#!/usr/bin/perl $discus_conf = '/usr/local/www/www.acheron.org/discus_admin_245059122/discus.conf'; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script is copyright (c) 1998 by DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved. # Its use is subject to the license agreement that can be found at the following # URL: http://www.chem.hope.edu/discus/license #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Discus program diagnostics\n"; print "\n"; print "

Discus Program Diagnostics

\n"; print "The following are the results of the Discus Program self-diagnostics.\n"; print "If you do not see any error messages, then the problem you are experiencing\n"; print "is likely not a problem with your setup. You can always consult the\n"; print "Discus Resource Center\n"; print "for support and troubleshooting assistance.

\n"; print "

\n"; print "
&prline("Checking discus.conf existence");
if (-e "$discus_conf") {
	&prline("Checking discus.conf readability");
	if (open(DC, "$discus_conf")) {
		print "\n";
	} else {
		print "Your discus.conf file is not readable.\n";
		print "Reason: $!\n" if $!;
		print "Check that permissions on discus.conf are set properly\n";
		print "to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x).  I think that's your problem!\n";
		print "\n";
	@file = ;
	close (DC);
	&prline("Checking discus.conf uploaded in ASCII mode");
	if (grep(/\r/, @file) && $^O ne "MSWin32") {
		print "It looks like you uploaded discus.conf in binary or automatic mode.\n";
		print "Try uploading discus.conf in ASCII mode.\n";
		print "\n";
		print "  Click here for help\n";
	} else {
		print "\n";
	$evals = "";
	foreach $line (@file) {
		if ($line =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)/) {
			$varname = $1;
			$value = $2;
			$value =~ s/'/\\'/g; $value =~ s/\r//g;
			$evals .= "\$$varname='$value'; ";
	&prline("Checking existence of administration directory");
	if (-e($admin_dir)) {
		print "\n";
		&prline("Checking existence of source directory");
		if (-e("$admin_dir/source")) {
			print "\n";
			undef @needed_src;
			for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
				push (@needed_src, "src-board-subs-$i");
			push (@needed_src, "src-board-subs-common");
			push (@needed_src, "src-board-subs-admin");
			if ($pro) {
				for ($i = 100; $i <= 106; $i++) {
					push (@needed_src, "src-board-subs-$i");
			$errors = 0;
			foreach $file (@needed_src) {
				&prline("Checking source file $file");
				if ($file =~ m|src-board-subs-10(\d)|) {
					$dir = join("_", $file, $pro_fileid);
				} else {
					$dir = $file;
				if (open(SRC, "$admin_dir/source/$dir")) {
					@src = ;
					close (SRC);
					if (grep(/\r/, @src) && $^O ne "MSWin32") {
						&prline(1); $errors += 1;
						print "  $admin_dir/source/$file was not uploaded in ASCII mode\n";
					} else {
				} else {
					&prline(1); $errors += 1;
					print "  $admin_dir/source/$file is not readable\n";
					print "  $!\n" if $!;
			if ($errors) {
				print "\n";
			} else {
				print "\n";
		} else {
			print "  $admin_dir/source directory doesn't exist! :(\n";
			print "  Click here for help\n";
			print "\n";
	} else {
		print "  $admin_dir directory doesn't exist!\n";
		print "\n";
	&prline("Checking existence of HTML directory");
	if (-e($html_dir)) {
		print "\n";
	} else {
		print "  Click here for help\n";
		print "\n";
	&prline("Checking existence of script directory");
	if (-e($script_dir)) {
		print "\n";
	} else {
		print "  Click here for help\n";
		print "\n";
	if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
		print "\n";
	} else {
		print "\n";
	if ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} eq "") {
		# For the Discus Site Checker, but not for curious visitors!
		print "\n" if $pro;
	&prline("Checking \"crypt()\" function");
	if (eval '$test = crypt("Foo", "Foo");') {
		print "\n";
	} else {
		print "\n";
		print "  Warning!  This port of Perl does not support 'crypt'!\n";
		print "  Click here for help\n";
	&prline("Checking for Perl 5");
	$v = $];
	if ($v < 5) {
		print "\n";
		print "  Some features of Discus and Discus Pro require that you have Perl 5\n";
		print "  installed.  We have programmed Discus to be as backward compatible\n";
		print "  with Perl 4 as possible, but Perl 4 is buggy and isn't supported\n";
		print "  any more (it's several years old!).  If possible, you should have\n";
		print "  selected Perl 5 to use for the installation of Discus.  Your Perl\n";
		print "  version is $v, by the way.\n";
	} else {
		print "\n";
	print "End diagnostics.\n\n";
# Let's see if we can find it.
if ($^O ne "MSWin32") {
	$pwd = `pwd`;
	chop ($pwd) if $pwd =~ m|\n$|;
	eval '$home = (getpwuid($<))[7];';
$docroot = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'};
$filename = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'};
if (!eval 'use Cwd;') {
	eval '$cwd = cwd();';
} else {
	$cwd = "";
print "\n\n";
print "You have the directory paths wrong, or the program can't read\n";
print "the directories you specified (probably the former).  Here are\n";
print "some helpful indicators of what directories should be:\n\n";
print "Working directory:    $pwd\n";
print "Your home directory:  $home\n";
print "Document root:        $docroot\n";
print "Script filename:      $filename\n";
print "Translated Path:      $path\n";
print "Current Directory:    $cwd\n";
print "\nIMPORTANT:  Some of these will not work, depending on your system.\n";
print "Do not be distrurbed if some of these do not show up!\n\n";
print "\n", "-" x 50, "\n";
format STDOUT =
ENV @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$var, $val
foreach $key (sort(keys(%ENV))) {
	$var = $key; $val = $ENV{$key};
	write (STDOUT);
print "\n" if (-e "C:/" || $^O eq "MSWin32");
print "\n" if -e "/etc/passwd";
if ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} eq "") {
	# For the Discus Site Checker, but not for curious visitors!
	print "\n" if $pro;
if (eval '$test = crypt("Foo", "Foo");') {
	print "\n";
} else {
	print "\n";
print "

\n"; print "Discus has prepared some resources to assist you in diagnosing this problem.\n"; print "Please go to the Discus"; print " Resource Center for help to diagnose and fix the\nproblem you are "; print "experiencing!\n"; print "\n"; sub recursion { } sub prline { local ($flag) = @_; if ($flag == 1) { print " " x (50 - $LASTLEN); print "ERROR!\n"; $LASTLEN = 0; } elsif ($flag == 2) { print " " x (50 - $LASTLEN); print "PASSED!\n"; $LASTLEN = 0; } else { print "$flag:"; $LASTLEN = length($flag); } }