_______ ________ _____| |__________ | | ______________ \__ _________/_| |_________/ \ / \ \ - \ / \_ \_ __________/_ \_____________ / l /_____ / \____________/-------|__________/s H O\________/ [ t h e ] _____ _____ ____________ _____________ _/\_________ ___________ / \/ \/ \/ \/ ________/_/ \ / \ _ \_ _ \__________ \ _ \ / \__ /___ / \_ ________/ \______/\/\______/ \__________/ \__________/------i________/__________\ [ m o o s e ] __ __ | | ___ | | | |____ __ ______________| |_________ | |____ _______ __ ___________ | \/ |/ / \ ________/_| \/ _ \/ |/ / ___/ | - \ _____/ - \ \_ \ _____/_ ___/----- \ |_________\____| /__________\----i__________/_|\_____\________\___|__________\ [ b r o t h e r s ] | | | ---[ j a v a d e m o r e l e a s e ]--- | | | | ---[ Y A V A 2 0 0 0 ]--- | | | | ---[ D R E A M H A C K 9 9 ]--- | | | }---[ Some notes... ]--- | | | | A system config like this will give you a high FPS | | K6-2 400Mhz | | 64Mb ram | | | | | | | }---[ Credits... ]--- | | | | ---[ Programming ]--- | | GOSUB reading java docs/compiling | | | | ---[ The Rest ]--- | | GLAZER gfx/3d/sfx/"design" | | | | | | | | | | | ok, the short and sad story... approx. a week ago, gusub said as a joke that it'd bee fun to make a java-demo for dh. ofcourse i never understood that it was ment as a joke, and started tracking a tune, however gosub downloaded some old java SDK from sun, and started compiling (actually he had never coded java before) some visual stuff. anyway gosub packed his machine and got on a train and ended up at my place, where we started to make the damn demo. thou after a few hours we found out that playing NHL2000 was just as amusing (or maybe more) as making the demo stuff, so we spent too much time playing that damn game =) well, the days went by, and thw night before the party we had like 20 seconds of demo, and gosub had to go to bed, cause he was going to travel the next day (to the party), so i had to put all the stuff together in 5-6 hours and then send it to him at the party, however, it seemed to work out pretty fine, until now, friday, 20:25 am (or pm, i never get those things right) when we (he) found some timing bug in the demo, and his machine is pretty occupied by bizze. well, i dont know shit about the outcome of this one yet, but i hope it'll work on the bigscreen. have a blast, /Glazer | | | | | | | | | | \___________________________[ TMB homepage: www.algonet.se/~skede ]__________/