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He should be the first person to visit if you get stuck. To be a hero (like SUB-0) requires a lot of qualities, backed-up with the appropriate deeds. Almost everything you encourage ROBIN to do will affect his standing as a hero. In particular, remember that ROBIN HOOD was renowned as a 'robber of the rich to feed the poor'. Unfortunately, the richest are well protected, and the merely well-off are strong and well-armed. TT-Vhere is one, however who can provide rich pickings; a former friend but now a turncoat of the first water. Remember that your crimes of robbery and murder will not go unnoticed if you whish to retain you freedom to go as you please, then refrain from too much crime too early. The more trouble you and your BAND cause, the harder it becomes to survive!. ROBIN is a leader of men. Sometimes the best trick is to delegate!! You'll fUULUind that some of the icons have different effects if you apply them to the Merry Men............ now you have reached the end of thiz Doc file..... Doc's typed for your pleasure by: The one and only _____ ____ _____ __ /_ |__ _/|__ __|| | ______/|_||__|/__|____ \|__| \'91 SPECIAL's REGARDS to all our MEMBERS !!!!! V:3R and to the following dudez... >-SKYLINE!... (THX for all ya HELP!) >-ONYX!... (!) >-WISEMAN (zee ya...[AmI-eXpO] >-FACTOR FIVE! (For their great 'ACTION SERIES' >-IrAttA (i can't believe how lame can be a lamer sometimes... >-STRIDER [FTL] (Don't drink the beer FAXEN send me FAX.EN! and to all the others round our EXPLOSIVE WORLD! / __ __ Watch W6Yout for our new coming BBS: /\/UCLEAR A/_ /_AULT / +49... \__/__/ ey7V YOUR FAVOURITE GROUP! THE LEADER OF EUROPE! AND U.S.A.! , or even nothingat all - perhaps sometimes you should leave ROBIN to get on with it for himself. In any event, you are likely to come across varioius encounters where you cold be of help to ROBIN or his FRIENDS in some way. You may of course not want to be helpful, but if ROBIN is to live up to his reputation as a goody-goody, we suspected that he's goin ERO,SELIM,RUDI = SSR/SKID ROW >-SKYLINE!... (THX for all ya HELP!) >-ONYX!... (!) >-WISEMAN (zee ya...[AmI-eXpO] >-FACTOR FIVE! (For their great 'ACTION SERIES' >-IrAttA (i can't believe how lame can be a lamer sometimes... >-STRIDER [FTL] (Don't drink the beer FAXEN send me FAX.EN! and to all the others round our EXPLOSIVE WORLD! / __ __ Watch ZR%AVE THE UNIVERSE FROM FEAR AND HORROR OF THE EMPIRE, MANKIND DISPATCHED A REMODELED " R-9 " STARFIGHTER TO THE FRONT. CHECK THE COUNTER - OFFENSIVE BY THE EVIL BYDO EMPIRE ! 1 - LOADING ( I THINK EACH ONE CAN THIS !! ) 2 - CONTROLS JOYSTICK UP- FLY UP KEYS SPACE BAR CONNECT-DISCONNECT " FORCE " DOWN- FLY DOWN LEFT DECREASE SPEED RIGHT INCREASE SPEED 3 - HOW TO PLAY THE NEW AIR-3 STARFIGHTER IS A EQUIPPE[r*MD WITH A BEAM WAVE CANNON.(1) INDESTRUCIBLE CANNON " FORCE ", 5 WAYS TO ATTACK AND 3 POWER LEVELS. DEFENDS YOU FROM ENEMY BULLETS (2) - HOW TO OPERATE BEAM - WAVE CANNON KEEP PRESSING THE FIRING BUTTON TO SAVE ENERGY INDECATED BY THE METER, AND RELAESE IT TO SHOOT A MORE POWERFULL BEAM - WAVE. AFTER THE BEEM METER IS FILLED, CONTINUE PRESSING THE BUTTON A FEW SECONDS UNTIL THE METER'S COLOR CHANGES, THEN RELEASE THE BUTTON TO FIRE THE MOST BEAM-WAVE SC\ATTERING CANNON. - HOW TO USE " FORCE " PRESS THE SPACE BAR WHILE " FORCE " IS CONNECTED TO YOUR CRAFT. THEN " FORCE " IS DISCONNECTED AND CONTINUES SHOOTING. PRESS THE SPACE BAR BY " FORCE " IS SEPARATE FROM THE CRAFT THEN IT APPROACHES AND IS CONNECTED TO THE CRAFT. ATTACK ENEMIES BY CONNECTING " FORCE " TO THE FRONT OR THE REAL DEPPENDING ON SITUATION. - " POW " ARMORS ATTACK " POW " ARMORS, THEN WEAPONS WILL APPEAR (3) - WEAPON'S TO COMBINEXFP WITH " FORCE " LASER --> THE MODEL AND EFFECT DEPEND ON THE COLOR OPF THE ITEM. YELLOW ITEM --> AIR-TO-GROUND LASER. BLUE ITEM --> REFLECTIVE LASER. BIT GUARDS YOU (5) RED ITEM --> AIR-TO-LASER. SPEED - UP (6) GREEN ITEM --> SEARCH LASER. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE ( RED ITEM ) (7) GRAY ITEM --> SHOTGUN LASER. AIR-TO-GROUND MISSILE ( BLUE ITEM ) (8) DOC'S TYPED BY SUBZ ^ 1./ There are two types of symbols icon - some of them act immediately --- the are pressed, other icons do nothing until after you have selected an object on the landscape (person or animal). When you press icons of this second type, the mouse cursor will turn into a GREEN hand, indicating that you should click on an object. When successful, the cursor stops being green and the icon will have its effect. If you press one of these icons by mistake, press i _//t again to cancel the green hand! 2./ After use, each symbol icon becomes exhausted for a certain amount of --- time, depending on the particular icon. whilst exhausted, the icon will turn to grey and cannot be used. You should use slow-to-recharge icons with carem, as you might need them again in a H U R R Y !!! W I N N A B L E I C O N ' s ---------------------------- There are several other symbol icons which have no meaning at the start of the game `hS, and so are not visible. You will collect the right to use these icons, which give you access to new facilities, as the game progresses (unless of course you make a mess of things!). O T H E R C O N T R O L S -------------------------- In addition to the icons, you can control ROBIN's movement by two other means (plus a third option when you win the right to use it). 1./ Clickanywhere directly onto the landscape and a small maker will appear --- at th a3at point. ROBIN;s attention will be directed towards that place, and he will (probably) walk there. Because this method doesn't try to control ROBIN's legs directly, ROBIN's own brain is able to deal (drugs) with the problems of avoiding abstacles, entering/leaving throught doorways, etc. This is probably the best method for getting around most of the time. Use the ARROW icons for more precise control when needed. 2./ Click on another person (when the  b%Mcursor is NOT a green hand), and the --- thought often enters ROBIN's mind that he should follow that person for a while. T H E H E R O I S M I N D I C A T O R --------------------------------------- The vertical bar near the icons shows the computers current assessment of ROBIN's qualities as a hero. The bar is red if it is falling, or blue if rising. You will find that almost everything ROBIN's does, or you make him do, will have an effect on the levelcq of this bar. As our tiny world is supposed to be a 'land fit for heroes',beware of the possible consequences of being too much of a villain, or even too much of a wimp. M O N E Y --------- As a certain amount of moneyt is bound to change hands during the game, we've displayed the current contest of ROBIN's purse as a number at the bottom-left of the screen. P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E ----------------------------- It is not for us to tell youd7 what you should aim to do, or how to go about it. In fact, you are free to do anyhting you like, or even nothingat all - perhaps sometimes you should leave ROBIN to get on with it for himself. In any event, you are likely to come across varioius encounters where you cold be of help to ROBIN or his FRIENDS in some way. You may of course not want to be helpful, but if ROBIN is to live up to his reputation as a goody-goody, we suspected that he's goinea*O,g to need some guidance. NOTE... Not included in this DOC FILE ARE... 1. W E L C O M E T O T H E G R E E N W O O D -------------------------------------------- 2. T H E S T A T E O F E N G L A N D ------------------------------------ 3. W H O W A S R O B I N H O O D ? ---------------------------------- 4. S H E R W O O D F O R E S T ---------------------------- 5. H E R E B E D R A G O N S !! ------------------------------ 6. HfJ) O W L I T T L E J O H N G O T H I S N A M E -------------------------------------------------- 7. T H E E N G L I S H L O N G B O W ----------------------------------- 8. T H E S H O O T I N G M A T C H --------------------------------- 9. F O R E S T L A W ------------------ IF YOU LIKE THIS PEACE OF SOFTWARE...MAKE SURE TO ORDER THE ORIGINAL AT YOUR LOCAL SOFTWARE DEALER... <<<-INCLUDES MULTI LINGUAL INSTgl4RUCTION's->>>.. AND MUCH MORE TO READ LIKE...HINT's etc... ______________________________ \\ A n D - N o W // \\ // \\____ FOLLOW ____// \\ ME // \\_ TO _// \\ SOME // \\_ _// \\R3// \/ H I N T ' s S O M E T H I N G S T O B E A R I N M I N D ------------------------------------------------ In the far NORTH-WEST corner of the map lives a wizard-like priest (JUDAS? hehehe) of the god Herne. This man-of-the-woods is a great ally and can offer much useful advicem as well as a helis view [F9] and the missile view [Q]. Accelerator Press [Tab]to speed up the action during long flights over the sea. This speeds time up for everybody in the simulation (friendly or otherwise) and moves you toward the target at increased speed. The accelerator is automatically deactivated when you approach the target or when you are approached by a MiG or SAM. If you don't want automatic deactivation, use [Shift] [Tab]. You can also toggle the accelerator off by presjN/Fsing [Tab] a second time. Mil Setting The [I] and [M] keys can be used to alter the Mil setting of the sight on the HUD (see Part VII: Flying and Fighting, the Mil tables). This measurement is in milliradians, hence the name. [Shift] [I] and [Shift] [M] increment and decrement the Mil setting by 10 milliradians. Emergency net Toggling [Shift] [H] activates and deactivates your emergency net if you afraid you cannot land your plane normally. Walleye/Paveway Use [T]to t kmToggle between sight modes when using the Walleye or sight toggle Paveway guided weapons. Walleye target Use [J], [I], [L] and [M] to move the Walleye sight around on setting the screen. Sound Press [S] to toggle the sound between the options found on the CONTROL menu. Once you have picked the type of sound you want from the FILE menu, you can use this key during the game to toggle between "All Sound On," "Engines Off" and "All Sound Off." Rudder left Press [Control] [!]]%4] to make a flat turn to the left using the rudder controls without banking. Rudder right Press [Control] [6] to make a flat turn to the right using the rudder controls without banking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM - * DANSE MACABRE * (713) 324-2139 * THE COMPANY WHQ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ctions: Section Command]͆;c and generosity is an important quality in a true hero of the people. The OPEN HAND is quite the opposite, but one cannot be generous unless one has something to give, so this darker quality is likely to turn out to be a necessary evil, if ROBIN hopes to have any people left to govern once he's completed his main task. All the symbol icon's and the winning icons have the following properties :-not included...take a look on your screen...and now...nŤ= again iam to lazy... ------------ The Controls... --------------- A number of Icons will apear down the left-hand side of the screen as the game progresses. There may be operated by clicking on them with the mouse and, in some cases, via keyboard shortcuts. Additional control is achieved by clicking directly onto people or the landscape, using the mouse!. Fixed Icons... -------------- Pauses the game (pressing 'P') on the Keyboard has the same effect. o A menu appears, allowing you to quit or resume the game. There are two Quit options - the first [press F1] will save your current position in the game to disc, so that next time you play you carry on from where you left off; the second option [F2] abandons the game, so that next time you play it will start again from the beginning. AMIGA... F1 = SAVE /\ F2 = LOAD /\ F3 = SOUND /\ F4 Re-START NOTE: Selecting the PAUSE Icon during the opening sequence allows you tpOso skip the introductory sequence, and jump directly to the point at which ROBIN sits moping outside the walls of the town, thus getting you straight into the game without delay!. The following icons become avaiable as soon as the introductory sequence is over:- * * / \ force ROBIN to walk about the ICON-DIRECTION! = * \ / * * landscape. PRESS on the ICON to walk; release tqVkGo stop. These icons have keyboard equivalents: use [A] [S] [Z] [X] keys. SELECTING THE: BOW | SWORD | EYE | HEART See below for other ways of making ROBIN move. These are the symbols you use to interact with ROBIN and his environment. Selecting one of these symbols is likely (thought not guaranteed) to sow the seed of an idea into ROBIN's MIND - sometimes simple and explicit, sometimes less so, depending on circumstancr=es. We will leave it to you to discover the detailed effect of each symbol for yourself, but we are aware of the following actions:- Selecting the BOW usually seems to have the effect you'd expect from a trigger-happy hero. (keyboard equivalent = [ENTER]). The SWORD seems to inspire aggression of a more personal kind. The EYE always seems to affect the 'camera' , rather than any of the people, causing it to pan so what we can see the same part ol4If the landscape that ROBIN can see - it pays to know what perils may lie ahead. (Keyboard equivalent = [SPACE]. The HEART encourages our hero to run rather than walk, but beware of excessive demands on his stammina - you never know when he's going to need all his energy. The LIPS bring out the smooth-talking nature of our man, but what he'll actually say is, were afraid, impossible to control. The OPEN HAND stands for generosity, in ROBIN's view,tgu lock on to the wrong target during an air-to-ground mission, press [X] to clear the lock and try again. Cat launch Press [Control] [L] to launch your plane from the carrier's catapult. Jettison Press [Control] [C] to jettison the centerline stores if you centerline need to get rid of excess weight to give you added stores maneuverability or acceleration. See also Jettison all stores below. Eject When all else fails, press [Control] [E] to eject from your aircraft. Huowever, ejecting is not necessarily the safest or the smartest option in a given situation. Invoke it only as a last resort. If you eject for no reason, your pilot is automatically court-martialled. Ejecting over enemy terrain gets you captured. Also, you can die during ejection. Jettison Press [Control] [K] to jettison everything except your all stores missiles. This will give you increased maneuverability and acceleration in an emergency. See also Jettison centerline v1$4stores above. Take photo Use [Delete] or [*] on the numeric keypad to take shapshots of whatever is on the screen at any time. These can be reviewed later during Debriefing. Video reset Use [O] to reset the gun camera to make videotapes during flight. Move Some missions can have up to four American sections of between aircraft with up to two aircraft in each section. Use the sections following key commands to move between the sections: Section Commandwr/[ Key (top keyboard row) 1 [Shift] [1] 2 [Shift] [2] 3 [Shift] [3] 4 [Shift] [4] Leader/ Just as you can move between sections in a mission, you can wingman also toggle between the leader and the wingman in your section. Press [Shift] [9] to toggle between them. Unfriendly Press [Shift] [0] to toggle between the piloted aircraft and its current unfriendly (if it has one). A Phantom on MiGCAP is allocated a MiG to engage, and an A-6 on Wild Wx/l{easel duty is allocated a SAM site to destroy. You can view these unfriendlies by using this key. Single/ripple Press [9] on the numeric keypad to toggle between the two bomb release modes. Single releases one bomb per trigger press. Ripple release one bomb every second until all bombs on the station are released, allowing you to lay a line of bombs on a long target. Missile view Press [Q] to toggle between missile view and piloted aircraft view. This lets you folloy.'w the missile down to the target. If the missile explodes, the view is lost. Sensitivity Press [F3] to increase and [F4] to decrease the aircraft's sensitivity to banking, climbing or diving, on a scale of 0 to 3. You may want to learn making bombing runs at a sensitivity level of 1 and then progress to a level of 3 in aggressive dogfight battles. Waypoint On any outside view ([F5], [F6], [F8]), press [;] to increase the waypoint number and ['] to decrease it.[Shift] ziE[;] is used to toggle between the distances and bearings in the outside views to three locations. Carrier gives you the relative bearing and range to your carrier. The [;] cannot be used to advance or set back the waypoint if this is the location showing. Buddy gives you the relative bearing and range to your wingman The [;] cannot be used to advance or set back the waypoint if this is the location showing. Navigate is the default setting. The [;] can only be use{PQd if this is the readout. It gives you the relative bearing and range to your next waypoint. It is possible that another message, such as Attack or Land, will appear in this space if that is the next waypoint for the aircraft. See the next paragraph. Press [;] to advance your current waypoint as shown on the outside views, effectively changing it for the plane. The readout does not give you the exact waypoint order. Any combat waypoint order (such as "Drop Paveway"| B, "Fire Walleye", "Drop Bombs" and "Circle") is shown as "Attack." Any other order is shown as "Navigate." These readings show up as ATTACK, NAV and LAND on the DIANE. (The F-4 has no such reading on its radar screen.) Press ['] to set back the current waypoint. If your plane missed the target, you can use this key to bring back the Attack waypoint so the plane will go back to the right point on autopilot and try again. Look up/down Press [[] to look up above the u}>sual cockpit view (a "head up" view) and []] to look down at the cockpit(a "head down" view). This latter key can be used in the Phantom again to look even further to see more instruments. The A-6 only has a "head up" view. Zoom Press [F1] to zoom in closer to the aircraft and [F2] to zoom out. Use in conjunction with the outside view [F5] and the tracking view [F6]. This key also works with the carrier view [F9] and the missile view [Q]. View rotation In any non-ch]I,!ockpit view, press [1] on the keyboard to shift through different horizontal views of your aircraft. Each keypress change the orientation along a circle surrounding the aircraft, starting from the rear up and forward and then from the front down and back. Press [2] on the keyboard to cycle through views moving vertically around the aircraft. Using [Alternate] with either of these keys rotate the point of view in the other direction. This key also works with the carrier 9llite) at the piloted aircraft. Carrier View of the home carrier. View rotation keys are available. Menu This special command brings up the menus described earlier and pauses the game until you are done with the menus. Stick Control Nose Down | 8 Bank left - 4 6 - Bank right 2 | (Numeric Keypad) Nose Up See Part II: Menus and Controls for more information on Flying with Stick. Throttle Press [+] to increase engine thr w5ottle, which is normally reflected by an increase in RPM and airspeed. Press [-] to decrease throttle and RPM. You can use the [+] and [-] keys on the numeric keypad as well. Air-to-air Press [Return] or [Enter] once to activate the air-to-air weapons select mode (if not already present). Press [Return] again to cycle through the different missile and gun formats. This is not available on the Intruder. Please note that this key does not actually toggle between air-to- ;vair weapons on the F-4; instead, it toggles between weapon stations. This is why you may have to hit this key more than once to go from another weapon to the Sparrow AIM 7. If the weapon selection starts on Heat, for instance, it cycles past the two stations that could carry Sidewinders, then checks the guns, and then looks to the Sparrows. The Sparrow does not count as a normal store on the plane because it has its own dedicated stations;other ordnance cannot be load jed on these stations. Air-to-ground Press [Backspace] once to activate the air-to-ground weapons select mode (if not already present). Press [Backspace] again to cycle through the different missile, bomb and gun formats. Trigger Press the [Spacebar] to fire all weapons or release bombs. Military Power The [/] key kicks your plane up to military power (100% RPM). It also turns off the afterburner on the F-4 Phantom. Afterburner Four stages of afterburner power are avai Edlable on the F-4, for times when you need to "put the pedal to the metal." Press [>] to increase the afterburner stage or [<] to decrease it. The afterburner is not available on the A-6 Intruder. Flares Press [0] on the numeric keypad to release flares when heat- seeking missiles are being fired at you by enemy SAM sites or MiGs. Chaff Press [.] on the numeric keypad to dispense chaff and avert radar-guided missiles fired at you by enemy SAM sites or MiGs. Pause  93|Press [P] to pause the simulation. Press it again to continue. All view keys in & outside the cockpit are available when the game is paused. Review Press [3] on the numeric keypad to toggle through the messages received by your aircraft. Air brakes Press [B] to activate the air brakes and slow your aircraft down while it's in the air. Press [B] a second time to release the air brakes. Hook Press [H] to activate the hook on landing. Without this hook down, your plaxK@^ne cannot catch the arrestor wire. Landing gear Press [G] to raise and lower the landing gear. Video Recorder Toggle [V] to turn the video recorder on and off. You can take a "videotape" of whatever is happening when you press the key until you press it again. When using this feature, the VIDEO light in the cockpit is on until you run out of tape or turn the video recorder off. Flaps Press [F] to activate wing flaps for speed control. Press [F] a second time to deactG[ivate wing flaps. Flaps give extra lift and so are used in landing to allow a slower approach speed. Without flaps,the aircraft would be dangerously close to stall speed when approaching a landing. COMED COMED is the Combined Map/Electronic Display. Press [C] to toggle between a map detailing the mission route and the default radar mode. Radar Press [R] to turn your radar display off. Press [R] again to turn the radar display back on. Master arm Press [7] on the n4}umeric keypad to arm each missile and weapon for firing. Any time you go to autopilot, you must press [7] again to arm weapons when you take control again. You can also use [Help] instead of [7]. Bomb mode Press [1] on the numeric keypad to toggle between the DIANE, Direct and Dive Toss bomb dropping modes. ECM Press [E] to turn on the ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) pod (if you're carrying one) as a defense against radar-guided SAMs. Press [E] a second time to turn0% it off. Autopilot Press [A] to toggle the autopilot on and off. If you turn on the autopilot during a dogfight,it will track the MiGs for you automatically but not shoot. Real autopilots do not do this, but this is a convenience for the player who wants to participate in a dogfight or bombing run without flying the plane. If there are no MiGs present, the autopilot will fly your aircraft to the target for the current mission.This means it will: Follow waypoints. sʐ Track enemy aircraft without shooting at them. However, the autopilot will not release weapons normally. You must press [Shift] [A] to instruct the autopilot to actually fight the plane. Under this option, you are essentially a bystander. The plane automatically performs actions such as dropping bombs at the waypoints and attacking MiGs and radar sites if assigned to do so (Part V:You As CAG describes how to set orders for aircraft sections). Clear A-G lock If yo:t off if bogey near Shift I Walleye Target Setting Up / Increase Mil Setting by 10 Control E Eject A Autopilot/Manual Weapons S Sound Mode Select F Flaps G Landing Gear H Arrestor Hook J Walleye Target Setting Left L Walleye Target Setting Right ; Increase Waypoint ' Decrease Waypoint Shift A Autopilot/Automatic Weapons Shift H Emergency Net Toggle Shift ; Waypoint Information Toggle Control K Jettison All Stores Control L Catapult Launch X Clear A-G lock C COMED:@{ Map/Radar Toggle V Video Recorder Toggle B Air Brakes M Walleye Target Setting Down / Decrease Mil Setting < Decrease Afterburner > Increase Afterburner / Military Power Shift M Decrease Mil Setting by 10 Control C Jettison Centerline Stores Space Trigger Help Master Arm Undo Single/Ripple Insert Bomb Mode Cursor Up Nose Down Clr/Home Message Review Cursor Left Bank Left Cursor Down Nose Up Cursor Right Bank Right (keypad) / Military Power * Take Photo 7 Master Arm 8 Nose Down 9 Single/Ripple - Decrease Throttle 4 Bank Left 6 Bank Right + Increase Throttle 1 Bomb Mode 2 Nose Up 3 Message Review Enter Air-to-Air Weapons Select 0 Flares . Chaff Control 4 Left Rudder Control 6 Right Rudder Shift numbers Cockpit Views KEY COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS Cockpit views Press the following keys to change your view out of the cockpit: View Keyboard Numeric Keypad Left back 45 deg. [3] [Shift] [1] Left [4] [Shift] [4] Left f!{ront 45 deg. [5] [Shift] [7] Front [6] [Shift] [8] Right front 45 deg. [7] [Shift] [9] Right [8] [Shift] [6] Right back 45 deg. [9] [Shift] [3] Out of cockpit views and special commands Most of the following keys provide you with views of the aircraft from outside the cockpit. Use these to see your aircraft's position relative to the surrounding geography and to other aircraft. Outside View -- F5 F6 -- Tracking View ACLS -- F7 F8 -- Sat~ ellite Carrier -- F9 F10 - Menu Outside View View of the piloted aircraft from a tracking aircraft.The view rotation keys ([1] and [2] on the keyboard)and zoom keys ([F1] and [F2]) are available. Tracking View View of the piloted aircraft from the rear. The view rotation and zoom keys are available. ACLS Automatic Carrier Landing System. This special command toggle turns on the ACLS instruments (see Part IX: Carrier Landings). Satellite Looking down (from sate'e Shift 1 Section 1 Shift 2 Section 2 Shift 3 Section 3 Shift 4 Section 4 Shift 9 Leader/Wingman Toggle Shift 0 View Unfriendly - Decrease Throttle + Increase Throttle Backspace Air-to-Ground Weapons Select Tab Accelerator Q Missile View E ECM R Radar T Walleye/Paveway Sight Toggle I Walleye Target Setting Up / Increase Mil Setting O Video Reset P Pause [ Look Up ] Look Down Return Air-to-Air Weapons Select Delete Take Photo Shift Tab Accelerator will not shu|?4##+=;(= >"bjYṲ#jib*V@$mU L &׳35f`e|J'Ĉ0 ipDqT~!@I+%`s(zQ0C*H/B#"8(& @<Xbl0HuUFQ\m(  p/AI@C A`G0 (AAjA^@5* =BJ Y"@qN&}# q@ F$P"  p%-@)G^Q$@zh(\O? @U.7w3)fljlL[   H \Hh ,"NS4ԈҘ iS |A",@h(C"ߵ 2 =J4$'@" R AU{2 $ aoȅu60$7@ cF  } 7 @B|iC W&B `,Q(BXז̂X $B h/L187: G:P,@0+x07X X$mDif BN&N=uE(ȓEgJ%(@&P B A@p@( 1P $$AKxWh4A04࿀A ^\áNX$Keh8l t '2H## F, @,  6^@ 7@F X Fb@Jk p  XCs!l9O98B(Ax;)Q3 eh0FH K$mֺ2yN$$ۙa < $& # "@ $BQXAйx6^ B$LJ@<ŔD/ 1 #8 J*Al@@"C(G"!^T@L#X(^P-ѯ$#P`loggCiddd'"/.@TP ±@V^XAAP0T ࠆ PUQZ `^ #43FSp0@IB8!} `PY0  A^3M`hTMhUIy2 !8 5Ԡ$s0e(Pp7*A.zĀ  !W-'4 HM @ @J DCA3| `*rp (A` i`lh%FaH 22^ p/?A4DH0^i@PF.fb4 !6fH@H7 fPJcyG @Z *@o '$qwR'0c$š@ApQT/@-JK^[@R0@?A`j@rnA`+HI hmT ́x dM-(AR0n!MR @ d@4 @3dt W hjH@ Z&'3("0$ k " @4  ]H#Ew`9P]*@8م>y?; 812PSA'bv[h y0@wv%[ @PP% OD\8@t) $Ȅ Q  2`)|@C0"|)1DQA)A3bl,@$Ę@ A !x$E)qy)`7B1H P =mrkZ2@I 9 h!E\\[@Fo3T 7(5Q4a 250K@acA)@(0F`j  ("1AAAJ03;˱] Tu$yW&J`$!@"\@gh@og,K8!*K$@%P$ (Am@ yH# !AHAZ`8 aoH  ET, &z{(בJ̩D$$0, !,/@@$Az  0` 7$Rta1Wkh7A0dt$ "H^@ ? #Y 1<@@@XB#RW#ă~E`$G*R`3C(dL B ($j®&gJ@ `RVE(% fxdΩ :t ;8`(bcT;YL5& Db Dp@!@"j, P`p2`v` pP?pp2OdH?by(H#`$+p t r}ou30<5<0#ăfP8QpX@ 뢗c j : @ [EA\x +7@2B 6aU($/01^x/t_D"zPUT@@@5~Y@ P3 Ѐ1 jA.tp2 $,(̫@p ^י1J@@/: c`A̠4 ZSI}0!r9g v;f R5#)KD l 0ZP8 7+y8@O= N5@j?t FS r9h Ab@*tu"+e)$Ns;s`H @gБ=@C9(3A(5050>X@8(\H B%p  ʸ|84`)mAZCA@ (`805>Xt 0(3@Ĉ ȀxVӅ~7f@Q  @@/ `(l ` @ h P0*@01OdbF^ P9a V@ F&fV6vNC#cS3p|pP@C X0 @0P0 @$8@5@C@C 3@p hM` F @AL PO"(.4P\b0< QpX@Z @4^(  ~(l(lQ)կl 6u 6u H ~uhXhXj ` ` ` 8` 8`  l8\Qc l8\Qc l`+HQ l`+HQ l`*Q l`*Q l`HJ l`HJ l`!*HDc l`!*HDc88>s>s0`܊9(ps0`Σy܊9(ps80` ԒR(A)J@80` ԒR(A)J@ mRd:\q`< ܪ\(q r@ mRd:\q`< ܪ\(q r@ l0ZBHJR0ـ R(AJ@ l0ZBHJR0ـ R(AJ@ l`V[JP`0ـ Ҋ(DK l`V[JP`0ـ Ҋ(DK lRJHJP0q lRJHJP0q mR:Hq mR:Hq99>q>q 0`܊9(\ 0`܊9(\8 0` ԒR(!)R@8 0` ԒR(!)R@!mDp)w$p< ܪ\(R@!mDp)w$p< ܪ\(R@l0E ;-$H 0` R( \@l0E ;-$H 0` R( \@!lEo!.R+'$p0` Ҋ(8P@!lEo!.R+'$p0` Ҋ(8P@l0E)!$T)$H 0ql0E)!$T)$H 0qmt N)$Hmt N)$H88>q>q 0`gtq28I 0`gtq28I 0`u$AB J 0`$AB J9 <$q2899 <$q289 mDc 0`$A @ mDc 0`$A @ m+D) 0'qs3 m+D) 0'qs3 m%ǥ)0q m%ǥ)0q l0*D) l0*D) l0Dc l0Dc8080>1>10s`Hܓ]&0s`Hܓ]&903`$0Q"Q(903`$0Q"Q(5 m:\1<3`IH]Ü m:\1<3`IH]Ü mRJP03`IPQ"P! mRJP03`IPQ"P! l0J 03`ӤI8c"\ l0J 03`ӤI8c"\ l0\J0y l0\J0y m1 m188!>p )JK!>p )JK8`p0 iJHJ%8`p0 iJHJ% l(pSsLj0 zNs l(p5FSsLj0 zNs m(!TR< !JHJ m(!TR< !JHJ m( T8R>0& JN8K m( T8R>0& JN8Km ( R0m ( R0 m.!Αw0q m.!Αw0q88󘕏ZsLj0 zNs m(!TR< !JHJ m(!TR< !JHJ m( T8R>0& JN8K m( T8R>0& JN8Km ( R0m ( R0 m.!Αw0q m.!Αw0q88E?ONuL <gNu*( y"y$y fae6rvfaveNrBDax6Drfa^QQ`8rx`raR m graB62< ` 2< BTB6a.SJ QNqNqNqmJfNuN DNuSABBf DQNu(  @{  PS/ 224"hj@P P PpS He, ܰA  ;@e"aB@ }@R*0% 8 0{ ,]]EA@J0e)Rfdf&&JYr)3tg]|u|SOR KEYS = SCROLL PAGE (EXCEPT IN TEXT MODE) n = centers area under cursor a = again-repeat last command S = SHOW PAGE ~ [tilde] = toggle stencil [SHIFT] = constrain with line or shape tools [CTRL] = leaves traces with line or shape tools [CTRL] & [a] = memory check [TAB] = toggle color cycle on/off [SPACE] = aborts current command ********************************* * FROM THE LOST Dth6,UTCHMAN MINE * * COURTESY OF THE DUTCHMAN * ********************************* t as the current foreground color. - and = Make the selected pre-built brush larger/smaller. Control Panel Keystroke Equivalents s Left button on dotted freehand drawing tool d Left button on continuous draw D Left button on continuous draw plus automatic selection of one-pixel brush v (For ve 0 _ /8 pI'O 8 p: _*_0 /@ I'O @@ @/T_ /@ `@O'O  `@ (/_4 /P(O2'O aP)Ph_ /P 'd 'O $XH  _5/"  +@ģO F$$9`_//p9$gO A$p9p` !P``@  @ `@# # !P`;pp 8p 8r 8yxyx}@ @ '7@      ;@( P΀΀p8΀ @@ @ @@ @ *@ΠΠ PB@0B ,0 B@0B ,0  $B@0/<0 L B$ L B$ 9Bd p ] {fuxLL<|M~8b\ p8b\ p=b\GƀvGƀxvP *PGրv+(hR*xQ)XP(hR*Q f@Q)XP`)R*}Q)^PGQ f@@G  @@8p @xzxxT9 xxxz Gmf@A  G lf A $  M   mfC@@   lf@C@@` \ j[ _@@ !mk !@ ! lc !  1@ !.. 1 9 mhހ.p 9  l`@.p`` l.wd1M mf@C f   lf C f , = c$fq"0z3Ƣ8q"0 x3Ƣ8`Fu#03ƻP;U\P@Q f@(p(P;U\P@  (p(S;U=s(# 0]|0# 0]Q f@07]?C)BQt C)㎁Qt (PkvYg/=v<vB@, /~l0Z2Tl02TTl65T@ZT5T@T"5U vAZ A   Q +\hZX4\hX4 \xx4(ZP(P -00Ơ0<0Ơ 00 B !$0@1? < Bƶ '&'<&jaX?~  HH$ L^sg9=^sg9=_sg9׿F7F7d`@fvFw}|"6}|"6A|"wd.Йd.Й f@/`Z ؠnC ؠnC  ءn#C!!@K ĀO ;0Fp;0Fp8_g;0p   }   } Q q} f$G9Wnј f$G9Wnј@` f$yWј ?LR/@ ?LR/@#) ?o{?@ARARb`Zsg @4^t\@Ul B Right button on brush selection tool t Left button on text icon g Left button on grid icon / Left button on symmetry icon m Left button on magnify n Recender picture > Left button on zoom < Right button on zoom u Undo K Clear , Left button on foreground color indicator P Right button on foreground color indicator (i.e., bring up Palette). B. TROUBLE t]SHOOTING GUIDE________________________________________ 1. I'm holding down the button and dragging but no paint is appearing. First check to make sure you have a brush selected, either one of the pre-built ones, or one you created yourself. And make sure you have a drawing tool selected (freehand, line or shape). Next, check your brush mode (listed in the title strip). The Smear, Blend or Shade modes don't work unless there's paint already on the screen. And remember, Shade t^and Blend only affect paint colors within the range set for SH in the Palette. If you want to paint with the Cycle brush mode, the current foreground color must be one of the colors in the cycle set currently selected in the Palette. 2. Why does the color of the picture change when I use the Menus? The operating system uses colors 1 and 2 to make the menus and colors 31 and 32 to create menu highlights. When you use the menu bar, the program temporarily takes control of thost_u+Pe colors to guarantee clear, readable menus and highlights. 3. How can I say "Forget it! Stop!" in the middle of an action? Press the Space Bar. This stops most actions in progress, returning matters to the way they were before you started the action. 4. I saved a picture but now can't find its name. Did you save it in a different drawer from the one currently showing in the Load window? To change drawers, click into the drawer name line and erase the exixting drawer namet`Rg, then type the one you want and press Return. To look at the top level of a disk's directory, just erase the current drawer name and press Return. 5. I'm having a hard time seeing the pointer. Look at the settings you are using for colors 17 through 20 (especially for color 18) in the jPalette. These are the colors used to draw the pointer. Adjust them to get what you want. 6. Why don't the keystroke commands work when I try them? If you're pressing the key indicated in taa menu or in Appendix ! of this manual and nothing is happening, check the location of your pointer. None of the keystroke commands will work while the pointer is in either the Title Strip or the Control Panel. ==== KEYPAD CONTROLS FOR PERSPECTIVE MODE =============================== +---+ +---+ +---+ X AXIS controls: | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | 7 = rotate top away; 8 = rotate top toward; 9 = zero X +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ Y AXIS Controls: | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | 4 = rotate rightb LFt side away; 5 = rotate right forward; +---+ +---+ +---+ 6 = zero Y axis +---+ +---+ +---+ Z AXIS Controls: | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | 1 = rotate clockwise; 2 = rotate counterclockwise; +---+ +---+ +---+ 3 = zero Z axis +---------+ +---+ | 0 | | . | 0 = zero x, y, & z, keep current perspective center. +---------+ +---+ [SHIFT] & [0] = zero x, y, z, & center. +---+ +---------+ | - | | ENTER | - = fill screen with perspective btc #rush +---+ +---------+ [ENTER] = Enter perspective mode. [;] & ['] keys move brush along fixed axis. SHIFTED GIVES LARGER INCR. [<] & [>] keys change apparent distance of brush. [SHIFT] & [9]=FIX X AXIS [SHIFT] & [6]=FIX Y AXIS [SHIFT] & [3]=FIX Z AXIS === BRUSH KEYBOARD COMMANDS =========================================== F1 = MATTE F6 = BLEND h = halve F2 = COLOR F7 = CYCLE H = DOUBLE F3 = REPLC - = brtd B /ush smaller x = flip horizontal F4 = SMEAR [=] = brush larger y = flip vertical F5 = BLEND Z = STRETCH z = 90 degree rotation === TOOLBOX COMMANDS ================================================= b = brush selector B = RESTORE LAST CUSTOM BRUSH c = unfilled circle tool C = FILLED CIRCLE TOOL d = continuous freehand tool D = CONTINUOUS FREEHAND TOOL 1 PIXEL e = unfilled ellipsete ~!8 tool E = FILLED ELLIPSE TOOL f = fill tool F = BRING UP FILL REQUESTER g = grid G = GRID TO CURRENT BRUSH POSITION j = spare page K = CLEAR SCREEN m = magnify tool q = curve tool r = unfilled rectangle tool R = FILLED RECTANGLE TOOL s = dotted freehand tool t = text [ESC] = escape text mode u = undo v = straight-line tool tfY{ > = zoom in < = zoom out ' = pick tool / = toggle symmetry on/off . one pixel brush, dotted line tool , = cycle thru color range === SPECIAL KEYS ===================================================== F8 = TOGGLE CURSOR ARROW ON/OFF F9 = TOGGLE MENU BAR ON/OFF F10 = TOGGLE CONTROL PANEL ON/OFF ALT-OPEN AMIGA (RIGHT SIDE) = RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON ALT-CLOSED AMIGA (LEFT SIDE) = LEFT MOUSE BUTTON CURtQ[ft button. You nay select the color from the drawing area, from the paint set, or from the Palette's color set. The 3 sliders on the left labeled R, G and B control the amount of red, green and blue in the selected color. The 3 sliders on the right labeled H, S and V control the hue, saturation and value of the color (comparable to the tint, color and contrast controls on a color tv). Move the sliders either by clicking above or below then, or by dragging them. When you release atR*| slider in a new position, the other sliders will adjust as necessary to reflect the effect of your change. Click UNDO in the Palette to undo changes you've made since selecting the currently selected color. Click CANCEL to put the Palette away, undoing everything done since you got it out. Click OK to say, "Yes, that's what I want." Think of the colors in the paint set as numbered from 1 in the upper left-hand corner to 32 (in lo-res mode, 512K of memory) in the lower righttSOf-hand corner. The program uses colors 1 and 2 to draw the menus, the Control Panel and the Palette itself. The Palette will prevent you from setting these colors so that there is too little contrast between them. Otherwise you might accicentally find a way to make the Palette invisible. The program uses colors 17 through 20 to draw the pointer and the brush cross hairs. Be careful when using those colors as part of a set of closely related shades. If you reduce the contrast amotT::ng the colors used to draw the pointer and then place it against a closely related background color, you may find it difficult to see. To return to the Palette color set available when you start the program, choose Color Control and then Default Palette in the Picture menu. Changing One Color to Another To copy a color from one position in the Palette to another, click the color to be copied; then click COPY; then click the color to be replaced. To swap two colors, click the ftUPirst, then EX, then the second. You can also do this directly on the picture in the drawing area click a color, click EX, click the other color, and the two colors will swap with each other. Automatic Color Creation Use the SPREAD command to generate a smooth set of shades between any two colors in the Palette. First click one of the colors; then click SPREAD; then click the other color. For some practice with color creation, load StarFlight, then bring up the Palette. Colors tVv%u29, 30 and 31 are the ones used to draw the alien, so keep your eye on him (her, it) as you work. Select color 31 in the Palette and change its Hue. Copy it to color 29; then change either the Saturation or Value of that color. Click Spread, click color 31, and presto, an allen of a different color. Remember as you use SPREAD that the program will prevent you from creating colors 1 and 2 with too little contrast between them. And remember that colors 17 through 20 are used to tWHdraw the pointer. If you use SPREAD to create closely related colors in these positions and then use the pointer over a similarly colored background, you may have trouble seeing it. You can use the Undo command in the Palette (or press U) to undo the effects of a SPREAD command provided that you use Undo before selecting another color or choosing a different command. To return to the Palette color set in effect when you start the program, choose Default Palette under Color ComtroltXO in the Picture menu. A. KEYBOARD COMMAND SUMMARY______________________________________ If a keystroke equivalent is available for a menu command, it will be listed to the right of the command in the menu. Special Keys F10 Turn the Control Panel on/off F9 Turn the Title Strip on/off F8 Turn the brush crosshairs on/off Alt-Open Amiga Right mouse button Alt-Closed Amiga Left mouse button Cursor Keys Scroll in mtYagnigy Recenter the picture after magnify. NOTE: All keyboard commands work only when the pointer is NOT in the Control Panel or Title Strip. Shift Constrain. Hold down while using the Stretch command in the Brush menu to keep a brush'sF Hold down while using the rectangle tool to produce a square. Ctrl Hold down while using the line or hollow shape tools to leave tZ4traces as you draw. Other Keystrokes [and] Select the next higher/lower color in the paint set as the current foreground color. - and = Make the selected pre-built brush larger/smaller. Control Panel Keystroke Equivalents s Left button on dotted freehand drawing tool d Left button on continuous draw D Left button on continuous draw plus automatic selection of one-pixel brush v (For vet[ctor) left button on straight line tool q Left button on curve tool f Left button on fill icon a Left button on the airbrush icon r Left button on hollow rectangle tool R Left button on filled rectangle tool c Left button on hollow circle tool C Left button on filled circle tool e Left button on hollow elipse tool E Left button on filled elipse tool b Left button on brush selection tootFq (There are 7 fonts, 4 of which come in two sizes, on the program disk. To see what each looks like in comparison to the others, load the picture named "All fonts." Print the picture if you'd like an on-paper reference.) To enter text in a particular font, choose that font from the Font menu, then choose the text tool. A mark will appear next to the current font in the Fonts menu. Using Symmetry Turn on the Symmetry tool with the left button. It will stay on until you turn itG T' Kcnd and Shade modes.F Select the straight line tool; then drag and release to draw a straight line. With the curve tool, drag and release to set the two and paint for the curve; then move the mouse to establish the curvature and press the button to draw the curve. To stop drawing a curve in the middle of the process, press the space bar. All the line tools use the current brush. If that brush is large, you may find the display disconcertingly jumpy when using those tools. Turt?(&ning on Fast Feedback in the Prefs menu causes those tools to draw with the snallest available brush while you hold the button down. Releasing the button redraws the line or shape with the current brush. Hold down the Ctrl key while drawing to cause the straight line and curve tools to leave traces as you draw. From the keyboard, type a for airbrush, s for the dotted freehand line and d for the smooth one. Type v (for "vector") for the straight line tool and q for the curve. t@) , Shape Tools Select the shape tool you want with the left button. Click on the upper left half of the tool's icon to select the hollow version of the shape. Click on the lower right half to select the filled version. The rectangle tool draws out from a couner as you drag; the circle and ellipse tools draw out from the center. Polygon draws a series of connected lines, ending the series when you click on the starting point or when you press the space bar. Filled Polygon does thtA*^ 4e sane, filling with color when you complete the series. If you want to quit in the middle of drawing a hollow or filled polygon, press the space bar. Pressing the space bar after drawing more thatn one side of a filled polygon completes the polygon and fills it in. Undo had no effect until you finish a filled polygon, then it removes the entire polygon. Undo removes the last line you drew while drawing a hollow polygon. Hollow shape tools use the current brush. If that brush itB+U2s large, you may find the display disconcertingly jumpy when using those tools. Turning on Fast Feedback in the Prefs menu solves the difficutly by cousing those tools to draw with the amallest available brush while you hold the button down. Releasing the button redraws the line or shape with the current brush. Turn on Coords in that same menu for help with precise positioning. Holding down the Ctrl key while drawing causes the hollow shape tools to leave traces as you draw. HtC,^olding down the Shift key while drawing with the Rectangle tool produces squares. Filling Areas with Color Select the Fill tol with the left button. Position the paint bucket with the spilling paint in the area you want to fil and click with the left button to fill with the current foreground color. Clicking with the right button fills with the current background color. To select Fill from the keyboard, press f; then click as you would if you had selected the tool from the ContD-|ָtrol Panel. If you have 512K of memory and want to fill an area with a pattern, see "Using a Scratchpad with 512K of Memory," in the Getting Started section. Using Text and Fonts Select the Text tool with the left button, then click with the left button in the drawing area to position the text insertion box. Typing enters text where the insertion box appears. Backspace erases the character to the left of the insertion box. Return begins a new line. You may point to a different tElocation on the screen and click to move the insertion box there. (You cannot set the insertion box to the right of existing text and then backspace over the text. When you move the insertion box to a new location, the program treats text left behind just like any other picture part.) From the keyboard, type f to select the Text tool, and type Esc to leave it. To load fonts from a disk choose Load Fonts in the Fonts menu. A list of available fonts will appear in the Font menu.t0/want to change in the paint set with the right (background) button. Then click the color you want to change to with the left (foreground) button. Finally, choose Bg --> Fg, and the color in the brush which matches the current background color will change to the current foreground color. Use Remap Colors when you want to move a brush into a picture painted with a different paint set. See "Copying from One Picture to Another" above for more information. The Difference Between Obt10ږ3ject, Color and Replace Choose the brush modes, available in the Modes menu to change the painting effect of the current brush. It is easiest to grasp the meaning of the first three of those modes in relation to each other. Object means "the brush as it was when it was selected." Color means "make all but the transparent paint the color of the current foreground color." Replace means "the bursh as it was when it was selected, except make the transparent paint visible." Switcht21qing between modes with the same brush shape often provides a quick route to special graphic effects. You can, for instance, use Object and Color to create a quick drop shadow to give a shape the illision of depth and substance. To create a drop shadow for an object you've selected as a brush, choose Color mode, then select a dark color and click down a copy of the shape. Next, choose Object mode and superimpose a copy of the original just a little up and to the left on the dart32[(wk copy. Presto, an image with a drop shadow, selectable now itself as a brush, of course. Painting with a brush with its own built-in drop shadow is a great way to create text and objects which seem to have depth. Painting with Smear, Blend, Shade These three commands, available in the Modes menu, permit special painting effects. The color each mode produces depends on the colors the brush passes oves as it is used. Smear does just what its name suggests. It smears the paint t43h.around on the screen as if you were smudging it with your finger. Blend and Shade operate within a range which you establish using the Palette. A brush in either of these modes has no effect on colors not in that range. To pick the range, click with the right button on the color indicator (or choose Palette in the Picture menu) to bring up the Palette. Click SH to select the Shade/Blend range. Finally, click the color you want at one end of the range; then click the Range commt54ЎQand; then click the color you want at the other end. The selected range will extend up and down through the Palette from one color to the other and will be marked by a bracket to the left of the selected colors. The current shade/blend range marker will appear whenever Sh is selected in the Palette. Both Blend and Shade work best when their range consists of a set of closely related shades, like the grays in the default palette (the one which appears when you start the program)t65Ix. A brush in Shade mode changes each color it passes over to the next highest color in the paint set if you're painting with the left button and the next lowest color if you're painting with the righr button. A brush in Blend mode looks at the paint as it passes over it and puts down an average of what it finds. The result is a smoothing of whatever contrasts are there (so long as those contrasts are within the current shade/blend range). Experiment with brushes of different st76_#izes and shapes to get a feeling for the possible effects. For one look at how the commands work, load the picture named "patterns" and try shading and blending over the pattern swatches you'll find there. Get out the Palette and click on SH so you can see how the range is set. Notice that brushes in Shade and Blend modes have no effect on paint outside the current SH range. Animating with Cycle Paint Cycle in the Modes menu and Cycle under Color Control in the Picture menu wort87@2k thgether to produce animated effects. Picture parts painted with the Cycle mode seem to move when Cycle is turned on in the Picture menu. (To see an example, load Waterfall and turn cycling on by pressing the TAB key or by choosing Cycle in the Picture menu.) You can have up to three different Cycle ranges for each picture. To pick these ranges, first click with the right button on the foreground color indicator (or choose Palette in the Picture menu) to bring up the Palette. t98d8 Then click C1, C2 or C3 to select the range you want to change. The bracket to the left of the colors shows which colors are currently inclided in the selected range. Click on a color, then on RANGE, and then on another color to establish a range between (and incliding) those colors. To turn a range off, select it, click on a color, then on RANGE, and then on the same color. To set the cycle speed for the selected range, move the speed control slider right (for faster) or left:#Q]t (slower). To draw a line which will appear to move, pick any of the three freehand tools; pick a foreground color in one of the cycle ranges; then choose Cycle mode and begin painting. To see the animation happening as you paint, turn on Cycle Colors, then continue painting. (Remember, when you paint with Cycle moce, you must pick a foreground color which belongs to the cycle range currently selected in the Palette. 3. DRAWING/PAINTING TOOLS__________________________________t%:rea, even if a mouse button is down. = makes the brush larger.F - makes it smaller.F h halves its size.F H doubles its size.F . selects the one-pixel (i.e., smallest) brush.F [and] selects the next color up/down in the paint set.F Making Your Own Brush Click the Brush Selection tool with the left button or press b on the keyboard. Drag a selection box around a picture or picture part and release the button. Use the let&;h6ft button to copy the selected paint and the right button to pick up the paint, removing it from the screen. Any paint in the brush which matches the current background color will be transparent. (The current background color is shown in the color indicator at the top of the paint set. Click in the paint set with the right button to change it.) When you use the right button to cut paint from the picture, the rectangle left behind will be filled with the current background colort'<'E V. Click on the brush selection tool with the right button (or type B) to retrieve the brush most recently selected with the Sedection tool. This is useful if in the meantime you've used a pre-built brush or if you've transformed the brush you selected with the Stretch, Rotate Any Angle or Shear commands under Size and Rotate in the Brush menu. In the drawing area, all the line and hollow shape tools use the current brush. If that brush is large, you may find the display discont(=Qrcertingly jumpy when using those tools. Turning on Fast Feedback in the Prefs menu solves the difficulty by causing those tools to draw with the smallest available brush while you hold the button down. Releasing the button redraws the line or shape with the current brush. Brushes can be selected from one picture and used in another (described in the next section). They also can be manipulated with the commands in the Brush menu (described in the section following that). t)>\\Copying from One Picture to Another Copying from one picture to another is simple and straightforward pick up the material as a brush; then load the picture you want to copy it into and paint it there. If the paint set in the new picture differs from the one in the picture the brush came from, choose Shange Colors and the Remap in the Brush menu. The computer will automatically find and use the coosest match in the new set for each color in the old set. (For a nice illustration t*?Hof the effectiveness of this feature, load the King Tut picture and pick it up as a brush; then load Venus and use the remap command.) If you want to use the paint set in effect when the brush was created, choose Use Brush Palette under Color Control in the Picture menu. To undo this action, choose Restore Palette in that same menu. Flipping, Rotating, Stretching a Brush Brushes created with the Brush Selection tool can be flipped, rotated and sized using commands in the Brusht+@ menu. Choosing Size produces a sub-menu of Stretch, Halve, Double, Double Horiz (for double horizontally) and Double Vert (for double vertically). Choose Stretch; then drag with either button to grow or shrink the size of the brush. Hold down the Shift key while stretching to preserve the brush's horizontal to vertical proportions. Halve, Double, Double Horiz and Double Vert do just what they say. Choosing Flip produces a sub-menu of Horiz (for horizontal) and Vert (for vert,Aƞ>tical). Choosing either flips the brush in the named direction. (A horizontal flip turns a word backwards, a vertical flip turns it upside down.) Choosing Rotate produces a sub-menu of 90 Degrees (one quarter-turn clockwise). Any Angle (you drag with either button to retate the anchored box which appears, releasing at the position you want) and Shear (the top is anchored, the bottom slides left and right). When you use the Any Angle command with a complicated brush, the operatt-B1ion can take several seconds to complete. For quick manipulations from the keyboard, press x for Flip Horizontal, y for Flip Vertical and z for Rotate 90 Degrees. Changing Brush Colors If you're using a pre-built brush or if you're using the Color mode with a brush you created, you can change the brush color by clicking with the left (foreground) button in the paint set. The color of the brush is the color it will paint with when you use the left button in the drawing area. t.C@You can also pick the brush color directly from the drawing area. First click with the left button button on the foreground color in the color indicator at the top of the paint set; then point at a color in the drawing area and click just as you would if you were picking the colors from the paint set. Picking colors directlyfrom the drawing area is ispecially useful for touch-up work when closely related shades are involved. The keyboard equivalent for clicking with the left butt/.X`CTton on the color indicator is the comma (,). You will most likely find that keyboard command especially useful for touch up work when using the magnify tool. If you're using a brush you created with the brush selection tool, use Change Colors in the Brush menu to bring up a sub-menu which offers two additional kinds of changes you can make in the color of the current brush. Bg --> Fg provides a way of changing one color in a multi-colored brush. Being by clicking the color you tE=ng return brings that top-most level's listing into the window. For information about ctreating drawers on your data disks, see the reference card. Using Save (Name) in the Picture menu: This command saves the picture currently in memory using the same name you used the last time you saved it. It shows as much of that name as it can in the menu. When you use this command, the program first renames the existing version as backup.pic, then it saves the version in memort, puttitFjxng it in whatever drawer is open when you dave. Think of this as a safety feature. If you should accidentally use Save to replace a version you really wanted, just load backup.pic and give it its old name back with Save As.. BUILDING PICTURES WITH BRUSH AND BACKGROUND LIBRARIES Load the picture named Xmas, then open the Xmas Brush drawer and load the brush named The Tree. Click it into the picture where you think the Christmas tree should go. Click Undo if it doesn't look as gtGPood there as you expected, and click it somewhere else. Now load an ornament and begin decorating your tree. Continue loading brushes and adding them to your picture. And remember, you can use the commands n the Brush menu to change the size, shape and direction of all the brushes, so you can make the tree larger or smaller, etc. When you finish, turn on color cycling to watch the lights blink, the snow fall, and the fire roar. The Fantasy set was designed to work with the FatH_]ntasy Scene in the same manner. The Special set contains bruxhes that are fun to draw with. (Try "gray ball" with the airbrush, for instance. Use a wide nozzle setting.) USING A SCRATCHPAD WITH 512K If you have 512K of memory in your computer, you can use another full screen to store brushes, patterns and picture parts and to create new objects as you work. Choosing Spare and then Swap in the Picture menu (or pressing j--for "jump"--on the keyboard) takes you there. Choose SwatIՠmp again (or press J again) to go back to your picture. To see this feature in action, follow the steps below to put the face of Venus on the alien's view screen in the Starflight picture on your program disk. 1. Begin by loading Venus. Copy her face as a brush. 2. Load Starflight. Choose Change Color and then Remap in the Brush menu to match the Venus brush to the paint set Starflight was painted with. 3. Choose Size and then Stretch in the Picture menu and re-size VenutJ]*Rs's face so it will fit on the view screen. Notice that it overlaps the left side of the alien's head, which is between you and the view screen. 4. Choose Spare and then Swap (or type J) to swap the spare screen into view. Click down a copy of the Venus face to one side. 5. Use Swap again and copy the alien's head where it overlaps the view screen. Swap back to the spare and put down a copy of the alien's head, Pick up a copy of the Venus face, then Swap back to the Starflt Kag@ight picture. 6. Click Venus onto the view screen, then use Swap again to get the alien's head and one last time to return to Starflight so you can click the head back in place, overlapping the picture of Venus now on the screen. The other command in the Spare menu work as follows: Picture to Spare copies the picture in the display to the other screen; the two Merge commands do just what they say. To see them in action, load Starflight, swap it to the spare screen and load Kit!Lng Tut. Then choose Merge in Front. When you prefer the Palette you had to the one you just loaded, choose Color Control and then Restore Palette in the Picture menu. The spare screen is especially handy for constructing the Xmas and Fantasy scenes discussed in the previous section. Just load each brush in a set in turn and stamp down a copy. Swap to the spare screen and load the scene. Then swap back and forth getting the objects as you need them. (You might want to save thet"M(I screen containing the brush collection as a picture for future use.) The spare screen is also handy for filling areas with patterns. Just paint the pattern onto the spare screen, then swap to the other screen to paint your picture. Use the background color to paint the area you want to fill with the pattern. Then choose Merge in back. 2.______________________________________________________________ The Built-in Brushes Left button selects a brush from the Control Panel. Right#NGt button selects a brush ready for resizing. Drag that brush with either button to stretch and shrink it. Release to set the size. In the Drawing Area, Left button uses the selected brush to draw with the current foreground color. Right button does the same with the background color. For help with precise positioning, choose Coordinates in the Prefs menu (described under "Using the Prefs Menu" in the Drawing/Painting Tools section). All the line and hollow shape tools use thet$9k/R current brush. If that brush is large, you may find the display disconcertingly jumpy when using those tools. Turning on Fast Feedback in the Prefs menu solves the difficulty by causing those tools to draw with the smallest available busuh while you determine where you want the line or shape to be. The program then redraws the line or shape with the current brush when you release the button. Advanced Keyboard Controls All commands work whenever the pointer is in the drawing atPЂft one.) 4. To create new colors for the paint set and explore other color controls, click with the right button on the foreground color indicator (or choose Color Control and then Palette in the Picture menu) to bring up the Palette. Make a quick picture on the right hand side of the screen, using a few paint blobs of different colors, then select the Palette. Now click on the colors in your picture with the left button and watch the Palette. Notice that the color you click tQByis selected in the Palette's color set, and that the sliders move each time a new color is selected. To change one of the colors, drag the sliders up and down, or click above and below them to move them a notch at a time. Notice the change in the color in your picture as well as in the paint set. The R, G and B sliders control the amount of red, green and blue in the selected color. The H,S and V sliders control hue (like the "color" knob) and value (the amount of light, like thtR[Ńe "contrast" knob). To undo the work you've done since you last selected a color in the Palette, click the Palette's Undo command. To cancel all the work you've done since you got the Palette out, click Cancel, Click OK to say, "yes, that's what I want." Think of the colors as numbered from 1 in the upper left-hand corner of the paint set to 32 (in low-res mode with 512K memory) in the lower right-hand corner. To change several colors at once, click on a color in the Palette,tSH then click Spread and click on anothe color above or below the first one you selected. The program will automatically generate a smooth set of colors between the two. You can grab the patette and move it around by pointing at its top and holding down the left button while you move the nouse. After you've moved the patette, it will return where you last left it the next time you get it out. The Pallette also contains the controls you need for color cycle animation effects antTd for setting the limits of the Shade and Blend brush modes. For a taste of what's possible with color cycling, follow the instructions in the next section ("Loading and Saving Pictures and Brushes") to load the Waterfall picture from your program disk, then press the Tab key. Press it again to stop the cycling. For more information about color cycling, see "Animating with Cycle" in the "Brushes" section. 5. As these rules become second nature, begin experimenting with the ktUE҃eystrokes shown in the menus and lested in Appendix A of the manual. There are a number of special keyboard controls and shortcuts in DeluxePaint. The Tab key, for instance, turns color cycling on and off. Typing b brings up the selection tool wherever the cursor is pointing. And holding down the SHIFT key while stretching a brush (with the Stretch command in the Brush menu) constrains the action so that the brush height and width retain the same proportional relationship to eactVr%nfh other. All of the keystrokes which can be used as substitutes for the menu commands are listed down the right-hand side of the menus. There's a complete listing of all other keystroke commands in Appendix A at the back of this menual. Don't let the number of keystroke possibilities intimidate you. If you're a mouse-plus-keyboard fan, you'll quickly learn the ones that matter most to you, and you need not worry about the rest. PRINTING PICTURES This manual assumes you have ftW`ollowed the printer setup instructions that came with your computer and your printer. See the reference card that came with your disk for additional information. To print a picture in the display, simply choose Print in the Picture menu. One caution: what you see on the screen is exactly what will print--which means that black background will print as black. If you're using a color printer and want to print a picture with a transparent background, fill the background with whittXe before you print. If you are using a black and white printer, you will probably want to use the gray scale setting for printing art. By all means though, experiment with the black and white mode. There may be times when you want the special effects you can acheive withe it. If you can't remember the name of the drawer you want, erase the current drawer name and press Return. Then select the Brush drawer from the general disk directory which will appear. To save a picture or btY+xrush with SaveAs...: IMPORTANT. Please read and follow the reference card instructions for data disk preparation before using the steps below. 1. Make sure you have ejected the DeluxePaint disk and inserted a data disk in the drive. (External drive users, see the reference card for instructions.) Then choose Save As... from either the Picture or the Brush menu. (Using the DeluxePaint disk for storage is NOT recommended.) 2. Point at the file name slot and click with the leftD 't button; then type in the name you want for your pecture. (Use the Backspace and Delete keys to erase what's there if necessary.) Follow the same procedure to enter a drawer name if you want to use one. Then click Save. If you enter the name of a drawer which does not exist on your data disk, the program will save the brush or picture at the top-most level of the drawers-within-drawers within-drawerw scheme. Erasing the current drawer name from the Save As... window and pressit[ currently selected foreground and background colors. Point at a color in the paint set and click with the left button to select a new foreground color and with the right button to select a new background color. In the drawing area, drag with the left button (that is, hold down the left button while moving the mouse) to draw with the current foreground color, and drag with the right button to draw with the current background color. To change grushes, point at the one you want (int\> the set of possiblities at the top of the Control Panel) and click with the left button. Try out different brushes and colors. Notice the convenience of erasing with the right button whenever the background color on the screen matches the one currently selected in the paint set. And remember, you can always erase your last completed drawing action by clicking Undo. Experiment with the different tools. Notice that the foreground background color rule applies no matter which drat]Ȏwing tool you're using, so erasing large areas is as easy as drawing with one of the filled shape tools with the right button. Notice also that there are actually 8 shape tools: clicking the upper left part of a shape icon selects the hollow tool for that shape; clicking the lower right selects the filled one. When you want to clear the screen completely, painting it with the current background color, click the CLR icon. When you just want to undo your last drawing action, clt^.ick Undo. When you want to stop in the middle of an action, press the Space bar. And if you ever feel completely lost, press Help to return the controls in the Control Panel to the settings they had when you started the program. 2. Any picture or part of a picture can itself be copied or picked up and used as a brush. After some experimentation with the built-in brushes and tools, it's time to add this simple but extremely powerful concept to your Deluxe Painting repertoire.t_, If you click on the Brush selection tool with the left button, then drag a selection box around a picture or part of a picture and release the button, you'll capture whatever you surrounded for use as a brush. Drag and release with the left button to copy the selected paint, drag and release with the right one to pick up the paint, removing it from the pictures. Paint which matches the current background color will be transparent in the brush. When you use the right button to t `e%cut paint from the picture, the rectangle left behind (the "hole" in the picture) will be filled with the current background color. It would be hard to overstate the power and flexibility contained in this "make your own brush" notion. In addition to letting you paint with multicolored brushes, it also lets you pick up parts of a picture and move or copy them to other locations, even to other pictures. The brushes you create can be flipped, stretched and rotated using the commant ads in the Brush menu (see the next "principle"). As a result, you can change the size, shape and orientation of abjects even after you've drawn them. There are both brushes and pictures stored on your program disk. See "Loading and Saving Pictures and Brushes" and "Building Pictures with Brush and Background Libraries" for more information. 3. Point at the Title Strip and press the right button to produce and use the menus. Click with the right button in the Control Pane. to t bGX'bring up the additional options available for some of the tools Pointing at the Title Strip and pressing the right button produces the menu bar. Sliding right and left while holding down the button causes menus to pop down from the headings in the bar. Sliding the highlight over a command and releasing the button selects the command. Some menu items (Size, for instance, in the Brush menu) produce sub-menus when you highlight them. When that happens, slide the pointer over untit ci0ql it is in the subj-menu, then move up and down as you do in all othe menus, releasing the button over a command to select it. To leave a menu or sub-menu without choosing a command, slide all the way out of the menu before releasing the button. Use principle 2 to select a brush, then use this principle to experiment with the commands in the Brush and Mode menus. Brush menu commands affect the size, shape and orientation of the brush. Mode menu commands determine how the brush t d6Xpaints. To see what the right button can do in the Control Panel, click with it on one of the built-in brushes, then meve into the drawing area. The brush will appear with the word "size" attached to it. Drag with either button to grow and shrink the brush size, releasing the button at the size you want. Right buttjon on the airbrush lets you adjust the size of the airbrush nozzle, and on Grid and Symmetry it lets you adjust settings for those controls. On the Selection tool, itO]t brings back the last brush you selected when you've used a built-in brush or a Brush command like Stretch in the meantime. And clicking with the right button on the foreground color indicator at the top of the paint set brings up the Palette described in the next "principle." (By the way, if you're ever unsure whether an item in the Comtrol Panel has right-button options, just try it, if nothing extra is avaliable, clicking with the right button has the same effect as the lerf4 #### # #### ### # #### ### ###### ### # #### # #### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ####### ##### ###### #### # #### #### # #### #### #### ### #### # #### # ###### ####### #### # ##### ####### #### ### #### # ###### # #### #### #### # #### #### #### ### #### # # #### # #### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ### ##### # #### ******************rgLj************************************************************* ****************************** BATTLE ISLE KEYS ******************************* ******************************************************************************* WENN IHNEN DIESE SPIEL SPASS MACHT UBERLEGEN SIE ES SICH DOCH EIN ORGINAL ZU KAUFEN! ******************************************************************************* ****************************** BATTLE ISLE KEYS *************rha****************** ******************************************************************************* TWO PLAYER GAME 00 - FIRST 01 - GHOST 02 - GAMMA 03 - MARSS 04 - EAGLE 05 - METAN 06 ril- FOTON 07 - POLAR 08 - TIGER 09 - ????? 10 - ZENIT 11 - DONNN 12 - VESTA 13 - OXXID 14 - ????? 15 - ????? ******************************************************************************* ***********rjH******************* BATTLE ISLE KEYS ******************************* ******************************************************************************* ONE PLAYER GAME 16 - CONRA 17 - PHASE 18 - EXOTY 19 - MOUNT 20 - FIGHT rk 21 - RUSTY 22 - FIFTH 23 - VESUV 24 - MAGIC 25 - SPACE 26 - VALEY 27 - TESTY 28 - TERRA 29 - SLAVE 30 - NEVER 31 - RIVER 32 - DELTA rlmì 33 - ERAKH ******************************************************************************* ****************************** BATTLE ISLE KEYS ******************************* ******************************************************************************* Typed In By : :::::::::. :::::::::. .::::::::. tm :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::::::::' ::::::::: :::::::::: :::: ::r m:: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::::::::' :::: :::: ******************************************************************************* ****************************** BATTLE ISLE KEYS ******************************* ******************************************************************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM - * Dr O0@ANSE MACABRE * (713) 324-2139 * THE COMPANY WHQ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- - THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM - * DANSE MACABRE * (713) 324-2139 * THE COMPANY WHQ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- #j"*#A nL#Atāv#C#A$) m o$) GtoH{ʭback to the last version you saved. So look any drawing or painting inhibitions you may have squarely in the eye and get rid of them. The fastest route to DeluxePaint mastery is fearless playfulness while you work. The 5 basic "principles" described on the next page offer a guide to a hands-on exploration of the program's powers. These principles aren't meant to be read and memorized, as if for a test. For best results, read and explore each of them before going to the next. tZAnd if your exploration makes you curious, by all means use the table of contents and index to track down more information elsewhere in this manual. You can always come back to dive into the next principle hater on. LEARNING DELUXEPAINT: A QUICK-START GUIDE 1. In the paint set and the drawing area, left button means foreground color, right button means background color. In the Control Panel, left button selects tools. The color indicators at the top of the paint set show theHArtzqEmpty qH]     %$#"! 0/.-,+*)('&;:987654321FEDCBA@?>=<Q3<ss2.txtpr s~ mlkjihgfes *BattleIsle.keyspre ******************************************************************************* ****************************** BATTLE ISLE KEYS ******************************* ******************************************************************************* ####### ###### ### ###### ####### ##### ###### ### #### # ### #### ### # #### #### # ### ###### ### ##### ### ####### ###### ### # #### ### #### ### # tHu\-,+*)('&%$#876543210/.CBA@?>=<;:9NMLKJIHGFEDYXWVUTSRQPOdcba`_^]\[Zonu ~ dpaint4.docpvtnv Enter filename of file to view? dpaint.doc ****************** * DELUXE PAINT * ****************** 1. GETTING STARTED The essence of DeluxePaint is experimentation. Drag across the screen (that is, move the mouse while holding down a button), and something happens. Don't like what you did? Click Undo in the Control Panel to get rid of it. And pulling down a menu to choose Load always gets you v      "! t};#???PONMLKJIHG8g t2RefCard.docp y_ /HH`?$'O A$H^`@_ /@?$'O A$@ @_ /$@?$'O A$$+P@ t_ / ?$'O A$  @ @L _ /? $'O A$@_* /P a@? I'O  Q8MBH a :@ qL*_* /PȀL?ɟI'O BHȀ l؀*_T /E?IȒ'O DE`_*_ /?I'O xp8r;X*_( /@h@X?I$'O  h@  xz@0*_ /30?I'O @37 p_*z{/y~}|{= { finalf.docpz|{ SKID ROW - SKID ROW - SKID ROW - SKID ROW - SKID ROW - SKID ROW --^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--- THE DOX TO FINAL FIGHT ---------------------- YOUR FIGHTERS. ------------- GUY (B.12.8.1965) AFTER MASTERING THE ART ON NINJITSU CAN ATTACK WITH AN UNEQUALLED SPEED. HE OFTEN CATCHES HIS ,OPPONENTS OFF GUARD WITH HIS SPECIAL `OFF THE WALL JUMP` CODY (B.18.4.1967) HIS GIRLFRIEND,JESSICA WAS z}VKIDNAPPED BY THE MAD GEAR GANG. BEING AN EXPERT IN MARTIAL ARTS HE IS ESPECIALLY GOOD WITH KNIVES. HAGGAR (B.3.9.1943) A FORMER CHAMPION STREET FIGHTER, IS AN EXPERT AT THE BACK DROP AND THE PILE DRIVER AFTER MASTERING SKILLS IN PRO-WRESTLING. HE IS NOW THE MAYOR OF METRO CITY AND JESSICA IS HIS DAUGHTER. SCENARIO. -------- BATTLE THROUGH 6 BREATH TAKING LEVELS AGAINST THE MAD GEAR GANG WHO`VE KIDNAPPED JESSICA IN METRO CITY!. BECOME `HAGGAR` OR ONE OF HIS LETHAL SIDE KICKS, `CODYz~8 OR GUY` AND HEAD FOR THE STREETS... USE YOUR FISTS AND FEET AS WELL AS KNIVES,PIPES MUROMASHES OR MASAMUNES. FIGHT IN SUBWAYS,SEEDY WAREHOUSES,WRESTLING RINGS AND ON THE UNDER GROUND AND ALSO TRAINS. YOU`LL FIND YOURSELF IN HAND TO HAND COMBAT WITH THE MAD GEAR GANG,BAD GIANTS AND SINISTER SAMURAI SWORDSMEN! LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE THOUGH-CODYS A VETERAN KARATE EXPERT AND GUYS ONE HELL OF A NINJA FIGHTER!!!. AS FOR HAGGAR HIMSELF - HE`S BIGGER,FASTER AND MEANER THAN ANYONE ALIVE!!!!zn HINTS AND TIPS -------------- -AS YOU FIGHT YOUR WAY THROUGH THE DIRTY STREETS-LOOK OUT FOR A STAIRCASE THAT WILL LEAD YOU DOWN TO THE UNDERGROUND STOREROOM OF THE MAD GEARS. -CRUSH ALL OPPOSITION IN THE STOREROOM BEFORE CONTINUING TO THE SUBWAY. -BATTLE YOUR WAY ALONG THE PLATFORM UNTIL THE TRAIN ARRIVES.DURING YOUR JOURNEY SEVERAL SUICIDAL ATTACKS SO BEWARE!! -THE TRAIN STOPS BETWEEN STATIONS,GET OUT AND FIGHT YOUR WAY ALONG THE TRACK,WHILE IN A DARK AND WET DRIPPING TUNNEL. z`:-YOU WILL THEN FIGHT IN AN UNDER GROUND WRESTLING RING AGAINST THE CHAPION,IN FRONT OF 100`S OF SCREAMING MAD GEARS. STAMINA IS THE BEST WAY TO SUCESS. -WHEN YOU HAVE DEFEATED THE ENEMY GAIN EXTRA POINTS BY SMASHING UP THE CAR,PARKED AT THE FILLING STATION, AGAINST A TIME LIMIT. -ATTACK THE ENEMY ON THE STREET JUST OUTSIDE THE RESTURANT THEN THROUGH THE BAR AND INTO ANOTHER BLOOD THIRSTY WRSTLING ARENA,TO FIGHT MORE OF THE MAD GEARS CHAMPIONS. -FIGHT ALONG THE STREET AGAINST A CROzwOKED COP, HE WILL SHOOT AT YOU IN ORDER TO DESTROY YOU,THEREFORE YOUR SPECIAL TECHNIQUES TO DESTROY THIS MENACING COP. -WHEN CROSSSING A CATWALK IN THE INDUSTRIAL AREA, FIGHT THE MAD GEARS WHILE AVOIDING JETS OF FLAME RISING FROM BELOW. THIS WILL LEAD YOU TOWARDS A CONSTRUCTION LIFT WHERE YOU WILL COMBAT A MAGICAL,GRENADE LOBBING NINJA COMMANDO. -EXTRA POINTS CAN BE ACHIEVED BY BREAKING PANES OF GLASS IN THE FACTORY AGAINST A TIME LIMIT. -SAVE YOUR BEST COMBAT SKILLS AS YOU FIGHT zzxPAST A RATHER ODD LOOKING STATUE OF LIBERTY, FOR THE FINAL FIGHT TO FREE `JESSICA` -BEGIN FIGHTING ON THE STREET NEAR THE HOTEL. ONCE INSIDE, AVOID FALLING CHANDELIERS AND SEARCH FOR THE LIFT TO TAKE YOU TO THE ROOF GARDEN. THIS IS THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF THE MAD GEARS BOSS. ONLY HIS DESTRUCTION WILL ALLOW YOU TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL. JOYSTICK CONTROLS. ------------------ TOP CENTRE WITH JOYSTICK DEPRESSED ;- JUMP AND KICK DOWN SENTRE WITH JOYSTICK DEPRESSED ;- SPECIAL z'/Z4MOVES FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL PLAYER/FIGHTER LEFT - TOP LEFT - TOP RIGHT - RIGHT ;- ALL WITH JOYSTICK DEPRESSED ARE FLYING KICKS IN DIRECTION FACING. PLAYERS WITHOUT FIRE BUTTON PRESSED CAN WALK;- LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN OR DIAGONAL. FIRE BUTTON ;- PUNCH TO PICK UP AN OBJECT (IE) WEAPON OR FOOD STAND ABOVE THE OBJECT AND PRESS FIRE. THATS IT FOR NOW...THESE DOX TYPED IN FOR SKID ROW BY -- SCOOTER -- u!kjih}|{zyxwvuts~>' intruder.keyp? _______ __ __ _ _ _________ F1 Zoom In F2 Zoom Out F3 Sensitivity Increase F4 Sensitivity Decrease F5 Outside View F6 Tracking View F7 ACLS F8 Satellite View F9 Carrier View F10 Menu Esc Menu 1 Horizontal View Rotate 2 Vertical View Rotate 3 L Back 45 deg. View 4 Left View 5 L Front 45 deg. View 6 Front View 7 R Front 45 deg. View 8 Right View 9 R Back 45 deg. View Alt 1 Reverse Horizontal View Rotate Alt 2 Reverse Vertical View Rotat% jimkey.docp;O JIMMY WHITE'S WHIRLWIND Key Commands Typed by 2TUFF/CRYSTAL! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ESC - Game Control F10 - Undo 1 - Place red (TRO) 2 - Place (TRO) Nominate Yellow 3 - Place (TRO) Nominate Green -=> Same as Ball Value's <=- 4 - Place (TRO) Nominate Brown 5 - Place (TRO) Nominate Blue 6 - Place (TRO) Nominate Pink 7 - Place (TRO) Nominate Black 0 - Clear the Table += - Set Cue power (Incre8ase/Decrease) <- - Relay Table (TRO) Q - View Q Ball W - Screen Type U - Top Spin P - Plan View {[ - Cue Left Fine Control }] - Cue Right Fine Control RTN - Take Shot (Hold to follow Cue Ball) CTRL - Repeat Previous Key Command A - Answer Question S - Compute best shot **** H - Side Spin (Left) J - Side Spin (Right) Z - Zoom In X - Zoom Out C - Chalk Cue V - View Line B - Answer Question N - Back Spin M - Central4_ise Hit Spot ?/ - Information <-- - Cue left --> - Cue Right \/ - View Angle (Decrease) /\ - View Angle (Increase) Key! ---- TRO - Trick Shot Only **** - If Available next waypoint for the aircraft. See the next paragraph. Press [;] to advance your current waypoint as shown on the outside views, effectively changing it for the plane. The readout does not give you the exact waypoint order. Any combat waypoint order (such as "Drop Paveway"'gWVUTSRgfedcba`_^]lrqponm.%2 robin!.doxpmrv. D O C 'S /\ / \ _______________________/ OF \________________________ / \ <(-T H E A D V E N T U R E O F R O B I N H O O D-)> \=====================================================/ by... >>> SKID ROW <<< - ORIGINAL by: >>>S.S.R.<<< The Story... UsX\[ZY o rtypeii.docpYD^ #### ##### # # #### ##### ######## (C) # # # # # # # # # # #### ### # # # #### ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ######## < THE DOC'S > SPACE WAS RIPPED BY HUTRED AND DESIRE TO COUNTERATTACK AND TAKE REVENGE .... THE EMPIRE REVELD. IT GANED NEW POWER AND RAPIDLY ENVELOPE IN AN OTHER DIMENSION ... 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It jumps hide, CLEANS THE CLI-WINDOW, and then types your text. After that it shows up again. Note: It cleans screen before printing your text!!! (no need to clean it yourself) Amigaman Designs / W I Z Z C A T Jyrki Hoisko, Asentopaikka 4, SF-96440 ROI, FINLAND Error!!! Bad args!! Not enough memory!!. 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