Lena Norway! (also if you want the newest Digital Chips!) ??????????????????????????????????????? : _____/\__.:__/\ ____/\__:_w Zނ__/\ __/\___:__/\__.:_/\ : \ _ \:. Y \ _ :. Y :. \:. Y:. aN eLTECH .\/____ \_ | / _l______ |____ ______ \_ |:::. pRODUCTION | :_/ | \ |/ \_ \/ | / Y/ l \ l/ \:. iN tHE yEAR | ::\ ' / |\ ( \ |/ |\ __ / / \:. oF 1995! |.::::\_______ /\ __l \______ /\ __l\ ___l \ __l___/\ ______/::::..... o============\/==\/=========\/==\/===\/=====\/=======\/=====================o ~~~~~~~~~~~w[`{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| rELEASED eVERY sECOND wEEK!_/\______:___/\:____:___/\ :__/\______/\_______ | \ _ :. | /:. Y:. _ \ / | cODING bY:pREACHER/eLTECH \/ |______ | \___ |__ __/ /\ l____/ :| dEZIGN bY:sPLASH/eLTECH :_/ l \/ l \/ |/ \___//\__ \ :| pACKED bY:mAZE/eLTECH ::\ /\ __ /\ |\ | / l \ :| aLL cHIPS:mAZE/eLTECH.::::\__w\ _____ / \___l__ / \ __l \ __: \_______ /..::| =================================\/=========\/====\/====\/==sTG/?====\/=====o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pRESENTED tO yOU bY: -<=#====================/|===========================#=>- ! _____________ / l_____________________________! | / ____X /___/ ___X _____/ ____X / /| ! / ___/_/ / / / w]_ / ___/_/ / / __ / ! | / / / / / / / / / / / / / | !/ / / / / / / / / / / / ! |\_______/ ____X_______/ ____X_______/ /___X | ! : \___/ \___/ \___/ : ! -<=#===+=============================================#=>- : : . sORRY, tHAT's aLL . w^C . . ??????????????????????????????????????? / / / / ! |\_______/ ____X_______/ ____X_______/ /___X | ! : \___/ \___/ \___/ : ! -<=#===+=============================================#=>- : : . sORRY, tHAT's aLL .