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U@ fA fB UCDD3E"FGm 8  20( p ` P P ` 0@ B_/_/o/ o/o/o&/ yo, brothers and sisters...dont`t reset your machine yet. i know this intro looks like shit, but that is not most important now. read scrolly and u will know how is our war against finland`s lamer-army going. this is predator typing again,still alive!! - and never will die! - do u remember our last intro, there were sum text `bout those finland`s lamers who`ve written those shit lies to cracker journal. b`coz they couldn`t stand it that we are better than`em. poor loosers. hang on,don`t reset! here we go. ...it was summer -89. we were doing very great. we still got our cool holland section and u.s boards. finland`s lamers (x-men,accession,x-beat,willow of deathstar) were very envied for us. poor guys. only deathstar was bet ter than team-x! these lamers decided to kill us, they started telli ng lies `bout us. they started calling fucking stupid calls to us. we didn`t care very much of this. we just thought that they are just so childish or something like this. but this wasn`t enough for those lamers. they started telling really stupid lies `bout us like team-x has sold addresses to germany-cops. that was enough. we get really pissed off! if u wanna war, u get it. war started. next move of those lamers was a new group called - fap - (federation against predator) why this? b`coz they couldn`t drop me out with those lies. they need a new group against me and my group,but u can`t win us with this lame group. i guess your next move is that u give our addresses to police. ok, then u win. how nice, u have won us, but how? i just ask. for my last words i want to say to all groups who live out of the finland - watch out who u swap with, b`coz u can`t know what these finland -lamers do behind your back - . next time u can read `bout this war in next digitech magazine. big thanx to warlord of digitech for let ting me to write `bout this. - war has just begun! - now highlander wants to send some hellos.. shark of master crew... minua ei kiinnosta mika sun ongelmas on mutta jos sulla on joku sairas halu valittaa niin soita alaka vaivaudu kirjoittamaan sita lamer-paskaa niihin kur jiin introihin, eihan sita kumminkaan kukaan lue, en edes mina... mista vitusta sa oot saanu sellaisen kasityksen etta mina paatan mis sa tiimissa mad lord on, kylla silla itsellaankin on sen verran ar vostelukykya ettei liity teihin. ok now back to english and back to more sensible things than talking to lamers... oh, i nearly forgot big handshakes to new ark in germany, magnus `the dick` of sos(where is my tape,pal?),dave of the force (thanks for the phone call and good luck with your new team) and last handshakes to whitesnake of critters (you will get the beer some day...) highlander signs off. 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