; The Problem's Australia EP Installer Script. ; Written with help of ASCII-Edit in March/May 1995. ;two vars for scrolling logo through window SET scrollUP  SET scrollDN  SET empty " > " SETFONT topaz.font 8 IF NOT Exists Australia-Install ECHO "You have either already installed Australia, or something weird happened!*nI can not find this directory:*n`CD`Australia-Install/" ECHO NOLINE "*n*n > Press Return " SET >NIL: Return ? ENDCLI ENDIF ;Install the cli-commands first CD Australia-install ECHO NOLINE "Please wait...*n*nInstalling commands in C: ..." COPY >NIL: Cli-Stuff/#? C: COPY >NIL: ASCIIEdit.config S: SetRGB >NIL: RESET ; ;The following part magically converts the "Install.DATA" file to a ;protracker module, loads it into SmartPlay and then deletes it... IF EXISTS Install.DATA ECHO NOLINE "...done!*nLoading & Converting Install.DATA file ..." ECHO NOLINE >RAM:Header piano JOIN RAM:Header Install.DATA TO RAM:Mod.Piano DELETE >NIL: RAM:Header SP RAM:Mod.Piano NW NM NE NC DELETE >NIL: RAM:Mod.Piano ECHO "...done!" ENDIF ECHO "*ec" TYPE TP-Logo.ASCII WAIT 1 TYPE TP-AUSTRALIA.ASCII WAIT 1 ECHO Press Return(C)1995 by The Problem SET >NIL: Return ? ECHO "*ec" TYPE TP-AUSTRALIA.ASCII WAIT 1 ;scroll up half a screen and display info ECHO  ECHO "Welcome to The Problem's Australia EP installer.*n" ECHO " This script will fully install the Australia EP where you want it. Please*n note that you need about 5 Mb of free space on your harddisk during the*n installation. After installation, Australia will take up about ??Mb.*n" ECHO " It IS VITAL that you use this installer. If you copy stuff by hand, we can*n ensure you that some things in the EP won't work. (Some files have been*n deliberately corrupted; they will be restored by the installer.)*n" ECHO " Coming up is a Path Requester in which you should choose a destination*n directory. If you are unsure wether you have enough diskspace, cancel the*n requester to quit the installation procedure." ECHO NOLINE " Press Return " SET >NIL: Return ? ECHO " " ;where to install, the Path requester... LAB Repeat SET Path "" SET Path `RequestFile DRAWER "Ram:" DRAWERSONLY TITLE "Select Path for AUSTRALIA!" POSITIVE "Install Here" NEGATIVE "Quit!"` IF NOT $Path ECHO " Are you sure you DON'T want to install Australia? (Y/N)" SET YPos  SET YES "Yeah! I hate installing EP's! (What?!) " SET NO "No! O my God! What have I done!?! (you pressed Quit!...) " SET label Quit SKIP SUB_YesNo ELSE SKIP DontQuit ENDIF LAB Quit IF $answer EQ Y SP STOP ENDCLI ELSE SKIP BACK Repeat ENDIF LAB DontQuit ECHO $scrollDN LAB questions ECHO " Okay, now please answer the following questions...*n" ECHO " Do you want 8-colour Magic WB icons (in stead of 4-colour)? (Y/N)" ECHO "$empty" ECHO "*n Do you want the new WB backdrop to be activated? (in prefs file!) (Y/N)" ECHO "$empty" ECHO "*n Do you run an 'interlaced' workbench? (Y/N)" ECHO "$empty" ECHO "*n Are you sure about all this? (Y/N)" ECHO "$empty" ECHO "" ;the following makes use of the 'sub-routine', (see further down) LAB Repeat2 SET Ypos  SET YES "Yes please, give me the beautyfull ones!" SET NO "No, I want 4 colour icons..." SET label Repeat3 SKIP SUB_YesNo LAB Repeat3 SET Q1 $answer SET Ypos  SET YES "Yes, I guess I do." SET NO "No, just leave me alone will you!" SET label Repeat4 SKIP SUB_YesNo LAB Repeat4 SET Q2 $answer SET Ypos  SET YES "Yes, I've got loads of memory and/or own a multiscan monitor!" SET NO "No, I'm just an honest bloke! (Or I own a 1 GIG HD instead!)" SET label Repeat5 SKIP SUB_YesNo LAB Repeat5 SET Q3 $answer SET Ypos  SET YES "Yes, I'm not stupid you know!" SET NO "No, I made a little mistake." SET label Continue SKIP SUB_YesNo LAB Continue SET Q4 $answer ECHO NOLINE "*n*n*n Hit The Return Key! (Again) " SET >NIL: Return ? IF $Q4 EQ N ECHO " Try again! " SKIP BACK questions ENDIF ECHO $scrollUP$scrollUP ;And now for the backdrops... ECHO "*ec" ECHO "You will now have the opportunity to select which background picture will*nbe installed. Wether or not you have chosen to activate it, we will copy*nit to your SYS:Prefs/Patterns directory." SET label BACKSELEC1 IF $Q1 EQ Y SKIP Pics8col ELSE SKIP Pics4col ENDIF LAB BACKSELEC1 ECHO "*n*n*n 1  2 " IF $Q3 EQ Y ECHO "  These are nonlaced versions. A laced version will be installed! " ENDIF LAB BACKSELEC2 ECHO NOLINE "Enter your choice: " SET >NIL: back ? CD Backdrops/ SET patterns "SYS:Prefs/Patterns/AustBugles" IF NOT EXISTS SYS:Prefs/Patterns/" MakeDir >NIL: SYS:Prefs/Patterns ENDIF IF NOT VAL "$back" EQ 1 IF NOT VAL "$back" EQ 2 SKIP BACK BACKSELEC2 ELSE IF $Q1 EQ Y IF $Q3 EQ Y COPY >NIL: Bugles2.HL $patterns ELSE COPY >NIL: Bugles2 $patterns ENDIF ELSE IF $Q3 EQ Y COPY >NIL: Bugles4.HL $patterns ELSE COPY >NIL: Bugles4 $patterns ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF $Q1 EQ Y IF $Q3 EQ Y COPY >NIL: Bugles.HL $patterns ELSE COPY >NIL: Bugles $patterns ENDIF ELSE IF $Q3 EQ Y COPY >NIL: Bugles3.HL $patterns ELSE COPY >NIL: Bugles3 $patterns ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;Copy window backdrop COPY >NIL: AustraliaWindows sys:prefs/patterns/ CD / DELETE >NIL: Backdrops ALL ECHO "*ec" TYPE TP-AUSTRALIA.ASCII ECHO "The selected pattern has been installed." IF $Q2 EQ Y IF $Q1 EQ Y COPY >NIL: WbPattern8.prefs SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/WbPattern.prefs ECHO "An 8 colour Window Backdrop has been copied to your SYS:Prefs/Patterns*ndirectory. This backdrop has also been actived in WBPattern.prefs!" ELSE COPY >NIL: WbPattern4.prefs SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/WbPattern.prefs ECHO "An 8 colour Window Backdrop has been copied to your SYS:Prefs/Patterns*ndirectory. This backdrop can be actived using WBPattern!" ENDIF ECHO "And it has been activated (WbPattern.prefs file has been altered)." ELSE ECHO "Use WbPattern to put it on your worbench!" ENDIF DELETE >NIL: WbPattern#?.prefs WBPattern FROM SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/WbPattern.prefs USE ECHO NOLINE "Press Return... " SET >NIL: Return ? ECHO  ;Superb usage of 'list' in order to rename the iconz. ECHO NOLINE "Now installing your icons..." IF $Q1 EQ Y LIST #? >RAM:Iconz LFORMAT "DELETE >NIL: *"%P%S*"" ALL SUB .info2 ELSE LIST >RAM:Iconz LFORMAT "DELETE >NIL: *"%P%M.info*"*nRENAME >NIL: *"%P%S*" *"%P%M.info*"" ALL SUB .info2 ENDIF EXECUTE >NIL: RAM:Iconz DELETE >NIL: RAM:Iconz ECHO "...FINISHED!!!" ;WOW! a scroll! You saw that?! ECHO "$scrollDN$scrollDN*ec" ;move outside the Australia-install dir... CD / SET Path "$Path"Australia ECHO "And now... All HELL will break loose! Just a second...*n" COPY Australia-install $Path ALL ECHO NOLINE "*nCleaning up..." DELETE >NIL: Australia-install ALL ;create a script in ram to delete this installer... ECHO >RAM:KillInstaller "WAIT 3*nCD *"`CD`*"*nDELETE Australia-install ALL*nDELETE Australia.#?" CD $Path ECHO "*ec" TYPE TP-Logo.ASCII ECHO " That's IT! The Australia EP is yours for EVER! Explore The Outback!" ECHO NOLINE "Press Return" SET >NIL: Return ? ECHO "$scrollDN$scrollDN" TYPE TP-Australia.ASCII ECHO  ECHO "- This installer was created by the following Problem members-" ECHO "*nGraphics*nSolution*nAlcoRhythm" ECHO "*nCoding/Scripting*nAlcoRhythm*nSolution" ECHO "*nDesign*nWanda" ECHO "*nQuality Assurance*nCSilla*nInfinity" ECHO "*nMusic*nAlcoRhythm" ECHO NOLINE " Press Return " SET >NIL: Return ? ECHO "$scrollDN$scrollDN" TYPE TP-Australia.ASCII ECHO  ECHO " The Australia EP project is brought to you by The Problem Collective 1995*n- It may only be spread in the original unchanged archive -*n" ECHO "Music:Graphics:*nAlcoRhythmMushRoom (Logos)*nSolutionAlcoRhythm/Solution (Icons)*n" ECHO "Coding:*nAlcoRhythm (ASCII-Editor, SetRGB)*n*nThe Problem wishes to thank:*nPeter Hjelt (Excellent SmartPlay)*nJohn Hendrix (FastView)" ECHO "HellRaiser (The Twilight Zone)*nLeo Elsinga (TP Internet)*nAcid Software (Blitz Basic 2)*nAnd The People Of Australia (Outback)*n" ECHO "We're The Problem, Gotta Love Us!" ECHO NOLINE " Press Return " SET >NIL: Return ? ECHO "$scrollDN$scrollDN" ECHO "We're The Problem, Gotta Love Us!" ;delete the ASCII-logos DELETE >NIL: TP-#?.ASCII ;move the Australia icon CD / RENAME >NIL: Australia/Australia.info Australia.info ;delete this installer... RUN >NIL: C:EXECUTE RAM:KillInstaller ;but first stop smartplay and endcli... SP STOP ENDCLI ;the SUB_YesNo routine needs the following variables: ;$Ypos - the line number string (H, x is the line number) ;$YES - the text to replace a positive answer (y/Y) with ;$NO - the text to replace a negative answer (n/N) with LAB SUB_YesNo ECHO NOLINE "$Ypos$empty$Ypos" SET answer "" SET >NIL: answer ? IF "$answer" EQ "y" SET answer "Y" ENDIF IF "$answer" EQ "n" SET answer "N" ENDIF IF "$answer" EQ "Y" ECHO "$Ypos$YES" ELSE IF "$answer" EQ "N" ECHO "$Ypos$NO" ELSE SKIP BACK SUB_YesNo ENDIF ENDIF SKIP BACK $label LAB Pics8col CD Backdrops/ pictocli >NIL: bugles 20 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles 155 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles 20 153 pictocli >NIL: bugles 155 153 pictocli >NIL: bugles2 330 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles2 465 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles2 330 153 pictocli >NIL: bugles2 465 153 CD / SKIP BACK $label LAB Pics4col CD Backdrops/ pictocli >NIL: bugles3 20 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles3 155 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles3 20 153 pictocli >NIL: bugles3 155 153 pictocli >NIL: bugles4 330 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles4 465 68 pictocli >NIL: bugles4 330 153 pictocli >NIL: bugles4 465 153 CD / SKIP BACK $label