PC-DEMO: 1st Vivid Part2: Boost / Doomsday ...... [3100 points] 2nd The Secret life of Mr Black / Orange [ 952 points] 3rd Mindtrap / Trauma .................. [ 892 points] PC-64K: 1st Mainstream / Moottori .............. [1416 points] 2nd Greble / Recreation ................ [1064 points] 3rd Dislocated / Bandwagon ............. [1024 points] PC-4K: 1st Helium / PWP ....................... [1748 points] 2nd Axe / Reflection ................... [1032 points] 3rd Emotion / Noxe ..................... [ 732 points] WIN95-DEMO: 1st My Love / Japotek .................. [ 0 points] JAVA-DEMO: 1st Javademo Ankka / Five Coders ....... [2268 points] 2nd Super / Gheto Broz ................. [2188 points] 3rd The Levels of Insight / DK-Scene ... [1228 points] written by rommel/revelation