asm99 hölöpölöresults support right thanks bye -- c64 music 1. starfall by brite-lite 2. desert queen by agemixer 3. jari tyyli theme by codehead graphics 1. i cant play agemixer 2. kuva by deetsay/panic 3. lost children by brite-lite demo 1.speedway 3 by panic 2.j.a.q. by scallop 3.woznak's jazz experience by visac -- music tiny 1.parasite blessing by quasian hybrids by zealan 3.cochlea by noa naki (prototype/amour) mp3 1. credits by purple motion 2. lätkäjätkät vie mun naiset by wode 3. the box by jugi/komplex multichannel 1.monument by nobody 2.second time by quasian 3.route through baghdad by gspot/bandwagon/recreation -- graphics pixel headphones are waterproof by shar 2.nippon steel by beam peace by partikle -- raytrace 1.hillevihiiri ja amerikan serkku by orbiter 2.dragonrun by hoax 3.sodan jaloissa by marzu animation 1.grumps by jarno 2.paradise by 720 3.drugwars by vortex -- pc in64k 1.viagra by mewlers 2.flekk by nahkolor 3.3x3 by reality benders in4k 1.matriisi by mooze 2.orinoco by digimind 3.rasia by yogi demo nonaccel 1.gasoline by recreation 2.cod liver oil by damones 3.euphoria by pyrotech 4.pyy by kooma+doomsday+pyy 5.delphium 2 by essex demo accel 1.virhe by mature furk -> futuremark 2.traumatique by trauma zen by komplex 4.käyttökuksa by tAAt -- java democompo 1.i by yodel 2.cyboman 2 by komplex 3.lain by otak inc wild 1.asminator by the mans 2.bongfuck mc's: uprocking bitch by mankeli 3.nose helper by pojat naukkarisen -- amiga in4k by extreme 2.pukamat by tundrah by sabaoth in64k 1.älä ota sitä vakavasti by da jormas! 2.push by extreme 3.sparkling blue light by spaceballs demo by loveboat 2.klone by dual crew shining 3.megademo by mystic 4.donut fetish by woman3 -- outdoorcompo biathlon 1. conando 2. tappajakirahvi/mds 3. marc/fit football 1. ussr vera varimo/fc webtoyou 2. konehuone kalle karikoski 3. group captain pekka alho