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(aplause,aplause,klatsch). i am desulat in writing such scrollers. avalon is talking brain?! avalon the matte... hi, heres crowley !! . .. . no longer ! urghh. here is buckaroo again. crowley is telling me what to write: alloooo, ihr schwulen frischbiertrinker ! (monty python is watching you). avalon is add.l now.... crowley is sub.b buckaroo is move 00000000000000000 in lamelabel (not true)da sind naemlich batterien drin. jawoll. so, there is a looser in the room, yeah, schibumm, schibumm, buah, (merlin) !!!!! ok, ok half byte !!! eh, half brite. ... lets come to the story of the skyblue rubber bummy bears (author buckaroo, peinlich !!!!) .once upon a time there was a little yellow rubber bummy bear born by a normal blue ,aeh excuse, by a skyblue rubber bummy bear. so, there was no doubt about blasting the little yellow rubber bummy bear, because he or it (the yellow rubber bummy bear, not the pink or green one) was a mutanted yellow rubber bummy bear, so he was e k e l i g. and the big rubber bummy bear court decided to get rid of that kind of rubber bummy bears.( i get the bear! hit it! reisst ihm das gummi ab! get its baerentatzen! jawolll !). as a matter of fact its difficult to destroy a rubber bummy bear, especially (for you!....halts maul kylie !!!) yellow rubber bummy bears. the king of bears called the big black killer rubber bummy bear. he said: bring me the yellow rubber bummy mutant. perhaps he is in the great bearwood forest (sorry mr. disney !). so get him d e a d or as a living rubber bummy bear!!! end of dialog. hoo, hoo, said the killer bear and schwuppdiwupp he was on his way to the forest. ... walk... walk... and so on... after a week he arrived in the bearwood forest. but the yellow rubber bummy bear was not lazy. he build up a underground revolution group of insects, well trained of him. they invented many kinds of booby traps and silly bubble gum trees, with the target to stuck the big black rubber bummy bear on the ground. the chances for the little yellow rubber bummy bear were not high, because the big black rubber bu.... was not only big and black but also a karate freak with a black belt. now the climax of the story. the battle began : the karate big black rubber bummy bear opened with a upper cut and a right straight punch, but the little yellow rubber bummy bear was quick and has got friend, like his underground squad of insect (now really the high point !). the insect answered: their attack was destructiv and brutal, many thorns with poison turned the black hair of the katate rubber bummy bear into red bloody hair. and the big black rubber bummy bear was touched by fear and tried to escape from the swarms of bees and hornets by running onto a high tree (wonder where he got the idea ??). but that was not a normal tree, it was a silly bubble gum tree. you know what comes next, dont you ? yes, my little childs, he really stuck on the tree. the insects done the rest. then the yellow rubber bummy bear cut the fure from the black one and it put on himself. so, then he was a yellow rubber bummy bear in disguise, with the look of black bear (you understand this part of the story?! he is black). after this event he lives in peace and quiet for the rest of his rubber bummy bear life !! (really ?! we will see in future !!)..... so long little children and sleep well. i am now sending yellow rubber bummy regards to all my girl., boy. and inhuman friends(like avalon !!!! not really male (help!! urghh!! wuerg!! strangulier!! luft abdruecken!! schuettel!! umbring !!ok. ok. ok. just kidding !). thats the end of my (buckaroo) part.puh, just around 4 kb. s t o p !!! bye, buckaroo !!!! end of scroller !!!!!! " V &@F`f>DJdjbh$*Tr~ *Jf|hnt       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x  $,4<DLT\dlt| $,4<DLT\dlt|P\bhntz$*06>FNV^dt|&^T^^^^__ ____f____aaata|aaaaaaaacccdd