\F4\I[Some News|By Frame|Section: Odds and Ends - Various] \F2\4\MBalance \F1\2* The most productive coder of Balance, the Swedish Confidence, joined the new group Subspace as double member for while. Recently he left Subspace to stay in Balance only. * The group requited another coder, the Italian \1Hedgehog\2. * The skilled Swedish musician \1Radix\2 also teamed up from Limited Edition. \3(Read more about Radix in an exclusive interview in this issue of No Sense.) \F1 \F2\4\MC-Lous \F1\2* The two coders \1Origo\2 and \1Prospect\2 have both joined Subspace as double members. Though, Origo is still active in C-Lous whilst Prospect went into the army. * \1Scout\2 took a little break from coding in C-Lous as he's been busy with the convertion of the Citron. diskmagazine Oepir Risti to PC but as fast as the diskmagazine is ready, Scout will probably start with a demo for The Party 1996 if motivation is there. * Recently a lot of sceners have converted to the PC-scene and so did \1Frame\2 when he joined \1Peek\2. Though, he's not as active on the PC scene as on the Amiga scene. * As the group was in great need of active swappers, \1Gangsta of Scoopex\2 was asked to join as double member. He joined and changed handle to \1Case 78\2. * \1Some1&Morrow\2 will release a music-disk. This will be Some1's goodbye to the scene according to himself. \F1 \4\F2\MEssence \F1\2* The graphics duo \1Gfx-Twins\2 rejoined the scene and are again members of Essence. Later they joined Scoopex as double members. \4\F2\MNewAge \F1\2*The group died when the coder Infant left the group to join Subspace. \4\F2\MRebels \F1\2* A demo has been announced for almost a year but nothing has happened. The main organizer of the group, \1Swoop\2, says that the demo they've spoken about - or at least an intro - for sure will be released at Assembly '96. \F1 \4\F2\MScoopex \F1\2* \1Splatterhead\2 (swapper) left the group and joined Fanatic whilst the new swapper no. 1 \1Gangsta\2 joined C-Lous as double-member and changed handle to \1Case 78\2. * Gfx-Twins joined as double-members from Essence. \4\F2\MSuburban Base \F1\2* According to the musician \1Randall\2, the group haven't merged together with \1Jewels\2. The productivity has been decreased lately as most members have been serving their country in the army, or in some cases still do. According to Randall, the famous \1Dance Diverse\2 music-disks series will soon continue\2. \F1 \4\F2\MTBL \F1\2* Big personalities and skills like \1Facet\2, \1Supernao\2, \1Danny\2, \1Louie\2 and \1Lizard\2 have joined the Sweden-based group. Recently also two other Swedish coders joined, \1TBM\2 and \1Dig-it\2 as one of the coder behind most productions lately, \1Equalizer\2, moved to England together with Louie and \1Rodney\2, to work for \1Team 17\2. * A demo is under construction for Assembly '96 and their only wish is to beat the Finns, according to \1Rubberduck\2. \C[ClipArts/pinnen.Chnk]