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  july 1997 (lit)

Well kids, Its again time for the news from the underground lit scene, and big news it be.

This month turns out some great work and information in our corner of the scene. First up:

The biggest lit join ever conceived is still underway. Contacth Cthulu of Mistisgris for info. Its gonna be mad elite.

New groups this month: PiPe, founded by Acolyte, Formerly of Blade, and Crowe, currenlty with blade. Look for some Great work from Pipe and get involved. There looking for guest/staff writers.

Also new this month is a project from Force. A new satirical anthoolgy edited by Crowe. Got some humerous story or peice of lit, send it in and check them out at and

The Lit Server is up strong, the pages have been added and the pub ftp archiveis up at Packs are available and were looking for uploads. Eclipse of Force joined the staff as Artist.

Mistigris is looking for artits and writers to guest in their upcoming 3 year anniversery pak. Contact Cthulu or any of the Mist folk.

Acheron's New Mirror is up at as well.

Codine has seemed quitet sinse Luke left on vacation and paine has been nowhere to be found. Will there be another Codine pak? If anyone knows the status please contact me and let me know and any founders get in touch with me so we can get your page done!!!!!

Help the lit scene grow, join a group or just submit regularly, upload packs to and, check out there web pages and support your scene. Its growing, be a part of it!

If you have lit news, contact and see it here on acheron!!!!!!!

"I always thought god was someone else, imagine my suprise when I found out is was me"

Fush You mang.

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