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3(a6) beq.s ceff4 lea $dff0d0,a5 bsr.s ceff5 ceff4: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ceff5: move.b 2(a6),d0 ;room for some more and.b #$f,d0 ;implementations below tst.b d0 beq.s arpreggiato cmp.b #1,d0 beq.L pitchup cmp.b #22|x5,,d0 beq.L pitchdown cmp.b #12,d0 beq.L setvol cmp.b #14,d0 beq.L setfilt cmp.b #15,d0 beq.L setspeed rts arpreggiato: ;** spread by time cmp.w #1,timpos beq.s arp1 cmp.w #2,timpos beq.s arp2 cmp.w #3,timpos beq.s arp3 cmp.w #4,timpos beq.s arp1 cmp.w #5,timpos beq.s arp2 rts arp1: clr.l d0 ;** get higher note-values move.b 3(a6),d0 ; or play original lsr.b #4,d0 bra.s arp4 arp2: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$f,d0 bra.s arp4 arp3: move.w 16(a6),d22}%>: bra.s arp6 arp4: lsl.w #1,d0 clr.l d1 move.w 16(a6),d1 lea notetable,a0 arp5: move.w (a0,d0.w),d2 cmp.w (a0),d1 beq.s arp6 addq.l #2,a0 bra.s arp5 arp6: move.w d2,6(a5) rts pitchdown: bsr.s newrou clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$f,d0 add.w d0,(a4) cmp.w #$358,(a4) bmi.s ok1 move.w #$358,(a4) ok1: move.w (a4),6(a5) rts pitchup:bsr.s newrou clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$f,d0 sub.w d0,(a4) cmp.w #$71,(a4) bpl.s ok2 move.w #$71,(a4) ok2: move.w (a4),6(a5) 2~ rts setvol: move.b 3(a6),8(a5) rts setfilt:move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #1,d0 lsl.b #1,d0 and.b #$fd,$bfe001 or.b d0,$bfe001 rts setspeed: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$f,d0 move.w d0,speed+2 rts newrou: cmp.l #datach0,a6 bne.s next1 lea voi1(pc),a4 rts next1: cmp.l #datach1,a6 bne.s next2 lea voi2(pc),a4 rts next2: cmp.l #datach2,a6 bne.s next3 lea voi3(pc),a4 rts next3: lea voi4(pc),a4 rts replaystep: ;** work next pattern-step clr.w timpos move.l muzako2^_offset,a0 move.l a0,a3 add.l #12,a3 ;ptr to soundprefs move.l a0,a2 add.l #472,a2 ;ptr to pattern-table add.l #600,a0 ;ptr to first pattern clr.l d1 move.l trkpos,d0 ;get ptr to current pattern move.b (a2,d0),d1 lsl.l #8,d1 lsl.l #2,d1 add.l patpos,d1 ;get ptr to current step clr.w enbits lea $dff0a0,a5 ;chanel 0 lea datach0(pc),a6 bsr.L chanelhandler lea $dff0b0,a5 ;chanel 1 lea datach1(pc),a6 bsr.L chanelhandler lea $dff0c0,a5 ;chanel 2 lea datach2(pc)2 ,a6 bsr.L chanelhandler lea $dff0d0,a5 ;chanel 3 lea datach3(pc),a6 bsr.L chanelhandler move.w #400,d0 ;** wait a while and set len rep1: dbf d0,rep1 ; of oneshot to 1 word move.w #$8000,d0 or.w enbits,d0 move.w d0,$dff096 cmp.w #1,datach0+14 bne.s rep2 clr.w datach0+14 move.w #1,$dff0a4 rep2: cmp.w #1,datach1+14 bne.s rep3 clr.w datach1+14 move.w #1,$dff0b4 rep3: cmp.w #1,datach2+14 bne.s rep4 clr.w datach2+14 move.w #1,$dff0c4 rep4: cmp.w #1,datach3+14 bne2 U].s rep5 clr.w datach3+14 move.w #1,$dff0d4 rep5: add.l #16,patpos ;next step cmp.l #64*16,patpos ;pattern finished ? bne.s rep6 clr.l patpos addq.l #1,trkpos ;next pattern in table clr.l d0 move.w numpat,d0 cmp.l trkpos,d0 ;song finished ? bne.s rep6 clr.l trkpos rep6: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts chanelhandler: move.l (a0,d1.l),(a6) ;get period & action-word addq.l #4,d1 ;point to next chanel clr.l d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 ;get nibble for soundnumber lsr.b #4,d2 Ծ)2 beq.s chan2 ;no soundchange ! move.l d2,d4 ;** calc ptr to sample lsl.l #2,d2 mulu #30,d4 lea pointers-4(pc),a1 move.l (a1,d2.l),4(a6) ;store sample-address move.w (a3,d4.l),8(a6) ;store sample-len in words move.w 2(a3,d4.l),18(a6) ;store sample-volume move.l d0,-(a7) move.b 2(a6),d0 and.b #$f,d0 cmp.b #$c,d0 bne.s ok3 move.b 3(a6),8(a5) bra.s ok4 ok3: move.w 2(a3,d4.l),8(a5) ;change chanel-volume ok4: move.l (a7)+,d0 clr.l d3 move.w 4(a3,d4),d3 ;** calc r2 Igepeatstart add.l 4(a6),d3 move.l d3,10(a6) ;store repeatstart move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) ;store repeatlength cmp.w #1,14(a6) beq.s chan2 ;no sustainsound ! move.l 10(a6),4(a6) ;repstart = sndstart move.w 6(a3,d4),8(a6) ;replength = sndlength chan2: tst.w (a6) beq.s chan4 ;no new note set ! move.w 22(a6),$dff096 ;clear dma tst.w 14(a6) bne.s chan3 ;no oneshot-sample move.w #1,14(a6) ;allow resume (later) chan3: bsr.L newrou move.w (a6),(a4) move.w (a6),16(a6) ;2 nS save note for effect move.l 4(a6),0(a5) ;set samplestart move.w 8(a6),4(a5) ;set samplelength move.w (a6),6(a5) ;set period move.w 22(a6),d0 or.w d0,enbits ;store dma-bit move.w 18(a6),20(a6) ;volume trigger chan4: rts datach0: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 1 datach1: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 2 datach2: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 4 datach3: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 8 voi1: dc.w 0 voi2: dc.w 0 voi3: dc.w 0 voi4: dc.w 0 pointers: blk.l 15,0 notetable: dc.w 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570 dc.w 538,508,40  0,0,0 dc.w 7100/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:leader',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:licks',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6200/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:magic',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:marimba',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:mechanic1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:mechanic2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9700/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:metalkeys',0,0,0,00 Բ,0,0,0 dc.w 9400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:monobass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:monsterbass',0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:muteclav',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5100/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:nice',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:nightmare',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0714,8354/2 dc.b 'st-01:noteman',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:organ',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 wU0,0,0 dc.w 6400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:outlaw',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:panflute',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:perco',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:pingbells',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:pizza',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:polysynth',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:popbass',0,0,0,0,0,0 ^S 0,0,0,0 dc.w 2700/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:popsnare1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:popsnare2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:popsnare3',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2700/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:pulse',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:richstring',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6900/2,0064,3540,2982/2 dc.b 'st-01:ringpiano',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:roombrass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0/dc.w 4600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:rubberbass',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:shaker',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2300/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:shamus',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:sinecz',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3900/2,0064,2178,1684/2 dc.b 'st-01:sixtease',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8400/2,0064,1120,6680/2 dc.b 'st-01:slapbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:smash1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0KN dc.w 3500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:smash2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:snare1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:snare2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:snare3',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:snare4',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:snare5',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:softbass',0,0,0,0,001),0,0,0 dc.w 4900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:soundtrack',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:squares',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:stabs',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:steinway',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:strange',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings2',0,0,0,0,0,00i,0,0 dc.w 9700/2,0064,4462,4156/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings3',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8500/2,0064,1992,6130/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings4',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9700/2,0064,1220,3410/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings5',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings6',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,1972,6634/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings7',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0500,8750/2 dc.b 'st-01:strings8',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8100/2,0064,0000,8040/2 dc.b 'st-01:sweep',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,00@}R,0 dc.w 7300/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:synbrass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:synclaves',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:synthebass',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:synthpiano',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:techbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5100/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:theegg',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:tinewave',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w0,g 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:tunebass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:touch',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9200/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:voices',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:wabberstring',0,0,0,0 dc.w 3900/2,0064,0254,2546/2 dc.b 'st-01:woodblock',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1200/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:wowbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 pend: 2 dc.b 'st-01:sweep',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,02ynxve.l d1,d2 subq.w #1,d0 init2: move.b (a0)+,d1 cmp.b d2,d1 bgt.s init1 dbf d0,init2 addq.b #1,d2 init3: move.l muzakoffset,a0 ;** calc samplepointers lea pointers(pc),a1 lsl.l #8,d2 lsl.l #2,d2 add.l #600,d2 add.l a0,d2 moveq #14,d0 init4: move.l d2,(a1)+ clr.l d1 move.w 42(a0),d1 lsl.l #1,d1 add.l d1,d2 add.l #30,a0 dbf d0,init4 init5: clr.w $dff0a8 ;** clear used values clr.w $dff0b8 clr.w $dff0c8 clr.w $dff0d8 clr.w timpos clr.l trkpos clr.l patpos ini.;` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` .a ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` .JJ@ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` 09 0,0,0 dc.w 2700/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:dxtom',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:electom',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:epiano',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:exbells',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:faerytale',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:filterbass',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:funbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0g70,0,0 dc.w 6500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:funkbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5300/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:gato',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:great',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:hallbrass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:heaven',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:heavysynth',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:heifer',0,0,0,0,0,00M`͂,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:hooman',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 6500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:horns',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:hihat1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:hihat2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:jahrmarkt1',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:jahrmarkt2',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:jetes',0,0,0,0,0,0 "0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:klickorgan',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5700/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:korgbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:korgbeau',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:korgbow',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:korgfilter',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:korgstring',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,1014,2166/2 dc.b 'st-01:koto',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0uO0 dc.w 7800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:aligator',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2700/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:analogstring',0,0,0,0 dc.w 8800/2,0064,3326,4970/2 dc.b 'st-01:asia',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8200/2,0064,0480,5362/2 dc.b 'st-01:bassdrum1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1100/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:bassdrum2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:bassdrum3',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:bassdrum4',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 301?500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:bigbow',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:blast',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:blubzing',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1300/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:breath',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3800/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:call',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:celeste',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:chink',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,00ծS,0 dc.w 5900/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:cinema',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4500/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:claps1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 2300/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:claps2',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:claves',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:closehihat',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1200/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:conga',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 1600/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:cowbell',0,0,0,0,0,0w0,0,0,0 dc.w 1400/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:dangerous',0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 7000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:detune',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 5700/2,0064,2410,2414/2 dc.b 'st-01:deepbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 8200/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:digdug',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 3100/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:digiharp',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 4000/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:dreambells',0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 9200/2,0064,0000,0002/2 dc.b 'st-01:dxbass',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.,Sf1 %"#xdž<0~D$E"DE@01<CC8p>0s0y "0 xas0r8s8?D 0D< `|p< .;030s02r Ɏp~?? . @ s&O2" Ɏp~?|p?? ."B  s&O2 Ȏx~?!|2  . 0xfO2Rp ̎x~0|3Lϓ3O , ssd0< ?   ?  , p  fLf , s&s>dOd&L2$ , p`s  0 ÂL?2 , ss>L |9 2D , ssd .dՒ3|9 f?   ?  , sd 0 ?f , sω>g?9?2d2$ , s2?922 , sϑ2g?9 2d2D , p@g? <3 d?f?  .D ?  , p` 燆g  , s&O?>d 32O"&O? , p`d 3O0  , s?>d 32O%'? , s@ 23''?  ? .x0̙ .sL.D3 .xfL3 .&L3 .p?? .sd .sω>g? .s2? .sϑ2g? .p@g??p >|9?<|? @  x< Dinnzeichnet. 2 : Der Song wird angehalten, wenn die Zeit (5) mit der Zeit (9) ueber- einstimmt. Man kann also mit den richtigen Einstellungen in den Gadgets (4) und (5) den Song nach einer bestimmten Zeit erklingen lassen und nach einer bestimmten Zeit (Gadget(5)) stoppen. 3 : Mit diesem Gadget (3) kann man den Song an- und nach belieben aus- schalten. Der Song spielt immer, ausser das Gadget (2) wurde als Zusatz mit selektiert. Dann s5Vtoppt der Sound naemlich nach der angegebenen Zeit (5) seit dem selektieren des Gadgets Nr. (3). 4 : Soll der Song nicht sofort erklingen, so kann man in diesem Gadget die Zeitverzoegerung einstellen (0-999 Sekunden). Es darf nicht vergessen werden, diese Funktion (1) zu selektieren. 5 : In diesem Gadget wird der Zeitraum angegeben, der dafuer sorgt, dass der Song nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne stopt. Folgendes Beispiel soll dies verd$7eutlichen: Der Song soll in 20 sec starten und dann 60 sec spielen, danach soll er stoppen.u Es muessen folgende eintragungen gemacht werden: Begin Playing Sound in 20 seconds Stop Playing Sound after starting in 60 seconds Die Gadgets 2 und 1 muessen selektiert werden. Der Song spielt erst an, wenn der Timer (9) die Zeit 20 erreicht hat. Dann spielt des Song solange, bis der Timer 80 anzeigPt, da der Sound ja 60 sec seit dem starten spielen sollte. 6 : Dieses Gadget gibt den Pfad an, von wo der Sound-Controller das Song-File holen soll. 7 : Dieses Gadget gibt den Pfad an, von wo der Sound-Controller die Instrumente holen soll. 8 : In dieses Gadget muessen Sie den Namen des Song-Files eingeben, dass geladen werden soll. Nach Betaetigung der RETURN-Taste versucht der Sound-Controller das Song-File zu laden. Sollte er  05es nicht finden, so muessen Sie den Pfad und/oder den Namen des Song-Files ueberpruefen. Remove Sound-Controller: Dieses Gadget beendet den Sound-Controller und gibt den benoetigten Speicher wieder frei. Der Sound-Controller muss vom CLI mit dem CLI-Befehl 'RUN C/SOUNDCONTROLL' aufgerufen werden. Um vor Dia-Shows Song-Files zu setzen und abzuspielen, ist dieses Programm sehr gut geeignet. Der Sound-Controller kann naemlich auch Programmiert  werden. Dies hoert sich ziemlich schwierig an, ist es aber nicht. So wie der Amiga die 'Startup-Sequence' abarbeitet, so arbeitet der Sound- Controller auch so etwas aehnliches ab. Die Sequence, die er abarbeitet muss als Parameter beim aufruf uebergeben werden. z.B. RUN C/SOUNDCONTROLL S/SEQUENCE Die Sequence, die der Sound-Controller abarbeitet hat folgendes aussehen. STSC .SONG:DF0:SONGS/! .INST:ST-01:! .SFIL:DRUM-SOLO! .PLMO:1! .STAR:00! .STOP:300! END. Als erstes benoetigt LT9 der Sound-Controller eine Kennung, dass es sich um ein Sequence-File handelt. Die Kennung ist 'STSC' Dann folgt ein '.' und ein vier-stelliges Befehlswort und ein ':' Jetzt kommt der Parameter OHNE Zwischenraum und abschliessend ein '!', welches das Ende des Parameters kenzeichnet. Das '!' darf auf keinen Fall weggelassen werden, da es sonst zu Fehlern kommen kann. Nach der Kennung 'END.' kann noch ein Kommentar folgen, der aber vom Sound- Controller nicht erkannt wird. Die 'STAR'tz 2Deit und die 'STOP'zeit muessen im bereich von 00-999 sein und duerfen nicht weniger als zwei-stellig dargestellt werden. z.B: .STAR:06 ---> start nach 6 Sekunden .STOP:09 ---> stop nach 9 Sekunden spielen Es muss auch die Reihenfolge der Befehlswoerter eingehalten werden. Es gibt 4 PLMO (PLAYMODE, Abspielmoeglichkeiten) 1 : Der Song spielt immer, bis er vom Benuetzer unterbrochen wird. 2 : Der Song spielt solange, bis die Abspielzeit (.STOP:xxx) erreicht ist. 3 : D wer Song Spielt ab der Anfangszeit (.STAR:xxx) bis er vom Benuetzer gestoppt wird. 4 : Der Song faehngt erst an zu spielen, wenn die Start-Zeit erreicht ist und stoppt erst, wenn er solange seit der Anfangs-zeit gespielt hatt, wie bei .STOP:xxx angegeben ist. Der Sound-Controller macht bei Dia-Shows, Textverarbeitung, Copys usw. keine Probleme. Den Sound-Controller hat MR. MAGIC von THE PROPHETS AG entwickelt, unter zuhilfenahme der Abspielroutine vom Sound-TracQPker V2.0 Den Source-Code kann man bei THE PROPHETS AG bekommen Solten sich einige Bugs im Programm befinden (mir sind keine bekannt) so sind wir fuer Hinweise dankbar. In naher Zukunft wird wahrscheinlich ein UpDate (mit neuen??? Funktionen) bei THE PROPHETS AG zu bekommen sein....... SIGNED Mr. Magic from THE PROPHETS HAVE FUN lzeit (.STOP:xxx) erreicht ist. 3 : D *]ents that the V9.0 version provides is the ------ ability to change the volume at any time during play. When command 12 ($C) is selected, the volume is set to the value contained in the info byte. The volume will remain at this level until a next SAMPLE is played. At this time, the volume is reset to the default volume level of that sample. Example: C#1 1C22 - Set volume to $22 and use instrument # 1 to play the C#1 note. ^E the lowpass-filter off. This feature will only work with the Amiga 500 and 2000 (sideeffect: the Power-LED darkens). Sorry, Amiga 1000 users, but your filter isn't connected with PA1 (the pin that controls the LED) and so the LED will be dark, but the lowpass-filter is still working (unless you've made a hardware-modification). Songplayer can be stopped by pressing the left mousebutton. When -O was given, it will stop by itself after playing the song for one time. IfV an error occured, Songplayer will give you the reason why it aborted loading. How to make a long-play-disk ---------------------------- If you want to make a long-play-disk, it would be silly to place all files in the root directory. A better way: create two directories: "songs" and "samples". Now you have to Assign ST-01: samples (first command in the startup-sequence). To load a song, use: Songplayer songs/songname -I -O. Bugs known ---------- Sorry, that I have to include this paragraph, but there is a little bug I have to tell you about. If the songname contains a '-' you have to cancel a little Requester that appears in the upper left corner named 'System Request'. How to contact Silicon League ----------------------------- Only if you are not a friend of APT you may write to this address: PLK 113926 C 2800 BREMEN 1  Rl WEST - GERMANY (Only for letters ! No disks sendings please !) If you have any suggestions or questions regarding Songplayer, feel free to write to the address shown above. -disk, it would be silly to place all files in the root directory. A better way: create two directories: "songs" and "samples". Now you have to Assign ST-01: samples (first command in the startup-sequence). To load a song, use: Songplayer songs/songname -I -O. BugF'ters ! No disks sendings please !) If you have any suggestions or questions regarding SongPrinter, feel free to write to the address shown above. MnemoTroN, 23-May-1988 [-S] [-P] [-L] is the path to the SoundTracker song you want to print. The -S option will cause SongPrinter to put all it's output to the current CLI-Window. So you don't have to use a printer. The -P option forces SongPrinter to print all patterns that are USED (!) in the soˑF----+ +-------+ +---------------------------+ | | | 0| |DF0:SONGS/ | |ST-01: | | | | | +--+ +---/-------+ +---/---+ +------/--------------------+ | | +--+ 6 7 +--+ 8 +---------------+ | | | 1| Begin Playing Sound in|4 |seconds |Time: 9 | | | +--+ +--+ +---------------+ | | +--+ +--+ | | | 2| Stop Playing Sound after starting in | 5|seconds |Υ_ | +--+ +--+ | | +--+ +-----------------------+ | | | 3| Start/Stop Playing |Remove Sound-Controller| | | +--+ +-----------------------+ | +------------------------------------------------------------+ Erklaehrung der einzelnen GadGets und ihre Funktionen. ========================================================================= Nr. 0 : Mit diesem GadGet (Verschwindibus--GadGet) kann das Fenster vom Sound- Controller vom Bildschirm entfernt werden. Der Sound-Controller bleibt aber aktiv. Mit der HELP-Taste wird das Fenster des Sound-Controllers wider auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen. 1 : Wenn ein Song geladen wurde kann mit diesem Gadget der Song gastartet werden. Man wird aber erst etwas hoeren, wenn die Zeit (4) mit der Zeit (9) uebereinstimmt. Das Gadget (1) wird beim selektieren mit einem 'x' geke3;nter enables you to print any SoundTracker song you've made. You can also examine a SoundTracker song if you want to see, what instruments are used by the song. How to use SongPrinter ---------------------- Working with SongPrinter is very easy. If you want to dump a song to the printer make sure the desired devices are on your boot-disk. These include: parallel/serial.device, the port-handler in directory l and your favourŦ1Mite printer driver in devs/printers. Now load SongPrinter from the CLI (drawing an icon for Workbench will cause no remarkable effect) using this syntax: SongPrinter [-S] [-P] [-L] is the path to the SoundTracker song you want to print. The -S option will cause SongPrinter to put all it's output to the current CLI-Window. So you don't have to use a printer. The -P option forces SongPrinter to print all patterns that are USED (!) in the so:Qng. The -L option will switch your printer to NLQ/LQ (Tuca has a NEC P2200, so don't wonder why he wrote Letter Quality in the program). SongPrinter can be stopped by pressing CTRL-C. How to contact Silicon League ----------------------------- Only if you are not a friend of APT you may write to this address: PLK 113926 C 2800 BREMEN 1 WEST - GERMANY (Only for letlAPAJ 'QI@Ю`L@N֌RJ):Bp6c$<…oaG@5r\L\Mi]A&810 );ػ[VNYEIUVTNETD*pghPh!P&@Z` a:< !34Opv!9seHȰ@`l$" ð! n(O п p CM x}O@V p) p4 0*lD @ HU X@Ɋ 1@%P3 @4,"B<HF+ AFAx6B|bܫ;xH"  D9(@c@Q."5C9RrJ  -%>" )dA& po`&ۂQ Kp9(T@!ЈU /^؇Pe\2A!A`xp hj0tz @y@`N@IAp+8QN8&: "}Z@!.DCC2:P#I<   :07:>aA^ @6AH?`?AE !(nifP?ƀ E^` 0ADsB0dAIQHD9dCF׈A0E\̉ Ӱ  Iӓ$$48 <1'~eŠC  pH `01P0101IH I  | @ &'`c$P1q tAb  (` %` FzLCs!x9"`e0 1bC (aÙ XA@b,p< +!pA2 @82[0^PA@āU@; | ` <0=n # 71% .  3fcKRcF phX4+Dqʺ ! YJ7 hs ~@:Ak ̅ ʼn@@]P a f006@ #!aA=@B`@`.hh<0 <80<02<6@<800<020< 4 y2y, B{0`@1Su1"Tb 80!N^FPJ0:*A HX8S"8V@#!@&~i) m" f`2't0 Y!(^g 0 t`R1 #1 :V![DXBG>)q E`a*M\@ @pfÄ R@(` `Cs&!x9*̈`aD02"C3,LHP t.$P]!  !  ˼ `<3!" 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The basic syntax is Songplayer [-I] [-O] [-L] is the filename of the song you want to play. The -I (you may also type -i) option forces'E_ Songplayer to search the in- struments on volume ST-01 (the normal instrument disk). Otherwise Song- player tries to load the instruments from the disk currently in the drive. The -O (for computers without Shift: -o) option lets Songplayer play the song only once. With this feature it is possible to make a long-play-disk. You only have to write a startup-sequence with the Songplayer calls, copy the songs and instruments on the disk and run it. The -L option will switch ?1=C7#Va]K;B"NbJCRFD1;Nؚ)݀Sj"*t'] utHn@\f!!uZvqf oP:N yaJp2*+m= "((bE\1t2.jhBA곍 N0"ԃ yAKa'{s'6Khbbz w! 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Thanx for the inspiration to this product from Icebreaker, who created the first ST-Ripper, but his program wasn't able to save songdata and had a few bugs. Also my product provides saving songdata / sampledata / moduledata on which disks YOU want and not everytime on disks with ST-...! If you find any bugs, or you have any ideas concerning the improvement of this product, then please contact me (Lord Performer), writing to Traitors! Signed, Lord PerformeOr after 7 hours developing on the 14th of January 1989. At last, some hellos. Friendly Regards to: Crazy Typer (MFC) / TIP / Unknown (DOC) / Exciter Frog (Strangers) / Stack & X-Man / Hans (Ex-TSK-CREW) $< aar,z $<"<N# gP"$:^z::`REX&,zN":L,zN` What name shall it be, Lord? >a zp*::30:Xк(@*z$<" ,zVN# g":6-fC$ N":NSyf3`P+a $< aa^,z$<"<N# g>"$<&< ,zN##BBy":,,zN`b$<,zvP":NAHB0Nu$< aa,zl$<"<N# g"$:&:,zFN":,z:N` Statusinformation about module: ---------------------------------------------------------- START: $12345678 STOP: $ LENGTH: $ TRAX: $ SAMPLES: $$<a$:a$<=a":Aa$<a QI'z$<a":ҺAfa$<a$<a":jAFal$<a$<a~":NA&aL$<ah$<a^r2:0 |a($<aD$<a&$<a0a\`D Name of sample LENGTH VOLUME REPSTRT REPLEN -------------------------------------------------------- xyxyxxyxyxxyxyxyxyxy$$xxxx Jgz$<a`Jykf::,SEI&$ aH"AaA"aACx"$ SHaLQ$<FaQ$<aa"`  RX„ Press left mousebutton to return to main menu.aapByL$<NaGI TstgJTmJyLg4$<anIBvP$ ,z":Np@0oְyLnah`\ ,-f ,0g ,:f,L&r.Kز5l5Sf&"XRyLAaa$<a`TA#3Ry"pt&(r818*ԄxQ#Xt4:VչzAJ"z: g JgRptJft QBX `3NuACBXfNu SE/Sv4aQBB TN)0 B:e^BNuCpt A 0lt QNu Name of module -> Location ---------------------------------- -> $nnnnnnnn Activate a module by pressing number of its position. >9fNuJg lf $<FaaF` Playing module... Press left mousebutton to stop. #( zT <B$S@nQR yC ?XԈp"B2(*ԁQByByByByByBB y#ld!`lNu lg! lByByByBy3NuaNHRy ygMxJ.gKa͑f2<kt"Q)O,x)NH瀀.)gKN`B_NsC Nh)@f .<N`NPONudos.libraryINuNU/ Hy0,/NPO)@fBHyNPO.lNu lBh l1|"l3| l ,ؐP)@ l MANXBNXO$@Jg./- /-/ NO 9| lh lh `DHj\NXOHj\NXO)@ lJ$g l"h$/N|XO/,/ NPO)lN l N l!@HxHz,NPO l!@ /,?,N\OBgN TO$_N]Nu*NUH 0$m m (( D (&@HHЭ T9@B0,H/N Xv;.PO)@fL 0N]NuH? KR//,NDO Hz:HHЬ/NPO?-/ /,NDO Bl&l$KH:| g| g| g | g| fR`  mz "f.R KRH:g JR|"f "fR`B*```8 KRH:g&| g | g| g| g| g JR` JRBJEfSRl`ZBB0,R@H/N pPO)@fBl`z&l`0H l!/ NBXOR@HRElm0H lB` L 2/ `WgRA`BQNu0<`0/ oJfSH"oS@WgB /Nu0<`0/ S@k o"o f SHJWpNucpNupNu o Y. 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SAbut wait !!! S2W8 hi guys, here's ... S7tracer W7S2the new member of d.o.c !! (since november 1988). this time we bring you soundtracker 2.2 W5 this vejz]`rsion has the following new features : directory sort , new equalizer colors and a new d.o.c address ! ?? are you waiting for our new greetings-list ?? moin !! please wait a few minutes ! at first our new contact address ! all winners should write to: plk 088231 c WAS1 2350 neumuenster W9 west-germany W8....!S2 you can also write to plk 089114 c , 2300 kiel 1 , west-germany (that's dr.mabuses plk !) so , here comes our newest greetings-list !! (the personal mek{QP{ssages comes later !) special greetings go to (a-z order) :S1 aces , alpha flight , abyss , bros , digitech/ibb , fantasy , mindwarp , red sector , sunriders !! normal greets go to (no order) :S1 megaforce , level one , c.b.c , beastie boys , the web inc. , inxs , invisible crime , vision factory/beyonders , unicorn , critters , dual crew , x-men , destiny/zigag , crush , game-force , freedom force , tsk-crew/acc , star men , complex inc. , e.o.c , traitors , hurricane and agents l|b0V !! S2 now the d.o.c news ! 1. the next soundtracker is finished ( 31 instruments ) , but only for internal use !! 2. unknown's first game is finished ( funny ..... ) !! 3. p.e.n.i.s kommt doch nicht ( no time to write articles ! ) 4. our next demo comes out in ca. 1-2 months !! here we go ! our messages go this time to :S1 level 1 (hey hans , please send more disk's) , vision factory/beyonders (hey guys , send a bit faster !) , x-men (hello raven, what's up with ym}rou , where's your sendings ??) , aces (hi dr.soft , nice to swap with you !) , inxs (hey mike , are you dead ??) , unicorn (hi pld , i see ya on cebit !) , c.b.c (thanks for the stickers !) , the web inc. (also thanks for your stickers !) , beastie boys (hi marco , where's the bb stickers ?? send me some !) , abyss (hallo stefan !) , digitech/ibb (hi warlord , our interview comes in 3-4 days !) , e.o.c (hey guys , contact me !) , wanton ( nice intro !) , mindwarp (see ya with unknownn~+#[ on cebit !) , lightforce (bye , bye !!) , hurricane (hi mat , nice demo !) , alpha flight (keep on your work !) , megaforce (hi shark , hope your next intro is soon finished !) , red sector (hi caucasian , always cool stuff from you !) , sunriders (hi joker , nice to swap with you !) , traitors (hi phil , i contact you soon !) , saxxons crew ( ???? ) , star men ( modem go ! ) , agents (hi raimond , wo bleibt meine disk ?) , jungle command (hi guys , contact us again on our new addreo\oss !) , accession (hey timo , what's up ?) S2 that's all for this time !! at last , we are proud to show you our latest member-list (d-u order) : dr. mabuse , esteban , frog , tracer , unknown . we hope to see all of you on the cebit 89 !! ........... o v e r and o u t !!!!!!!!! S3 byyyyyyeeeeeeeee S5 wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg !!!! S7 ....................pJ;V+...................... e n d o f s c r o l l t e x t !!!!!! 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Tabelle move.l d2,d4 ;Instrument Nummer subq #1,d2 lsl #2,d2 ;Offset auf akt. Instr. mulu #30,d4 ;Offset Auf Instr.Daten move.l (a1,d2.w),4(a6) ;Zeiger auf akt. Instr. move.w (a3,d4.l),8(a6) ;Instr.Lnge move.w 2(a3,d4.l),18(a6) ;Volume move.w 4(a3,d4.l),d3 ;Repeat tst d3 ;kein Repeat? beq.s NoRepeat ;Nein! ;Doch! move.l 4(a6),d2 ;akt. Instr. add.l d3,d2 ;Repeat dazu move.l d2,10(a6) ;Repeat Instr. move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) ;rep laetXnge move.w 18(a6),d3 ;Volume in HardReg. bra.s NoInstr NoRepeat: move.l 4(a6),d2 ;Instrument add.l d3,d2 ;rep Offset move.l d2,10(a6) ;in Rep. Pos. move.w 6(a3,d4.l),14(a6) ;rep Laenge move.w 18(a6),d3 ;Volume in Hardware CheckPic: NoInstr: move.b 2(A6),d2 and #$0f,d2 cmp.b #5,d2 beq.s ChangeUpVolume cmp.b #6,d2 bne.L SetVolume2 moveq #0,d2 move.b 3(A6),d2 sub d2,d3 tst d3 bpl SetVolume2 clr d3 bra.L SetVolume2 ChangeUpVolume: moveq #0,d2 move.b 3(cZA6),d2 add d2,d3 tst d3 cmp #64,d3 ble.L SetVolume2 move #64,d3 SetVolume2: move d3,8(A5) NoInstr2: cmp #-3,(A6) ;Ist Note = 'PIC' ? bne.s NoPic clr 2(A6) ;wenn ja -> Note auf 0 setzen bra.s NoNote NoPic: tst (A6) ;Note ? beq.s NoNote ;wenn 0 -> nicht spielen clr (a4) move.w (a6),16(a6) ;eintragen move.w 20(a6),$dff096 ;dma abschalten move.l d7,-(SP) move #300,d7 ;genug fr MC68030 Delay1: dbf d7,Delay1 ;delay move.l (SP)+,d7 cmp #-2,(A6) ;Ist F9es 'STP' bne.s NoStop ;Nein! clr 8(A5) bra Super NoStop: move.l 4(a6),0(a5) ;Intrument Adr. move.w 8(a6),4(a5) ;Lnge move.w 0(a6),6(a5) ;Period Super: move.w 20(a6),d0 ;DMA Bit or.w d0,DmaCon ;einodern NoNote: rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ArpeTable: dc.l Arpe1 dc.l Arpe2 dc.l Arpe3 dc.l Arpe2 dc.l Arpe1 ChannelData0: blk.l 5,0 ;Daten fr Note dc.w 1 ;DMA - Bit ChannelData1: blk.l 5,0 ;u.s.w dc.w 2 Channe='0,a0 ;Laenge der SongStr. move.l SongPointer(pc),a2 lea Instruments(pc),a1 ;Tabelle auf Samples moveq #14,d7 ;15 Instrumente CalcIns: move.l a0,(A1)+ ;Startadresse des Instr. add.l (a2)+,a0 ;berechnen un speichern dbf d7,CalcIns lea CiaaResource(pc),a1 ;'ciaa.resource' moveq #0,d0 ;Version egal jsr -498(A6) ;OpenResource() move.l d0,CiaaBase ;Resource Base speichern move.l d0,a6 bsr PlayDisable ;Sound DMA abschalten lea Interrupt(pc),a1 ;Sound Interupt Structure moveq #0,d0 ;TimerA jsr -6(A6) ;installieren move.l d0,d5 ;ergebnis speichern bsr PlayInit ;Loop Bereich setzen bsr PlayEnable ;Player erlauben bsr InitTimer ;Timer starten moveq #0,d0 ;Ergebnisregister loeschen EndStart: tst.l d5 ;ergebnis von Resource sne d0 ;ergebnis in d0 setzen movem.l (SP)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- StopSound: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l 4,a6 ;ExecBase Itst ChipFlag ;mussten wir Speicher reservieren ? beq.s NoFreeSong move.l #Laenge,d0 ;Lnge der Daten addq.l #4,d0 ;Reserve move.l SongPointer(pc),a1 ;Zeiger auf Daten jsr -210(a6) ;FreeMem() NoFreeSong: move.l CiaaBase(pc),a6 ;Zeiger auf Ciaa Resource lea Interrupt(pc),a1 ;Zeiger auf Int. Strukture moveq #0,d0 ;Timer A jsr -12(A6) ;Interupt entfernen bsr PlayDisable ;Player sperren moveq #0,d0 ;Alles Ok movem.l (SP)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts ;--------------------- 7------------------------------------------------------ SongLen: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l SongPointer,a0 lea 532(A0),a0 move AnzPat(pc),d2 ;wieviel Positions subq #1,d2 ;fr dbf moveq #0,d1 moveq #0,d0 SongLenLoop: move.b (a0)+,d0 ;Patternnummer holen cmp.b d0,d1 ;ist es die hchste ? bhi.s LenHigher ;nein! move.b d0,d1 ;ja LenHigher: dbf d2,SongLenLoop move.l d1,d0 ;Hoechste BlockNummer nach d0 addq #1,d0 ;plus 1 mulu #1024,d0 ;Laenge eines Block !,иr movem.l (SP)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Interrupt: dc.l 0 ;letzter Node dc.l 0 ;nchster Node dc.b 2 ;Node Type = Interrupt dc.b 0 ;Prioritt dc.l InterruptName ;Name dc.l 0 ;Zeiger auf Daten dc.l IntCode ;Interrupt Routine ;------------------------------------------------------------------- InitTimer: move.b #%10000001,$bfee01 ;Timer starten lea DelayValue(pc),a1 move.b 1(a1),$bfe401 ;TimerpzSBQy@@a.aa\a a a a `PBy@@3@B`aajB@ ,y@pB6R f3l@@3l@Ba#@D@DaB@D`B9@ effekte clr.w Timer ;sonst zhler lschen bsr PlaySound ;und sound spielen NoPlay: movem.l (SP)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts%” ;------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckEffects: moveq #3,d7 ;4 kanle lea StepControl0,a4 lea ChannelData0(pc),a6 ;zeiger auf daten fr 0 lea $dff0a0,a5 ;Kanal 0 EffLoop: movem.l d7/a5,-(SP) bsr.s MakeEffekts ;Effekt spielen movem.l (Sp)+,d7/a5 NoEff: add #8,a4 add #$10,a5 ;nchster Kanal add #22,a6 ;Nchste KanalDaten dbf d7,EffLoop movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts MakeEffekts: move (A4),d0 beq.s NoStep bmi.s StepItUp add d00,2(A4) move 2(A4),d0 move 4(A4),d1 cmp d0,d1 bhi.s StepOk move d1,d0 StepOk: move d0,6(a5) MOVE D0,2(A4) rts StepItUp: add d0,2(A4) move 2(A4),d0 move 4(A4),d1 cmp d0,d1 blt.s StepOk move d1,d0 bra.s StepOk NoStep: move.b 2(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 cmp.b #1,d0 beq appreggiato cmp.b #2,d0 beq pitchbend cmp.b #3,d0 beq LedOn cmp.b #4,d0 beq LedOff cmp.b #7,d0 beq.s SetStepUp cmp.b #8,d0 beq.s SetStepDown rts LedOn: bset #1,$bfe001 rts LedOff: bclr #1, '9 #2,d2 mulu #30,d4 lea.l pointers-4,a1 move.l 0(a1,d2.l),04(a6) ;store sample-address move.w 0(a3,d4.l),08(a6) ;store sample-len in words move.w 2(a3,d4.l),18(a6) ;store sample-volume move.w 2(a3,d4.l),08(a5) ;change chanel-volume clr.l d3 move.w 4(a3,d4),d3 ;** calc repeatstart add.l 4(a6),d3 move.l d3,10(a6) ;store repeatstart move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) ;store repeatlength cmp.w #1,14(a6) beq chan2 ;no sustainsound ! move.l 10(a6),4(a6) ;repstart = sndstart move.w(ԫ 6(a3,d4),8(a6) ;replength = sndlength chan2: cmp.w #0,(a6) beq chan4 ;no new note set ! move.w 22(a6),$dff096 ;clear dma cmp.w #0,14(a6) bne chan3 ;no oneshot-sample move.w #1,14(a6) ;allow resume (later) chan3: move.w (a6),16(a6) ;save note for effect move.l 4(a6),0(a5) ;set samplestart move.w 8(a6),4(a5) ;set samplelength move.w 0(a6),6(a5) ;set period move.w 22(a6),d0 or.w d0,enbits ;store dma-bit move.w 18(a6),20(a6) ;volume trigger chan4: rts ;---------)*k--------------------------------------- ; used varibles ;------------------------------------------------ ; datachx - structure (22 bytes) ; ; 00.w current note ; 02.b sound-number ; 03.b effect-number ; 04.l soundstart ; 08.w soundlenght in words ; 10.l repeatstart ; 14.w repeatlength ; 16.w last saved note ; 18.w volume ; 20.w volume trigger (note on dynamic) ; 22.w dma-bit ;------------------------------------------------ datach0: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 datach1: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2 datach2: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4 datach3: dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8 pointers: dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 notetable: dc.w 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570 dc.w 538,508,480,453,428,404,381,360 dc.w 339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226 dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143 dc.w 135,127,120,113,000 muzakoffset: dc.l 0 lev6save: dc.l 0 trkpos: dc.l 0 patpos: dc.l 0 numpat: dc.w 0 enbits: dc.w 0 timpos: dc.w 0 data: blk.b 0,0 n4: rts ;---------q +$<,l N.JgRN"$, &,0,l N,JjE` l )H ( 0m EBaJXOal",l N9| Դg/ NXXOaLDN]NuNUH7"$mAC+H+Iax0,  @g` @g @fDA:+HRt+HR/+HRz+H $l m0X mJgRR`A+H" t,l N,Jg"A$,l N*",l NJgJjA"t,l N,Jg",l N0, W@fTz mJ0XgR`| l: m//NPO"-t,l N.Jg"",l N mB0XR`"-,l N" $-,l NJq,TfHlaXOE"A,+HHlTaXO" $<,l N.Jg0B"$- &-,l N*",l NܺgA^+HHlraxXOJl Fg/-aXOaJfaR -LDN]NuNUHCbp,xN)@Jg mC,lN"l,xNbL@N]NuBl |xu/, aXONuJl f9| |Xu/, aXONuNUH"$m.* f/ N'XO"J,xN  g" f. l ,l N l p,l N0, @@ 9@ N| LDN]NuNUH"~ l L,xN$@gL/ ajXOr(Ak:fN`,`$`@``Nq-K(.`~ LDN]NuNUH,- z mZ/- /NPO/-aXOa`.Jf l L,xN` f,- `X g f|`D 0m2 9n*0 " ҇* 'm'`+E `rz+E `hHlpa>XO L@N]NuNUH" m)H Ez~+H lJg JR"mRJgR`BH l CtEt,l NL0, @9@ LDN]NuNUH7"za"-t,l N.Jg"A$,l N,",l NJgn,,h 8ld"-$<,l N.Jg> r,xN:$@g*"$ &,l Nְf // NPOz"J ,xN.Jg q.H",l Na LDN]NuNUH"A,l N4$@g%l LV J <D~,l Nj LDN]NuNUH!A)HA)HA0)HAN)H0A)HA)HA$)HAB)HA`)HA)H P)HA)HA)H~,  @x2, Ao@""9A UAg2, A""(9A9A9|^9|Ga)@ JfHx2aDXOHxN N XO l )h2 H l )hV LNAt"l #HhN%|NNLN]NuNUN:N$J gN/, NXON N N 80- H/NXON]NuJ"g/,"NXOB"NuNUH "A`)HA)H.A )H8A)HqiA)HJ"ga0,&4- Bg09m &N l )HfHlzNXO` N l )H`gJm gpR`p49@PAJ,l N4)@"J"g l"$h2!l LV l" <`,l Nj"Jp,l N l"(7HHR2( HW/Hx/Hx/ NTO l"Cp,l N l"Cp,l N l"C p,l NJm g l"Cp,l N l"/(>aXOH A "l",l N2LLDN]Nu| A)H0,*@9@ J@g B, A)HHla6XONu|!|0,@9@ XJ@g |=B,HlaXONuNUH" m"l",l N"LDN]NuHJ(g0f&Jn im Chip move.l 4,a6 ;ExecBase move.l SongPointer(pc),a1 ;Zeiger auf Daten jsr -534(A6) ;TypeOfMem() btst #1,d0 ;Sind Daten im Chip ? bne.s ChipOK ;ja -> st ChipFlag ;Flag fuer AllocMemChip setzen move.l #Laenge,d0 ;wenn Fast Memory -> addq.l #4,d0 moveq #2,d1 ;Chip Speicher jsr -198(a6) ;reservieren moveq #-1,d5 ;Fehlerflag tst.l d0 ;Speicher bekommen ? beq.L EndStart ;wenn nicht -> Ende move.l d0,a1 ;Ziel move.l SongPointer(pc),a0 ;Quelle move0v.l #Laenge,d1 addq.l #4,d1 ;Reserve lsr.l #2,d1 ;divu #4 subq #1,d1 ;fr dbf CopyMem: move.l (a0)+,(A1)+ ;Daten ins ChipMem move (a0),$dff180 dbf d1,CopyMem ;kopieren move.l d0,SongPointer ChipOk: move.l SongPointer(pc),a0 ;Zeiger auf SongDaten add #60,a0 ;Laengentabelle ueberspringen move.b 470(a0),AnzPat+1 ;Laenge des Sounds move 4(A0),DelayValue ;Geschwindigkeit bsr SongLen ;Lnge der Songdaten berechnen add.l d0,a0 ;Zur Adresse der Songstr. add.w #602K0 lea ChannelData0,a6 ;Daten fr Kanal0 moveq #3,d7 ;4 Kanle SoundHandleLoop: bsr PlayNote ;aktuelle Note spielen add.l #$10,a5 ;nchster Kanal add.l #22,a6 ;nchste Daten add #8,a4 dbf d7,SoundHandleLoop ;4* move DmaCon,d0 ;DmaBits bset #15,d0 ;Clear or Set Bit setzen move.w d0,$dff096 ;DMA ein! move #300,d0 ;Verzgern (genug fr MC68030) Delay2: dbf d0,Delay2 lea ChannelData3,a6 lea $dff0d0,a5 moveq #3,d7 SetRegsLoop: move.l 10(A6),(a5) ;Adresse 3 move 14(A6),4(A5) ;lnge NoSetRegs: sub #22,a6 ;nchste Daten sub #$10,a5 ;nchster Kanal dbf d7,SetRegsLoop tst PlayLock beq.s NoEndPattern add.l #16,PosCounter ;PatternPos erhhen cmp.l #1024,PosCounter ;schon Ende ? blt.s NoEndPattern clr.l PosCounter ;PatternPos lschen addq.l #1,TrackPos ;Position erhhen NoAddPos: move.w AnzPat,d0 ;AnzahlPosition move.l TrackPos,d1 ;Aktuelle Pos cmp.w d0,d1 ;Ende? bne.s NoEndPattern ;nein! clr.l TrackPos ;ja/ Soun4kd von vorne NoEndPattern: rts PlayNote: clr.l (A6) tst PlayLock ;Player zugelassen ? beq.s NoGetNote ; move.l (a0,d1.l),(a6) ;Aktuelle Note holen NoGetNote: addq.l #4,d1 ;PattenOffset + 4 clr.l d2 cmp #-3,(A6) ;Ist Note = 'PIC' ? beq NoInstr2 ;wenn ja -> ignorieren move.b 2(a6),d2 ;Instr Nummer holen and.b #$f0,d2 ;ausmaskieren lsr.b #4,d2 ;ins untere Nibble tst.b d2 ;kein Intrument ? beq.s NoInstr2 ;wenn ja -> berspringen clr.l d3 lea.l Instrume5ťnts,a1 ;Instr. Tabelle move.l d2,d4 ;Instrument Nummer subq #1,d2 lsl #2,d2 ;Offset auf akt. Instr. mulu #30,d4 ;Offset Auf Instr.Daten move.l (a1,d2.w),4(a6) ;Zeiger auf akt. Instr. move.w (a3,d4.l),8(a6) ;Instr.Lnge move.w 2(a3,d4.l),18(a6) ;Volume move.w 4(a3,d4.l),d3 ;Repeat tst d3 ;kein Repeat? beq.s NoRepeat ;Nein! ;Doch! move.l 4(a6),d2 ;akt. Instr. add.l d3,d2 ;Repeat dazu move.l d2,10(a6) ;Repeat Instr. move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) ;rep laen6%+ge move.w 18(a6),d3 ;Volume in HardReg. bra.s NoInstr NoRepeat: move.l 4(a6),d2 ;Instrument add.l d3,d2 ;rep Offset move.l d2,10(a6) ;in Rep. Pos. move.w 6(a3,d4.l),14(a6) ;rep Laenge move.w 18(a6),d3 ;Volume in Hardware CheckPic: NoInstr: move.b 2(A6),d2 and #$0f,d2 cmp.b #5,d2 beq.s ChangeUpVolume cmp.b #6,d2 bne.L SetVolume2 moveq #0,d2 move.b 3(A6),d2 sub d2,d3 tst d3 bpl SetVolume2 clr d3 bra.L SetVolume2 ChangeUpVolume: moveq #0,d2 move.b 3(A7c26),d2 add d2,d3 tst d3 cmp #64,d3 ble.L SetVolume2 move #64,d3 SetVolume2: move d3,8(A5) NoInstr2: cmp #-3,(A6) ;Ist Note = 'PIC' ? bne.s NoPic clr 2(A6) ;wenn ja -> Note auf 0 setzen bra.s NoNote NoPic: tst (A6) ;Note ? beq.s NoNote ;wenn 0 -> nicht spielen clr (A4) move.w (a6),16(a6) ;eintragen move.w 20(a6),$dff096 ;dma abschalten move.l d7,-(SP) move #300,d7 ;genug fr MC68030 Delay1: dbf d7,Delay1 ;delay move.l (SP)+,d7 cmp #-2,(A6) ;Ist e8Ts 'STP' bne.s NoStop ;Nein! clr 8(A5) bra Super NoStop: move.l 4(a6),0(a5) ;Intrument Adr. move.w 8(a6),4(a5) ;Lnge move.w 0(a6),6(a5) ;Period Super: move.w 20(a6),d0 ;DMA Bit or.w d0,DmaCon ;einodern NoNote: rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSEG ArpeTable: dc.l Arpe1 dc.l Arpe2 dc.l Arpe3 dc.l Arpe2 dc.l Arpe1 ChannelData0: ds.l 5,0 ;Daten fr Note dc.w 1 ;DMA - Bit ChannelData1: ds.l 5,0 ;u.s.w dc.w 2 C9^YhannelData2: ds.l 5,0 ;etc. dc.w 4 ChannelData3: ds.l 5,0 ;a.s.o dc.w 8 Instruments: ds.l 15,0 ;Zeiger auf die 15 Instrumente PosCounter: dc.l 0 ;Offset ins Pattern TrackPos: dc.l 0 ;Position Counter Timer: dc.w 0 ;Zhler 0-5 DmaCon: dc.w 0 ;Zwischenspeicher fr DmaCon AnzPat: dc.w 1 ;Anzahl Positions PlayLock: dc.w 0 ;Flag fuer 'Sound erlaubt' DelayValue: dc.w 14565 SongPointer: dc.l 0 Lock: dc.l 0 SongLaenge: dc.l 0 CiaaBase: dc.l 0 DosBase: dc.':#l 0 FileInfo: dc.l 0 InterruptName: dc.b "Chris's SoundInterrupt",0 CiaaResource: dc.b 'ciaa.resource',0 DosLib: dc.b 'dos.library',0 FileName: dc.b '',0 even dcb.w 30,1076 NoteTable: dc.w 1076,1016,960,906,856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570 dc.w 538,508,480,453,428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285 dc.w 269,254,240,226,214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143 dc.w 135,127,120,113 dcb.w 30,113 ,0 ;Daten fr Note dc.w 1 ;DMA - Bit ChannelData1: ds.l 5,0 ;u.s.w dc.w 2 C;/D!ource des Programms laden in den wir den Song einbauen ; wollen. ; 6.Am Anfang des Programms 'bsr StartSound' einsetzen ; 7.Am Schluss des Programms 'bsr StopSound' einsetzen ; 8.Diesen AbspielSource laden ; 9.Das Label 'Laenge' auf die Laenge des Datenfiles setzen ; 10.Assemblieren ; 11.DatenFile mit 'ri' nach 'datas' laden ; 12.fertig ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laenge = 60000 ;Lnge der Sounddaten ;----------------------------/ -------------------------------------------- Beispiel: bsr.s StartSound bsr.s Intro bsr.L StopSound moveq #0,d0 rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro: move d0,$dff180 addq #1,d0 btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s Intro rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Ergebis in D0 0=alles Ok. $ff = Timer nicht bekommen StartSound: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) clr ChipFlag ;Flag fuer Date =(hRC0lBaaG@’ '4h0F@™ #UhaVBUdHaVBUdHaVBUdHaVBUdHaV@Ap  H9C dh­"C dh­"C dh­"C dh­"C dAGhU FhU FhU FhU FhU @00 R8G" * U2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡%.(0 R8GF­Z3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVRBU#p h *ѐU2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡%.(0 R8G >pOaF­Z3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVRBU#p h *ѐU2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡%.(0 R8GF­Z3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVRBU#6,}B@DOH@ `@"  H@)` @@  &O9[@@-` @* @LDl>B@@+ @UX@&`  07P@! ]@" P \ 0H@%@  P$F@@ px" @PXM@-  h@/@ ` 0VTyb NA'@u@@ ,Q #UhaVBUdHaVBUdHaVBUdHaVBUdHaV@Ap  H9C dh­"C dh­"C dh­"C dh­"C dAGhU FhU FhU FhU FhU @00 R8G" * U2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡%.(0 R8GF­Z3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVRBU#p h *ѐU2aVZ3(Fh̡U2aVZ3(Fh̡%.(0 R8G @Ka0) clr.w Timer ;zahler auf 0 clr.l TrackPos ;zeiger auf pos clr.l PosCounter ;zeiger innehalb des pattern rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PlayDisable: lea $dff000,a0 ;AMIGA clr.w PlayLock ;player sperren clr $a8(a0) ;volumen auf 0 clr $b8(a0) clr $c8(a0) clr $d8(a0) move.w #$f,$96(A0) ;dma sperren rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- IntCode: bsr PlaySong ;Note spielen moveq  A effekte clr.w Timer ;sonst zhler lschen bsr PlaySound ;und sound spielen NoPlay: movem.l (SP)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ;---------------------------------------------------- B(--------------- CheckEffects: moveq #3,d7 ;4 kanle lea StepControl0,a4 lea ChannelData0,a6 ;zeiger auf daten fr 0 lea $dff0a0,a5 ;Kanal 0 EffLoop: movem.l d7/a5,-(SP) bsr.s MakeEffekts ;Effekt spielen movem.l (Sp)+,d7/a5 NoEff: add #8,a4 add #$10,a5 ;nchster Kanal add #22,a6 ;Nchste KanalDaten dbf d7,EffLoop movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts MakeEffekts: move (A4),d0 beq.s NoStep bmi.s StepItUp add d0,2(A4) move 2(A4),d0 move 4(A4),d1 cmp d0,d1 bhi.s SCtepOk move d1,d0 StepOk: move d0,6(a5) MOVE D0,2(A4) rts StepItUp: add d0,2(A4) move 2(A4),d0 move 4(A4),d1 cmp d0,d1 blt.s StepOk move d1,d0 bra.s StepOk NoStep: move.b 2(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 cmp.b #1,d0 beq appreggiato cmp.b #2,d0 beq pitchbend cmp.b #3,d0 beq LedOn cmp.b #4,d0 beq LedOff cmp.b #7,d0 beq.s SetStepUp cmp.b #8,d0 beq.s SetStepDown rts LedOn: bset #1,$bfe001 rts LedOff: bclr #1,$bfe001 rts SetStepUp: moveq #0,d4 StepFinder: clr (aD4) move (A6),2(a4) moveq #0,d2 move.b 3(a6),d2 and #$0f,d2 tst d4 beq.s NoNegIt neg d2 NoNegIt: move d2,(a4) moveq #0,d2 move.b 3(a6),d2 lsr #4,d2 move (a6),d0 lea NoteTable,a0 StepUpFindLoop: move (A0),d1 cmp #-1,d1 beq.s EndStepUpFind cmp d1,d0 beq.s StepUpFound addq #2,a0 bra.s StepUpFindLoop StepUpFound: ;move d2,(a5)+ lsl #1,d2 ;move d2,(a5)+ tst d4 bne.s NoNegStep neg d2 NoNegStep: ;move d2,(A5)+ ;move.l a0,(A5)+ move (a0,d2.w),d0 move d0,4(A4) Eyrts EndStepUpFind: move d0,4(A4) rts SetStepDown: st d4 bra.s StepFinder DSEG StepControl0: dc.l 0,0 StepControl1: dc.l 0,0 StepControl2: dc.l 0,0 StepControl3: dc.l 0,0 CSEG appreggiato: lea ArpeTable,a0 moveq #0,d0 move Timer,d0 subq #1,d0 lsl #2,d0 move.l (A0,d0.l),a0 jmp (A0) Arpe4: lsl.l #1,d0 clr.l d1 move.w 16(a6),d1 lea.l NoteTable,a0 Arpe5: move.w (a0,d0.l),d2 cmp.w (a0),d1 beq.s Arpe6 addq.l #2,a0 bra.s Arpe5 Arpe1: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),Fgd0 lsr.b #4,d0 bra.s Arpe4 Arpe2: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 bra.s Arpe4 Arpe3: move.w 16(a6),d2 Arpe6: move.w d2,6(a5) rts pitchbend: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 lsr.b #4,d0 cmp.b #0,d0 beq.s pitch2 add.w d0,(a6) move.w (a6),6(a5) rts pitch2: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 cmp.b #0,d0 beq.s pitch3 sub.w d0,(a6) move.w (a6),6(a5) pitch3: rts ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- PlaySound: move.l SongPo1ginter,a0 ;Zeiger auf SongFile add #60,a0 ;Laengentabelle ueberspringen move.l a0,a3 move.l a0,a2 lea 600(A0),a0 ;Zeiger auf BlockDaten add #472,a2 ;zeiger auf Patterntab. add #12,a3 ;zeiger auf Instr.Daten move.l TrackPos,d0 ;Postionzeiger clr.l d1 move.b (a2,d0.l),d1 ;dazugehrige PatternNr. holen moveq #10,d7 lsl.l d7,d1 ;*1024 / lnge eines Pattern add.l PosCounter,d1 ;Offset ins Pattern clr.w DmaCon lea StepControl0,a4 lea $dff0a0,a5 ;Zeiger auf KanalH BA Af2(I#A"$</,yNN,_#fg"$9V&9/,yNN,_ g|ѹVѹn"9f/,yNN,_&yv yg2&6sa09 @ m@'@0&r#vy yf&yv&&#zG&&&@ 9VR"f g#&#~"<$</,yNN,_#b"$<&9~/,yNN,_"9b$9R&9/,yNN,_"9b$<&9z/,yNN,_"9b/,yNN,_`\/I_,yNN|,_ f0A <N0 ygA <7N0`A@ < N0`"yR 9j/,yJN.,_"yN/,yJNb,_Nu"9Z$&/,yNN,_NuJ dos.libraryST-songfile maker v0.97. Jarno Rajahalme 1988 File Not Found. Check Your instruments. All of them must be on ST-01: DOS error st-00:songs/KP}Qst-01:Use ST-songfilemaker to make an objectfile of your song and instruments. To use program type : MAKESONG (songname) Notice: 1) song must be located in dir SONGS of ST-00: disk. 2) no spaces after the filename ! 3) objectfile is saved in Current Dir and is named as (songname).obj The objectfile can be used with ST-equplayer or witL=h some other SoundTrackerPlayer of mine. MasterBlaster/The Destroyer Team (TDT 88) HIT 'ESC' TO GO BACK TO THE MAIN MENU ` ,8HVblpx$*lrv~ .4:BNVjzj  ,4:BNTZdpv|$2> of your song and instruments. To use program type : MAKESONG (songname) Notice: 1) song must be located in dir SONGS of ST-00: disk. 2) no spaces after the filename ! 3) objectfile is saved in Current Dir and is named as (songname).obj The objectfile can be used with ST-equplayer or witN%;|>p8xhҤ`@(>p8|n _|>p8|` c/$Xx{r6s6l=HDGnFp8 4no` r8# )0 7FdžE1>p8fhUHaVA0 ߿0 :@PG¨2` qh ~ +LU20F)¸qZ1OhUU aD`aE x *0 @|zZ3h!@:*   >pL *"0tT0G 'ߨ?`|>|ϔ*(0QVAV p a OB^ix *3 U`6l pVAF |>|y hTx9G£D>Z!P|`(laVqH7hT~UFi­# k*ѮB0F­# k*A*0b1hT f   8|>p8|>p8|>p8|>p8|` 8!& AT jCG0 Ç @Q0$p|>u P# M aBAB @@8@…ό>0pU:b@GHP¬ 6Q!C@Q n(*$0' 2644BFЀ|` q0&83$ ` x +B B<98Z6L1@LV 5 {ώd" xd4^P0 8EoU"Q`SLJ 00>!0GH­$#``>p8|>p8|>p8|>p8|>p8|>p8|>pQZ;$Fh̡%.Q(0 F01W#g...PL U*AY SONG V........VERIFY SONG CS......CORRECT SONG In........PLAY INSTR RnRENAME INSTR N..RENAME SONG MS....MOVE TO $40000 SS.........SAVE SONG SM.......SAVE MODULE SIn.......SAVE INSTR L or H...SEARCH MORE RETURN.....MAIN MENU *..CLI-COMMAND ENTER YOUR CHOICE : INSTRUCTIONS: Welcome to the Sound-Hacker made by Promax from Atomic Team. As mentioned in my note on last page, sound ripping is now made much easier V> with a lot of helpfull commands. These commands are: P.....Play Song at speed 1 to F (Ex. P6 or just P ). (Don't play song before you have verified it, errors can cause a crash!!) In...........Play Instrument Number 1 to F (Ex. I8 ). V............Verify Song, find possible errors in patterns. CS...........Correct Song, delete possible errors in patterns. N......Rename Song. (Ex. NAtomicTune ) Rn.....Rename Instr. 1 to F (Ex. R3BassDrum13 ) W MS...........Move Song from current position to $40000. (Use this to prevent window movements from destroying the song. Or use it to copy a tune down from Hi-Ram to Lo-Ram.) SS...........Save Song to ST-00:songs/ SM...........Save Module to current disk. SIn..........Save Instrument 1 to F. L or H.......Continue to search for song. -...Execute CLI-Command. (To use this facility RUN has to be present in the C dir on the disk.) X PS : Don't hunt in high memory without expansion, your AMIGA will crash!! Press CON:0/0/640/256/SOUND-HACKER MADE IN 1988 BY PROMAX !!!! IMPROVED VERSION dos.library 9 g( 9 faTRg BaP#l#l9f#l3`H3@paLNsA~ P <r$S@nQRAZ PCXԈp"r2(*ԁQAp"pBX HVt4<T\bhn28>V\\>"4:frz,28> 4>JT\b\x"(.@FLpv|   * 0 P V \ n   > D J \ $ 4 X j frhntzr~hL, "* NTX(\:}hS@. xqd>HVt4<T\bhn28>V\ ^XԈp"B2(*ԁQByByByByByBB y#ld!`lNu lg! lByByByBy3NuaNHRy ygMxJ.gKa3Jnf=|a8=V+n;n;V0.y=nNuX(\:}hS@. xqj(R\jt & > H , : P Z | P&8BXbxvBHjr$0R\l$8 "nv$.\8FL&,4N3 f"BRB09fBLNu,XB. gf(C-q(=sH=sH/. fn`;sH b-YXB By daDXS glJf$< o g$< ,yR"9N&< Na `B"| B4qgTA AJfR 3 d<Nu<NuH瀀 y dg*By d,yR"9N$< f&<NL`^By d,yR"9N$< l&<NL`4 | C B cRA A'f,yR | "< B&9NN"a``aj yfXB a g XSJf$< ,yR"9N&<Nad`"yf | BRA Af2< c R f"< aga$9f&Xacxa` | "yfBRA Af2< c R f"< agfa$9f&aa`Nf`@ a @g* | "y BRA Af2< c RA Af"< ag$9 B69 aa.`$<,yRN# Nu,yR"9 NNu,yR"9 N <SJfNu | 9 "yfE*BBB0(gRB2ց BfBBNuaZրX"0# ҹf# 3 Nua @g#3#@39f3`"yf"<d)RA Af | B0 gRA Af` | 9 BB0(gRBA Bf`r yfCBRA Af | B0 g>RA Af`.# #f`# #fNq*y yfJ(g (g (g (bB(C31eQC*BBBB21JAg JqgRCԁAf|21Afr21Afh@ @fJgZ bP CcHC,B 1f8@ @fC-BB 1@bJ1gR@ @f Ac` Tf`#f` <2Ca8Ca2Ca,Ca&C"a C@aC^aC|aCaCaNua.abaa,yR"9N$< &<7N yfNu$| I0H | ,B2<B(SAJAfNu$| I0 | ,B2<B(g^SAJAfNu$| I0H | ,B2<B(SAJAfNu$| 2< b<.RA fNu$< 6<(,yR"9NNNuABCDEFX(\:}hS@. xqError Ok ALL SONG-PATTERNS ARE OK !!! WARNING: ERROR IN PATTERNS ! ALL PATTERNS ARE NOW OK !!!ST-00:SONGS/DF0:MOD.01234567Rp$89ABCDEF1;46H0000002;17H002;42H002;62H0000003;13H 5;18H , $0000 $0000 $0000 17C29;23H 24C----- SOUND-HACKER V1.1 ----- 35CMADE BY 27CPROMAX FROM ATOMIC TEAM 27C----------------------- 10CL......HUNT FOR SONG IN LOW AREA ($000000 TO $080000) 10CH......HUNT FOR SONG IN HIGH AREA ($C00000 TO $C80000) 10CI......INSTRUCTIONS 10CX......QUIT PROGRAM ENTER YOUR CHOICE : AUTHERSi̶u--------- * ********************************************** A -> Search a module within chipram. ($0-$7ffff) B -> Play activated module. C -> Show status of activated module. D -> Show samplenames of activated module. E -> Write moduledata to selected disk. F -> Write samples to current directory. G -> Write songdata to selected disk. H -> Read moduledata from selected disk. jUX -> Quit this program >ap ap $< BvJgR`,zJ":VNNuI*LpBQ$<avP$ ,z ":,NJg xg^ ag bg dg , cg hg eg d fgF gg tinag 6243f~ T90g `taNu$<aHat`\ Na du Sack, haste mal e Kipp du Kapp? Ficken, Bumsen, Blasen, alles auf dem Rasen. Bitte, Bitte, lass mich dein Sklave sein! Hey, hier kommt Alex. Vorhang auf... Ja simmer im Wald hier, wo bleibt unser Altbier? Generator 7/8 .k.. Radio & Tv ... Absolute Fashion Hey! Watch out for my forthcoming product: The ultimate Musique Journal ... With - Sound Tracker Top Twenty in the month - Interviews with the best MusicArtists - Detailed critics of new Amigatunes - and much much more.... Watch out for TusMal, the ultimate Musique Journal! Published by T R A I T O R S ! ! (C)TM $<a$<aa$< av$<allIda` Press left mousebutton to continue... *************************************************** * Lord Performers SoundTracker Ripper Version 1.1 * *************************************************** C R E D I T S This product was written in the interest of the better "ripping" of music, for those guys who are not able to create own music, or for those guys who like my tunes and want to hear them outside of my stunning intro effects (mh, Eigenlob und so...m?) Thanx for the inspiration to this product from Icebreaker, who created the first ST-Ripper, but his program wasn't able to save songdata and had a few bugs. Also my product provides saving songdata / sampledata / moduledata on which disks YOU want and not everytime on disks with ST-...! If you find any bugs, or you have any ideas concerning the improvement of this product, then please contact me (Lord Performer), writing to Traitors! Signed, Lord Performenr after 7 hours developing on the 14th of January 1989. At last, some hellos. Friendly Regards to: Crazy Typer (MFC) / TIP / Unknown (DOC) / Exciter Frog (Strangers) / Stack & X-Man / Hans (Ex-TSK-CREW) $< aar,z $<"<N# gP"$:^z::`REX&,zN":L,zN` What name shall it be, Lord? >a zp*::30:Xк(@*z$<" ,zVN# g":6-fC$ N":NSyf3`o+a $< aa^,z$<"<N# g>"$<&< ,zN##BBy":,,zN`b$<,zvP":NAHB0Nu$< aa,zl$<"<N# g"$:&:,zFN":,z:N` Statusinformation about module: ---------------------------------------------------------- START: $12345678 STOP: $ LENGTH: $ TRAX: $ SAMPLES: $$<a$:a$<=a":Aa$<a pI&u$<a":ҺAfa$<a$<a":jAFal$<a$<a~":NA&aL$<ah$<a^r2:0 |a($<aD$<a&$<a0a\`D Name of sample LENGTH VOLUME REPSTRT REPLEN -------------------------------------------------------- xyxyxxyxyxxyxyxyxyxy$$xxxx Jgz$<a`Jykf::,SEI&$ aH"AaA"aACx"$ SHaLQ$<FaQ$<aa"`  qX Press left mousebutton to return to main menu.aapByL$<NaGI TstgJTmJyLg4$<anIBvP$ ,z":Np@0oְyLnah`\ ,-f ,0g ,:f,L&r.Kز5l5Sf&"XRyLAaa$<a`TA#3Ry"pt&(r818*ԄxQ#Xt4:VչzAJ"z: g JgRptJft QBX `3NuACBXfNu rE/Rv4aQBB ]N:0 B:e^BNuCpt A 0lt QNu Name of module -> Location ---------------------------------- -> $nnnnnnnn Activate a module by pressing number of its position. >9fNuJg lf $<FaaF` Playing module... Press left mousebutton to stop. #( zT <B$S@nQR yC tU[.s rep5 clr.w datach3+14 move.w #1,$dff0d4 rep5: add.l #16,patpos ;next step cmp.l #64*16,patpos ;pattern finished ? bne.s rep6 clr.l patpos addq.l #1,trkpos ;next pattern in table clr.l d0 move.w numpat,d0 cmp.l trkpos,d0 ;song finished ? bne.s rep6 clr.l trkpos rep6: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts chanelhandler: move.l (a0,d1.l),(a6) ;get period & action-word addq.l #4,d1 ;point to next chanel clr.l d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 ;get nibble for soundnumber lsr.b #4,d uԼ2 beq.s chan2 ;no soundchange ! move.l d2,d4 ;** calc ptr to sample lsl.l #2,d2 mulu #30,d4 lea pointers-4(pc),a1 move.l (a1,d2.l),4(a6) ;store sample-address move.w (a3,d4.l),8(a6) ;store sample-len in words move.w 2(a3,d4.l),18(a6) ;store sample-volume move.l d0,-(a7) move.b 2(a6),d0 and.b #$f,d0 cmp.b #$c,d0 bne.s ok3 move.b 3(a6),8(a5) bra.s ok4 ok3: move.w 2(a3,d4.l),8(a5) ;change chanel-volume ok4: move.l (a7)+,d0 clr.l d3 move.w 4(a3,d4),d3 ;** calc r vIepeatstart add.l 4(a6),d3 move.l d3,10(a6) ;store repeatstart move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) ;store repeatlength cmp.w #1,14(a6) beq.s chan2 ;no sustainsound ! move.l 10(a6),4(a6) ;repstart = sndstart move.w 6(a3,d4),8(a6) ;replength = sndlength chan2: tst.w (a6) beq.s chan4 ;no new note set ! move.w 22(a6),$dff096 ;clear dma tst.w 14(a6) bne.s chan3 ;no oneshot-sample move.w #1,14(a6) ;allow resume (later) chan3: bsr.L newrou move.w (a6),(a4) move.w (a6),16(a6) ; wSgsave note for effect move.l 4(a6),0(a5) ;set samplestart move.w 8(a6),4(a5) ;set samplelength move.w (a6),6(a5) ;set period move.w 22(a6),d0 or.w d0,enbits ;store dma-bit move.w 18(a6),20(a6) ;volume trigger chan4: rts datach0: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 1 datach1: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 2 datach2: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 4 datach3: blk.w 11,0 dc.w 8 voi1: dc.w 0 voi2: dc.w 0 voi3: dc.w 0 voi4: dc.w 0 pointers: blk.l 15,0 notetable: dc.w 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570 dc.w 538,508,4r80,453,428,404,381,360 dc.w 339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226 dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143 dc.w 135,127,120,113,000 muzakoffset: dc.l 0 trkpos: dc.l 0 patpos: dc.l 0 numpat: dc.w 0 enbits: dc.w 0 timpos: dc.w 0 data: blk.b 00000,0 chan2: tst.w (a6) beq.s chan4 ;no new note set ! move.w 22(a6),$dff096 ;clear dma tst.w 14(a6) bne.s chan3 ;no oneshot-sample move.w #1,14(a6) ;allow resume (later) chan3: bsr.L newrou move.w (a6),(a4) move.w (a6),16(a6) ; yMnh ! 0( xРB @ @)F#? _x(M!@`a@g/%D8a&b b@(`t&~d4( ;$+/P0ah@ȁ_@¡```;'XȠ6@ P & 2:/ RP1AM@ˆ( ;>1``RC"@xà  PDaJ00i - C`@Z P P!O'AOB PDm@@ X4>ySx!R@!:B 0_(!L8#FLzAB< R0 zԍ"(A> (",( ! 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Now load the saved module to 'mt_data'. How to play a song: ------------------- At the beginning of your program, call the 'mt_init' routine. Each vertical blank jump to the 'mt_music' routine. To stop the song jump to the 'mt_end' routine. Please note that the V2.2 version of D.O.C-SoundTracker is completely downwards compatible with version V9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think the D.O.C-SoundTracker V2.2 is the Best anHNd D.O.C is great then write to the following Address : D.O.C (Don't write this line) PLK 088231 C 2350 NEUMUENSTER 1 WEST-GERMANY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONS AND HINTS : - SOME INSTRUMENTS HAD BEEN CHANGED AND SOME HAD BEEN REPLACED FOR OTHER INSTRUMENTS (FROM K. OBARSKI) - CAUSE OF DISK-SPACE ON SECOND INSTRUMENT DISK UNKNOWN AND TRACER COPIED SOME INSTRUMENTS FROM THEIR MUSIC-RIPPS TO IT. TjiHE MAIDEN VERSION CONTAINS 258 INSTRUMENTS AT ALL. THIS NEW VERSION CONTAINS CA.420 INSTRUMENTS !!! - THIS SOUNDTRACKER-VERSION CONTAINS FIVE DISKS AT ALL! (ONE SONG DISK,FOUR INSTRUMENT DISKS) - HINT : CONTACT D.O.C !! (But not, if 'ya are a LOSER or a LAMER or BOTH !!!!?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you think the D.O.C-SoundTracker V2.2 is the Best anw ě @INE 8OAOV OVEH@ zOVEp DOVE UL UL ACR`OVEOVENzEDOFEG@BCHONqLISҀ DRRɀ EH@fAGLEWIINIFONOHOX@OX8ESENpLTNsFTNu@TNw:TNtUBQ :U” @WAH@UB dBC bPQCTCUHTLUEWG\G^HRL_LSL]M[NVPZVXzVYtTONr bUBUBSJ^RAPNvzRAN@AJ>NLNXaa@ wŔaf @aa0@?XJf*`"Ry0@?XJfada@y`vaAaHa Ae&Aaan Ad B?0Xa`<0X a aFAa` aa2 Af`a g R@3Nua gLA2HSA02AjBA000@+2HASAjBA0S@jB@0Nua af&JfLf gJGka3`JAf(NuR9 Nur Jg0r Xg r Dgr Cg r EfJ@gNuNu gByNugDapf&f2Jkwĥ"#3JGk y!NuA8`A6`9ZZAHA!4B"0 ##R9JGj$fP fҹ4#Nu@`afa##NuA8`&a JffXNuaJ9Zf#3JGj#NuAR`a ,gJAgv bfvghJGj 9Zf~ 9fnaFfafahB<``2<Ca AB #`|NuA7D`NpJgRB@`aJjB@HGFWHGNuGNuNuHGOHGNugBJkwǻJGkaf y!<aJg. :gJ bg f`laбXfNu/ga<,_RRyB#```29g"NuaFS*9Dʀ`paQNuava /a ag pJf*gJ BgB Wg( Lfl` ByaSjNuByarSjNuByaSjNu  g .f  g ad NuSBANu NuAR`a[ Bna Jg af$a`Nu 9W[g 9L[gjJk>BJfRA2XH"9 Akw"&f #Nuf2A @b0#NuJkX9fRA2XH JGj^"9 AkXfva #BJg< 9Zf FC$ gC(JGj Q YXNuX$Nuf* y0 9(aR y, 9$U BNuB,#8Nuf  f Nuй4Nuй8Nu 9V@#,P"9$#$Ё#0P#(Ё @X##4 й V@#8"й#<llNuJkJBJfT9fA2XH0"9 Akf^0#wɞNuBJgD Bc&HB"y2<ahR A #NuBB@a0 #NuH@aH@2A A?b00#Nu"9 Af40#Nu y9fj"BNuA2L`AR`v?a@_`aAa*ad AgP69gB9[f AglfC3AaaUAgRA`8a9fafyA}`FyaA#}`20C3BBRB9fa AmA|`aA}`9@@y@3Sg`yy<wo` B@9[@@y`laZAaa0Ag?BSAgPBya_`4aAgj?aAg\0@B lB@@2Ag@@BBBBB`.aJAgAaja Ag" A fByaHaSA`?av A fBBya4`aaNAg @fa.SA`RaDJAgpAaaaf,AlatyagX3gN`3g@a Ag Ad`$B?y09tPQQ3`aZaaAdaaUA`aAa6ap Aw%f ?SfaVAa4`vaa@AgSAg at`B9aA}`xa0AaaBAanaA`aaA}aRaSf@BB9`a6aAg `&aJAg0<0 A@g0< aTa Ab89aax AbZ8D6CDCCya`6f g3@a4A}`3Nha A`|yIe&IeId@yF`yD`J@f"69C CbCN`3`` baza fBy`(a\a Lg Sg  K / / | Arpeggio,portamento,volume,speed,filter and / / Command position info. / Inst# Note to be played. Note: This is simply the note that must be played by that particular ----- instrument. Inst#: This is the number of the instrument that must be used to play ------ the note. When the instrument number is zero, the last selected instrument will be used. C "Command: This number tells SoundTracker what special functions must be -------- preformed while playing the note. These functions are as follows: 0 - Normal play or arpeggio. 1 - Portamento up. 2 - Portamento down. B - Position jump! C - Set volume. D - Pattern break! E - Set filter on/off F - Set speed. Info: This byte contains the additional information for the commands. ----- Arpeggio: Arpeggio is used for simulating accords.N It does this by --------- rapidly changing the notes while playing an instrument. Arpeggios are selected whenever the info byte has a non-zero value and no other commands are selected. When arpeggios are used, SoundTracker looks five times during the play of one note, at the information contained in the info byte. Each nibble (4 bits) in this byte defines how many notes SoundTracker must add to the the note currently&Dt playing. In each of the five passes SoundTracker does the following with the information contained in the info byte : 1 - Add the first nibble to the current note. 2 - Add the second nibble to the current note. 3 - Play the current note. 4 - Add the first nibble to the current note. 5 - Add the second nibble to the current note. Portamento: Portamento is used for 'sliding' of the instrument.q" ----------- If portamento is in use, the information contained in the info byte will be added to (or subtracted from) the period of the note playing in each of the five passes. Example: D#2 3208 Slides down $08 --- 0208 Slides down $08 --- 0108 Slides up $08 --- 0210 Slides down $10 (=16) etc. Position jump: -------------- The position jump command will do the same like the pattern љo7break command, but the info byte gives the playroutine the no. of the position. Example: E-2 3B04 - Break the pattern and jump to position 4 --- 0000 --- 0B06 - Break the pattern and jump to position 6 Volume: One of the enhancements that the V2.2 version provides is the ------- ability to change the volume at any time during play. When command $0C (=12) is selected, the volume is set to the value contained in the info byte. ҶSThe volume will remain at this level until a next SAMPLE is played. At this time, the volume is reset to the default volume level of that sample. Example: C#1 1C22 - Set volume to $22 (=34) and use instrument # 1 to play the C#1 note. D-2 0000 - Use instrument # 1 to play the D-2 note. (Volume level remains at $22 (=34)) B-1 1000 - Use instrument # 1 to play the B-1 note and set volume to default value for that instrument. Pattern break: -------------- Pattern break is used to create shorter patterns than 64 notes. The note with the $0D command will be played and after that the next pattern in the position-table will be played. Example: A#3 1D00 - At this point the pattern interrupts. --- 0D00 - Look upper line. C-1 0D30 - Look upper line. Filter: This Soundtracker version allows you to turn the lo԰S-pass filter ------- on/off. Example: G#2 1E01 - Turns the filter and the power-led off. --- 0000 E-1 1E00 - Turns the filter and the power-led on. Warning to all Amiga 1000 owners (like Unknown and Esteban): Don't play with the power-led because some A500 and A2000 owners will not be happy when they hear your song. Speed: This function allows changing the speed during play. ------ You can only enter a speed between 01 and 0F. Setting the info bytehH9 to zero doesn't effect anything. The normal speed is 6. Example: D-2 4F04 - Set speed to 4 --- 0000 E-1 0F00 - Nothing happens to speed. --- 0FC3 - Set speed to 3 G-2 2F06 - Set normal speed If you load another song it will be played with the actual speed. All songs on these disk are re-written to their normal speeds. (by D.O.C) The Playroutine. ---------------- The playroutine on the SoundTracker disk is for@ using your music in demos, intros, games etc. It was written using the Seka-assembler and the source of the routine can directly be incorporated in your demo/intro source. When you are finished writing your music using D.O.C-SoundTracker, save it to Disk. Use the function 'SAVE MODULE'. You will find at the 'MODULES'-DIR a file, which contains all muzakdatas and instruments. Load with SEKA the source of the playroutine and enter the size of saved module at the label 'mt_data'. Assem &[Λ-ve.w numpat,d0 cmp.l trkpos,d0 ;song finished ? bne rep6 clr.l trkpos rep6: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ;------------------------------------------------ ; proof chanel for actions ;------------------------------------------------ chanelhandler: move.l (a0,d1.l),(a6) ;get period & action-word addq.l #4,d1 ;point to next chanel clr.l d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 ;get nibble for soundnumber lsr.b #4,d2 beq chan2 ;no soundchange ! move.l d2,d4 ;** calc ptr to sample lsl.lA aST-03' and so on. Sample zero function: --------------------- While edding-ting you're able to set the sample to the value zero (0!). Press all mousebuttons (three at all) at the position of the sample- gadgets (plus,minus = +,-). Now you can edit the pattern with the sample 0 to prevent difficulties according to the volume (Frog's idea) !!! Correct 'DisplayPattern' routine: --------------------------------- The 'MasterSoundTracker V1.0' and the 'D.O.C-SoundTracker V2.0' had a inc Porrect 'DisplayPattern' routine !!! The highest bit of the command- and infobyte had been deleted on screen, but not in the memory !!!!!!!!!! I've discovered this bug and removed it. Example: Entered - E-2 C2FF <=- Correct ! Printed out later - E-2 427F <=- Wrong instrument and infobyte ! Still in memory - E-2 C2FF <=- Correct ! Instruments. ------------ You can use up to fifteen different instruments in one music-piece. All instruments are  ԛlisted in the preset-list. The volume is allways 64 but you can change it to each value between 0 and 64. To change the other values of each instrument you have to load the preset-editor. With that tool you can change the whole preset-list. TIP improved the preset-editor : some values (Length,Repeat and RepeatLength) have to be entered in hexadecimal !!! Now you can use samples up to $8000 (=32768) bytes !!!! (Press right mouse-button to quit). UNKNOWN corrected the preset-editor :  lIt got a nice bug ! (Not TIP's fault) Example: You've an instrument called 'HeavySynth' in your preset-list, now you want to INSERT an instrument with the name 'Heavy' in it. The preset-editor searches for the word 'HEAVY' in the list, find the name 'HEAVYsynth' and DELETES it to insert the name 'Heavy' !!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I've discoverd and removed this bug, too. Notes: ------ C#1 3 C 2 3 / / | \| ܃8 A sample sort function Corrected 'DisplayPattern' routine Corrected preset-editor Improved record function Extended keymap (Sonix style) Pattern play function Delete Song function in the dos menu Improved ANALYZER Pattern changing during play Pattern break command !!!! Position jump command !!!! Sample zero functio!D-n New playroutine for use in demos/intros/games Improved graphics (colors,styling,font) Nice scrolling Animated mousepointer Directory Sort function New Colors for the Analyser Patterns. --------- Any piece of music written with SoundTracker 2.2 is build up from patterns. SoundTracker holds a table with information about the sequence in which these parts must be played. With 'Position' you determine>s your position in the table. With 'Pattern' you define what pattern to play at that position. 'Length' defines the total size of the table. The Keys. --------- The original (V1.8) version of the SoundTracker had a German keymap. Version 2.2 supports a standard USA keymap and this ensures compatibility with ALL Amigas. The keyboard has been extended, try typing on the whole key-rows. The keys on your Amiga have been grouped to represent the layout of a two-octave piano-keyboard. Yo)Zu can "shift" the keyboard one octave up or down with the aid of the F1 and F2 keys, this incrementing the range of the keyboard to three octaves. While editing: -------------- Cursor-keys move cursor. shift + Cursor-keys move cursor fast. alt + Cursor-keys move cursor fastest. F6 - Set cursor to first line of pattern. F7 - Set cursor to 16th line of pattern. F8 - Set cursor to 32th line of pattern.  F9 - Set cursor to 48th line of pattern. F10 - Set cursor to last line of pattern. DEL - Delete note under cursor. shift + F3 - Cut track of current pattern and copy into copy-puffer. shift + F4 - Copy track of current pattern into copy-puffer. shift + F5 - Copy puffer to track of current pattern. alt + F3 - Cut the whole pattern and copy into copy-buffer. alt + F4 - Copy pattern into copy-puffer. K alt + F5 - Copy puffer to current pattern. Special keys: ------------ To quit the D.O.C-SoundTracker 2.2 point the mousepointer at 0,0 and press: alt + shift + left and right mousebutton together !!!! Sample sort function: --------------------- I've inserted a special sort function in the load-song routine, so you needn't to be a DJ anymore. Only the D.O.C-SoundTrackers 2.1 + 2.2 will load ALL Samples from the Disk 'ST-01', than from 'ST-02', than from '~4"9$<8NJgAdpQ`pNupNu*yFJgCpQa2,y"<$<N#g"$9>vN f y> PACKg"9$9>X&<NX# "9Na/ a6*_a,y"<$<N#gV"$9B&9 Nа f<"9N`(A a` SongFile already Packed !!!pNupNuST-00:songs/`Su.A aTAaNNu Reading File: A a6Aa0Nu Packing File: A aAaNu Writing File: $vJgRC`,y"9NNu#>> yB #J# B y>B#FadJ #N"ҹJ#R yB PACK!yN!yB 9N # Nu y>"yF$yJtBAaJg RA AfanaaHNu&H"ķo&Iz*HR(fgn`ZS(Hfn& Sl>( S o| m6<`<UFNMlv`l*#Z^n g:a|9^&9Z06`a06`g&SCa06`66` a~v`(BNupalpNu JAg6BA C lRySCp`NuRyC Cp NqS@eQNuB@$tQNu@ .Xl$0BRXlr`R) $,8X^d A aTAaNNu Reading File: A a6Aa0Nu Packing File: A aAaNu Writing File: $vJgRC`,y"9NNu#>> yB #J# B y>B#FadJ #N"ҹJ#R yB PACK!yN!yB 9N # Nu y>"yF$yJtBAaJg RA AfanaaHNu&H{!pt: movem.l d0/d1,-(sp) ;** jump bsr REPLAY_MUZAK move.b $bfdd00,d0 move.w #$2000,$dff09c movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1 rte ;------------------------------------------------ ; replay-routine ;------------------------------------------------ REPLAY_MUZAK: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) addq.w #1,timpos cmp.w #6,timpos beq replaystep ;------------------------------------------------ ; time left to handle effects between steps ;------------------------------------------------ chaneleffe׸]cts: ;** seek effects lea.l datach0,a6 cmp.b #0,3(a6) beq.s ceff1 lea.l $dff0a0,a5 bsr.s ceff5 ceff1: lea.l datach1,a6 cmp.b #0,3(a6) beq.s ceff2 lea.l $dff0b0,a5 bsr.s ceff5 ceff2: lea.l datach2,a6 cmp.b #0,3(a6) beq.s ceff3 lea.l $dff0c0,a5 bsr.s ceff5 ceff3: lea.l datach3,a6 cmp.b #0,3(a6) beq.s ceff4 lea.l $dff0d0,a5 bsr.s ceff5 ceff4: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ceff5: move.b 2(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 cmp.b #1,d0 beq arpreggiato cmp.b #2,d0 beq pitchbendr rts ;------------------------------------------------ ; effect 1 arpreggiato ;------------------------------------------------ arpreggiato: ;** spread by time cmp.w #1,timpos beq.s arp1 cmp.w #2,timpos beq.s arp2 cmp.w #3,timpos beq.s arp3 cmp.w #4,timpos beq.s arp1 cmp.w #5,timpos beq.s arp2 rts arp1: clr.l d0 ;** get higher note-values move.b 3(a6),d0 ; or play original lsr.b #4,d0 bra.s arp4 arp2: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 bra.s arp4 arp3:o{u move.w 16(a6),d2 bra.s arp6 arp4: lsl.w #1,d0 clr.l d1 move.w 16(a6),d1 lea.l notetable,a0 arp5: move.w (a0,d0.w),d2 cmp.w (a0),d1 beq.s arp6 addq.l #2,a0 bra.s arp5 arp6: move.w d2,6(a5) rts ;------------------------------------------------ ; effect 2 pitchbend ;------------------------------------------------ pitchbend: ;** increase or decrease clr.l d0 ; period every time move.b 3(a6),d0 lsr.b #4,d0 beq.s pit2 add.w d0,(a6) move.w (a6),6(a5) rts pit2: clr ue(.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 beq.s pit3 sub.w d0,(a6) move.w (a6),6(a5) pit3: rts ;------------------------------------------------ ; handle a further step of 16tel data ;------------------------------------------------ replaystep: ;** work next pattern-step clr.w timpos move.l muzakoffset,a0 move.l a0,a3 add.l #12,a3 ;ptr to soundprefs move.l a0,a2 add.l #472,a2 ;ptr to pattern-table add.l #600,a0 ;ptr to first pattern clr.l d1 move.l trkpos,d0 ;get  4zCptr to current pattern move.b (a2,d0),d1 mulu #1024,d1 add.l patpos,d1 ;get ptr to current step clr.w enbits lea.l $dff0a0,a5 ;chanel 0 lea.l datach0,a6 bsr chanelhandler lea.l $dff0b0,a5 ;chanel 1 lea.l datach1,a6 bsr chanelhandler lea.l $dff0c0,a5 ;chanel 2 lea.l datach2,a6 bsr chanelhandler lea.l $dff0d0,a5 ;chanel 3 lea.l datach3,a6 bsr chanelhandler move.l #400,d0 ;** wait a while and set len rep1: dbra d0,rep1 ; of oneshot to 1 word move.l #$8000,d0 Rn or.w enbits,d0 move.w d0,$dff096 cmp.w #1,datach0+14 bne.s rep2 clr.w datach0+14 move.w #1,$dff0a4 rep2: cmp.w #1,datach1+14 bne.s rep3 clr.w datach1+14 move.w #1,$dff0b4 rep3: cmp.w #1,datach2+14 bne.s rep4 clr.w datach2+14 move.w #1,$dff0c4 rep4: cmp.w #1,datach3+14 bne.s rep5 clr.w datach3+14 move.w #1,$dff0d4 rep5: add.l #16,patpos ;next step cmp.l #64*16,patpos ;pattern finished ? bne rep6 clr.l patpos addq.l #1,trkpos ;next pattern in table clr.l d0 moT0 ?3A<$~`/:D@|b,! aFd    g*@68) L8€s!<1 X@ m0P1g.@7C"C"2wD$B$vVe-<9) 0LψHp* 0Q\ `` 'x(C0D~H"Qf]5!?'D@ \$6 - 8(p^XLP hXD0 d @(DBA B@2 . ] aNٚVH282r_q@a ߃B^#*@P@ !( a#*@3p=@XX@Xēx(,d @ @  U? >19Ap `p`` P jSX*D@ OABf`  2p#F !ʻ 9G\ l~  !Z'B3 )X= P(SP1  A80nE887haxP4 CP1  0 ax'gd`( @ H2p_ A2*RL%"P6`a(Tb(d$gdFzA C @#` ;AP0I!Ot.a@8 @(' +AH`&(63P0(h@ *AM:B` ؾ J.nd(]&Ff|B0 @ i(H@0jh0 Ib~ @) & `bF6 p  GOU2HF( .c(w q_ 0.|;Ǚ' P8h0?0s|d`a ߜ b .01A(/y'px=B  A?]9 K> {|?|xAߏs]po Px>@l|+|2y>o|< YdQBQpz?AJ=wB.? =ƁAϟa |~gsG|Ȃ . !ABqfMP to43|3  mS0J!BόsY͠x A8"s{?.@P?|(1IϺ2AFp!*>?}l=~iaSq81 ! #CdRB1@=@> J*d RH1JI`pp~xRB1JI*$#dPQ #|p`/ o(GS}spfpqCAPF$AƁKAA%Kߠ{B?w9݁0go78f<َg Rc_<ppx RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*d RH1JI*` apc!Y0 U!gԇ8 )A Ra1`|{ RsCaR3<@fpy< x  P!R38GÀv =@FQ_@A1xC|@SA0@``z2  QAP1A$ao L7O(A00<@|'B'Nf2 ('y(Ic"p! 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L@st-99:doc4@st-04:dragonsynth1@st-04:dragonsynth2@st-01:dreambells@st-04:drop2@st-04:drumbass3@st-04:drumsnare17;@st-05:dum1 @st-05:dum2 R@st-05:dum3@N*st-05:dum4@st-05:dum5 2st-05:dum7  st-05:dum9 (st-02:dumpfbass @st-01:dxbassF@st-01:dxtom@st-03:ecovoicet@st-03:eldrum@st-05:elebass @st-02:elecguitar @st-01:electom@st-03:electronic&st-03:electronic2!st-03:electronic3n&st-03:electronic43st-0 DD2:elopin Z@st-01:epiano@st-01:exbells@st-01:faerytaleb@st-04:fairlightii@st-04:fairlightiii @st-03:fairsxb@st-02:fatbrass @st-01:filterbass @st-04:fingered@st-03:flash@st-03:flickbass"@st-02:friday @st-01:funbass @st-01:funkbass Z@st-99:gaehnb@st-01:gato ʐ9K @st-03:gato2 @st-99:giveme@st-02:glassmute z@st-03:glockenspiel;@st-02:glockenspiel@st-05:goodpling ,@st-01:great @st-02:growl @st-03:guitar1 @st-04:guitar1echoV@st-04:guitar7@st-04:guitarstrum2\@st-01:hallbrass\@st-02:hammerbasst@st-03:hapscord@st-02:hapsi  @st-03:harphigh@st-03:harplowV@st-03:heavy 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lea mt_aud4temp(pc),a6 bsr mt_playit move.w #$008a,d1 mt_loop:dbf d1,mt_loop move.w #$8000,d0 or.w mt_dmacon,d0 move.w d0,$dff096 lea mt_aud4temp(pc),a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice3 move.lsw 10(a6),$dff0d0 move.w #1,$dff0d4 mt_voice3: lea mt_aud3temp(pc),a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice2 move.l 10(a6),$dff0c0 move.w #1,$dff0c4 mt_voice2: lea mt_aud2temp(pc),a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice1 move.l 10(a6),$dff0b0 move.w #1,$dff0b4 mt_voice1: lea mt_aud1temp(pc),a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice0 move.l 10(a6),$dff0a0 move.w #1,$dff0a4 mt_voice0: move.l mt_partnote,d0 add.l #$10,d0 move.l d0,mt_partnote cmp.l #$400,d0 bne.s mt_stop mt_higher: ֛| mt_partnote addq.l #1,mt_partnrplay moveq #$00,d0 move.w mt_maxpart,d0 move.l mt_partnrplay,d1 cmp.l d0,d1 bne.s mt_stop clr.l mt_partnrplay mt_stop:tst.w mt_status beq.s mt_stop2 clr.w mt_status bra.s mt_higher mt_stop2: rts mt_playit: move.l (a0,d1),(a6) addq.l #4,d1 moveq #$00,d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 and.b #$f0,d2 lsr.b #4,d2 tst.b d2 beq.s mt_nosamplechange moveq #$00,d3 lea mt_samples(pc),a1 move.l d2,d4 asl.l #2,d2 mulu #$1e,d4 move.l (a1,d2),4(a6) moves  `~#@#@# @ a+QNu0<a"|YH~|6zQRQhQNu0<av"y@|6zBQQNuB@9 3@Z9 3@XNu9g9 g0<`a9 g9fpNupNu"9AAfNu y/F1|1|w1|D Nu y/F1| 1|w1|D Nu y/F1|1|p1|@ Nu y/F1| 1| p1|@ Nu y/F1|[1|I1| &. Nu y/F1| Z1|'1| Nu y/F1| 1| 1| raQ`ZJ@gNu 9U@ y@Jf$<3@:I` y@Jf$<3@:I` y @Jf$<3 (#@:` y @Jf$<3 @:II` y @Jf$<3 @:I` y @Jf$<3 @:I` y@Jf$<3 @:`n y@Jf$<3@:II`P y@Jf$<3@:I`4 y@Jf$<3@:I` y@Jf$<3@: y@X 9@$p09@HHH@:PP3@Np09@H29@J Ёh#@a$banB9@J@ g y@ )\tX 9@$p09@Ha0HH09@JHH0Jy@>gp09@R((`h3@ y@4LH#@#@ p09@Har29@J Ёd#@a#l3@@NR@a#aJyUBfJy@>fNu*| y@JfK3@` y @JfK3@`f y@JfK3@`LJy@JfK3@`4NuJ@g"9@,⁲@oByUBNuR@@?3UBNuM*09@3*".;V0.g n*;n;y@>09@>aH;n <Q09@y@3n*;n *l By@Nu9@< Ng OgR Lg MgxByNuJyg:RyJy/fJy/0f yjNu yjNu yjNuBy3 patt@gSy@Hy?@H`NuJyg:RyJy/fJy/0f yjNu yjNu yjNuBy3 patt@gRy@Hy?@H`(NuJyg.RyJy/fJy/0f yjNu yjNuBy3Ry@J y@JkBy@J`\Jyg.RyJy/fJy/0f yjNu yjNuBy3Sy@JJy@Jj3@JNq09@JA.0H@ 2<+#HtA),` 09@@29@BS@$<A)P` aaaL y@Lg pR @g9gBy@V`P3@L9gBy@LBy@V`.3@`@df$Jy@bfJy/gJy/0g 9 g3@b@f yz@fll yo@fl yd@fl6 y@dl y@dl$ yx@dlV ym@dl yb@dlNu y-@fl* y"@fl y@fl y @flNJy@fl>Nu y-@fl y"@fl y@fl y @fl Jy@fl XNu3@V`By@V yC@flF y8@fl t y-@fl y"@fl < y@fl y @fl Jy@f 3 lB9@<3 @@3@Ba#y@a^ 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#$0f,d0 cmp.b #11,d0 beq.s mt_posjmp cmp.b #12,d0 beq.s mt_setvol cmp.b #13,d0 beq.s mt_break cmp.b #14,d0 beq.s mt_setfil cmp.b #15,d0 beq.s mt_setspeed rts mt_posjmp: not.w mt_status moveq #$00,d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 subq.b #$01,d0 move.l d0,mt_partnrplay rts mt_setvol: move.b 3(a6),8(a5) rts mt_break: not.w mt_status rts mt_setfil: moveq #$00,d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$01,d0 5 [ rol.b #$01,d0 and.b #$fd,$bfe001 or.b d0,$bfe001 rts mt_setspeed: move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 beq.s mt_back clr.l mt_counter move.b d0,mt_cool+5 mt_back:rts mt_aud1temp: blk.w 10,0 dc.w $0001 blk.w 2,0 mt_aud2temp: blk.w 10,0 dc.w $0002 blk.w 2,0 mt_aud3temp: blk.w 10,0 dc.w $0004 blk.w 2,0 mt_aud4temp: blk.w 10,0 dc.w $0008 blk.w 2,0 mt_partnote: dc.l 0 mt_partnrplay: dc.l 0 mt_counter: dc.l 0 mt_partpoint: dc.l 0 mt_samples:dc.l 0 mt_sample1:blk.l 15,0 mt_ bamaxpart:dc.w $0000 mt_dmacon:dc.w $0000 mt_status:dc.w $0000 mt_arpeggio: dc.w $0358,$0328,$02fa,$02d0,$02a6,$0280,$025c dc.w 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mt_partnote addq.l #1,mt_partnrplay moveq #$00,d0 move.w mt_maxpart, 2wAd0 move.l mt_partnrplay,d1 cmp.l d0,d1 bne.s mt_stop clr.l mt_partnrplay mt_stop:tst.w mt_status beq.s mt_stop2 clr.w mt_status bra.s mt_higher mt_stop2: rts mt_playit: move.l (a0,d1),(a6) addq.l #4,d1 moveq #$00,d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 and.b #$f0,d2 lsr.b #4,d2 tst.b d2 beq.s mt_nosamplechange moveq #$00,d3 lea mt_samples(pc),a1 move.l d2,d4 asl.l #2,d2 mulu #$1e,d4 move.l (a1,d2),4(a6) move.w (a3,d4),8(a6) move.w 2(a3,d4),18(a6) move.w 4(a3,d4),d3 tst.w d3 w@Ƶ=Nua>M\a aNuACa$ACa&NuA a `AA v0$"p/R@dԁSgAfp RSaA`;B@'d g#:\BaXaB@aAXByByBy ByPB(B$a fhnaaa$"9<lm |Qa>NuBGACa>`N#B9Z 9#a=2a=a> g>M\.<Bya! bf[aNa!Jf#JjNu 9d @#wA<#A F0<?BXQ0<P` .AAaS :faj29g g g =g*a>hS ;g"g g f`a>@SAa29 ;gw BRpVgh g g "g 'g `ga=Q``g(ga=Qa29 g a=Qa;g#NJDnNuyjn gfA?Jy gSH ga<a;y 309 AHa gA?Wa;PA\a;Fa;\`;XNuJAk a=QNuZBBBy"aLBy,y`RyJ9fHa;L g###HB#Bya bf` :g &=fata =f a `4 bf0[afag0 Bf(w .Ⱥ`,NaJf/a,_RJj:p` AA`D#DRy"/ga*_RM#gv ?fh0  lZRAg0Sag ,g ;g 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Copyright 1/89 by Traitors INC. * ********************************************** * Lord Performers SoundTracker Ripper DeLuxe * * ------------------------------------------ * * Copyrighted 1989 by Traitors Inc. * * ---------------------------------ˌ4\[ZYXWVUTSRgfedcba"hatomicpaYabaa A  g PL g Pl g PH g Ph g PX g Px g PI gB Pi g:`aa RA Pg pg  g Rg< rg4 Ng ng Ig ig PSIgh Psig` PL gJ Pl gB PH g: Ph g2 PSSgp Pssgh PSMg Psmg PV g Pv g PCSg Pcsg *g PMSg Pmsg`&"| yf#fb 9 B3Uf3` 9 B3Tf3`,yR"9N$<:&<NN `Pa yf͵@^"LKJIHG hmaKERpGfL#J##BNC </,yJNh,_#Ng <#j"</,yJN:,_#Rg#RV/,yNN,_#Z/,yNN,_#^A <1N0 fAC : N0`.#v&yv&&&mt_s&l&einfo6&#vBACLE y0  fB  g A Afޕ.objBy#nr yfAL#j`N yRB@09@JgCԨ 987654321FEDCBA@?3#l fxplayer.asmr 1,QaNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q``DћV+H$m fane2rvfabeLrBDad6DrfaNQQ`8rx`ra@ m gra062<` 2< BTB6aSJ QmNu DNuSABB3f DQNu804@P1 0 HtDp2H(_X<0\~ bH %@R`)H n NN*@.UpN!@ LH0?F    4,  Pa;SH 8DP T`3 Axa@)\)0 a% D QHd?@48 Z ҙ~2%@,Ip(N$a;BB"5 p0(ڧ@ B>'``)$ P{@WX+0<P=T40\P0g x̃@!0"DDRr $`$`T= F@a 9W!X@ J4 p,e V  BAs0WU:`h B HB@XV*@ Ԃ9!;0w  ``V@lPJȐ, B5@ Zl  En I0O A2rY8@ sp K !q8!i}v 04: փiEBB Px $P | p*Ipf'At UMܶ'@ x? pՁ@Q "P8;+/ 7@@J9P @ Xq@Y}L T2@ 04P0@*B!vD@!`NPT40X +@(0*$HQ TAK10P@,Ap J : `:EhbaOBr@@'Wg*ckKgk:S7@zp6q4]]j[Y; <@@}p6-p4`d/,F@@ :U̝l,-,,\ , M( /'@'@0aX`h74l p4r8  0 Hpȧ/.     utpn 9V1.3px **************************************************************************** * * * * * Sound Abspiel Routine zu Sound FX * * * * 1988 LINEL Switzerland * * * * Aztec Version * * * **************************************************************************** CSEG Public _LoadSound,_StopSound,_StartSound,_RemSound _LoadSound: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l 4,a6 ;ExcBase lea DoZsLib,a1 ;'dos.library' jsr -408(A6) ;OldOpenLibrary() move.l d0,DosBase move.l #FileName,d0 ;'' bsr CheckFile move.l d0,SongLaenge tst.l d0 beq.s EndLoadSound move.l 4,a6 moveq #2,d1 jsr -198(A6) move.l d0,SongPointer tst.l d0 beq.s EndLoadSound move.l DosBase,a6 move.l #FileName,d1 move.l #1005,d2 jsr -30(A6) move.l d0,d7 move.l d0,d1 move.l SongPointer,d2 move.l SongLaenge,d3 jsr -42(A6) move.l d7,d1 jsr -36(A6) move.l a6,a1 move.l 4,a6 jsr.Oe -414(a6) EndLoadSound: movem.l (SP)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts CheckFile: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(A7) move.l d0,d6 moveq #0,d7 move.l 4,a6 move.l #1024,d0 moveq #0,d1 jsr -198(A6) move.l d0,FileInfo move.l DosBase,a6 tst.l d0 beq EndCheckFile move.l d6,d1 move.l #$3ed,d2 jsr -84(A6) tst.l d0 beq EndCheckFile move.l d0,d1 move.l d0,Lock move.l FileInfo,d2 jsr -102(a6) move.l FileInfo,a0 move.l 124(A0),d7 move.l Lock,d1 jsr -90(A6) EndCheckFile: clr.l Lock move.l ؋Y4,a6 move.l FileInfo,a1 move.l #1024,d0 jsr -210(A6) move.l d7,d0 movem.l (A7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts _StartSound: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l 4,a6 ;ExecBase move.l SongPointer,a0 ;Zeiger auf SongDaten add #60,a0 ;Laengentabelle ueberspringen move.b 470(a0),AnzPat+1 ;Laenge des Sounds move 4(A0),DelayValue ;Geschwindigkeit bsr SongLen ;Lnge der Songdaten berechnen add.l d0,a0 ;Zur Adresse der Songstr. add.w #600,a0 ;Laenge der SongStr. move.l SongPointer,ta2 lea Instruments,a1 ;Tabelle auf Samples moveq #14,d7 ;15 Instrumente CalcIns: move.l a0,(A1)+ ;Startadresse des Instr. add.l (a2)+,a0 ;berechnen un speichern dbf d7,CalcIns lea CiaaResource,a1 ;'ciaa.resource' moveq #0,d0 ;Version egal jsr -498(A6) ;OpenResource() move.l d0,CiaaBase ;Resource Base speichern move.l d0,a6 bsr PlayDisable ;Sound DMA abschalten lea Interrupt,a1 ;Sound Interupt Structure moveq #0,d0 ;TimerA jsr -6(A6) ;installieren move.ڞWl d0,d5 ;ergebnis speichern bsr PlayInit ;Loop Bereich setzen bsr PlayEnable ;Player erlauben bsr InitTimer ;Timer starten moveq #0,d0 ;Ergebnisregister loeschen EndStart: tst.l d5 ;ergebnis von Resource sne d0 ;ergebnis in d0 setzen movem.l (SP)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _StopSound: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l CiaaBase,a6 ;Zeiger auf Ciaa Resource lea Interrupt,a1 ;Zeiger auf Int. StrSukture moveq #0,d0 ;Timer A jsr -12(A6) ;Interupt entfernen bsr PlayDisable ;Player sperren moveq #0,d0 ;Alles Ok movem.l (SP)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _RemSound: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l 4,a6 move.l SongPointer,a1 move.l SongLaenge,d0 beq.s EndRemSound jsr -210(A6) EndRemSound: movem.l (SP)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Son(GgLen: movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(SP) move.l SongPointer,a0 lea 532(A0),a0 move AnzPat,d2 ;wieviel Positions subq #1,d2 ;fr dbf moveq #0,d1 moveq #0,d0 SongLenLoop: move.b (a0)+,d0 ;Patternnummer holen cmp.b d0,d1 ;ist es die hchste ? bhi.s LenHigher ;nein! move.b d0,d1 ;ja LenHigher: dbf d2,SongLenLoop move.l d1,d0 ;Hoechste BlockNummer nach d0 addq #1,d0 ;plus 1 mulu #1024,d0 ;Laenge eines Block movem.l (SP)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts ;---------------------------- ----------------------------------------- DSEG Interrupt: dc.l 0 ;letzter Node dc.l 0 ;nchster Node dc.b 2 ;Node Type = Interrupt dc.b 0 ;Prioritt dc.l InterruptName ;Name dc.l 0 ;Zeiger auf Daten dc.l IntCode ;Interrupt Routine ;------------------------------------------------------------------- CSEG InitTimer: move.b #%10000001,$bfee01 ;Timer starten lea DelayValue,a1 move.b 1(a1),$bfe401 ;Timer A low move.b 0(a1),$bfe501 ;Timer A high rts ;----- ?Q--------------------------------------------------------------- PlayInit: lea Instruments,a0 ;Zeiger auf instr.Tabelle moveq #14,d7 ;15 Instrumente InitLoop: move.l (A0)+,a1 ;Zeiger holen clr.l (A1) ;erstes Longword lschen dbf d7,InitLoop rts ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- PlayEnable: lea $dff000,a0 ;AMIGA move.w #-1,PlayLock ;player zulassen clr $a8(A0) ;Alle Voloumenregs. auf 0 clr $b8(A0) clr $c8(a0) clr $d8( t%$#"!0/;:5zl fxplayer.srH./.-,+*)(=<;:9876543HGFEDCBA@?>SRQPONMLKJI^]\[ZYXWVUTihgfedcba`_tsrqHb Audiomasterp:Kr**************************************************************************** * * * * * Sound Abspiel Routine zu Sound FX * * * * 1988 LINEL Switzerland * * * * * * * **************************************************************************** ;Einbau: ; 1.Sound FX laden ; 2.Song schreiben oder einladen ; 3.Sounddaten mit Save Datas abspeichern ; 4.Sound FXverlassen und Seka laden ; 5.St6o .fdp&pA@?TSRQPONMLNq vtusmssrdpt, F FNNU/BHzN#PO)@f ?<NbTOBHzN#PO)@f ?<NFTON)@ f ?<N2TO l (.м,)@ l (.м)@ mfHzN`XO?<NTO m "h ?fNJx`R0H m "p -g$0H m "p)H?HzlN \O`0H m "p)HH`N`Nn`N `N`N `N @`N N `N B`N $`N `0H m "pT/ N .XO`N NDNN VN N |`r0H m "p)H?HzNB\O`PBg|Sg^WgWg g<gRSg4SgUgfWgPYg.]g`RDmmBgazTO(N]Nugraphics.libraryintuition.libraryFlags fehlen ! Vermisse '-' vor dem Flag '%c' ! Unbekanntes Flag '-%c' ! NUJHg$p,!|gp,!?N TOHl4N |XOJg /,N xXOJg /,N hXOJg /,N XXO?-N`TON]NuNUHzHzNPOHzNXOHzNXOHzNXOHzPNXOHzVNXOHz`NXOHz|NXOHzNXOHzNXOHzNXOHzN|XOHzBNrXOHziNhXOHzN^XOHzNTXOHzNJXOHzN?:Y@XOHzBN6XOBgNTON]Nu 1;33mInitCLI0;3;31m Version %s 05/871.30m von 4mTorsten Juergeleit0m 7;42m Eingabeformat : 0;40m InitCLI [-s] [-S] [-c] [-C] [-m] [-b] [-B] [-i] [-I] [-f] [-Ffont/size] [-d] 7;42m Bedeutung der Flags : 0;40m -s = SoloBitmap ausschalten -S = SoloBitmap einschalten -c = Farben aus Preferences einschalten -C = Monochrom-Modus einschalten -m e = Maximale Window-Groesse -b = Window-Rahmen einschalten -B = Window-Rahmen ausschalten -i = Interlace Modus ausschalten -I = Interlace Modus einschalten -f = Standard ROM-Zeichensatz einschalten -F[font]/[size] = Neuen Zeichensatz von Disk laden -d = Standardeinstellungen einschalten NUBBBBHl4HxHz"N^OJg ?<N*TOHxNXO@!Jd ?<Ns@ٷTOBNXO)@" l" ( f l"+hgHyHxDNPO+@gHyHx$NPO+@gz m -м!@ m -м!@A"m#H m!| m -!@(/-/-NPOHlNXO m+hHx$/-N6POHxD/-N(PO)|L -N]Nuconsole.deviceNU l (f. l| l0(H/Hx"l/) NO N>N]NuNU l (f l0(H/HxN,PO+@g l| l!m B l0(Pr2//-NO NHxHyHxN PO/NPO)@gB l/(NPO;@Hx lh X/(NPO;@ l;hr l;htHx/,NPO l/(NXOHxNXO l!@HxHm/,NO N]NuNU l/(N^XO lp(@r2/NdXO l!@ lp(@r2/Hld/,NXO N]NuNUHxHyHxNPO/NPO)@g l;hn l;hp l;hr l;htHx/,NPO l/(NXO lp(@r2/NXO l!@ lp(@r2/Hm/,NO N]NuNU l 0(HD+@ l 0(HD+@/-/-/, NO l "h.0) H,l 2.H+@ l "h.0)H,l 2. H+@".-,+*)>=<;:987654IHGFEDCB?Nq wfsrpBz*BapNu,xC0Nh#>g,@N#Na,x"zNbNudos.libraryCON:0/0/640/168/* Lord Performers SoundTracker Ripper. Copyright 1/89 by Traitors INC. * ********************************************** * Lord Performers SoundTracker Ripper DeLuxe * * ------------------------------------------ * * Copyrighted 1989 by Traitors Inc. * * ---------------------------------1ML.=6EGABAAAAAAAAAAAAAA@~`~`!!1@@2##3$$4%%5^^6&&7**8((9))0_-_-+=+=|\|\0QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp{[{[}]}]123AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl:;:;"'"'456>.>.?/?/.789  -?K\ht Ztype s/screen ATBSC @D A v2.2 songprinter ? mst soundcontroller !songripper setmap norm seka setmap beasties sir 13~  tusmssrd 14~fsr 15~ped 16~ plstadder 17~  stpacker 18~ songplayer ? 19~?H'Ƀ +*)('&%$#87610  hv2.2C-SoundtrackerV2.2 p̶--------- * ********************************************** A -> Search a module within chipram. ($0-$7ffff) B -> Play activated module. C -> Show status of activated module. D -> Show samplenames of activated module. E -> Write moduledata to selected disk. F -> Write samples to current directory. G -> Write songdata to selected disk. H -> Read moduledata from selected disk. SX -> Quit this program >ap ap $< BvJgR`,zJ":VNNuI*LpBQ$<avP$ ,z ":,NJg xg^ ag bg dg , cg hg eg d fgF gg tinag 6243f~ T90g `taNu$<aHat`\ Na du Sack, haste mal e Kipp du Kapp? Ficken, Bumsen, Blasen, alles auf dem Rasen. Bitte, Bitte, lass mich dein Sklave sein! Hey, hier kommt Alex. Vorhang auf... Ja simmer im Wald hier, wo bleibt unser Altbier? Generator 7/8 .z4 v*pa abstract border off 256 setmap FUK type s/menu Nqstartup-sequenceui~beastiesAlbert S.@($  *&" ABAAAAAAAAAAAAAA@~`~`!!1@@2##3$$4%%5^^6&&7**8((9))0_-_-+=+=|\|\0QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp{[{[}]}]123AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl:;:;"'"'456>.>.?/?/.789 L°.. Radio & Tv ... Absolute Fashion Hey! Watch out for my forthcoming product: The ultimate Musique Journal ... With - Sound Tracker Top Twenty in the month - Interviews with the best MusicArtists - Detailed critics of new Amigatunes - and much much more.... Watch out for TusMal, the ultimate Musique Journal! Published by T R A I T O R S ! ! (C)TM $<a$<aa$< av$<al0of@6@6# Baa/:a#/6JUDg,y <X"yUDN.a,avaza4>aaaa patp@fa6JyU6g #U>@$a4` song@fa59fJy ,f 3 ,a\`#l,y nx P hh# .~#Nu < "<N:# Nugraphics.library.y ,y"y44#&Nb"y48#y4Nb"y@ <lpN."y@Nb"y@ <XN."y < N.~0HA?"0g 0<"AN.RG Gf"y4. 93Rtsrqponmlk~}|{zyxwv4 NqSfsr.docp87 b b`9#x#,yC$:BNh,@#$F"<$&$<N g(#$6"$<3&<N"9$6N`Nu,yC#Nh##C'Nh#'& @#2 y2"|23h 3h2 y2"|20<" S@f,y#AN:# *@#'.'. y T#'AN4#2#&J'*3'$3'&3'(a#&'*3'$3'&3'(a#&'*3'$3'&3'(a#&'*3'$y I3'&3'(a\#&'*3'$3'&3'(a6#&*'*3'$3'&a#&:'*3'$3'&a3'( |$J#$J#$J'*3'&3'$a3'&3'$#a#'3'$3'&a#' 9'3'$3'&a#'3'$3'&a#23 '$3'&an#23 '$3'&aP 92"92㉒#3 '$3'&aaH#0<#-B08a.a%z y'"|: <"<,ye #N09@ @faa8a yZg*y 3'2 y'2m y'2n3'2 yP'2m y'2n9f3`zJ^ ? ? n | TMM fh IN 1f\ 988fP yg:#'*3'$3'&3'(aX3'(#083Nu3Nu | THE fh DREAf\ M TEfP yg:#'*3'$3'&3'(a3'(#f083Nu3NuONLY TMM DOES ITLA ME NIE LACHE! USER BREAK USER BREAK YEAHH YOU FOUND THE MAGIC COMBINATION !!! HERE'S HOW TO CONTACT ME AKKERWINDE 36 7322 DJ APELDOORN THE NETHERLANDS  YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING. DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH !!! 9f3`@ @6@@ THE FINAL ST-RIPPER v1.0 [/] 1988 TMM]TCLICK HEREPP &^6PP aNu3ZNu yf"9 vf3Nu9 g` g g g g xgT ug Mg Ogv Vg: Tg> Rg Pg ;g :g _g ]g" g g g g g g g g g g+mШ  g g  g g * g 4 g > g H g R g \ g f g p Kg IgF [g Yg Eg Gg @ fg dg  `g r bg Nu 92"92вfNunNuaZf 9"92$92aa#'*3'&3'$a a 2aNuaPNuJH"|,yN# C ,yNC <BA n,yND# LJNuHC 3| #|$,yN8LNuHaC ,yNC N>LNuHC 3|#@"h(#A,#B$,yN8LNutrackdisk.device |"y g`#'*3'&3'$a a pNu 2g^S2#23 '$3'&a 92"92㉒#3 '$3'&a Nu O2gR2#23 '$3'&a 92"92㉒#3 '$3'&a TNu(l 2gvS2#23 '$3'&a  92"92㉒#3 '$3'&a Nu O2gR2#23 '$3'&a 92"92㉒#3 '$3'&a lNu#'|Nu#'|#'*3'&3'$a 3'&3'$#a a@Nu#'Nu#'#'*3'&3'$a 3'&3'$#aaNuN2P,yC$:BNh,@#$F"<$<N g# B$6"$9'&9''N"9$6Naa"Nua^,yC$:BNh,@#$F"<$<N gR#$6"$9&<N"9$6N#'*3'&3'$adaahNu#n'*3'$3'&3'(a43'(Nu#n'*3'$3'&3'(a3'(a!Nu#~'*3'$3'&3'(a3'(NuDISK TROUBLES !!EVERYTHING OKE !3'"Nu3'"Nu#' 9'"9'm#'#'3'$3'&a# 9J('&%$#"! 3210/2r originalpedp=[THE RIPPER, LET'S CALL IT FSR, CAN SCAN MEMORY FOR THE SOUNDTRACKER PLAY ROUTINE. BY PRESSING THE 'NUM L' STOP SCANNING BY PRESSING MOUSE BUTTON. WHILE SCANNING YOU CAN LISTEN TO WHAT THE FSR IS SCANNING. SINCE ALL PLAY-ROUTINES HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON THE FSR RIPS ALL MUSICS. (NOT ONLY THE NEWEST LIKE NORTH STAR'S RIPPER. I THINK WHAT THAT RIPPER DOES IS FIND THE LETTERS ST-) THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALL THE PLAYROUTINczES IS THE NUMBER OF BYTES BETWEEN WHAT FSR SEARCHES FOR AND THE ACTUAL MUZAK. THEREFOR IT IS VERY WELL POSSIBLE THAT FSR FINDS SOMETHING A FEW BYTES TOO EARLY OR TOO LATE . BUT YOU CAN CORRECT IT WITH THE ARROW KEYS. IN THE LEFT UPPER CORNER YOU SEE A A NUMBER. THIS IS THE MEMORY ADDRESS FROM WHERE YOU'RE LOOKING. AT THE RIGHT YOU CAN SEE A BOX WITH A ASCI DUMP OF ABOUT 400 BYTES OF THE MEMORY ADDRES AND FURTHER. IN THE OTHER BOX YOU CAN SEE THE MEMORY BEING DISPLAYED AS A WAVE. THIS MAKES IT EASIER TO PICK A SAMPLE. YOU PICK A SAMPLE BY FIRST PRESSING F1. THIS SETS THE START ADDRESS. THEN PRESS F2 WICH SETS THE END ADDRESS. THIS IS SHOWN ALSO ON SCREEN IN HEX. NOW YOU CAN PLAY THE SAMPLE WITH THE KEYS. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY A MUSIC THAT HAS BEEN FOUND PRESS F3, TO STOP F4. MAKE SURE THAT THE MUSIC IS ALLRIGHT ! IF YOU WANT TO SAVE A SONG OR A MODULE THEN SET START AND END WITH F1 AND F2, CLICK THE GADGET, TY}[PE A NAME AND PRESS F-10. IF YOU WANT TO LOAD A FILE THEN GOTO THE ADDRESS YOU WANT TO START LOADING, CLICK THE GADGET TYPE A NAME AND PRESS F-9. OR LOAD TRACKS BY FIRST SETTING THE STARTING TRACK BY PRESSING ON THE NUMERIC KEYBOARD THE NUMBERS 7 AND 9 AND THE ENDING TRACK BY 4 AND 5 THEN PRESS ENTER. YOU CAN ALSO SCAN MEMORY FOR SOMETHING THAT YOU TYPED IN THE GADGET. IF YOU TYPED 'BASS' IT WILL FIND EVERYTHING WHICH STARTS WITH 'BASS' SO BASSDRUM OClR BASS4. YOU DO THIS BY PRESSING 'SCR L'. IF YOU WANT TO 'WALK' THROUGH YOUR MEMORY PRESS / AND * ON THE NUMERIC KEYBOARD. THIS SCROLLS UP OR DOWN 1 PAGE. PRESSING ZERO MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO TRANSFER THE TEXT OF THE GADGET INTO THE MEMORY. THIS WAY YOU CAN ALTER THE NAMES OF THE INSTRUMENTS OR THE SONG. YOU CAN STORE 2 ADDRESSES BY PRESSING F5 AND F7. YOU CAN RECALL THEM BY F6 AND F8. FOR INSTANCE IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING O>eI҅N $40000 AND YOU ARE MUCH FURTHER JUST PRESS F6 AND YOU'RE ON $40000 AGAIN. I HOPE YOU MAY FIND THE FSR USEFULL. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR IDEAS THEN WRITE TO : TMM LEVEL ONE AKKERWINDE 36 7322 DJ APELDOORN THE NETHERLANDS ER. YOU CAN ALSO SCAN MEMORY FOR SOMETHING THAT YOU TYPED IN THE GADGET. IF YOU TYPED 'BASS' IT WILL FIND EVERYTHING WHICH STARTS WITH 'BASS' SO BASSDRUM O'rsir.docp/S T T#3#a+a,Ta#a a+,a#`a"aa ZaZa)a)J##~a`" 9a)3g 9c)3g4Nu yhg" |^09h"9zpf"Uyh` yhgTyh` |^09h3| 9z"<Za*By)2Nu zf#zNu zf#zNu zf#zNu !zf# zNu &zf #%zNust-01: 0000 0000 0000   r plstadderp-7T@aaa aa"aapNuA4aba| qg" rg lgN ag wg`Nu Use 'r' to read PresetList Use 'w' to write PresetList Use 'a' to add a Sample-Disk Use 'l' to List the Actual PLST Use 'q' to Quit PLST ADDER COMM>,y"<6$<N#Bg"$9&<Nր3F"9BN`st-00:PLST,y"<6$<N#Bg"$969FN"9BN`,y>9FgSG*yA.a9g MaAa  -     #r sirAp  р8SS#  g$S@  fQS@J@k @l SC`QaJga\a Ta Jgta atANaA`aAfaAvaAaAaAaAaAa 9fa2:vaaAJPf`a a J.z pNu2:R AlJy(fJ$fJg6<9 f6<,` 9fSyj334JA~# # z20*gJ33333@3@30<Q33NuByNu AlIJ4g zV4  nF r p songplayerp   aNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q`` $DV)r songprinterp ͫ" maNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q``'= l|r songripperp iuKaNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q``,Grcsoundcontrollerp Cq'paNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q``  -*)('&%$#"! $rmst.docp\1 Saturday, 7th January 1989 ##### ###### ##### ###### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##### ## ## ## ## ###### ## ###### ## ## ## ## ##### ## ###### ## ## ## ## Soundtracker Instruments Ripper CODER: MEL of THE SYNDICATE of THE BEASTIE BOYS This little Utility wads designed to ripp Soundtracker Songs and Instruments from Demo's, Intro's and Game's! Usage: To Load A Module from Disk then type: SIR [FILENAME] otherwise just type SIR to load without a song. After you have load SIR it will ask for ST-00 to load the preset list. If you have load or if you have ripped a song, it checks out, if the used instruments are allready in the preset list. New instruments are marked with a star. FuDlnctions --------- Change instruments disk : With you can change the disk number (ST-??) of each instrument, which is new. Play sample : Play sample in two different speeds (right and left mouse button). Play song : play the song. Search for a song : SIR searches the memory for soundtracker songs. Save new plst : Adds the new instruments to the plst and saves it to ST-00. Save new instruments : Saves new instruments on the selected disk. Save song datas : w Saves the song datas to ST-00. Quit program : quit. If you detect any bugs in this production, then please tell them us ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- pe SIR to load without a song. After you have load SIR it will ask for ST-00 to load the preset list. If you have load or if you have ripped a song, it checks out, if the used instruments are allready in the preset list. New instruments are marked with a star. FuG  9r songplayer.docp cb Songplayer.DOC - A Quick Clarification. ----------------------------------------- Date of development : 30-Apr-1988. Copyrights : MnemoTroN / Silicon League. (Playroutine by The Jungle Command / D.O.C) Coding : MnemoTroN and (look at the brackets above). Instructions : MnemoTroN. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task ---- Songplayer will play any (I hopC=er songprinter.docpk'] SongPrinter.DOC - A Quick Clarification. ---------------------------------------- Date of development : 15-May-1988. Copyrights : MnemoTroN / Silicon League. Coding : BASIC version (not supplied) by MnemoTroN. Modula-2 conversion by Tuca. Instructions : MnemoTroN. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task ---- SongPrithr soundcontroller.docp -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound Tracker Sound Controller V1.0 (C) copyright and written 1988 by Mr. Magic from THE PROPHETS AG -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sound-Controller V1.0 (C) by Mr. Magic XX XX | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | +--+ +-------,I]-,4r8csc.Sr! Master Soundtracker V1.0 - A Little Instruction. ------------------------------------------------ Update : Juli-1988. Update done by : TIP of THE NEW MASTERS INSTRUCTIONS : TIP of TNM / Based on J.C. / DOC-Instruct for older ST's. ----------------------------------------------------- Modifications by TNM !!: ------------------------ BackSpace-Repeat Filter control during play! (some A500+A2000) 4 Channel Equalizer with on/off Function Faster printroutine Faster S"*crolling with ALT or SHIFT + Cursor Keys Copy function for patterns with ALT + F3-F5 All Cuts are going to the Copy-Buffer Record-Instruction Better KeyHandler (No auto-repeat while gurksing with disk) Better colors, better styling and better charset Directory routine with recognizing same disks 23 Channel spectrum analyzer Save+Load packed songs (I'll include it after typing the text) Max Instrument length 32K !! And last but not least: Full integrated Digital-Sampler with#my Cut Functions And a possibility to save digi-samples P.S.: There is a possibility to Quit the ST (If you are good,you'll find it) Patterns. --------- Any piece of music written with SoundTracker is build up from patterns. SoundTracker holds a table with information about the sequence in which these parts must be played. With 'Position' you determine your position in the table. With 'Pattern' you define what pattern to play at that position. 'Length' defines the total size of the$,r table. The Keys. --------- The original version of the SoundTracker had a German keymap. This Soundtracker supports a standard USA keymap and this ensures compatibility with ALL Amigas. The keys on your Amiga have been grouped to represent the layout of a two-octave piano-keyboard. You can "shift" the keyboard one octave up or down with the aid of the F1 and F2 keys, thus incrementing the range of the keyboard to three octaves. While editing: -------------- Cursor-keys - mov%m 4e cursor. shift + Cursor-keys - move cursor fast. alt + Cursor-keys - move cursor faster. F6 - Set cursor to first line of pattern. F7 - Set cursor to 16th line of pattern. F8 - Set cursor to 32nd line of pattern. F9 - Set cursor to 48th line of pattern. F10 - Set cursor to last line of pattern. DEL - Delete note under cursor. shift + F3 - Cut selected voice of actual pattern to copy buffer. shift + F4 - Copy selected voice of actual pattern into copy-buffer. &* shift + F5 - Copy copy-buffer to selected voice of actual pattern. alt + F3 - Cut selected pattern to copy buffer. alt + F4 - Copy pattern into copy-buffer. alt + F5 - Copy copy-buffer to selected pattern. Instruments. ------------ You can use up to fifteen different instruments in one music-piece. All instruments are listed in the preset-list. The volume is allways 64 but you can change it to each value between 0 and 64. To change the other values of each instr'vument you have to load the preset-editor. With that tool you can change the whole preset-list. Notes. ------ C#1 3 C 2 3 / / | \| / / | Arpeggio,portamento,volume,speed and filter info. / / Command / Inst# Note to be played. Note : This is simply the note that must be played by that particular ---- instrument. Inst# : This is the number of the instrument that (must be used to play ----- the note. When the instrument number is zero, the last selected instrument will be used. Command : This number tells SoundTracker what special functions must be ------- preformed while playing the note. These functions are as follows : 0 - Normal play or arpeggio. 1 - Portamento up. 2 - Portamento down. C - Set volume. E - Set filter on/off! F - Set speed. Info : This byte contains the additional informat )Q@&ion for the commands. ---- Arpeggio : Arpeggio is used for simulating accords. It does this by -------- rapidly changing the notes while playing an instrument. Arpeggios are selected whenever the info byte has a non-zero value and no other commands are selected. When arpeggios are used, SoundTracker looks five times during the play of one note, at the information contained in the info byte. Each nibble (4 bits) in this by *evjte defines how many notes SoundTracker must add to the the note currently playing. In each of the five passes SoundTracker does the following with the information contained in the info byte : 1 - Add the first nibble to the current note. 2 - Add the second nibble to the current note. 3 - Play the current note. 4 - Add the first nibble to the current note. 5 - Add the second nibble to t @ejhe current note. Portamento : Portamento is used for 'sliding' of the instrument. ---------- If portamento is in use, the information contained in the info byte will be added to (or subtracted from) the period of the note playing in each of the five passes. Example : D#2 3208 Slides down 8 --- 0208 Slides down 8 --- 0108 Slides up 8 --- 0210 Slides down 10 etc. Volume : One of the enhancem+#5ОNMba`_^]\[ZYXmlkjihgfedcxwvutsrqpo5BNq mstp-ZRead=-$2a Write=-$30 Input=-$36 Output=-$3c start: lea name,a1 copyLoop: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d0,copyLoop move.l #dosname,a1 move.l 4,a6 jsr -408(a6) move.l d0,dosbase cmp.l #$fc0cd8,$6c ;ist dort nicht der alte Vector ??? bne SoundControllAktive ;nein etwas anderes.... clr.l d0 rts SoundControllAktive: move.l #text,a0 bsr print move.l #5,d0 ;CLI-WARNING rts print: move.l a0,-(a7) move.l DosBase,a6 jsr OutPut(a6) move.lLN# d0,d1 move.l (a7)+,a0 move.l a0,d2 andi.w #-2,d2 NullFind: tst.b (a0)+ bne.s NullFind move.l a0,d3 sub.l d2,d3 move.l DosBase,a6 jsr write(a6) rts text: dc.b 10 dc.b 'Please Remove SOUND-CONTROLLER before starting ' name: blk.b 25,' ' dc.b 10,10,0 dosname: dc.b 'dos.library',0 even dosbase: dc.l 0 r fastreplay.Sr./@&/"rLpicr.EFORM"ILBMBMHD@ @CMAP @@`DPPVh=h@ZwAPI| |CRNG CRNG CRNG CRNG BODY! ?  , p&p <00@ , s&Oȟ&s>dOɓ , pfa`s 0|0p01`1$r2plst.Sr077************************************************* * preset-list (maiden-values) ************************************************* * name 22 bytes * samplelength/2 1 word * volume 1 word * repeatstart(additive) 1 word * repeatlength/2 1 word ************************************************* pstart: dc.b 'st-01:',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 dc.w 0000,0000,0000,0000 dc.b 'st-01:alien',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,23?An~}|{zy3rmst.Sr2****************************************** * Master Soundtracker V1.0 replayroutine * * based on V9.0 of DOC * ****************************************** * Improved by TIP of The New Masters in JULY 1988 * start: bsr.s start_muzak main: btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s main bsr.L stop_muzak moveq #0,d0 rts start_muzak: move.l #data,muzakoffset ;** get offset init0: move.l muzakoffset,a0 ;** get highest used pattern add.l #472,a0 move.l #$80,d0 clr.l d1 init1: mo4>7*)('&%$#"!6543210/.-,A@?>=<;:987LKJIHGFEDCBWVUTSRQPO@?>=<;:987uNq 4stdatap+o daNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q``?`^,6-B&  +KJIHGFEDCBTNq qstdata2Np480000lllll~|&F|0`00000T8|8T|0`|00 0`||8x88||~<<l ~|||||~0000` 0 xx`0049IQ`0|||~~<<||||t~|||8l8ll8` 8`80008`0 4:W888lD|`  a q >cy߾f f}߿~gyw wߙ8pcÞ? wy8pc}ß? w=qsc9ùß ?p>~1faٳ |0`  4;`  a q ߾fcy|0 琾`wgy~ pÞ?c ß?c}~ pùßc9p ~ٳa0~` l?~`  4 f8pgy 8xc<9 |8|c}9 ~9?~pc98 f|c0a>y 3y`  ` 4= a q >|cy~ ϟp?~gy ߀?cxp ?~{c}|p 8wc9~ 3~a?|` fo`  ` a q4>MA|<cy>3fǙ|?gyc9sc}9s߾~}?c99swwx~3fa پǏ|13߳06x` ` a q0~`cy4?48pgy8xc8|c}?~pc9<3<|yof|c0a?~0;?~w` À9?;q;w0?x;w;` 3|fc`>f7a q3<cy;?gyo<?f/ٞ~y74 @Z(;c?~0?w?{c}9~9~}a?w9` 7|7ٌ<̀ǁ` π<3f͙la q?~0;~>~cy9;绎?gyw;w0;;?c>??|4 Op$c}7|fl3;c9`a` <?~h@?~0=|9x` ;w0a q~~>~`cy0`|?`c6`?pgy?c?|c};pc9A|dbPVfr lp6CXo#&,x <FrN:#*g,y&"<.$<N.g"$9*&<FN"N3633 9*##ByBy0<33p@333 <af 9*##0<#33 <(a6aR30963,x"y* <FN. y:NuSfNustdata3a|gtaa #: 9@ @f09aRy y}faSy 9@ @f09aZSy yfNu,x <XrN:#:Nu"y:A0<hah#6DH~%a R %f2""Nu2 <02H@22H@22H@22H@2" NuS@QNu,xCRNh$@"@$j"##Nb3P3palNuA#(#3(3  y:H1|D1|w1| 1|81|Bh!|!|@Nu"yHAQP0@a2<@@ga0aNu2$<0&HCJAg3C3B 3C3BSA`Nu? <B89EVGVIJAg2&*,ڃ܃3E HE3E3FHF3F3TSAԀ`0Nuintuition.library 6Eȸ `"$&(*,.02468:<>| [8w`  a q >cy߾f f}߿~gyw wߙ8pcÞ? wy8pc}ß? w=qsc9ùß ?p6Fa2>~1faٳ |0`  `  a q ߾fcy|0 琾`wgy~ pÞ?c ß?c}~ pùßc9p ~ٳa0~` l?~6Gk6`  `  a q 0~`cy> f8pgy 8xc<9 |8|c}9 ~9?~pc98 f|c0a>y 3y`  6H`  a q >|cy~ ϟp?~gy ߀?cxp ?~{c}|p 8wc9~ 3~a?|` fo`  6I薿` a q<cy>3fǙ|?gyc9sc}9s߾~}?c99swwx~3fa پǏ|13߳06x` ` 6J+îa q0~`cy8pgy8xc8|c}?~pc9<3<|yof|c0a?~0;?~w` À9?;q;w0?x;w;` 3|fc`>f7a q6 K43<cy;?gyo<?f/ٞ~y7;c?~0?w?{c}9~9~}a?w9` 7|7ٌ<̀ǁ` π<3f͙la q?~0;~>~cy9;绎6 +8΀?gyw;w0;;?c>??|c}7|fl3;c9`a` <?~h@?~0=|9x` ;w0a q~~>~`cy0`|?`c6`?pgy?LMtM0Nq plst.backuppL_mst-01:st-03:-dm1@st-03:-dm5Q@st-03:-masbassu@st-02:accgit H@st-02:accordion(@st-03:acidbass5%st-02:acopianon@st-03:acousticguitar@st-03:acsharpdrum:st-02:aeh@@st-03:agong@st-03:ahahahaa@st-02:ahhvox@st-02:alNf$Tmr libspOQ(Qr8parallel.devicevPUU8r/disk-validatorAOipNuJ"<<parallel 34.9 (18 Apr 1988) parallel.devicemisc.resourceciaa.resourcezNuB)Jn|`pB.v)5guJ)f J. fRn nu5v)5g #nZ6#n^:NuB)Jn g Sn fBnrB&u.vgNpNuB)p/ /,n"N,_"_|0) @ nHA pN<Q)f/,n2N,_ if .vgP9v`8 if69f.vf </ /,n"N,_"_R S`8Sr serial.devicevRȮנ *f"-lgg "<p`"Bl`Jmjfa+jlp;@j;@hp Ja($_Nu//$(n.Daa:a4m$S`"m+Qp Э,N.Q` aa _a($Nup ma ma ma mgR P`Nu/ ha) _"-Jg(t"h`"h#m#m#m` #mt#m, -pB DOSg -p#@#mz#m pPJmhf pRJmfpQ#@pr`VZM5&(H08$H$-d&jgJ$+gJ&+zg4(m C+h/ ra(*$g @!C _!m+L` ra($ J "-a'L Nu"HA$b` f"HA` \$@aJg J`'~&j Ka 2Jf J`'fpRa'Jf ;|g J`'L(@p LQ&mz"k(pRN. 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HELP ) For this Menu..!  ENTER ) For the new Unstoppable Greets! ----------------------------------------------------------- WE HAVE NOW LEFT ALPHA FLIGHT!!! ----------------------------------------------------------- 1;31;42m 1;31;40m 1;31;42m 1;31;40m Presents: >>> CAT FOOD 19 <<< gKN`B_NsC Nh)@jf .<N`NNPONudos.libraryINuNUH 0$m mJg m (( D (&@`&lHHЭ T9@nB0,nH/Nf)@pPOfL 0N]NuH:? KR//,pN~0H @pCDf?-/ /,pN: lpB0P9|0HЬp&@R$KOH:| g| g| g | g| fR`  mz "f.R KRH:g JR|"f "fR`B*```8 KRH:g&| g | g| g| g| g JR` JRBJEfSRl`ZBB0,R@H/ND)@POfBl`z&lp`$0H l! 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ZVA?]9pv..'$ 8Zs2t2tr,`5q453t50Ws1VvGa/Ȉ`0(<2`-01 P6e(  QtޠF;׌&͂ V&ZuIA&1P41P4H3o0L` %Q ?@ ‰s!!M cH8x_H $02066da D ESiU(7P3BpIM& y@<0( 0/@$, qAnDIBI" E   H 25( 0#Q ahPf@@({h, R j4w7WBO  > pOJ.)@( LB$ WPlP3 ('P'CP"ioCJ4#eQH%^^h;P7 R0f@@D!*BP'@G`T* nAd D __ +`` )` *` (` x | hr+@`\ 8tD.B$@!R;adPz$ 5YY+Ka@~c3Ks +eC(2` p2 TP4C3p}CrQfpb y9]9W0OР@ gb@4JdHd@"f Ci5 F>sB7D(r|!7@(1ڇ7 ?!O04 Vgk 8 #X@#d`dh`EB+W p0T,a'%@)79CfRm `t( ezHh`b:%>bZ@+W E8ʸO3}vJments. Keep in mind that the length of these strings must exactly be twenty-two characters ! (Of course, defining the name of each sample may seem of little use. But I found that this can be of use in the course of development.) After this you must tell MegaTraxx the length of the instrument in WORDS. Behind each entry in the 'SoundFiles'-directory the length of that particular sample is given. This is the length of that sample in BYTES. To obtain the length in WORDS, this number mus}wt be devided by two. Furthermore, the volume of the instrument must be defined. This can be any number from zero to sixty-four ($40). When the words 'Start' and 'Repeat' are both zero, the instrument will be restarted when it is completed. If 'Start' is set to zero and 'Repeat' is set to one, the instrument will be played only once. It is also possible to play just a small part of an instrument constantly. This is the case whenever 'Start' is set to a non-zero value. 'Start' now def}x-ines the offset to be added to the starting-position of the sample in memory and 'Repeat' defines the length of the part of the instrument to be played. For example, say you had a sample in memory at location $50000 and you wished to play a part of it, for instance from $50200 to $5045a. Now, set 'Start' to $0200 ($50000+$200=$50200) and 'Repeat' to $025a. ($50200+$25a=$5045a) When all the instruments are defined, you can start composing your master- piece. Every piece of music writ}y( ten with MegaTraxx is built up from small parts of music. MegaTraxx holds a table of numbers that define in what sequence these parts must be played. This table starts at line 536. To determine the number of entries in the table MegaTraxx uses the first byte of the word in line 530. (Below the 'partinfo' label) Say you needed six entries in the table, so the word in line 530 would become $0678. Each byte in the table stands for a part to be played. So if your table looked like this } z_: $0100,$0202,$0301, MegaTraxx would first of all play part 1, then part 0, twice part 2, part 3 and at the end part 1 again. The parts start at line 549. Each part consists of four columns, (one for every voice) of two words, so every line holds eight words of data. All parts consist of thirty-two lines of data, thus each part is 512 ($0200) bytes long. You can add as many parts as you like, memory permitting. Each pair of words stands for a voice. I will now explain the format in } {which the data for the voices is held in these pairs of words. The following diagram shows the meaning of every nibble (4 bits) in the words: $ 1 2 3 a , $ 1 1 4 5 / \|/ / | \| / Period / | Arpeggio or Portamento information. Selects / Mod. Arpeggio, Instrument # Portamento or silence Instrument # : This nibble defines which instrument to use. Choose a number from 0 to 15 ($0-$f). Zero means : use last instrument. } | O So if you had choosen instrument 2 to play a particular note, and later on you wanted the same instrument to play again, you could use the following : $X23a,$2XXXX $X1ac,$0XXXX Period : These three nibbles define the note that must be played by an instrument. This table shows what number to use for a certain note : Octave A $07f $0fe $1fc A# $078 $0f0 $1e0 B $071 $0e2 $1c5 C $} }0d6 $1ac $358 C# $0ca $194 $328 D $0be $17d $2fa Note D# $0b4 $168 $2d0 E $0aa $153 $2a6 F $0a0 $140 $280 F# $097 $12e $25c G $08f $11d $23a G# $087 $10d $21a Modulation : One voice can be programmed to modulate another. This means that either the volume, period or volume AND period are no longer static values that are set before starting to play a note, but that these are su} ~L^bject to change during play. It can be seen that this provides a way to program viberato and tremolo effects. When the modulation-nibble is zero, no modulation takes place, when it's set to one, it means that only the volume must be modulated. To modulate only the period, set it to two and to modulate both the period and the volume, set it to three. When a voice is programmed to modulate, it always modulates the next voice. So voice1 mo}3dulates voice2, voice2 modulates voice3 and so on. When a voice is told to modulate another, that voice is made silent. When voice4 is told to modulate, it is only made silent, because there are no 'higher' voices than voice4. How does this modulation work ? Well, say you programmed voice1 to modulate only the volume of voice2. The volume of voice2 is no longer defined by the volume of that instrument. Instead, the words in the sample of voic}jXYe1 define the volume for voice2. So if the sample of voice1 looked like this : $0030,$0032,$0034 etc., the volume of voice2 would become $30, then $32 and so on. This is used to introduce a viberato to voice2. The period of voice1 defines the speed of this viberato effect. When voice1 was programmed to modulate the period of voice2, the words in the sample of voice1 would define the period of voice2. When a voice is programmed to moduly8K̳$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$000y9L0,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$a000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00y:%00,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0087,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$007f,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0140,$9000,$0000,$0000,$0078,$0000,$0y;5000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0078,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0002,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0004,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 y<dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,y=A $0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $1000,$0008,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $010d,$4000,$010d,$4000,$010d,$4000,$010e,$4000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000y>C,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$000y?=E0,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 00,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $010d,$4000,$010d,$4000,$010d,$4000,$010e,$4000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000}t os on all four channels, portamento and modulation. Editing is by use of the Seka-assembler. MegaTraxx can directly be in- corporated in your source-file (watch out for double symbols !) or added to the object-file later. MegaTraxx is very fast. When MegaTraxx is played at its fastest pace, (the speed-label set to less than about $50) a single pass through the routine can be completed in about six 'raster-lines'. (640 pixel, non-interlaced, four color display with no furter competi}zϻ3ng bus-activity.) Composing music with MegaTraxx is very simple and not unlike 'SoundMonitor' (or RockMonitor I-IV for that matter...Hi D-USA Team !) known from the C64. You begin by selecting the samples for use as your instruments. If you like, you can use your own samples . For this reason, the excellent sample-editor AudioMaster, is also supplied on this disk. But first take a look at line 465. Here you can define the name of your master-piece. Please note that the length of t}uGQ?his string must exactly be twenty characters, or else MegaTraxx will not function properly. MegaTraxx must be told where each sample begins in memory. You do this by changing the number behind the 'move.l' instruction in the lines 44-58. Up to fifteen samples can be incorporated in a single music-track. In addition to the above, MegaTraxx must also be told the name, length, volume etc. of each instrument. This is done from line 468 onwards. First you define the names of the instruy-۰. dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$00e2,$1000,$00d6,$6000,$011d,$3000 dc.w $000y.)A0,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $011d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$00f0,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$a000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00y/$00,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00fe,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$00e2,$1000,$00d6,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $011d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0y0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$010d,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0140,$9000,$00e2,$1000,$00f0,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00fe,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$y1([0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$00e2,$1000,$00b4,$8000,$011d,$3000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $011d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0153,$0000y2ʫ dc.w $01ac,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$a000,$00e2,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00fe,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000y37,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0087,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $011d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$0000,$0000,$0000,$007f,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0140,$9000,$000y4N0,$0000,$0078,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0078,$0000,$00fe,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$011d,$3000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0y5˅000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $011d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$a000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$y6h0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0087,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $011d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 y7dc.w $0168,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$0000,$0000,$0000,$007f,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0140,$9000,$0000,$0000,$0078,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0078,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,y"ظ,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$00f0,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$8000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0140,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$011d,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$000y#0 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$3000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$00d6,$6000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00y$1?e2,$2000,$00ca,$8000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$00d6,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$010d,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0y%6~0e2,$7000,$00d6,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$00f0,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$011d,$0000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$8000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$00d6,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$y&^ 0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$00e2,$1000,$00b4,$8000y'rGJ,$011d,$3000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $011d,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$2000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$2000,$00e2,$7000,$00f0,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$a000,$00e2,$1000,$00b4,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$000y(M0 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00fe,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$2000,$00e2,$1000,$0087,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $011d,$2000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $000y)Hm0,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0168,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0153,$0000 dc.w $01ac,$2000,$00e2,$7000,$007f,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0140,$9000,$00e2,$1000,$0078,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0078,$0000,$00fe,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0140,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00y*`L$00,$0000,$00ca,$0000,$0168,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$00b4,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$5000,$00b4,$8000,$00d6,$6000,$00d6,$3000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$0000,$y+Zy00d6,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,y,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$0000,$010d,$0000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$0000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$010d,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000y,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$000y?`0,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00yb00 dc.w $00d6,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$01ac,$9000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$017d,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0yM0e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0168,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$yV 0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0140,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,yI܃P$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$3000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$000y"0,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$8000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$00y500 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$8000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $01y53,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$5000,$y 00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$3000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$00d6,$6000,$00e2,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$00ca,$8000,$0000,$0000,$01fc,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$00d6,$0000,$00ca,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0087,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,y!EM$0000,$0000,$00f0,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00be,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$00b4,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0087,$8000,$0000,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$00d6,$0000,$00aa,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00a0,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$00f0,$0000,$00d6,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$011d,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00b4,$8000,$00f0,$0000y m$$(a3,d4),18(a6) move.w 4(a3,d4),d3 tst.w d3 beq.s mt_displace move.l 4(a6),d2 add.l d3,d2 move.l d2,4(a6) move.l d2,10(a6) move.w 6(a3,d4),8(a6) move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) move.w 18(a6),8(a5) bra.s mt_nosamplechange mt_displace: move.l 4(a6),d2 add.l d3,d2 move.l d2,10(a6) move.w 6(a3,d4),14(a6) move.w 18(a6),8(a5) mt_nosamplechange: move.w (a6),d7 and.w #$0fff,d7 beq.s mt_retrout move.w d7,16(a6) move.w 20(a6),$dff096 move.l 4(a6),(a5) move.w 8(a6),4(a5) move.w d7y WF,6(a5) move.w d7,22(a6) move.w 20(a6),d0 add.w d0,mt_dmacon mt_retrout: move.b (a6),d7 and.b #$f0,d7 cmp.b #$30,d7 bne.s mt_audiodma move.w 20(a6),$dff096 mt_audiodma: rts mt_aud1temp: dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0001,$0000 mt_aud2temp: dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0002,$0000 mt_aud3temp: dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0004,$0000 mt_aud4temp: dc.w $00y^A00,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0008,$0000 mt_partnote: dc.l 0 mt_partnrplay: dc.l 0 mt_counter: dc.l 0 mt_partpoint: dc.l 0 mt_samples: dc.w $0000,$0000 mt_sample1: dc.l 0 mt_sample2: dc.l 0 mt_sample3: dc.l 0 mt_sample4: dc.l 0 mt_sample5: dc.l 0 mt_sample6: dc.l 0 mt_sample7: dc.l 0 mt_sample8: dc.l 0 mt_sample9: dc.l 0 mt_sample10: dc.l 0 mt_sample11: dc.l 0 mt_sample12: dc.l 0 mt_sample13: dc.l 0 mt_sample14: dc.l 0 mt_sample15: dc.l 0 mt_maxpart: yyW(dc.w $0000 mt_kn1: dc.w $0000 mt_dmacon: dc.w $0000 mt_modsave: dc.l 0 mt_vibes: dc.w $0c39,$0039,$00bf,$ec01,$6630,$0839,$0007,$00bf dc.w $e001,$6626,$2c79,$0000,$0004,$43fa,$0020,$4eae dc.w $fe68,$2c40,$4280,$41fa,$0026,$223c,$0000,$0032 dc.w $4eae,$ffa6,$4ef9,$00fc,$0000,$4e75,$696e,$7475 dc.w $6974,$696f,$6e2e,$6c69,$6272,$6172,$7900,$0104 dc.w $172d,$3d20,$4d65,$6761,$5472,$6178,$7820,$3d2d dc.w $0063,$00f0,$20a9,$2054,$6865,$204a,$756e,$676c dc.w $6520,$436f,$6d6d,$616e,$6400,$y00cd mt_arpeggio: dc.w $0358,$0328,$02fa,$02d0,$02a6,$0280,$025c dc.w $023a,$021a,$01fc,$01e0,$01c5,$01ac,$0194,$017d dc.w $0168,$0153,$0140,$012e,$011d,$010d,$00fe,$00f0 dc.w $00e2,$00d6,$00ca,$00be,$00b4,$00aa,$00a0,$0097 dc.w $008f,$0087,$007f,$0078,$0071,$0000,$0000,$0000 mt_sampleinfo: **************************************************** ******************SAMPLE_INFO*********************** **************************************************** ; *****MUSIC_NAME***** dc.b "y TJC-Tune " ; ******SAMPLE1NAME***** dc.b "BassDrum " ; length vol start repeat dc.w $0a14,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE2NAME***** dc.b "Bongo2 " dc.w $0675,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE3NAME***** dc.b "Crystal1 " dc.w $023b,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE4NAME***** dc.b "Burp " dc.w $07d3,$0040,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE5NAME***** dc.b "Crystal2 " dc.w $01f7,$0020,$00yXb00,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE6NAME***** dc.b "DistortedGuitar2 " dc.w $1900,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE7NAME***** dc.b "SnareDrum " dc.w $09b4,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE8NAME***** dc.b "BassGuitar " dc.w $09c7,$0040,$0000,$0001 ; ******SAMPLE9NAME***** dc.b "MajorAccord " dc.w $1aa1,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; *****SAMPLE10NAME***** dc.b "MinorAccord " dc.w $1fc9,$0020,$0000,$0001 ; *****SAMPLE11NAME***** dc.byjx " " dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 ; *****SAMPLE12NAME***** dc.b " " dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 ; *****SAMPLE13NAME***** dc.b " " dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 ; *****SAMPLE14NAME***** dc.b " " dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 ; *****SAMPLE15NAME***** dc.b " " dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 mt_partinfo: dc.w $2178 ***************************************************yL* *******************PARTS_TABLE********************** **************************************************** dc.w $0001,$0202,$0304,$0203,$0402,$0605,$0705,$0705 dc.w $0203,$0402,$0304,$0206,$0507,$0507,$0508,$090a dc.w $0b00,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00y 00,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 **************************************************** **********************PARTS************************* **************************************************** ; **VOICE1** **VOICE2** **VOICE3** **VOICE4** dc.w $00d6,$5000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,yce$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$00e2,$7000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$00e2,$1000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $012d,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0153,$5000,$00e2,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00d6,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $00e2,$2000,$0000,$0000iRhX\`dhlptx|  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|px *<D^y ,rtemp,a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice0 move.l 10(a6),$dff0a0 move.w 14(a6),$dff0a4 mt_voice0: add.l #$10,mt_partnote cmp.l #$200,mt_partnote bne.s mt_stop clr.l mt_partnote addq.l #1,mt_partnrplay clr.l d0 move.w mt_maxpart,d0 move.l mt_partnrplay,d1 cmp.l d0,d1 bne.s mt_stop clr.l mt_partnrplay mt_stop: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a1-a6 rts mt_playit: move.l (a0,d1),(a6) addq.l #4,d1 clr.l d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 and.b #$0f,d2 tst.b d2 beq.s mt_noadkcon cmp.b #1,d2 by {ne.s mt_novol move.b 21(a6),d2 bra.s mt_pushadkcon mt_novol: cmp.b #2,d2 bne.s mt_noperiod move.b 21(a6),d2 lsl.b #4,d2 bra.s mt_pushadkcon mt_noperiod: move.b 21(a6),d2 lsl.b #4,d2 add.b 21(a6),d2 mt_pushadkcon: add.w #$8000,d2 move.w d2,$dff09e mt_noadkcon: clr.l d2 move.b 2(a6),d2 and.b #$f0,d2 lsr.b #4,d2 tst.b d2 beq.s mt_nosamplechange clr.l d3 lea mt_samples,a1 move.l d2,d4 mulu #4,d2 mulu #$1e,d4 move.l (a1,d2),4(a6) move.w (a3,d4),8(a6) move.w 2yDB?ds' to $50000 * (Use the 'ri'-command) mt_speed=$5b bsr mt_init move.w #$4000,$dff09a move.l $00006c,mt_oldirq move.l #mt_newirq,$00006c move.w #$c000,$dff09a mt_wait: btst #6,$bfe001 bne.s mt_wait move.w #$000f,$dff096 move.w #$4000,$dff09a move.l mt_oldirq,$00006c move.w #$c000,$dff09a clr.l d0 rts mt_init: move.l #$50000,mt_sample1 move.l #$51430,mt_sample2 move.l #$52120,mt_sample3 move.l #$525a0,mt_sample4 move.l #$53550,mt_sample5 move.l #$53960,mt_samplyڬe6 move.l #$56b60,mt_sample7 move.l #$57ed0,mt_sample8 move.l #$59260,mt_sample9 move.l #$5c7b0,mt_sample10 move.l #$00000,mt_sample11 move.l #$00000,mt_sample12 move.l #$00000,mt_sample13 move.l #$00000,mt_sample14 move.l #$00000,mt_sample15 move.l #mt_sample1,a0 clr.l d0 mt_clear: move.l (a0,d0),a1 clr.l (a1) addq #4,d0 cmp.l #$3c,d0 bne.s mt_clear move.w #0,$dff0a8 move.w #0,$dff0b8 move.w #0,$dff0c8 move.w #0,$dff0d8 clr.l mt_partnrplay clr.l mt_partnote cy낿lr.l mt_partpoint move.b mt_partinfo,mt_maxpart+1 move.b mt_partinfo+1,mt_kn1+1 rts mt_newirq: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) bsr mt_music movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 dc.w $4ef9 mt_oldirq: dc.l 0 mt_music: lea mt_vibes,a6 cmp.w #$0c39,(a6) bne.s mt_novibessave move.l a6,d0 move.l d0,mt_modsave mt_novibessave: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) addq.l #1,mt_counter cmp.l #6,mt_counter bne.s mt_notsix clr.l mt_counter bra.L mt_rout2 mt_notsix: lea mt_aud1temp,a6 move.l #$dfyWf0a6,a5 move.b (a6),d7 lsr.b #4,d7 tst.b d7 beq.s mt_arpg1 jsr mt_portrout bra.s mt_arp1 mt_arpg1: tst.b 3(a6) beq.s mt_arp1 bsr mt_arprout mt_arp1: lea mt_aud2temp,a6 move.l #$dff0b6,a5 move.b (a6),d7 lsr.b #4,d7 tst.b d7 beq.s mt_arpg2 jsr mt_portrout bra.s mt_arp2 mt_arpg2: tst.b 3(a6) beq.s mt_arp2 bsr mt_arprout mt_arp2: lea mt_aud3temp,a6 move.l #$dff0c6,a5 move.b (a6),d7 lsr.b #4,d7 tst.b d7 beq.s mt_arpg3 jsr mt_portrout bra.s mt_arp3 mt_arpg3: tsty .b 3(a6) beq.s mt_arp3 bsr mt_arprout mt_arp3: lea mt_aud4temp,a6 move.l #$dff0d6,a5 move.b (a6),d7 lsr.b #4,d7 tst.b d7 beq.s mt_arpg4 jsr mt_portrout bra.s mt_arp4 mt_arpg4: tst.b 3(a6) beq.s mt_arp4 bsr mt_arprout mt_arp4: bra.L mt_stop mt_portrout: clr.w d6 move.b 3(a6),d6 cmp.b #2,d7 beq.s mt_portup add.w d6,22(a6) bra.s mt_write mt_portup: sub.w d6,22(a6) mt_write: move.w 22(a6),(a5) rts mt_arprout: cmp.l #1,mt_counter beq.s mt_loop2 cmp.l #2,mt_counyeter beq.s mt_loop3 cmp.l #3,mt_counter beq.s mt_loop4 cmp.l #4,mt_counter beq.s mt_loop2 cmp.l #5,mt_counter beq.s mt_loop3 rts mt_loop2: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 lsr.b #4,d0 bra.s mt_cont mt_loop3: clr.l d0 move.b 3(a6),d0 and.b #$0f,d0 bra.s mt_cont mt_loop4: move.w 16(a6),d2 bra.s mt_endpart mt_cont: mulu #2,d0 clr.l d1 move.w 16(a6),d1 lea mt_arpeggio,a0 mt_loop5: move.w (a0,d0),d2 cmp.w (a0),d1 beq.s mt_endpart addq.l #2,a0 bra.s mt_loop5 mt_endpary[#t: move.w d2,(a5) rts mt_rout2: move.w #$00ff,$dff09e lea mt_sampleinfo,a0 move.l a0,a3 add.l #$0c,a3 move.l a0,a2 add.l #$1d8,a2 add.l #$258,a0 move.l mt_partnrplay,d0 clr.l d1 move.b (a2,d0),d1 mulu #$0200,d1 add.l mt_partnote,d1 move.l d1,mt_partpoint clr.w mt_dmacon move.l #$dff0a0,a5 lea mt_aud1temp,a6 bsr mt_playit move.l #$dff0b0,a5 lea mt_aud2temp,a6 bsr mt_playit move.l #$dff0c0,a5 lea mt_aud3temp,a6 bsr mt_playit move.l #$dff0d0,a5 lea mt_aud4y dftemp,a6 bsr mt_playit move.l #mt_speed,d0 mt_rls: dbf d0,mt_rls move.l #$8000,d0 add.w mt_dmacon,d0 move.w d0,$dff096 move.l #mt_aud4temp,a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice3 move.l 10(a6),$dff0d0 move.w 14(a6),$dff0d4 mt_voice3: move.l #mt_aud3temp,a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice2 move.l 10(a6),$dff0c0 move.w 14(a6),$dff0c4 mt_voice2: move.l #mt_aud2temp,a6 cmp.w #1,14(a6) bne.s mt_voice1 move.l 10(a6),$dff0b0 move.w 14(a6),$dff0b4 mt_voice1: move.l #mt_aud1^fjnrvz~jx 0 6 H h v @ b l r    < B J R `  < B H V `  : J R Z v z 6<J4djz8BJ\r~8>LR`_NZ$djFV$`0fj,2>HX`l<FPXlrv|*2<FLZb &,4>DPVbrz:@Zpv|  * 4 Z ` j n ~ ` !! !!!2!<!F!N!b!|!!!!!!!""H"x"""###$$$$$$%% %%%*%H%Z%f%%&&&&'n''((6(T(j(t((((((()0)Z)))* *6*H*b******++(+0+@+L+R+^+d+v+++DDE:ErEEEEEEEEFFF*F0F6F@FzFFFFFGGG$GhGtGGGad$HH^HHHHHHHHIIII(IDIIIIIIJ 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BlockdB>R-----------------$VEEffects9HRGrabUˇV SongS"Instruments6@PositionTZBlock7nvLength^SpeedVolu<Effect+`@@ Sound FX KJc @dPff xContinue]V ## Vig2nF^Written3,by Christian Haller%'@Xand Christian A. 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