In the spurious " we are back " serie B.O.M.B Is proud to present a new experiment in no-sense demonstation S.H.A.F.T n°7 (Revision 2.0) -featuring... Coding : Ben Gfxs & objects : Axel Bomb logo & gfxs : Titan Shaft7 picture : Made Music : Yolk & Legend First Place at THE PARTY 6 1. ABOUT REVISION : Uses now different chunky2planar routines on low machines The credits-part fucked up on the big screen, it is fixed. When screens swapped, there was naughty flash, no more now. Should be 040 and 060 fixed... Some small bugs removed 2. HOW TO WATH THE DEMO : Just copy the files from the archives to a directory ; and execute : SHAFT7.EXE 3. SOME STATEMENTS : - all effects are 1x1 so you shouldn't ask yourself if they are in 1x2 or 2x2. Also no mirror cheating needed... - Watch them Dogs. - We would Like to send our respects to Azure/Artwork, Murk/sonic and to Destop/Cncd for keeping so high our pleasure when watching there productions... Keep doin' what you're doin' - Greetings to : Orcus, Spock, Calisto, Dyze, Uz, Darky, Snag, Zex Xann, Goyan, Ace, Zeugma, Gryzor, Gengis, Oxbab, Spiral, Niko, Mon, Ninja, Hof, Reflex, Nam, Alex, Jumbo Burger, AudioMonster, Dune, Mr Vatin, Zeb, Edw Hardfire, haplo, Gelmir, Yolk & legend, Lca, zappy Patapom, Rez, and everybody at the party - A very special thank must go to : Zack/Giant, Sixpack/Gods and Scanx/Emergency for supplying us their tv cable at the party place bcoz without you, it would not have been possible... - To the Party Organizers : Where the fuck were the showers... - Beware of Dogs. 4. DEMO REQUIREMENTS : This demo should work on basical A1200+4Mb fast mem and a HD, but you should run it from a 030 at 40 MHz (or better) with 8Mb and a -FAST- HD... Otherwise you will have some synchronization problems, and so on. Sorry to all those who haven't such systems, but rules at the Party were quite cool !! Finally, you shouldn't run it from an Overdrive... 5. BOMB NOTE BOOK : - Current Members of Bomb are at the moment : - Gengis (Pc coder) - Zappy (Pc coder) - Patapom (Pc coder) - Ben (Amiga coder) - Titan (Gfxs) - Made (Gfxs) - Axel (Gfxs) we don't know other names...