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too slow? hmm...lets add some speed!! ahhh! thats better... faster? oyeah....really cool! awwh..lets break some speed limits! gee..guess this thingy is scrolling at high speed now? prepare for the ultimate test....if you can read the following text youre an alien! ..can you still read this? well..okey..maybe its a bit too fast..but it looks really nice doesnt it?! hmm..maybe its a good idea to slow the speed down a bit..ahhh..thats more like it..oh..enough fooling around with this! lets head for some traditional scrolltextwriting! as said before..this thing was programmed for the reunion held by dct in sweden a cold saturday in november twothousand... unfortunately we didnt manage to finish it at the party...so now a couple of days later we decided to release it....enjoy...! by the way...look out for coming hot productions from hack n trade! some things to mention is our new erotic stig disk to be released christmas twothousand and also our upcoming pornomag for gameboy color! ...anyway..booger is signing off and spot is taking over the scrolltextwriting! aight bitches... pimp daddy spot of da up rough soundsystem on da mike!!! phat props to booger for makin this fly oldskoolaistikk flavoured intromutha!... shee... chillin at reunion two thousand ... quite a lot of old amiga playaz present! ... allthough most of em is abusing their bitch ass peecees nowadays... boring... a cool thing though.. sverker aka model and stodhjolsgunnar is here... i havent met these dudes since waaaay back in the days.. boogaboogalito is workin hard on the scroller youre hopefully reading right now.. kinda fonkee dontcha think?.. hehe.. the scene was really boring back then wasnt it? hehe... as everything people did was breaking big ass scroller records... its really boring to write these suckers.. so... ... streets are calling... quick helloes to my homies and a special oner to my sweet maryk! ...audi bitchiz... so.. gunnar of keso at the gears... i think its pretty nice this piece of rocking state of the art intro letting all of you postpubertan nostalgica amiga geezers who actually have read this far to utterly enjoy the powerful reexperience of the eighties. so be it.. pefulle this intro makes worldwide peace all pigs happy and george bush jr to a straight honest guy but... an old geezer like me .. simply put .. i just want to send my greetings to all of my friends my soon to be wife viktoria and my little two and a half year old boy adrian and everyone else who still actually reading this far.. so.. nyaah... scroller restarts......... kCPLX_TP3fallos4allH@#P@pp@cb52E@@@@@ ( (08@HPXh`pxP%^z ^%%   F h  #g^TgC l|\ l|   \l\ \|| l \"l$\& (\*,|. 0|2\4|6 \8:\<> l@>|<|: l8\6l4l2 0\.\,|* |(&l$" | \\\ |l ll\ \ |\:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:</) 0 ) ) 0   ) 0 ) ) 0 */@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \| l\ \  |\ ll\\ \ l"$& |(|*l,. l0\2l4|6 8\:\<l> |@|><: 8\6\4\2 |0|.|,* (&\$\" \ ||| \\ \ | |\\/) 0 ) ) 0   ) 0 ) ) 0 *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |l\ \ | | |\ \ll "$\& \(\*,. l0\2l46 8\:\<> @|><|: l8|642 \0l.,\* (|&$" || \| |l| | l\:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:</) 0 ) ) 0   ) 0 ) ) 0 ,)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \l\   l \ l\ \ |l l"\$ \& \(*l,l. |02\4 \6 |8:l<> l@>l< \: 8l6|4l2 0.\, \* |(&$l" l l\  \l| l ll\/) 0 ) ) 0    0 ) )" 0  ||| l|\ l| \l\ \|| l\l\ \| | \ | \  \  l  | | l \ l l \\| |l |\\\ |l ll\\ | 0||| \| l\\ |\ ll\\ \l ||l l \ l | \ \ l | |   \ \ \ ||| \\ \||| \\ \| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \| l\ \  |\ ll\\ \ l"$& |(|*l,. l0\2l4|6 8\:\<l> |@|><: 8\6\4\2 |0|.|,* (&\$\" \ ||| \\ \ (|0 8|@\@\@||| \| l\\ |\ ll\\ \l ||l l \ l | \ \ l | | \\\ ||| \\ \||| !\"#\$ %\&'|( )@@@@@@@@@@@@@@AC \ABD|F lH\J\LN |@B\DF lHlJ\L\N \ l"$& |(|*l,. l0\2l4|6 8\:\<l> |@|><: 8\6\4\2 |0|.|,* (&\$\" \ ||| \\ \ (|0 8|@\@\@|& l8\:\L> |@2\D6 lHl:\L\. \@l2& |(|*l,. l0\2l4|6 8\:\<l> |@|><: 8\6\4\2 |0|.|,* (&\$\" \ ||| \\ \ (|0 8|@\@\@ LACACACACACAC :0<0:<:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:<:<:0<@0:</) ) ) 0   ) 0 ) ) 0 * 0 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Zu U uU uU u Uu Uu U uU u U u Uu U eue UuU e u U uUe ueU uU u eUe U ue :<:0<0:<:<:0<0:<:<:0<0:<:<:0<0:< 0 s@    \l\   l \ l\ \ |l l"\$ \& \(*l,l. |02\4 \6 |8:l<> l@>l< \: 8l6|4l2 00\0 \0 |000l0 l0l0\0 0 \00l0|0 l000 0 l0l0\0 u eu eu e U UU u eU u uU U e Uu Uu ee eU U U u eu UU U u uu e Ue U U uu u UU U s@    Zu U uU uU u Uu Uu U uU u U u Uu U eue UuU e u U uUe ueU uU u eUe U ue "    s@  "     "  "          "i}|Àv~~~ZÀVπ"eKN3":Ԁ zu|Dv||WJ`kmC?WxmAJhT2[ׁO3ܭzN@$NNZM  {z0# NƀWtk:ဣ7:{Z*^귀S`~?01`耀,,ƮE%GQl{ٵAޛB+n"XkڀT˭L+aY*6H'u.yt7&4sеYv:.>Т,3;FIŮ(MP@р(K?'!JJG?lO1ɀ+B#CU;suBsp2 D̀H_kfvb ;CGf/18,5K4׀ȑAssPҀ#u;ɊGyu!}iWrq| As 1Mn07U&/Ӏ 4 4,C]>PS'HDܹEK4'I0.J,e,"ױH '& έCU"ɵ2Y,Hne?#rgVK /h@H`84ͮI AZ+&瀩8<f "Dֳ A5c@08kҠb $ E܀ܪKЀE,% 'l^+C78{'.=wLB&hN8qwڞ'/M߀LJjހJ$%0/ZyK\>z&8(V~*Ƴ3͵ҀԀ 'ԕ΀ĭHI~r),1Xz'tmD- E8X5CFL* ՀvՀvzvzz{vvvvvzzzzzz``v+vzvvvR[QQQwP/vzz55zdE8ii.)Y ʀ)))sJ6>J>`>U``E4$̂~E܀܀)׃?׍)#f|>o>~|3|d>>p=K2\T\==A݀݀݀JEOAd??OOEgLE3O~6$}p`p\K6?[p Z[pp#[Zo>O##[*>褴׬΀㋫ݓ̫տ $)J$+#3366J$#3E[Z#O=>dEU2ZO6ZUZUZ[6}gp\o`6~`uoJddTszJ`f|Km\umEpUfU}6|KoUmf`m`>mZ`dJJZJJZJLL[=OO2T2OE*J6+*4)3$36#++ ﶻûû    #####      M^=5~ǒuq > 0ʀ9؀ ؆DaPM8A~}Λ" cԀv<5J]==օʲt"k Jۀㅀ" iF[WW~: .]v'IgsRb̀|'i:@[5O(>=M`oa?22&$3 C@H?.fBa*' 6#O(+RڙaenNI)' :   ?# JE  $B!=7,)26%* 34!D"5  &  $    !5 "# 8?- ) $ .'+ !+!! >2 !B%&+8# '#&+&- 09 %#*#%  60 1 ,  #!  !7  /3& ."@0)# )(! 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