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Note that this is VERY VERY dangerous, and make sure you know what you're doing when you choose this option. This option's selected by leaving the name of the TARGET DISK empty. (IE You dont type anything in the string gadget, just install the disk.) I repeat, this is a VERY dangerous option, and should preferably not be used !!! (Although we already have a list of lamers who are going to receive a target boot-block of this type !! >k) 7. DO NOT ... I REPEAT DO NOT SEND US A DISK WITH A TARGET BOOTBLOCK, but if you want to swap games/utils/demos/sources/hints/burnt IC s etc. we will surely find some member to take care of your letters. Jot down a couple of lines (and preferably send disk[s]) to : 101 - The Maltese Hackers P.O. BOX 529 VALLETTA MALTA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all folkz. ----------------- Use this utility with LOTS of care, as it can have boomerang effects if you give a TARGET bootblock to a friend you swap with. Dont give targets to other hackers .... don't start wars !!! I am sure that once you know how and on whom you must use it, you'll find it useful !! We sincerely hope you eliminate lots of thieves and lamers around. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although we already have a list of lamers who are going to receive a target boot-block of this type !!@ْ1kl(/ + Ы/A "0*HҀ/N0j$ի 0*jO fBj0*jg $+ f$+ g*gv&+ j(("j o&/ + Ы/ j ( Ш/N$ի jը j$("j O f/./*N*P$+ gB*f:*HHp ĀgHxB/./*N *O%K*``B *gHxB/./ N O`*gv(+ j&("j l&/ j ( Ш/ + Ы/N$ի jը j$("j O f/./*N*P`(+ 0*jB~#Lo6*H4*H–S`6*H4*H–JjWDHHl&/A 2*HЁ/ + Ы/N0j$ի 0*jO fBj$+ g 4*H0*HR2*HNzfR$+ g:*HHp ĀgHxB/./*N *O%K*`/./ NP`Hx``$nBNL<|N^Nu(Z J>lF>z@<0V&0n^7,screen L : Lo-res screen Left Amiga : Set source start Right Amiga : Set source end (auto set of destination end) C : Copy from SOURCE START to DESTINATION START Left Button : Exit =<IHQPONMLKJH TARGET.DOCuCl^5 o //(/( //N ONu/ o$o /!@ !o ("PE\!J#H BB/ /NdP$_Nu/ oE\/ N/ N| @ ( P$_Nu oJtfp`pNu op`RJfNu"o o`RRggJfp` lp`pNuvnV o /gBSfNu o"o / ggo SfNuSfNu2 n2ABAHA HA0 2B@H@Nu B@H@HABA"BtҁрnRAQNu/$ B$HBHAЂH@B@ $NuX/$"a$Nu/$"a $Nu/$lD"pJlDF @an4gD$Nu/ @p$lDF"lDF @aH$gD $Nu)/,yN|,_Nu/,yNv,_Nu/,yLN:,_Nu/,y"o / N.,_Nu/,y"oN,_Nu/,yLN,_Nu/,y oN,_Nu/,y oN,_Nu$<ThF>z@<0V&0nED8N$)T!(t" <d(jN <d(jN#AX`")X#p\JLg&<t")X <l(jN`r#AL$)\!($)\!($$")X <l(jN`")X#p\JPg&<t")X <l(jN`r#AP$)\!($)\!($$")X <l(jN``")X f BL`BPJLfJPf ")TBt")X <h(jN`#iX$)")< <hIN`#iX($) ") <hIN`#iX()&)Xt")< <hINB`#iX ()(&)Xt") <hINB(`JLfJPf ")TԷB&<t")X <h(jN`P")X"0tRgjvWg g g2 g gN g`~JLfJPfJ(gJg")< <d(jNNNqserial.deviceparallel.deviceprinter.device*#pX#pXB4(0X&),p$(jN&)t("p$(jN$) "p$(jXNN&x08#Dt p(jN#A Jf$")p(jN`&)t")p(jNNNqolt") <d(jN")HR&t(") <d(jN") <d(jTN")(!")! <d(j?)5|%D JPg n!J$A%H-J*Hmh @n`@0;N "4lFl fp`p@`4 fR*`$` g.|` g|*n+J$t*n+B`B '|`*H @mH @nB@0;N $8J*gS*`"B*`|`J*g`|**g *HHp Āg/./*N*PJ*ft/* NRX//* N8 j JPg R!jHx/ N8SnJnPf,/./ NN/.NJO g"N``B `l0*jo8*`8*H4*H˜&+ 1- it. You can exit the script with the `ESC' key. sed to abort the script. This could be used with either a Request or Alert to abort. First do a Request then have the next line be Stop. Ex. Stop Repeat = This tells ShoWiz to read the script again, from the top. You can also use a Request with this to repeat or not. Ex. Repeat Execute = This is some REAL POWERFUL STUFF! With this command you can run any program from it. Use an animation I[Last character press backspace, and to erase all string press DEL. To exit the program, just press ESCAPE. 4. You need not bother with upper / lower case letters when assigning target names, as the target bootblock takes care of this. I.E. st-00 = St-00 = ST-00 = sT-00. Got it ?? 5. You MUST hate a LOT the person whom you are going to give the disk with the target bootblock. Remember that a virus might, somehow be taken as a joke. But if the thief would know what had happened <ے and WHO destroyed his disk .... I wouldn't like to be near him at all. 6. Having phoned TERMINATOR and explained him about this utility , he came out with the suggestion to make an option to erase ANY disk ! I.E. The target diskname is not checked and every unprotected disk which is inserted in drive after reset (when a target bootblock is in RAM) is erased. As TERMINATOR explained there're lots of lamers around whom he hates a lot, so he asked me to install an option to eraK5Ml--------------------- HELLO AGAIN FOLKZ .... First of all an important note : READ THESE DOCS BEFORE USING THIS UTILITY, AND SPREAD THESE DOCS TOGETHER WITH THE UTILITY. Somebody said that a virus is a destructive way to use the Amiga ! Well ... here is a very constructive utility which is loosely based on the principles of viruses .. but which does NOT spread itself onto other boot- blocks, thus destroying other people's bootblocks. That is not nice !!! In fact this utility jusLsNt destroys half the disk ... This utility provides a way to get your revenge on loosers who you hate. Originally, it was designed and used against a person who stole some particular disks. Read this short story ... Well,actually the disks were given to him by mistake by one of our members ( who later excused himself with us !!! ). Since we wanted to keep this software away from all these lamers and loooosers there are around in Malta , we were very angry at this. The software I aMM|ӻm talking about is the Soundtracker, and as we knew well this person who received it we asked him to keep the soundtracker at least for himself. He assured us that he would give it to nobody, so we were somehow calmed. But last week someone phoned me to ask me to go to help him with the Amiga he had just bought, and also an LC10 printer. When I arrived at his house I found out that somehow this guy had a copy of soundtracker, and guess who gave it to him ????? Well, I found out that N[`the lamer who had got it by mistake gave it to him .... and this lamer had assured us that he would give the soundtracker to nobody !! Now that's bad ... really bad coz we had trusted this guy and we even give him ( or rather used to give him ) some games. Luckily I convinced the guy who had just bought the Amiga that the soundtracker is useless if you cant program (which is true), and so he did not make a copy for himself. But it remains that the thief had his own copy ... "so wot cOMan we do" I thought. The result is this utility, "TARGET" . Actually it's called target since it acts only when a target disk name has been found. Lemme explain ! This utility creates a bootblock, which mostly comes into function after a reset has occured. If the disk which is inserted in the drive has the same name as the target name which the user (YOU) initially gave,then something NOT-so-wonderful happens. In fact half the disk ( from track 39 - the most important part - till tPLArack 79 ) will be CORRUPTED. Yep ... and the target disk will be less useful than a newly formatted disk !! You think I am mad to do such utility ? (Most probably you're right !) Well, suppose the name I gave as a target is ST-00 and I make the target bootblock on a disk with a nice new game. Then I give this disk (or get someone to give it-) to the thief .... Well, wot happens when he tries to use the soundtracker (which, 99% will be write enabled since one often saves on such a disQu k). He he he. The thief will have 1 soundtracker less after my creation has finished its work !!! These are some points on PROs and CONs of TARGET, and also some hintz. 1. The target disk (the one which will be fucked) must, of course, be write enabled. 2. The lamer must on power-up boot with your target bootblock , or at least there should be no byte-warriors etc. in memory. ( It should be no problem to convince him that to use the disk you gave him he must switch off/on bef H`ore using ! ) 3. Once the "TARGET" bootblock is in memory it is difficult to remove it, since I used a dirty trick. But this also means that every new bootblock is not executed. Normally this is OK, but for games with special bootloaders etc. the lamer will have some problems. Serves him right. 4. After you have clicked in the string gadget, you can start editing the target diskname. To select upper/lower case letters, press the caps lock while in editing mode. To erase the lS/Ʉack to the left. u=21 This will display the picture from the bottom Up to the top. v=22 This will display the picture reVersed then flip the picture. w=23 I couldn't think of anything to call this but Weird! x=24 This will eXpand the picture from the center. y=25 This shows a blurred picture than cleans it up. "Why Y? -- Who Knows!". z=26 This does zebra stripes accross the screen then fills from top. T Text Files: Now to explain how to display text files. If you will notice at the top of each Text file is a header. The first line holds the information about the screen. ShoWiz reads a file to see if it has the string `Showiz.Textfile'. If it finds that it will load it on a screen. Best way to create your own is just to edit one of these files. At the end of the first line you will see a bunch of numbers. These are the RGB settings for the Background, then Text, theUCn Shadow colors. For example: white would be `15-15-15' black would be `00-00-00' Any number between 0 & 15 will work. Red would be `15-00-00' and so on. Try different ones to see which ones you like best. If you don't want a shadow on your text just set the shadow color to the same settings as your background. The text that appears on the screen is what is inside tV;phe border of 's. In 80 column mode, you should see an at both ends. Stay inside the border and overwrite the existing characters. The number of characters has to be correct. Try one and then load it up to see if you got it correct. Scripts: ShoWiz really shines from the use of scripts. There are 16 commands that can be used in the scripts. ShoW[ Wiz reads this file just like a Text file. You must have a header that reads: *Showiz.Scriptfile* You treat this like you would a startup-sequence on a Workbench disk. Any line starting with a `;' will be used as comments and is ignored by ShoWiz. You can run scripts from an icon or from typing `ShoWiz Script'. Below is a list of the commands and a brief description. Included in this arc file is an example script file. Check it out. It uses all the available commands. PiXcture Commands: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wipe = The type of wipe to display your picture. Ex. Wipe -c Time = The amount of seconds before loading the next picture. Ex. Time +30 Show = Displays the actual picture itself. Ex. Show ShoWiz.Pic Sound Commands: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LoadSound = Load digitized soundfile into memory. Ex. LoadSound ShoWiz.Sound1 PlaySound = How many times to play the sound in a loop. 0 = forever! Ex. Play +3 Channel = You have 2 sets oYx Mf channels to work with. You use either 0 or 1. Do this before loading a sound. Ex. Channel 1 Quiet = This turns the volume down to 0. It is still in memory to use later. Ex. Quiet 0 FreeChannel = This actually removes the sound from memory giving you back your precious chip ram. Be cautious when using sound and big pictures because it does eat up memory. Ex. FreeChannel 1 Other Commands: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WB-On = This turns tZfhe Workbench colors back on. ShoWiz turns them off when it first starts and sometimes in the script you may need them. Ex. WB-On Fade-WB = This turns the Workbench screen back to black. Ex. Fade-WB Delay = This is a time delay for the script itself. When used ShoWiz will pause that many seconds before going to the next line in the script. Ex. Delay +5 Request = This brings up a Requester for a Yes or No option. If Yes then it does the ne[Mxt line in the script. If No then it is bypassed. What ever text in on the line after the command will appear in the requester itself. If you try to open one but for some reason it can't open, a DisplayAlert() will appear with your text. Ex. Request Do You wish to play the Script again? Alert = Just like Request but a DisplayAlert() is used. Many people get shaky when they see that blinking red box so use with caution. Ex. Alert Do You \5GBhave enough memory for Music? Stop = This is used to abort the script. This could be used with either a Request or Alert to abort. First do a Request then have the next line be Stop. Ex. Stop Repeat = This tells ShoWiz to read the script again, from the top. You can also use a Request with this to repeat or not. Ex. Repeat Execute = This is some REAL POWERFUL STUFF! With this command you can run any program from it. Use an animationGt program, a text reader,etc. It is best to use path names with it, just to be on the safe side. Ex. Execute df0:c/showanim -c5 ShoWiz:ShoWiz.anim I tried Movie with it but it seems to have a problem sometimes. However Showanim and the New DP player work perfectly. Experiment around with this. You might come up with some really neat things. Imagine using this as a startup-sequence. You could even load Workbench from^9L)rkbench & CLI. Since Workbench doesn't allow as many options I will explain this first. WorkBench Use: If you change the default tool of an icon to ShoWiz and then click on that icon, it will display the picture or text file (so long as the path is cor- rect). If you click on the ShoWiz icon then on a picture icon, it will show the picture. If you just click on the ShoWiz icon it will display all the pictures in that directory and will loop through all the different wipes f_or 30 seconds each. The defaults are used when clicking on individual pictures. They are 30 seconds for time and `o' for display. If you would like to use a different wipe or time you can add them to the tool types of the picture icon. You would enter them into the tooltypes like this: WIPE=-c TIME=+10 This example would show the picture using the checkerboard wipe for 10 seconds. Easy enough right? A sample icon is included in this arcfile. Scripts can also be r`un from Workbench. Read below for more info. Cli Use: First `ShoWiz ?' will show you your different options. You can display pics one by one or by directory. To show a picture you would type `ShoWiz Pic'. To show an entire directory you would type `ShoWiz Directory'. Now by doing it this way it uses its defaults of 30 seconds & `o' for display. You can vary this however. When showing directories you could type in the following: `ShoWiz +15 df0: df1: !'. Now thisalI would display all the pictures in df0: & df1: for 15 seconds each. When showing directories you can't give it the type of display, it will just loop through all of them. The `!' will tell ShoWiz to keep showing these pictures over and over again until you hit `ESC' to exit the loop. When showing individual pics you could type: `ShoWiz +15 -u Pic1 -f Pic2 +30 -c Pic3' This would show Pic1 for 15 seconds using the UP display then show Pic2 for 15 seconds using the FADE d bHisplay then show Pic3 for 30 seconds using the CHECKERBOARD display. If no option is given for the pic then the setting for the picture before it will be used. You can also use the `!' to loop through these pictures. Here is a listing of your different options: Time: Time is set in seconds. Any positive number is acceptable. If c&0C for example you typed `+30', it would display that pic for 30 seconds. If the number is less than 1, then 1 is used. Just put the `+' in front of the number to set the time. If you are displaying more than 1 picture the Time would be seconds until it loads the next picture. Now if you have a HAM pic then it would take a while to load making a longer delay. So when doing more than one picture remember to act accordingly.  dC Option: This can be any of the following letters preceded by a `-' [abcdefg hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]. Now HAM & Overscan pictures just won't work with some of these. Don't worry though cause if you try to select one that can't be used, it will use the default. Below is a brief description of the different types of wipes that can be used. Just remember they have to be lowercase letters! eڜ ~~~~~~~~~ a=01 This will simply make the picture Appear on the screen. Nothing fancy. b=02 This will put the picture up in 5 Blocks in the following order: 15324. c=03 This will put the picture up using a Checkerboard effect. d=04 This will display the picture from the top Down to the bottom. e=05 This will display the picture then Enlarge it to 4 times its size. f=06 This will Fade the picture in from fV^ black. g=07 The picture will Grow from the middle out to the four corners. h=08 The picture will start in the middle. Half will go right and the other Half will go left. i=09 The picture will be displayed Inverted (upside down) then flipped. j=10 This is the opposite of h and will Join together in the middle. k=11 This will put 4 blocks up. One in each Korner.(Well you pick a better gA) letter). l=12 This will display the picture from Left to right. m=13 This will Mix up the screen in a puzzle then straighten itself out. n=14 This will do zebra stripes accross the middle then spread from the middle to the top and bottom. o=15 This is the default. It will Open from the middle. Half going up and the other half going down. p=16 RҵThis will Pull the picture down from the lefthand corner. q=17 This will display the picture then shrink it down to a Quarter of its original size. r=18 This will display the picture from Right to left. s=19 This will display the picture in Strips. t=20 This will make a Trail of the picture. Going to the right then the left then back to the right then bRij;Bnames. 8.6.1 Logfile active. This option allows JR-Comm to log transfer and session activity, the following actions are presently recorded. - JR-Comm session start and end. - Connection to a system via the dialer. - Modem hangup command. - Carrier drop if the ignore carrier detect button in the modem requester is not active. - Successful downloads with file size, total error count and cps rate. 8.6.2 The status line. Three button gadgets control the status lineSjsި, they are: Status line displayed - Self explanatory. Time of day clock - Determines if the time-of-day is displayed. On-line timer - Same goes for the connect timer. 24 hour mode - Selects either 12 or 24 hour mode. 8.8.2 Size settings. The review buffer size is indicated in bytes and defaults to 16,000. The chat history size indicates lines and defaults to 50. 8.8.3 Pathnames. Set these string gadgets for JR-Comm to look for or place filTkn es for uploading and downloading. The files path is used by JR-Comm to locate or put phonebook, macros, definition files and the session log. If during the operation of JR-Comm, you change directories in the file requester, that new pathname will be placed in the appropriate pathname string discussed here. 8.8.4 Serial device and unit number. If you are using a serial device different from the default Amiga device enter the name and unit number to activate it. 8.8.5 Font nUlqame and size. If you wish to use a font other than the two internal default fonts enter the name and font height in these string gadgets. MISC MENU 9.1 Timer reset. Resets the connect timer located in the status line. 9.2 Send break. Sends a break signal out the serial port for a length specified by the gadget in the serial requester. Default is 250,000 microseconds. 9.3 Hangup modem. Will hangup the modem either by sending the hangup Vmdcommand string as defined in the modem requester or, by dropping the DTR signal to the modem if the DTR gadget is active in the modem requester. The default is to send the hangup command, which is initially set to the Hayes compatible "~~~+++~~~ATH1^M" string. See the section on special character definitions for modem and other commands that are sent out of the serial port. 9.4 Clear screen. Clears the screen. The same effect as a -L character or ANSI sequence of [2WnX|\J. 9.5 Screen title. When using a custom screen a full size borderless window prevents you from switching to another screen. By selecting this item you can display the screen title bar which allows you to "drag" the screen down. The screen title is also displayed during file transfers automatically. JR-COMM SUPPORT 10.1 Support for JR-Comm will be available by contacting the Atlantic County Amiga BBS, (609)625-2453. It is an open system availaXo}7ble to anyone 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Access of 3/12/24 & 9600 HST is supported. If you are calling with a problem about JR-Comm please be specific and post your request in a public message. This will help future callers who may find the information they're searching for by reading previously posted messages. The most current release of JR-Comm will always be available on the BBS. Likewise, there will be new versions simultaneously posted on CompuServe, People LinkY a and GEnie. . If you wish to use a font other than the two internal default fonts enter the name and font height in these string gadgets. MISC MENU 9.1 Timer reset. Resets the connect timer located in the status line. 9.2 Send break. Sends a break signal out the serial port for a length specified by the gadget in the serial requester. Default is 250,000 microseconds. 9.3 Hangup modem. Will hangup the modem either by sending the hangup q¦lIf wipe, amount of time to display, and the filename on the command line. ShoWiz will work from Workbench or CLI. Is this the best slideshow program? ShoWiz! DOCS: There are alot of programs that deal with IFF pictures. Some display single pictures. Others use scripts to display a whole bunch of pictures. All have their place. I just got tired of using one for ]s7this and another for that so I decided to make one that did it all. Yes, I know, it's larger than Ushow & most of the slideshows but there are 26 different wipes in this. That works out to less than 1K per wipe. Plus the fact that it will display text files and handle scripts. I tried to make this as stupid proof as possible so if something goes wrong, you can't say I didn't try! ShoWiz allows you to display pictures from Wop\.ifferent ways to display your pictures and it works with ALL resolutions, including Overscan. You can even display Text files, with your choice of colors for the background, text, and shadows. Type "ShoWiz ?" to see the various options you have. NO SCRIPTS ARE NEEDED to show a disk full of pictures and you can show as many disks as you like as many times as you like. It creates its own script files, but you can set the slideshow up any way you wish by entering the type oGteters. This requester deals with how JR-Comm's terminal mode will be operated. there are options for capture filters, screen type, end-of-line in and out conversion types and if chat mode is active. 8.3.1 Capture filters. These filters affect the review buffer and capture file, if open. The filters currently available are: Graphics chars - Use this option if you want the high bit of each character reset that is received when using 8 data Hu( bits, no parity. ANSI codes - Turn this filter on if you do not want ANSI screen control codes captured. The codes will still affect the screen though. CTRL chars - Removes all control characters except for carrige returns, line feeds, form feeds, tabs and backspaces. Backspaces - If this filter is active then any backspace received will remove the previouIvG@Ns character recieved from the capture file too. This results in the capture function operating in the same manner as the display. 8.3.2 Chat mode. The chat line is a 256 character line displayed along side the connect and clock in the status line. The line will automatically scroll left as data is entered into the line. Line editing is available while in the chat mode. The left and right cursor keys move through the current line. The dJw&elete key has two functions, alone it deletes the character underneath the cursor, when pressed while the shift key is down it will insert a blank at the current cursor position. The backspace key works as expected. If the return key is pressed while in the middle of the chat line the complete line will be transmitted to the modem. Several other editing functions are available with the left and right arrow keys when used with the , and keys. They are: - Move cursor to left or right of chat line display. - Move cursor to start or end of the chat line. - Move cursor left or right one word. The chat mode also has a history buffer which can be accessed via the up and down cursor keys. The default size of 50 lines is used unless you have increased or decreased it. "Natural" control characters are sent to the serial port immediately while in chat mode. This is convienent when you need to stop and rLyhMAe-start the display via the -S and -Q sequences. Finally, the '^' character can be used to send control characters out via the chat line. Two '^' characters in a row will send the '^' character itself. 8.3.3 Convert EOLIN. If selected this option tells JR-Comm to add either a C/R or LF character to the received end-of-line. You can tell when you need this option on or off by the way the display acts when text is received. If extra spaces occur between lines of texMzt then you need to turn this option off. If everything gets printed on the same line then you need this option on. 8.3.4 EOL out. Select either a C/R or LF character to be sent to the serial port when a newline in a text file or the return key is pressed. 8.3.5 Screen type. Selects the type of screen JR-Comm will use. The default makes JR-Comm use the Workbench screen. The other selections are for two, four, eight or 16 color screens. The 16 color screen will give you theN{1 full ANSI color emulation as defined by the IBM ANSI protocol. When the Workbench screen is selected certain options throughout JR-Comm will be disabled. They are the palette menu item, the screen title menu item and the interlace gadget described below. 8.3.6 Interlace. Select this button is you want an interlace display instead. 8.3.7 Text and background colors. Enter the color number you wish to use for text and background color for a multi-color display. See the palettO|B|e for the colors and their numbers. 8.4 Macros requester. The macros requester lets you define up to 20 different macro strings that will be output to the serial port when the appropriate function key is pressed. The shift key gives you the second set of 10 macros, the unshifted function keys access the first 10 macros. The display buttons indicate which set of macros is currently being displayed as well as an upper or lower case 'f' character for each macro. The '~' characterP}kMe will make JR-Comm pause for one-half second while processing a macro. The '^' character is used for sending control chracters, the sequence "^M" will send a carrige return, the equivalent of pressing the return key. The "LOAD" and "SAVE" gadgets will take you to the file requester so that you can save or load a set of function key macros. 8.5 Palette requetser. Works like most any color palette requester found in other Amiga applications. The "RESET" gadget will reset the colQh_ors to the default IBM ANSI color set. If you are familiar with the IBM color palette you will notice that the colors do not follow normal IBM ordering. This was necessary so that the colors JR-Comm uses for string gadgets and requester borders/titles would be visible and "clean" in appearence throughout the different screen types it uses. 8.6 General parameters. The parameters in this requester deal with the status line, review buffer and chat history sizes, pathnames and file<Qhat don't transfer a ZMODEM file correctly. 7.2 Upload file. Opens the file requester for selection of file(s) to be uploaded. The terminal can still be accessed to converse with the remote system while the requester is open. Pressing the "CANCEL" gadget will abort the upload attempt. The status window displays the progress of the transfer and estimated time to complete the transfer. The close window gadget will abort the transfer unconditionally. Ther=8(Ke may be a short time lag from when the gadget is selected to when the window closes and getting returned to the terminal mode of JR-Comm. This is due to JR-Comm attempting to flush the data stream of any left over data that may have been in transit during the transfer. 7.3 Download file. Same operation as with uploads mentioned above. YMODEM and ZMODEM do not prompt for filenames since they are sent from the remote system during the transfer. 7.4 ASCII send. Opens the file> gadget for selection of a file to do an ASCII send of. The status line if present will display the filename while it is opened for transfer. This is indicated by the filename prefixed by the '<' character. OPTIONS MENU 8.1 Serial parameters. In addition to the standard settings for baud, parity, data and stop bits, you have gadgets that allow you to set handshake method and duplex type. There is also a string gadget that lets you set the amou?3рnt of time, in microseconds, a break signal will last. 8.1.1 Handshaking. The four types of handshaking, or flow control, are: XON/XOFF - Uses the XON and XOFF characters for flow control. CTS/RTS - Also known as hardware flow control, used mostly with high speed and/or MNP modems that lock the baud rate between computer and modem at a rate higher than the connect speed. Both - Use both XON/XOFF and CTS/RTS flow control together. @rۜ None - Don't use any flow control. 8.1.2 Duplex modes. JR-Comm has three type of duplexing available, they are: Full - Used when the remote system echos a character it receives. Half - When a key is pressed it is displayed locally as well as sent out the serial port. If the remote system were to echo the character you will see two of each character when a key is pressed. Echo - Will echo a character it receives back out to the serial AXport, also displays the character received. 8.2 Modem parameters. This requester contains all the necessary items for setting how JR-Comm's phone dialer will interact with the modem. All strings default to standard Hayes compatible modem commands and responses. 8.2.1 Modem commands: Init - Sent to the modem when JR-Comm is first started, but only if a carrier signal is not present. Hangup - Used to hangup the modem if the BZDTR gadget is not active. The '~' character represents a one-half second delay. Dial prefix - The charcter string used to prefix a modem dial command. This is the default dialing prefix. Dial postfix - The charcter sequence used to terminate a dial command. 8.2.2 Alternate dial prefixes. JR-Comm provides you with three alternate dialing prefixes that will be used instead of the default dialing prefC84ix described above. 8.2.3 Response codes. The eight response codes and their Hayes defaults are: OK - "OK", The usual modem response to a command. Busy - "BUSY", sent when a busy signal is detected. Ring - "RING", sent when the modem detects a ring signal. Error - "ERROR", sent when the modem detects an error. Voice - "VOICE", not all modems are capable of sending this. Connect - "CONNECT", the modem has connected to anothDZer modem. No carrier - "NO CARRIER", the remote system did not respond. No dialtone - "NO DIALTONE", sent if no dialtone signal was present. 8.2.4 Phone dialer parameters. Three parameters are used to control the phone dialer in JR-Comm, they are: Redial delay - Indicates how many seconds JR-Comm will wait before re-starting the list of selected entries. # of retries - How many times JR-Comm will loop through the list of selectedE$E entries before returning to the terminal. Dial timeout - How many seconds JR-Comm will wait for a connection after sending the dial command to the modem. 8.2.5 Ignore No Carrier. Select this if your modem doesn't reliably detect a busy signal and returns the "NO CARRIER" response instead. This option tells the dialer to bypass the no carrier counter. 8.2.6 Ignore carrier detect. Select this if your modem doesn't have a properly functioning carrier deteFso@ct signal. This also turns off the connect timer which is useless without a functioning carrier detect signal. 8.2.7 Drop DTR to hangup. Select this option if your modem is capable of disconnecting when the DTR signal is dropped. 8.2.8 Flush with a BREAK. Some MNP modems, the HST is one, are able to clear the internal buffer of data when a BREAK signal is sent to the modem. This shortens the time needed to recover from an error during a file transfer. 8.3 Terminal param1*chminate the protocol by sending a null filename block. YMODEM-batch - This is TRUE YMODEM, which is a batch transfer protocol. The filename, date and file size are transfered in a seperate header block at the beginning of each file that is transfered. This protocol also preserves the correct file size, the other XMODEM protocols above pad characters at the end of the file. YMODEM-g - This 22variation of YMODEM is intended for error correcting modems, like those that use MNP error correction. Because this protocol does no error checking the file is transfered with little delay and can achieve some of the highest throughput of any of the protocols listed here. ZMODEM - This is one of the newest and most powerful protocols available. It is capable of batch transfers, automatically 3ɫD initiated downloads, 32 bit CRC error checking, and a unique ability to resume a transfer that had been partially completed. JR-Comm supports one of the most complete implementations of the ZMODEM protocol as defined by the specification document written by ZMODEM's author, Chuck Forsberg. 7.1.3 Miscellaneous parameters. Save aborted - Determines if a file is saved or deleted if the 4  transfer is aborted. Relaxed timing - Set this gadget if a file transfer fails or gets an excessive number of timeouts. Useful for packet switched networks. Auto chop - WXMODEM, XMODEM & XMODEM-k pad data to the last block of a file transfer. This feature will attempt to remove this data from a binary file only. GMT offset - This numeric string gadget contains the positive or 5Td negative offset of local time to Greenwich Mean Time. Eastern Standard Time would be expressed with the value -5. This is used in YMODEM and ZMODEM transfers so that the true file date can be preserved. 7.1.4 ASCII send parameters. Expand blanks - If this gadget is selected then any lines in the ASCII file which are completely blank will have a blank character sent prior to sendin6g"g the newline character. Some online text editors will stop accepting input if a newline is entered by itself, this option prevents that from occuring. Prompt char - Instructs JR-Comm to wait after transmitting a line of text for a specific character before sending the next line. Char delay - A numeric value describing hundredths of seconds to wait betw7Peen sending characters. Line delay - Like char delay above, tenths of seconds to wait between sending lines of text. 7.1.5 ZMODEM options. Resume transfer - If the requested file already exists JR-Comm will attempt to resume the file transfer. A check is made between JR-Comm and the remote system that the file to be resumed is shorter. If the file is not8]I}2 shorter the transfer will be aborted. Auto download - When this gadget is active it allows JR-Comm to start a ZMODEM download automatically. Auto d/l challenge - This feature, when selected, instructs JR-Comm to perform a challenge to the remote system so that it can determine if the remote really intended an automatic download to start. This 9 gadget is activated at the same time the auto download gadget is selected, but may be independantly de-selected in case a certain remote system does not support the challenge option. Escape ctrl chars - Instructs JR-Comm to do an escape of certain control characters that can interfere with the operation of packet-switched:/? networks. 32 bit CRC - Use the newer 32 bit CRC mode of error detection first, drops down to 16 bit version if the remote does not support it. 7.1.6 ZMODEM send modes. The following modes are applicable to a ZMODEM upload from JR-Comm only. They have no effect on a download, regardless of protocol used. Newer/longer - Transfer if the file is newer, longer or not present. CRC diffe;~2rent - Transfer if file has a different CRC or is not present. Append files - Append data only if remote file is shorter than the file locally. If the file is not present, create it. Overwrite files - Overwrite any files that are present. Also called "clobber" mode. Protect all files - Protect all files unconditionally. No preference - Use this option for systems t&]Fapable of multi-dialing any number of directory entries, just select the ones you want dialed and then select the "DIAL" gadget in the phone direcotry. If you wish to dial just one entry double-click the desired entry. The dialer is controlled by three parameters in the modem requester, number of retries, dial timeout and redial delay. The number of retries defaults to 15 and applies to each entry that is selected when the dialer is called. The dial timeout refers to how many sec'οLonds the dialer will wait for a connection after dialing, it defaults to 30 seconds. The redial delay is also in seconds, defaults to 60 and is the amount of wait time at the end of the list before restarting again. The dialer has some additional intelligence built-in besides checking for modem "BUSY" responses. If three "NO DIALTONE" responses are received from the modem, the dialer will halt. It will also remove an entry from the selected list if a "VOICE" response is received (s{or if three "NO CARRIER" responses have been received for that entry. An option is provided in the modem requester for modems that don't reliably detect a busy signal and often return a "NO CARRIER" response instead. To prevent JR-Comm from incorrectly removing a selected entry you should select this option if your modem works like this. When a connection is made the entry is removed from the selected list so that it will be passed over when the dialer is called again. If a macro)$ls file was defined for this directory entry it will be loaded. If a capture file was defined it will be opened in append mode. Any other parameters will be set if required prior to returning to terminal mode. A menu item is also provided to start the dialer again after disconnecting from another system. 5.4 Send password. After the dialer has connected to a system, the password in the directory entry that was connected to will be sent to the modem when this item is selected. *sqO 5.5 Load phones. Load a new phonebook. 5.6 Save phones. Save the current phonebook. BUFFER MENU 6.1 Kill buffer Empties the review buffer, this does not affect the capture of data which is kept in a seperate internal buffer. 6.2 View Buffer Places JR-Comm in review mode. If the status line is enabled it will display a message indicating the review mode is active. When the review first starts it will fill the screen with the most rece+"Wnt data received. The review buffer is controlled by the following key sequences. - move to the beginning of the buffer. - move up 24 lines. - move up one line. - move to the end of the buffer. - move down 24 lines. - move down one line. - end review mode, return to the terminal. 6.3 Open capture Opens a file for data capture. Any data cu,x#rrently in the review buffer will be immediately transfered to the capture file. Further data is seperately buffered in an internal 2k buffer. See the section on terminal parameters for the capture filters that are available. 6.4 Close capture Closes the capture file after writing any unsaved data. When a JR-Comm session is ended the capture file will be closed if currently open. 6.5 Append capture Append data to an existing file. The operation will also save the current -#\*contents of the review buffer to the appended file the same as an open capture operation mentioned above. The most recently used capture filename will be placed in the filename string gadget of the file requester when it is first opened. TRANSFERS MENU 7.1 Parameters requester. This requester contains all the options available for the file transfers available in JR-Comm. 7.1.1 Transfer mode. Binary mode sends the file as a binary image. Text.6\ mode will send a file and do end-of-line conversion according to the settings in the terminal requester. 7.1.2 Protocol. All the file transfer protocols in use by JR-Comm strictly adhere to the specifications outlined in the various documents that are available for each protocol. The following is a short description of the protocols available. CIS B+ - CompuServe's B+ file transfer protocol. WXMODEM - A variant of the XMODEM protocol which give better /0 throughput perfomance over packet switched networks. This protocol is quite popular on the PeopleLink information service. XMODEM - The original XMODEM checksum protocol was created by Ward Christensen back in 1977. Since then it has been modified for better error correction by using an optional 16 bit CRC polynomial. JR-Comm will automatically attempt the CRC type transfer first and0v* "step down" to the original checksum version if it's not recognized. XMODEM-1k - Another variation of XMODEM, this one uses 1,024 byte packets which gives higher throughput than the original XMODEM protocol. Some systems incorrectly call this YMODEM. YMODEM - This is a varient of TRUE YMODEM which only allows one file to be transfered. This is for the benefit of some BBS's that don't properly ter4fO6e selection list. The "PARENT" gadget will change the current directory to the parent directory. The current directory is displayed in the string gadget immediately below, which is labled "Drawer:", it will also change the current directory if a pathname is entered in it. The large rectangle is the familiar Amiga-like file selection array, it can display up to 15 files and/or directories at a time. Directories will be prefixed with a "(dir)" string to indicate that it is the nam.Zve of a directory not a file. The righthand side of the rectangle shows the size in bytes of each file. Below the selection rectangle there are two size indicators. The one on the left, labeled as "Free:", shows the amount of free space left on the current device that the current directory is apart of. The right side shows the total number of bytes bytes for all of the files that have been selected. To the left of the selection rectangle is the proportional scroll gadget which en6ables the user to scroll through a list of filenames. The "knob", or smaller rectangle inside the scroll gadget is sized to indicate how much of the list is displayed by the selection rectangle at any one time. The next gadget down is the string gadget labled "File:", depending on the function that opened the requester, it can already contain a filename for possible selection by the user. The last two gadgets are the "OK" and "CANCEL" gadgets. The "OK" gadget will return to the c:alling function with a list of the selected files or the oen filename is it was opened as a "SINGLE FILE REQUEST". The "CANCEL" gadget will return with a null list indicating no file(s) were selected. THE PROJECT MENU 4.1 About JR-Comm. Posts a little blurb about JR-Comm. 4.2 Printer. Toggles the printer on or off. When it is on an asterisk will be displayed in the status line. 4.3 Chat line. Toggles the chat line on or off. 4.4 Load  defaults. Load a default parameters file. The file requester will be initialized to the filename which is in the general parameters requester. 4.5 Write defaults. Writes the currently set parameters to a defaults file. 4.6 Quit JR-Comm. A query requester is displayed to confirm exit. Closes any open files prior to ending. THE PHONEBOOK MENU 5.1 Phone directory. The phone directory requester is sort of a control panel for adding, editing  Gand deleting phone directory entries. It also allows you to select one or more entries for use by the intelligent dialer. The string gadget labled "Master password:" contains the character string that is used by JR-Comm to generate passwords for each directory entry if you want one. 5.2 Adding and editing entries The directory entry edit requester is accessed fron the phone directory by selecting the "ADD" gadget to create a new entry, or by selecting "EDIT" immediately after s!Delecting an existing entry. 5.2.1 Name string. The entry name resides here. Something must be entered or the entry will not be added to the phone directory. Up to 25 characters can be used. 5.2.2 Number string. The phone number is entered here. Up to 36 digits are allowed. 5.2.3 Macros filename. The Macros filename is optional, if one is entered it activates the "MACROS" gadget so that you can enter the desired macros at this or a later time. 5.2.4 Capture filename."O This entry is also optional. If defined then a capture file will be opened in append mode when the dialer makes a connection. The review buffer will also be cleared prior to the capture file being opened. 5.2.5 Password string. The password for the current entry can be manually entered, or you can have JR-Comm create one for you instead, see the section on password types for more information on this feature. 5.2.6 Password length. Used in conjunction with the password ty#ww*!pe gadgets described below. Only a decimal number, less than or equal to 20 will be accepted. 5.2.7 Dial prefix. Selects the desired alternate dialing prefix which are used during the dialing of an entry. The default is "None" which indicates the default prefix in the modem requester. 5.2.8 Cents/min string. Optional. Enter the decimal number of cents per minute (100 = a dollar) which will be displayed in the status line while connected. The carrier detect signal must fun$܇ction properly on your modem for this feature to work right. 5.2.9 Password type. Depending on the button selected when you close the edit requester will determine whether or not JR-Comm creates a password for the current entry. The "Fixed" button keeps the present password the same. This button will be selected after a password is created so that the password stays the same until a time when you want to have JR-Comm generate a new one. The other three buttons, "Alpha", "Numeri%+c" and "Alphanumeric" define what type of password will be generated by JR-Comm when the requester is closed. The generated password will of a length determined by the amount in the passowrd length string described above. 5.2.10 Other options. The selection gadgets along the bottom of the edit requester will allow you to change the parameters for the current entry. See the description for each option requester for further details. 5.3 Dialing directory entries. JR-Comm is c &&your Startup-sequence file located in the S: directory by adding the following command. If you do not wish to re-boot your machine before running JR-Comm you should also enter this command from the CLI at this time. assign JRCOMM: "pathname" Replace "pathname" with the directory name you are going to use. Floppy disk based users may wish to label a formatted disk with "JRCOMM" to achieve the same result. The command to do this would be. W label drive df0: name "JRCOMM" DF0: was only used as an example, you may want to do this from a different drive. Also, notice that the ':' character was not used in the name "JRCOMM". 2.2 Initial startup meassages. After JR-Comm starts up it will display a copyright notice and some system information about what it is using for parameters. If no carrier detect signal was present it will also send a standard Hayes compatible initialization string to the modem. A blinking un.derline cursor will then indicate that JR-Comm is now ready for operation. 2.3 The status line. The 25th line of the display defaults as a status line. The status tells the following information: * X FN 8N1 2400 00:00:00 12:01 am | | || ||| | | | | | || ||| | | +------- 12/24 hour clock | | || ||| | +---------------- Online timer | | || ||| +------------------------ Baud rate ! | | || ||+--------------------------- Stop bits | | || |+---------------------------- Parity | | || +----------------------------- Data bits | | |+------------------------------- Handshake | | +-------------------------------- Duplex | +---------------------------------- Protocol +------------------------------------ Printer active The left portion of the status line is used to display the filetMname of where data is currently being captured to or, which file is being used for the ASCII send function. It is also used while the chat mode is active, please see the chat mode section for more detailed information. 2.4 Modem setup. If your modem has the carrier detect signal permanently asserted it will make the connect timer start counting immediately after JR-Comm is started. If it is possible to set your modem to make carrier detect function normally you should do so now)J. Most Hayes compatible 2400 bps modems can use the following command to set modem so that the carrier detect signal functions normally, it then writes the modem parameters to non-volatile ram so that it will remain that way. AT&C1&W Please check your user manual for the modem to insure that this command will work, you may find that a switch may have to be changed instead of, or in addition to, the above command. If you cannot turn off the carrier detecCt signal you should deactivate JR-Comm from sensing it by turning the ignore button on in the modem requester. 2.4.1 MNP modems. In order to use an MNP modem properly for maximizing the throughput they are capable of delivering, you need to set JR-Comm and the modem to a fixed baud rate that is usually 2 to 4 times greater than the connection rate between the two modems. Since the Amiga is sending data at a rate higher than the modem can send down the phone line some sort of hanxGdshaking must be used so that the internal buffer inside the modem does not overflow. Most often, the kind of handshaking used is hardware, or CTS/RTS handshaking. The serial device the Amiga uses has an oddity in that it requires the DSR signal to be active when it is first opened, or it won't set CTS/RTS handshaking active. the trouble is that most MNP modems default to have the DSR signal follow the carrier detect signal. Fortunately, they almost always have a command and/or sKWwitch to permanently set DSR active. Please set your MNP modem to keep DSR high if you intend to use CTS/RTS handshaking. THE JR-COMM FILE REQUESTER 3.1 YAFR... Yes, Another File Requester... Why? Well simply put, it was needed for one reason, selecting multiple files for batch transfers. But, the big difference here is that this requester gives you the ability to select files from multiple directories and/or volumes too! 3.2 Functional description. The file requester opens up in one of two modes as indicated in the title. One mode is a "SINGLE FILE REQUEST", which will allow you to select only one file at a time. The other mode is the "BATCH FILE REQUEST", which allows you to select any number of files. The requester also creates five seperate lists that you can look at to select files or change directories with. The rectangle in the upper left corner labled as "Display:" shows which one of the five lists is currently bei=)ng displayed. The five lists are: Files - The files of the current directory, selected files will be displayed in inverse video. Devices - The list of devices available to AmigaDOS. Directories - Logical, or assigned directories. Volumes - Floppy and hard disk volume names. Selected - The current list of user selected files. Files selected by the mouse when this list is displayed will be removed from thv)YMilable for the Amiga. - A phonebook that can store an almost limitless number of directory entries(dependant on available memory). Each entry contains all the options available to completely re-configure JR-Comm, not just name, number and serial port parameters. - Optionaly generate a unique password for each directory entry. - An intelligent dialer that monitors the results of each attempt and is capable of multiple entry dialing. - A very powerful file requesteIr that maintains several lists of files, devices and directories. During a batch protocol selection it enables you to select files from any number of directories in a simple manner. - An almost 100% complete IBM ANSI terminal emulation. - Chat mode with line editing and history. Review buffer, function key macros. Session capture with filters. Session log. Printer function. 1.2 System requirements. Worst case memory requirements would be 512k total free ram for T>o a 16 color interlace display with 3 open requesters. 292k of this would be for the display itself which needs to be in chip ram. At the other end of the spectrum you can run in as little as 265k total, 65k chip when using a 2 color non-interlace screen (worst case condition also). Although any Hayes compatible modem will work with JR-Comm, some of the more advanced features of JR-Comm are available if your modem has a functional carrier detect signal. An optional method of hangin_wg up the modem can be used if your modem will disconnect when the DTR signal is dropped. JR-Comm also supports high-speed modems via CTS/RTS handshaking so that the increased throughput they are capable of with MNP and fixed data link speeds between modem and computer can be obtained. Tests have been run with a MultiTech 224 EH and US Robotics HST modem to date. 1.3 Default files and paths. When JR-Comm is first started, it will determine the default path for certain files that |y JR-Comm uses for initial settings. It first trys to locate the logical directory JRCOMM:, if that is not present it will set the default path to the S: directory. JR-Comm will then try to locate the following files, if they exist in the current directory they will overide any that are found in the default path. jrcomm.def - User defined default parameters file. jrcomm.macros - Function key macros file. jrcomm.phones - Phonebook file. jrcomm.log - Session logfile TSb. If the jrcomm.def file isn't located JR-Comm will use an internal set of default settings for initial operation. 1.3.1 Filename creation. JR-Comm adds one of six postfixes to a filename after it has been entered in a string gadget. These postfixes are: .def - Defaults file. .macros - Macros file. .phones - Phonebook. .log - Session log. .cap - Capture file. .f #ont - User definable fonts. The appropriate string gadget will be immediately updated, except when using the file reqester which updates filename after it has been closed. JR-Comm determines if the filename already has the proper extension, if one is found then no postfix is appended. 1.4 The display. The default display used is a borderless Workbench window. Although not visible, there is the usual front/back gadget pair in the upper right corner of the window. Optional dis kIplays are borderless windows on a 2, 4, 8 or 16 color custom screen. A menu item is available which toggles the display of the screen title so that you can "drag down" the JR-Comm custom screen. The colors used are set to the normal IBM color palette of BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN and WHITE. The reason a 16 color screen is available is because of the high-intensity attribute available for each of the eight colors. The colors are arranged in an order that is dif Xpferent from the IBM version, this was done so that an acceptable color scheme could be used for all of the screens available. The blinking character attribute of the IBM display is rendered as a bold character in this emulation. An option is provided for the user to select the text and background colors of the display from the current palette without changing the palette itself. Two internal fonts are provided, one for a normal display, the other for interlace screens. The properd font is selected automatically depending on the current screen in use. The blinking underline curor is implemented as a screen sprite. When the JR-Comm display is pushed to the back the cursor will still be visible until another window is activated. The cursor only is visible while the JR-Comm window is active and no menus are present on the screen. It is also turned off when a requester is displayed. 1.4.1 Program limitations. The 8 & 16 color displays require a substantial^X amount of the total DMA available to the Amiga CPU and special purpose chips. When using a baud rate higher than 2400 you will almost invariably experience a loss of data since the display DMA has a higher priority than the CPU and therefor cannot process the incomming serial data quick enough to prevent data and/or buffer overruns. GETTING STARTED 2.1 First time users. If you wish to assign JRCOMM: to a specific directory you should modify ^y similar to KeyToy and should display the current value for each key with the current combination of shift/alt/ctrl/capslock. Simply press the shift/alt/ctrl/capslock gadgets to change the display. The keyboard displayed is that of an Amiga 2000. The keymap for an Amiga 500 or 1000 is exactly the same! The A2000 keyboard has a few additional keys that the A1000 did not, and some of the keys have migrated, but other then that, the keymap for ALL keys on the A1000 keyboard is exactly the same as that for an A2000, there are just fewer values on the A2000 keyboard listed as unused (i.e. there are still spaces left so an A3000 might very well have even more keys then the A2000 and still be fully compatible with the A1000 (at least keymap wise)). Clicking on a key gadget other then the shift, alt, ctrl, or capslock will display the key editor window for that key. The top row of gadgets define what type of key this is (NOP, Normal, String, or Dead). The second _#row shows which of the shift/alt/ctrl keys effect this key. The third row displays whether the key is capsable and/or repeatable. Finally the rest of the window shows the values for each of the shift/alt/ctrl combinations available for this key. The rest of the window will be different depending on whether the key is NOP, Normal, String, or Dead. Values for a key will be displayed in standard C string format. This means that if the value is normally printable, the value should ap[Cpear, otherwise the hex value for the key will be displayed in the format '\x##'. A few notable exceptions to this rule are certain of the common control codes have special values '\r' for return, '\n' for newline, '\f' for formfeed, etc. Finally, since the '\' is used as an introducer for the control sequences, you must use '\\' to specify a single backslash. Since up to 4 characters may be used to specify a single character value, the string gadgets for a single value may hold upT to 4 characters. Please note that Normal keys and dead keys may contain 1 and only 1 value, and if you place more characters in the string gadget then what will equate to a single character, the string will be truncated to 1 character. Likewise, String keys may only contain 32 characters, I have made the string gadget size 127 to hold many control sequences. Again, the resultant string will be truncated to 32 characters. Switching back and forth betwean the types of keys (NOP, NƑ0*hormal, String, and Dead) will produce strange results as strings are truncated to fit within certain limits or altered as dead or deadable keys. Selecting either the Use or Cancel gadgets will end the key edit mode and either update the keymap or not depending. Saving the KeyMap: Once you have gotten the keymap as you like, you will want to save it. Selecting the Save option from the Project Menu will give you a file requester which you may use to save the keymap either to the sa~64me filename as read or a new filename. Again the default directory is devs:keymaps, and you must specify otherwise if you desire it to be elsewhere. Note: The Key Map Editor uses the filename as the node name of the keymap, thus if you save a keymap as USA1 the system will not differenciate betwean the real (system) USA1 and your modified version, but if you save it as NEWUSA1, the system will always see it as NEWUSA1 even if you rename the file to USA1. ThVqbLis is important to remember because of the way SetMap works (see note at top). within certain limits or altered as dead or deadable keys. Selecting either the Use or Cancel gadgets will end the key edit mode and either update the keymap or not depending. Saving the KeyMap: Once you have gotten the keymap as you like, you will want to save it. Selecting the Save option from the Project Menu will give you a file requester which you may use to save the keymap either to the saɦ Peter Boswell for his WXMODEM protocol document. Gary S. Brown for his CRC-32 data table. Chuck Forsberg for his X/YMODEM and ZMODEM protocol specifications and for his public domain rz.c, sz.c & zm.c source files, it took a bit of work figuring out what he did, but it was well worth it! Charlie Heath for getfile.c, didn't use it, but it did show me the anatomy of how a file requester works. Mark G. Mendel for his CRC-16 data table. Russ Ranshaw for his CompuServe B Plus proto\col document. Paul Resch for his BPLUS.C source file, converted from the Pascal source BPLUS.PAS by Russ Ranshaw. Tony Sumrall & Dave Wecker for the VT100 sources, my basis for learning how a comm program functions. Steve Winokur for the internal IBM graphics/Topaz alphas fonts. And special thanks to the following beta testers. Jon Boulle, Jim Burwell, Henry Colonna, Wayne Hackney, Bruce Schoenberger, Greg Smith and Steve Winokur. INTRODUCTIONBU 1.1 Overview. Welcome to the preliminary release of JR-Comm, a telecommunications tool for the Amiga series of personal computers. Present features available: - Full PAL, interlace and overscan support. - XMODEM, XMODEM-1k, WXMODEM, YMODEM, YMODEM-g, ZMODEM, CIS B+ and ASCII file transfer protocols are included. All file transfers adhere strictly to the appropriate specifications and provide throughput figures exceeding most other communications programs avă1*************************************************************************** Introduction: KeyMapEd allows you to modify the KeyMaps destributed by Commodore-Amiga with AmigaDOS. These KeyMaps may then be installed on your system with the SetMap command. Basically, any key may have 'key macros'. Each key may have a seperate value for pressing the key alone, with shift, with alt, with shift & alt, with control, with control & shift, with control & alt, and with shift, alt, & contr4*Rol (the latter is refered to as vanilla). Thus, each key may have up to 8 seperate values when pressed. Further, keys may be capsable (use the shift value when the caps lock key is on) and/or repeatable (key repeats when held down). Finally, pressing the combination of a dead key with a key that is deadable (modified by a dead key) allows the addition of accents to the key value (for instance an 'alt-g' then 'a' will produce an '' or an 'a' with an accent grav above it). Any proι_tgram which is written correctly and uses the default keymap will fully support all these features and fully support any changes you make to your keymap. Unfortunately there are many programs which are not written correctly and/or do not use the default keymap (hint! hint! developers!!!). I believe that with this utility, it will be much easier to write a program which uses a special keymap, and still fully support the keymap capablities, then to hardcode what each key does within td#he progam. Note: SetMap adds the keymap to a list in memory and if you do SetMap usa1 SetMap f SetMap usa1 SetMap will only read usa1 once! Further, usa1 and f will both remain in memory until you reboot. This impacts KeyMapEd since modifying a keymap that you've already done a SetMap on, then trying to SetMap it again, will not update the keymap in memory (it will just use the version it had already loaded into memory). You would have to save the keymap out under Кvs a different name from KeyMapEd to get SetMap to use the new version. The name is hardcoded in the file, so it is recommended you do not rename the file. The reason for this is that SetMap compares the name within the file to the keymap that is requested, and if it is the same, the version already in memory is used. Supose you edited the usa1 keymap, saved it as usa1 and then renamed it to foo. Then you changed your Startup-Sequence to do a SetMap foo instead of SetMap usa1ѓy (which is normal for A500/A2000s). The system still thinks that the keymap it has loaded is usa1 (not foo) since that was the name coded in the file... For this reason, doing a SetMap usa1 will not load in usa1, but use the one in memory (which is really foo). Also, SetMap foo will load another copy of foo into memory since foo doesn't match usa1. Description: There are four basic types of keys definable within a keymap. NOP A NOP key does nothing, and has no value. Nor = mal (NoQual) A normal key may contain up to 4 single character values (plus a special value for vanilla keys). This format uses the least amount of space, so you should use this if possible (as apposed to the next two). The four values can correspond to any combination of the key alone with up to two of the shift/alt/ctrl combinations. If you want the key to be vanilla, the ctrl key modifies the value of certain alphabetic keys plus some others (@ for example), giving you 5 value IԌs for that key. For example the 't' key contains the values 't', 'T', alt-t '\xfe', alt-T '\xde', and ctrl-t '\x14' (note the ctrl-t value isn't actually stored, it is calculated). String A string key may contain all 8 possible values, and each value may be up to 32 (as of AmigaDOS v1.3) characters in length. A good example of string keys are the function keys, the arrow keys, or the application keys. These keys will send a string whenever the key is pressed. This is basically g what will give you that 'key macro' capability. Any key which is not dead or deadable may be string and output up to 8 different 32 character values when pressed. Therefore, if you want alt-f10 to issue a 'list dh0:" command you could simply code that into the keymap. Dead Dead keys output up to a single character in one of three ways. A key that is dead (when you press it it modifies the value of the next key pressed), a key that is deadable (modified by a dead key), and a ke Ւ3ky that is uneffected by a dead key. If a key is dead, it contains the value of the accent that it will use (for instance alt-k will produce an umlat with deadable keys). If a key is deadable, seperate values will be stored for each possible accent available on that key (there are currently five: accent accute (), accent grav (`), caret (^), circumflex (~), and umlat () (I produced these by pressing alt-f space, alt-g space, alt-h space, alt-j space, alt-k space with the USA1 keyma Up)). Finally, if the key can not be modified by a dead key, then simply place the value in the keymap (for instance an alt-a is not modified by a dead key). Using KeyMapEd: KeyMapEd will prompt for a keymap if you do not specify one. It auto- matically assumes the keymap is located in devs:keymaps so you must specify the full pathname if it is not located there (SetMap requires the keymap be in devs:keymaps so you might as well put them there anyway). 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J (F .>.?/?/.7891+parallel.deviceipNuJ"<<parallel 34.9 (18 Apr 1988) parallel.devicemisc.resourceciaa.resourcezNuB)Jn|`pB.v)5guJ)f J. fRn nu5v)5g #nZ6#n^:NuB)Jn g Sn fBnrB&u.vgNpNuB)p/ /,n"N,_"_|0) @ nHA pN<Q)f/,n2N,_ if .vgP9v`8 if69f.vf </ /,n"N,_"_ "!   MountList8/* MountList for V1.3 */ /* Mount Entry for the new Console Handler */ NEWCON: Handler = L:Newcon-Handler Priority = 5 StackSize = 1000 # /* This is an example of a non-filing system mount using a handler written in C. */ SPEAK: Handler = L:Speak-Handler Stacksize = 6000 Priority = 5 GlobVec = -1 # /* This is an example of an alternative type of non-filing device mount, used to mount the non-buffered serial handler */ AUX: HandlerB_!(clipboard.deviceDV %J <k%pNuJ#0Nclipboard.deviceclipboard 35.2 (9 May 1988) HNPONuH@N PONu/ N XONuN/ NXONu/ N2XONu xnbTH $/ $o#BHyN#Pfp`\#HyNN/9Hj^NJO g/9NlNp`HyNNpXLNuH 0$oN/<HxN &@$ Pg. jlJg0P    Z dnarrator.device mz]$$H>&,xArC < NJg$@(J%N%CA6 XB!H%| <""<N:Jgp&@%K|C'I pN@N'@A XB!HCHA#H:A#H>! #H6ER0N"LNPpL|Nup`H2Jgp`$IJn flACBi(pr/,nND,_Jg<`C|A#H -n < "</,nN:,_Jf<`T-@Rn R%n5|65|05|n25|4B*B5|V@5|@>B*%NG""LLNu@%|`H&i,xՋ clipboards,P |ramdrive.deviceܩFx<pNuJlBRlBpNNuNNupNupNuNB*"R"B DOSramdrive.deviceCommodore-Amiga Ram Drive 1.0 (6 Apr 88) dos.libraryexpansion.libraryH ",x"z <N4Jg"z :۝ system-configuration `T_UUUUBI"nHۆBH"I"fAUUUU?_,Epson BN@A"N@ACpQ : n^ :R%@ where is the disk drive name, i.e. DF0: or HD2:. The test is non-destructive (does not do any writes to the disk). The files floppy.rpt and harddisk.rprt are the results on my floppy drive and the current hard disk drive (a 42MB partition on a SeaGate ST4096, 96MB unformatted, 28ms average seek time). NOTE: The times reported for the 2 "random read" tests will vary between drives with different capacities, since the width of the seek is a percentage of the total disk capacity. With drives of equivalent capacity, the results will generally show the difference between the slower step rate drives and the faster drives. ALySO NOTE: The transfer rate test measures the raw read capability of the drive and does not take into consideration the type of I/O done by AmigaDOS. It may be that a disk with a very fast transfer rate may run slower when doing normal AmigaDOS operations. Multi-tasking will also vastly affect the disk performance (although a faster seeking drive should perform better). Michael L. Hitch Office of Systems and Computing Services Montana SC^tate University s on my floppy drive and the current hard disk drive (a 42MB partition on a SeaGate ST4096, 96MB unformatted, 28ms average seek time). NOTE: The times reported for the 2 "random read" tests will vary between drives with different capacities, since the width of the seek is a percentage of the total disk capacity. With drives of equivalent capacity, the results will generally show the difference between the slower step rate drives and the faster drives. AL9G\[ZYXWVUTSRgfedcba`_^]qpr1O ShoWiz.docurf)p SHOWIZ 2.0 Written By J.L. White (C)1988-1989 Merlin's Software ShoWiz combines the features of a display program with those of a slideshow program. This means you can show individual pictures or a whole disk full! ShoWiz has 26 d+y" jrbeep.docu"}cUSE: jrbeep (Do NOT use the RUN command!!!) JR-Beep is a small auto-detaching program that will sound a short beep instead of the screen flash normally used by the Amiga. JR-Beep now checks to see if it is already installed and allows the CLI it was started from to end properly. n also use a Request with this to repeat or not. Ex. Repeat Execute = This is some REAL POWERFUL STUFF! With this command you can run any program from it. Use an animationj~>=<IHQPONMLKJH TARGET.DOCuJ;1 Documentation: T.A.R.G.E.T. (Trackdisk And Reset Gadgets to Eliminate Thieves) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Released : 11 February 1989. Copyright : 101 CREW - MALTA Coding : CRAIN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions : CRAIN / 101 CREW -----------------------------------------------------EXA memory-copier.instruAqz7Z MEMORY COPIER INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------- by The Big A of Phenomena This little utility is only a pre-view of my soon comming MEMORY COPIER V1.0 Heres some key functions: Cursor Keys : Scroll the screen (Memory View) in different directions < : Step one screen back > : Step one screen forward H : Hi-res QlpEDT Port-HandlerDU1LLL$#p(BB #p(v։#Cx,؉#D(z@ډ#E<,<܉#FB!H88&|NN$@(*& *BN0$/<Hx(N(@( O f / / NP/// / ND/*x// NONN$@ j$ mn"`opt/"o/,iN,_Nu o XB!HNu9H? 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Weber  a.outPRT:NIL:You can't use the '-c' option in absolute modeSource file: '%s', Output file: '%s'.  Can't open fileOperation successful. Total memory consumption: %ld bytes. Format: HunkWizard [-options] filename Options: -a
Set ORG to
, absolute mode -c [C|D|B] Load Code, Data or BSS to CHIP RAM -m Display memory allocation statistics -o Save output file as , default is 'a.out' bow-p Send all text to the printer -v Verbose mode (display file structure and relocs) -q Quiet mode on -x Display only, generate no output file Example: HunkWizard -vccdb -o Test MyProg apCEf2<BNuNp`NU/0-H+@Jg(x` ?NTORDlm0,//,NPOJg lNJg /,N+eԌ +H$m fane2rvfabeLrBDad6DrfaNQQ`8rx`ra@ m gra062<` 2< BTB6aSJ QmNu DNuSABB3f DQNu+0:@P0 N@6@  P`XT@72)|@7   D@ byB4U BBrd?)jrp .BA$C 9A ⁂" bO0'(hPG $d`` cP g(02M@0P1(3""2@P"F&D$L0 $CA`_@,ĠP!Р!dRABaOO_`H9+f@Q@$A"B. ȟP.I 0 RHG  A.j"Ijk `t%^JXNgNB.Zš [ @@ +@ @ @dKlQ @@hPtN@zz(zuy{ )J.d$+h)[QXr]x020rrp` `@@\0)   ,p%  (H^<^ ,EhM  V<@:y P hJUD04 h*YHyv2"CidddNЎ .B11A;-=eLj*H%P 0( `-3#t ir$@с!c{")(( 3CW.QʔF@NHNv"Dm 8QK{'SGPS&d]LK ӱ'tp!&4b$12vuU C,\ 0r!av%C/#@YGVшaC;r`+i\Bńm, Lflj` &jQ 3 B*&O^ZP@J<4IƀZt& c{[r.-Ll~1l͡.jhB >*bhM0!%K81 NlKobn;0H@*.&PNXTFDP, bب򠚑@(T8$+$Dp0,@^@DĤ!{ck;{pƖf&V *'h#1"`@bd`GNDPt3>EDeH.Ѐ8a SKs2Z." pZX9pAHXDTL\LG rE*b2Er¢2"gvfҁe с%@(}(Ņ ɇ%bʆnGRQR @f*`O'rZXU+Tmښ:z0u"u46012!2Ti & lSt1qu2s؝ 8x0KP},\f#B  LtL6X8RؚYZSPIVHPǬ@ B!L2BH<E@?րA: 0(8ll06/ AX`8W u?ɨ F0@A0Ё _=.p ^(i8N201a@C` 2<0U>H@ GWT 83@p1p H v2@@`ÄGk; k؆/%-3ld %-4s $%06lx $%06lx $%06lx $%06lx Base: %06lx Code: %06lx Data: %06lx BSS: %06lx Total: %06lx CC: %06lx CD: %06lx CB: %06lx DC: %06lx DD: %06lx DB: %06lx NUH r ,N,$@$N(**//Hz:NO c//HzFNrHzfNO/N%@ XOL0N]Nu Code size: $%04lx (%ld) bytes ERROR: Size in header = $%04lx (%ld)! 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C`SdB5x,xN&@JgL +$@,*8Jf,+Jg4"A$v ,l*N GR  "A$&,l*Np`NJfCp,xN)@A)H Hx%@6|G %K CJ/ N4AJ"m,xNH0"J ͗$mNL LLN]NuNpaH2&o./ fp`, "<,xN:$@ g|B* %K 5@ LLNu # %+B/ IHlN XHz$N XHz4N XHzTN XO(_Nu Preliminary release. Copyright (C) 1988-89 by Jack Radigan. All Rights Reserved. This is the last preliminary release of JR-Comm. Version 1.0 will be released only to registered users at first. Three months after its release it will beco [(me available to the unregistered public. If any new versions of JR-Comm are released they will be made available this way too. Registered users will also have access to a private support conference on the BBS listed below. Preferential treatment and other benefits of registration will be given when and if they are made available, primarily, a private phone line for exclusive use when it becomes financially feasiable to add it. At present I plan to continue to en rxhance and support this program as best I can. I do not want to have to revert to commercial publication in order to receive compensation for the time, effort and money that has already been expended to create what you presently are using. It is up to you, the Amiga community to determine the future success (or failure) of this program. Atlantic County Amiga - (609)625-2453 - 3/12/24/9600HST - 24hrs. intuition.librarygraphics.librarydiskfo 7հfRAp*f RC$+PR`Hm/ N POr.f&Rp*f RC$+PR`Hm/ N ~POrlf |R`rhfRr@p0]@kT{fNc`*s`X`~x`xp`^o` u`d`J-g RC$ ` RC$ +@l rD+AJgp-` Jgp+`p @p"-肀pgRR/-/-N PO+@ -Jjr+A -"-Ho. m"H`Sdp-"- m`Sd -+@ѭA+HJgP| `FJ-g RC$ ` RC$ +@`bJ-g RC$ ` RC$ +@J-g m 2e60r+A+H//-N hPO+@`(|0 -Jjp+@J-g RC$ ` RC$ +@J-g m0xr+A+H//-N DPO+@pX-fHmN XO` RC$"P+IfA+H mJfS+H -Jk*o&+@` p+@ RC$ @B-`p` -"-lt+B`Jg6Smp m/+H mNXO`SmHp-/ mNXO`Smp-/ mNXO`Smp m/+H mNXO` L N]NuNUH0&o$o"+mJg4p%f"fR`/ Hm/ aO +@g$@`p/NXO`L N]Nu/ &o SS" ,l*NJfN|)@p)@*p`p&_NuNUH!2&o, )lr g r gr fR`Jgh ,)R)A)$Hp"f&R$Jg p"gR`Jf HxNXO`B`$Jgr gr g r gR`Jf`B`rJ)f l`A))H)J)f|A$C)p""""2"l i$Hx(/(Hl)pNO A)p"$<,l*N)@(0)@(8r)A(4)@(@)A(<倓,x+@N m"@#h~+@`*,l*N)@(0N)@(8A"$<N)@(@~ @(, @(4(XOz-,  ~d"pTrN"Jfn`mR`~-dprA0ځR`pTrNJf -rcRp-Sڀ rN*p-ڀ rB-B+l*z,l A(,JgR` ,,f p)@*p`* A(,$HJg-g +|`+| <Dg @.G r g gJf,R` p)@*p` g g|/-/ N bPO(`< fHx/ N PO(Jj  g|)m*/-/ N PO(J-g6 rxҁJg*Jk&/N Hx/ N rO (`Hx/ N `PO(Jgp`$%D L N]NupaH./,/*/ /NXO&@ fp`///+N }f6 8O (Jgp` LNuNU/ &oN` *8+@J*4gHmN &mN]NuNUH&o4 "<QN *+@, "<QN . 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