[The following is an information file concerning recent events involving TRiBE. Feel free to reproduce this file, intact, in full, without modification in any format for informational purposes.] TRiBE is no longer TRiBE, it is now TRiBE, a different group from TRiBE. I realize that may not make sense to anyone, but hopefully this file will clear up the confusion concerning the entire TRiBE issue. TRiBE was disbanded on April the 5th by it's founder, me. This resulted in everyone who was currently a TRiBE Member being expelled, because they couldn't be in a group that didn't exist now, could they? [FYI: I'm sure there will be several different stories here. I'm sure there will be alot of articles in alot of magazines detailing alot of different points of view. THE bottom line is, due to the actions of several TRiBE Members (while TRiBE Members), during their formation of NaTiON (most notably those of Maestro), I came to the decision that it was best for all concerned if I simply cut them all lose. All of them. Everyone was out of TRiBE. They were all free to do whatever in full public view, no longer having to run around behind my back. I cannot tell you who was or was not in TRiBE at this point in time. To date, everyone I've talked to from TRiBE "involved" in the NaTiON thing has given me a different story, saying different things about different people. The truth is, it's irrelevant because it doesn't effect the end result. There should be no hard feelings on any level, at least not until all the lies are sorted thru, and believe me, SOMEONE is lying about more than one thing.] One may question my ability to do that. Anyone who recalls anything, would know the one title I kept was "Founder", the one "power" being that TRiBE was my name. It was in my power to decide that I no longer wanted the name to be used by the people involved. (IE, had I quit and gone to ACiD, and then TRiBE started doing something incredibly lame I didn't like, I could have revoked their use of it.) Since no one else was "founder" of TRiBE, TRiBE ceased to exist. I then founded a new group, and I just happened to call it TRiBE. I mean, the name wasn't in use, nobody else wanted to use it, and I just happen to be pretty good friends with it's founder, so I had his permission. :) [FYI: Yes, the group, in it's entire form and in name was offered to more than one group or individual.] Having just founded a new group, I had to set the policy. This was easy. Being the only member, I declared myself "God". This time, TRiBE was going to be MY group with MY word being LAW. No getting anyone's input or permission to do anything. It's mine all mine all mine. This way I can make decisions and lead whenever the situation comes up, not having to bow to a consensus. As they say, "Consensus negates leadership." As the sole policywonk maker, I decided that TRiBE would be by Invitation Only. No Apps or "Hey, I was thinking of leaving this group, could I join TRiBE?" or anything else. Until you're invited to join, you're not going to get in, no matter who you are, what you do, no matter how well you may happen to do it. Not only that, but you'll only be invited ONCE. Turn it down, there's no second chance. With that out of the way, I had to decide who would get invited. This was even easier, although somewhat vague. Only my friends will be invited into my group. If you're a complete stranger, if we've never spoken, be it voice, irc, Email or even messages over the net, I don't care if you're the most notable name within the scene, you're not going to get an invite. This shit ain't no business and I'm sick and tired of dealing with selfish people who are only out for themselves. Of course, "friend" doesn't mean give me your kidney, mine's broke, within the context of "the scene". As I said, the term is intentionally vague, yet still conveys the general ideals behind who MAY get invited. There are friends out there I wouldn't want in TRiBE, there are friends out there I wouldn't make "choose" between the group they're currently in and TRiBE. Just because you're a friend won't get you an invite, but likewise, an invite doesn't mean we chew the same gum. [ Just because you may or may not write run-on sentences does not mean you'll get into TRiBE, either. It-- oww! ok, i'll shutup. - cv] I now knew the extent of my authority, who would be allowed to join. Now, what the fuck would we do. COURiER GROUP! Um, yeah, right. Like I want to live in the shadow of the great SWaT. Not bloody likely. Ok, so, we would do ANSi and SHiT. An art group called TRiBE, what a concept. So, how would we do it? This led to the invention of PRiDE! That's right, I've given TRiBE's Quality Control a name. Hell, if ACiDSpew can have SAUCE, well then, dammit, TRiBE's gonna have PRiDE! Quality Control? Thought I hated that? Nah. I hated how the other groups did it, not the concept of Quality Control. TRiBE PRiDE, simply put, is the personal PRiDE of all it's members to do the very best they possibly can. If you aren't going to do it well, don't bother. Having problems? No problem. This is a GROUP, we HELP each other. It's not a "Pass/Fail" system. If I don't think you did your very best, you'll get it back and we'll keep doing it until we get it right. Too many groups let too many artists just "get it done" so it can go in the pack. I repeat: If you're not going to do it well, why bother at all? Ok, so when will we release the stuff that bares the TRiBE PRiDE! label of Quality? What will we call the pack? In order to avoid confusion, we'll keep the same pack numbering. (can't have two TRIBE-01.ZIP's, can we.) We will however move the date of release from the 1st of every month, to the 10th of every month. Why? Why ask why small fry? Get a life. It's what I want to do. Who's in TRiBE now? Who cares. What difference does it make? You'll DL the pack just the same when TRIBE-11.ZIP comes out, and you'll find out then. After you know, guess what, if you've read this far, you'll keep DLing the pack no matter who's in it. Most of the people asking are just trying to find out who's NOT in it any longer so they can recruit them. Do your own leg work, slick. [ Hi, I'm Cavalier. I don't know why I'm in this file. Later. -cv] Are there other changes? Shore 'nuff. Anyone could be invited, whereas the old TRiBE was Artist Only. TRiBE didn't compete. Still not going to, but with TRiBE PRiDE! you better walk the walk if you're gonna talk the talk, because you ain't a steppin' on this TRiBE. . .