\I[The Musician Behind "Slamtilt"|By Frame|Section: Personalities] \F2\4\MDiscussion with \MDestructor / Obscene about \Mthe Video Game Market \F1 \C[ClipArts/pinnen.Chnk] \3One of the biggest entertainment industries are with no doubt the computer and video game market. A fact is that the game "Sonic The Hedgehog" was market leading in the entertainment business the same year as the major film "Terminator 2" with Arnold Swartzenegger was of current interest. I've met Christian Bjorklund, 19, to some people better known as Destructor of Obscene, to discuss his job, musician, as he simply prefer to call it, within the entertainment line of business. He is, more or less, famous for e.g. his modules in C-Lous intros "Time Square" and "Nonsense" plus various Obscene releases. \C[ClipArts/pinnen.Chnk] \2"\3The game took at least one year to produce\2", explains Destructor, who made all the music for the praised pinball clone, SLAMTILT. The fact that he also was busy studying while doing the game naturally made his time for homework short. In spite of this he believes that he will be able to graduate with pretty good results. Destructor became a bit thoughtful when I asked him if he really likes his job. "\3Ugh, no it's actually not very fun! Or, yes, sometimes... pretty often actually... it depends, when you can be creative and decide much yourself, then it's high life! It varies, but it's much better than 'normal' jobs, I hate those!\2" The question what he can tip others about in the business makes him ponder a lot but he's totally clear on one point. "\3Let anyone else take care of the paper job and everything that matters agreements and contracts. I'm very happy that I wasn't involved in that.\2", he says. When I met him a second time, he once again pointed out that "\3...well, I believe that what's made the game this good was mainly the hard work. That's always what counts in the long run!\2" When asking Destructor about the salary, he makes a quick answer out of the question and indirectly tells me he doesn't want to discuss any sums but he tells me that it isn't much more than any ordinary job. Though, if Slamtilt goes well (which it according to himself seems to do), Destructor will most probably become a fortune richer. \C[ClipArts/pinnen.Chnk]