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Passwords " LINK "G.O.D.S. Passwords"} @{"Prince of Persia Passwords " LINK "Prince of Persia Passwords"} @{"Mario is Missing Passwords " LINK "Mario is Missinrvhg Passwords"} @{"Family Tennis Passwords " LINK "Family Tennis Passwords"} @{"Prime Goal Passwords " LINK "Prime Goal Passwords"} @{"Another World Passwords " LINK "Another World Passwords"} @{"Aladdin Passwords " LINK "Aladdin Passwords"} @{"Goof Troop Passwords rw | " LINK "Goof Troop Passwords"} @{"Desert Strike Passwords " LINK "Desert Strike Passwords"} @{"Offroad Racer II Passwords " LINK "Offroad Racer II Passwords"} @{"B.O.B. Passwords " LINK "B.O.B. Passwords"} @{"NBA Jam Passwords rx " LINK "NBA Jam Passwords"} @{"Tetris & Bombuzal Cheat " LINK "Tetris & Bombuzal Cheat"} @{"Super StarWars Mega-Cheat " LINK "Super StarWars Mega-Cheat"} @{"Cybernator Cheat " LINK "Cybernator Cheat"} @{"Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Password " LINK "Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Passworry%`Ѫd"} @{"Pop and Twinbee Cheat " LINK "Pop and Twinbee Cheat"} @{"Super James Pond Jr. Cheat " LINK "Super James Pond Jr. Cheat"} @{"MechWarrior Cheat " LINK "MechWarrior Cheat"} @{"WWF Royal Rumble Cheat " LINK "WWF Royal Rumble Cheat"} @{"Street Combat Cheat rzXO " LINK "Street Combat Cheat"} @{"Super Pang Cheat " LINK "Super Pang Cheat"} @{"Turtles in Time Cheat " LINK "Turtles in Time Cheat"} @{"Old Games Cheats I (German) " LINK "Old Games Cheats I (German)"} @{"Old Games Cheats II " LIr{:WNK "Old Games Cheats II"} @{"Shadowrun Docs " LINK "Shadowrun Docs"} @{"Shadowrun Walktrough " LINK "Shadowrun Walktrough"} @{"Mortal Kombat Moves " LINK "Mortal Kombat Moves"} @{"NBA Jam Tips and Info " LINK "NBA Jam Tips and Info"} @{"Super Metroid Moves & Hinr |\ts " LINK "Super Metroid Moves & Hints"} @{"Megaman X Moves & Hints " LINK "Megaman X Moves & Hints"} @{"Ninja Warriors Again Moves " LINK "Ninja Warriors Again Moves"} @{"Ninja Warriors Again Docs " LINK "Ninja Warriors Again Docs"} @{"Jurassic Park Map r }8 " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-ParkMap.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park Beach Utility Shed Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-BeachUtilityShedMap.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park Nebular Utility Shed Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-NebularUtilityShedMap.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park North Utility Shed Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-NorthUtilityShedMap.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park Raptor Pen Part1r ~] Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-RaptorPenPart1Map.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park Raptor Pen Part2 Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-RaptorPenPart2Map.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park Raptor Pen Part3 Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-RaptorPenPart3Map.pp"} @{"Jurassic Park Visitors Centre Part1 Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-VisitorsCentrePart1Map.pp"} @{"Jr s%_urassic Park Visitors Centre Part2 Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: JP-VisitorsCentrePart2Map.pp"} @{"Muscle Bomber Moves and Hints " LINK "Muscle Bomber Moves and Hints"} @{"Wolfenstein 3D Passwords " LINK "Wolfenstein 3D Passwords"} @{"Star Trek - The Next Generation Docs " LINK "Star Trek - The Next Generation Docs"} r R @{"Star Trek - The Next Generation Passwords " LINK "Star Trek - The Next Generation Passwords"} @{"Star Trek - The Next Generation Mine Part1 Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: STTNG-MinePart1Map.pp"} @{"Star Trek - The Next Generation Mine Part2 Map " SYSTEM "PPShow >NIL: STTNG-MinePart2Map.pp"} @{"Run Saber Action Replay Codes " LINK "Run Saber Action Rr`heplay Codes"} @{"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters Action Replay Codes " LINK "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters Action Replay Codes"} @{"Claymates Secret Warps " LINK "Claymates Secret Warps"} @{"Fighter's History Moves " LINK "Fighter's History Moves"} @{"Hot Blood Fighters Hints, Tips, Keys and Codes " LINK "Hot rKHBlood Fighters Hints, Tips, Keys and Codes"} @{"Ranma Super Battle Moves " LINK "Ranma Super Battle Moves"} @{"Bastard! Moves " LINK "Bastard! Moves"} @{"Bill Walsh College Football " LINK "Bill Walsh College Football"} @{"Dragon Ball Z Super Butouden 2 Moves and Instructions " LINK "Dragon Ball Z SuperrC29 Butouden 2 Moves and Instructions"} @{"Dragon Ball Z 2 Big Fireball Tips " LINK "Dragon Ball Z 2 Big Fireball Tips"} @{"Fatal Fury 2 Championship Edition Boss Selection " LINK "Fatal Fury 2 Championship Edition Boss Selection"} @{"Golden Finger Codes May 1994 " LINK "Golden Finger Codes May 1994"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Credits, Greetings and Lot's More" r!_ *Pinhead & N.S.C./[L]egend* P R E S E N T S SNES-Talk Issue 1 Some Personal Greetings 2: ---------------------------- All The Legend Gays, And 2 The Dikke Van Eurosoft, PLL, Ashock, Frans, Ed Meijer, MWB+Gezin & Haagse Vrienden (like SHI,Marcel/TRC Etc.), T.D.B. Zijn Zus, Patrick (met Bril), Marco Van De Schreeuw (aaaaaaa), Martijn (Ik Ben Dronken), Martijn (de Neus)rB, Willem Van Megadeath, Ashock, Sparta Piet (met Boterletter), Mr.Mad & Friends (like Danny, Theo, Leo, Marco, Ome Joop), Papillon (#1 in SNES), Elitendo, Vision, Paradox, Cyberforce, Spaceballs, Redeye, Kefrens, Quartex (Bambam), Teak, Axis (Cool That Ya Guys Are Reborn (Again!), De Klusjes Man Van Babyface!, Sanity, TRSI + Zenith, Skid Row (hi Virus), Razor, Fairlight, Parasite, Effect, Trance Inc., Vision, Silents, Witand PC (Ja Die Zombie En Alex!), TEK, Alcatraz, Rudi & Hawk/TMTr$4, And All The Guys I Met In Danmark At The Party III In The Pub!!!! Yes It Was Nice To Drink Some Pure Milk With Ya Guys! And no more... If Ya Like To Swap The Latest On Amiga 500/1200,SNES,Sega,VHS Movies Then: Write to: *The I Hate John Van Loen Fanclub* Lodijk 94, 3079TW, Rotterdam, Holland If Ya Wanna Reach Us By Phone Then Try This: Dial: +31-01882-1881 Northern Light CHQ +31-10-4779507 Mystical Places WHQ +31-10-4774218 +31-10-4772519 Note to Bar6byface: Wie wonnen er met Bowling??? En wij willen nu wel eens 32MB Profighter Q +'s. @ENDNODE @NODE "Back to the Future III Passwords" Level Passwords: open - back - boss - head - frog - iron - bust - wolf - bleu - lion jack - ceen - king - bear - pink - eyes - zero - rock - wink - biff All Passwords were found by: MCA Of Elitendo @ENDNODE @NODE "G.O.D.S. Passwords" Level 2: sdi ---- Passwords were -------- --------- Level 3: mgb rh$ ---- Found by: -------- --------- Level 4: bmh --- TSM From \/ision --------- --------- @ENDNODE @NODE "Prince of Persia Passwords" 01. BRNGBB9 11. 7F39R1B 02. MRG5L2X 12. H9TZD8N 03. B6+TWNN 13. 7TXF+9V 04. 9Z3NRDX 14. H+KX3L7 05. LQHWTVR 15. GZ9MRZJ 06. CGKDBZ2 16. 84CPBC6 07. TH4Q++B 17. QQNL2PV 08. VXPNBY2 18. 4Q7TMHJ 09. QLL!WHR 19. QHJG!Q7 10. HWB93WX 20. H8J12+Y @ENDNODE @NODE "Mario is Missing Passwords" r3Kf __ _____________________ __________ / | ) ___/) ___/) ___// _ \___ \ // |__// _)_// |__/_ _)_// |. \ | \ // | | |: | _/ | || \ |: \ \_____ |_____|____ |______|__|____/_____/ THE FUCKING WILL OF GOD! ===========\__|==========\_|================================================ PRESENTS : ALL CODES FOR 'MARIO IS MISSING' DONE BY : ON 11-06-93 BY T.D.B.'S LITTLE SISTER : ESTHER TERLOUW ===========rKS================================================================= CASTLE 1: DOOR 1: WILCNCW DOOR 2: SVVK6NB DOOR 3: DOUJJXO DOOR 4: 59C9PBG END : ONWJ3PF CASTLE 2: DOOR 1: LPNJPN1 DOOR 2: XH12NP1 DOOR 3: XJ8K5F2 DOOR 4: 690QNLX END : **TQMMK CASTLE 3: DOOR 1: DWBD3*R DOOR 2: PWLSL2Q DOOR 3: DJC2LHQ DOOR 4: DTFJN*8 END : T*W7L*Q @ENDNODE @NODE "Family Tennis Passwords" Single ------ Level Passwords (Player 1 against the CrIomputer) Level 1: xyaayxya Level 2: ayaayxya Level 3: xabayaya Level 4: axbayxaa Double ------ Level passwords (Player 1 & Computer against the Computer) Level 1: yabxyaxb Level 2: byaxyxyb Level 3: yabxyayb Level 4: bxbxyxab Double ------ Level passwords (Player 1 & Player 2 against the Computer) Level 1: ybaxabxy Level 2: byaxayyy Level 3: yabxabyy Level 4: bxbxayay Greetings and have fun: Pinhead/Legend! A special kiss to jetaza/legend 4 helping me playing in The Double Game!r1k!!! You Were Great! @ENDNODE @NODE "Prime Goal Passwords" Match 1: dead faaa aaae caaa Match 2: elad faba aaae geaa aaea ekba baaa oeaa baea ekba biaa hnaa Match 3: eoad faba eace geae Match 4: goad fabe eage geee bbei ekba biaa bgaa fbei ekba biia ncaa Match 5: iaad fbbe eige ggee Match 6: jcad fbfe gige ggee fbei ekba fkia iiaa fbfi gkbb fkia nmaa Match 7: jcad fbff fkge ggfe \ End Match!!! Win it!!!rOTHER GUY!! MOST TIME THEY WILL PASS YOU AND THEY THROW THE BALL TO THE OTHER GUY BUT HE IS THEN ALLREADY IN THE CIRCLE AND SCORES ONLY TWO POINTS IF YOU ARE WAITING TILL THEY ARE IN FRONT OF THE CIRCLE THEY ALMOST TRY TO MAKE 3 POINTERS. NOW THAT I HAVE REACHED THE END OF THIS COOL GAME I THINK THAT I GIVE BRETTHULL HOCKEY A TRY!! THIS GAME LOOKS FINE I HOPE IT PLAYS AS WELL AS NBA JAM!!! MAYBE I WRITE THE PASSWORDS ALSO OF THAT GAME WE WILL SEr&$E IF IT'S WORTHY!!! GREETS FLY OUT TO ANTHROX,TRSI,ELITENDO,CYBERFORCE,ROMKIDS,LEGEND!!! AND ALL THE OTHER COOL CONSOLE DUDES WHICH ONLY LIVES FOR THE CONSOLES!!! SEE YOU!!!!! AND DON'T FORGET TO CALL ONE OF THIS COOL BOARDS!!! AND IF YOU HAVE COPIED 3 D O GAMES PLEASE CALL ME!!! ALSO ON THESE BOARDS!!! |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | r'ɔ | | CONSOLE CAT [ANTHROX DUTCH HQ] +31-10-4517700 (RINGDOWN) 2ND| | | | BOONROCKS [TRSI DUTCH HQ] +31-(0)-548-040-653 | | +31-(0)-548-021-716 | | | | RED OCTOBER [INDEPENDANT] +31-10-4165552 (RINGDOWN) 3ND| | r(wbw | | 7TH HEAVEN [CYBER FORCE] +31-70-3815656 (RINGDOWN) 3ND| | | | MYSTICAL PLACES +31-10-4779567 | | +31-10-4774218 | | +31-10-4772519 | | r)!v | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| @ENDNODE @NODE "Tetris & Bombuzal Cheat" To Skip Levels just push L and R and Select on joypad 2 on the difficulty select screen. Try this cheat on bombbliss and you'll go always to level 60 which is the end level!!! Cool or what????????????? Greetings Pinhead/[L]egend! @ENDNODE @NODE "Super StarWars Mega-Cheat" Super StarWars Mega-Chear*Yqt ------------------------- On the title screen press A,A,A,A,X,B,B,B,B,Y,X,X,X,X,A,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,B. After entering this code should hear a Jawa yell. Now you able to choose between all 3 charcters. But if you press L & R buttons on your second controler during the game then you'll come in the game debug menu! In this menu you can can choose: the levels, areas, and how many lives you want, and which weapon you wanna blast your enemy with. Also you can finish ther+ [ level during the game when you press start on your second joypad. Also you can make yourself invisible by pressing A,B,X,Y and Select. (Do this on your second joypad!) Super StarWars Action Replay Codes ---------------------------------- 7e08 fb03 -- unlimited lives 7eoa 7920 -- unlimited energy 7e08 7224 -- always have a jet 7e08 6e00 -- no need to kill jawas 7e01 1c0x -- you can choose your difficulty of your level 7eoa 7924 -- unlimited health 7e09 6ff1 -- unlimited time 7e08 7r,*m@224 -- unlimited fuel. 7e09 850x -- choose weapon .. just change the x any time... 0 = blaster , 1 = flame , 2 = seeker , 3 = rapid , 4 = plasma 7eo8 7664 -- invicible in Death Star trench @ENDNODE @NODE "Cybernator Cheat" Press on the Game Start/Options Screen the Up and the L and R Buttons. Press Start and cheat will work. You now have unlimited continues! Greetings Pinhead/[L]egend! @ENDNODE @NODE "Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Password" Justr-ύs enter at the password screen: lzfmjy rbzvjs fy7wfx 6cbbn5 This password will guarantee you the pennant without a lot of effort! You will be the Minnesota Hounds! You'll be an incredible 33 games ahead of the opposition and automatically win the pennant! @ENDNODE @NODE "Pop and Twinbee Cheat" When Ya See the Options Screen Press Up,Left,Up,Left,Up.Left,Left Left,Right,Right,Right,Down,Left,Down,Left,Down,Left,Down,B. Pfff a long one but now you'll play the easy game of Pop & Twinbee r.%-so you'll win now!??? Greetings Pinhead/[L]egend! @ENDNODE @NODE "Super James Pond Jr. Cheat" To find a secret room in this game you must go all the way to the right of the screen, jumping over door along the way. When you reach the last tower jump up the small platforms leading to the roof, and then run left on the roof all the way until you go inside the tower itself. Find the room! @ENDNODE @NODE "MechWarrior Cheat" Choose "start game" from the title screen. highlight the 3rd opr/ction on this screen,and press the B button. On the next screen choose what ya want and exit.the previous screen will appear again,except there will be a new option on the left. Choose it and your mech and go into the game. At this point press start to pause the game and then press in this order a,l,l,y,a,l,l,y you must now see the word INVINCIBLE. Your mech is now invulnerable to any harm! @ENDNODE @NODE "WWF Royal Rumble Cheat" When you first turn on your SuperNES, ya will see a legr0dIal screen. As soon as it begins to fade, take joypad 1 and press b then y when ya hear a voice say UGH you will have a super punch... beat your foe with 2 punches! Tip 2: ------- On the player selection, press the top l button to stop the wwf logo in the background from moving. Hold the top l and r buttons without making logo move again and press select. Move through the selection screen to find your twin to either fight himself or be his own tag team partner! @ENDNODE @NODE "Streer1ٛNt Combat Cheat" It's a lame ripped game but if ya wanna have 50 credits in this then just do this. At the title screen, move to the options selection and press start. At the option mode screen, move the pointer to the credit option. At this point press select button 10 times. Your credits will suddenly be increased to 50! Exit the screen and start your game with 49 credits liet in the bottem right hand corner of the screen! @ENDNODE @NODE "Super Pang Cheat" Press on ya first joypad lr2=u,r,r,l,up,down. Now you'll see in the middle of the screen a number. You can change that number now. Why change it?? Well, because you have now the option to choose any level ya want to play. @ENDNODE @NODE "Turtles in Time Cheat" Press at the title menu with your second joypad up,up,up,down,down,down,b,a,b. After this you must hear some noise. Start the game now and pick a turtle. After that you must see a screen with the 11 big bosses. Now ya can play one of them. (Cool??) I donno.r3] @ENDNODE @NODE "Old Games Cheats II (German)" Zunchst einmal ist hier der allgemeine "Konami Cheat". Dieser lautet wie folgt: oben,oben,unten,unten,links,rechts,links,rechts,B,A. Die Wirkungen: Spiel System Wo anzuwenden Effekt Vernderung ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gradius3 | SNES | Im Pausenmodus | Volle | links,rechts = | | | Bewafr4nkfnung | Tasten L,R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parodius | SNES | Optionsmen | 8.Schwierig- | | | | keitsgrad | - ARCANA Wer die Level anwhlen will drckt folgende Kombination im Titelbild: unten, Select, X, Y, Select, Select, L, R, Select, Select, links, rechts und schlielich oben eingeben. Als Abschlu A FR KAPITEL 2, B FR KAPITEL 3, X fr Kapitel 4 und Y fr5r das letzte Kapitel. AUGUSTA GOLF Drckt jedesmal,wenn ein Schlag im Turniermodus milingt,einfach auf RESET und spielt mit Continue weiter.Haltet Ihr nmlich RESET bereits gedrckt,noch bevor der Ball den Boden erreicht ,knnt ihr so den letzten Schlag wiederholen!!! CASTLEVANIA 4 Wer bis jetzt noch nie alle Level dieses Spieles gesehen hat sollte folgende Codes probieren: Gebt sie unter dem Namen "Gerhard" ein. A = Axt H = Herz W = Weihwasser / = leerstehend LEVEL2: A//H r6m LEVEL 6: W//H LEVEL 10: W//H LEVEL 14: W//A A//H AW/H AH/H AA/H /A// /H/A ///H /W// WH// W/// AW// /HA/ LEVEL3: W/// LEVEL 7: W//W LEVEL 11: W/// DRACULA: W//A A//H AH/H A//H AW/H /A// ///W /A/H /H// H/r7hmmt die Lsung des Problems: Es ist die Strecke "RED CANYON 2" in der King League. Um dorthin zu gelangen mu man auf der Geraden , nach der letzten Sprungschanze, den Super Turbo einsetzen und weiter geradeaus fahren. Ihr werdet in der vor Euch erscheinenden Barriere eine weitere Schanze entdecken. Drckt euer Steuerkreuz nach unten, um weiterspringen zu knnen. Nun mt Ihr den auftauchenden roten Pfeil als weitere Sprungschanze benutzen, um wieder auf die Strecke zurckzukehren. r;--Hierbei mt ihr auch das Steuerkreuz nach unten gedrckt halten. Um einen beschleunigten Start hinzulegen einfach den roten Wagen whlen und beim Start beschleunigen und gleichzeitig nach rechts vor das nchste Fahrzeug steuern. Nun bekommt man einen krftigen Beschleunigungs-Sto von hinten. So ein Start funktioniert auch mit anderen Fahrzeugen, ist dann aber nicht so effektiv. HYPERZONE Soundmen gefllig??? Haltet im Titelbild einfach beide seitlichen Taster gedrckt und r<O Lbettigt START!!!!! F1 ROC Um die satte Summe von $10000 auf Eurem Konto zu verzeichnen, mt ihr euch lediglich als "Setausa" ausgeben. Gradius III Startet das Spiel ganz normal und begebt euch in den Pausenmodus. Drckt hier das Joypad zweimal nach oben und zweimal nach unten. Jetzt gebt ihr auf den beiden auf der Pad-Rckseite angebrachten Tasten hintereinander links,rechts,links,rechts ein. Zum Abschlu drckt ihr die Taste B,danach Taste A und nehmt Euren Feindflug wieder r=X>3auf. Wenn alles funktioniert hat,dann steht einem nun voll Bewaffnung zur Seite!!!!! WARNUNG!!!!1 Man sollte nicht den blichen Konami Cheat ( links,rechts,etc.) eingeben, denn sonst wird ein unangenehmer Selbstzerstrungs- mechanismus aktiviert. Kurz vor dem Endgegner des zweiten Levels ("Blasenlevel") mt ihr scharf nach unten abbiegen. Dort befindet sich eine ffnung. Achtet beim hineinfliegen auf die Gegner,nicht jedoch auf das zweite Loch (am oberen Rand des Spielfeldes). r>׮Man sollte im 1P-WeaponSelect,Edit-Mode von Gradius3 die Feuertasten x,y,x,y,x,y drcken. Wenn ihr im Titelbild den X-Knopf 16mal drckt,erhaltet ihr bis zu neun Credits. Falls ihr im Titelbild wiederum das Steuerkreuz nach links gedrckt haltet und die A-Feuertaste dreimal bettigt,besitzt ihr 30 LEBEN!! Einen Reset per Joypad gefllig??? Einfach die Buttons L und R sowie START(RUN) gedrckt halten,dann SELECT. Kleine DEMO gefllig?? Probiert mal gleich nach dem Einschalten der r?5?Konsole Knopf A zu drcken, und bis zum Beginn der DEMO gedrckt halten. JOE & MAC Soviele Extraleben wie ihr wollt??? Kein Problem mit folgenden Cheats: Wenn ihr in einem Level seid wo es ein Extraleben gibt,solltet ihr es euch holen,das Level verlassen und wieder dorthin zurckkehren.Sammelt das Leben ein zweites Mal ein und drckt gleichzeitig START und SELECT um das Level zu verlassen. Wiederholt das Spielchen so oft ihr wollt... Falls euch das zu umstndlich ist probiert for@lgenden Trick: Sammelt einen Schlssel ein und begebt euch zum ersten blauen Punkt auf der Landkarte. Sobald ihr in dieser Bonusrunde seid,mt ihr alle herunter- fallenden Fleischstcke fangen. Danach plumpst ein Extraleben auf euch herab. Fangt es NICHT auf: Fr diesen verzicht werdet ihr mit vier weiteren Extraleben belohnt - die tauchen statt dessen auf und sollten von euch ein- gesackt werden. Falls ihr im letzten Level im Inneren des Dinosauriers den Lffel abgebt, solltet ihrAVr auf der Karte zum letzten Level zurckgehen und gleichzeitig START und SELECT drcken. Nun seid ihr wieder im Inneren des Monsters. Falls ihr in den Levels 8 und 9 die roten Eier knackt und darauf achtet,da sich in diesem Moment kein Gegner auf dem Bildschirm befindet,gelangt ihr in versteckte Spielrunden!!!!! LEMMINGS Hier sind alle Codes fr den Tricky Mode: 2. MGQZMGG 3. LXSFDXB 4. ZRVXBWQ 5. GJWDHMG 6. DJCQQZT 7. JHSVCQL 8. RCHFGNN 9. BJWVRCQ 10. RFPZFBJ 1rB-o 1. JKJBRMQ 12. MZDCDTC 13. ZVMQKXB 14. ZZRHJPL 15. JFLKJPX 16. JQXRNGJ 17. WFVHQQT 18. KWVBVJP 19. TTKLKZT 20. NNFFQPV 21. ZNXBKMP 22. QSLQWTJ 23. BGFVMFR 24. PQZWDKM 25. SBCMSJS 26. BDGQRNX 27. XPPBQWL 28. JHQSPRH 29. GCLKJMQ 30. SRWGXZM MAGIC SWORD Geht im Options-Men auf Exit, haltet auf dem zweiten Pad den linken Taster und den Startknopf gedrckt und bettigt dann auf dem ersten Pad den Startknopf. Und schon drft ihr ein Level anwhlen und startet mit vrCuoller Energie. PILOT WINGS Hier sind die Pacodes fr alle Flugschulen: 0. 000000 1. 985206 2. 394391 3. 520771 4. 108048 5. 400718 6. 773218 7. 165411 8. 760357 9. 882943 PARODIUS Hier sind ein Haufen Joypad-Kombinationen fr Parodius: Eine Option: Im Pausenmodus oben, oben, unten, unten, links, rechts, links, rechts, X, X, B, B, Y, A, Y, A. Volle Ausrstung: Im Pausenmodus B, B, X, X, A, Y, A, Y, oben, links. Unverwundbarkeit: Im Pausenmodus L, R, oben, X, rechts, A, linrDTks, Y, unten, B, A, Y, A, Y, R. Drei Smartbombs: Im Pausenmodus X, X, X, B, B, B, Y, Y, Y, A, A, A, L, R. Alle Cheats lschen: Im Pausenmodus oben, oben, unten, unten, L, R, L, R, B, A. Selbstzerstrung: Im Pausenmodus oben, oben, unten, unten, links, rechts, links, rechts, B, A. Achter Schwierigkeitsgrad: Im Optionsmen oben, oben, unten, unten, links, rechts, links, rechts, B, A. Levelanwahl: Im Optionsmen oben, rechts, unten, links, X, A, B, Y. Eine witzige Spielerei: Wenn rEQder Vorspann mit den Pinguinen beginnt, haltet in Richtung oben, und Taste L gedrckt und bettigt fnfmal B, fnfmal Y und fnfmal A. Wartet bis der rote Octopus aus der Leinwand kommt und drckt die Tasten A und Y gleichzeitig. Schon knnt ihr das Ding bewegen, verkleinern, und vergrern. SIM CITY Hier ist ein kleiner Trick, wie man die Kasse auf $999,999 erhht!!!!! Gebt bis zum Dezember alles Geld aus, was Ihr besitzt (Kontostand $0). Reduziert alle Fonds und die Steuern aufrF ^ 0 %. Im Dezember erscheint der Steuerbildschirm. Haltet nun die L-Taste gedrckt und verlat den Steuer- bildschirm wieder. Immernoch die L-Taste gedrckt, geht Ihr nun wieder auf das Steuermen und erhht alle Fonds auf 100 % und die Steuern auf 7 %. Wenn ihr den Bildschirm jetzt verlasst, seid ihr reich. Ihr knnt nun beliebig viele Flughfen, Atomkraftwerke und Fuballstadien bauen. ber letzteres freuen sich die SimCityiens besonders. STREET FIGHTER II Mit dem folgenden ChearG(Gt treten zwei gleiche Spielfiguren gegeneinander an: Vor Beginn des Spiels drckt ihr im Capcom Logo unten, Knopf R, oben, Knopf L, Y, B, X, A. Den letzten Button mt ihr zusammen mit dem Ausklingen des Capcom- Jingles bettigen. Auf diese Weise verschafft ihr euch CHAMPION EDITION Ver- hltnisse: Gegeneinander- Matches mit zwei gleichwertigen Figuren sind nun kein Problem mehr. Hierfr gilt derselbe Cheat wie bei Super Contra SOLISTICE SUPER CONTRA Wer gerne 30 Leben htterH/, der drcke einfach im "Player Select-Screen" rechts, unten, rechts unten, rechts und Start. Der letzte Teil der Tastenkombination einer 90-Grad Drehung des Steuer- kreuzes mit gleichzeitigem "START" Bettigen, whrend Ihr nach rechts drckt. Um das Level anzuwhlen, vollzieht die gleiche Prozedur. Jetzt jedoch nach links drehen anstatt nach rechts: links, unten, links unten, links und Start gleichzeitig. Dieser Vorgang sollte recht schnell gehen, und schon beginnt ihr mit 30 Leben HݞrrI>und im gewnschten Level. Hier ist die Komplettlsung fr dieses Klassespiel: LEVEL 1: Waffe: Schnellfeuerwaffe Taktik: Die Feuerblle im zweiten Abschnitt lassen sich abschieen. Panzer: Wenn man kurz davor steht mit C- oder L-Waffe feuern. Riesen-Alien: Ganz unten links postieren und mit dem C- oder L-Schu in das rote Herz schieen. Bei Gegnerschen schnell in die Mitte der Plattformen springen und wieder zurck. LEVEL 2: Waffe: H-Waffe TaktrJW'#ik: Den Punkt links oben als Startpunkt whlen. Geduckt(B-Knopf) auf die Monster- generatoren schieen. Kreisel-Roboter: Zuerst die Kanone abschieen. Wenn er anfngt sich zu drehen, schieen und von der Rotation gebrauch machen. Zwischen H- und B- Waffe wechseln. LEVEL 3: Waffe: F- oder H-Waffe Taktik: An der "Hangel"-Stelle nach rechts drcken und schieend springen. Bohrroboter: Direkt rechts auen hngen und mit dem Flammenwerfer oder Homing MissilerKs feuern. Die danach abgefeuerten Raketen abschieen. Nach seinem Abgang an die Wand springen und zwischen den Beinen des Ungetms entlang laufen. Ist er verwundbar, stndig anlocken, ausweichen und schrg auf ihn schieen(A-B-A). Der C- Schu ist hier angebracht. Fliegender Robo: Links unten in der Ecke warten, bis der rote Punkt frei wird. Danach mit dem flchendeckenden S-Schu Gegner und Punkt beschieen. Die rL8zwei Roboter: Von links nach rechts entlanghangeln und H-,C- oder L-Waffe benutzen. Vorsicht vor dem springenden Roboter. Springt er, schnell nach links oder rechts Verlieren sie Ihre Beine sofort in die Mitte der Decke. Riesenroboter: Zuerst ganz unten von der Mitte schieen. Den Laserstrahlen durch im Kreis laufen und hangeln ausweichen. Etwas weiter rechts unten auf den Feuer- strahl warten und wieder kreisend auswrM )eichen. Dann oben unter der Decke (genau in der Mitte) stehenbleiben, auf die Bomben warten und dann schnell fallen lassen und ducken. LEVEL 4: Waffe: C- und L-Schu Taktik: Anfangs im vorderen Bildschirmdrittel mit der C- Waffe die Flieger abschieen. Gelegentlichen Schssen ausweichen. Wird man danach vom Panzer und und von dem Jetpack-Piloten angegriffen, so schiet man von ganz links nach schrg oben (beim Panzer geradeaus)rN'`. Die Raumschiffwaffensysteme lassen sich abschieen. Laufroboter: Links unten stehenbleiben und schrg nach oben schieen(mit dem R-Taster). Hubschrauber: Zieht sich der langarmige Geselle hoch, so solltet ihr kurz hochspringen. Ansonsten fleiig auf den Burschen ballern. Raumschiff: Um diesen Gegner zu besiegen, sind zuerst die Schutzschildgeneratoren zu zerstren. Von links unten(immer von der unteren Rakete) auf den unteren und von ganz obrO/Den links auf den oberen Generator schieen(oberste Rakete und springend schieen). Ist das Schutzschild zerstrt, immer in die Mitte schieen (von der linken Mitte). LEVEL 5: Waffe: S-Schu Taktik: Startpunkt wieder links oben whlen. Den Drehfeldern mit dem L- oder R- Taster entgegenwirken. Vorsicht! Die Brcken brechen bei Beschu zusammen. Ungeheuer: Ihr solltet es permanent umlaufen und dabei stndig auf das Auge feuern. Schaltet sicrPĉ^,h das Drehfeld ein, neutralisiert man die Bewegung genau dann, wenn das Auge im Fadenkreuz liegt(L-Taster), H- und C-Waffen sind empfehlens- wert. LEVEL 6: Alien1: Auf die unterste Plattform stellen und einfach mit der S- oder F-Waffe drauflos- ballern. Herz: Erst eine Bombe lassen, dann neben die Pflanzen legen. Sind die Pflanzen weg,schiet ihr von der Stelle wo die Pflanzen waren ,aus nach oben (S-Schu). Kreabben-Alien: Greift es an, springrQ*0t Ihr auf dessen Beine und schiet danach auf das Gesicht. Jetzt nur noch auf die Lasersalvenachten. Stahldrache: Zuerst nur zwischen oben rechts und unten rechts pendeln und mit einem Schrgschu (C-Waffe) auf den Kopf schieen. In der"Beam"-Phase lockt ihr den Vogel auf die Mitte der rechten Seite und klettert dann sofort nach unten, um ein paar Raketen auf den Kopf loszulassen(C-Schu). Endgegner: Mit dem C-Schu von links urRƛ>nten aus den Arm abschieen. Danach von ungefhr der Mitte den anderen mit Schrgschssen niedermetzeln. Nun mit dem Standard- schu alle Angreifer und die Augen sowie das Gehirn bearbeiten. Gehirn: Hier gibt es acht verschiedene Phasen: Augen: Stellt Ihr euch ganz nach links und schrg schieend hin, seid ihr relativ sicher. Wurm: Hier legt ihr euch an die Stelle, an der der Wurm nach oben schlngelt. Beine: Am Rand stehenbleiben und springend auf das GehirrS/ln feuern. Dornenkltze: Ihr solltet das Risiko eingehen und immer unter dem Gehirn mitlaufen sowie fleiig Bomben einsetzen. Knochenfalle: Fangen sie an sich zu drehen, setzt man sofort die hoffentlich vorhandene Bombe ein. Ansonsten mit S-oder F-Schu ballern, was das Zeug hlt. Wanderkugeln: Schieend ber die Knochen springen, ein kleines Stck mitlaufen und dann ber die nchsten springen. Hirnwall: An den Rand stellen und unablssig rTȳ@feuern. Kugeln: Ihr stellt euch nach oben schieend unter das Gehirn und weicht den Kugeln so gut wie mglich aus. Wird`s eng, darf sich auf den Boden gelegt werden. Nun zieht sich das schon besiegt geglaubte Gehirn einen Panzer @ENDNODE @NODE "Old Games Cheats III" Spankey's Quest Level Codes: level 2:1000 - Level 3:2732 - Level 4:3354 - Level5: 4116 Level 6:5988 - Level 7:6470 Addams family: When you enter the addams mansion in the bottom left rU| corner right under the staircase push up to reveal a hidden doorway full of surprises. Turtles: For changing the tune/noise until you come across one called in Time! staff.. start any new song by hitting the b button or the y! Smash TV: Press on the 1/2 player skill screen right,right,up,down,r and l. Then start the game as normal and you should have choice of rounds, alternatively you could press l,r,l,l, and r and up for rV:ۤsome extra lives and stuff! @ENDNODE @NODE "Shadowrun Docs" Psst... hey, chummer--need a little exta 'cred? There's always room for another runner in the sprawl, but experts need apply. It's a nasty world out there and Shadowrunner wannabes are just waitin' ta get geeked. Still interested? Then stick around--things are about ta heat up, and there's plenty of nuyen waltin' where the action is. Welcome to the streets of Seattle, more than 50 years in the future. A lot has changedrWB2 c in the last half-century. Most of it for the worse. Arcologies the size of small cities house the giant Megacorps and their employees, who, for the most part, live a pretty safe and routine life. The real action takes place on the streets below--in the shadows. For the right amount of nuyen, you can buy adventurers-for-hire, called Shadowrunners, to do anything. The shadowrunners range from cutting-edge cyborgs to spell-casting mages, some of whom aren't even human. In fact, MetrXa׳9ahumans have played a huge part ion this world since the "awakening" years ago, when magical begins such as elves, trolls, dwarves, and orcs began to struggle between magic and technology, a balance that the world desperately fights to maintain. In Shadowrun, you take the role of Jake Armatage, a runner with amnesia who must put the piece of his own mystery together to stay alive. You'll find help along the way, but never put your trust in anyone--you can never tell who's already brY2een bought and paid for. PAGE 1 CONTENTS Starting the Game 3 Names of Controller Parts 3 Game Controls Summary 4 Main Game Menu 5 Playing Shadowrun 7 Status Screen 11 Inventory Sub-Menus 14 Using Weapons and Armor 16 Combat and Shadowrunners 18 Party Status Screen 22 Using Your Magic 23 Skills 25 Resting and Regaining Strength 27 Spending Karma 28 Dialogue Windows 29 Keywords 30 Using the Vidphone 31 The Matrix 32 How trZ;8o Play the Matrix Game 34 PAGE 2 STARTING THE GAME 1. Turn off your Super Nintendo Entertainment Syste by Sliding the POWER bar away from the Game Pak slot. Plug a game controller into your system. 2. Insert the Shadowrun Game Pak, label facing front, in the System slot. 3. Turn on the system by sliding the POWER bar toward the Game Pak slot. 4. When the title screen appears, you may either wait for the background story to appear, or press STAr[Ϭ[ RT to access the MAIN GAME MENU. PAGE 3 GAME CONTROLS SUMMARY Control Pad - Moves your character in eight directions. - Positions the ATION GLOVE, the MAGIC GLOVE and the CROSS-HAIR. - Positions selection arrow beside options on all game menus. X Button - Brings up SPELL GLOVE while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. - Casts the currently selected spell where SPELL GLOVE is pointed. Y Button - Directly brings up the ITEMS INVENTORY sub-menu on the STATUS SCREEN. A Button - Brir\Zz1ngs up the weapon CROSS-HAIR while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. - Fires the currently selected weapon at the target in the CROSS-HAIR. B Button - Brings up the ACTION GLOVE while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. - Activates currently selected action from the ITEM ACTION window. LEFT Button - Directly activates EXAMINE action where the ACTION GLOVE is pointed - SHORTCUT: Flip to the next page of KEYWORDS while viewing the VOCABULARY INVENTORY sub-menu. START Button - Press to bring up ther]&# STATUS SCREEN while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. - Selects options while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN and OPTIONS screens. SELECT Button - Brings up the PARTY STATUS SCREEN while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. PAGE 4 MAIN GAME MENU Start New Game To start a new game, use the CONTROL PAD to choose START NEW GAME from the TITLE SCREEN and press the START BUTTON. Start Saved Game Shadowrun has a battery back-up allowing you to save up to two games at one time. To start from a saved game,r^ҕC choose START SAVED GAME and press the START BUTTON to bring up the RESUME SAVED GAME SCREEN. Now choose your saved game using the Control Pad and press the B BUTTON to begin play on that game. If there is no SAVED GAME stored in a save game slot, the text will appeat dim. If there is a SAVED GAME stored in the slots, that game will appear highlighted. Options Under OPTIONS, you can program your control pad settings and back- ground sound effects, and choose to play in stereo orr__p monophonic sound. Control Type : A/B Use this option to select your control type: - CONTROL TYPE A : left, right, up, down, on the CONTROL PAD moves your character diagonally on the screen. - CONTROL TYPE B : Diagonal on the CONTROL PAD moves your character diagonally on the screen. PAGE 5 Stereophonic/ Monophonic Use this option to select STEREO or MONO sound output. You only need to select MONOPHONIC if your Super Nintendo Entertainment System has a stereo video connr`Gvector and your TV or monitor only has a mono connector. B.G. Music : Full/ Event/ Off The following is a list of the available background music settings you have to choose from. - FULL: Background music plays at all times. - EVENT: Background music only plays during important events, or when you talk to certain people. - OFF: No background music plays. - EXIT: Exits back to the TITLE SCREEN PAGE 6 PLAYING SHADOWRUN Wednesday, 8:45 a.m. Officially you don't exist. You awra;Pake--head throbbing--in a body drawer at the city morgue. Disoriented and confused... you've got to pull it together and unravel a deadly puzzle of mystery, murder and mayhem. You alone can shatter the Mexaplexes with the data locked inside your brain. Survival depends on your wits and you wayward companions. But only high-caliber firepower can help you avoid a return trip to the morgue. The MAIN GAME SCREEN is where all the action takes place. Moving Use the CONTROL PAD to morbTve along streets, through doorways, down stairs, and into buildings and rooms. Tags The TAG BOX appears in the lower right corner of the screen to identify the item or character your ACTION GLOVE, SPELL GLOVE or CROSS HAIR is positioned on. In order for an action or spell to have any effect, the TAG BOX for the item or character must apprear. PAGE 7 Action Glove This yellow glove is used to identify the specific characters and items you wish to examine, talk to, pick urc,p or manipulate in some way. To bring up the ACTION GLOVE, press the B BUTTON. To cancel the ACTION GLOVE, press the B BUTTON again. Spell Glove This gray glove is used to target the character or area you want to cast a spell on. To bring up the SPELL GLOVE, press the X BUTTON. To cast the currently selected spell, press the X BUTTON again. If you do not have the magic or do not have the spell selected, the message `No Spell Selected' will appear. Press the X BUTTON again to rd񴫛remove this message and continue. (see page 23 for more information on how to use magic) Cross-Hairs The CROSS-HAIR is used to target enemies when firing a weapon. To bring up the CROSS-HAIR, press the A BUTTON. (see page 16 for more information on how to use weapons) Item Action Window The ITEM ACTION WINDOW contains various verb commands you can use with specific character or items. Doors Many of the people and items in Shadowrun can be found behind closed doors. To open arep door, press the B BUTTON to bring up the ACTION GLOVE, position it over the door until the tag box appears, then press the B BUTTON again to bring up the ITEM ACTION WINDOW. Now select OPEN from ITEM ACTION WINDOW to open the door. LOCKED DOORS require that you find the correct key to open them. Once you have a key, you can bring up your ITEMS INVENTORY, choose the key and use it on the door. Items In order to complete your quest successfully, you will need to pick up and use trfhe various items you find along your way. To EXAMINE and PICKUP an item, call up the ACTION GLOVE and position it over the item, press the B BUTTON to bring up the ITEM ACTION window, choose the appropriate action word, then press the B BUTTON to enter that command. Money (Nuyen) To buy the various weapons and items, and to hire the necessary people to complete your quest, you will need to gather a lot of cash. Nuyen, the currency of the day, can be found in many places, for examrg۞Wple when an enemy is defeated, in many cases they will leave behind nuyen which you can pick up using the ACTION GLOVE. PAGE 9 Buying & Selling items In order to improve your chances of survival, you need to take advantage of any items that are for sale. Should you find interest in an item, you can EXAMINE it from the ITEM ACTION window to learn more about it before buying. To buy an item, you will have to ASK ABOUT... something in your VOCABULARY INVENTORY in order for thrhe seller to offer you the item for sale. When someone offers you an item, they will ask you whether you want to buy it. To buy the item, choose YES from the YES/NO requester box and press the B BUTTON. To sell an item to a buyer, bring up the ITEM ACTION window, choose GIVE from the ITEM ACTION window and then move the ACTION GLOVE over the character you wish to sell the item to. If the character agrees to buy it from you, he/she will offer you money for it. This amount is not nri~egotiable. To sell the item choose YES from the YES/NO requester box and press the B BUTTON. People There are many characters in the game you should talk to. Some won't give you the time of day, while others will provide you with very important clues (see TALKING TO PEOPLE on page 30). Life Meter Located in the top right corner of the screen is your LIFE METER. The length of this meter is equal to your BODY level. The BODY level dictates the maximum STAMINA points the player rjj_can have. The LIFE METER shows the amount of STAMINA POINTS you have remaining. Each time you suffer from an enemy, you lose STAMINA POINTS. When your STAMINA POINTS fall to 0, you will lose your life. For an exact count of how many STAMINA POINTS you have remaining, press the START BUTTON from the MAIN GAME SCREEN to bring up the STATUS SCREEN or the SELECT BUTTON to bring up the PARTY STATUS SCREEN. PAGE 10 STATUS SCREEN When you press the START BUTTON, the STATUS SCREENrkxo appears. The STATUS SCREEN shows your condition and allows you to access your various inventory items. The main area of the screen lists your ATTRIBUTE LEVELS, the amount of KARMA and MONEY you have, and which SPELL WEAPON and ARMOR you are currently using (if any). All INVENTORY items are accessed through the INVENTORY menu. To access an INVENTORY sub-menu, use the CONTROL PAD to move the arrow to the sub-menu you want to view and press START BUTTON. The INVENTORY sub-menu wilrl[l appear listing all the items you have for the category you chose. If no items exist in the Inventory sub-menu, the arrow will automatically return to EXIT. To select an item in the INVENTORY sub-menu, use the same procedure described above. To EXIT the STATUS SCREEN and return to the MAIN GAME SCREEN, choose EXIT from the STATUS SCREEN menu or press SELECT to abort out of the STATUS SCREEN. The Following is a List of Various Items in your Inventory. BODY Ranges form level 0-2rmn90. Begins on Level 3. The Maximum number of STAMINA points you can have is controlled by your BODY level. For example, if you can have BODY strength of 7, you can regenerate your STAMINA to a maximum of 70 points. PAGE 11 STAMINA is the number of hits you can take. Each hit you suffer takes off a varying number of STAMINA points. When your STAMINA reaches 0, you will lose your life. MAGIC Ranges from 0-20. Begins on level 0. The maximum number of SPELL POINTS you can hrn◊`ave is controlled by your MAGIC level. For example, if you have MAGIC of 8, you can regenerate your SPELL POINTS to a maximum of 80 points. SPELL POINTS are used to cast magic. Even if you have spells, you must have enough SPELL POINTS in order to cast a spell. STRENGTH Ranges form 0-6. Begins on level 0. Your STRENGTH level controls which WEAPONS and ARMOR you are able to use. ALTHOUGH you can carry any type of WEAPON or piece of ARMOR, you can only USE a WEAPON or WEAR a typros:e of ARMOR if you have the strength to do so. The various WEAPONS and ARMOR you can obtain and the STRENGTH they require to be used are listed on page 21. Charisma Ranges from 0-6. Begins on level 3. Your CHARISMA level controls how many Shadowrunners you can have working for you at one time. At the maximum level of 6, you can hire up to three Shadowrunners to help you on a run. Karma Karma is magical energy you can spend in order to upgrade your attribute and skill levels. MrpSkoney (Nuyen) This shows the amount of money you currently hold. This money is shown as nuyen, the currency in the year 2050. (see page 9 for information on how to collect the money). Spell This shows the spell currently selected. Weapon This shows the weapon you are currently using. Armor This shows the armor you are currently wearing. For ARMOR to be effective, you must wear (or USE it, as discribed in the next section) it and not just carry it in your ITEMS INVENTORY. rq? PAGE 13 INVENTORY SUB MENU The sub-menus in the STATUS SCREEN provide access to information regarding the various items you are carrying. These sub-menus are divided into the following INVENTORY menus. Items Menu The ITEMS INVENTORY sub-menu lists all the items you have acquired during the game. Depending on the item, you can either EXAMINE, GIVE or USE it by calling up the ITEM ACTION WINDOW and selecting the corresponding verb. Magic Menu The MAGIC INVENTORY sub-menu listrrt 7s all the magic spells you have learned during the game. The LEVEL of each spell is listed to the right of the spell. The number of SPELL POINTS requited to cast the spell is indicated in brackets. From this menu, you can choose your default spell assigned to the X BUTTON. PAGE 14 Weapon Menu The WEAPONS INVENTORY sub-menu lists all the weapons you are currently carrying. (see page 17 for weapons detail.) Armor Menu The ARMOR INVENTORY sub-menu lists all the armor you arrs(ae currently carrying. (see page 17 for armor details.) Skill Menu The SKILLS INVENTORY sub-menu lists all the skills you have learned during the game. The level of experience for each level is listed alongside each skill. (Increasing the level of a spell increases its power or the period it stays active, and increases the number of spell points it takes to cast the spell. You begin the game with level 1 FIREARMS and COMPUTER skills). You cannot choose skills from the SKILLS INrtI VENTORY sub-menu. All skills are active as soon as you learn them. But, you can improve your skill by spending KARMA in the SLEEP MENU (for more information see SPENDING KARMA on page 28). Cyber Inventory The CYBER INVENTORY sub-menu lists all the cyber equipment you are currently carrying. You cannot choose cyber items from the CYBER INVENTORY sub-menu. All cyber equipment is operational at all times from the moment you have it fitted. PAGE 15 USING WEAPONS AND ARMOR Usrug,?ing You Firepower To use a weapon, first select it from the WEAPON INVENTORY sub-menu in the STATUS SCREEN. To fire a weapon, press the A BUTTON to bring up the CROSS-HAIR. position it over the enemy so that their TAG BOX appears and repeatedly press the fire BUTTON. Your weapons (apart from grenades) have unlimited ammunition. You can find a wide array of weapons and armor, each with its own advantages. You can carry any weapon or armor in the ITEMS INVENTORY at any time, althorv%ugh you will not be able to use it until their STRENGTH ATTRIBUTE is equal to or greater than your STRENGTH required of the items. Using Your Armor To use a piece of ARMOR, you must select it from the ARMOR INVENTORY SUB-MENU in the STATUS SCREEN. The ARMOR currently in use (if any) is shown on the MAIN STATUS SCREEN next to ARMOR. To wear a piece of ARMOR, choose it from the ARMOR INVENTORY and press the START BUTTON. When you select a WEAPON or peice of ARMOR, it will automatirw0ycally replace any WEAPON or ARMOR previously in use. The WEAPON or ARMOR previously in use can be selected again from the appropriate STATUS SCREEN SUB-MENU. PAGE 16 It is essential you become well armed and well protected in order to attack and defend against the many enemies you will encounter in the world of 2050. Wearing suitable ARMOR can significantly reduce the number of hits you suffer. The following is a list of the various weapons/armor and their corresponding strerxIPingth levels: Weapon Name Strength Armor Strength Zip Gun 1 Lether Jacket 1 Beretta 101t Pistol 1 Mesh Jacket 2 Colt American L36 1 Bullet Proof Vest 3 Pistol 1 Full Concealable 4 Grenade 1 Partial Body Suit 5 Ares Viper Heavy Pistol 2 Full Body Suit 6 Fichetti Light Pistol 3 Uzi III SMG 4 Defiance T-250 Shotgun 4 Ruger Warhawk Pistol 4 HK227 Assualt Rifle 5 AS& Assualt Cannon 6 PAGE 17 COMBAT AND SHADOWRUNNERS ry A vital part of surviving in Shadowrun is performing well in combat. Although certain hazards exist almost on every street corner, when there is a Shadowrun to be performed, you will need more than just the firepower-- you will need the help of Shadowrunners. Shooting Innocent People You should contain your attacks to combat situations. If you shoot characters that are not posing a threat to you, your spirit guide will warn you. If you continue shooting innocent people, an additrz|ional message will appear and one point of Karma (if you have any Karma) will be deducted. Shadowrunners There are three type of `Shadowrunners' ready for hire--each with his own size, strengths and weaknesses. Mercenaries Mercenaries are always ready for combat and they're usually well armed and wearing some decent armor. Deckers Deckers are primarily useful in handling trips into the Matrix. They also usually carry a firearm and armor. Magic Users Magic users rarely carry r{GCa firearm--they cast POWERORBS by default. With Magic Users, you can tap into their SPELL POINTS and SPELL INVENTORY and cast some spells they may not have knowledge or SPELL POINTS to use. PAGE 18 Hiring Shadowrunners To hire a Shadowrunner, you must obtain and use KEYWORDS in your VOCABULARY INVENTORY in order to ask them to join you. Once a Shadowrunner has agreed to come on a run with you, they will follow you just about anywhere. There are certain places however, where r|Kthe Shadowrunners will not enter, preferring to stand guard outside for you. When a Shadowrunner leaves, he'll indicate that he's fulfilled his contract and disappear. He'll return to where he was first hired, where you can then re-hire him if you need to. Controlling Your Runners In Combat When you first enter a screen containing combat, the Shadowrunners will spread out and take up vantage points. They will also decide on which enemy they will target and begin firing. While inr}E combat, you can control your actions, and those of the Shadowrunners you have hired. Although each Shadowrunner has artificial intelligence controlling where they will stand, who they will attack and with what weapon, you are able to force your Shadowrunner to perform in a certain way. To control a Shadowrunner, press the B BUTTON, move the ACTION GLOVE over the character you wish to control and press the B BUTTON again. An ITEM ACTION window will appear allowing you to perform tr~ Hhe following actions. Examine Allows you to examine the Shadowrunner's STATUS SCREEN. This screen looks similar to your screen, although each Shadowrunner is different. Some may not be carrying weapons. You are also able to look at the SKILLS and CYBER menu of your Shadowrunners in order top learn strengths and weaknesses. PAGE 19 Talk To talk to a Shadowrunner, point to them with the ACTION GLOVE, choose TALK from the ITEM ACTION window and press the B BUTTON. Target Tor 8 make a Shadowrunner TARGET a specific enemy, choose the Shadowrunner you require, choose TARGET from his ITEM ACTION window and then move the ACTION GLOVE over the enemy you wish them to TARGET and press the B BUTTON. This option only appears in the middle of a combat situation. TARGET allows you to force a Shadowrunner to target a specific enemy. This is useful if more than one enemy appears on the screen and the one chosen by the Shadowrunner attack the weaker enemies. Move Torxd To MOVE a Shadowrunner to a specific location, choose the Shadowrunner you require, choose MOVE TO in his ITEM ACTION window and then move the ACTION GLOVE to the position you want them to MOVE TO and press the... This option only appears in the Middle of a combat situation. Move TO allows you to reposition the location of a Shadowrunner on screen. Although Shadowrunner take up vantage points when there is combat on the screen, you may wish to move them out of your way or move thrYzem to somewhere where they are not visible target to the enemy. By moving them, you may either cause them to change who they TARGET since they may be moved closer to another enemy, or they may be moved out of the enemies' sight so that they do not suffer as much damage. PAGE 20 Giving Weapons And Armor To Your Shadowrunners As you improve your weapons and armor in later levels, you may decide that instead of trading it in, you'd prefer to give it to some of your Shadowrunnersr8& who may need it. By providing a Shadowrunner with a gun or piece of armor that is better than the one they had, you can decrease your combat time and reduce the amount of healing or resting required to keep that Shadowrunner alive. You must be sure however, that the Shadowrunner you wish to give the item to has the strength to use it. Healing Runners Just as you will lose HIT POINTS during COMBAT, so will your Shadowrunners. After each major combat, you will need to check your rNDSTAMINA level, and that of each of your Shadowrunners, to ensure they can stay alive through another combat situation. To check the status of each of your Shadowrunners individually, you can move the ACTION GLOVE over them and choose EXAMINE from the ITEM ACTION window, or you can view a summary of all the members of your party including your character by using the PARTY STATUS SCREEN. If a Shadowrunner's STAMINA POINTS are close to zero, you may want to increase them by HEALING thrKve Shadowrunner. This can be done either through your magic or a magic user that was hired. You may have to go through long combat situations where you might not find a bed or be albe to return to one. In this event, it is sometimes wise to hire a good magic user who has HIGHER MAGIC ability in order to HEAL your party SLAP PATCHES can also be used to HEAL your party although these must be bought and cannot be regenerated like SPELL POINTS. PAGE 21 PARTY STATUS SCREEN To brirng up the PARTY STATUS screen, press SELECT while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. When you've hired some Shadowrunners, the PARTY STATUS screen can save you time by allowing you to view the STAMINA POINTS and SPELL POINTS for all your party members including your own character. Your Shadowrunners will be listed in the order in which they are following you. If a Shadowrunner is defeated, the space they occupied in the list will be erased and filled by the remaining Shadowrunners. The PARryTY STATUS screen should be checked after combat situations in case any member of your party is close to losing all his STAMINA POINTS and is in need of HEALING or REST. In order to check your own character's STAMINA and SPELL POINTS, you may also call up the PARTY STATUS screen when you don't have any Shadowrunners hired. PAGE 22 USING YOUR MAGIC Casting Spells You begin the game without any magical ability. Once you have met the demands of your spirit guide, you will then rbe granted magic and be able to learn different spells. Your spirit guide will also provide you with clues as to what talisman items are required for each spell. Spells can only be learned once you have collected the talismans required to cast them. You must then return to your spirit guide with the items in order to be granted the spell. When you first learn one of the six spells available, it will appear in your MAGIC INVENTORY sub-menu. Next to each spell is the level of the r"Lspell and the number of SPELL POINTS it takes to cast the SPELL. Attempting to cast a spell when you have insufficient SPELL POINTS will result in the message "NOT enough spell points" appearing. The level of a spell is increased by spending Karma (see SPENDING KARMA on page 28). To cast a spell, press the X BUTTON to bring up the SPELL GLOVE, position it over the enemy so that their tag box appears, and press the X BUTTON again. The same procedure can be followed to cast a proterjY ctive spell on yourself or one of your Shadowrunner party. PAGE 23 The Following Is A List Of Various Magic Spells You Can Obtain. Heal Cures 5 hit points of STAMINA per level. Armor Armor protects you against damage. The time and level depends on the level of the spell. You can only have four ARMOR spells active at one time. Invisibility The Invisibility spell enables you to become invisible so you cannot be tracked by enemies (but you can still be hit). The duration rD%of the INVISIBILITY depends on the level of the spell. Powerball Powerball is a form of firepower. The strength of the Powerball depends on the level of the spell. Summon Spirit Summons a servant of your spirit guide who will attack all enemies on the screen. The strength of the attack depends on the level of the spell. This spell does not need to be targeted at an enemy since it attacks all enemies on the screen. You can only cast one SUMMON SPIRIT spell at a time. Freeze riOThis spell freezes an enemy in a cocoon of ice. The duration of the freeze depends on the level of the spell. You can only have four FREEZE spells active at one time. Spell Limitations You cannot cast an offensive spell on a character that is not an enemy. Other magic users, however, do not have this limitation since they are not under the guidance of your spirit. Combining Spells You can combine magic spells for greater effect--you may decide to use a FREEZE spell on an enemy rbefore attacking them with an offensice spell such as a POWERBALL or a weapon. PAGE 24 SKILLS You can learn and improve your skills so you can meet your quest. You begin the game with two skills (Firearms & Computer), both at level 1 experience. When a new skill is learned, it begins at level 1, but can be raised up to Level 6 using Karma (see Spending Karma on page 28). The Following Are The Skills You Can Learn: Leadership In order for the Shadowrunners you hire to stayrnW with you through the dangerous times, you will need to be a good leader. Shadowrunners will fight more adversaries before terminating their contract if you have good leadership skills. Once the Shadowrunner leaves, he/she will tell you they've had enough and return to the point where you hired him. Negotiation The better you are at NEGOTIATION, the less you will have to pay for most things in Shadowrun, including the hiring fees of Shadowrunners. No haggling is involved in NEGOrTIATION. If you have this skill, the prices for items or hire contracts offered to you will be automatically discounted. PAGE 25 Computer The higher your COMPUTER SKILLS the less STAMINA you lose when attacked by an IC within the Matrix. When combating an IC in the Matrix, a higher COMPUTER SKILL also increases your chances of defeating the IC (see MATRIX on page 32). You begin the game with COMPUTER SKILL at level 1. Firearms Firearms allows you to defeat enemies quickerr and therefore spend less time in combat where you can lose STAMINA. The higher your FIREARMS SKILL, the more accurate your aim is when shooting enemies. Your FIREARMS SKILL will begin at level 1 and can range from up to 16. PAGE 26 RESTING AND REGAINING STRENGTH Scattered throughout the city are beds that you can use to rest and regain your strength. You can also save a game while you rest. To use a bed, walk over to it, position the ACTION GLOVE over it and press the B BrD!1UTTON. Choose USE from the ITEM ACTION and press the B BUTTON again and you will climb into bed. Sleep Menu Each time you rest in a bed, the SLEEP MENU will appear. While resting, you can save your current progress in the game, SPEND KARMA or select `EXIT' to replenish your STAMINA POINTS and SPELL POINTS and continue gameplay. Resting also replenishes the STAMINA POINTS and SPELL POINTS of any Shadowrunners you currently have hired. Saving a Game To save a game, select `SAVE HȄLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"!      rMr oGAME' form the SLEEP MENU, then choose the save game slot under which you want to save your game and press the B BUTTON. The save-game slots are called GAME 1 and GAME 2. You will hear a beep to indicate that your game has been saved. PAGE 27 SPENDING KARMA Karma is obtained after defeating a certain number of enemies. The more difficult the enemies, the faster Karma will be awarded. If you select `USE KARMA' from SLEEP MENU, you will be taken to the KARMA INVENTORY screenr^8. This screen allows you to allocate any KARMA you have been awarded during play to increase your ATTRIBUTES, SKILLS and MAGIC levels. The amount of Karma you have is displayed on the top left of your KARMA INVENTORY. To allocate Karma, use the CONTROL PAD to point to either ATTIBUTE, SKILLS or MAGIC and press the START BUTTON. A sub-menu will appear on the right listing the various ATTRIBUTES, SKILLS or MAGIC SPELLS you are able to increase the level of. Use the CONTROL PAD to r+Achoose one and press the START BUTTON to increase it by one level. Karma will be automatically deducted. The higher the level you wish to increase something, the more Karma points it will cost to increase it by a level. For example, if your current FIREARMS skill under the ATTRIBUTES menu is 10, it will cost you 10 Karma points to increase your FIREARMS skill to level 11. PAGE 28 DIALOGUE WINDOWS In order to learn about your past and survive your future, you will need to tar hkKlk to different characters along your quest. While some people will talk to you automatically, in most cases you will have to make the first move. To talk to another character, point to them with the ACTION GLOVE and then press the B BUTTON. Now choose `TALK' form the ITEM ACTION window and you will be presented with DIALOGUE WINDOWS. The screen divides into two areas. The top half contains a picture of the person you are talking to and their dialogue lines. The bottom half of r *\the screen contains your picture and your available dialogue options. PAGE 29 KEYWORDS As you progress through the game, you will collect many KEYWORDS. KEYWORDS are specific words you will need to ask characters about in order to gain insight into various puzzles in the game. When you collect more than VOCABULARY INVENTORY can display at one time, an arrow will appear to indicate that there are more words than can be displayed in the window. Instead of scolling through the r BWwindow with the pointer, you are able to flip between pages of KEYWORDS by using the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS. The RIGHT BUTTON displays the previous window. Talking to People When you first TALK to a person and the DIALOGUE WINDOW appears, the character will greet you with an opening remark. You may then choose TALK from the available options. This provides you with further dialogue lines which are usually general in nature. You should study both of these as they may provide KEYWr S}ORDS that you can ask this or other characters about. To ask the character about something specific, you should choose a word from your VOCABULARY INVENTORY. To choose a KEYWORD to ask a character about, choose ASK ABOUT...from your available options. Your VOCABULARY INVENTORY sub-menu will then appear. Use UP and DOWN on the CONTROL PAD to move through the alphabetically sorted KEYWORDS. When you are pointing at the KEYWORD you want to ASK the B BUTTON. PAGE r B30 USING THE VIDPHONE Early in the game you will need to find a credstick. You must use the CREDSTICK on the VIDPHONE on order to operate it. When using the credstick on the VIDPHONES found invarious locations, you are also able to use the DIALOGUE WINDOWS to talk to the character. These work in exactly the same way as when talking to someone standing close to your character. To use the VIDPHONE, move your ACTION GLOVE over it and press the B BUTTON. Then choose USE from the ACr팍zTION WINDOW. If you have any phone numbers in your dialing directory, these will appear in a DIALING DIRECTORY window. Choose the number you want to dial by using UP or DOWN on the CONTROL PAD and press the B BUTTON to begin dialing. If the person you are calling answers, the DIALOGUE WINDOWS will automatically appear. PAGE 31 THE MATRIX In order to successfully complete your quest, you must master the vast global communications grid known as the Matrix. Cyberspace, as it rLgis called by those who have been there, allows the user to walk around the vast communitcations lines without even leaving their bodies. To do this, they must `Jack-In' to an appropriate point using the right equipment. A person who Jacks-in to the Matrix is known as a `decker'. Jacking into the Matrix allows you to open locked electronic doors, download valuable information and transfer money onto your own credstick. The Right Equipment To jack-in, you must first be fitted withr a DATAJACK. This thin wire linked to the users brain, is used to send sensory information to and from the Matrix. Although it is always dangerous jacking into the Matrix, it is especially so if done directly with a DATAJACK. The user will therefore need a cyberdeck. A CYBERDECK (Matrix Imaging Cybermetic Interface Device) sits between your DATAJACK and the Matrix. Although similar to a 20th cebtury keyboard, a cyberdeck is much more complex. It projects the users persona into r.the Matrix, allowing them to take on a certain form. When you jack-in to the Matrix, you appear as a miniature version of yourself. PAGE 32 The Cyberdeck also carries the programs used to attack and defend against ICE (Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics), and has storage capacity to hold and information downloaded from the grid. Jack-In Points To jack-in to the Matrix, you will need a suitable entry point. In Shadowrun, this is any computer terminal that is linked to the r]vDGRID. Layout of the Matrix When you have successfully jacked in , your persona (a smaller representa- tion of your character) will appear standing next to a representation of the terminal they jacked in from. The Matrix will appear as one or more areas of tiles joined by DATALINES. Your persona is able to travel along these DATALINES to get to other areas. The bottom left corner of the screen contrains two status bars. The top bar indicates your current STAMINA level. If this r _level drops to nothing while in the Matrix, you will be `dumped' from the Matrix and immediately lose your life. The bottom status bar indicates your STORAGE CAPACITY. When this bar reaches full, you will not be able to download any more data from a DATASTORE, although you will still be able to attack IC's and CPU's. Any attempt to download further data when your storage is full will result in the message `ERROR: OUT OF STORAGE.' Nodes To get to the areas containing the DATASTOREr BS and CPU's which you are after, you must travel along the DATALINES. At various points along a DATALINE, and especially at junctions, you will cross a NODE. In most cases, you will be able to just pass through a NODE without any problems. Sometimes, however, a NODE may be locked requiring a password to let you through. In order to be allowed through, you will need to find the passwords for these NODES. These can be found by jacking in through other terminals and from other charr4acters. Once you have a PASSWORD, it is stored in your ITEMS INVENTORY as an item. Next time you pass through a locked NODE, if you have the right PASSWORD in your ITEMS INVENTORY, you can pass right through. PAGE 33 HOW TO PLAY THE MATRIX GAME When you arrive on a tiled area, you should move carefully. Although these areas contain the DATASTORES and CPU's which are after, they also contain hidden IC's (Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics). Attacking IC's To successfully rcross these areas, you will have to avoid these IC's or destroy them. In some cases, you will have no choice but to destroy an IC in order to proceed. Fortunately your cyberdeck is running a trace program for narrowing down the location of these. When you stand on a tile, the program scans the surrounding eight tiles for these programs. If any IC's are detected, a message appears in the top left corner warning you of the number it has found. As you move through the area, by monircFtoring these messages, you can deduce the possible locations of an IC and either avoid them or attack them. To attack an IC, face the tile you think the IC is on and press the B BUTTON. If there is no IC present on that tile, combat will fail. You will lose STAMINA points and the message `COMBAT FAILED' will appear in the top left corner. The amount of STAMINA points you will lose depends on your COMPUTER SKILL level. It is therefore not good strategy to regularly attack tiles wrW|hich do not contain IC's. If an IC is present and COMBAT succeeds, the IC will explode and the message `COMBAT SUCCESSFUL' will appear. You will then be able to walk over the tile without suffering damage. PAGE 34 If you walk onto a tile containing an IC without destroying it first, you will lose STAMINA and be thrown back onto the tile you came from. You should improve your COMPUTER SKILL level as you progress through the game since the IC's you will encounter later in the r@game will be of a higher strength. Attacking an IC of greater strength may take more com- bat attempts to defeat and will cause you to lose more STAMINA POINTS for each unsuccessful attempts. Downloading Information From Datastores To gain valuable information and money to help you on your quest, you should try to download information from DATASTORES. DATASTORES are represented as WHITE BLOCKS in the Matrix. Once you have fought your way next to a DATASTORE, turn your persona torC\H face it and press the A BUTTON. The information will be downloaded to your storage and the DATASTORE will change in appearance to a transparent block. When you JACK-OUT of the Matrix, windows will appear to tell you what you downloaded. Not all DATASTORES contrain valuable data and information. The following are the types of things you can find in DATASTORES. Passwords In certain areas of the Matrix, you will find areas locked off by passwords protected NODES. To get past ther" se NODES, you will need PASSWORDS which can either be found on people or within the Matrix. Datafiles Datafiles containing valuable information are stored in your ITEMS INVENTORY so that you can examine them whenever you want. All DATAFILES have a DF prefix and include the filename as well. Accounts Since money is held purely as data, financial accounts containing Nuyen can be transferred to you credstick. Any Nuyen you download is automatically reflected in your character's STr.8ATUS SCREEN. PAGE 35 Trash Data This is data of no meaning or value to you. Therefore, when you JACK-OUT of the Matrix, it is automatically discarded. Combatting CPU's CPU's control certain systems and are vital to your character's pro- gression through the game--attacking a CPU can open electronic doors and elevators and turn off alarm systems and other security devices. Some CPU's are linked to the IC's protecting them. Therefore, suc- cessfully attacking them causes arw`ll hidden IC's on the area to be detonated. The area is therefore made safe. Attacking a CPU is done by turning your persona to face them and pressing the B BUTTON. Jacking Out Of The Matrix Jacking out of the Matrix can be done at any time or location while in the grid. To jack out, press the X BUTTON. Your programs will be terminated and you will reappear standing next to the terminal you jacked in from. PAGE 36 @ENDNODE @NODE "ShadowRun Walktrough" Shadowrun Walkthror5ugh January 29 1994 Version 1.04 New to this version New way to make money (kill vampire lots) Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Definitions III. Walkthrough IV. Greg's Comments V. Open SR questions VI. Some Game Genie Codes I. Introduction Hi there, and welcome to the unofficial Shadowrun walkthrough. This information is intended to guide people who either are stuck in Shadowrun, or who have rented it for two days and need to get throur'm͞gh it lickety-split. < WARNING > This file is essentially an ordered list of spoilers. I take no responsibility for ruining your fun. All of the appropriate stuff is copyright to the appropriate people. This walkthrough was compiled and is maintained by Greg James Any comments or corrections are welcome. A quick note about me - I don't actually own the Shadowrun fact, I don't even own a SNES. So, if you have a correction, make absolutely surer Z it's right, because in order to verify it, I'll have to go swipe my girlfriend's brother's SNES and then go rent Shadowrun from the local video store. If it then turns out that you're wrong, I won't be pleased. II. Definitions Because making an ASCII map is a huge pain in the ass, this walkthrough assumes that you know where all of the buildings are. First, we have a list of regions and associated sub-regions. These are all the places that I talk about in the walkthrough. Ifr! you don't know what is where, it's up to you to find out. City Region 1 - Tenth Street station morgue dark alley bar your apt. building businessman's building the Cage Glutman's building park + water fountain other apt. building cemetery + crypts subway station City Region 2 - Oldtown station caryards arena street doc gun shop bar shaman shop subway station City Region 3 - Daleyr"! station subway station Wastelands bar street doc building Rust Stiletto hideout hotel Jagged Nails bar cemetery + sewers R3 Docks Matrix Systems Dog warehouse octopus warehouse boat launch R3 Dark Blade Club crypts upstairs gun shop R3 Bremerton forward (left) down aft (right) extra-dimensional zone R3 Volcano Sub-levels 0-4 catwalks Drake room R3 Aneki Building Floors 1-5 Anytr#r:Khing encased in square brackets [] is optional. Usually it means extra story context, though it is not necessary to progress in the script. III. Walkthrough Here we go! A. Stuck in this end of town 1. R1 Morgue Examine slab (Armitage J.) Examine torn paper (Warehouse No. 5) Get scalpel Open fridge door Get slap patch 2. Exit R1 morgue, meet punk Learn Hitmen Learn Firearms 3. Follow punk to R1 dark alley Get and use Beretta Kill orc assassin Get and use leather jacket 4. Gor$,w to alley end, meet Dog's acolyte Learn Dog 5. R1 park gate Open gate Get dog collar 6. Go to room with murdered man (R1 other apt.) Examine seems familiar... Examine and get door key (6) Examine memo (story plot) 7. Go to your own apartment (R1 your apt. bdlg.) Use door key Listen to videophone message (threat) Open filing cabinet (nuyen) Get & use shades Examine ripped note (Sassie's p.n.) Have a nap 8. R1 Cage Talk to bouncer Learn tickets 9. R1 bar Talk to busy man Learn hear%]kN-l & street doc Talk to bartender Ask about hitmen Learn shadowrunner Learn firearms (if you haven't already) Learn hiring & deckers Learn datajack Get iced tea 10. Go to tired patron (R1 bar) Give iced tea Talk about tickets Learn Grinder, Maria, & Lone Star 11. Go to businessman (R1 businessman's office bdlg.) Learn shadowrunner (if you haven't already) Ask about shadowrunners Learn hiring Ask about hiring Learn negotiation Talk about Lone Star Buy & use badge [Ask about firearms,r&@dt buy grenades] 12. Empty office in R1 Glutman's bdlg. Get paperweight 13. R1 morgue Talk about Grinder Open filing cabinets Get credstick & tickets 14. R1 cemetery Shoot ghouls Use scalpel on crypt doors Examine coffin lids Use slap patch on indian shaman Learn shaman Get & learn magic fetish Shoot another ghoul Get ghoul bone 15. R1 Cage Use credstick on videophone, call Sassie Learn calls Ask about calls Get Glutman's phone number Talk to secretary Learn Cage Give tickets to bor'&uncer Talk to punk in corner Learn ghouls Find Glutman B. Oh, so this is the rest of the city. I guess I should get some spells. 1. R2 caryards Talk to people Learn caryards, matrix, Drake, King 2. R2 arena The lineup of opponents is: Gang Member, Heavy Dude, Heavy Dude, Mage, Mage, Street Samurai, Ferocious Orc, Gang Leader, Troll Decker, (Replicating) Mage Talk to arena owner Ask about negotiation Pay him 1000Y for negotiation skill 1 3. Leave R2 caryards Once you have negotiar(Ítion 3 pay King 2000Y to get out 4. R2 shaman shop Learn talisman Get his phone number Buy stake (if you've got the cash. It will prevent you needing to come back while you've got a sidekick) 5. R2 street doc (You need 2000Y before starting this sequence) Ask about datajack Learn examination Ask about examination Oops. Learn cortex bomb Ask about Street Doc Learn about Dr. Maplethorpe 6. R3 subway station Kill gang members Learn Rust Stilettos Get iron key Encounter Dog acolyte #2r)Q? 7. R3 street doc (cross the highway, run along sidewalk) Talk about cortex bomb Get it removed (2000Y) Learn head computer & matrix systems Buy Leadership 1 skillsoft (3000Y) [Ask about heal, buy slap patches] 8. R1 Glutman's office Get cyberdeck Break into computer (1000Y) 9. R3 Wastelands Kill orc Talk to bartender, learn ice Hire Norbert the insane dwarf (hopefully you have Leader 6) (some people prefer the big orc in the corner) 10. Deal with Rust Stilettos (RS) Kill RS outsr*ďide R3 hideout Use iron key to open door Kill RS inside, get crowbar Kill final RS Get password 11. R3 Jagged Nails Talk to Kitsune Ask about Dog Get enchanted leaves 12. R3 docks - Matrix Systems Break into computer (2000Y) 13. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get Heal spell Learn Rat 14. R3 cemetery + sewers Kill all rats Kill Rat shaman Learn Jester Spirit 15. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get powerball spell Ask about Jester Spirit (background info) 16. R3 Jagged Nails Ask Kitsune aboutr+TM( Jester Spirit Learn Dark Blade Ask about Dark Blade Learn vampire Ask Bartender about vampire Learn strobes Ask about strobes Ask other bartender about strobes Get strobes Use videophone, call shaman Ask shaman about Dark Blade Get Dark Blade phone number Use videophone, call Dark Blade Ask about magic fetish 17. R3 Dark Blade Club [Talk to doorman Ask about magic fetish Talk to vladimir, ask about Jester Spirit Give magic fetish to vladimir Learn Nirwanda, Bremerton] Search upstair,Nfrs, kill everyone Break into computers (10 000Y + data file) (One of the street samurai has a mesh jacket - there may be something wrong with it) Get bronze key from bookshelf Open bronze gate [Note: to get through the crypts you need help. The idea is that the extra body confuses the ghouls, so anyone will do.] Go through crypts Kill all the ghouls in vladimir's room Use strobe Use stake Ask Vladimir about Jester Spirit Learn Nirwanda, Bremerton Use stake Ask Vladimir about Jesterr-=TI Spirit Learn Laughlyn Use stake (5000Y) 18. R2 shaman shop Get black bottle (6000Y) Get blue & black potion bottles (3000Y) 19. R1 park Use potion bottles on water fountain 20. R3 docks-octopus warehouse Kill it (2000Y) Get ink in black bottle 21. R3 wastelands Talk to ice man (left corner) Ask about ice Buy ton for 100Y Ask about docks 22. R3 docks Get mermaid scales 23. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get freeze spell 24. R3 docks - boat launch Kill orc Get explosives Ask boatman r.A9about Bremerton Pay 1000Y Get in boat C. What shall we do with a drunken sailor? (Don't let him near the oil tanker) 1. R3 Bremerton Run to end, kill everyone Get dog tags Use crowbar on door Kill toxic pools Hit switch 2. Go forward (left) Kill everyone Get safe key Use safe key on safe Get detonator 3. Go down (down) Kill poison ooze Use potion bottles on toxic water Descend stairs Throw second switch (airlock door closes) Go back; throw first switch (water gate opens) Unthrowr/] switches Go down Use time bomb on safe (stand back) Get green bottle 4. R3 docks - Dog warehouse Get summon spirit and invisibility spells 5. R3 Bremerton - go aft (right) Use green bottle on toxic wastes Throw first switch (door opens) I don't know what the other two switches do (someone has suggested that they detonate the mines) 6. Extra-dimensional zone [Kill naga] Shoot at bubble piles to quiet them 7. Confront Jester Spirit Cast invisibility Take damage and heal and shoot r0ğat him until he taunts you Talk to Jester [Ask about Nirwanda] Ask about Laughlyn Ask about Drake Learn volcano Get Jester Spirit D. Drake Towers By this point you should have all the spells except armour. Also you should have dermal armour, mesh jacket, ruger pistol, and heightened reflexes. If you don't, things are going to be pretty tough. On each floor, step off, and immediately cast invisibility. Shoot everyone, and grab their money. Run your action glove over the scene to lr1#9ocate all the computers. You will find locks on the elevator, data files giving you more story line, and nuyen. At one point you will find Drake's phone number. Calling him is interesting, though not necessary. 1. First floor 1 computer - elevator lock 2. Second floor 2 computers - elevator lock, data file + 8000Y 3. Third floor 3 computers - data file, elevator lock, trash data only 4. Fourth floor 2 computers - data file, elevator lock 5. Fifth floor 2 computers - level 6 nodr2e + elevator lock, 2 data files + 10000Y 6. Sixth Floor 1 computer - elevator lock 7. Roof Destroy sentry guns Ask helicopter pilot about volcano {He flies you to volcano} E. Volcano The volcano is, in my opinion, the most difficult part of the whole adventure. My guess is that by now you should also have an assault rifle. The computers here contain a lot of money, and you have to crack all of them to find out what they have. It is worth taking notes to remember which ones are r3 run into the room at the end. Exit the room, and kill it again. Yo! 6 karma! Repeat. Don't pick up the serpent scale until you're finished. Money (I need more!) Kill people in the zones designed for getting karma and loot their bodies. Ghouls have no money. The computers in Glutman's office, Matrix Systems, the Dark Blade club, Drake Tower, the volcano, and Aneki towers have money accounts. Compete in the arena Kill the Rat Shaman, the octopus, or Vladimir Once you have finished r?ܙthe Bremerton, every time you go through the Jester's dimensional portal, Vladimir re-appears. Kill him again for another Y5000. Sell your old stuff V. Open questions 1. Is there any way to increase the stats of the shadowrunners? 2. There are three switches in the Bremerton room with the two toxic wastes. The first opens the door. What do the other two do? 3. One reader has reported that if you kill the Rat Shaman with Kitsune in your party, she will stay with you inr@-definitely. Does any other shadowrunner do this? VI. Game Genie Codes Thanks to Jason Box ( 4DBE-4DA4 COMPUTER & FIREARMS AT LEVEL 2 D7BE-4DA4 LEVEL 3 D0BE-4DA4 LEVEL 4 D9BE-4DA4 LEVEL 5 D1BE-4DA4 LEVEL 6 6DAE-4FA7+ FFAE-44D7 EVERYTHING IS FREE! CEEF-4DDD DON'T SUBTRACT KARMA FOR SKILLS/SPELLS/ATTRIBUTES, BUT MUST HrAq#]YAVE ENOUGH TO ADVANCE CE6D-47A4 DON'T SUBTRACT KARMA FOR SHOOTING PEOPLE WHO MEAN YOU NO HARM (IGNORE MESSAGE SAYING YOU LOSE KARMA) 8E69-3DA4 DON'T SUBTRACT SPELL POINTS D4BC-4404 STRENGTH & CHARISMA START AT 2 D0BC-4404 4 D9BC-4404 5 D1BC-4404 6 These are some basic ones, there are ones for increasing life but if your stamina goes over 250 the garBQ?_me freezes. Also if you have 250 the game freezes (slows down to impossibility in the Matrix only). @ENDNODE @NODE "Mortal Kombat Moves" These Moves Are for the snes's Release Of Mortal Kombat... This is not the same file that was earlier released, containing the arcade moves. Some arcade moves are similair but there are various different moves which i Black Beard have figured out.. If anyone out there is intrested in other cheats for snes or sega stuff give the cove a buzz 305rCx-552-1192. I have tons of cheats for other games and hopefully soon will be releasing another issue of cheats for the newer stuff out! Enjoy this file! L || R ________ || ________ ___/________\____||______/________\___ / X __ __ \ / _ \ / \ / \ \ / _| |_ _ _ Y /rDw< O / / O /_A\ / |_ _| // // \ / / / / \ / |_| / O / / O /_B \ \ \__/ \__/ / \ ____________ / \_____________/ \_______________/ Super SNES Controller Joystick -------- Up: Jump Down: Crouch Left: Move Back Right Move Forward Diagonal Right: Jump Forward rEg Diagonal Left: Jump Backwards Button Y: High Bunch Button X: High Kick Button A: Low Kick Button B: Low Punch Now for the basics. Blocking and defense: Unlike Street Fighter ][, blocking is done by pressing a button. Other than that, blocking in Mortal Kombat is just like Street Fighter 2. There are 2 types of blocks, standing and crouching. You use a crouching block to defend against an opponent who is standing in front of you. You do that by pushing the joystick dowrFkn and holding the block button. A standing block is used to block when the opponent jumps toward you. Just hold down block. Blocking will protect against all attacks except throws, but many attacks will do a very small amount of damage when they are blocked. When a player is very low on health there is a warning message. Any blocked attack that does a tiny bit of damage will be enough to kill an opponent that has a damage warning. Blocking a special move often gives an opporturG=\nity for a very damaging counterattack. Many of the special moves, such as Scorpion's spear, Raiden's electricity, and Sub Zero's iceball don't need to be blocked. It is often easier to duck (pull the joystick down and don't press any buttons) to avoid them because that can make it easier to counterattack. Basic attacks: Standing in front of the opponent and pressing any of the punch or kick buttons will do one of many straightforward attacks. One useful attack is quicklyrH* tapping one of the punch buttons. This will punch repeatedly and can help to move the opponent away. There is also a very strong punch. If you hold the joystick down and press one of the punch buttons your character will do a very strong uppercut that knocks the opponent into the air. It is a useful but difficult counterattack for jumping attacks. It is also perfect after attacks like Scorpion's spear and Sub Zero's iceball. It is also a good counterattack for blocked specialrIkw moves, but it must be used immediately after the block. A good move to use in close situations is a roundhouse kick that trips the opponent. This is done by holding the joystick back and pressing low kick. It doesn't do a great deal of damage, but it is a good way to get a little distance or prepare for a special attack. It also has more range than most other attacks. Throws: Throws are the only moves that cannot be blocked at all. The move is the same for all characters.rJ,jy You must be very, very close to your opponent to perform a throw. You push the joystick forward and press low punch. That will throw the opponent over your character's shoulder and a short distance away. It's an excellent move to use against an opponent who is being very defensive (blocking all your attacks and not attacking) because he/she will not be able to react in time to counterattack. Special Moves/Fatality Moves: Below is a list of all the special moves in the gamrK*Xe|e and the brutal fatality moves. Special moves are used during the round in combat. Fatality moves are only used at the end of a match, when the opponent is stunned and the phrase "Finish him/her" appears on the screen. All characters have a missile attack and a charging attack of some sort. There are also a few unique moves. For simplicity I will list the missile attack first and the charge attack second for each character. Note: I refer several times to a "fireball motion" rL׃of the joystick. For those of you who know Street Fighter ][, this is the joystick motion used to have Ken, Ryu, Sagat, or Dhalsim to do their missile attacks. The joystick is rotated from away, through crouch, and to forward. At the end of this motion a button is pressed. The "reverse fireball motion" refers to the same motion but in the opposite direction. That is, move the joystick from forward, through crouch, to away, and then press a button. Kano: Knife Attack: rNL6dHold The Block Button 'L' Tap The Joystick Back Twice And Once Forward To Throw the knives Holding block protects you while you are wiggling the joystick, but not once Kano has started to throw the knife. Ball Attack: Hold The Block Button 'L' Down Then Rotate the joystick 360 degrees (Move The Snes Joystick In a circular Motion, Clock wise. This will make Kano roll into a ball and fly across the screen at the opponent. The joystick is rotated from crouch to back first. ThatMHj~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONrrOg is, if you are on the left side of the screen, rotate the joystick clockwise. If you hold block as you complete the move Kano will roll into a ball and remain where he is. During this time the opponent may hit you. Kano will stay in place until you let go of block or about 3 seconds go by. After that Kano will fly across the screen at the opponent. If this move is blocked Kano can be hit on the rebound with a standing high kick or most special moves. Fatality move: Get veryrPeӴ close to the stunned opponent and do a fireball motion with the low punch button. This will make Kano punch straight into the opponent's chest and rip out the heart. He then holds the heart up, still beating. Johnny Cage: Missile Attack: Tap the joystick back twice and then forward and press low punch. (Button B) He shoots a green blob of energy across the screen. You cannot hold the joystick back and then later move it forward to do the attack; you must have the joysrQ:Ztick centered as you start this move. Charge Kick: Same joystick movement as above, with low kick (Button A) instead of low punch. He will charge across the screen with his foot in the air. This move is very effective against opponents who are jumping or have been knocked into the air. Nutcracker: Press The Right Block 'R', Then Hit Low Punch 'B' Johnny Cage: will do a split, punching forward. This will hit an opponent right in the groin, eliciting the proper groan. This mrRpcove is useless against Sonia and against another Johnny Cage because he does the split without punching against these opponents. Fatality Move: Get close to the opponent and then tap the joystick forward at least four times, then press high punch. He crouches and then simply punches the opponent's head right off his/her shoulders. Sonia: Purple Missile: Tap the joystick back while tapping low punch. This will make Sonia shoot a purple missile across the screen. FlyirS^:)ng Punch : Tap the joystick forward and then back and press high joystick forward and then do the move. You must start the move with the joystick at the center. This will make Sonia fly straight up and then across the screen with her fist extended, and then land on the opposite side of the screen, usually behind your opponent. It is an extremely effective counterattack for jumping attacks and also a good way to avoid missile attacks and to get out of the corner. The computer usrT/(es it after blocking Rayden's torpedo to hit him on the rebound. Leg Grab: Crouch Down Press The Block (Ontop, Letter 'L'), Low Punch, And Low all at the same time. This will make Sonia do a handstand and reach over her with her legs to grab her opponent. It is an excellent move after an opponent's attack misses or is blocked because if it is done quickly enough it cannot be blocked. It is a very frustrating move for your opponents. But if it is blocked it is easy to use a rorUuHundhouse kick to trip her or a normal uppercut. Fatality Move: This may be done anywhere from the opposite side of the screen to fairly close to the opponent. Tap the joystick forward twice and then backward twice and then press block. She blows a firey red kiss which floats across the screen, landing at the feet of her opponent. This makes flames billow up, burning the opponent to a crisp, leaving a skeleton which drops to its knees. Liu Kang: Fire Attack: Tap the jrVP>Άoystick forward twice and press high punch. This makes Liu shoot a red fireball across the screen. Jump Kick : Tap the joystick forward twice and press high kick. This makes him fly across the screen at eye level with his foot extended. This is an excellent followup if his Fire Attack hits, and it is also good against jumping opponents. The drawback is that if it is blocked your opponent will have a chance to do a very damaging uppercut (if our opponent is fast enough). FatrWGvNality Move: Hold block and rotate the joystick 360 degrees, in the same direction as Kano's Ball Attack. Keep rotating it until he starts the move, which is a cartwheel. He will spin up to the opponent, kicking twice and following up with a tremendous uppercut that knocks the opponent off the top of the screen. This is especially brutal if you are fighting in the pit, which is an arena above a large bed of spikes. The opponent is knocked off the platform, high into the air, plurXεdmmeting down onto the blades below. Sub Zero: Iceball: Down And Right On The Joystick The Hit 'B' The Must Be at a 90 degrees in a circular motion. Its The Same Way Rayden Throws His Eliectricity , but with a different button. Sub Zero: Then Throws an iceball at his opponent. If it hits he will be frozen and blue. Then move or jump up to the opponent and do an uppercut (described above). If this isn't done quickly the opponent will come out of the freeze. OccasionrY>ally the opponent is frozenin a crouching position, in which case a kick or a throw must be used to hit. The freeze will stop many characters in the middle of their special moves, such as Kano's ball and Liu Kang's Flying Kick. But one warning: do not throw a second iceball at a frozen opponent because this will backfire on Sub Zero, freeing the opponent and freezing Sub Zero. Slide: Press These Buttons Simultaneously: Tap Back Once, Then Press The Block Button 'L' , Then HitrZzY Buttons 'B' And 'A'. To do this move correctly you must hit the buttons in the order above. This is a very hard move so this must be practiced in order to get it 100%. This will make Sub Zero slide across the screen toward the opponent with his foot extended. It will trip any opponent that is not blocking. It is a good counterattack after your opponent misses an attack. It is also a good attack after an iceball/uppercut combination because on occasion Sub Zero will slide r[binto the opponent before he/she can get up from the uppercut. This works very well against the computer. Fatality Move: Get very close to the opponent. Push the joystick forward, then do a fireball motion, followed by high punch. If done correctly Sub Zero will rip the opponent's head and spine out and hold it up as a trophy. Scorpion: Spear: Tap the joystick away twice and then press low punch. Scorpion will throw a spear attached to a rope. If it hits it will attacr\x+Vh to the opponent, and Scorpion will yell, "Come here!" and drag the opponent toward him. Once the opponent is right in front of him the opponent will be momentarily stunned. At this point the best move is to do an uppercut. All together this is a brutal move. Teleport Punch: Do a reverse fireball motion with high punch. This will make Scorpion jump backwards quickly, momentarily leaving a ghost of himself where he was standing. If he reaches the side of the screen he will ar] ?ppear on the opposite side of the screen with his fist extended toward the opponent. It is a very effective move against an opponent who is far away, at the opposite side of the screen. It is also a great way to avoid missile attacks. There is one major weakness to this move. If Scorpion is backed against one of the sides of the battle area he will not be able to reappear on the opposite side of the screen. He will simply jump against the back wall and slide down to the ground.r^[Nc Fatality Move: Move Scorpion an inch or two away from the opponent, hold block, and tap jump twice. The hardest part of this is to get the right distance. It will make Scorpion pull off his mask, revealing a skull underneath. He then turns toward the opponent and breathes fire at the opponent's feet, burning him/her just like Sonia's fatality move. Rayden Electricity: Do a fireball motion and press low punch. (Identical to Sub Zero's iceball.) This will shoot a bolt or_f electricity across the screen. Torpedo: Tap the joystick away twice and forward once. This will make Raiden fly across the screen at thigh-level. If the attack hits it will knock the opponent backwards. No buttons are needed, but for protection you can hold block while tapping the joystick. You cannot hold block at the end of the move, though. Teleportation: The best way I have found to do this move is to tap the the joystick down then back up. This will make Raiden disapr`Hpear in a white flash of light and reappear near where the opponent was when the move started, usually on the opposite side of the opponent. This is a great way to avoid missile attacks because it brings you close enough for a powerful counterattack. Unless it is used to avoid a missile attack, it is nearly useless against the computer. Fatality Move: This is the most difficult of the fatality moves. You must be within 1 or 2 inches of your opponent at the start. Tap the joysra?tick toward your opponent 3 times, then away three times and press high punch. This move makes Raiden point both hands at the opponent and emit a large bolt of electricity. This hits the opponent's head, blowing it off. There is just barely enough time to do this move usually. I hope all these hints help people learn the game quickly and start to enjoy the game more. If I am wrong about some moves, or if there is a better way to perform them, please tell me so I can add themrb1s@ to this listing. The date of the latest revision of this file appears at the top to help organize future versions. I welcome all comments! These Moves Were Taken From An Earlier File That Were The Arcade Moves. Then they were messed with untill the correct snes moves were found. All These moves have been tested and work 100%. Remember these moves must be practiced several times untill they can be performed. The Fatality moves have been tested and they don't seem to work, but if arcnyone gets them to work please let me know The Cove (305)552-1192. One Quick Note: On The Stage Where your standing on a platform or bridge type terrain, With clouds in the Sky. You can perform a nice little move here. On The Fatal Move Crouch Down And Give The opponent a low punch (A). This will send him flying and finally crashing on spike's. Oh and one quick thing before I forget, If you want to do great on the tests of strength, slide your index fingure and middle finger rapidlrdVݬKy on buttons B And A and press the block to throw your punch. This will let help increase your strength and break what ever obstacle is in your way. @ENDNODE @NODE "NBA Jam Tips and Info" --> Fast Eddie brings to you: = NBA Jam Tips and Info = = 1/21/94 = Notes: Now that NBA Jam for SNES has been released, use this to access the new guys and cheats! Watch out for more releases soon, including NBA Jam codes! L8r ----------------------------------------------------re9Ɨ------------------ How to WIN at NBA JAM! by Randolph S. Vance and William G. Henderson E-Mail: (NeXT Mail) (NeXT Mail) Version 1.11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction. Are you tough enough to trfake on all 27 of the NBA teams? If you think you are, get set for the most intense basketball video game you'll ever play! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- History. Version 1.0: The original FAQ as posted by Carl Chavez. Informative but some parts about power-ups were inaccurate. Version 1.1 and 1.2: Corrected versions by Randolph Vance and Greg Henderson. We updated the information on how to do power-up tricks. These versions are unpublished rg&>Fand unposted, but if you go to the Kentucky Arcade, you might find a hard copy we printed of these versions. Some of which were HIGHLY INACCURATE, especially about the Tank Game. Version 1.3: Posted May 1st, 1993. Corrections on some of the power-up tricks, especially on how to do the Tank Game and the Fair Shake. Version 1.4: Posted May 4th, 1993. Updates information on "HE'S ON FIRE!", as well as informing of the new special guest star, Petro. New sections, the Rumor Mill, and thrhDis History. Version 1.5: Posted May 4th, 1993. Overall revision of 1.4. Version 1.6: Posted May 5th, 1993. Confirms code for Defensive + Intercept powerup at one time. Version 1.7: Posted May 10th, 1993. Another all-around revision, this time of 1.6, as well as what happens if you win the game by defeating all 27 NBA teams. Also information on how to milk the clock. How you can tell if the NBA Jam machine you play on is in need of an upgrade, today on ROBERTO! Version 1.8: Postedri9Q May 19th, 1993. Three new Special Guest codes, plus information on abilities of Special Guests. Yet another revision. Man goes beserk and kidnaps nineteen Game Show Hosts with slice of Lime, film at 11! Version 1.9: Posted May 24th, 1993. Actually nothing new from last time, but lots of rumors from between postings. Version 1.10: Posted June 8th, 1993. New power-up combinations. Version 1.11: Posted July 6th, 1993. Information on more power-up tricks. ---------------------------rj1N0m------------------------------------------- A Special note. Greg and I wish to dedicate this version of the FAQ to the late Drasen Petrovich of the New Jersey Nets. The 11th leading shooter overall in the NBA will definatly be missed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumor mill. The Rumor mill is where untested or unconfirmed reports of power-up's or other things go. Stuff in the Rumor mill will be tested by us, to see if they do indeed work, rk>G or if we can confirm their existance of them by asking Mark Turmell. Something of note, Mark Turmell denies the existance of Second Fatality moves in Mortal Kombat, classifying them under Vaporware. Yes, Mark Turmell reads Usenet. Sometimes. Other rumors have been circulating on different ways to do power-up's. All the power-ups that are listed here are either given to us by Turmell, or have been confirmed to work by either Turmell or by us. Consider this FAQ posting to be the FINALrlDn WORD. Anyone else telling you another way to do these tricks may be lying just to look big, your mileage may vary. Rumors have been floating around about more power-up combinations and other powerups, there are ways to get more than one power-up at once, including a move as yet unconfirmed to get the powerup's for defensive, offensive and intercept all at once. Soon as we figure this out, we'll let you know. There has also been a rumor from I believe The Immortal Spam about a possrmXible bug involving Barkley, and the ability of shooting three after three. This could, however be chalked up to either luck, or strategy or both. And, on another note, people on Prodigy have decided that they would flood the Net with false and misleading information about special guest characters, some of the more memorable red herrings included LEP, Feb 29 and JFK, Nov 22. What a morbid sense of humor these Prodigy folks seem to have. Well, there were seven codes, if you include thrnFe newest Prodigy Red Herring, FDT, Oct 23. We tested and/or asked about them all. The seven most recent Prodigy codes are ALL VAPORWARE. DO NOT TRY THEM, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY! As for Noel Margate, hey, we understand, you got excited just the same as the rest of us did, it isn't your fault. Changing the subject, expect in a future version a complete guide to the Power Ratings of all 57 Pro players, as well as the 20 Special Guests, but don't expect that for at least two to four ro7weeks. Give us some time to compile all the stats together. There are two more females in the game besides Felecia Turmell. These are the two trophy girls. They are Lorainne Olivia and Kerri Hoskins. Yes, these are the same two babes in the '90 issues of Playboy, yes the issues give out their birthdates, but no one knows what initials these two go by so keep your ears open. Felecia Turmell's initials and birthdate still remain a mystery. -------------------------------------------rp[4'--------------------------- Before you play. NBA JAM is an multi-coin game, so make sure it's worth it for you. Some arcades have their machine set at one coin per period, others may have more. Look to spend a dollar to two per complete game, depending on location. Also, ask your arcade owner about the version of NBA Jam they own. Versions of NBA Jam that have been released to arcades are 2.0 and above. There are some minor bugs in Version 2.0 that regard the machine swallowing up rq(Z#an occasional coin and not giving a credit, and also problems with the Tank Game killing off players and ending a regular game, along with correcting a jersey color problem with special guests. Our arcade has two NBA Jam's that were Version 2.0. Recently, the owner has put in 3.0 update chips that correct the credit problems, fixes the jersey color of special guests and prevents games from ending at the Tank Game. Our arcade owner recommends to everyone with 2.0 release machines thatrr they contact their distributor as soon as possible and obtain and install 3.0 update chips. The coin swallowing problem is also another annoying bug in the Williams game Smash TV. If you own a Smash TV original machine or kit, check with the distributor for possible update chips. Some assembly required, batteries not included. Here is a simple test to see if your machine is 2.0 or 3.0. Put in enough for one period of play. Enter the Turmell code, MJT, March 22nd. If Turmell is in ars purple color Lakers uniform, you are on a 2.0 machine. Inform the owner of this fact, tell them of the necessary upgrade chips and how obtain them through the distributor. If Turmell is in the color jersey of the team you select, such as a red jersey for the Bulls, you are on a 3.0 machine. If you play in a 2-on-2 complete game, usually four to eight dollars, the winning two player team gets to stay on for free to face the next two people or the Computer. It is always best to enrt;ter your initials for the record keeping. If you play in a four player game, and some dumb newbie selects NO for entering initials, cold-cock him! Enter your initials, followed by your birth month and birth date. This tells the Computer who you are. If you have never played before, there will be no record available of your statistics. If you have, the computer will show you your record and winning percentage, followed by a streak of wins, if any, and an update of your last complete ruCe%game. Only complete games count in records, partials do not. Pick your team carefully. The 27 teams are made up of two of the best and brightest of the NBA, although Jordan isn't available for the Bulls. Each team has their strenghths and weaknesses. i. e. the Sacramento Kings have a good dunker with Spud Webb, and a good three point shooter with Tisdale, but they are slow. Golden State has an excellent three point shooter with Mullin, and a fair dunker. Orlando has a terrific threervW2y shooter (Skiles) and a terriffic dunker (Shaq), but they have worse speed than Sacramento. In my opinion, the three teams with the best balance are Charlotte, Chicago, and Atlanta. People have been buzzing about, "Well, where's Michael Jordan?". The official word from Turmell is that Jordan is NOT in the game. Neither is Magic Johnson, who is rumored in the machine also. Reason being that Midway got a blanket deal to carry two people from 27 teams, and that they were VERY lucky to rwI%nget Shaq. Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson apparantly are seperate entities from the NBA Licensing, and so, would be entitled to more money than it appears Midway had. Well, the latest for the rumor mill is that there is a secret spot for Charles Barkley of the Phoenix Suns. In the backcourt, Barkley has an improved chance of hitting long distance threes. This could be a feature, it could be a bug, we'll let you know. ----------------------------------------------------------------rx;4u------ 1. Basic Moves TO PASS: Press pass. Press turbo and pass to throw a quicker, safer pass. TO SHOOT: Hold the shoot button down. Shot is more accurate when player is at the peak of the jump. TO HEAD FAKE: Tap shoot button once. Unfortunatly, your Computer drones will shoot if you do this while they have the ball. TO DUNK: Hold shoot when running. Hold turbo and shoot for a super dunk. (More on Super Dunks in Section 2.) TO LAY UP: Hold shoot for a short time when running. ryTO THROW ELBOWS: 1) Tap turbo twice. 2) Tap shoot repeatedly (head fake seems to include an elbow throw). TO STEAL: 1) Tap steal to knock ball away. 2) Tap steal and turbo to knock OPPONENT down. TO BLOCK: Hold shoot button to jump. Hold turbo and jump to jump higher. TO REBOUND: This is automatic if you're close enough; otherwise press shoot and point toward the ball. TO ALLEY OOP: Easier to do with two player teams. The player without the ball moves under the basketrzp] and holds shoot (to jump). Meanwhile, the ball handler presses turbo and pass to throw to the jumping player quickly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Special Techniques To reject a dunking player, it's best to wait until the dunker has reached the peak of his jump before you jump to block. For example, if Barkley starts a cannonball dunk, wait until he's coming down before you press turbo and jump. Also, make sure you're in front of r{C the player and near the basket. Another way to reject a dunker is to knock him down (turbo and steal) if it's a low dunk like an "easy jam". To block a shot, you need to jump at the same time you believe the shooter will jump. I usually let the shooter shoot while I'm in his face (but not jumping) and then I'll grab the rebound (or my teammate will). It is possible to block the buzzer 3-point attempt. Right after the ball is passed inbounds press turbo and jump and point toward ther|n shooter. To steal, there are three good techniques: 1) stick close and press steal a lot. This is not my technique, so say much about it, but it seems to work well for others. 2) knock 'em down. It's more fun, and can be done continuously to computer opponents until they drop the ball. 3) let a player shoot while you're near their basket, and jump before it gets there. Hopefully you won't get called for goaltending. To rebound, there are two good techniques: 1) pr}lress shoot to jump toward the ball AFTER it has hit the rim or board. 2) knock down opposing players near the ball so you can grab the ball off the floor. If you are close enough to the ball your player will jump automatically to rebound. SHOOTING: Try to have a screen when you're trying to shoot. There seems to be a pattern with the computer in which you can usually go 3/4 down the court and have a screen for the 3-point shot if you let your computer teammate run ahead of your~{30. This is great for players like Mullin... Head fakes work great. Make sure you mix in a few elbow throws though, or you may be knocked down. If you're doing an easy jam with an opponent nearby, it's best to pass to your teammate in mid-dunk. He's usually open and you won't have to worry about getting knocked down. SUPER DUNKS: Several different dunks - YOU MUST BE MOVING TO DUNK! Easy jam: close to basket, hold shoot. "Look out!" (360 dunk): near the second tick on the key, holr Pd shoot. Two-handed jam: from close and above the basket, hold shoot. Tomahawk jam 1: from close and below the basket, hold turbo and shoot. Tomahawk jam 2: from the middle of the key, hold turbo and shoot. Tomahawk jam 3 (windmill): from 3/4 length of key (bottom of circle), hold turbo and shoot. Cannonball slam (fireball): from top of circle, hold turbo and shoot. Really high 720 slam (also the "Tarzan yell" slam or "helicopter rotor" slam): from a corner of the key, or from r @;outside the key near the third tick mark on the key, hold turbo and shoot. Weird slam (don't know what to call it; he puts his knees up and spins 2 or 3 times): from outside the key near 2nd or 3rd tick on the key, hold turbo and shoot. Spreadeagled slam: From middle of key, hold shoot. Really high behind the back slam (similar to easy jam): from middle of key, hold shoot. The dunk where the dunker hangs on the rim: near third tick on the key (but outside the key), hold turbo andr w+ shoot. In mid-dunk, if your teammate is open, you can pass the ball back to them by pressing pass. Then, they can take an easy three! In the fourth quater and in any overtime periods, you can break the backboard in a spectacular display with any specialty dunks. When time is running out in the period, dunking isn't a good option. If time runs out in mid-dunk, you made a "bad decision". ;) MILK THE CLOCK: In a one-player or a two person team vs. the Computer, you can burn secondsr s9 off a clock and keep a lead from changing as quick as it can if you play fast break basketball. If you have a lead of four points or more, and get the basketball from a basket or goaltend, get the ball, stay at your end of the court, hold your position, stay for as long as you can. The Computer will stay in it's position and do nothing until the Shot Clock counts down below 5, then it will force you to take your move. At 6 seconds, quickly pass to your teammate if he's open, or if yr Lou are, take a shot. Even if you miss, you get better a better shot at rebounding, then you can get the ball, pass back to the man in backcourt, and milk the clock again. This trick works best in the fourth quarter. "HE'S ON FIRE!": When a character makes three consecutive shots in a row, he is said to be "on fire". After that, all his future shots will stand a much more improved chance of entering the basket, although I have seen some miss while on fire. You can really open up a lerr-ad when on fire by launching three after three. You will stay "on fire" until the other team makes a shot go in their basket. When you're on fire, to stay on fire, work in the back of the court, goaltend any layups or three-pointers, steal and rebound when possible. This also works if you're "heating up", i. e. you've made two shots in a row and need a third to go on fire. Plus, when you're on fire, you have the advantage of unlimeted turbo power, even if you're the kind of player tr8r{hat holds down turbo during a game. When someone else in on fire, the best way to get them off fire is to dunk the basketball. You don't stay on fire forever, you lose it after a period of time. A rather long time, it seems, usually 30 points, but you do lose it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Secret Codes. All secret codes are done before the Tip-off, when the announcer says, "Tonight's match up: (Team) versus (Team)" and continuedr“ right up until the tip-off. You can use these codes and power-up your computer teammate, or if you feel in a particularly evil mood and see someone on the machine you don't like, you can power-up his Computer opponents. BIG HEAD: Hold joystick up and hold down Turbo and Steal at "Tonight's match up". Gives your player a head three times larger than normal. Some arcades might have their machine set to have Big Head permanently on, as it is also an operator-adjustable feature, therefraore, doing this on such a machine will turn Big Head off. POWERUP DEFENSE: Tap Steal or Block eight times when it says "Tonight's match up". Eight times only. Gives you extra defensive power. POWERUP INTERCEPT: Hold down joystick and hold down all three buttons during "Tonight's match up". Gives you extra intercept power. POWERUP OFFENSE: Tap Steal or Block 21 times at "Tonight's match up". 21 times only. Gives you extra offensive power. This is a VERY DIFFICULT power-up to get, sro be patient. POWERUP DEFENSE AND INTERCEPT: At "Tonight's match-up", tap turbo six times, hold down all three buttons, move joystick down, then up, then down again and hold joystick down. Then lift up on turbo and hold it down again. This code will give you the Defensive and Intercept power-up, a deadly combination for one person to have, like Spud Webb. POWERUP DEFENSE AND BIG HEAD: Tap turbo six times, hold turbo and steal, then hold the joystick up at "Tonight's match-up". FAIr-|9R SHAKE AND POWERUP INTERCEPT: Tap turbo seven times, then hold the turbo, pass and shoot buttons, then hold the joystick down. FAIR SHAKE AND BIG HEAD: Press turbo eight times, then hold turbo and steal down, and hold the joystick up. *Another way to do dual power-ups would be to enter the code for one first, then while time remains, enter another code. FAIR SHAKE: Tap turbo ten times when it says "Tonight's match up". Turns off the computer's rampant cheating. This only works inr [ four-player games, three player games or two player games where they compete against each other. It will say at the tip off, "All computer assistance turned off" Why do this? Well, if you have a BIG lead over 20 points versus an opponent, the Computer will try to balance out things by making your opponent's shots go in better, while making you go ice cold. ("Can't buy a bucket!") This happened to me when I played Mullin in a one-player game versus Minnesota. Very early inrP the first quarter, I went on fire and opened a 21-5 lead. Then, in the second quarter, I went cold, lost the big lead and the Computer kept a balance until the last quarter. I couldn't make any shot during the last minute of the game and lost by 5 points. *sigh* :( SHOOTING PERCENTAGE: At "Tonigtt's match up", spin joystick clockwise and rapidly tap all three buttons at once until tip-off. Whenever anyone takes a shot (not a dunk), a small number between 01% and 99% will showr֨\ below the credit counter. This is the percent chance your shot has on going in. I have seen some 01% to 05% shots from LONG range go in with nothing but net, and I have also seen some 99% percent layups miss horribly off the mark, so don't take the percentage at it's value all the time. It is now known what "Learning Mode 2" is, so we know it doesn't matter if more than one person does this. On older versions of NBA Jam (2.0 and earlier) the Computer would flash the message, "Shotrc % display activated". On versions that are 3.0 and later, the Computer will say, "Shot % display activated - Learning Mode 2". The Shot Percentage IS Learning Mode 2. There is a Learning Mode 1 and a Learning Mode 3. Mark Turmell would not tell us what they are or how to get them. A small hint about the Shot Percentage, it shows a consistent pattern from any given spot on the court. In other words, Petrovich is consistently 50-55% from one spot and may be 10-15% from another. DESIrGGN TEAM SCREEN: The Design Team screen will cycle through normally once every 10-15 minutes when no one is playing, but you can bring up a shortene d version of the Design Team screen by doing this trick. Hold down all three buttons on Players 1 and 2 side, and hold the joysticks up at the same time. Then, you have to time this right, release all buttons at once, and pull down on both joysticks at the same time. The Design Team screen will come up, cycle out, then show the current verCVrsion of the game. SPECIAL GUEST STARS: We've found twelve Special Guests so far. Mark Turmell says that there are twenty special guests in the game, besides the 54 regular NBA players. The Special Guests are people who either work for Bally/Midway/Williams in production of this game, or some of their good friends. In machines that are Version 2.0, the special guests had their own jerseys, but in 3.0, that has been fixed so that they wear the teams jersey. This was a rather confur<[5sing bug, especially if you picked the Lakers to go against Two Turmells on Charlotte. Turmell's jersey color was that of the Lakers, although that isn't his favorite team. He's not saying who is! ;) They can be found by entering their initials and birthdate before picking teams. Though it may seem that the Special Guests inherit the stats of the person they substitute for, the Special Guests seem to have their own advantages and disadvantages over the character they substitute for.rg We haven't yet found out the advantages and disadvantages for all the special guests, those we know, we've listed. We'll put in the next posting the complete list of advantages and disadvantages. TURMELL: Enter MJT and the birthdate March 22nd. Mark J. Turmell is the main designer and programmer for NBA JAM. Look for improved three shooting, but at a slight cost of dunking and defense. We recommend you put Turmell on in place of Mullin for the Golden State Warriors. AIR MORRIS: EnrzLI"ter WIL and the birthdate January 1st. On older versions, you may have to wait for seven seconds before entering January. You can look for improved dunking ability, but at the cost of three shooting. You can substitute him for any good dunking player. Try him in place of Shaq. Also look on the scoreboard during periods for the ad for Air Morris. The scoreboard will show his face in a side profile, a single shoe and a jet plane. CARLTON: Enter JMC and the birthdate August 5th. He's krind of small, so we suggest you put him on in place of Spud Webb. DIVITA: Enter SAL and the birthdate February 1st. Sal Divita did the artwork for NBA Jam, as well as some graphics work on Mortal Kombat. All around, expect more speed defensively and offensively from Divita. GOSKIE: Enter TWG and the birthdate December 7th. During the game, he looks an awful lot like U. K. Basketball player Gimel Martinez, but that might be just my imagination. HEY: Enter JWH and the birthdate Septrp :. 20th. This is Jon Hey, another familiar face on the Design Team screen, the one in the checkered shirt and glasses, sticking his tongue out to the rest of the world. HOWARD: Enter HOW and the birthdate July 15th. Yes, this is the same Howard that played basketball for the DePaul Blue Devils, now on the Utah Jazz. If you play the Jazz with him, put him on in place of Karl Malone. LIPTAK: Enter SL(space) and the birthday June 24th. Shawn Liptak is the one on the design team screen rwith a basketball for a brain. NEWCOMER: Enter JRN and the birthday June 18th. On the Select Team screen, look for him in a yellow T-shirt, glasses, mustace and beard. OURSLER: Enter SNO and the birthdate January 3rd. Turmell didn't know who I was talking about at first, but when I told him we nicknamed him "Snowman", because of his initials, he knew INSTANTLY who we were talking about On the Select Team screen, where you'll see Goskie in place, he'll bear a strong resemblance to or *ld-time movie comic Oliver Hardy, with mustache and Derby Hat. He even wears the hat while he's playing the game, you can see this if you have Big Head set. PETRO: Enter GNP and the birthdate October 8th. George N. Petro is the main designer of Terminator 2: Judgement Day. RIVETT: Enter RJR and the birthdate January 17th. As of this revision, these are the twelve special guests that are confirmed. We are changing the policy on discovery of Special Guests. If you know of any moreHPrr!3Ï guests, send us E-mail about them ONLY. DO NOT post new codes, unless you can guarantee their authenticity. This Prodigy fiasco recently brought a lot of complaints to me. :( And, more from the desk of Mark Turmell, there IS a female Special Guest! This is a rumor he has confirmed! Also, note that the Prodigy code for the female is INCORRECT!!!!! It is NOT, I repeat, NOT FDT, Oct 23rd! TANK GAME: Players 1 and 2 hold down all three buttons and hold down joystick at "Tonight's matcr"sFXh up". Player 1 enters tank game, controls tank with joystick; left, right, forward, reverse, fires at tanks with any button. If your tank gets hit too many times, the message, "You are dead!" flashes on the screen, so be alert. Spectre or Battlezone players should have no difficulty. Shot tanks make the sound of a backboard breaking. If Player 1 survives long enough in the Virtual world, the game will say "All players powerup". After the Tank Game, the basketball game should startr#\|{ normally, plus any powerups, i. e. everyone has big head, defensive, offensive, intercept power-ups, shot percentage is on in Learning Mode 2. Version 2.0 machines can end the game at this screen, much to the dismay of other players, especially if everyone has put in for a full game. And if this happens, the winners don't stay for free, because there weren't any winners. 2.0 machines can also end the game if the messages, "All players powerup!", "You survived!", pop up. NBA Jam mar$.FIwchines that have a Version 3.0 update chip installed will no longer end the game if the screen says, "You are dead!", nor end it if you survive long enough to get "All players powerup!". On 3.0 machines, there will be no message, "You survived!". Instead, it will just give you the message "All players powerup!", then fade out and fade in the tip-off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Winning the game. If you beat all 27 teams, you are inr%R9 for a treat. Besides the two babes who offer you congratulations. According to Turmell, one who has beaten all 27 teams can then face off with the computer in new challenges. Getting the random all-star teams IS possible. This is how it works. The code checks to see if you have defeated all 27 teams. If you have, there is a random (my guess between 5% and 15%) chance that you will get the random two All-Star team. This assumes you have only a one-player game or you are playing wir&_wth a teammate who has also defeated all 27 teams. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Special thanks go to: Mark J. Turmell, at Williams/Bally/Midway in Chicago for answering every question we had about NBA JAM. People keep asking us, "Wow, you know Turmell? What's his number?" I made a promise to Mr. Turmell not to give out his number to the Net. I don't think he wants people calling him on the horn all the time, but he does appreciate tr'XKhe Net, and our work to produce this, and the pats on the back he's gotten from everyone for the great job he did on this game. (Yes, he HAS seen this FAQ! :) Ed Boon, also of Williams/Bally/Midway for correcting us on the Special Guests and their duties at W/B/M. :) (Carl Chavez) for providing us with the bones of the FAQ, where we corrected some general errors, along with providing information on new power-up tricks. (Jim Hsu) for r(;јhelping us with info on turbo and fire. (Jon Taylor) for giving us five new Special Guest codes! (Justin Anderson) for providing us with the code for Petro, as well as the confirmed Defensive and Intercept power-up code combination, along with the new power-up combinations! :) (Eric Ching) for providing Shawn Liptak's code. :) (The Immortal Spam / Eric Holma) for providing Carlton and Nr)-.>ewcomer's codes, although I got the Carlton code from some unknown user at the University of Chicago, whom I'd like to thank too! ;) The Kentucky Arcade, for providing us with two NBA JAM machines, as well as two Neo-Geo's, two Street Fighter II: Championship Editions, two X-Men, two Ms. Pac-Man's, two Galaga's and three Mortal Kombat's. Is it my imagination, or is the Kentucky Arcade becoming more and more like a Noah's Arcade? ;) @ENDNODE @NODE "Super Metroid Moves & Hints" A fewr* easy hints for Super Metroid on SNES by : Rad!/LSd Well, first I must say this game is one of the best I have ever played on Snes, and I figured that most other people are also playing it as much as myself. I realize that since there are no cheats, trainers, or hints out as of yet, that you might be stuck in some places... Some hints... Blue Doors : Open with one shot Red Doors : open with 5 missles or 1 super missle Green Doors : Open with 1 super missle Yellow Doors (I was sr+tuck on this forever) need to be opened with a Super Bomb. Just lay it near the door and it will open... Super Jumps are done by Running with your boots of speed until you are flashing, then push down once. After this your go will be glowing and a loud high pitched noise will indicate he is ready to jump. Just push up and the button and he will jump very high, also breaking any blocks in the way. Kick-Climb? This is where you jump from wall to wall.. It is very difficult. You jump r,E2(spinning) to a wall, then push the OPPOSITE way and the jump button at the same time right as you hit the wall... I was stuck in a hole with 3 green midgets for about 20 minutes until I figured this one out... In the wrecked ship, you will meat up with a large statue who is not holding anything. Roll into a ball in his palm. He will carry you to a secret room where you will find some nice things. To defeat the alien inside the wrecked ship : You must shoot all the flames he throwsr-e at you, or you will die! Just keep hitting him with missles when his eyes are open. (Most creatures have an indicator when you shoot them, such as opening the eyes/mouth etc...) To get somewhere in the Maridia world... Bust the glass in the tube that crosses the bridges between Brinstar with a super bomb... Check out the quicksand... There are many passages beneath them if you fall through... There are about 14 Energy tanks you can get... I've gotten 12 so far... Here are some ir.tems that I have gotten. If you are stuck, you might need one of these items to complete a puzzle... Beams : Charge - Charges up to release large energy blast Ice - Freezes enemies, then destroys them Wave - Shoots a waving blast Spazer - Three beams at once Plasma - Two powerfull beams at once Suits : Varia Suit - I forgot what this does sorry Gravity Suit - Allows you to move freely in water/lava etc Misc : Morphing Ball - Rolls into the ball, duh! Bomb - Simple bombs... ? Screr/$ w Attack - Kills enemies when you jump. Boots: Hi-Jump Boots - Allows you to jump much higher Space Jump - You will spin when jumping. Keep pressing jump button to go higher etc... Speed Booster - Allows you to run and break the bricks with '>' Weapons on top of screen : Missle - Opens red doors (5 missles) and destroys large enemies Super Missle - Opens green doors (1 hit) and destroys large enemies Super Bomb - Open yellow doors (1 bomb) and blows many blocks or0Yn screen Grappling Hook - Hooks onto the indicators at top of screen and certain animals X-Ray Vision - Finds secret passage ways and more... Many blocks are marked with a symbol. Use the symbol on the block to determine which weapon you need to use to destroy this block. I plan to release a map soon, as I have the complete mapping done! For some fun, check for faces and shit in the flames and other places. Example : The ship of yours is actually two melded faces on each side! Hir1i0nt : Turn off your ice beam when destroying enemies outside of the Norfair area. It kills them with 1 shot usually rather than two (one would be for freezing them with the ice beam) Hint : You can get lots of power ups and missles etc by killing the enemies that come from the big 'mario tubes' ... As well as the flying bugs that come out as one and turn into about 6 in a verticle line... This is an easy way to gain energy... Hint : There is ALWAYS a way to get out of a place you arr2j;e stuck. If you are really interested in this game, just call Mega Lo Mania and leave me some mail. I am glad to help anybody. Final Note : If you really like this game, consider purchasing it... It's WELL worth it... - Rad!/Lsd @ENDNODE @NODE "Megaman X Moves & Hints" Rockman X (Megaman X) Strategy Guide! - by Lancer! (Derek Liu) Beginner's Strategy =================== Basic movement for Megaman consists of the movement keys which are up, down left, and right. Notice thr3Pbat this game is not Super Mario and you can't cruch so the up and down keys will be useless unless you're on a ladder. Then there's the usual jump button, with jump height dependent on how long you press on to the button, and there's the fire key, and this time Megaman can charge his blaster up by holding on to the fire key. You get a medium blast by holding on to the button for 1 second, and 3 seconds will get you the full blast which is large in size and can reach opponents r4 %|crawling on the ground which your normal shots might miss. And there's the new slide button, don't start wondering why the key doesn't wrok yet, you don't get to slide unless you get the boots or unless you're riding on a robot. Megaman is as agile as before, he can manuvar himself during a jump, and this time Megaman (which should be called Megaman X) can grab on to vertical walls, this feature will save your life on a lot of tight situations and is also used to advance thr5arough high walls and to some secret area. I'd suggest you to spend a few good minutes practicing the move in stage 1 jumping, sliding back and forth to save some time and fraustration on later stages. It'll be a good idea to assign either the jump button or the slide button as the "R" key on the joypad, since you might need access to all three buttons on tight spots, or instead of just using the thumb to access the jump, fire, and slide keys, try resting the joypad on your r6A#'ll end up in a cave, kill the snake with tornado and grab the heart container. 8) Tower - Kill the boss with homing missile. Play the stage again and grab the heart container you see with the boomerang cutter, it can bring in items for you. Also replay the electric plant and get the energy container. 9) Forest - Now that you've defeated the optopus the place will be filled with water, grab the heart container then kill the boss with bommerang. 10) Go back and gr?@6rab any items which you might have missed. 11) You'll gain the ability to charge your blaster to level 3 after Zero's death. Exercise with the charged up weapons. Notice that the sting will bring you invincibility which is very useful when you have to travel upwards with all the enemies coming down at you. 12) The first boss is probably the first difficult boss you'll see, just keep charging for the level 3 (super) blast and shoot at the right time. If you see litr@v[9tle spiders shoot one of the sides with a charged shot and jump over the ones on the other side. 13) The second one is kind of easy. Charge up on either the tornado or the cutter and defeat the two eyes before defeating the nose or you'll have a tough time. 14) Kill the tank (third boss) with the cutter, he's weak on that 15) Kill the dog with ice, then stay on the top part of the screen until the boss jumps up, then jump back down before he gets to the top, then rAshoot a shot of tornado before you land. 16) Charge your sting and become invincible then climb on top of one of the robot's arms. Stand on the inner edge so the lasers shooting upwards cannot get you. The other arm will seldemly attack you, whenever it does either make a quick jump down or stay and take a hit. It depends on how much power and/or what's your weapon's level. If your power is low get down, but if your stings's power is low I prefer staying on top rBHZ and just try to avoid any hits. Of course this is only my way of beating the boss. There might be a better way or a better weapon one can use. Remember that only a level 3 charge on the boss's head can take off his life. And here are the weaknesses of the bosses: Eagle - Sting Chameleon - Cutter Octopus - Shield Elephant - Tornado Penguin - Fire Sparkman - Ice Shadow - Homing Hedgehog - Spark Spoilers rC2q======== Okay, now here are the give aways. Don't read this unless you're really, really stuck and have gave up! Otherwise play the game more, it's really worth it. Password - Every item except one heart container +-------+ |5 5 7 3| |4 6 2 7| |2 1 4 4| +-------+ Location of hidden items: Helmet - You'll need the flamethrower first, enter the Airport (Eagle's stage) and at the beginning of the stage when you're riding on the belt on your way up, try rerDvgsaching the bottom right hand side, you'll see that the wall is actually gas tanks with the flammable sign on it, well, burn them! You'll find energy capsules insde them. Further on you'll see another one of those gas tanks will give you a 1-up. Keep on going, and there'll be a tall frame which you'll have to climb up, and on the top there is a platform for you to jump on, but don't, travel downwards from the other side of the frame and reach the bottom right side, you'll see anotherECb$r row of gas tanks, blow them with fire again and you'll see what's there. Armour - At the forest there is the tunnel with fallnig rocks, and the armour is right on top of that tunnel. Try to use the boots and jump on top of the hill instead of going inside the tunnel. Take the boss out with consistant shots and stay away, he's easy to defeat. X-Blaster - Ah ah ah! You can't get it until you've defeated all the bosses and until you've defeated the first boss in the last starFge, part 1. Energy Container #1 - It's in the electric plant, grab it with the boomerang. Container #2 - Sorry I forgot which enemy you'll have to defeat first, but it's inside the glass tower in the airport stage. Container #3 - Behind the first bulldozer in the mines. Container #4 - In the metal plant (elephant's stage) you'll see many enemies on different platforms, remember there's a 1-up when you reach the top, left platform? After you grab the 1-up rush and rGRjump towards the left, you'll meet a wall with the energy container. Jump against the rocks to break them. Heart Containers - Most are easy to find, I'll state a few tricky ones. 1. - Defeat the octopus, then on the forest stage slide down the hole before you reach the cave with falling rocks and you'll see it. 2. - Kill the second bulldozer in the mine stage with the torpedo (preferably) and you can reach the hole, or you can run infront of it. 3. - Defeat the small ship in rHaqua stage, ride down along with the sinking ship, you know that one, right? 4. - Defeat the penguin and the lava in the metal plant will freeze, oh that's easy, there's one you need to use the boomerang to grab, not much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well okay, that's it, like I've said, I've missed one heart container myself, and my way of killing the last boss might be a little cheesy, if you've got better ways don't forget to postrIw\] in the news group or leave me a note at Sorry for all the grammar mistake, apprently I've hurt myself and I'm typing this on my bed (with my 10 feel keyboard extension) and I can't see what's on the monitor right now. :) Oh, not to mention all the spelling mistakes. :) @ENDNODE @NODE "Ninja Warriors Again Moves" NiNJA WARRiORS AGAiN MOVES LiST By: The Roamer NiNJA: Watch out for this bigrJ|i fellow. By brute force alone, he'll plow through the defenses... Y Button - one hit, a simple punch. Multiple hits on a hardier enemy, and he uses his chain. - Also can be used for picking objects up to throw at enemies. Y+Diagonal Up - Multiple punches will activate his Wrist Cannon. Y+Down - Crouch Punch. Multiple hits will do a powerful Side-Kick. B Button - Jump-Jet. (NiNJA is a heavy-set character so he won't jump far.) B+Down - Hop on their heads. BrKH,Y - Jump Spin. Will toast them in your jets. B+Left/Right - Shoulder Dash. X Button - Activates 'BLASTER' *IF* you have full power. Power increases as you move forward. It's like a smart-bomb and will do major damage to anything on the screen. A Button - Moving close to an enemy, press this. You'll grab hold of the sucker and pick them up. A,Y,Left/Right - Pick them up and throw 'em. A,Y,Down - Break them across rL8ayour knee. A,Y,Up - Swing them round and round, possibly hitting others. KUNOiCHi: What looks like a pretty female is actually a deadly assination device. Y Button - one hit, a slice with the dagger. Multiple hits on a hardier enemy, and she uses her kitana sword. - also can be used for picking objects up to hit enemies with. Y+Diagonal Up - Multiple cuts, and she will leap forward with a devestating slice. Y+Down - Crouch Cut. Multiple hits on enemy willrM"6y do a slice upwards. B Button - Jump B+Down - Dash Stab B,Y - Jump, slice upwards. B,Y+Left/Right - Jump, and do a kick. X Button - Activates 'BLASTER' *IF* you have full power. Power increases as you move forward. It's like a smart-bomb and will do major damage to anything on the screen. A Button - Moving close to an enemy, press this. You'll grab hold of the sucker and pick them up. A,Y - Throw the enemy to the ground. A,rN/\Y,Down - Kidney Punch A,Y,Up - Use Hair to throw enemy high over head. KAMAiTACHi: One Bad-looking Robot. No humanizing features here... Y Button - one hit, a slice with the forearm blades. Multiple hits on a hardier enemy, and it spins it's arms. - also can be used for picking objects up to hit enemies with. Y+Diagonal Up - Multiple cuts, and it will leap forward with a devestating slice. Y+Down - Low Punch. Multiple hits on enemy will throw the bladearm ourOƺat on a chain. Left+Y,B - Does a Side Kick. B Button - Jump B+Down - Side Kick B,Y - Jumps, rolls into ball of blades. B,Y+Left/Right - Jumps, and attacks from above with armblades. X Button - Activates 'BLASTER' *IF* you have full power. Power increases as you move forward. It's like a smart-bomb and will do major damage to anything on the screen. *** Have fun, as that's what it's all about! *** --- I'drPǾR just like to say something in defense of ROMKiDS releases... I'm not affiliated with --- --- any group, but I appreciate the effort they put into getting the games no one else seems --- --- to want to handle, namely the Japanese ones. I can understand that some haven't the time --- --- to learn another language, but for some, Nihongo games are the only kind we yearn for. --- --- If there were no Japanese games released, in some cases, you'd not get to see things --- --- sometirQ$=mes MONTHS ahead of the local releases. IMHO, most of the US releases are poorly --- --- programmed, drawn, and orchestrated. In summary, there's nothing wrong with Japanese --- --- games; you don't want them, just don't download them. Leave us to the piles of great --- --- RPGs and tv/comic related releases we're familiar with. --- --- The Roamer --- *** p.s. - TrRhe scene needs a really good PC console convertor soon for the Game Doctor SF3. *** *** Shortly, we'll be seeing many new games that break even the 24 megabit barrier. *** *** The GDSF3 works in 8 megabit sections. Games that are copied on the ProFighter Q+ *** *** tend to be unplayable above the 16 mega mark due to the now ancient support. *** *** Please, someone update CCX, UCON, what-have-you... *** *** rS Thanks in advance! *** *** If you have questions, call me at Beyond Akira or Alternate Reality in 416 *** @ENDNODE @NODE "Muscle Bomber Moves and Hints" NiGht AsSASsiN Presents : Muscle Bomber (Slammasters) Complete Moves plus a few Hints Name (US Name) Ring Move & Desc. Grab Move & Desc. ====================================================================== KrT5Rimala (Jumbo) B,DB,D,DF,F U,B,F & Attack Attack [Pancake Spray] [Belly Toss] Colt (Gunloc) Press Attack U,UF,F & Rapidly Attack [Sonic Fists] [Gut Crush] Zalazof (Biff) Same as Colt Same as Colt [Sonic Fists] [Gut Crush] Budo (Oni) Press Attack & Spin Pad 360 Jump together Degrees & Attack Jump together [Spin Attack] [Neck Ringer] Titan (Same) B,DB,D,DF,F & DB,D,U & Attack Attack [360 Sweep] [Back Breaker] Stinger (SamerUI) B,DB,D & D,F,DF & Attack Attack (SFII Fireball) (SFII Uppercut) [Comet] [Head Nail] Haggar (Same) Press Attack & Spin Pad 360 Jump together Degrees & Attack Jump together [Double Lariat] [360 Piledriver] Gomes (Rasta) Press Attack D,U & Attack Rapidly [Jungle Punch] [Jungle Fever] Astro (Scorpion) D,U & Attack+Jump D,U & Attack [Hand Spin Attack] [Some Spinning Shit] ========================================rV͜|F============================= Also, this game was tested on my friends PFQ+ 24 with no glitches! I've also heard that it works (Somewhat) on a 16 Meg copier. There ya go, now print it and bring it to your local SNES copier! 8) Notes : These are just the special holds for this game. I suggest you fool around with one character and try to master him. There are plenty of moves in this game. Try pressing pin from the top ropes (This will give your character anger and do more damrWEage) Also try pressing Down and Both Attack and Jump at the same time with anyone. Thanks to Capcom for another kick-ass game, and to Paradox for releasing it! Greets : Whoever deserves it! @ENDNODE @NODE "Wolfenstein 3D Passwords" The Levelcodez for Castle Wolfenstein 3D Final, released by Quartex Done by He-Man/Outlaws Level 1 Floor 1 - Press Fire Floor 2 - TRDROD Floor 3 - VHDRFJ Level 2 Floor 1 - VRDRFJ Floor 2 - RHKKKD Floor 3 - RRKKKD rXv Floor 4 - SHKKLJ Level 3 Floor 1 - SRKKLJ Floor 2 - PLTKFL Floor 3 - PVTKFL Floor 4 - QKTKFC Level 4 Floor 1 - MKTKBB Floor 2 - MTKKBB Floor 3 - NCTKKD Floor 4 - NNTKKD Floor 5 - KCTKCJ Level 5 Floor 1 - KNTKCJ Floor 2 - LCKKBH Floor 3 - LNKKBH Floor 4 - HCKKFL Floor 5 - HNKKFL Floor 6 - JCKKDK Level 6 Floor 1 - JNKKDK Floor 2 - DCKKJC Floor 3 - DNKKJC FloorrYК 4 - FCKKHB Floor 5 - FNKKHB Floor 6 - BCKKLF @ENDNODE @NODE "Ninja Warriors Again Docs" FULL DOCS TO NINJAWARRIORS T/\iTO typed by KEYbOARd KiD/rLd =================================CONTENTS===================================== BUILT FOR BATTLE........................4 ACTIVATION/CONTINUE.....................5 CONTROLLER..............................6 SCREEN..........................rZbC........7 THE ANDROIDS NINJA...........................8 KUNOICHI........................10 KAMAITACHI......................12 ITEMS...................................14 WARRENTY................................N/A -[PAGE 4]- ============================= BUILT FOR BATTLE =========================== Three untried warriors sit with unnatural stillness, in total dark- ness, waiting. Suddenly the door to the lab slams open. Outlined against the lightr[W' is Mulk, leader of the resistance. He has a dozen wounds, but his eyes burn with strength and unfailing purpose. Mulk staggers to a nearby control panel and begins throwing switches and pushing buttons. The lab hums with electrical noise as the lights come up. Though Mulk falls to his knees, weak from his wounds, he reaches up one last time and slams his fist down on a glowing pad. Behind him, three begins, who appear to be hu- man, slowly rise to their feet. They study themselr\Yves and each other, then examine the room. Mulk turns to put his back against the console and says in a painful whisper, "You three are our last hope. Banglar has destroyed nearly all of my forces. I have programmed you to seek him out and end his tyranny. You must penetrate the defenses and battle his troops. AH! if only I had been given the time to test you! But go -- go quickly before it's too late to save any of us." -[PAGE 5]- ACTIVATION/CONTINUE 1 Before yr]@ou can begin your mission, you must insert the Game Pak into you SNES deck. Once this is done, turn on the power. You will then be briefed on the status of the revolution and your assigned task. Press Start to exit briefing. 2 Use the Control Pad or press Start to move the cursor to the difficulty level you want. Then push the Start Button. 3 The three androids are Ninja, Kunoichi, and Kamaitachi. Place the cursor on a character and push B, Y or STart. 4 CONTINr^5}rUE: When a game is over, use the Control Pad to move the cursor to choose YES or No. Then press Start. -[PAGE 6]- =============================== CONTROLLER ================================= Control Y Button X Button Pad To move your an- Push Y to attack, The X Button will droid, make cer- to Guard, and to annihilate all en- tain attacks, or select a character. emies on the mr_ove the cursor, Press Y and up on screen with the use the Control the Control Pad for Blaster Attack. Pad. a special attack. Wait until the \ Blaster Meter is \ \ full, then press X. \ \ \ Left and Right Buttons are not used./ \ \ / \ \ r`f / \_________________||_____\_________/____ /\ \ _/ \ / \ __ \ (_) \ / _| |_ _ _ \_ _ \ ( |__ __| // // (_) (_)----) \ |__| // // _ / \ | _____________ (_) / \___|________/ / / \_____|______/ / __/ | / / | The a Button ra _________________/ / | is not used. / / | / / \ Select Start B Button Use the Select To pause, press Press B to jump, or Button to move the Start Button. use B on the the cursor on You can also use Android Select the Game Level Start on the Screen to choose Screen and the Android Select a character once Andrrbٿoid Select Screen. you have posi- Screen. tioned the cursor. -[PAGE 7]- =============================== GAME SCREEN ================================ Your Android Enemies At the beginning of the game, Banglar has assembled an select on of three androids army of corrupt humans, pow- to control in revolution to erful androids, and warped free your country. mutants. \ / ._\___________________rcڽO_____________/_____. | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | _ _ | | /} {_b | | | | /> _Y\ | | | | PLAYER [=========================----] | rd H/| blaster III||""" 0048730 time: 9585 | / `----------------------------------------' / | | | Player Meter | | Time | | This measures the | | You have only a certain power pack of your | | amount of time to com- android. When it | | plete your mission be- reaches empty, the | | fore all hope of victory game will end. | | is lost. | | | | BlasreH6ter Meter | \ Score \ This automatically fills itself. You will earn points as you When the meter flashes, use fight enemies. When you Con- the Blaster Attack, or another tinue a game, your score is kind of special attack. resets to zero. -[PAGE 8]- ============================= THE ANDROIDS ================================= ---------- NINJA ---------- The most powerful of the three androids. Nirf݌Znja lacks speed and mo- bility. He fights with Brass Knuckles and Nunchakus, and uses a Jet Pack for extra power. Brass Knuckle Punch......................Y Repeatedly Push Y to Brass Knuckle Punch. Press and hold down on the Control Pad while pushing Y to attack low. After Ninja hits an enemy twice, he next does a Nunchakus Finish or a Side Kick. When Ninja is upright, push Y twice for the Nunchakus Finish. When he is attacking low, push Y twice for the Side Kick. Heavy Crrgތeush..............................\/ + B Ninja will leap into the air and land on his foes with a crushing kick when you press down on the Control Pad and then push the B Button. Spin Attack..............................B then Y To sear enemies with Ninja's jet rockets, push B. Next, push and hold up or down on the Control Pad for a high or low attack, then press Y. Shoulder Charge..........................< or > + B Press the Control Pad to move Ninja towards the enemy. Once rh]l6he is moving, push B. Ninja will jet forward to crush the foe with his shoulder. -[PAGE 9]- Dashing Side Kick........................< or > + B, then Y + /\ Push the Control Pad to move Ninja towards the enemy, then push B. Quickly, before he makes contact, push both Y and up on the Control Pad. Power Slam...............................< or > then Y When Ninja runs into an enemy, he grabs him. Once he has grabbed someone, push the Control Pad in the direction youH6'&%$#"!      r(rit want to throw, then Y. Back Breaker.............................< or > then \/ + Y To crack an enemy over Ninja's knee, use the Control Pad to make him grab the foe. Next, press down on the Control Pad and then push Y. Power Spin...............................< or > then /\ + Y To spin an enemy and throw him into other nearby foes, have Ninja grab him. Next, push up on the Control Pad and then press Y. Guard and Flip...........................Y Hold + B Hold Y to guard, arj(Zgnd to Guard low also hold down on the Control Pad. Or, while holding Y, Push B to flip forward, or B and backwards on the Control Pad to flip backwards. Ninja Blast..............................Y Repeatedly + /\ When the Blast Meter is full, press Y repeat- edly and up on the Control Pad together Ninja will emit a blast of energy from his forearm. The blast all destroys enemies in its path. -[PAGE 10]- ---------- KUNOICHI ------------ The name Kunoichi (kuno-rk^keechi) means "woman ninja." This android fights either with two Kuni Knives or the Ninja Sword she wears on her back. She is extremely fast, blending power with skill. Kuni Cut.................................Y Repeatedly Once Kunoichi strikes her enemies four times with her knives, she will finish them off with her sword. Push and hold down on the Control Pad while pressing Y repeatedly to attack low. When Kunoichi is attacking high or low, press Y repeatedly so that she strikrlߓYes the enemy four times, then she will use her sword. Kuni Stab................................\/ + B Kunoichi will quickly lunge forward and stab her enemy through with her knife when you press down on the Control Pad and then push the B Button. Jumping Slash............................B then Y Press B to have Kunoichi leap into the air. Once she is up, press Y to have her slash at nearby enemies with her Ninja Sword. Jumping Side Kick........................< or > + B, thermc۝n Y Press the Control Pad to move Kunoichi toward her enemy and push B to jump. Once she is air- borne, press Y and she will kick at the foe. -[PAGE 11]- Back Flip Kick...........................< or > + B, then Y + < or > Press the Control Pad, B, and Y to have Kunoichi do a Jumping Side Kick. Immediately after she kicks, push the Control Pad the other direction. Body Slam................................< or > then Y Kunoichi grabs enemies when she runs into trncAhem. Once she has grabbed a foe, push Y. She will throw him down, taking out anyone in the way. Shoulder Throw...........................< or > then /\ + Y Once Kunoichi has grabbed an enemy, push up on the Control Pad, then press Y. She will fling the enemy backwards over her shoulder. Scorpion Stab............................< or > then \/ + Y Use the Control Pad to make Kunoichi run into a foe and grab him. Next, press down on the Control Pad, then Y. She will stab her eronemy repeatedly. Guard And Flip...........................Y Hold + B Hold Y to Guard, and to Guard low also hold down on the Control Pad. Or, while holding Y, Push B to flip forward, or B and backwards on the Control Pad to flip backwards. Quick Cut................................Y Repeatedly + /\ When the Blaster Meter is full, press Y re- peatedly and up on the Control Pad at the same time. Kunoichi charges forward, slicing her Ninja Sword through all enemies unfortu- nate rp5enough to be in her path. -[PAGE 12]- ----------- KAMAITACHI ------------- Kamaitachi (kama-itachi) is named after a mythical creature that at- tacks its enemies with great skill. This lethal android has curving steel blades attached to his arms and is built for speed. Forearm Slash............................Y Repeatedly Kamaitachi slashes with his arm blades when you push Y. Once he strikes an enemy four times, he uses the Tornado Finish or the rq=Long Slash Finish. When attacking high, strike the foe four times for the Tornado Finish. When attacking low, hit four times for the Long Slash. Quick Kick...............................\/ + Y Move Kamaitachi in close to his foe, and hold down on the Control Pad for low attack. When you push Y, he will quickly jump and kick downward. Skip Heel Kick...........................\/ + B To have Kamaitachi lunge forward with a rapid side kick, press and hold down on the Control Padrr}, then push the B Button. Intercept Roll...........................B then Y Push B, and when Kamaitachi is airborne, press Y. He leaps into the air, then folds into a tuck position and spinds down to crash into the enemy. -[PAGE 13]- Diving Slash.............................< or > + B, then Y Press the Control Pad to move Kamaitachi toward his enemy. Once he is moving, push B to jump, then push Y. He will dive forward arms first. Low Double Punch...............rs5..........\/ + Y Press and hold down on the Control Pad. While Kamaitachi is crouching, press Y. He will rapidly double punch the enemy. Shooting Side Kick.......................< or > then Y Place Kamaitachi next to an enemy and push and hold the Control towards the enemy. Once Kamaitachi grabs the foe, press Y to Side Kick. Tornado Throw............................< or > then < or > + Y Press forward on the Control Pad to have Kamaitachi grab an enemy. Throw the enemy bart`ckwards by pressing the opposite direction on the Control Pad and Y at the same time. Guard And Flip...........................Y Hold + B Hold Y to Guard, and to Guard low also hold down on the Control Pad. Or, while holding Y, Push B to flip forward, or B and backwards on the Control Pad to flip backwards. Heat Claw................................Y Repeatedly + /\ When the Blaster Meter is full, press Y re- peatedly and up on the Control Pad together. Kamaitachi will fire a hruV`eated claw that will slash through all enemies before him. -[PAGE 14]- ================================ ITEMS =================================== Because of their super- human strength, the an- droids can pick up ob- jects and throw them at enemies. To do this, move your android up to an item, then push Y to pick it up. Push Y again to throw. Except for Energy Pods, all items described below can be thrown several times. Energy Pod The three types of Energy PodrvYs will refill the Player meter by a certain amount. Motorcycle Container You can throw this Throw this box to twice to defeat break it open. larger groups of Sometimes you can enemies. find Energy Pads inside. Gas Tank Computer The second time Throw this user- you through this friendly item at tank, it will ex- enemies to send plode, throwing then into a termi- fire all around. nal reality. Marble Bench Searchlight Squash groups of Purwlot your foes in enemies with this the spotlight by two-ton bench. tossing this old bea- You can throw it con into them at full three times. strength. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /<=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)rqr*7rrows to move the active crew member around so he or she can explore the world. Nothing will happen if the crew member can't move in that particular direction. PICKING UP OBJECTS If the crew member finds something you think might be useful, use the B Button to try to pick it up. If you pick it up successfully, its icon will appear in that crew member's inventory bar; if that crew member's inven tory is full or if you cannot pick it up, nothing will hap pen. Pressing the B Butr+Klton also lets the crew member use his hands on whatever he's standing next tofor example, to press a button or pull a switch. COMPLETING YOUR MISSION When you successfully complete your mission to this world, you wull automatically be beamed back aboard the ship. -[PAGE 29]- INJURED CREW MEMBERS If any of the ship's major officers are critically injured, the mission automatically ends. The officer will be beamed back to Sick Bay to have his or her injuries tended r,ato. Pressing any button will take you to the Bridge, where you will be free to start the mission over again. If a crew member who is not one of the major officers is critically injured, the mission does not automatically end. The crew member will lie where he or she fell, but any other crew member with enough inventory space may pick up a fallen comrade's inventory objects by walking over that person. The game ends automatically if Captain Picard is criti- cally injured or if at r-Zany point you have injured a total of three of the other major officers during the course of the game. When this happens, you must restart the game from the beginning. INCOMPLETE MISSION If you want to end an Away Team mission before it's completed-for instance, if you want to change the members of your Away Team-press the X and Y Buttons at the same time. This will take you back to the Transporter Room on the Bridge. When you restart a mission you didn't complete- either becaur.d *se a crew member was injured or because you ended the mission early-you will find yourself starting over. Anything you picked up will be back in its -[PAGE 30]- original place and anything you accomplished on your previous attempt will be wiped out-except for your memory. the experience you gained on your last attempt may help you achieve your goal this time. THE STANDARD INVENTORY ITEMS Phaser The phaser is the personal defen- sive sidearm of Starfleet. It shootsr/ a laser-like energy beam at a tar- get. A phaser has a limited amount of charge, but can be recharged with a new power pack. Phasers are nor- mally set on "stun". Only crew members with high tac- tical ratings are given phasers in their inventories. Tricorder The tricorder is a hand-held scien- tific instrument that allows trained personnel to analyze objects in their vicinity. When the tricorder is used on an object, it gives you a message that only technically trained peoplr0!Ge can inter- pret. Thus, only crew members with high technical rat- ings are given tricorders in their inventories. They will explain the tricorder's readings for you in basic terms. If a trained medical officer uses a tricorder on someone who's been less than critically injured, the injured per- son will be healed as long as the medical officer still has at least one medical packet. -[PAGE 31]- Command insignia When an officer has the com- mand insignia in his or hr1(ɢyer inventory, that person can use it to make othr crew members follow him or her around. Simply highlight the insignia and move the active crew member to touch other crew members. The ones who are touched will follow the commander's lead. To make a crew member stop following the team leader, simply make that person the active crew mem- ber and move him or her away from the group. That crew member will then be independent until the com- mand insignia is used on him or her again. r2⣂STARBASES There are three Starfleet starbases within the region of space your ship patrols: Starbase 202 (located at Signis Epsilon IB), Starbase 205 (at Woki Beta VIIIA) and Starbase 220 (at Codis Zeta VA). Starbases maintain complete drydock facilities. Your ship should visit a starbase when it needs quick repair of major damage or when it is running low on photon torpedo casings. Starbases are also the places where you get the official Starfleet passwords that allow you to sar3 L;ve the game. See the next section, "Saving the Game", for more details. -[PAGE 32]- SAVING THE GAME GETTING THE PASSWORD The password lets you restart the game at the same position you were in when you first got that password. Using the password keeps you from having to replay Away Team adventures you've already completed. You will be assigned a password each time you visit one of the starbases. Go to the ship's library computer if you don't remember where the starbr4anases are. The computer will also tell you what the current password is. You might want to write the password down, along with a brief description of where you are in the game, before you turn off your Super Nintendo Entertainment System so you can start up again approximately where you left off. -[PAGE 33]- USING THE PASSWORD Go to the Ship's compter and select the topic "Password System". Choose the subtopic "Password". To enter the passowrd, press the arrow keys onr5f the Control Pad until the first character of your password is highlighted, then press the A Button. Continue with this procedure until you have selected all your pass- word's characters correctly, then press the A Button again. You will now find the game in the same state as when the password was issued. Any Away Team mis- sions you completed will be completed and any injured crew members who were unfit for duty will still be that way. Press the X and Y Buttons together to exit r6 from the computer without choosing a password. If you make a mistake while entering the password, press the X Button to backspace over the error and then choose the correct characters as before. -[PAGE 34]- THE GAME ENDS WHEN.... * You have successfully completed each mission. * Your ship is captured by an opposing vessel. * Captain Picard is critically injured during an Away Team mission. * A total of three major officers have been critical- ly injured ir7)n the course of the game during Away Team missions. * You commit a major breach of Starfleet regula- tions. THE SHIP'S MAJOR OFFICERS CAPTAIN JEAN-LUC PICARD The ship's captain is a skilled diplomat with the ability to get straight answers from the people he talks to. He is also a respected leader, admired by his subor- dinates, and has a special interest in archaeology. ATTRIBUTES: Midrange: Tactical, Technical, Strength. COMMANDER WILLIAM T. RIKER The first officer8pr is more flamboyant than his captian, but still an able offi- cer. He often reacts emotionally, but his basic instincts are usually accurate. He is very skilled with a phaser. ATTRIBUTES: High: Tactical; Midrange: Strength; Low: Technical. -[PAGE 35]- LIEUTENANT COMMANDER DATA The ship's science officer is an experi- mental android, the only one of his kind in the Federation. His artifical body has greater strength and sensory abilities than normal people do, and hir9z:s positronic brain functions like a computer. His greatest goal, however, is to learn what it is like to be human. He cannot be healed during and Away Team mission by using a med- ical packet on him. ATTRIBUTES: High: Tactical, Technical, Strength. LIEUTENANT COMMANDER GEORDI LA FORGE The ship's chief engineer, although blind, gets direct neural input from his visor which allows him to "see" in ranges beyond those detectable by sighted people. His wealth of technical expertiser:- makes him a master at analyzing tricorder readings. ATTRIBUTES: High: Technical: Midrange: Tactical; Low: Strength. -[PAGE 36]- LIEUTANT WORF The chief of security is a Klingon orphan who was reaised primarily by a human couple. He has greater strength and better fighting skills than a normal human being, but his outlook is very practical and somewhat lacking in imagination. ATTRIBUTES: High: Strength, Tactical; Low: Technical. DR. BEVERLY CRUSHER The ship's chier;.f medical officer is an expert in the biological sciences, cybernetics, regeneration, and is skiled at healing humans and aliens alike. As a doctor, she has become adept at analyzing tricorder readings. ATTRIBUTES: High: Technical; Midrange: Strength; Low: Tactical. COUNSELOR DEANNA TROI The ship's counselor is half Betazoid, which gives her strong empathic skills to feel the emotions of people around her. This ability not only helps her counsel the ship's crew, but gives her anrC "ayer 2 4 65958000000570 Start with no super bombs 5 65958010000580 Start with 1 super bomb 6 659580500005C0 Start with 5 super bombs 7 65958090000600 Start with 9 super bombs 8 FFB27000000D10 Infinite super bombs--player 1 9 FFB10000000BA0 Infinite super bombs--player 2 10 2FC6A000000080 Bomb power-ups give no super bombs 11 2FC6A0200000A0 Bomb power-ups give 2 super bombs 12 65972010000720 Start with 1 health 13 65972040000750 + 669590400006C0 Start with 4 health 14 65972050000760 +r? 669590500006D0 Start with 5 health 15 65972080000790 + 66959080000700 Start with 8 health FOR CODES 16 THRU 18: IF YOU FALL INTO A PIT, SWITCH OFF EFFECTS TO GET OUT 16 01A53AD0000BA0 Almost invincible--player 1 17 01A6BAD0000D20 Almost invincible--player 2 18 01A4B6B0000700 Almost invincible--both players 19 63BE2010000C40 Start with no continues 20 63BE2020000C50 Start with 1 continue 21 63BE2060000C90 Start with 5 continues 22 63BE20A0000CD0 Start with 9 continues 23 FF43CAD00008r@lvC0 Infinite continues @ENDNODE @NODE "Star Trek - The Next Generation Passwords" Info : These 2 IFF files are the maps to find all 10 of the miners in the 3rth mission. Without it , you can get lost for days without finding all 10 of them. Passwords : Though i guess it are not ALL passwords, here are 10 passwords to get the game finished. by some i will give a short description. 1 - B G T T B T B V <- after ariving by scientist. 2 - D rA!UҧJ T T C T B B 3 - D K T T C T B V 4 - J D T T C T B B 5 - J F T T C T B V 6 - K S P K C T B V <- Mine ore collected. 7 - L G P K H T B B <- Get the story from IFD 8 - M G P K H T B V <- 1st Crystal shrad collected. 9 - N J P K H T B B <- 2nd crystal shrad collected. 10 - P H P K D T B V <- Last Crystal shrad collected. After entering code #10 you musrBbXEt go to the last star system on your charts and go back to the IFD, when you arive there you will automaticly beamed down to the planet, and there you must place the crystals in the following order : Blue,green,red in the 3 pilars wich are placed in an triangle. You can't kill the romulan and the other creep!.... Have fun. Quick hello's to : All you STNG freaks out there!... I also included the docs from the game wich where released by RED LIGHT DESTRICT. Hope you can win now!. PrCuU.S. i only entered the map of the mines becoz the ICeWorld labyrinth is to big. and with the PW's you actually don't have to play al of it eh *8) But, we like a challenge right, so we place it right! ... kewl. just wanna get you guy's in the right direction!. Anyhow , the game is kewl, but too small, played it in less than 6 hours. except the drawing of the mines. i played that part ones again for you guys. Hope the Part II will become a bit more difficult, and more simulation-like!rD1k @ENDNODE @NODE "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters Action Replay Codes" CHARACTER CODES WORK IN ALL MODES EXCEPT STORY WITH CODES 1 THRU 6 YOU CAN'T VIEW THE ENDING 1 0ADC90A0000200 Leonardo(tm) is replaced by Rat King(tm) 2 0ADC90B0000210 Leonardo is replaced by Karai(tm) 3 0ADCB0A0000220 Raphael(tm) is replaced by Rat King 4 0ADCB0B0000230 Raphael is replaced by Karai 5 0ADCD0A0000240 Donatello(tm) is replaced by Rat King 6 0ADCD0B0000250 Donatello is replaced by KarrEaTai 7 2FF531800000C0 Both players start with 1/4 health 8 2FF53300000240 Both players start with 1/2 health 9 2FF534800003C0 Both players start with 3/4 health 10 09266000000980 Start with no continues (leave menu option on 3) 11 092660200009A0 Start with 1 continue 12 092660400009C0 Start with 3 continues 13 092660600009E0 Start with 5 continues 14 09266080000A00 Start with 7 continues 15 04887BD00002C0 Automatic and infinite continues FOR CODES 16 THRU 19, LEAVE MENU OPTION ON 60 16rF 0B085100000E50 Matches are 10 seconds long 17 0B085150000EA0 Matches are 15 seconds long 18 0B085200000F50 Matches are 20 seconds long 19 0B0857500004A0 Matches are 75 seconds long DON'T COMBINE CODES 20 THRU 23 WITH CODES 26 THRU 28 20 1A8CB010000150 Ultimate attack can be done any time the bar isn't empty 21 1A8CB140000280 Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/4 energy 22 1A8CB2800003C0 Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/2 energy 23 1A8CB3C0000500 Ultimate attack can be drG#one with about 3/4 energy 24 1A961000000AB0 Energy bar doesn't go down over time 25 1A961020000AD0 Energy bar goes down twice as fast 26 1A8EA140000470 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 1/4 27 1A8EA2800005B0 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 1/2 28 1A8EA3C00006F0 After doing an ultimate attack, energy bar goes to about 3/4 @ENDNODE @NODE "Claymates Secret Warps" CLAYMATES rHg-SECRET WARPS- FOUND BY: MR. HEX E.! SECRET WARP 1: GO TO THE FIRST FLOWER IN CLAYTON'S YARD AND QUICKLY JUMP 4 TIMES!! SECRET WARP 2: QUICKLY JUMP 4 TIMES ABOVE THE MAGNET IN CAPE CLAYNAVERAL. SECRET WARP 3: QUICKLY JUMP 4 TIMES ON THE MONSTER MAKER IN LILY PADS! NOW HAVE FUN WITH THIS GOODLOOKIN' JUMP'N RUN GAME! [mHe/gBs] @ENDNODE @NODE "Fighter's History rI8$Moves" ___ :)----------- ___ --------------------------------------- / \ ---- ___ -(: / \ | || | / \ ___ | || | aNOTHER rELEASE bY... |___/ | | || | / \ | \___| ______ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ \___/ |___/ | | || | \___/ / ___| - | | | / __| \___/ | \___| |___ | V rJcT| | |___| _|_ ___ \___/ | | | | | | | | | | / \ ___ | .__/|___| |___|\__. |\__. | | || | / \ `---' `---' `---' `---' |___/ | ___ | || | ___ \___/ / \ | \___| / \ ___ | || | ___ \___/ | || | / \ ___ |___/ rK)| / \ | \___| | || | / \ \___/ | || | \___/ |___/ | | || | | \___| \___/ |___/ | \___/ \___/ Fighters' History - The `Special' Moves Ray --- D, DR, R, P - Fireball D, DL, L, K - Super Kick Feilin ------ D, DR, R, P - Fireball Ryoko ----- 2 rLôz You can't perform a spinning kick rTwhen you still have your prison clothes on. When racing : Again, there isn't a time limit, so don't go racing. Accelerate only in straight lines (B). Brake (Y) when entering a bend. Just follow the route and try to avoid the enemies (only one at the time appears). DO NOT PUSH ENEMIES OF THEIR BIKES IN BENDS, as it mostly will finish you against the wall. Most enemies ride in front of you. When in a straight line, accelerate a bit (B) and (try to) punch rUՋ4 them off their bike. ____ __ __ _\\______________________________________\ /______________________ __ __ ____ ____________________________________\\//__ _ _ // \/ For the codes : Almost every screen has a different code. Some screens have 2 codes (mostly the ones with the bosses on...) Most of the codes are here. These codes can be used for a one and a two player game Scene 1 - 3rV0609 - Prison Part Scene 2 - 5001 Scene 3 - 6307 Scene 4 - 7507 Scene 5 - 8307 Scene 6 - 9307 Scene 7 - 1617 - Go to titlescreen (Strange...?) Scene 8 - 2715 Scene 9 - 3615 Scene 10 - 4517 Scene 11 - 5517 - First Boss Scene 12 - 6215 Scene 13 - 7317 Scene 14 - 8617 - Second boss (on the roof) Scene 15 - 0429 Scene 16 - 1327 - Fun Fair Scene 17 - 2923 Scene 18 - 3527 Scene 19 - 4821 - After defeating the enrWaemies, go on a rollercoaster trip for full energy Scene 20 - 5821 Scene 21 - 6527 - Fun Fair Boss Scene 22 - 7923 Scene 23 - 0507 - First Race Part Scene 24 - 8123 Scene 25 - 0337 Scene 26 - 1133 Scene 27 - 2831 - Fourth Boss (You remember him...?) Scene 28 - 4337 Scene 29 - 5735 Scene 30 - 0607 - Second Race Part Scene 31 - 6737 Scene 32 - 8933 - Discothque Boss Scene 33 - 0943 Scene 34 - 0709 - ThirdrX}9 Race Part Scene 35 - 1547 Scene 36 - 3547 - Arcade Boss Scene 37 - 5747 Scene 38 - 6932 - Felicitations... Strange, no THE END or credits on this game, In the final screen, I saw a number in the Japanese text (game is problably 4 mbit of Japanese characters..haha). The number was 0222, but that started the game again... __ __ _//______________________________________\ /______________________ __ __ ____ ____________________________________\\//__ _ _ //rYrk \/ G U I D E T O T H E B O S S E S --------------------------------------- First Boss : Very easy to defeat. No comment here. Second Boss (you'll fight this one on the roof of the second building) He's much harder and he has someone to help him. Pay attention to the roof when it collapses (several times). Jump in time, or you'll see your energy bar depleting. The enemies are then also the rZground. When the boss' helper is defeated, a new appears and if you defeat the boss, you have to defeat the other enemy also before continuing. Third Boss (at the Fun Fair) You have much room to fight this one. Don't stay too long at the same position. Run away and when he comes running, give him a spinning kick. You'll need about five to finish him...but he will return. Note : pay attention to the Combatribes appearing behind the window in the arena. For[=urth Boss (Yes, he's back..) Perform the same as you did on the Fun Fair. Now it's a bit tougher because he has someone to help him. Finish him off first, then go for the boss. When the other enemy is defeated, there appears no new one, so concentrate on the boss then. Continue the same moves as you did on the Fun Fair ( you don't have much room here now ). Fifth Boss Now he's a tough one, and he has a helper too. The boss is slow and can be easily outrunr\؍2ned. Take care of the girl first. 5 a 6 spinning kicks ought to do it. Let the boss come to you. Try to stay in the same line when he comes closer (He moves diagonal) and perform only spinning kicks (other kicks will do you more harm then him ( his feet are killing me :) ). He'll block most of your spinning kick, but you'll defeat him eventually. Sixth Boss (Found in the Japanese Arcade hall) Now this is one hell of a tough one. He can deplete your energy barr]~K2 in a couple of times. He (she?) attacks mainly running. When he starts running, perform a spinning kick (you'll be on time). Other kicks will do him no good ( his hands are lethal weapons). @ENDNODE @NODE "Ranma Super Battle Moves" The Power Team Presents: Ranma 1/2: Super Battle Moves List Introduction : There is a certain convention involved with this moves list. Each move is performed when facing right. Reverse the motion when facing left. Joystick movements wilr^BB@l be displayed as follows: U -> means press up on the control pad F -> means press left on the control pad D -> means press down on the control pad B -> means press right on the control pad DB -> means press down and back DF -> means press down and forward L -> means press the Left button The L button charges up for a super move or additional special move. You must wait for your character to charge before performing these moves. A,B,X,Y -> means press the appropriate button LP -r_P> means press light punch LK -> means press light kick HP -> means press heavy punch HK -> means press heavy kick + means press together as in HP + HK (press HP and HK together) , means then as in D,DB,B,HP Hinako Ninomiya - School Teacher HP+HK (diving slide attack) LP+LK (dashing kick) D,DF,F,LP (low spray attack) D,DF,F,HP (low spray attack) D,DF,F,LK (high spray attack) D,DF,F,HK (high spray attack) B+HP (when close, throws your opponent) L,D,DF,D,HP (moving projectile attacr`gXk) Special Super Move: L,F,DF,D,DB,B,HP (Super projectile of death) Kodachi Kuno - Gymnist HP+HK (Lightning Fist) LP+LK (Lightning Fist) Hold Back (for 3 seconds),F,LP (arcing batons) Hold Back (for 3 seconds),F,HP (downward batons) Hold Down (for 3 seconds),U,HP (or LP) (cloud attack) Special Super Move: L,F,DF,D,DB,B,HP (Whip attack) Tatewaki Kuno - Kodachis Brother HP+HK (charging staff) LP+LK (evade) D,DF,F,HK (or LK) (Lightning sword attack) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (projectile raOattack) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,F,DF,D,DB,B,HP (Super Lightning Sword combo attack) Mariko Konjou - Cheerleader HP+HK (Split Kick) LP+LK (Split Kick) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (Baton projectile) D,DB,B,HK (or LK) (Cartwheel Kick) D+HK (or LK) (Slide) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,F,DF,D,DB,B,HP (Pom pom of death) Shampoo HP+HK (Somersault Kick) LP+LK (Roundhouse,Forward Kick combo) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (air throw whrb]A&en opponent jumps) B,DB,D,DF,F,HK (or LK) (Flying Kick) Jump,D,HK (angle kick) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,F,DF,D,DB,B,HP (must be done close, throws opponent for greater damage Akane Tendo - Ranmas main squeeze HP+HK (when close, handbag attack) LP+LK (Dashing slap) Hold Back (for 3 seconds),F,HP (or LP) (Hammer Charge) Hold Down (for 3 seconds),F,HK (or LK) (when close, air throw) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move:rc1V L,F,F,HP Ranma - The main character HP+HK (Rolling somersault) LP+LK (Rolling somersault) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (Powerball) D,DB,B,HP (or LP) (Hurricane Attack) Jump,D,HK (angle kick) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,D (hold for 3 seconds),U,HP (Hurricane Dive) Girl Ranma - Ranma after a cold shower HP+HK (Rolling forearm) LP+LK (Backhand attack) B (hold for 3 seconds),F,HP (or LP) (Powerball) D (hold for 3 seconds),U,HK (or LK) (Hurricane Attack) Jumrd )p,D,HK (angle kick) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,B,DB,D,DF,F,HP (Hurricane Dive) Ukyou HP+HK (Spatula combo) LP+LK (Powder Attack) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (Spatula throw) D,DF,F,HK (or LK) (Fireworks) Special Super Move: L,F,F,HP (Spatula Combo of Death) Ryoga HP+HK (Slide) LP+LK (Running headbutt) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (Powerball) D,DB,B,HP (or LP) (Rock Spray) Jump,D,HK (angle kick) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,D (hre!old for 3 seconds),U,HP (Power wave defender) Panda - Ranmas father HP+HK (Panda air defense) LP+LK (Panda air defense) B (hold for 3 seconds),F,HK (or LK) (Shoulder Charge) D (hold for 3 seconds),U,HP (or LP) (Rising Panda Attack) Jump,D,HK (Butt attack) F,B,HP (when close, throws your opponent) Special Super Move: L,F,F,HP (Super Panda Backplant combo) Moose HP+HK (Bomb attack) LP+LK (Duck attack) D,DF,F,HP (or LP) (Knife attack) Jump,D,HK (angle kick) B,HP (when close, does rfthe bomb throw) Special Super Move: L,F,DF,D,DB,B,HP (Super Bomb Combo) Enjoy! If you have any additions or comments send them to the Power Team at Totally Nuked BBS or email Invalid Opcode at @ENDNODE @NODE "Bastard! Moves" Typed by Gohan :) Basic Moves: ------------ X = Attack Upward B = Attack Downward Y = Attack Left A = Attack Right Tap R twice will give different effect for some characters for example if you tap twice when you're playing Di-amon, he'rgT{vll change into a Bat. Hold R and press L to "Pass through enemy but inflict damage" but this moves only works for some character like Nei. Note: To do this you have to "align" your character with the enemy. Tap R twice and don't release will give you the ability to attack with remote controlled fireballs, such characters are: Nei, D'S Press L and as soon as you pass through the enemy Tap R twice and your character will backup and attack. Example : Gara, Nei **NOTE** Some basic morhtaves cannot be applied on some characters. Special Moves: -------------- R+ means Hold R D'S ------ R+AYXA R+ABY R+ABX R+AXYBA R+A (5 times) NEI --- R+BAYXB R+BYXA R+BXAY R+B (5 times) GARA ---- R+YXAB R+Y (5 times) R+YAX R+YAB R+YBA DI-AMON ------- R+XBAY R+XYBAX R+XYAB R+XYAY KALL-SU ------- R+XBY R+XBX R+XBA R+XYBXAB R+XYBXBYA ABIGAIL ------- R+XYB R+XAB R+XBY R+XBX R+XBA R+XAYBX R+XYAXB **NOTE** Some special moves can only be performed when you're on the grori#ʠund or in the air. @ENDNODE @NODE "Bill Walsh College Football" Bill Walsh College Football for SNES by EA Sports Quick Reference Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Controlling the Game Pausing the Game - Press Start Kicking - Kick the Ball: 1) B to set the kicker in motion 2) B when yellow diamond reaches top orjF?f Power Meter to kick ball - Aim the ball: Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT while vertical kicking meter is in motion. - Move the kicking team to onside formation before the kick: 1) A to call an audible 2) A to position team to left or Y to position right - Move the kicking team back to its original formation: 1) A to call an audible 2) B to position team Receiving a Kick Kick returners automatically field the ball and run unless you move them before or during the kickoff. - rkl;Control pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: take control of ball carrier. Before the Snap Offense - Snap the ball: B - Call fake snap signal: X - Call an audible (a different play at the line of scrimmage): 1) A the audible indicator appears on the screen 2) A, B or Y to select designated plays. (See Offensive Audibles on p.13) - Cancel an Audible: X NOTE: The ball must be snapped before the 25-second play clock reaches zero or the offense will be penalized five yards. Defense - ContrlVrol a different player: B or X - Call an audible: 1) Press A The audible indicator appears on the screen 2) A, B or C to select designated plays. No-Huddle Offense - Call a play in the no-huddle offense: Hold A after the whistle is blown. Your team lines up in the same formation and runs the play it ran the previous down. If you want to run a different play, call an audible. (See offensive Audibles on p.13.) Stop Clock Play - Run the "QB Stop Clock" play: 1) Hold Y after thrm;Tf\e whistle is blown 2) Press B to hike the ball. The quarterback takes the snap and throws the ball into the ground automatically as long as you don't take control of the QB by touching the Control pad. After the Snap Offense Running - Dive: Y - "Umph" forward: B - Spin: A - Hurdle: X - Change directions: Control pad Passing - Call up Passing Windows: B - Pass to the player in window A: A - Pass to the player in window B: B - Pass to the player in window Y: Y ReceivinrnPfeg - Dive for the ball: Y - Activate the receiver closest to the ball: B - Jump and raise hands: X Punting 1) B to snap the ball 2) Control pad left/right while meter is in motion to aim punt 3) B when the yellow diamond reaches the top of the Power Meter to kick ball Defense - Dive at ball carrier: Y - Activate the defender closest to the ball: B - Jump and raise hands to block a kick or intercept a pass: A - Fire off the line as ball is snapped: Button LEFT/RIGHT During Instant Rroȟeplay - Rewind: Y - Run the tape (frame by frame): X - Run the tape (normal speed): B - Fast Forward: A - Move the cursor that isolates the camera on one player or on one specific point on the field: Control pad up/down/left/right. - Rotate field and players: Button LEFT/RIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ENDNODE @NODE "Dragon Ball Z Super Butouden 2 Moves and Instructions" DRAGON BALL Z SUPER BUTOUDEN 2 ALL MOVES AND INSTRUCTIONrpZS Translated from Japanese by Songoku / Censor Son Gohan < LITTLE KID / PURPLE OUTFIT > Bakuretsu Punch - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, Y Bukuu Kyaku - JUMP, FORWARD, DOWN, B Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Powerful Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Kiaihou - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A Shougeki Ha - DOWN, UP, A Super Straight - BACK, HOLD, FORWARD, Y ULTIMATE POWER MOVES < REQUIRE 25% POWER > Masenkou - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Kamehamrr^N-te Ha - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Vegeta < BLOND HAIR / BLUE AND WHITE OUTFIT > Thrash Arrow - DOWN-BACK, UP-FORWARD, B Super Dash - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, Y Driving Elbow - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, Y Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Bakuhatsu Ha - DOWN, UP, A Kien Zan - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Big Bang Attack - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Final Flash - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Trunks < BLOND HAIqWs~}|{zyxwvutsrrrsyR / BLACK AND GRAY OUTFIT > Super Sliding Kick - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, B Lightning Dash - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, DORWARD, Y Baku Ken Ha - BACK, HOLD, FORWARD, Y Large Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Energy Bullet - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Burning Attack - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Finish Buster - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Piccolo < GREEN SKIN / PURPLE OUTFIT > SrtikWonic Kick - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Bukuu Kyaku - JUMP, FORWARD, DOWN, B Mystic Throw - BACK, HOLD, FORWARD, Y Large Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Kaikou Beam - BACK, FORWARD, A Kaikou Ha - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Makankousappou - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Gekiretsukouzan - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Cell < TALL GREEN GUY WITH WINGS > Astral Shock - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Rising Attack - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FOruAopRWARD, Y Grand Slider - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, B Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Taiyou Ken - DOWN, UP, A Energy Shot - BACK, FORWARD, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Kamehame Ha - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Super Kamehame Ha - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Cell Junior < SMALL BLUE GUY WITH WINGS > Step Up Attack - DOWN-BACK, UP-FORWARD, B Spin Liner - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Double Kick - BACK, HOLD, FORWARD, B Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWrv/tN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Energy Shot - BACK, FORWARD, A Kien Zan - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Taiyou Ken - DOWN, UP, A Rising Rush - JUMP, FORWARD, DOWN, B ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Makankousappou - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Kamehame Ha - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Zangya < GIRL WITH MASSIVE ORANGE HAIR > Sharp Shooter - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Thrash Liner - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, B Sky Zapper - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, Y Multiple Energy Bulletrwᄷ - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Energy Shot - BACK, FORWARD, A Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Moonsault Splash - ROLLD FROM BACK TO FORWARD, B ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Spark Laser - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Shoot Blaster - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A Bowjack < MUSCULAR GREEN GUY / RED HAIR > Bicycle Smash - DOWN-BACK, UP-FORWARD, B Thrash Hammer - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Dash Knee-Lift - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, Y Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWN, rxapDOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Energy Shot - BACK, FORWARD, A Energy Bullet - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Grand Smasher - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Galactic Buster - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A ALSO, EACH CHARACTER HAS AN ULTRA-HYPER POWER MOVE. THESE MOVES FOLLOW: Son Gohan - Bakuretsu Rush - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, B WHEN CLOSE Vegeta - Planet Burst - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, Y WHEN CLOSE Trunks - Tornado Breaker - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP,ry0b B WHEN CLOSE Piccolo - Chobakuretsu Ha - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, Y WHEN CLOSE Cell - Spike Buster - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, Y WHEN CLOSE Cell Junior - UNKNOWN Zangya - Lift Strike - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, B WHEN CLOSE Bowjack - Cosmic Bomber - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, B WHEN CLOSE THERE ARE 3 HIDDEN CHARACTERS: BRAWLEY < INSANELY BUFF BLOND GUY > Mr.SATAN < BLACK-HAIRED GUY > SONGOKU < BLOND-HAIRED GUY / ORANGE OUTFIT > SEE BELOW TO PLAY AS THEM. HERE IS HOW TO FIGHT AGAISNT rzCTNTHEM: BRAWLEY- PLAY AS SON GOHAN. CHOOSE DIFFICULTY AS "3." TRAIN AND WIN. FIGHT CELL AND LOSE. SAY "NO" TO PICCOLO. DEFEAT, BUT DO NOT KILL ZANGYA. DEFEAT BOWJACK. Mr.SATAN- HE FIGHTS CELL BEFORE YOU DO AND GETS WHIPPED REALLY FAST. SONGOKU- YOU CAN CHOOSE TO FIGHT HIM IN TRAINING IN THE GAME'S "BUTOUDEN" MODE. The instructions for DRAGON BALL Z SUPER BUTOUDEN 2 by BANDAI Translated from Japanese by Songoku / Censor This game is based on a Japanese anime called Dragon Ball Z, wr{`hich is my favorite... ( Look at my name ) Anyway... you can choose various modes from the title screen, and they are in order- BUTOUDEN MODE < STORY MODE > - Choose a character and play the computer. You'll have to make choices about where to go, who to fight, etc., but the choices are only relevant to the story and not to the game, so you can really choose any- thing just to play... After you've chosen a character, you'll choose a diffi- culty level. They are- 1 (Easy) 2 (Normal) r|D-13 (Hard) 4 (Super) VS. MODE - From here are 3 choices, in order, all are self explanatory- 1P VS. 2P 1P VS. COMPUTER COMPUTER VS. COMPUTER After choosing a character, you'll have the following choices, in order- LIFE- Press right or left to change the amount of life you have from 400 to 10. ATTACK POWER - Light or Hard. It starts on Light. GAME RANK - 1 (Easy) 2 (Normal) 3 (Hard) or 4 (Super) MUSIC - Choose a music. TENKAICHIBUDOUKAI < MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT > - Up to 8 players cr}^an compete. Choose a character, and if you don't have 8 people to play with, press start when your last character is chosen. OPTIONS - These are your choices- SOUND........STEREO or MONAURAL. When you first enter Options, it's on stereo. MUSIC........ Choose a music. SOUND EFFECTS Choose an effect Here's the basic gist of the game. CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS- Y - PUNCH B - KICK A - ENERGY USE. PRESSING THIS ONCE WILL LET OUT A BASIC FIREBALL. PRESSING IT WITH CONTROLLER MOVEMENTS WILL r~IDO VARIOUS SUPER MOVES. L - FLY TO THE LEFT R - FLY TO THE RIGHT A+B TOGETHER - BUILD POWER X - FLY UP TO THE SECOND LEVEL, OR DOWN TO THE FIRST The ULTIMATE POWER MOVES ( HISSATSUWAZA ) can be performed only if you have enough POWER. Normal special moves also take power, but not nearly as much as the Hissatsuwaza. If you move far enough away from an enemy, the screen will split. It will also split if you press "X" to fly up or down. If you are far away from an enemy ( i.e. the scrrdTKeen is split ), you can only harm them with a special move. If you press Start to pause the game, and then press Select, you'll get this menu: COMMAND - Normal (Allows you to do special moves) and Auto and Super Auto, in which the computer will do special moves for you. All you have to do is press "A." It starts on Normal. SPECIAL MOVE COMMAND FIXING - Allows you to make it so instead of the special move commands reversing when you turn around, as in other fighting games, they wilrh]l stay fixed, and will require the same commands from either direction. For example, to do Gohan's Masenkou you'd press Left, Down-Left, Down, Down-Right, Right, A if you were facing right. It would be Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left and A if you were facing left. If you change this option to the first selection, it will always be "Right, Down-Right, etc." and if you move it to the second, it will always be "Left, Down-Left, etc." no matter what direction you're facing. ThisrQ- option starts on Normal. COMMAND HELP - Allows you to see all special moves of a character, but it's all in Japanese, so use this guide instead. Starts at "Gohan." SOUND MODE - Stereo or Monaural. Starts at Stereo. RADAR - Turn the top radar on or off. Starts at "On." HOW TO BLOCK When an ULTIMATE POWER MOVE comes rushing at you, you've got to block it or face serious damage! Here's how: Guard - Back and A. You'll receive 50% of the damage you'd get if not blocking. Repel - Bar&ck, Down-back, Down and A. You'll receive 25% damage. Psychic Block - Forward, Back, Forward, A. You'll receive no damage. Energy Block - Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward, A. You'll fire a burst of energy that will collide with the enemy's. Press Y, B, and A rapidly to force your beam forward. Also, if the enemy tries this on you, press Y, B, and A rapidly to turn his attack into YOUR attack! Both Psychic Block and Energy Block take Power, so watch out! A note on the ULTIMATE POWER Mr y OVES and the Psychic and Energy Blocks. You can do them when you have 0 Power, but after you've shot them you'll be left open to attack for a while as you will be recuperating from the force of shooting a special attack or blocking with no Power. THE RADAR This appears at the top of the screen. It shows where you and your enemy are. DRAGON BALL Z 2 SUPER BUTOUDEN SECRET CHARACTER COMMAND AND MOVE LIST Translated from Japanese by Songoku / Censor To access the hidden characters, Brr 㴙awley ( From Nessen Ressen Chougekisen ) and Songoku, input this command on the opening screen showing Gohan flying to Tenkai ( The one with the 2 fists ): UP, X, DOWN, B, L, Y, R, A. You'll hear Brawley say "Kacalot." ( Goku's Saiyan name ) Another quick code: To access Turbo Mode, do this code on controller 2 while resetting- Hold down the L, R, and SELECT buttons until the music changes. "Super Butouden 2" will be flashing. The game is about 1.5 times faster. Also try just holdinr { \g R and SELECT when you reset. The game will be .5 times faster. Yet another really boring code: Press R, L, SELECT and START buttons at any time during the game for a suprise! Oh no! Not another CODE?! After choosing your character in Versus Mode, rotate the joystick rapidly counterclockwise 5 times to shrink your character. Continue rotating until you hear a bell. What?! GOD SAVE US! ANOTHER CODE?! After winning a match when your character is doing his winning pose, press selectr Lpx and A, B, X or Y to get a different response from the winner. For instance, pressing select and A will give you a joke response. Piccolo, for instance, says "Should I give you my cool shoulderpads as a consolation present?" Please... say it ain't another CODE... During battle, press select + A, B, X, and Y to kill yourself. With this code, you'll let the other person win. Ok, now the MOVE LIST: SONGOKU < BLOND GUY / ORANGE SUIT > Bakuretsu Flurry - BACK, DOWN-BACK, r ĘDOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, B Flip Kick - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Hurricane Sole-butt - BACK, HOLD, FORWARD, B Big Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Ki Ai Hou - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A Taiyou Ken - DOWN, UP, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Kamehame Ha - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Super Kamehame Ha - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A ULTRA POWER MANUVER... Super Meteo Smash - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, B WHEN CLOSE BRAWLEY < INSANELY BUFF BLOND GUY > Smr/hasher Lariat - BACK, HOLD, FORWARD, Y Machine Gun Shooter - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B Atomic Bomber - DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, Y Multiple Energy Bullet - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, A Exploding Tripper - DOWN, UP, A Ki Ai Hou - FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A ULTIMATE POWER MOVES Eraser Cannon - BACK, DOWN-BACK, DOWN, DOWN-FORWARD, FORWARD, A Throwing Blaster - DOWN, DOWN-BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A ULTRA POWER MANUVER Hell's Smash - FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, UP, B WHEN CLOSE I forgot to mention erCarlier that you can select your background in VS Mode. The option is right above the MUSIC setting. It starts on "Random." Songoku / Censor 2-06-94 12:51:44 am PST A final word: Please don't add your name to this file and act like you wrote it. It took me quite a while to do this. Thanks. Everyone, stop bashing Romkids because they release "lame Jap games." You can go play with your shitty American games all you want, we'll stay with the incredible Japanese releases from Romkids. r Special thanks to Moebius and R2D2. Greetz shoot to TGM, Carmen, Shredder, Xian, Edicius, Warduke and the deserving. @ENDNODE @NODE "Dragon Ball Z 2 Big Fireball Tips" Blocking -when your oponent throws a REALLY BIG fireball do aa hurricane kick motion and then A to block Send your own fireball -when BIG fireball is thrown by opponent and you see yourself on the screen all by yourself, do the motion D-DB-B-Fr7{= then press A. Keep doing to make sure you get it. @ENDNODE @NODE "Fatal Fury 2 Championship Edition Boss Selection" To play the boss in Fatal fury 2 , At title screen "TAKARA" appears, when music begins, punch in B A X Y UP LEFT DOWN RIGHT "L" button "R" button, you can select all 12 characters, even 1 player mode. MOVES LIST FOR BOSS: ==================== BILLY KANE Extend hit---Back, charge, forward, Punch High Hit---Down-Back, Up-Toward, Punch Spining---Tap Puncr(8h Rapidly Jumping Stomp---Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Toward, Toward, Kick AXEL HAWK Fireball---Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Toward, Toward, Punch Uppercut---Down-Back, Toward, Punch Dashing Uppercut---Hold High Punch & High Kick for 10 sec., release LAURENCE BLOOD Torpedo---Back, charge, Toward, Punch Head Stomp---Down, charge, Up, Punch Sword Attack---Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Toward, Toward, Punch WOLFGANG KARAUSER Upper Fireball---Down, Down-Back, Back, Punch Lower Fireball--rYT-Down, Down-back, Back, Kick Tiger Wave---Toward, Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Toward, Punch Please refer to FF2-MOVE.TXT for the moves of the 8 guys. @ENDNODE @NODE "Golden Finger Codes May 1994" CLAYMATES --------- UNLIMITED LIVES: 6E 6B 8A D0 6F 7E E0 UNLIMITED TIME : 6E 78 CA D0 2F 7B F0 FLASHBACK --------- INVINCIBLE IN B SECTOR: 16 AB 0B 72 8A 03 A0 INVINCIBLE IN A SECTOR: 07 F7 0C 23 04 8C 90 07 F7 3E 22 0A 93 D0 07 F7 60 58 Fr{4 66 F0 07 F7 9C 77 EC 29 F0 07 F7 C3 06 85 C8 F0 07 F7 F6 C8 0C 04 A0 07 FE A7 0F F6 AE 20 07 FF A7 0F F1 59 D0 SONIC BLASTMAN II ----------------- UNLIMITED LIVES IN B SECTOR: 05 44 7E 90 00 02 40 FINAL FANTASY VI ---------------- 99TH LEVEL: 16 22 AA 9F FE AB F0 BRAIN LORD ---------- INVINCIBLE: 03 B7 EB 94 20 05 40 03 B9 8E A9 94 23 80 rWY 00 11 DB 54 42 2D 90 SOURCE FROM COMPUTER GAMES MONTHLY COMPLIED BY SAL. @ENDNODE 6 85 C8 F0 07 F7 F6 C8 0C 04 A0 07 FE A7 0F F6 AE 20 07 FF A7 0F F1 59 D0 SONIC BLASTMAN II ----------------- UNLIMITED LIVES IN B SECTOR: 05 44 7E 90 00 02 40 FINAL FANTASY VI ---------------- 99TH LEVEL: 16 22 AA 9F FE AB F0 BRAIN LORD ---------- INVINCIBLE: 03 B7 EB 94 20 05 40 03 B9 8E A9 94 23 80 ˏ -SpuD -Startup-SequenceDgAssign ENV: RAM: Assign HELP: RAM: AmigaGuide  -Startup-Sequence;O]+l FLibsp/ . DatatypesHBT 4amigaguide.datatype:+G+GpNuJ' 2Pamigaguide.datatypeamigaguide 39.15 (28.8.92) `^DHp\ * '2pNuH&N +XLHNudos.libraryintuition.librarygraphics.libraryutility.librarylayers.libraryrexxsyslib.librarylocale.librarySys/amigaguide.catalogdiskfont.libraryiffparse.librarydatatypes.libraryENV:AmigaGuide/PathS:H2&@.$N'G"'J(Ax/,xN,_A/N*A._N*XO j'er/Cp',xN,_'@,/Cp',xN,_'@0/Cp',xN,_'@4/Cp',xN,_'@8/Cp',xN,_'@< `pLLNuNUH?2&N k(, xCx/H./I*/ I,xN,_ o.('@(/,xNv,_0+&R@7@&S@f KN'@pJXf/CLp,xN,_'@H/CJp&,xN,_'@LgH",@C<$HNjLD'@T/C@p,xN,_'@@gf/C:p,xN,_'@PgN/C4p,xN,_'@Dg6 KN'@Xg* KNu'@\g KNc,'@`g KN)`'@dgx`xJDg KN>'@p +lg @,KNhp'@lp+@0<rAQ/A"$<,k,N,_*Jgz/"tv,k,N,_JkV/"v,k,N,_.T/@$/ rHA,xN:,_$@ g&/"$ &/(,k,N,_f r@A,KN z/",k,N,_ g$A  kl,KNl'@l/"J ,xN.,_A+HBA  kl,KN<'@l`Sk&| o.o('/ o.,xN,_ LLN]NuH&H/ k`,k0N6,_J@g/ kd,k0N6,_J@g/ k\,k0N6,_J@g/ kX,k0N6,_J@g +Lg/,@ kTN,_/"kL,xNb,_/"kD,xNb,_/"kH,xNb,_/"kP,xNb,_/"k@,xNb,_'HX'H\'HqtUd'H`'H@'HH'HD'HL'HP'HTp`pLHNuH&N0+&gSk&Jk&fJXg KaJ@f+g,Ka `pLHNuH1&N.+"Jk&g p`JXg KaJ@f p`/"K,xN,_/"k<,xNb,_/"k8,xNb,_/"k4,xNb,_/"k0,xNb,_/"k,,xNb,_p0+" t4+v6ւ/"A ,xN.,_ LHNuNpaNUH#2.&@+N/,xN,_$m/@ Jg"`"*l./rt,j,N,_/@Jg$K`/prHA,xNT,_&@ g/" t,m,n,N,_'@gr$o/"$ ,m,n,N,_JgV *JoN qB ,Jg6 $@ g,/"*$+,m,n,N\,_Jg J $@ f `.` pg o !@$mX+J$R fJ/r$/ ,m,n,N,_ LLN]NuNUH2&N.,BE`F/prHA,xNT,_/@Jg6 F/H/"(,k,N,_ o!@ $$H o, ,Jf -LLN]NuNUH2&N kp/H /,xN,_ o E<`/"K,xNN,_/ J,xN,_&@ f/ N#XO o .&H g kg$S`$K&R f/ o,xN,_LLN]NuNUH&N.,`,  @,/@/"(,k,N,_ o/"H,xNN,_ ,JfLHN]NuNUH'2&N.+I4 kpC<|z/H /I/,xN,_ o C. 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