@@` Anthrox presents-------------------------------Zool 2 From Gremlin Graphics +8------------------------------- Micro-Trained By ThrashF1 = Unlimited energy F2 = Unlimited lives F3 = Unlimited time F4 = Invulnerability f5 = Ingame Keys THE INGAME KEYS ARE:---------------------------E - TOGGLE unlimited energyL - TOGGLE unlimited livesT - TOGGLE UNLIMITED timeI - Toggle invulnerabilityall options are for both players OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF---------------------------Call our Boards Worldwide---------------------------USS ENTERPRISE ... +1-412-233-2611passage to reality +1-416-297-8914 HALLOWED POINT ... +41-178-61121 BURGER BAR ....... +44-98-374-1324 DREAM LAND ....... +1-718-381-7504 SECOND VISION .... +44-41-773-3872 NOTICE ........... +1-514-582-9623HIGH CRIME ....... +49-30-414-373FANTASiA ......... +61-3-824-8837SHADOWGROVE ...... +1-604-572-8337 *** SPACE FOR RENT! ***---------------------------Call our Boards Worldwide--------------------------- use Space to toggle all options... Anthrox presents yet another trainer in its long running amiga series... this time we bring you zool 2 +8 micro trainer.. all trainer code done by thrash .. cool font by Graffiti...thanks again to ice-d for bug hunting! ...greets to all that deserve it... Thrash to enterprise .. away team ready to beam up! ........ text restarts #NNH BpAAMAZA(A<ATA AjAбAJA AxA A AA0A A0NC0LNuHtA"F<fD AAAMAZA(A<ATA AjAеAJA<(f AxA<f A<f AA0LNuHaRa*+@""@+i Ah#HN@"m"#m aFLpNu,x0.(@fpNu/ K N*_NuNzNs <@4"<,xN:*@Nu <@4"MN.Nuaraa>aaNs,xCp!N+@g,@+n"N"NNN8N,xN|M0.@;@0.@;@-|"m"+ilAP#Hl+ihA#Hh=|(=|=|A-HNugraphics.library#m LpNu-|"m"#ml#mh=|=m=m"m,mN"N2#&"N,xNbNuIGA&paCjaNA>jaHA +H@.A|+H&AR+H.+H2Aa6A+m*2a*Aa$||| Nu H@2H@3@PNu fNup@"m2$I(m&p<am  rI m&rA IT.f-HP-IT-|d-|@-|D=|XNu,,8 , .i" 7,q( 7 ?dp6 > ~~c?~>>`~>>~?~?c~c`c~>~>~?~ccccc>hh0 cc``cc >occ`c```cf`wccccc`cck6c 0>00?? c >?~~>?pk~`c||g|`cc~c~>cc? > ,0 c `cc >occ`c``cccf`kcc`gcc6w68 ~Lp6 0>~~>>~ ``c~?~`?c~>ccc>`?c~?cc~0<