- IJSKAST PROUDLY PRESENTS - - CLOSE YOUR EYES - LAST FINAL (third uploaded version) [new in this version: better module, actually 64kb total filesize] *** configuration **** DOS NO EMS LOTSA CONVENTIONAL (use uma plz) NO DOS4GW NO PMODE PURE DOS!!!! SB16!!!!!! oh. it runs from windows too i guess. WOW! A DOS 64K FROM WIN. yes yes IJSKAST innovates again. oh and ehm. the module engine is old and the music is crappy. Please don't kill us. Thank You. oh and by the way. al;l files in the 'intro' subdir in thios zip should make up the 64k. not the other files. those are extras for our fans. *** skjkwehvkjwevh *** Participating in the 64k intro at bizarre '99 held at 4,5,6 september in the theater and congrescentre 'the Nobelear' in Etten-Leur, Noord-Brabant, les Pays-bas, Europe main code KOMBI.IJSKAST backup code, music JEUK.IJSKAST graphix BEMMEL.IJSKAST p.r. KLEVER.IJSKAST demo engine totally wrote at the partyplace, although I don't remember really I'm sorta losing my voice and conscience right now.KOMBI BugZzzzzzz rule.... **** thanks **** underdog for providing us with the soundsystem the biz orgs for actually shoing this 64k rogek for providing us with 24h/day on-party 634986dB hardcore music. This encouraged us greatly to speed on with the debugging so that we could go watch some movie or stuff. somewhere else. **** infofile bij kombi and jeuk ***