DOSlibraryHJ*f J.fJ*gB&KNAC,0<QCNh @!6!|6A1|U1|UyL9 fH~BCTN @A4CJgJgJf|] n>fJNg|_,V,V/.2/3C-I2C0<7BQAp"<$<Nz#CN:#CpNKCp`Bg0NCB MNB-`-x61|/8Nu3,x9<g|<g<[g<Yg` _,_-_2L~/3UNuCB)B) a3|Aa3|a 3|a`A#H(#|$B,N8Nu NK e!fMvGC <""N/N|"nB`$)g/ N"_| ABN"B$fNv$CpN @A4p aCp .N @ hBNuuZ+ pUintuition.librarydisk.resource(RattleBoot V1.08F1 Kill memory@F2 Kill drivesH F3 Hard ResetPF4 Install RattleBoot Virus+Memory+Drives+Led killer & PAL window. Hold down right-mouse during boot to activate menu ! +31-(0)2510-34019 RATTLEHEAD RATTLEHEAD RATTLEHEAD RATTLEHEAD RATTLEHEAD RATTL򚅠LLY, TO INDICATE THE WEAPONARY OR AID AVAILABLE TO YOU, WHICH WILL BE DEPENDANT UOPN HOW MANY CRYSTALS YOU HAVE COLLECTED. THE FLYING SECTIONS; CRYSTALS ARE USED IN THE FLYING SECTIONS TO INCREASE THE POWER OF YOUR WEAPONARY. EACH TIME YOU COLLECT ENOUGH CRYSTALS, YOU WILL BE GIVEN THE CHANCE TO ALTER YOUR WEAPONS FOR BIGGER MORE POWERFUL ONES. THE NUMBER OF CRYSTALS WILL VARY,DEPENDING UPON WHICH LEVEL YOU ARE ON, AND WHAT THE NEXT WEAPON IS. THE WEAPONS ARE AS FOILLOWS; 1. STANDAARD FIRE; no crystals needed, this is the weapon that you will begin with. it is a rapidly repeating ball of energy that will destroy most of the smaller ene,mies you come across,but will need several impacts on bigger enemies. 2. DOUBLE BEAM; 2 beams will now fire, spreading out before re-converging and spreading again in a wave. this allows you to either hit 2 enemies at once,or with careful timing to hit a single enemy with 2 bolts of energy. 3. TRIPLE DAGGER; 3 daggers will be 8thrown. 1 straight forward, 2 others going off in diagonal directions. 4. PULSE ARC; this weapon will only fire forward,but will destroy most enemies with just a single hit. a very powerful weapon. when an enemy is hit the arc will continue to travel off the screen,hitting any others in its path. 5. HORIZONTAL DAGGERS; 3 daggers will again appear, but instead of 2 going diagonally, they will 1st spread out, and then the 3 will zoom forward in parallel at a tremonous speed. again th )8is can be a very powerful weapon. 6. BACK AND FRONT FIRE; this will allow you to defend pegasus from the enemies that sometimes appear at the back of you. weapons will be launched that will go forward, but will also spin around and fly behind you to protect you. 7. ALL DIRECTIONAL FIRE; this one will fire its bolts in a direction that will depend upon the position of pegasus on the playing screen. it can be utilised with very accurate effect with some practise. 8. EAGLE OUTRIDERS; U these outriders allow you to destroy just about anything that is thrown at you. they are stunningly powerful,but be warned, they have a limited life span. if you manage to collect enough crystals whilst you have outriders, you can still upgrade your own weapons without effecting the outriders. 9. EXTRA LIFE; 40 crystals are needed to gain an extra life.and the crystal zero will reset to zero. PULSE WAVE WEAPONS; IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WEAPONS THERE ARE ALSO PULSE BEAMS WHICH CA `N BE COLLECTED. THESE ARE UTILISED BY HOLDING THE FIRE BUTTON DOWN,AND WILL DESTROY JUST ABOUT ANYTHING ON THE SCREEN. THE NUMBER OF PULSE WAVES THAT YOU HAVE IS INICATED TO THE RIGHT OF THE CRYSTAL INDICATOR BY AN ICON WHICH LOOKS LIKE A `STRONG ARM`. THE WHITE FIGURE TO THE RIGHT OF THIS TELLS YOU HOW MANY PULSE WEAPONS YOU CURRENTLY HAVE STORED. THESE ARE BEST UTILISED WHEN YOU HAVE A LOT OF ENEMIES ON SCREEN. 1. SMART BOMB; OCCASIONALLY SHOOTING AN ENEMY WILL LEAVE A MUSHROOM CL  OUD ON SCREEN. ALTHOUGH THESE CANNOT BE COLLECTED,BY MOVING OVER IT A SMART BOMB IS ACTIVATED,WHICH WILL DESTROY EVERY ENEMY ON THE SCREEN. 2. RUNNING SECTIONS; the flying sections are interspered with running sections which perseus must traverse without any help from pegasus. these are a little easier than the flying sections. provided you take your time, although you may easily lose a life by faloling over a crevasse or an edge. as in the flying sections,killing enemies can reveal  ` . icons which when collected will provide some assistance to you. pulse weapons are also available to you on these sections. NOTE; on some running sections, it will seem that there is no method of exiting a screen without sustaining damage. there will be one, but it is UP to you to find it. some will lead you into hidden caverns, and some will take you elsewhere. 3. KEYS; other collectable items are keys, which open some doors on the running sections. if you have collected any keys. N;.simply pull down on the joystick when you are stood in front of the door, you will find yourself inside the building, some will be packed with crystala waiting to be collected, but some will also be inhabited by hordes of enemies. it is up to you to take a chance on enetring. 4. CRYSTALS; collected and used as in the same way as in the flying section, but one of the benefits you will gain in the running section is the ability to restore strength. collect enough crystals and a red cr -Png a log,however,will cause the car to do a spectacular jump,which can be used for overtaking or jumping over other hazards. NIGHT; 7 checkpoints. the darkness will be your biggest enemy, as it will ake the track beyons a certain distance obscure to you. this stage also contains some long tunnels,but it is a relatively fast section of the race. FOG; 8 checkpoints. unlike this one, this is one of the more difficult stages,with fog serving to obscure your vision to a very high degree G.low visibilty and twisting roads will make this section very difficult. SNOW; 6 checkpoints. trees and bushes could again prove to make the going difficult on this section.add to this the driving snow, ice patches and lighter than light steering, and you`ll know you have a challenge on your hands. DESERT; 10 checkpoints. not the easiest surface to race on,try to stick to the centre of the road, where there is less sand to clog up your car,towards nthe edge there will be more sand, IZeand in some places small snadrifts will prove hazardous. CITY; 8 checkpoints there are 2 lanes in this stage,and its up to you wether you want to take the chances-if you cross over into the right hand lane,there will be less traffic going in your direction,but a lot more coming coming towards you. this is very difficult,in addition,there are also lorries crossing your path at the intersections. you couls avoid them,but managing to drive underneath them will earn you extra points. M ARSH; 10 checkpoints. oil and water make the gong tough,but on this stage, you`ll be given some help in the shape of green time bonuses to be found on the road. STORM; 6 checkpoints. wild rain,thunder and kightning serve to slow you down, but again theres extra help on hand for the final stage of the turbos, which are activated as soon as you pick them up, will give you an extra burst of speed. RACING; if you choose 1 player, then you will be presented with a full screen v 2UOiew of the 1st section once it has loaded. the screen layoutis as follows; YOUR SPEED IS INDICATED IN THE TOP LEFT CORNER OF THE PLAYING SCREEN, WITH YOUR REVS DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH, AND YOUR GEAR UNDERNEATH THIS. IN THE TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER IS YOUR SCORE. WITH THE RELATIVE POSITION INDICATOR IF YOU ARE IN MULTI-PLAYER MODE BELOW THIS.AND YOUR TIME REMAINING BENEATH THIS. 2/3/4/ PLAYER OPTIONS; if you choose a multi player option,another icon will appear on the screen underneath you Nr score. this indicates the positions of the other players relative to you. LINKING 2 COMPUTERS; linking 2 computers is possible with lotus II. 2 amigas or 2 atari st`s can be linked,offering a number of opportunities,obviously each machine will need a copy of lotus II, 2 players can now race. each with a full screen view,alternatively, 3 or 4 players can race simu;taneously with a split screen view. to do this you will need to obtain a null kodem lead to link the serial ports of t Shuhe 2 computers.(these can be purchased from gremlin for just 9.99 each) once the 2 computers are connected to each other,you need do no more,except select the 2 computer link up option indicated on the main menu... and thats yer lot...signed scooter...30/10/91 E RELATIVE POSITION INDICATOR IF YOU ARE IN MULTI-PLAYER MODE BELOW THIS.AND YOUR TIME REMAINING BENEATH THIS. 2/3/4/ PLAYER OPTIONS; if you choose a multi player option,another icon will appear on the screen underneath you"_( IN TOTAL AND ON EACH THERE ARE 5 RUNNING SECTIONS PLUS 5 FLYING SECTIONS, MAKING A TOTAL OF 50 LEVELS!! THE 5 WORLDS ARE -SWAMP-ICE-DESERT- WAR AND FINALLY HELL. AT THE END OF THE TENTH SECTION OF EACH WORLD YOU WILL BE FORCED TO ENCOUNTER THE END OF LEVEL GUARDIAN. WHICH WILL REQUIRE SOME SUBSTANTIIAL BATTLING TO DEFEAT. SAVE UP AS MANY PULSE WEAPONS AS YOU CAN FOR THESE,AS THEY WILL BE DIFFICULT TO DEFEAT. PASSWORD; ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED 10 LEVELS AND DEFEATED THE END OF LEVEǬEL GUARDIAN,YOU WILL BE GIVEN A PASSWORD THAT WILL SERVE FOR THE NEXT LEVEL WHENEVER YOU PLAY AGAIN. THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENTER A PASSWORD OCCURS AT THE START OF THE GAME. JOYSTICK CONTROLS; JOYSTICK FLYING SECTIONS RUNNING SECTIONS UP FLY UP JUMP UP DOWN FLY DOWN CROUCH DOWN RIGHT FLY RIGHT RUN RIGHT LEFT FLY LEFT RUN LEFT FIRE ќH FIRE WEAPON FIRE WEAPON/SWING SWORD FIRE HELD FIRE PULSE WEAPON FIRE PULSE WEAPON SPACE CHANGE WEAPON UP CHANGE WEAPON UP STRENGTH: THE STRENGTH OF YOUR CURRENT CHARACTER IS INDICATED BY THE SWORD AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PLAYINF SCREEN. AS THE WHITE OF THE SWORD IS REPLACED BY MORE AND MORE BLACK. YOU WILL KNOW THAT YOUR CURRENT CHARACTER IS ABOUT TO LOSE A LIFE AND DIE. ONB THE RUNNING SECTIONS,COLLECTING CRYSTALS WILL ALLOW YOU TO RESTORE FULL HEALTH. CRYSTALS; WHEN YOU PLAY, SOME CRYSTALS WILL BE FOUND,SOME WAITING TO BE COLLECTED,OTHERS ONLY APPEARING AFTER ENEMIES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED. THEY CAN BE USED IN DIFFERENT WAYS, DEPENDING UPON WHERE YHEY ARE COLLECTED. IN THE BOTTOM LEFT HAND CORNER OF THE PLAYING SCREEN IS AN ICON, WHICH WILL BE A CRYSTAL WHEN YOU START TO PLAY, WITH A FIGURE TO THE RIGHT OF IT. THIS FIGURE REPRESENTS HOW MANY CRYSTALS YOU HAVE. THE ICON WILL CHANGE PERIODICAیlar Panels. Each Solar Generator will produce twice as many MegaWatts as a normal Solar Panel. The Solar Panel graphic on the Build Information Panel has now changed to a Solar Generator graphic. You can no longer build normal Solar Panels. SPY SATELLITE A remarkable new satellite has been launched into orbit which can monitor the surface of the planet enabling the detection of enemy movements, even before the radar does. This is a crucial early warning device, which overrides the Ҫg use of radar installations. All enemy units can be shown whenever they appear on the map, using the Map Screen. TANK TELEPORT A breakthrough in high energy physics has pioneered a means of beaming matter from one place to another. The Supreme Commander advises the construction of several Tank Teleports (select from the Build Information Panel) as a means of sending tanks immediately to the area where the enemy may attack. To teleport a tank, drive it onto any Tank Teleport squa/re, click on the Tank Teleport with the left button whilst in Information mode and an Information Panel will pop up indicating which of the eight markers have been placed on the map. Simply select the destination marker and click on Exit and the tank will appear immediately att that marker. VACCINATION An occupational hazard of establishing a colony on a remote world is that indigenous bacteria often attack our immune systems. Some enemy races have also been know to unleash a dead ly strain of virus on the colony, taking their toll on the lives of colonists and their morale. Medics have developed an adaptable proto-enzym that can seek out any new strain of virus and attack it, altering its own DNA to usa the best means of attack. As a consequence your colonists now have virtually complete immunity to any future viruses. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Deprotected by SKID ROW. CREDITS Original game concept by ............ Graeme Ing bRobert Crack Programming by ...................... Graeme Ing Addition game concept by ............ Sean Kelly James North-Hearn Manual by ........................... Sean Kelly Graphics ............................ Berni Music and FX by ..................... Imagitech Design Limited Product testing and evaluation by ... Tony Dawson Matt Furniss Rob BoփGwman Anthony Casson Produced by ......................... Gremlin Graphics Software Limited s pioneered a means of beaming matter from one place to another. The Supreme Commander advises the construction of several Tank Teleports (select from the Build Information Panel) as a means of sending tanks immediately to the area where the enemy may attack. To teleport a tank, drive it onto any Tank Teleport squanVtion and type in your new name. PASSWORD . to eneter a password, highlight this option and type in a new password. PLAYER 2 NAME . as for player 1 option ACCELERATION FOR PLAYER 1 THIS ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE WETHER PUSHING FORWARD, OR PUSHING THE FIRE BUTTON, WILL ACCELERATE YOUR CAR. THE EFFECT THIS HAS ON THE OTHER CONTROLS IS AS FOLLOWS. FORWARD ACCELERATION FIRE BUTTON ACCELERATION ACCELERATE; forward fire button BRAKE;  back back STEER LEFT; left left STEER RIGHT; right right CHANGE UP; forward and fire forward CHANGE DOWN; backward and fire backward OTHER KEYS.. F10 - PAUSE ESC - RESTART GAME ONE OR 2 PLAYERS; choose number of players. how to choose more than 2 players for link up games, and full screen 2 player games is explained later. ACCELERATsION FOR PLAYER 2 as player 1 MANUAL/AUTOMATIC GEARS: PLAYER 1 player 1 chooses gear type. 2 COMPUTER LINK UPS MANUAL/AUTOMATIC GEARS/PLAYER 2 player 2 chooses gear type PLAYER ONE CONTROL joystick only for player 1, so this is non functional. START GAME. choosing this option and pressing fire will take you to the 1st stage of the race with the current options. PLAYER CONTROL. player 2 can either use a joystick in port 2, or the keyboard, if the keyboard is chosen the following t11 keys are used to control the car. FORWARD - L BACKWARD - , LEFT - Z RIGHT - X FIRE - SPACEBAR STAGES AND CHECKPOINTS; THE GAME IS PLAYED OVER A NUMBER OF STAGES, 8 IN TOTAL, EACH ONE IS MADE UP OF A NUMBER OF CHECKPOINTS, WHICH WILL VARY BETWEEN 6 AND 10, DEPENDING UPON THE STAGE. THE PLAYER MUST REACH THE NEXT DESIGNATED CHECKPOINT WITHIN THE ALLOTTED TIME IN ORDER TO CONTINUE RACING. THE OBJECTIVE,OBVIOUSLY, IS TO REACH THE FINAL CHECKPOINT ON ANY STAGE AHEAD OF Y OUR OPPONENTS,AND WITHIN THE GIVEN TIME. EACH STAGE TAKES PLACE IN A DIFFERENT PART OF AMERICA, AND EACH HAS A PASSWORD WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO START ON THAT STAGE IN FUTURE RACES. EACH HAS ITS OWN HAZARDS AND DANGERS, FROM ICE TO GIANT BOUL. THE STAGES WHICH WILL ALSO DETERMINE WETHER YOU DRIVE A LOTUS ESPRIT OR A LOTUS ELAN, ARE IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER. THE STAGES; FOREST;5 checkpoints. dense trees line this stage, and you will find water,trees and logs strewn across the track. hitti" tion will alter, for example buildings will change to the new type. BOMB DETECTOR An invention of a totally new and sensitive scanning device has been installed throughout the colony, especially at all launchpads and flight terminal buildings. As a result, even the smallest trace of any known explosive will be detected, and thus any likely terrorists or enemy saboteurs will be apprehended. COMPRESSED FUEL TANKS A new way of storing fuel safely under great pressure has been disc#ۤ#hovered, allowing the storage of greater amounts in your fuel tanks. All future Fuel Tanks you build employ this technique. FUSION CRUISE SPACESHIP A marvellous new discovery in nuclear physics has allowed your scientists and engineers to design a new Cruiser Spaceship that uses nuclear power instead of fuel. The main advantage of this is that such ships never require refuelling and are easier to construct. To build one, click on the graphic for it in the Ship Yard Information Pane$ pl. Constructing a Fusion Cruiser still requires ore and weapons though. FUEL DETECTOR A new geological sonar device has been developed with the capacity to scan the entire surface of the planet for underground fuel deposits. Use the fuel mode on the Map Screen to see all fuel deposits on the map. HDX MISSILE LAUNCHER The weapon technicians and chemists have devised a new explosive called HDX (High Devastation eXplosive.) which has proven to be considerably more effective against% enemy armour than normal missiles. The HDX warhead has less mass, and so the missile has a greater range, guided by artificial intelligence. All future Missile Launchers that are built will use this new HDX missile. HOVER TANK Engineers have developed a new tank to supersede older tanks. From now on only these new Hover Tanks will be constructed. They have advanced armour and weaponry and also possess the means to hover up to 5m above the ground, allowing them to drive easily ov&L~er moss, rocky terrain, ice floes, etc. LAND MINE These intelligent mines can be placed all around your colony, and will only detonate when enemy land vehicles pass over them. To drop a land mine, select the Land Mine graphic from the Build Information Panel and proceed as if you were constructing any normal building. Mines cannot be moved once laid. LONG DISTANCE RADAR The range of your radar installations has been enhanced by employing new greater penetration microwaves. Al'Ml future Radars that are built will be of this type and are represented by a different graphic. Use the Radar Mode in the Map Screen to see the are of effect of these new radars. Note: the Radar building in the Build Information Panel will now change to a Long Distance Radar graphic. MATTER TRANSPORTER An incredible new discovery paves the way for future matter transportation instantaneously between two points. At present, only liquids can be transported. This building offers the f(@@acility to refuel your spaceships in flight. Every month, fuel is drawn directly from the Fuel Tanks in the colony and beamed into the tanks of your spaceships. If you possess a large number of spaceships, it is advisable to construct several of these Transporters, which should be in the proximity of Fuel Tanks. METEOR SCREEN A new scanning device has been developed which can detect meteors on their approach to the planet from deep space. Once detected, a high-performance pulse las) Eer is able to destroy the meteors harmlessly whilst still 100,000 km away. Consequently meteors will now pose no threat to the colony. ORE DETECTOR A new geological scanner has been produced which has the capability to scan the entire surface of the planet for underground ore deposits. The location of all ore on the planet is now shown, and Mines can be positioned more effectively. The ore mode on the Map Screen can be used to see all the deposits on the map. SPACE MOSS CONVERTOR * b All the planets that are cleared for colonisation are covered by a strangely coloured space moss. It seems impervious to atmospheric conditions, storms and animals, and can even live and grow in a total vacuum. A way has been discovered to extract life-giving oxygen from the moss. By placing Space Moss Convertor buildings on it you can produce air for your colonists to supplement the output from the Life Support buildings. When invented, a new graphic for the Space Moss Convertor +ߋewill appear on the Build Information Panel. Construct one just like any other building, except that it must be built on top of Space Moss. PLASMA GUN Scientists have now found a way to increase the power of your Laser Turrets, calling this new weapon a Plasma Gun. They are built and used in exactly the same way as Laser Turrets, but are more devastating. The Laser Turret building in the Build Information Panel has now changed to a Plasma Gun graphic. MORGRO HYDROPONICS Research ionto new bio-technology has resulted in the discovery of more efficient means of growing food. Though this new biotech allows food to be grown from basic algae building blocks, it can be shaped and flavoured to resemble any food. All future Hydroponics that are built will use this new Morgro design. The Hydroponics building in the build screen has now changed to a Morgro Hydroponics graphic. SOLAR GENERATOR Newly mastered superconductor technology can now be used to improve your So-`Wv use trade to purchase some or build mines and Armament Laboratories, remembering to recruit technicians for them. A: Ensure your Tank Yards have a neighbouring free space for the tank to appear into. A: Ensure you have an active Command Centre. A: Recruit more technicians into the Tank Yards. A: You have insufficient power. (The Power warning light on the main screen will be flashing.) Produce more power by building Solar Panels or Power Stations. Q: NO SPACESHIPS AR.|sE BEING BUILT. A: Check all the points given above for help with constructing tanks. All factors apply to spaceship construction too. A: Ensure your Ship Yards have a neighbouring launchpad for the spaceships to appear into. A: Check that you have instructed the Ship Yard to build a ship. Click on the Ship Yard with the right mouse button and it should confirm that one is under construction. If not, follow the instructions in the manual for constructing spaceships. /I< Q: YOU CANNOT GET A TANK TO MOVE. A: See the section in the manual on using markers. First, place a marker then select the tank with the right mouse button, making sure your tank has a possible route to the marker. If the route is exceptionally complicated the tank may fail to get to its destination. Q: YOUR MINES AND/OR CHEMICAL PLANTS DO NOT SEEM TO BE PRODUCING MUCH ORE/FUEL. A: Recruit technicians to work in them. Use the Industry Information Panel. A: Use the M0ap Screen to check that they are built on squares with Ore/Fule deposits. If you cannot see any, then make an effort to explore more of the planet in order to discover deposits. A: Your Stores/Fuel Tanks are full. Build more. Q: SPACESHIPS ARE RUNNING OUT OF FUEL AND CRASHING. A: Ships are automatically refuelled whenever they land upon a launchpad, providing you have enough fuel stored in Fuel Tanks. Make sure you land spaceships on launchpads regularly, so that they1} refuel. A: For ships to refuel, a Fuel Tank must be within a few squares of the launchpad. Make sure that Fuel Tanks are not built too far away. A: Your Fuel Tanks are empty. Construct Chemical Plants or purchase fuel using trade. A: Always try to land a ship (not necessarily on a launchpad) when not in use to conserve fuel. Hovering in the air uses up fuel. Q: THE CRIME RATE IS HIGH. A: Construct more Security HQ's and recruit Security men to work in them. 2MThis will lower the crime rate but it may take a couple of months. A: Raise the Quality of Life and Morale of your colonists. Read the appropriate sections in the manual to see how this can be done. Q: NO RESEARCH SEEMS TO BE TAKING PLACE. A: Build more Laboratories and recruit Scientists. A: Put more money into Research Grants, using the finance organisation panel, but remember to keep topping up the grants as they are depleted. A: Research takes time. The Head of Research 33BAdviser will hint when you are close to obtaining invention. Q: YOU KEEP BEING TOLD TO BUILD MORE STORES. A: As your colony increases there will obviously be a need for more stores but those you have may be used inefficiently, so if you have a large surplus of an unused item, it should be traded. A: There is a surplus of a particular item but no demand for it when you try to sell it, the Dump button in the trade Information Panel can be used to destroy the items an4Jd free up your stores. No money for these items will be received, of course. QUALITY OF LIFE The Quality of Life is affected by many factors, too numerous to mention here. The following list, however, will provide you with an idea of some of the factors that will alter the Quality of Life. CRIME: Obviously, the lower the crime rate, the higher the perceived Quality of Life will be. MORALE: Aim to keep your people satisfied with enough air, food, power, living space and so on. 5WSAlso hold regular sporting events to keep them entertained. BATTLES: Winning battles or defeating an enemy attack will raise the morale of the people. Conversely, if the enemy manages to repel an attack, or even destroys sections of the city, the morale of the people will fall, thus affecting the Quality of Life. TECH LEVEL: As scientific knowledge is increased, devices will be created to make life easier and safer for the colonists. COLONY SIZE: In a well organised and establish6Q{ed colony, there will be a feeling of greater security. POPULATION: The larger the population the easier and more interesting life is, as the work load can be shared and the people can interact socially on a larger scale. DEATHS: A low death rate along with controlled births leads to feelings of a personal well being and security. TAXES: Keep taxes as low as possible and the people will be grateful. COLONY LAYOUT: Try to keep an ordered colony, and clear away any wreckage. E!NVIRONMENT: As industry expands and you embark on large construction projects, pollution of the environment will become a problem. Invest in the Civilian Research Grant which will be used to develop means of removing this waste thereby making your industry more environmentally friendly. INVENTIONS As the tech levels are increased, new devices will be invented. When this happens an Information Panel will appear to describe the device. As a result, the graphics in the relevant sec8tq men should be recruited if you suffer such attacks and it is crucial that the running of the colony is effectively improved. ASSASSINATIONS - This is your final hint that it is time you retired - the colonists will employ an off-world assassin to murder you. You may receive warnings or you may not. SCENARIOS The scenario disk comes with ten different scenarios to play. The scenarios can be played in any order by accessing the disk options screen (see Disk Button), but it is a9xdvised that they are played in the position set as they are in order of increasing difficulty. In each scenario a colony is commanded on a different planet. Each planet is home to a different alien race which, like you is not indigenous, but is aiming to establish a colony on the planet. In turn, each alien employs different tactics to attack the colony; some use primarily air-based weaponry, others landbased, whilst others employ a mixture of both. The game you are playing can be s:+kaved at any time, to continue later, again by accessing the disk options screen. You can use the same screen to load the further expansion disks that Gremlin will issue in the next months. COLONY SIMULATION This section gives a insight into the simulation involved. The exact rules are not given, but these notes should assist you in gaining more of an understanding of the game. it outlines background information only and can be completely ignored without having an adverse affect ;2on your playing ability. Free Colonists are available to do any type of job, and each month, free colonists may be recruited to perform the following tasks, in order of priority: COLONY SUPPORT Colonists are taken to work in the Hydroponic domes, Power Stations and Life Support to ensure an adequate supply of food, power and air. CONSTRUCTION Colonists are employed to work on any constructions that have been ordered to be built. INDUSTRY A certain number of Colonists are rec<.sruited to fill vacancies in industry, but if too many buildings are constructed at any one time, not only will all the free colonists be used up, but industrial vacancies will not be filled. The number of deaths each month depends upon the number of enemy attacks and the level of supplies of food and air. If there is a shortage of either, the death rate will rise dramatically. However, it can be lowered by building Hospitals and recruiting medics. Statistics can be obtained regard=Ȩing the number of each type of colonists and the birth and death rate from the Senior Psychiatric Adviser. The morale of your colonists is very important to the simulation, and is affected by numerous factors, many of which also effect Quality of Life. In particular, crime is very influential upon lowering morale. The Senior Psychiatric Adviser gives an indication of the colonists' morale. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE __________________________________________________________________ >>[w| | | THIS SECTION CAN BE USED TO RECTIFY PROBLEMS WHICH MAY | | ARISE AND WILL ENABLE THE COLONY TO REGAIN A BATTER EQUILIBRIUM | |__________________________________________________________________| Q: YOU HAVE TRIED TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING ON THE MAP BUT ARE UNABLE TO. A: You are trying to build on top of another building. A: You are trying to build on top of a sprite. A: ? Research Grants. Make sure you keep them topped up or scientific development will be restricted. CIVIL ENGINEER: He reports on all the buildings you have in your colony. FINANCIAL CONSULTANT: He reports your monthly and yearly income and expenditure. Income is from: COLONY SUPPORT GRANT: This is given every month for the first few years to help you get the new colony off to a good start. TRADE: Profit you have made from selling surplus items. INCOME TAX: The tax you earn from ]f1Myour people. SUPREME COMMANDER: He details how many of each type of tank and spaceship you own and on whether they are on the map of attacking an enemy city. He repors on how many ground-based weapons you have available, and also gives information on how many of your own and enemy forces have been destroyed in the game so far - an indication of how effective you are in combat. You can also access the adviser Information Panel without entering Advisers Screen, by clicking on the ^gv9Lfunction keys from F1 to F6. CHAPTER EIGHT - INDUSTRY Click on this to get an Information Panel detailing your various industries. TECH indicates the current number of Technicians working in any particular industry. MAX TECH indicates the maximum number that can work in a particular industry. This is usually ten technicians for every industry building. REQD TECH is where you can specify the number of technicians required in each industryy (see below). VAC is the number of vacan_hVfcies for each industry. This figure is basically the number of required technicians minus the current number of technicians. MONTH PROD summarises the production of each industry during the last month. Note that the last three industries have no product. The more technicians employed in an industry, the more items will be produced each month. However, the more technicians you have, the less colonists are available for other tasks such as the construction of buildings. If you have `i.Xtoo many technicians, they may produce too great a surplus and your stores will quickly fill up. At the end of every month, all output from each industry goes direct to your Stores, or in the case of a Chemical Plant, to your Fuel Tanks. Tanks produced in a Tank Yard will appear next to the Tank Yard. Ships produced in a Ship Yard will appear on a neighbouring launchpad. RECRUITING TECHNICIANS To recruit technicians, click with the left button over one of the REQD TECH figures. Tyaj8pe in a new value. Over a period of several months, available colonists wil apply for and fill the vacancies, causing the current number of technicians to rise and the vacancies to fall. Once the current number of technicians reaches the required number, no further recruitment will be carried out. You are, however, able to set the required number higher than the maximum allowed, and in this way plan for future growth. Recruitment will stop when current technician levels reach the bklNmaximum, but if another industry building is constructed, the maximum technicians will increase and recruitment will start again. Recruiting allocates more colonists to industries with the largest number of vacancies. In other words, vacanices are filled on a pro rata basis. To force quicker recruitment into a particular industry, set the vacancies artificially higher than is required. Note: You can reduce the amount in any industry simply by lowering the Required Technician figurecl[ or setting it to 0. The surplus will be immediately sacked to become normal colonists. CHAPTER NINE - ALIEN RACES AND SPYING ALIEN RACES Simulating the activities of a space colony is fun, but it is more exciting if there are other aliens intent on ultimately controlling the whole of the planet surface. In Utopia, there are ten such races, all stored on the Scenarios disk. Clicking on the Spy Button on the main screen takes you into the Spy Information Panel. There are four ldmjevels of spying, and in each instance the following message will be presented: INSUFFICIENT FUNDS FOR SPYING No spying will take place unless the amount of money currently available in the form of the Intelligence Grant is increased. LOW LEVEL SURVEILLANCE A minimal amount of spying will be carried out, but the Information provided will be a mix of basic facts and speculation. NORMAL INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITY A good level and regular supply of fairly reliable Information will be eXAsupplied. SPECIAL OPERATIVES IN USE The best agents will be used in the field to carry out dangerous infiltration missions, and the level and quality of Information will be the best available. In general, it can be assumed that the higher the level, the more information your spies will obtain about the enemy's city, tech level and offensive forces, and the more warning you will be given about an imminent attack. To put money into the Intelligence Grant, click on the existing graPo* will be set to 5000, if you do not carry out any research, the long term effect may be to the detriment of your colony. TRADE The table shows various data used in trading. There are two types of Trading in Utopia, depending upon how interested you are. Autotrade is handled by the computer, once every month. If you have no interest in performing trade yourself the computer can do it for you. The computer will trade a certain percentage of your total good every month, and this percQp1dentage is set in the CMMDR RETAINS column which specifies the percentage of each trade item that you wish to retain for your own use. To alter these figures just click on one of them with the left button and enter a value between 0% and 100%. As you alter the percentages, the TRADEABLE UNITS column indicates the amount of items of computer will use for trading. If this column reads 0 then none of that particular item can be traded by the computer. The TOTAL UNITS column indicatesRq]N the total amount of each trade item in your stores. If the Retain figure is set at 100% it means that you want to keep all the units for your colony and Autotrade will trade none of them. If you set the Retain figure to 0% it means that you do no wish to keep any units and Autotrade may trade any or all of the units. Note: Remember that fuel, food, ore and weapons are needed by your colony so it is inadvisable to set the Retain figures to 0% or probably any figure under 50%. RememSr]>Rber, if Autotrade trades these units then you have none left for your colony. Gems and Tech Goods are not used by the colony so it is safe to trade them all. Typically, you may set the Retain figures as follows: Fuel 50% Food 80% Ore 50% Gems 0% Weapons 50% Tech Good 0% Monitor this screen throughout the game to see what sort of surplus you can build up, which will help in your decision as to what Retain figures are to be set. MANUAL TRADE The Money Button takes you to a second Ts~; Information Panel concerned only with manual trade. You may only indulge in manual trade once per month. After that, you will not be able to access this second Information Panel until the next month. Note that in a month where you perform manual trade, no Autotrade will take place. This second Information Panel is similar to the first but shows greater details of market trends. AVAIL UNITS shows the total number of units you have of each item. PRICE shows the current market priceUt޲ for each unit. SUPPLY shows how many of each type of item is available for you to buy. DEMAND shows how many is requested by other planets, and thus the maximum number to sell. There is never a fixed supply and demand for any one item. Supply and demand varies every month, as does the price. TRADING First click on the button corresponding to the item you want to buy or sell. Then click on buy or sell. Assuming that there is a supply or demand for that item you will be asked to Vu type in the number you want to buy or sell. The transaction will then take place and the table updated. Remember not to sell all your units of food, ore, fuel and weapons, as your colony will require some. If there is a shortage of a certain item then it may be easier to buy it using this Information Panel rather than construct the appropriate building. Remember though that in the long term it is better to construct buildings to make the colony self sufficient. Prices may go up Wvڇ)just when you are short of money, or there may be months when there is no food available to buy. Should you want your stores to make room for more important items, but find there is no demand for it, the `Dump' option can be used. Click on the button representing the item you want to dump, then, instead of chosing `Buy' or `Sell', click on the `Dump' button, and then type in the number to dump. The items will disappear from your stores. CHAPTER SEVEN - ADVISERS Clicking on the aXwObkdviser button loads the adviser screen. Your six advisers are shown and waiting to report to you. Simply click with the left button over the one you wish to hear a report from. Click in the large gap between advisers to exit this screen and return to the game. As you click on an adviser, two panels will appear; one giving details of the report from the adviser, the other giving a photo with some details about the person. Click anywhere with the left button to finish communicating wiYxX4lth the adviser. You may hear reports from as many as you wish before returning to the game. The advisers available to you are as follows: SENIOR PSYCHIATRIST: The Senior Psychiatric Adviser reports on the types of people in your colony, such as normal Colonists, Technicians, Medics, Scientists and Security. She also reports the current birth rate, and the birth and death totals for the last month and also the status of crime and the morale of the colonists. Keep an eye on these twZco reports. She also gives the Population Density which is the percentage of occupied Living Quarters. As long as it is at or below 100%, you have enough space for your colonists, but if this figure rises above, some of your colonists will be homeless, and their morale will decrease. COLONY ADMINISTRATOR: He reports details about air, food, fuel, power and ore, showing how much is stored, how much was produced last month, and how much was used in the previous month and year. Make sEzlthe area currently shown in isometric 3D on the main screen. It is also the area enclosed in the white square on the main map. Clicking the left mouse button on any area of the main map will take the white square to this area, and also display this section of the map in the magnified display window. When you exit this screen, the area represented in the magnified display window is the area of the main map that you will be taken back to. Above the magnified display window are two rF{yows of buttons which represent the following: 3 BUILDING BUTTON Shows where all buildings are, and highlights a few you may wish to know about, such as Mines and Flux Pods. Scaffolding is also shown, and the grey area indicated when this button is clicked are terrain features. 4 ORE BUTTON Shows deposits of ore that can be mined (see details on Mine). Ore is only detected within a small range of buildings, so as the colony expands more ore will be discovered. 5 FUEL BUTTON G|a Indentical to ore but shows fuel. (collected by Chemical Plants). 6 RADAR BUTTON Shows every radar installation and its coverage. Upon examination this option can be used to ensure that your colony is properly covered by radar and that there are no gaps where enemies can slip in. Enemies are only shown on the map if they are within radar coverage, so if it is inadequate you will be suspectible to a sneak attack. Enemies are shown on this screen aloH}XZng with the positions of your own tanks and spaceships. Remember, there may be several enemy units just out of range of your radars, so be prepared. 7 MOVEMENT INDICATOR BUTTON Similar to the radar button, this screen shows all friendly and enemy units, but no radar coverage. However, this screen shows terrain features on the map so the directions an enemy attack is likely to come from can be judged. E.g. Down a narrow gap between two mountain ranges. Use this screen in conjunctiI~n+on with the radar coverage screen for best results. 8 POWER BUTTON This shows all your Power Generation Buildings, Command Centres and Matter Transporters. 9 WEAPONS BUTTON Shows the location of all ground based weaponry, such as Missile Launchers, Turrets and Land Mines. 10 EXIT BUTTON Return to the main screen. 11 KEY Under the main map is a key that explains each of the objects on the map. Clicking on the various buttons above JOthe zoom window will effect what the colours on the map represents. 12 MARKERS A row of eight numbers below the zoom window indicates which of the eight markers are available for use. The markers are used for manipulating tanks and for carrying out effective combat. They are covered in more detail later. PLACING MARKERS Clicking anywhere in the zoom window will lay a marker there. The first available marker will be placed and a flashing number between 1 and 8 will show where KCthe markers are. Similarly, a red dot will flash on the map window. Clicking on a marker on the zoom window will remove the marker making it available for use elsewhere. THE MARKER BUTTON The markers are often used in conjuction with the map screen, which is the reason for covering it in detail here. You have eight markers available to place anywhere on the map and they are used primarily to mark the destinations of sprites. PLACING A MARKER To place a marker on the display, LOFclick on the Marker Button. A prompt message instructs you to click on a square on the display where you wish to place the marker. Click with the left button over any square and a marker will appear there. The first available marker will be placed, so marker One will appear before Two and so on. The marker will remain until it is removed. REMOVING A MARKER To remove a marker click on the Market Button with the left button over the marker you want to remove. It will disappear and bMqw6e available for use elsewhere. You can also position markers from the map screen. A quicker way of laying/removing markers is to position the flashing yellow pointer over a square and press a key from 1 to 8. This will position a marker there with the number pressed. Note that if the marker was already somwhere on the map, it will be moved to this new position. Similarly you can remove a marker by positioning the box over the marker and pressing any key 1 to 8. Pressing the `D' kNCzLey will remove all markers from the map. CHAPTER SIX - FINANCE FINANCE BUTTON Clicking on this brings up the main Finance Organisation Panel. This shows the amount of each item that is available for trading, your current funds, the current rate of income tax and current Research Grant values. From this screen it is also possible to manipulate a number of the various parameters. ALTERING TAX To alter Income Tax, click over the present figure with the left button and type in thOn?]e new value, then press the Return key. Valid values are 0% to 20% This value will not take effect until the first day of the next year, and when it does take effect it will last for at least a whole year. ALTERING THE RESEARCH GRANT To alter the Research Grants, click over either figure with the left button. You can then enter amount of money you wish to add to that grant. Note: This is a cumulative value, so if the present value was 2000, and 3000 was entered, the new grant total: ship but decide not to build one, click on Exit to abort. If you want to build the ship, click on the Build button and the Yard will then begin to build that ship. Each Yard can only build a single ship at any time so several Yards required if you wish to build more than one ship at a time. Clicking on the Ship Yard whilst it is constructing a ship brings up an Information Panel informing how much construction time is remaining. There is no need to keep a constant check on deve;/lopment, as a noise will sound every time a ship is completed. When the ship has been finished you must have a Launchpad adjacent to the Ship Yard, where the ship will appear. If there is no Launchpad, a warning message will be received and the Ship Yard can do no further work until one is built next to it. The construction of ships requires ore and weapons to be in the Stores and messages will warn you if there is insufficient materials to build the ship. As soon as materials <become available then construction on the ship will continue. SHIP TYPES There are five types of ships (not including the Fusion Cruiser which is described in Inventions) listed below, along with a rating one-five of their armour and of their offensive strength. Naturally, the more powerful the ship, the longer it takes to construct, and the more ore and weapons units it requires during the construction. __________________________________ | | | | |=4z Name | Armour | Offence | |_______________|________|_________| | | | | | Explorer | 1 | 0 | | | | | | Fighter | 2 | 2 | | | | | | Assault Craft | 3 | 3 | | | | | | Cruiser | 4 | 4 | | | | | | Warship | 5 | 5 | |_______________|________|_________| >ׅ SOLAR PANEL An alternative method of generating power that is cheap and quick to build, though each one only generates 2MW per month. They are also useless during a solar eclipse so you may suffer power shortages during such times. SPORTS COMPLEX Your people need rest and relaxation to keep their morale high, so it may be advisable to construct Sports Complexes for their enjoyment. When you click on a Sports Complex with the left button in Informati?Nh given colony crises scenarios that were self contained.... like collapses of vital systems, or... or things like that. It's just that mine was so different from anything that anyone else had to do.' Pacharelli paused for a second, and was about to continue his questions when Delfi interrupted. `Your colony adminstration skills are beyond question. The work you've been doing on the Gata-Epsilon Space Station, and latterly on the associated colonies, have left us in no doubt about th;at. What we didn't know about was your battle logic. How you would react to a basic no win situation. Your... I hesitate to use the word pig-headed....' `I would prefer headstrong.' `Quite. Your....headstrong nature is well documented, and commonly regarded as one of your more predominant traits. What we needed to do was to put you in a sitatuion where it was obvious that you would wish to fight to the last to defend the colony, but whether you would be able to recognise such a no n*win situation or not, and get out with as many people alive and as little physical loss as possible.' Spiranza spoke next. `In the event, you exceeded our expectations, actually saving the second highest number of people on that virtual reality simulation ever.' `Who saved more?' `Me, but that's not the point. You performed more than admirably, and as a consequence we are offering you the role of Colony Leader in the proposed colonisation of the Omicron-Kappa planets orbiting the ҪRhebus sun. `Now this is going to be a diffcult task, which involves the colonisation of ten planets. Unfortunately, Rhebus is on the edge of the Open Systems, and as such, the chances of the Vacullo Federation having outbases there are pretty good. This means as well as establishing the colonies, you are likely to meet with resistance on some, or even all of the planets as you progress. If you decide to decline this opportunity it won't be held against you if you apply for another !& expecting for several weeks now seemed to be under way. Taking another deep breath, he left his office, and hurried to the lift. Coming out of the lift, he cleared his throat, knowing that any wavering in his voice might be interpreted as uncertainty. He reached Council Room 6, to be met by his assembled council, and numerous computer operators. `Air reconnaissance: report' `As yet nothing has been sighted. However, spy reports suggest that...' `Yes, I've read the reports. Ground Rreconnaissance: report.' `Vehicles now indentified as Kamzi assault craft, all heavily armed. New ETA: Ten minutes.' `Defence, what's the status?' `We're on full shield, full radar and all defence turrets are operational. We are as prepared as we'll ever be.' 'Then, council, give me some defence stratagems.' Jordans' deep Lurethan brogue filled the room. `I suggest we despatch a squadron of bombers to intercept them immediately. That way we can dispose of them and avoid unduly worr6ying the people.' `I disagree', interjected Delfi, her aggressive tone seeming somewhat misplaced. `If we intercept them with bombers, then we leave the city vulnerable to an air attack. Intercepting with tanks at ground level, whilst preparing for an aerial battle would strike me as a more intelligent ap- proach.' `Engineering, how soon will the spaceships be ready for launch?' `Five, maybe ten minutes.' `Then it's academic. Red Alert status. Prepare all defences for immediate depldi oyment, and also make sure that all evacuation craft are ready for immediate use. Council, prepare for battle.' `Enemy craft should be in combat range within two minutes. I am projecting visual onto main screen now.' The screen cleared of the radar map and showed the view from one of the reconnaissance cameras mounted outside the city. Five assault craft were seen speeding across the ground, the rough terrain causing them no problems. `Lieutenant Delfi, magnify one of the craft... .... okay. Engineering, any information on those roof mounted missiles?' `Nothing as yet, but we will have soon; scanners are showing massive amounts of energy being converted of each of the craft, and I suspect that the missiles are being prepared for launch at any moment.....' The five craft all launched their missiles before grinding to a halt, throwing up clouds of dust and gravel. Having stopped, they spun on the spot and headed back across the desert. The screen changed, sCQhowing the large plan view of the city again, now with five blips heading towards it. In an instant, five more blips appeared, this time moving from within the city, to intercept the incoming missiles. As they met, four of the blips disappeared, leaving the remaining six to pass each other. `They must have some sophisticated cloaking device on the missiles to enable them to get through. Divert power to all perimeter defences for maximum defensive efficiency.' `Missile impact any s ›~Yecond now.... Full screen on predicted perimeter defence...' The screen changed again to show the three missiles hurtling towards the cities defences. Base turrets were showering the missiles with fire, most missing as they spun and arced their erratic way onwards. One was hit, and exploded into vast plumes of green smoke that, heavier than the atmosphere of the planet, slowly fell to the surface to form an eerie green fog. `What the....' `Sensors are indicating a bacteria Commande ïr, and if reaches any of the processors it's going to be in the system in minutes.' `Close all processors and go to emergency air supplies. How long do we have?' `Fourteen days of air, then we're in trouble.' `Commander, the other missile.....' Pacharelli turned to face the screen to see one of the missiles hit the rerserve command centre, which then imploded leaving a mass of scaffolding and wreckage. `What the hell happend to defence? How did that missile get through. And where' s the other?' `We've hit the first one, Commander. The seond got through because according to our monitors and defence, it didn't exist.' `Commander, you're not going to like this; there are four more groups of five vehicles heading towards us. ETA on the first group is just five minutes. Suggest we order the..' `Evacuation of all civilian personnel. Agreed. Immediately.' The third wave of missiles was now striking, and the other two were lining up to take advantage of the hole th ;vat the second wave had so effectively made in the colony defences. `Commander, we've no change. There's no way we'll be able to neutralise the third wave. They've left us wide open. Unless we evacuate all staff now, we'll be dead within the hour.' `No. We'll stay and fight. There has to be a way to defeat them.' Delfi was annoyed now. `Commander', she exclaimed, `With all due respect, I don't see why we should all stay here and die just because you've got some insane idea of going  idown with your ship. All civilians are evacuated, and if the remaining staff are evacuated now, the odds are we'll save at least ninety percent of the colony population.' Pacharelli tried to rationalise such an easy and effective assault on his city and he couldn't believe that his defences had been breached so fast. He hesitated a moment, then cleared his throat again. `You're right. Signal the evacuation now. Set colony auto-destruct for ten minutes.' He was, of course, the lǗZ- The map shows the far southern reaches of the land and the impassible peaks between you and the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin. The passes you are told are sealed with great gates which make those at Pax Tharkis seems insignifigant. there appears to be no obvious way through the mountains. Journal Entry #16 The king leans forward and beckons you near. In a cave nothwest from here lives a swarm of giant bee's. there are quite deadly and manyD; of our bravest warriors have perished seeking the treasures which ly within those caves. The bee's produce a sweet necture a royal jelly. It heals the sick and provides vitality to the aging. We need that necture for our old our sick and our infants. If you bring it to us I promise that whatever food we can spare and all the food that the bee's have stored will be given to the refugees who follow you. Journal Entry #17 Aghar food is h z(ardly appetising. They eat what other subtarian dwellers eat. There main staples are worms, grubs,and grim fungy. certinly not the standard fair of a race of powerful dwarves. Whatever you decide yourfirst meal at the aghar convinces you that the refugees could never live in this place. Journal Entry #18 The evildragons are darkening the sky once more! The king cries out. We are frightened by the big dragon but we know that there are goo!N[jd dragons as well as bad. he looks bravely at you and continues we have a rod of great magic which summons dragons. We keep it in the temple and we are trying to use it to make our dragon return to life. But we do not unnderstand the words written on it. Can you help us? You explain that you will have to see the rod and ask where the templ is, but he becomes suspicious. No you will take the rods from us and make other dragons come to be your slave he cries. This is no good "Ceto us, we dont want your help at all. Journal Entry #19 The Gully dwarf crawls out from behind a rottinmg tree and gleems a toothy grin. I am very glad you came along I thought I was at the end of my road, no mistake! So the least I can do is point you in the right direction heh. Take this back. I hope it does you some services. I have marked the path through the swamp. Beyond that lies the mountains and there I cannot help you. see here#k he continues suddenly there are many enemies in the swamp. Along the main track lives a vile wyrm a green dragon. The toll he charges for all to pass is the same your lives!!! only the Jarak Sinn seem able to pass freely. He interupts himself to ecplain that the Jarak Sinn are the lizard men who enhabit the swamps. Journal Entry #20 As you ponder the heavy barred door a voice suddenly comes from behind you. A small old man with stragly $white hair and a bent green hat pushes his way between you and approaches the door. I thought you needed my help again. A promise is a promise and I said I would help you and I will. Explains Fizban. Obvious he is speaking much to loudly in such a confined space. Rubbaging in his pack he passes out a old assortments of magic components and worthless junk. always with an accompanying mumble. Hold this a second, one of the things he passes out is a purple key which you recon%3,gnize as your final key to your quest. Fizban of course fails to notice you placing the key in the lock and continuing on your way. Journal Entry #21 The rod tingles then lights up the room with a sparkling glow. The stone fakade encapsulating the dragon cracks and from beneath the stones a bronze dragon breaks free. Wiping itself of the grey dust it looks t you and speaks. Thank you for releasing me. My imprisonment has been long and hard.&ϑjA I am blaze a good dragon. I was turned to stone here when Fitandantalis attacked on Thorbardin went awry. You tell the dragon of cuurrent events and Avermanaards red dragon emberg. A red smiles Blaze? Ddont worry, from now on you can leave emberg to me. He tells you as he flapps his mighty wings in anticipation. Okay towards the end I was getting very tired of typing so I think there are alot of typos. Alot of it didnt make sense but Its not me. O'(*kay well hope this helps out.... Later izban of course fails to notice you placing the key in the lock and continuing on your way. Journal Entry #21 The rod tingles then lights up the room with a sparkling glow. The stone fakade encapsulating the dragon cracks and from beneath the stones a bronze dragon breaks free. Wiping itself of the grey dust it looks t you and speaks. Thank you for releasing me. My imprisonment has been long and hard. the region of Kamzi City, and they're moving in this direction. ETA fifteen minutes.' `Assemble the Battle Council in room C6. Get me ground and air reconnaissance reports now!' Stepping into his office, Pacharelli closed his door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath. `It could be an error in the monitoring equipment', he thought. He knew it wasn't. He also knew it wasn't interference, it wasn't some of his own craft, and it wasn't a mistake. The attack the colony had beenOmt, he yells, attack!! and begins hurling snoballs at the patrol. For a moment there as shocked as you are. Then a wall cascades down the mountain, burying the draconians. That'll teach them!! Fizban smiles. seems to me you could have been alittle faster off the mark there. Perhaps I had better come with you, just to keep you safe. from this moment on, you are stick with this slightly odd travelling companion, who always seems to be there just after a fight is over. just who FiӢ/9zban thinks he is seems impossible to say..... Journal Entry #9 As you prepare to leave the neider village, the chieften gives you some last addvice. Though this land was once all part of the land of Thorbardin there are many others living here now. the trolls in there caves the lizard men in the marshs. If there is a way to the southern mountains it would be very difficult to find. always look carefully for the way that is hidden in theԗ% shadowsat dawn may be easily revealed by the setting sun. Watch the location of secret doors and the way the sunlight must hit them to be visible. South of here are old dwarven mine workings. The Aghar lived there. be prepare d for there diceptions if you adventure into there cave. They are a irresponsible and a untrustworthy lot. Fnally I must worn you of the danger of the marsh land and of skull mountain. the guardain of the marshes is rullered to be the most dangerous inde ed. seek out the marsh warden. He knows the safe path through the marshes. your wagons wont make it through the swamps. As for skullcap, you must know that it is the tomb of the wizard Fistandantilus who made war against the dwarves and built a great tower with which to breech the dwarf gates, but he was defeated and caused the tower to explode, destroying the armies of friend and fo alike. the shattered stump of the tower is that mountain we call SkullCap. If you venture ֽ near that terrible place take great care, for the legends of our people say that fistandantilus was not consummed in his own fire but lives on. Journal Entry #10 Now the Aghar seemed to be embarrassed by your presence. The Highbulp leader of the aghar dwarves is over joyed when you announce that it is time to be on your way. give our regards to our brother dwarves in Thorbardin.Tell them we promised to make good the back taxes. Oh and ifw you find anything of ours in Skullcap remeber to send it back to us. Skullcap? The mension of the grim tomb of the wizard . Fistandantilus provokes your curiousity. why would you want to go there? Why of couse he explains, your quite right. no one would want to go there. its just that the wizard was seeking a way to break into Thorbardin himself. It possible that whatever he managed to find was buried with him inside skullcap. Journal Entry #1196 Nothing on the outside could have prepard you for what you find on the inside. the jaws of the skull are actually movable. and huge chains extend through the floor to some control room below. It seems that the entire fortress could be closed of provided that the mahinery is still in working order after all these years. Once closed nothing would be able to pass through those terrible jaws. if you could bring the refugees here Skullcap might act as a temporary santua02Rry from the forces of evil outside. Of course that means locking the refugees inside with whatever is already in there...... Journal Entry #12 The yellowing parchment you have discovered is a greater prize then all the treasures in krynn. Though its ancient lettering its faint, you can see at once that ot shows the exact root to the northern drawf gate of Thorbarden. Your goal is in sight at last. Journal En:mtry #13 You now belive you have the answer to your problems. A messenger is Dispatched to bring the suurviving refugees within the confines of Skullcap. When all is ready you prepare to seal the fortress off from the draconians outside. By working together at the huge machanism you are finally able to pull the might lever and the mildewed chains rattle and crack through the slots in the floor. From somewhere high above you comes the grinding roar of rock as the fo~؝rtress is sealed tight. fistandantulis destroyed this place once before while trying to invade Thorbardin. Within the tunnels and mazes deep within the mountains you hope to find a way through out of sight of Verminaards ragging leugeans above. Once safetly away from his vengeance you can search for the mountani drawers once more. Journal Entry #14 Experimenting with the ring. you find the green key slips on to it by some strange means. Th͸e ring also buzzes with a strange energy which draws the key back to the ring when you take them apart. By further experimentation you realize that the ring is also tuned to other keys which are scattered acorss the land. Although you have no idea what these keys are for or how many there might be, the rings magic gives you a clear idea about where some of these are hidden. Journal Entry #15 c!Ce location of the gates to Thorbardin. The gates are now guarded by skullcap, the remenent of the huge fortress which the wizard Fisandantilus destoyed in the last great war. Journal Entry #4 The Road-Side columns speak of the road of Kith Kanan, which linked the kingdom of thorbardin with the realm of the elves. Thorbarin! If the Legendary Dwarven Kingdom is somewhere in these southern lands, surely they could be no safer refuge  2than with the mountain dwarves... Journal Entry #5 Since there escape from Pax Tharkis the refugee has formed a council to rule there own actions. The five leaders are now meeting to deliberate. You have been invited to address the, to make a case for your plans.You sense that there are diferences among the council memebrs, some are unsure that you can find a safe haven in these uncharted lands. Locar is most open f`4ly hostile, but he is to cowardly to contradict you openly, and saves his spite for any comment offered by Elistan. Briar seems to follow him though he also accepts the counsel of Goldmoon and Riverwind he wants a simple immediate solution. Brookland too, has no time for complicated plans, his people are anxious and want a place of safety. Elistan listens quietly as always. He trusts you more than any others. Eben also seems to hang on your every word. He has been your com 76rad in arm, but he is Caution..... You must pursuade them to have faith in your plan. What message will you use to get your point across. Option #1 Entreat: You can try to convince them that they must continue or face the wrath of Verminarad. Option #2 Plea for Loyalty: You can state your case as the person who rescued them from slavery. they followed you then, therfore they should trust your judgement now. Option #3 Reason: Logic dictates that return King to Pax Tharkas is a bad idea and standing still will only result in the death of many refugees at the hand of the draconians.The only thing to do is move. Option #4 Threaten: Images of torture and death often work wonders to convince people that here is not a good place to be. Yet some leaders see beyond the rhetoric. Option #5 Be Agressive: Sometimes the threat of violence will get people moving but it only works on the troubled and the stubborn.  qX Journal Entry #6 The neider village is well suitedand stoutly defended.When they tell you they have lived here through all the trouble which has plagued this land, You can well believe it. After a short delay, you are shown into the presence of the Neidor King. He explains alittle of the history of the lands. Finally he offers what help he can. " I cant let you stay here". Your refugees could not be accomidated in our simple village. and there precenjse would bring the wrath of the draconians to us. But I wish you well on finding a place of safety. If there is anything I can do ,then you have but ask. What will you do? #1 Rest: the neider will let you stay until the following dawn and will tend your wounds as best they are. #2 Ask for food: the neiders are known for there kindness and the quality of there cuisine. #3 ask about the location of thorbardin. They may have knowledge which could lead you to the rigxht directions. #4 Offer to do something for them. #5 Leave Journal Entry #7 Compared to the other proud dwarves race, the aghar are sad and comicial race. The throne room of the magnificance the Highbulb is extremly threadbare and the roayal robes are three sizes too big. But they do ther best to look impossing and impresive, and the highbulp proudly asserts that thee is the only remaining outpost of the dwarves race north of thorbardin. oBAfter much bluster you get the idea that the aghar might be prepared to help you. But How? What could they have that could be of use to you? -=Choose your appropriate choice=- #1 Rest: The aghar will let you stay until the following dawn and will tend your wounds as best as they are able. #2 ask for food: The aghar are known for thhere cooking prowess, but a free meal is a free meal. #3 Ask about the loaction of thorbardin. They might have knowledge which could lead y׷zou in the right direction. #4 Ask for other information. #5 Leave. Journal Entry #8 The robed man had constucted a snow fort, and is busily stocking it with snowballs as you approach. He doesnt seem to notice you for a moment, then jerks upright. "HALT" he screams, and you freeze at once as his call shakes loose the snow in the above threatening an avalanche. "My name is Fizban," he announces i'm a greeat wizard! If you hadnt caught me )unaware I might have fried you with a lightning bolt. Still its those draconians who have got it coming. I am to destroy there army right here! the old wizard looks several coppers short of a gold piece, but as you prepare to leave you catch sight of a draconian patrol entering the valley below. Fizban smiles, hefting a snowball. As the draconians approach unaware you steel youselves for the battle ahead. But Fizban ruins your chance to suprise them. rising above the parapezRoom 3a.................33-?? Brass Rod.................Outpost Mines Room 11............8-6 Mage Scroll(fireball).....Shipwreck........................9-19 Ring of Protection........Lizard Men's Temple..............22-7 Healing Potions Item Encounter/Room Hex Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cure Light Wounds........Shipwreck.........................9-19 Cure Light Wounds........Skullcap Room 2.............{ ......33-?? Cure Light Wounds........Bee Cave Room 2..................1-2 Other Items Item Encounter/Room Hex Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bow......................Fork in Road......................5-13 Bow......................Battlefield.......................7-16 Bow......................Lizard Man's Temple...............22-7 Bow......................Skullcap Room 3...................33-?? Food for Refu| 5gees........See table in food section............. Key, Brown...............Skullcap Room 3a..................33-?? Key,Final................See Fizban Encounter..............9-2 Key,Green................Troll Cave........................21-4 Key,Red..................Ogres' Camp.......................27-16 Key,Silver...............Shipwreck.........................9-19 Key,Yellow...............Key Ring Battle...................15-14 Key Ring.................Key Ring Battle...........};........15-14 Quiver of Arrows.........Fork in Road......................5-13 Quiver of Arrows.........Lizard Men's Temple...............22-7 Quiver of Arrows.........Outpost Mines Room 5..............8-6 Quiver of Arrows.........Shipwreck.........................9-19 Royal Jelly(Honey Jar)...Bee Cave Room 3...................1-2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DreamDox! We're talking QUALITY! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~'e! FIXED BY THE BEST... [RYGAR] .................Outpost Mines Room 11............8-6 Mage Scroll(fireball).....Shipwreck........................9-19 Ring of Protection........Lizard Men's Temple..............22-7 Healing Potions Item Encounter/Room Hex Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cure Light Wounds........Shipwreck.........................9-19 Cure Light Wounds........Skullcap Room 2.............r߷/ (ESC): Closes Screen Keyboard -------- F1: Makes top left character the current character F2: Makes top right character the current character F3: Make bottom left character the current character F4: Makes bottom right character the current character F5: Switch automatic combat ON/OFF for all characters F9: Speed up play F10: Slow down Play 0: Toggles between tactical and wilderness views Space Bar: Pauses Game Alt+O: Opens Option menu Alt+P: Opens Party M~Yenu Alt+R: Opens Refugees menu A: switches automatic combat ON/OFF for current character C: communitive (TALK) G: give something from current character's backpack H: hand to hand (melee) Weapon I: Inspect J: Calibrate Joystick M: Memorize Spells P: Party Move R: Use range weapon S: cast spell T: take item from floor V: Toggle sound ON/OFF Tactical View Only __________________ 1: View top left character 2: View top right character 3: View Bottom left charact/#er 4: View Bottom right character -=Journal Entries=- Shadow Sorceror SSI Journal Entry #1 The brooding hordes of the draconians have completely conquered Pax Tharkas, enslaving the human inhabitants of the once peaceful realm. The Companions of the Lance have freed the slaves, and led them through the mountain gates to search of a new home out of the reaches of Verminaard and hiy9s draconian armies, During the escape, the companions sealed the gates behind them, trapping the draconians in there own fortress. But it is only a matter time before they break out. And, when they do they will demand a terrible price from the companions and the refugees.... Journal Entry #2 Pax Tharkas was once the boundry between the Elves of Kith Kanan to the north, and the dwarves of the kingdom of Thorbard ~in to the south. This is common knowledge. The elves withdrew to Qualinesti, While the armies of the great mage, Fistandantilus, are said to have thrown back the dwarves. Now Qualinesti is the lair of Verminaard and his red Dragon Ember, and there fortress. Pax Tharkas is the cage that holds the armies of the draconians in check. The Refugees who follow you were once Slaves in the minesof Pax Tharkas. Now you must lead them far from its Grim walls, before death flows like a t͓{Dide to sweep them away.... Journal Entry #3 This old piece of parchment seems to refer to the operation of a magical device called Eye of ElarWhen the Road of Kith Kanan was a major highway between the Dwarves and the Elves, The eye was a way-station for travellers. At dusk, The wardens of the eye would operate its lens to reveal there destination -The Dwarfgate leading to Thorbardin... Using the eye will show you thorU#y to charm and hold person spells. Spiders - Giant spiders are a nuisance, but only pose a threat in numbers. You shouldn't need to cast too many spells to help in the battle, provided you have two fighters up front. Need we remind you that web spells won't do much good here? Trolls - Trolls are difficult to kill, even with magical weapons. The best way to handle them is to engage them in melee until their hit points are virtually zero, then use magic missile (or firebp,#8all, if you're extravagant) to finish them off. Otherwise, they'll regenerate so quickly that they'll be virtually impossible to kill. Because of their strength, they can break out of webs quite quickly, and hold person is only marginally more effective. If you encounter a large group of trolls as a random encounter, run. It's not worth the fight. Undead Charm has no effect on the undead. Death Knights - The strength of the evil in theseq} creatures means they can't even be turned, even by the seventh level cleric you have available. Sorry. Web spells are quite useful to entangle their haunted armor. Ghosts - Seventh level clerics can't turn ghosts, but because the spirit of the ghost associates itself so strongly with the corporeal world, hold person spells will affect them for a few seconds. Web spells are useless. Ghouls - Ghouls may be turned, but not dispelled. When turned, they will simply freezr?je in place. It won't take long for one of your characters to destroy them from there. Hold person has limited effect, but web is a good idea. Lich - Fistanantilus is the only lich in the game, and he's enough. See Skullcap room 13 for ideas of how to kill him. Knight Haunts - These fearsome creatures cannot be turned or dispelled, and hold person has no effect. Use the web spell to immobilize the armor. Skeletons - The least dangerous of the undead, they are eassgily turned, and almost as easily killed. Use of spells is typically not needed, and even clerics and mages can melee against these creatures without sustaining too much damage. Wights - Wights can be turned. Hold person and web spells slow them down also. Zombies - Treat zombies just like wights. Items Everyone can carry items by placing them in their backpack. All items are measured against your maximum carrying capacity per charatRJcter. Encumbrance Figures (adjusted for Armor and Weapons) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Character Max Carrying Capacity =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tanis 50 Rasitlin 30 Caramon ux 100 Goldmoon 40 Sturm 50 Tass 35 Riverwind 105 Flint 60 Gilthanas 25 Laurana 25 Eben vgc 28 Tika 45 Elistan 15 Brookland 22 Briar 35 Locar 35 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Item Encumbrance Value =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Axe 8 Bow 8 Brw^7hacers 8 Brass Rod 8 Chest 150 Key 1 Key Ring 2 Potions 4 Quiver 4 Ring 1 Royal Jelly 8 Scroll 4 Shortsword, dagger 4 Spear xW 8 Sword, Two-Handed 12 Sword, Longsword 8 Where to Find the Items Weapons Item Encounter/Room Hex Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sword,Vorpal(invisible)...Skullcap Room 4..................33-?? Sword+3...................Hobgoblin Pirates................10-19 Sword+2...................Bee Cave Room 1..................1-2 Sword+2............yh.......Hidden City Room 4...............18-18 Sword+2...................Troll Cave.......................21-4 Sword+1...................Skullcap Room 2..................33-?? Sword+0...................Battlefield......................7-16 Magical Items Item Encounter/Room Hex Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bracers of Defense (AC2)..Battlefield......................7-16 Bracers of Defense (AC2)..Skullcap d of the clerics are allowed to use sharp-edged weapons, and that includes bows and arrows. They carry staves in case they ar required to enter into melee. Monsters : How to Deal With Them Draconians - Dealing with the draconian armies is simple: run, and keep running. Since one hex actually contains a number of tactical displays, entering a hex with a draconian icon will result in multiple successive encounters, with no chance to memorize spells inbetween. eh>Thus, while you might win the first battle, the next two or three are bound to take their toll on your party. Keep running, and eventually you'll outrun them. If encountered in small numbers, draconians can be handled with some degree of difficulty. In general, charm spell won't work against them, and hold person and web have varying effects. Aurak - The Aurak are spellcasters, but the only spell that they cast is invisibility on themselves. Once in melee, you will see theif?)r spell fizzle off and on, giving away their positions. They cannot be charmed or held, so only web is effective against them. They are eight hit dice monsters, so they are very difficult to defeat. Baaz - Baaz are run of the mill draconians, and they are pretty easy to defeat. They have only two hit dice, but their magic resistance gives them some protection from spells. Bozak - Because of their spellcasting abilities, the Bozak are tough to handle. They throw magic gmissiles, and each Bozak has three spells. IN a group they will cast a volley of magic missiles to soften you up before they can get you into melee grange. They are 4 hit dice monsters, so they are relatively easy to defeat hand to hand. Outrunning the Bozak may be difficult, because when they cast magic missile at you, your characters will enter auto combat and want to fight. Just keep using Party Move to get them off the map. Kapak - The Kapak are 3 hit dice creatures and hkNjthey're also magic resistant. Sivak - The Sivak are the most difficult draconians to melee, with 8 hit dice. Their armor gives them an armor class of 0. But the main danger is the 13 dice of damage they do with their magical l weapons! Combined with Aurak, these creatures are a deadly adversary! Web spells work better than hold person spells against the Sivak. Dragons - The only red dragon in Shadow Sorcerer is Ember. You'll notice him moving around in the wilderness imanaging his army of draconians. Ember is never surprised, so dealing with him is difficult at best. The best way to handle Ember is to stay out of his way until you have freed the brass dragon, which will kill Ember for you. Ember has three breath weapons and two fireball spells each day, and since he can do as much as 66 points of damage, most parties won't survive the second attack. Of course, hold person, charm, an web spells are ineffective. Fireball spells won't hurt Emberjy], but will hurt the Green dragon. A prayer spell combined with heavy assault by three fighters with heavy hit points and resist fire spell cast on them is about the only way to actually kill Ember. It's much easier to just free the bronze dragon. It can be freed from its prison in Skullcap by the brass rod, which must be stolen from the Aghar dwarves in the Outpost Mines. Bronze dragons are of good alignment. The green dragon guards the road through the marsh. This will be a dikRUSfficult battle, but a few well-placed fireballs should do it in. Its breath weapon is a cloud of chlorine gas which burns a noticeable pattern into the grass and stones and causes frightful damage. This fight can be safely avoided if you carry (not wear) the ring of protection. After you pass the dragon's hex, you can put the ring on and receive the benefit of a better armor class. Dwarves - Compared to the fiends of the wilderness, dwarves pose no difficulties. The Neidar l*7will help you, and even the treacherous Aghar will speak to you unless you enter their temple (in the Outpost Mines) or refuse to talk to their kind,the Highbulp. The dwarves in the Hidden City are xenophobic, and are always hostile to you. They don't cast spells, however, and they don't have very many hit points. In numbers they can wear you down, and beware of the trap in the Outpost Mines. Charm, hold, and web spells are quite effective against dwarves. Giant Wasps - Excmjept in numbers, the bees are little more than a nuisance, and are only found in specific caves. A web spell will keep them held until you're ready to deliver a coup de grace. Hobgoblins - Hobgoblins are a minor menace, and can hurt you only in numbers. In the battle near the coast, they surround you suddenly, which can make things tense. Charm is quite effective against them. Lizard Men - Lizard Men, also known as Jarak Sinn, aren't exceptionally large, but they are venrry strong and can do quite a bit of damage each time they hit. Keep your spellcasters protected and use hold person spells liberally. They only appear in swamps or along rivers. Ogres - Another nuisance, but when they surprise you at their camp they can be deadly. Since they're larger than man size, charm and hold person spells are ineffective. Sligs - Sligs are distant relatives of hobgoblins, and that means they do more damage when they hit, and have the same immunitY Xle motivation who has fallen under the influence of Locar. You can achieve the best results with Briar if you use logical argument or violence, but this is a risky tactic, because it could also yield the exact opposite result. The safest way to approach Briar is to plead for loyalty. - Locar is himself the third leader, a former priest of the false religion of the Seekers, who works actively against Elistan. Locar will most often do as he is told when threatened. Violence maZ py also work, whereas, logic and pleas for loyalty are seldom effective. - Eben Shatterstone is a friendly and approachable man who played an important part in the escape from Pax Tharkas. His moods are like the wind, and there is no sure way to convince him to follow you. - Brookland is the leader of the Woodfolk, a friend to the Elves, and a solid leader of his people who cannot be pushed into a decision. He responds well to those who can humble themselves and still re[ {tain leadership status, so begging is the best way to sway him to action. Violence is a sure way to alienate him. Food The refugees need food. After years of slavery, they don't just want to taken out into the wilderness to starve, and they'll become very contrary if you do. Therefore, you must find them food. You can find food in a number of places, and it is important that you lead the refugees from food supply to food supply. Eac\ c[h cache can supply 800 refugees for two to four days, so you have to keep them moving or they'll begin to starve. More specifically, each refugee eats one unit of food each day, at 8:00 PM. By dividing the total supply of food they have by the number of refugees, you can determine how many days they can go without getting hungry. Locations of Food Caches Amount Present =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The forest at 3-4 ]  4250 units* The Outpost Mines (8-6) 2400 units The Safe Haven at 12-6 4250 units* The Safe Haven at 14-6 4250 units* The Mountain Cache at 30-7 2000 units * = Only available from one of those locations, after that, no food... Taking the refugees through woods slows them down, but up north that's also where most of the food is. Don't lead them through the woods without knowing where you w^gant them to go. Find the food first, then lead them into the woods. The path by which you can lead them can vary, so pick the best order to keep them comfortably supplied with food, and remember your timetable. Food is also the single most important factor in dealing with the refugee council. If you have found food, go back to the refugees and order them to move to the food, there is no chance of them disobeying you, even if you pick and undesirable manner to approach them (threa_s`Btening Elista, for instance). They need food, so even if your approach is inappropriate they'll obey until they get the food. Safe Havens Places with food and the hex containing the Skullcap entrance are safe havens: locations where the draconians will not attack the refugees. While at first they might seem like good places to leave the refugees indefinitely, if you leave them for too long the refugees will start wandering around trying to find you`k1 again. To make matters worse, the draconians will eventually trail the refugees to the haven, and wait nearby ready to pounce as soon as the refugees begin moving again. As a temporary shelter however, they are quite effective. Character Weapons: Notes and Restrictions Some characters, because of their special abilities or preferred fighting styles, will refuse to swap weapons. Only the characters which are restricted in their weapon use are listed ha }mere. All other characters can use any other weapon used in the game. - Tanis - Tanis begins the game with Wyrmslayer, a magical longsword. It is a sword+3, and has added damage and a higher chance to hit when fighting dragons and their ilk. He will trade it if you want him to, and if you are going through Skullcap without the proper keys, you should heed the advice about swapping it for a lesser weapon before going through the gate. - Raistlin - As a mage, he is not albBZklowed to wear armor or use swords. He carries with him the Staff of Magius, which gives him an improved armor class (-3). It also offers him +2 to hit, which is quite respectable for a wooden staff. - Flint Fireforge - Flint uses hand axes, a favored weapon of the dwarves. Axes are heavier, which causes sufficient damage, and they're shorter, making them less unwieldy for shorter races. Flint disdains swords, and won't swap weapons. - Tasselhoff Burrfoot - Tass's hoc5opack is a specialty of the Kender race, and he can use it for melee or ranged attacks. Therefore he has no reason to swap the weapon for any other. - Sturm Brightblade - Contrary to the picture shown in the manual, Sturm is no longer carrying a shield and longsword. Somewhere since the artist drew that portrait, Sturm picked up a two handed sword and has grown accustomed to its heft. Therefore, he has no hands free for bows or shields. - Goldmoon and Elistan - NeitherN`ill be destroyed by your fireballs, and the plants with the big leaves don't require blasting, but they do block your vision. The ring of protection should be placed in your backpack unless you have already killed the green dragon. Room 3 is the Jarak Sinn barracks. When you enter here you'll discover that you've disturbed a host of lizard men in their quarters. They'll attack you from behind the walls, so the best thing to do is run back out as quickly as possible. Room 4 contaO