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T+system@alody*dlotsPCmakers,enablirsGofrom 2863es. Butwhy$'d likeswape{powerful processor?Beca vionsuppliRP C=7 economical,withoFPUd MMU. Iftwanv( acatat demhek;avmaics (vectors3D), awabsolutely ne:ary! cd for memorynipul, enablind3nof shadowsetups.There' alread\ aprogramcalledGIGAMEM.e!rhaveup2Gb, byingharddiskaif it w RAM. But)thindapplic$computneeds a MMU, so*cesscan shift datafas.In my opininclAonuEC ver68020 w0onemajfaultf C=1200.Manymagazinesare tal g aboutusIDE standard fhdisksk<va, bI don'tthinksam& ANY WAY.drivesy cheaper  smaller,SCSIVonlBbettspeednotmajordifference. Ah, alsoeasi to finsiXy'usedIPCs, whilsquMacAmigasboutofwF A4000,at's surelyridiculouca"w wehdealingwithuch moexpens machinefoprice, it wappoBto come ".N}fault number two (A1200issound. I)tillold,9llk0n _ loved 4-channel Ep.WhyhC=hk=6Wasn'tincludpromi:DSP,%rting 16-bitoin8-voices?Fspecifications I've reaJit should bebetta'ne u|by ATARIiFALCONmafne!It walsoWmodem transfers at ridiculoushigh ceds$ol you HST f_ks outre,Oj$C=saiy didn'tincludTF jpbeca?nQVbe`re expensive. Well,ItkPnobody bondtopayGm cash have such apowerfulsounainir s, atleast I2. Thisc<(price)was gSn abouthigh d;tydrk>bl,Dalrea@standard onA4000( A3TUSA).z bullshit, becao a HD coCjua few dollars morexV FDfloppy,in facct's ier to fiua oe! Even withl1Pfaults, C= managed creatdamn good AGA chipset,ai IguessiIit saveeA1200 from beingE. The HAM8 modejusooo lovely! Remember whJyousawrfirsTen, othoughhow badzo'fres' were?Nfinallygori*ofDm,becau on newJ canactuh 262144colk?BSsYINANYRESOLUTION,wiGtZW!! Thishas to be stolieved!I'mn.think whatsomeone like FACET/ANARCHY, and peopl him would dot a paletts...The operat|system also gotlittlebr Mat localizon stuff.It'svery funny ose familiarWorkbenchrequersay~ in yourown language;Now\biVbout compnbtypnotasle I wanted \be. InfactIthinkt ll netostaywitAtheoldA500run som,uffJTherabasicgsdon'tk@ we oA1200, likeProTrackerbbor side,many demon RUN and veryind$! Utilitiesalsoapain,bootblocksbigproblem, keepsm...Abo'+spscsuggestbyC=D-mis5timesperformance ofA5 pabsolutelybullshit.I guessy gotGresultsusin#1200withsomefasxram,becauT standarg(2mbchip mem only)6 ju2 or 3=ernC. No,'s notbad in any way! You should see FORMULAONEGPrunn7Nsuc<k A;|-a@bulousspeed!Bu iwIwas expect.I'vereUT soagazine3ifyC addllittleboard,withFPU( ory,encan get up to 10tim * ofr A500! Now3ollyoughtcoders satisfa8onus/|machJlik.thiAo ir vors! So,ALCATRAZ,why notODYSSEY II for\A1200?!?WellI'dend|byOy^that#getpay. TheCCHEAPif    h  ڐ"h   B   $ B h   G B ?   - a chilling experience!* A Complete Memberlist: - In Sweden Avenger MusicianBreeze ,ap Budweis GraphCas Chip dCoderDeetroy =D-Lux= dElec  jI3 Y Insan  Jonez Macroman MmtraysopMagnum zod Puk? Rioter CkWorld-Le >Sleepwalkq,> Terminato>The SilencThug Valt  Zendh  MmtraٳZool  ,d% In Finland: Darky  wappeFuzzraOrganiz  Mog  MusicianSimpson Supra Graph !  n]L:)In Norway: Black AngelDBysopChipdancerCyntex MusFake jJ ƸFizban Coder, GraphMandrMr.Nico " Ofurs Ray Organiz_XSpector  kTee Dj= Vip % In Canada: Diskomate SysopSu/dal Angel Mkmtrae( You can always write us at:0 Swapping Everyth else'Simpson quinox WHQ PJ 219 KirkkikariSolrosgat$4 954 20 TORNIO 2575 36KSJO FINLAND WEDEN0 Call our Boards if you own a modem!( No Limits +1814-466-9422Zoomed Reality 4 4j fE04-263-60Techno C  312-333-25Traders Paise 911-661-49Total Overdo 81-125-34Psychotic Asylum 2701-38Atlana 7 788-034-3Won`d  96-520-9  00! Now3ollyoughtcoders satisfa8onus/|machJlik.thiAo ir vors! So,ALCATRAZ,why notODYSSEY II for\A1200?!?WellI'dend|byOy^that#getpay. TheCCHEAPifdfzr/eqxV_/ \__\`| )/ )\|iMgZSVz\_ f|_T//V\ g;g  SUPPORT EUROPEAN TOP 20 BY EQUINOX WITH YOUR VOTES, NEWS, CLIP-ARTS, ICLٳ MESSAGPHOTOسPY AND INTERVI AT THIS ADR:H?SOLROSGAT4BS-57536 EKSJODSWEDENEQUINOX-BEYOND YOUR FANTASY!  - D A M O N E S -. LIKEVIRGIN3f&&..$|--+-#| ALCATRAZ0 ~$ Why don't yoiN}u contact us?~UbBOX 1131032 ROMANELSWITZERLAND-+-%. /\ P L U G S T E R//#\\ Are Seeking For MoContacts...// So If You Wants To Swap NewrezOn The Amigannd A LongLetter ACouple Of Disk Withrest Stuffm~` Also VHS  PLUGSTER MikaelYersson LagmansV. 18  374 52 Asarum S W E DN "\\Hi To: Atomic,Angelica,Ablaze,Arise,//ByteBust,C.D.S,Culture,iO6dDivine,\\DualCrew,Defiance,CryptoburnDaiEremation,FNB,Golems,Lsd,LitanyMidway,Majic 12,Paraglax.And the rest..\/- D A M O N E S -3SO I DRINK.8- (  _/\_/\__ /// /_/\\_ VVfzr :. -=-=  &Try to send something nice'n'coolthe address below, ayou getanswer, if..>+- Yare well-iPRhknown orBmesr prod(s)+ -- --- DARKY / EQUINOX METSONTIE19-37680 VLK -FINLAND@ F%|\__. | \./| |oo<::(C)__/T\{f0R dA LAtESt WRiTE t0 .CONE OF TRSI!MOERDIJKSEWEG 14765 SJ ZEVENB-HOEK_HOLLAND=+- --+O" - D A M O NiQÄ E S -3HONEY DO YOU CAN?6f&&)%_ /~\ _ _  ~"~~_h~_ __~| * Swapping'n Friendship *\ Wildcat Vegagatan 11 281 43 HassleholmSweden  ~#_% !_/\)\_)\ Don't Hesitate /(_/(_\\ )/ )/\( \((/ \~~ Write To:  o\/\ailman \\Vegagat3  28143 hassleholm isPSSwede ^  For MVtrading%/ My Handshakes To:9\Wildcat/Rage .. Sentinel/Grace/ Adder/X-r BlaztF.N.Bc\ Kervin/Defianu also8/Kid CurryDalosTR-Bamse\/- -   Inclugdisk(s) = garanteenswer __ _)\_):\_ - D A M O N E S -3A BRIGHT FUTURE7f&&( eeze ,ap Budweis GraphCas Chip dCoderDeetroy =D-Lux= dElec  hSp)# ADVERTISEMENTS 2  OTO SWAP WITH A COOL MUSICIAN IN EQUINOX JUST WRITE THIS ADDY:AVENGER/?TRRAGAREVAGEN 14<595 95MJOLBYASWEDjTO\AP WITH VALIANT (THE AWESOME CODER) IN EQUINOX JUST WRITE THIS ADDY:Sl/?TRTRAGAREVAGEN 4=595 95MJOLBYASWEDjDON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT OUR PACK '''ICECOOL (YOU CAN SEND YO ONE OF THEADDRESSES ABOVE)SH!GREETS FROM VALIANT & AVENGER TO: KEFRENS, ANALOG, CHE, SHINING 8,EURECA, NOICTSBhTrn VDEFEON, MIDWAYRIMEVILINTDREAMDEALERTRSISSEINFECT, LEGENDtPACEBALDUALEWAREBEX-TRAD@ONIC, PARPOLFINXD THEST.` %/\/\ / DIGITAL! !FEEL THE VIBES   REDMAN7FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STR.10e35210 TROISDORF 139WEST GERY; 100% ANSWER (FOREIGN ELITE)dNO!TOS1/\/ wooOO-C-O-D-E-R-S---W-A-N-TD-OOoo)If YOU are a gohUÒSkod and hardworkingcoder fromS W E DNwho isreallly tired of your old group...EXTREMELY welcome in newvquite serious*- The Out5Gods4SeesLstuffor just wr;to::Fredrik Andersson oOstanback461 95 TrollhatooOO-OOoP - D A M O N E S -/WHEN VIOLENCE DEMANDS REVENGE,f&&z_ /\ \//_ f z\/E r IMPORTANT!!!-( Q NhVTX ZCONTACT\ ) BEQUINOX AT: N\_ _bSSON/ _TJONNE HELLGRENs /KIRKKOKARINTIE 23 ɳFIN-95420 TORNIO 2 LAND \  /\ P L U G S T E R//#\\ Are Seeking For MoContacts...// So If You Wants To Swap NewrezOn The Amigannd A LongLetter ACouple Of Disk Withrest Stuffm~` Also VHS  PLUGSTER MikaelYersson LagmansV. 18 hWPF 374 52 Asarum S W E DN "\\Hi To: Atomic,Angelica,Ablaze,Arise,//ByteBust,C.D.S,Culture,Divine,\\DualCrew,Defiance,CryptoburnDaiEremation,FNB,Golems,Lsd,LitanyMidway,Majic 12,Paraglax.And the rest..\/- D A M O N E S-2YES, PLEASE8f&& K_ _/V\:OCTON.- IS LOOKING FOR NEW CONTACTSAROUND THE GLOBE LEGAL/IhXѦL 0-7 DAYS WAREZ.DISK = 100% ANSWER LIST5` 9ANDREAS NIELSEN LYSVIKSG. 51 bS-123 42 FARSTA S W E D > PLf>^CONE/TRSi_/hwMOERDijkSEWEG 1_c4765 Sj ZEVENb-hOEk hOllANd! :$5(C)\ fASt & lEGAl ONlY; #_]?_-1 |\__. | \./| |oo<::(C)__/T\{f0R dA LAtESt WRiTE t0 .CONE OF TRSI!MOERDIJKSEWEG 14765 SJ ZEVENB-HOEK_HOLLAND=+- --+O" - D A M O Ng[$) ADVERTISEMENTS 3  u)/\ /\/\/ /\/ "DelayIndepent 4 swappin'!!(=-=-  & MATTIAS PERSSONFackgatan 27S-275 36SJOBO2LYes, at last you've found sumthing that'sr FREE! So do NOT missistotally radical chance awritetoday! Originadvert,eh???+_ /\ \//_ f z\/E rIMPORTANT!!!, ( Q NX REMEMBER\ )g\ d BT NO_\V  _) [ / E '_/ ۳IN EUROPEAN TOP 20 \  - D A M O N E S-2* *1f&&*.$|--+-#| ALCATRAZ-  ~ $ LEGAL/IL warez! Contact us now!dT/?BOX 113?1032 ROMANELSWITZERLANDb+-+-%. &*#FOR COOL SWAPPING JUST WRITE TO : d) -->g] KAZZ / THE FUN FACTORY <--\ ^G/43170 HAKKILA/ FINLAND _ $ cONLY ELITE ! !NDisk(s) + letter = 100% answer(EFRIENDSHIP RULEZ; +$*ooOO-OOooIs Alien 2 one of the best filmsevmade?@ Front 242 musicgroup* Are YOU a good coder[6 Dolive in Sweden5n't youink it's time to lear old and boring groupjoyvs newestmoseriousdemo- The Outer Gods9-- g^BeWell,if allZanswers is YES!setso*ofgood work:+Fredrik Andson oOstanback o461 95 TrollhatoOO-OOo "_ !__/ \ /\!/\///_/  \&b b\_ \ <-ReDMaN of Digital-FoR ElItE MaIlTrAdInGqREDMAN/DIGITALUBOX 1131032 ROMANELSWITZERLANDb+-+-%. !_!|\|Contact me for ELITE swapping at:|"Wizard/Centurafd'1Rak 99 8446 NM Heerenveen Holland Only ELITES get an answer!,Fast greetz to: ALCATRAZ, TSB,PARADISE, STELLAR, ABSOLUTDUAL CREWGNOSTIC FRONT, GRACE,ANALOG, S6, LASER DANEFFECX-jDJETSET AND THEREST... _ \ _\$ ooOO-C-O-D-E-R-S---W-A-N-TD-OOoo( If YOU are a good and hardworkingcoder fromS W E DNwho isreallly tired of your old group...EXTREMELY welcome in new demo5-fe>D" (The)O u t e G o d s* Death befo]Dishonl!,Sen%of y$stuffor just write to:4Fredrik AnderssonOstanback461 95 Trollhat o os don't forget voaourslogan... It's the best!!:-)oOO-OOof! _ _ /- \ \_""_l\_\ fOR ElItE MAIltRAdINGWRtOm C >f>^CONE/TRSid_/MOERDijkSEWEG 1_c4765 Sj ZEVENb-hOEk<a hOllANd! :)5ffL3(C)g fASt & lEGAl ONlY#_]?_-2 &*#I'm searching new contacts Write this addy for swapp , *VORTEX of BRONX fKeskustie 55 16800 Koski HL FINLAND * RULEZ ! N( &* _ _ /- \ \_""_l\_\ fOR ElItE MAIltRAdINGWRtOm C >f>^CONE/TRSid_/MOERDijkSEWEG 1_c4765 Sj ZEfzVENb-hOEk<a hOllANd! :)5(C)g fASt & lEGAl ONlY#_]?_- $ cONLY ELITE ! !NDisk(s) + letter = 100% answer(EFRIENDSHIP RULEZ; +$*ooOO-OOooIs Alien 2 one of the best filmsevmade?@ Front 242 musicgroup* Are YOU a good coder[6 Dolive in Sweden5n't youink it's time to lear old and boring groupjoyvs newestmoseriousdemo- The Outer Gods9-- eh/$b BEST OF THE   /This charts made by our #4 and twhere you'll seeat reallythebestgrouponeh!!Couting goeslike:Youget poin}fromchmofEquinox European Top 20cifn have%vote5n some&KhSimpAn'tit.pfiivery{zyfter, So enjoy.DPTSTIMES INTHE CHARTS1ANARCHY 68(24)2MELON DEZIGN/CRYSTAL 14 13SILENr 370)%4Phenomena 695Sanity60)6Tei50RSI613)QCrionics 576) 8Scoopex 531)MKefren 43 710 Rebel91 Add\ 4012 Fairlight 33 63 Alcatraz 3484 Quart 3235 Dual Crew 26\0\6 Skid Ro  47 Compl \8 Majic 2\  9 Shining 520 Stellar C 21 Razor 1911  3uNoxious 153 Andromeda  324 Adept1415 Paradise  \6 Legend 7 LSD1338 SpreadpoinV 112)  29 MiniecٴEstry 109 DlinCrusaders 32 Aurora 3)&m by:Simpson/EqUiNoX H 0o. FOR ELITE TRADING .o02( DARKNXS! )9WILHELM-GROBBEN-STR.31:4152 KEMPENBGERMANY9.o0 NXS - BeYoNdLiEf! 0o.* And the rest..\/- D A M O N E S-2YES, PLEASE8f&& K_ _/V\:OCTON.- IS LOOKING FOR NEW CONTACTSAROUND THE GLOBE LEGAL/IdkzLq  HOW TO CONTRIBUTE   Crime File = Ifyouwanttocontributthethf, send a picture of,rgroup or someoneknowus!%YhavePhoto, no digitized~s.W\ prefezi(colepsas weve HAMingthat makes  best quality,Everybodycontribut-CrimefilFwillgetonfreText-adtisementu0 WhenCn p  psend us:C- Tcolourphoto(s)8آA disk with y Yvotes- Party Zone = IfI ardl+e going torange a poraconferencthensendusallinformatio havawwillpublishitiour98. Aieflcome,noter howsmsy.jat anoti# imfromEuropeaHTop20team, whytmakingareport for us. Try toget s( photosrite downstuffaboutMwinnerincompetitionY willtwardeafter how much work youhavlvto>. Articles = WewantSceneaof all kinds.Interdm-Vviews,opinionideaorwhatever you can think.1Juslhaves in mu whenwriteN for us:9- ASCII-file, 38 chars on each line7(- IfYant graphic:rK look at Clips9morefo(- Yill get the next issuefre}mailbox!releasedat)ClipArts = Ifyouwould like to draw some-forus then havhese facinmind:F- U12 colours ofWr own choice.'- Maximum 176 pixels high( - Nomorethan304widiIfT must do itrenn't maksdS-Jou, please!6- Remembhell displayiRhires (=medold Dpaints). or just write to:4Fredrik AnderssonOstanback461 95 Trollhat o os don't forget voaourslogan... It's the best!!:-)oOO-OOof! _ _ /- \ \_""_l\_\ fOR ElItE MAIltRAdINGWRtOm C >f>^CONE/TRSid_/MOERDijkSEWEG 1_c4765 Sj ZEVENb-hOEk<a hOllANd! :)5co_ U COUNTRY CHART #2  -Written by Simpson/Equinox11 NORWAYThey released State of the art...Do wehavetosayanymore??? We don't butlet'ssumthingway Nortookfirst placrom Denmarkdcnrly!!! Danishguys didNCOOLin patwo monthsheregresult72 DENMARKAs I said no]^wasDdRS! IfYy do someat Gar'93 Norway willtakeaBIG d Sweden is combed...B3 SWEDENSamfsDenmarkBu'll have acpF=PHA/TSL/Lightparty in Gonburg.maybre'e up st"gNspeciappenedSwedenJanuary-middl ofFebr,exceptSvenskTo#4 w3releask it good!!Jus>st=scozyou' chanceto get.p whydon't  use??94 GERMANYBi_jin Germany like DesireDual Crew. A fewtroes.+5 FINLANDLittlejoke-sdfamonD gothellofa nYmembers.BlackRobdied,Digit(r. cooVectrairworkingwithmusic-disc!!Hcq 6 ENGLANDNoth-specia happened.Digitalreleasedtrack-mo 4 months ago.'7 HUNGARYThey'recom^tothtopcozofAbsolute!! Just V some&coolandgetmodem. Articles = WewantSceneaof all kinds.InteravZ 4 CREDITS ISSUE 5  %-Publisher:Equinox'Main-EditoRioter/.News: Jonez/CodeNGraphicsSupra/Music Breeze/DigitizingAndreas&d'Vote-CountadRir/Equinox'Clip-Arts JonezKevin/DigitalSputnik/MidwaySupra/icleDarkside/AddictsyeRioterSimpsonWizard/Centura%-Corresponds:Cone/TRSI?Style/Alcatraz>& &Voting BBS's:LPsycho Terminal/Endless Paw 3iracy tic Asylum/EquinoxSnakebite/Razor 1911Techno CityTotal OverdoseTraderLaiZoomed Real %-Vngform:Daryl/Shin'Ami-Express DoorThe Silencer.%Alsoabigthanxto allese guyswho has s=ad our v9forms8 Dark/Noxious side/Addict  Declan/Vixen iskMTrance  olphin/Atmoic  Flex/ibl Funky/AgnostFront Gunhed/Exac Killraven/Interpol  Mystra/Symbiosis  Poison/Centura  Psycho DemScoopea/֛^x Radaci/Effe< Rahiem/AmnesiRedvil/Dual Crew Knight/TEK  edman/Digit  Salvatore/Alpha Fl Shadow/Stellar  Swat & Gart/Bronx  Wildcat/Rage ngway Nortookfirst placrom Denmarkdcnrly!!! Danishguys didNCOOLin patwo monthsheregresult72 DENMARKAs I said no]^wasDdRS! IfYy do someat Gar'93 Norway willtakeaBIG d Sweden is combed...B3 SWEDENSamfsDenmarkBu'll have a`yqD  LETTERS TO THE EDITO From Sane/Scorpio:Firstofall I want to teyou that aredoing a great work withrcharts.It's onlye 5issue and Ihav feel fulaccepted bScene-members! Agood job!YAsaid inu4 had,well I knowfromponalexiencealot ofpeople$ s anx0Euro. Of cse it's difficult teckitay bumaybethis.idea:excludeindepent votM!IseTbunfair[ `zVcan't guygroup membAnexample`What haps when Iond30\forc(typedanfromdiffrqtowns) with names likKevin,Barry, Lord etc.. NOTHING!Y: HAVEtoaccephem! Bclunder Axel/Anarchy,yowillsay: 'T guydoesn'texist!'Ofcourse a cheatercaninv group bjreceive30ed s'lldoub* SIthinkexcludingi"penda r; reduceawith,least 75%. It keverycharso some`{Spg has to be done. Nomatv at! ThaK)8 Sane/Scorpi#Hello rsfoengag=brself in +strickyquestion.W, I'tnkit'avergoodideatexcludeindepent voters.commiat probablbthe s]'llfcheatD. Buerernot somanMAIL! Most ofw havubymodem,afD( almimpossibltoA!Idon'>ink9so much artsgeyng| excludK whi feellikebelongiagroup iG step backZr`b\Vre thaNOTwB we wan/o  up, will?Rioter/Equinox_ HEY!FWanna miss the Conference ofYEAR?% Of course NOTRG Attend toR- EQUINOX * SCOOPEXLAMIGA HALLOWEEN CONFERENCE 1993  ULLSHIT! Why? @problem notin;act`J game4i all ondistributq*Yresuch aworldwidnetkBBSsrunnfulltiwithsolRurposespreadgnewhs around!Th)%someth7ruly ridiculous!I2 ra6alforsceneproducSlik_}ӭSn>7 LIST OF VOTERS  So,wearbeating ourselves again,moand voterll the time. Ourpopularity seems to increase rapidly. Hope you'liknew groupbdlistofwhichUstarted withinis issu{Asalwayre'>nnerZ -lotV T ^luckydude:C- SPEEDY OF PARSITE -.Youcanlookforwardto 6 month offre/EuropeTop 20, directly onrelease date! Congratulations!-Ok, 's listw voters wihurnewF.Ify1haved_~zcB but notarBpresent,rs arrivtooWandlln be countiext issue> 2000 AD- ChipآFix V-CutDMABLAZEuDragonuRagFuDDICTSuownieuMasquMorg%M ONICuBlizzarduB-NicM!Dexter ikDAGNOSTFRONTUFunkyDAKROPOLIS TRADINGStrydomB:ALCAZ:GoozeruyleDu AMNESIAuBlack ScorpionuChip-RamSymph O'NeGToxicD%ANDROMED$uMCSFGELIC:PearlDTHROX:Dadd_Řy Fre<:RTEFACT:BuckaroouCoconutsGandelfSentinelXPou  ATOMIC Dolphin Ice Shap!#MAWEuMat"$BAD CAT:NapoleonABETRAYED:CyborguMFMFuBEYOND YOUuSniper8OREALIS`AgonyFelixRed Devil@MBRONXuVortet$BYTEBUSTERS:ZaloE:CELTIC:Killermachine< NTURA:KickmanuMr.Nuk{ PoisoServalWizardC CHROMEuEqualizeruManiacCu_t[wYSEISuDyonisosur.HydeBu COMPACTuZenitDDAMIAN:Ac>C ONES:John PeeluSS Soldier?uDARK STARuMikFEADLINE:Bad KarmauCasketTatuEMLCADNuSecamuWeadbye  SIR ChipperB VILSMicroc@DICTATOR:Excalibu8A:IGITAL:Red ManBDIN:Old Hai;ALQDUAL CREWQChromag)DestoDu EFFECTuStrangerALYSION:BinaryCENDLESS PIRACY:AchistuKid CurrMirror Image_7|Whizw EPICSatano!%uEQUINOXuAvengeruBlackeagleBreezudweisChipDarkyDeetroElecFuzzra!InsaneJonezMacromanMog r.Nic!Puk:RioterSimpso9SleepwalkTerminatoThe Silenchugwo ValiantZend<ZoolE EREMATIONuDoc Savage? EURECA:HawkE EXACT:Gunhed ?XTACY?CytrorCFAIRLIGH=?TMBFLEXIBLE_O:GarthDFROGS:CesiumC GAZ:DiscQGENETICQCateye)TibFuvOCIDEuMessyD GRAC:Uncle Mat@HARDCORE DESIGN:DanskenB:HYPNOS:Maxi Swapperc WINFECTWBeathoven@ TENSEStixuSugar Ray@uwRACTIVsuVelsaDPOL:KaozE.TOLLFREE ACCESS:Doctor DoomdIRISChrisDKENHawkeyeBRAFTED:TonicDLASER DANCE:Cri uVickaDLEADxPRODUCTIONSuapmani  LEGEND_WMazeEMAGIC CRIMEAngeldust@:MANITOU:osquitoAMAJ912:Nighthawk@:ENTASM:GunQNINJA BOMBERSQFornic8rANOXIOUSchizoCOBITUARY:MorgothB:ORAL:Demented Form<OUTER GODS:Fr 1PACK1IcemanCPALACEPusheaduSkywalker@ NICuTratAPARADIS:tearoC SIT Din upeedyCuHYLAXISuCadFLEASUR Fashion Design;PMETAL CODERS:Darkwalker?:POWOF PAIN:_~Casca Longinus;RAGE:Wildcat 1 IZ01JpxFRAM JM.A.S.E.uPosdnuosAuRAZOR 1911uCrackdownuHot Laric%ha PolsRadicalRaiderSchwabenpowSomeonepad:Vento` REBELSMetaESCIENTIFIC`AstrE:SCOOPEX:AutopsyuPhotonCu RPIOuSaneESHINING 8:Le'ClerkuOriE  UKID ROWUZatorD LLIONTorakDNEAKERS:LizFSONIC:Bis uDoleThe M_ O]لodel@MSPACEBALLSuJivu %UDLAND:BladE STELLAR:MoonshinASUBMISSION&IMPULSE:Reneg7D:SYMBIOSIS:ystraC TALENT:Olp 1TDG1Jocke LawnmovermanSatTrixy D>%SPECIAL BROTHERSucamp@ SILENT:D-ZirulashVisionerAM TRACKEROuMumukwvNCEGadFIADAragornBSTAR&RED SECTOR:ConeE:UTOPIA:Blue Nu9BUNIVERSE:WiverB0  0VANISH/MITRY0_ NavyEVIRTUALDelusionuQuazToxicDM VOICEuCoralDX-TASY:FracterB RAD9:DuffyuKalashnikovZENITHAntifastCompo&uINDEPENTSulcoholic BomberuAlienXze BalooBigfssigBugManDark Lordteismelayleriuisc-Devilisque Blr.Doo  r.StrangZarkowEinsteinEspritssenccxcelxorcisFox tro7GarryGrif_ FfHighl SpirioggerJoyridJT!Linc.Conflic^Lone Ran[MagicmanMailrtyind Flay`ondaorbid Aluntain Biker.CommodorNitz=OctonOverdrivPanteraPark`#Petierrlugs^Runn`#tSaunaSexy M.F.hapeshif4TaliesinTorchrazropicUrban Hype Uwe RiedingerWormeatYolkZonF2272 Vo[s!! Don't forget _ EA*to attendthe4EQUINOX & SCOOPEX6Halloween Conference 1993! c_bfheako`j-Co Datap^]5v ABOUT MESSAGEZONE  IMPORTANT! Readthisifyouarenking of usthe messagezone'Iwantrs published,HAV1towritem as an ASCIIfilanIseitus! We simplydon' havD timtypin{fro piecepaper*RioterEquinoxMain-Editor5-7 Novmeber = Scene AWARDS conf.!  :Killermachine< NTURA:KickmanuMr.Nuk{ PoisoServalWizardC CHROMEuEqualizeruManiacCu]? , MESSAGES-BAD KARMA/DEADLINE   FROM  / :,"-,WOLFMANoBALANCE: Hi William! I just love yourng and cool letters! Magbox4 was really gtalsotrackmo! Keep up thework!_DARKYEQUINOXeyt'sZwaysrto ha antact in Equinox, heh...TDREAMER\PURE METAL CODERS: Hi Christer! WhaHupcNorA? Alpha & Omega 2was really%! Ok, keep those long letming!kSPEEDYARASITE: Steffen! IEOat youink Deadline is Finland])|best group! Alwayproductions from! Whene PST-Trackerry?SKRISREBELS: Hey are%d or someg? It)soon 3 months wKIreceived a lett?  last time! Your graphicsjusuperb![FLETCH DREAMDEALERi JeUbI heard that L2 is now,Dreamdealersproduction, sohato bn too, right?bDARYLSHINING: I'm waitingPr letter...tGAMMA^ONIC: Lets have good swappTtime together, OK? PRIVATE DICKPARADISEIs it now cool be in Paradi]IseNJEFFfJETSEThNice new packmenu you have... CThatliked my modules!SCASKET\DEADLINEZSun vuoro soittaa, lutkahutsu! Only own prfctions, hoho]SNUT[E] Yeahjets start to make musicgetheroSXENDI AND VISAGUReally cool graphics, keep it up\bDIONYSOSf Thanks forbding the packmenumeab! atAPARADIS:tearoC SIT Din upeedyCuHYLAXISuCadFLEASUR Fashion Design;PMETAL CODERS:Darkwalker?:POWOF PAIN:\@L MESSAGES FROM CESCIUM/GS  Messages from Cesium/Frogs1to Simpson/EquinoxVotesheetis too small!! How are wesupposed wri'best slogans'2cm???(-Actuyspacis1cm... Ok,Newv}-formshoulbeready while ing this!!)0KGS/FrogsHar du det bave bra i dag og'*Cevin Key/AnthroxHi!! Been asince I called yaboard...C up Total Panic somedayseeyouthereYcomingtoGa-/Drain/OrientWakeHpefScott/Spa\ܭceballsYou've been drinking lately???#op mea letter sonn, eh7%-%(Wearveryawofthabovementionedproblemwith small writspaconvotesheet!Darylisdesignanew,an wqperatell waforittobefinsihed! - Rir!) ManDark Lordteismelayleriuisc-Devilisque Blr.Doo  r.StrangZarkowEinsteinEspritssenccxcelxorcisFox tro7GarryGrif[6L<X MESSAGES FROM CHRIS/I /to Redman/DigitalYou're still changing your crew...Hope this'be right one..@@Daryl/???Kicked ouf Shin@bI don'tunderstand why!! Godeskation.@Tyrant/CadaverNice swap with...3DGM/SolarisAredead?? Still waitinVlettJmy friendk6fTurbo/BronxOne ofcoolestntact!!0Faris/IYoyo$How are thhings go on in Middle-earth??=fEpicgfOur BBS ro[wwdy?(-ed.sorry but itwas hard read4)7fNOPgfofutilitybgt!! Quick..I wantohave\lus2fHobbescWelcome dudethe forces of Y/ ~}|=Alist.qdptZ*L} MESSAGES FROM STYLE/ALCATRAZ Some messages from Style. -Dark/NOXIOUS:Nice that you've found a cool group to join!#Sorryre little delay! Youuldn'tme"THE PARTY II because ofOr parents?'Too bad! CU veUsoon, mate $I Bross/TSB fr:Nice meet at THE PARTY II, dudSEh! Tu!bes bien ta geo... hehJ'attend lessage boxt n'oublie pas de saluer Gengis, Nam, Alex,Wizz, etcmart, ciao!oCone/TRSI:S&t CONE!Zw* Nice tags on diskude, hehe! It wasgreat to meet youThanfor the y trakmKeep upn`workiMExecutioner/SCOOPEX: Yop! Cool at THE PARTY IoSorrythI haven't seenfirst!thoughtSCXwas dead. Anyway,waiYr letter. Seesoon!S  Lizardking/ALCATRAZ: Yop! Write me dude! It&cool toet at THE PARTYII. By they,haven'onmusicmpo, wewerere. Ok, nicork from! Keep it up,>S Airforce/JUSTICE: Note heardmZ sinYa long time... what'sZ?Aangry becaus e didn't joinedr gro;Hydra/ANDROMEDA:Hello! Kowl to meet at THE PARTY II! I haveOseenfirst, dasksomeonethe z stwherew. But waskableCans,so I've pr name oniinfo paper.`Kyle/ABYSS:Nice demo,! I really likeKdesign-stUKeep it upt was nto meeto. Send soon!V Kinpin/PMCHup matg in Aars. By theBy, Lord Helmseembe a cool guoo, just grzZbGMhim forj! Send soon,Ml Kris/REBELS:I don't know if you were in Aars, but the stawas just behiALCATRAZ. so! qAnyway, I'miting fornext Eternal Issue. A la prochaine, Alp[ k Redman/DIGITAL: So you've left ADEPT!? Mmmh,joCd a coolgroup. And what's up with Tyrant/? Osorryfor thbittle delay! Greetz.l Shadow/STELLAR:Always nice intros from your group, Philippe.ors,tu preferes acheter un 1200 que d'allt'eclaZd a Aars? Je cuve ca etrange! Ok. Send me more of(cool packs!y Sun/Dreamdealers: N'oublie_s, jrle F R A N CI S! Mais c'etaitsympa de te voire a Aaregment. Greetz Moby forme!Gengis/DIGITAL:Salut Fred. Nicrakmo. Je vais bi ot venir aParis, pour faire une fiesta, together! Bon bon!`e{Vle monde: Wizz, etc.`Stookie/DUAL CREW: He, ma6Send st AtryK write longer&coolerlets+1tK  Clash/SILENTS:Yep, what's Zzup? I haven't seen you in Aa Sendsoon, mate!Quackbuster/S.B. : Annoyed, eh? Sorry, for thiToo badat we"haven't meet THE PARTY II. Ifound you.Next time, take a big flag withr name printed..5Hyde/COMPELX:Arez or MiYD? hehe!am not so crazy,matAnyway: It was cool to meetandat THE PARTY II.)And to all the guys I've meet in Aars: It was rey coooyou , dudez!oSorry, nssages forthis time,I don'nttakewZevhole EUROPEAN TOP 20 with my, maybe .CHITAT  box of TSB france... Grz 2`5! ax messages2.qdptYJy MESSAGES FROM ORION/SHINING8  8!!,to Simpson/EquinoxFootie rulez!.Yoghurt/SpaceballsState of the art was kewl.../Duke/New OrderYou must bebegame-swappev(my only)!! Wherhell yget &>oses??3@Trigon/AlcatrazComej...AEcstacy/ScoopexGood luck withr new board!!,SM/TRSIThanx 4 the sticker. FlameHej Jesp ending+Mac/StellarYou're lateIs it coz ofx-box??I'm excited...=YbfTrasher/PanicHi OliverAlways esendings'n'letters!8fBlade/FraxionHow is it go with thaame??(Eazy/Leg5careose lr}n Norway*Desto/Dual CrewNice ansies...=Redman/Digitsending Michael!! wvu@x Credits.qdptX>S MESSAGES FROM POISON/CENTURA Chromag/Dual Crew -Thanx for da interview, I'll visit you soon!Crown/Cryptoburners -Hmm, nice package, but whyo normal next summer holiday.-Wolfman/Balann Hey!,rat's up, stiwbussy with magbox?!?  Mr. Pixel/ImpulseThanx for da intro, good luck MichaEOC 1999\ow was you?(Dalmak/Stellar-Siwhen dothis%Ravedown/ViciousAanvaardt het wij is beter!(goh, nJetset).Cloud 9MrXo. Nukenilamezo min als jij!(alhoewel...)WWhy are you trying to fuck up MY FRIENDSHIPwith Ravedown?sick!!" Darky/Equinox-So, that welotsa votes ehh???Red Knight/TEK-You'funny whenXleepY#Swat/Bron_end me[condom(Bosa/Vapour-Didmdie?!?!?-Facet/Lemon -Bedankt voor dlogho...Flame/TRSI]a get my packagSR'All contax -I've had some troubles with da Dutch postoffice, so if you didn'tanything from last weekswriteX!again,rry for aBshit!# Ok. Send me more of(cool packs!y Sun/Dreamdealers: N'oublie_s, jrle F R A N CI S! Mais c'etaitsympa de te voire a Aaregment. Greetz Moby forme!Gengis/DIGITAL:Salut Fred. Nicrakmo. Je vais bi ot venir aParis, pour faire une fiesta, together! Bon bon!`e{Vle monde: Wizz, etc.`Stookie/DUAL CREW: He, ma6Send st AtryK write longer&coolerlets+1tK  Clash/SILENTS:Yep, what's W ) MEESAGES FROM RAVEDOWN/VCS Messages From Ravedown/Vicious:-,Who I contactedI wroteonly swap 0-4 dayz old warezhanged to2and hope soon 0...I'm looking for a modem !%@sent Megazin=Sorryla9d,butgotdme probs withCas realLexhaustfrom tharty.2AllOIf yaWg it doesn't workun jdSmovedLSD bootblock!!'Fila/Vicious]Nice stickers ...please_a wholesheet so I can copycm myself.QNemesis/TW.hrust>I'm waiting forj punk-tape!I will+techno backA-Fy/AFlDid ya likejmusic?5THC/Alpha FlightI ho+thatinterviewbe heldsoon. I only saXit 2 months ago.)Cone/TRSImThanx for awdworkNEWZ-sectionC MegazandsendingisDEquinoxG*Timeless/Jetset:When do ya can makejoD?une?Is it beTe(21st century(Daze/DesirejJust keep up waxing yourWr!?&#! Banana/TEK I will send a nicape some day.*WejWarhead/TRSIMade any tunes in xcopy yet...hahaha. I've just mone CygnusEdk+Godfather/Freestyle_I hoya haa nice timeZx0Do/Dual Crewjfsendfsorwarezon|2Crown/Cryptoburnerswait for the big release of CRB at5 year annivaryi2Incognito/SubmissioneSendme newUrez...too busywith Scene Talk?;Wolfman/BalancekIi_dmessages for Magbox. Igot them whent ya Megazin.&ASGreetz 2dAg,Array,Conquest,Crew 01,WqDeathAngel,Eswat,Exumer,Feanor,Hyde,Ike,Jeff,KR'33,Kris,Pinhead,AstroPoison,Radavi,Steroid,Tatu,UltimaxZorlacillr,Sec4,Jayce,TSM,VectCult Jam,Danny,Facet athe r5! ansies...=Redman/Digitsending Michael!! wvu@x Credits.qdptVHעR*t MESSAGES FROM SIMPSON/EQX Messages from Simpson/ Supraluinox?Will you get famous now withr design???tMessenger/Genocide:Calling me atleast 2-3 times pe ay!!!%Maybe you'll get those codsome or(I cha my Fuzzray/Equinox=Nice division here in Finland!!! Is it cool$_sleepown blood???_Rebel Mc/NoxiousSAme , send soday. Nice phone-call$from!! 30V|;conds.. to Darky & Metrognome/Equinox2Irma + Elvis-osasrulez!!!Slummy/DAIBCrazy letters from ya...CoolPillu rulez!!??qFocus/Vectra@Are you living theinr schan?)Intro?to Redman/Digital>Thanx 4 your great support #4... Keep on$cool sendings!!1*Tib/GeneticABest Amiga year??? It's for Equinox with our#European Top 20...Thanx 4 card!!to Killraven/Paradise:We didn't had a cce meet in Aars..sorry"no excucses for this reaVSEson : I was!goingere at all!!!% Zakka/Alpha FlighU#Nice ch>with you21.amristmas n...Daddy wpleased when woke up coz phone"ringing!!! Booz rulez]Aars??!??! Is itolinr new group??g$to Crown/Cryptoburners9Were  hin Finland at X-mas??? Was it coldfor? Don't think Zeke/Genocide?Maybe 'll geat film meday}Archibald/Absolut ;Hope wehave cool swapping time together!!rppy/Talents@Vu qSa,as above...oh, Wiyou join us or what???pDark/Noxiot?Thanx 4 he of a news!!! Keep!it upG to Yoghurt/Spaceballs:Fucking COOL track-mo!,Nice swap with you M8nDr.ZoneEIs6r BBS runnwell???Quackbuster/Static Bytes4Do NOW like chart BTW ET20 (not j a) hahhahThunder/WFMHCHow's Poland running???to Klpin/PMCACool swap with you but bit faster next time, ok??kFake/?FAregonna join us or what#mMosqV9Ruito/ManuWheyou Send sum clip-art now!!wArchamge/Andromeda:Awe still swappingHawkeye/Kefrens=Same as above...Al Bundy/Arise>One sending isn't enough me!!! S back!sCasket/DeadliPforl@!!2ident/Dual CrewNow owner of a printer2ouchsteEs>ceVery niaro!4As/RebelsEach yeane gding...WOW*Model/So9Now back in townHop/Pepe/SubzeroWhat's wro! Soonund-disc+$ EKillraven/ParaueThanx 4 fast answers pal!!!0Tron/SanityGood luck with your new crew/ngpiMCNice sends/RAWYOOO5oball/Complexgroup.Playboy/Static BytesOfcoz I'U|ll spread ya vote-fotm-Bfett/ShiningThanx 4 fast answers!!5Hyde/ComplexNot only own prods, xt's okay...OfMike.Ddfwfn a modem???5agellan/Majic 12Ws wrong guyWrite soon!!!,John Peel/DamonesGood luck ma<All PanmemberHello boys, Bottlfahead/Slash/The SilentNice packs>Rev#e/DigitalCool prodI like them2impson/EquinoxHope you can read my messy(It was hard -!!); FM/ShiningThanx 4 anUHswer, 6the letter is ok.%Darkwalker/PMCShould wry writongs?%All oLr contaxSorry, but I can'taf you, Maybe next time?!? Bye...; Calling me atleast 2-3 times pe ay!!!%Maybe you'll get those codsome or(I cha my Fuzzray/Equinox=Nice division here in Finland!!! Is it cool$_sleepown blood???_Rebel Mc/NoxiousSAme , send soday. Nice phone-call$from!! 30T pphlucia_rock!!!(c)omposed by:#@ breeze/equinox 13/12-92 zif u wanna contact me;then write toj ri hurtighjortvag1995335's luciaLday!yeah, thaans:boozing alle  Cng-( overmorrow!݋ Ӌߋ9jmF 6j7@P@ l@@breeze/equinox 1992 'ė8<   T[n% !CM.K.S/.@ ,,  -0 .   L֋ < l PЍj܂ @ j  `p - .L  `@\% l* .\ , `.@ L@ P І`!S`\ #{  -` Ћ @ @  ,9 #Two_`   S@/ #.@ (@@ 0. L< PІ@` -` .L ( @\`*  \@ ,  `.@ L@P ࠂІ@`.-S`\ ւ  - ` `j /Ћ@ j@Z @ # ⋠ &STdxM` T (@Ѝ⋠ P l   S/ .@ (  0 .L< PІ@`\ -` .L (  @\d*   .\ @ ,  `.@ L@ PІ #`  .#\  (֓ ␍, -W @   h` S #\T. 4  S/ .0,   -0`   $ L < l PЍj@ @ j  `- .L  `@\% l* .\ , `.@ L@ P І`!\ x#@֓l␍, -W @  @h`, STG3 ,9 #`   S@/ #. (0@ 0 L< PІ@` -` .L ( @\`*  \@ ,  `.@ L@P ࠂІ@`@-S`\ ւ  - ` `j ./Ћ@ j@Zl # @⋠Tޞk/ / @ @ (@ 0xւՆ L<< PІ@`␆\ -` .L (  @\d*   \@ ,  ` @ L@PІ #`  #.`\  (p, -`    #\ 4 S@/.@ P,,  @ -0`    L֋ <T! l PЍj܂ @ j  `p - .L  `@\% l* .\ , `.@ L@ P І`!`\ #{  -` Ћqj 𔷂  ,9 #j  2. #֋    0l SjPlSjT  @l P⋄{ S/ .@ ( 0ġ . L֋< MPІ ` `ʂ0- . 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Firstwant to apologize guys in Compact. We have someprevious issustated ڍat widead, whicournoube onlya d. Iink}G problemfor all magڊconting n:caseulhbe reduced ife`an federationsistofmany editors ڱ-supplie!_ > sencheckin somwaS g^[youtԍmhly or evertwo itwork. P If youګ a/-.ލa/ pleascژact QUtefifڎ's possiblerrange!' Wlego on wth0e usual stuffڱMaj[^ s it(:' Style/Alcatraz Thrasher/Panic- ڰ Cone/TRSI Dark/Noxious  Thanks you guys!2 Please continue with sending in news to us, we sure ahell appreciate it.: %-%  jI7& fD"AndA2alwayscan't take anyresponsibility if some S]of the newpublishs truڳayou seethinghatӲ wrong, leus knowsotu mws right!0 TMadd+s: EuropeڈTop 20/N"-section  Skreddarbostigen 2  73832 Norber wedڶ5 Here comes tnB for Jan-feb/93ڑ%-%  EQUINOX %-- MetrognN(ex.McGee) renamed to Mog.- Budweiserڜand Sleepwalkjoin from Supplex. agnum as graphician.Opus & D-Luxe are back in the Scene\Zo5ڸReality (EHQ) iڪd ASV+1ddonicچwithnew/ysop, l! +46-40-426360 \Terminator1 hBoardڧTechno Cb (Sb31-233325. ڮ6PNnd Lecteڦ(Modemtraders) left,or Fairlight - Fake wapper)W from DemonTDesign ڰBl^ Eagleas a mZ .Equinoxڅwill hol BIG conference in Swedetogether th ScoopexiRead PartyzonڃforڋreھfoHچPhrasڻ/{left ڦ scene- ZendoxandڌNo;Anarchyaڛ releasing9 musicdisc calleFunky Traڐ.. Newe everySntSu9Ƅh!P FG  xgV4 4p@B@0 "D@P8  0 !ڶ(3$$#1@! H$@ k0B PP TT  _ 썢8s s$$ L@؍W@8( ږP(*ZXl0bEdnР)$ I@DI$)PQEڞ *p08b1F#`cf?89g8p??pٖ ~S <L?_ϯǦǍkߦϦ  w8ύ?f?_ϗׯ\|w_~lr dpQl8w/apɐ@ @ @H @I@@ ڣA $ ??獜ߦ]ߍ wk쵷SNJsϦ Lڹ8{{?ύÿ\|w_lr dpQd8w/apɐ@  qx^^/c1f3`>9g8ύ89gpy50 p?? >8<<<?x<  x??]   |888p8G10 `0? B" d zS*MBDAoLjNО76h #@ ~~?c1f3`>9g8ύ89gpy 2000 AD %-- Spider left Legend Switzerlato join Crack INC, but as is dead, heedd. -irculatoڀhas} TSL . Z He waskeV7ڷgaa ToParty II.ڂV-Cut from SubmissonT - Raxor/ex.Kefrensg - ڠy lostړBBSvSceptic H 5TH GENERATION뢩%-- Deelite has not* SKQ_Awe ABSOLUTE *Rack/Majic 12 joined Absolute! CrutchDesignɍ were the Ex.LivAct membersho up.- From Nowd isad, all irڞ becamڟY . ncorAS!Pڂrway (Musician) \ ڮ| iLrelease a 2 diskIdemo on one of) Easte#parties.ڲMental/ex.Anarchy k Rackler,TچightanDoc Holid WildfirWos! #  jI7& fD" ABYSS %-- A group formed by the best Arise S1&ڮBeyondJmembers whenir died!j ACCESSION )Noblema7a! Sob close#BBS Housesoldhardwareo Hoffi/Damones.^  ACRID %-- lam left Acrid9join X-Tradealvatorک Alpha Flighڥ  \ystra\k %  ADDONIC %-- Mike,y ex.member of ExceedS {cڬAddonicd!El Diablo also a of  ! (He is callڲnot o awby acciden spe hnamlastheڜsue) more->  jI7& fD"V-Cutjlefڪanړ- Submڝion!- ZoomtReality BBSLre overtakenAl/EQX!f  ADEPT %-%DeccaLAdept joined Supplex. -  a back inusss: They restarted their trar activities,ڰTyrant m from Palace left andAfcon On- SkywalkڔtoR S %\AGNOSTIC FRONT뢩%-'Pfox0 Dual Crew! - Agnostic Front an Arise startڿa movemeagainst fashism. - They will dotwdemos  F in Germany! Support themW6Rator/ex.Panic, N  ALCATRAZ %-- Goozer V as a mailtradwith 40 non-elite contacts)- Crol &{Head got ڭnew pack-menu done bythic ڮStyle and Blڿy left LegenڟtoDڏAlcaJzڲ  is the world organi of IL .ar. Look oufor soS 8ime futuproduction٩ 2Tw WhitHousBBS was caught 6Norway}> closeno8tiڌ(sysop : Micro pal)C more->  $'z WZG- Blacky (GFX artist);working oC techno/Danceڝdule which will be playin discoڸaaround thںSwitzerland fMaster آ Brڴ of Scoopex joinbut reCXfa`Zith@wo coders from ATZ|ڄTom Coppleft|Animators- Cybڱonik.Goo will Bn dboard in Finl callOpaque!!S ˓` ALPHA FLIGHT %-- THC (Sysop of Mysti8 Places) wassk& tojoin Ministry but he refused. - Sal-One leftګgether with his board BoonDocksTRSI ڮBritish Empire khGbeenbstBin Germany`THCڿb em ba` Mystical PlacesXW Jڈice.he Mighty Fred/ex.FusionedkRanger Alpha Fl Iڤ (Lunaڕ Earls)  as a GFX-man ڮSalvatore andڵddicHonPha  Crystal+tylVk|modS Ήemtrader0 & for several reasonAڦ!Raz1911i ڮMik5 - Zakka/ex.Rebels A ڮ is now Black Sheep}D %-) CheJout Crimefile and get a few good laughs!&  jI7& fD" AMNESIA &- They'll releas6a BBS-Trackmo soon.- Amnesia's 1st board Pogoplace onlin1.3.93! has now gotrwegian secti~ ڲCatastrophy are dead. Kamjofdڼ-  ڇkicke; Devil becozof lamesJ  ANALOG %-'SigmSh&a left themo Scoopex.- CreaDesign is a sub-division They've gowڳmemberlڼdy, whichre Plasma (ex.Dragons)nd4cidڥ `Mr.King4 Beyond for AnalogLDC   ԍ will soon open their new BBS SwitzerlH: Civil warE GermanyedHigh Society- They got twowap Few(sysois Roadrunner)Bqicti Excalibu.6Scream dezignOnew sub-groufor &m. Formby ex.members of Plasmacid SJzH  ANARCHY %-- Blazer (Coder),DuelGraphician) % LizardMusleft Andromeda to join them. Theylready released one intro. - Facet DannyھLemon more=> jI7& fD"ڍTrix is> new worlKCder. Hkickygerman sectionn ڲMental wasout of Anarchy Fr:ڬ& Absolute#ڮSkynet^qftRebelsanZ荟f ڮZoom^Pinnyڗ or german members were - Tron/ex.D Sanitoball S˯ ComplexZMCMSpacesRumouMsays is deadG>  ANDROMEDA %-#Blazer (Coder),Duel (Graphician) and LizardMusleft them to join - They will releaseoڷr trackmڲcalled Q.E.D. ڤ M-April. J:HeadX, Ls: FairfaxSD Quest F :Mr.ManQ -9dromedaVa slideshow jk 1993- Wizqleft }  scene.ڈMadlock, BingoI EnigmaProphetDRalph were kicked out of? .~Lor Helm has never beenګڬS#6俍a member. It wonlylame rumou - Rs a_say. at Audiomosterqrjoined.B?he's not norwegicso.B  ANGELS %-- The old Crack'-group is b oPtsceneN- Thunder left Oڭle and joinedm as a tra.  more=> jI7& fD"ڎBizarrڝ frenamo Jermiah+ Steph  froQ 6 with his board Race Of Ace  adCat left Goonieand IN suppliK ڰOrioe [Shining 8ڥtradSome memberrSAe:Meanman(c ker,ex. Crystal),Zabbit Nemesis)tIllusY oz, ex SR/ParanoimiaڷFleshڶS.Majic 12ڵand s^ mڹms who were also in befo Angels died eof '91. - Th is  one the fastest boardڟ Scsinaviacallڛ Count Zero - RumouCsayڙat InterchaL BBS  StreetڈoFiW will perhapGjouup!b  ANIMATORp%-- Tom Cop@ left Alcatraz5ed!- Mr.Frenzy/ex.AWEnimators.' GFTHROX G)Their boardFS mlashBackںgot heby FantasticiveUy'vspreahis User.Dataڱall over tworld - Vindex/Anthrox joinnSpt}$  ATOMIC %-qSmashrtomic stoppr#mailtrading because is savmoney to buy a HST dem> /more=> jI7& fD"- Mr.U never joined 6,Vrex(ڙGLtq>ٍ(ڙ\q>8(ڙōߏ(Ӎ0(ڙs|qЍ( cOX( şA><ڠ(@6(s?~>8( G?s؍( 94( }Ͼ( |q( ލ(S%gQ(oڈ(p(ߍw(_[ڠv_[ڠ͍p(nb(0(o|;}9{e?e((r߰( bp( sS( ێ( ڈЍd( (  0( ~0(ssڸu:uզ}yϯ6v׍( >8DG( qǍ(>8Ǎ(Цq( 0GǍ( Ǎ( S&0VŦ( ,xŏ( ߎ (  x( q?(9?(ئq㛍(>(gߍ(((x(( ((( ((( ((( 0ߖ0 }ϖ(~?~?x?xa >xyÖ xcǖolN{KӖ@ bPqO8!  0/??ڵ  XS' ? ڸ Ѝ BE禀 ;frq ?ƍm όn}K>ă 1,~A37 0l`ၦK ?ቍK ?,`a ?< ?08n80q8~00~y?~y02?G㦀s胦 {0S(?~ap 'p >ヿ ̦ g0 ?A_荪`荡20vI0!0KʐF@D{`; j/`hdH覍m D0㦍@00$pp@荡D PB#荡$荡 f0??3O>ă$xa m`a ύmS)hIύ9覍ύ9㦍0`iύ0`yύ΍ry?̍ly͌p8?3??ــ荡?㦍޿099覍   ߖ{Ͽ?} z^  ڶ}ϖS*?o[[~y?xCÖgP~-ߖ~=߻   00ϖ0p0@0? | } y s?s㟎~9Ï><ǟ|y   ߖ ?  ̖S+'P   ?      o Y Y q W Y Y Y q 㟎~9sϖǟ|y8xǖpÖ '.D#8 x  Í.^耩̖gɆf1a2dɓgLf χ X ϖW(~YS,6l=?yߖ[_~{pݻXrϖ,~B@_{ڹ~=߻X  @0 y @  FpT?     X  qA .^@@~??ϖ??>?`?xcǖCÖ0  S- VÍ |  BYTERAPERS %-- T.O.B. left to Damones.X M CASCADE M&NExterminator/ex.Drifs joinedEPNCATASTROPHY N&- Catastrophy is dea[7usENTURA u( Quazar (Coder) and Radium (Graphics) have left Scorpio joineBڮSteel Centura for LegendMetal Gear ڑex.Valhalla, Skidrowڀwithqis boarSphericDreams r.Nuke,PoisonPlayer1/Qbeen in jail, coz they robbga postofficeS.ēPk  " .for TSilentsU D  AVALON %-- Scjex/Avalon IeQ, jI7& fD"SQWE S)Most members of Awe joined Tal5O)Android as a musician,Mr.Magic andpJim graphs ڰNecrolo coder Frenzy left forKimators; The Strangler chihis dle toJSymph O'Nee6AmnesiaڮPremierwill be a Talent Production not an AWE oneڮDeathrow ex.Vega elite/5Th GenerR"'ID!   NEWS C-I  jI7& fD" CHROME %-- Chromehas gota newswapper. Hishandle Coma. - TrickTrax,SubjectBlue Fox(musician) Growl (joined Balance.ZNetrunnergraphlefNCalibra%UXDeep Morphus wak8 out of becauseLazyness  COMPACT %-- Theyare not dea_SstatTinR0last issue. (sorry ab7that-ed) - Sentinel,orCorone Secret-X h never n bemembers of mpaR#:ct. -padowski changedle tounburst/Switchblade joud from Desire  Phil.Onlh his board M COMPLEX %-- Stargazer has leftagain're-6Sonic>- DamieϲAuroraand ed themwith his boardPurple PlexusLo(trader)[[^Global OverdoseTXstaz_togerpIcsala E.Tl kick out of Com'xDeloreanstiBJHdidn'tavScene orLX asatA Eurochart Freddy Krueg1R$nXwithhfboarBoilRoomZany, Ope?EyesfnlSmurf hXbeenkickout of more-> jI7& fD"DeccaHijackvenevPmembers !They weronlygreetdundthe name isodemosJ `Hotshot_Artif left Stellar tojod-M'Oco-operation with Legend 4 CORIZE %-- Gorgonzolaanded Shining 8ZaloBytebusters&M %- ( Check out the messages inM Zone! +@& CRACK INC. %-- Kaos Design/CraR%O Inc is deadL- Mostmember rejoinedirolgroupSkid Row. Someor foundâNems for second time,ass Ministry 8,demotion3also-Janitor/ex.ha^ a new sub$of" J CRUSADERS %-- They'll org$ze Gathering '93withDeadline and Exilin Lillestrom ateaster!! - Jason/ex.Snts jod. W jI7& fD" CRYSTAL %-- Rashleft Crystal, soldhismodemand Amiga the scene. DarkTR&kower BBS closed 4 ever. - Hot  Phajoin Alp Flight! TtEdge of Insanityvofflfors because it gtbustedBalck2.Meanman?toIngels Kamenski (ex.Scoopex)Ghost/ubmissiodid nU!!Eurs heartXxTRSIz  CYBORGS %-- Highlt, DarkmaJpz IMr.Magic and Jim * AweJ - Are making a musicdisk with Techno.GFTAX G( Zhas T to t SlipstreamoGoxy" ex.Cytax F PMC thenAndromeda1 7R'DAMONES *Hifi/Digital anQhis bbsTheLastGeneratio(Damones9 GrimKevin (both f )s well wZoo left Scoopex(USHQ)SS Soldier Fun Factory toJohn Pee gEwBeerma9 Z.O.B./ex.Byteraper*DuncanLapin JunttiHex`  jI7& fD" DEADLINE %-{Bad Karmaleft Interactiveto ]DeadlSSJellyfish(coder) isnow dg hmilitary service- They'll organiR(Ndze Gather'93witCrusas and Exile FLillestromteas!! 8TatusGCasket g DECADE %-- Af Mr.Hell got kicked out ofRSIwithhis boardSuddenDeahejointhem. c DEFCON ONE %--!yrant/ex.Adept =BYM IANCOM*Defiance is dead,because their coderwasforced tosellh Amigaafpayrent`LIGHT *Mist"Mixx,ex.DelightMelonDezighas leftthescene  joinPCY   jI7& fD" DER)+SIRE %-- Skyfox/ex.Dual Crewed$ - sty(modemtrader) and Shintaro(gfx)esire Mel  asa graphician.ickwho recentlyquitthescame bagx gainrRebMC left NoxiousIIron Eagl Technobr we k]out of Belgium! TouchstoOGermanyDark g Outlder to. Crystal bf hVre afta while. BhisBBS FutujInferno dead 4aj Maht3WHqMuic PlacesNfoBAlpha Flight R *hLĢCayotJetseDioxin Vanish DEVILj %-- Kreator/ex.Devils joined X-TrademSh quitt hisswapping anstarKcodeO Q DIGITAL %-)Hifi E1bbs The Last Generationjoin(Damones&Grim Kevin too.Wizz/ex.Silents igital France was foundbyeng= Liquid[ John Peel}Black Robey leftA / Z unca  - Finnish section Edead!!! / jI7& fD" DISKNET %--R +2arkpower and.R.M.* Wisp 6new organizer L%RAGONS %+ragons SF IdeadRKLF/ex. has left the sceneRaven wkicked out ofLDC  to join AnalogPlasma  GermanyL. 1! DREAMDEALERS --- Alex (Graphics) and NamCoder) haveleft Silents joined them. Rhah, TKB, AstmptoticHexogenChrylian DreamdealersUFreddoxletch/ex.TSB D DRIFTERS %-- Exterminator left to ascadeR ,  KMLOMEX M( BoosK PLu?icEarls ; rebuild Dromex3 $ jI7& fD"*-TECT **Paso/DU.D.ONRcf Elevon! C#DUAL CREW #*Chromag/Dual Crew joined>ssence@Wotw+D-Sign The SilentsSkyfoxAgnostic Frontwaskick out. He Desire Germany Leebol starthiswappingactivities again nderboy Razor 1911 AmigaXeniat got6withBBSSatan's Place!! Execu an0Phreaker/R -Kex. GothicftheirSecret World DYTEC &- Direct(coder) left i1tinPaso U.D.O.Icbe Dr.DRE to ElevoGhost (Submiss) * EFFECT &-Hke/Div (as a mailtraq(vELEVATION v&- The Swedish nsionof Legend leftfor Elevat޲! %Flash< &ce Pala&Dr.Drcube/ex.Dytec Rcf-Tect ZiptronixSubmis*  jI7& fD" ELYSION %-yorcwaskicked outbecauseoflazR . yness7 NG and Convey3 coder- The swedishdiviElymstartedOrganizer iUrbanHype(Vo tmost hain Sen)boarAngel IcN[.Black LodgآPluto Aa BDys  Claustrophobia cha.d ndljSat ,  WAurora ! EMOTION %-KHennessyarXmakinghismilitarservice for 10 month onP uNERGY u*Suicid got a new code now,but Rio itoo lazy finish theEgp Zinkfloid/ex.GR/4Dra?joinedH - They'll haveparty wiScoopex anManitouiInnsbruck,Austriaateaster 8 EPIC &- Epic wi"relin intro soon] a musdisk withfrom Satan/STM/Desertant to join ! EREMATION %-rChimera left Quartz andkedp jI7& fD"y ESSENCE y,romag/Dual Crew  EssencewFancy renamto Slicer Dascon  as a Sounder? ( EXCEED %-uMike, anex.member ofBxcee] AddoR0munic1 El Diablo also& %  EXILE %-- They'll organizeGathering '93 withCrusaders$n - Allz boards leftRebelsbecomeZre famousDCG/ex.OrigDleader stoa pictu by Jayonez, enlargt,chan t colours and us  Legend'Qparty-invitationtroR3a put his own na/un^neath! 6NaoBft f  Steroisol SuperNES Amiga to buy a new1200! He alsodoinglittle -op wi^Dark/NXSt a % jI7& fD"FROGS %-- Upstream #2 is out at the Garing.Bailey joined as a coder in GermanyTalbot/ex.Parallax with h BBSFinland. - Trackmoll be_hey're look for motra[s 9 FUSION %-- Fusion isn't officialy dead! - Maddy left  and joined JetR4{l)setas aSarber some others toinistry oGLOBAL OVERDOSE%-L o (trader)Complex  them - Xstaz with his boardIce Pala# 8 GOONIES %-- BadCa+(Supplier) J = reborn Angels-X '&THIC '+lack Clouds"ex.WHQ)1edDytec.Mean J renam Godfar anSpaceballs. more-> jI7& fD"Doom ofthic Dual CrewFila took ovhD 'sCrab-House-P` Secret WR5sƞorld (ex.EHQ)is Indepent  GRACE %-- Aft8they died Dragos,.Grell andWildRage joinSurprise ProductionsSceneLyrics wibe easur ! label now.- Tbarnot completlydead.SommembersstntinuwithiworknaŢGrace - Polish divisn is!! ZinkfloidNeft to Energy & HEADWAY %-- Theygot a new musicanx IMPACT &Impactisgroupfoundedb|some ex. Papillon membersr #NNFEN/Mce House (DecaR]P=vdGHQ) hasn't joinedthema- Turbo (Cracker)an Gameker(Originals)rnfect ]T(Sysop) was kid outwith hisboarDarkne Accompli fRawstylleftre-cParadiseJai,dBe6he Prisonnow WHQ Doudiin Sweden Graphician- rell be aNorweg division.Coach of InfectY Army eel}Black Robey leftA / Z unca  - Finnish section Edead!!! / jI7& fD" DISKNET %--Q7`,H#  NEWS I-R jI7& fD"INTENSE%-- Wonderboy left Intense.  has 2 new members:Yoda(Co), SeyGfx, Swap) !"RPOL!)ThisUcrackergroupformed bySkid row and Ministry S- Killraven left Paradise to join themRebel MCNoxioused stoppkall FmailswapingrenaJKaozf \ startmodemtVngIRIS%-uChr9wn soon do Packs{ - Igot a PC-DivisionU Germany boQ8yern with 3 member @JETSET%-OGodfather (Swap) has left Spaceballsto join Jetset:- Theywilldo crackintroforkidRow `MagicianLorƲ(Coder),SteroBJay-One(Graphics)anעHollywooMus) FreestylòthemU^ddy oSedpetsetas a traADesireswaGodfa`r renamJStorm Crayone/ex._u  is now~ff , jI7& fD"JUSTICE%-- Isanewcrackergroup formed byQ9 someSkidRow, Quartex and Hotli members- THC left Alpha Flight with his boarMystical Places to join them\KEFRENS%-- Maestro (Musician))ed Kefrens"- Princip was kickout ofyramid Inn BBS is closed!!!Raxor left to 2000 ADKLONDYKE%-Private Dick left toaradise.QMLASERDANCLM( Crionic/LaserDancestartedcoding.$BraintrDesign join  mag Injustiis out soon- ThersfromSpArgerupQ:!eLEADERPRODUCTIONS%-- HypocritrenamDto Black Eagle.- Capmanas a swapper+ jI7& fD"LEGEND+( Legend Sweden is dead!TheishDivision left for ElevatPlayer1h be in jailtogetherwitMr.Nuka{ois, coz yrobbe^a postoffice.6 now ansole dCFoxjoinZenrfrom SYzerlc  splittup.StyyBlackyAatrazRisk Ad his Amiga, because of somphone bills problem.Q;A< He w restartactivities in 1993 on A1200Spiderleft)( toE Cr7 INC,but as  dead, he0 AD  (ex.) foua girlIapubAars during TPy II!!(As very nice blo.)-  (at last)t?ofmake EuropeanTop 20-ch. So one aonly  t( will be) Equinox production?- &norwegidivis wasfoundebyKefirDeathlok.Mortݲ6Zenith joinupGermans Cap'n'Eazy E were kickPinhQ<؜ead decZYth tim5MisIrstVingonl]member iny ĢFlashlight-nomplex co-op w'LegensJOne leftre scene DLEMON%-- Facet andDanny (ex.Anarchy), KR'33Sanit joined Lemon - They gotlots of newmembersfrom  jI7& fD"LIGHT%-Ull have a party with TSL anPHAon the 29-31 May in Gonburg!!!N% LSD%)X-tremewaskickedoutofJAfterthat,mosmemberfromGeQ=rmanyleft. -Onltwo guys arbTrigon  to AlcatrazMCI and PBX got59LUNATICS%-#LunaticsAustriajoinedManitou.Hollywood FreeStyleU#% EARL #*Mr.fam (sker producer) was bby the police6otown left Luna Earls and Dead!XMAJIC 12%-- Jazzy D isthe newwor&organizofMaj%12. T Hungarien sectionisn't d .- Flesh left to AngelsQ>$ jI7& fD"MANITOU%-RLunaticsAustriajoinedManitou.Snoopy(onl germanmember)wakickout, coz of inactivity.- The C.Huelsbeck-demowillnowbereleasby another crewdKayoѲGCanada alongwith his board  Roach leftvd quio sceneMoso start]Mo-tradihagain- They have nowdivisions in Austria,Norway{GermanyBMENACE%-- Menace isa ne&groupfoundedbysome ex. Zenith members" sQ ?S XXs( Devil rlmto Speed Airwolf was kickout of MexxC#MINISTRY#( They asUTHC/AlphaFlight jointogetherwithhisboardMysticalPlaces,bhe refused - Vanisha nevu m ilegal-division!Gonly do some intros for Sabb from FuSzerlanH  Pjsus (ex.Zenith);  T omems!7 jI7& fD"MOTION%-- subgroupCoco'DezQ @kEign.All  real MotiӲexept Fulcrum, Confus and Deathlord.aMOVEMENT X%-- Newgroupofex membersRebelsSweden0- Liator(ex.) joined with hiBBS Melancholic ThoughtsNEMESIS%-- FoundcagainbyACrackIncjmem#s`- Rafal, NemeshalefttheAmiga scene to joPC. Hfba new group on.Scud/Rebeland Thomas{wersame guywdbust`french policsZabbit &8Ang|CNOXIQ A&OUS%-MSchizoMSupplex Cjoin Noxiou=- Rebel MCDesire anded InterpolDark(ex.) HeisthnewNopacmaker, as ConeGothicnow TRSI)_Colorbirdcoder) %Razor tou!uwill ointro frdReport: jI7& fD"NUANCE%-Hawky Nuance.Jackol,Shakenand Icebo(Coders)joine- They talkshit abouxLDC Painkillerro~Eagleas swappnwsostaQ BR$rt p-ing`Xentecleft  Addictsstrelease a tromo,aone-file-slideshow-|a music-diskBOBITUARY%-- ObituaryisFne;group started bDr.Feelgood (ex.PMC)!q ORACLEq( Stephleftthem toger with hY board RaceOfA tojoinreborn AngelsRThund(Swapper) ~ ,ORIENT%-MDramstoOd allScene-activitiesdue@school-workC6NOUTERGODSN)A new demogroup BSwedeno - TheyarealreaQ CdJing on theirfirstproducalled :DeathBefoDishonour! jI7& fD" PALACE ( Hijackhas left; germaIse@of Symbiosis to join Palace.- Tyrant Adept Skywalker (ex.)He  now GHQWPANIC%-- Apolloleft Vanish and$- Trasher(ex.Hardl)asswapppackmaker Pc kickouGamblMontanaRiceMarlow rRato to AgnostqFrEmax TRSIu >PAQDLmRADISE%-MKillraven didn't joinDSB asstatedthelastEurochart,anstop mailtrading. AccomplicRawstyle hn lefInfect to re-bym Mr.MagnosKSubmissionPriv+ Dick(ex.Klondyke).Spaghetti HouBBSKillrLn Interpoltearowtakeover spacks!!hPARADOX%-- Daryl (ex.Shining) joined..  jI7& fD"RSLLAR1Talbot left withhis BBS to Frogs!!- Rest of them formed QEiParallax designsݢScoopex=# YSIS#(xuhu joinSLeader ProductioQ.7ysdX% NOID%( OnoidusesBootgirlontheirnewest sounddisk(- Since Spiv left iod in April'92ystilusinghiGFX withoutgivhim credits!PARASITE%-- _sitearworktogeZrrQuartz Denmark.`'HENOMENA'( Theyll organize a p?y1 TSLndLight on  29-31 may in GonburgqPLACID%-- Members formed Scream dezign/AnalogywithQFtZw ex mof Plasma.U jI7& fD" SMA7 0cidW% TIN%)They willarrange aparty in marchor april at Bad Bentheim/Germany"- Ascender joined asmusicianDirect(co) leftytec and EPLEASURE%-MCobra Uis now ipnt!QO PSYCHOO)Isa new crS Turkey consistingof 6 members.<OPURE METAL CODERSO) PMC FranceiAdeadmMcwerkicked out!- LordHelmethaneverbeenaAndromeda m. It wonly a lQG2amrumouThanatos gotUQUARTEX%-uBlackNinjaleftQuartexand th%Amigscene tojoinPC=(is it only a rumour?)  jI7& fD"- Z-)TheyarLactivWSouth Africa,Engl$, Denmark  (perhaps) alsGerman2tmoment- Chimera leftjoined EremationDuffyto X-Trade :'<~co-op wiAParasitBRAM J%-- Ram JNorway formed- Executor is"ding ammercial game Techno Art Label- NQH9F7ewboardinUSA: Grand Illusion,Sysop Sler- The firstsue of Chartswillbun tdaysMarch!'RAZOR 1911%-- FFC(ex.Skid Row) joined as cracker.%Colorbird(coder)lefttoNoxious=Hot&Pha AlphaFlight for severalreasons andeRaz.Wonjboy/DuCrew AlienXGates ofsga5 ns isw WHQ SchwabenPoweɲ organiz alli Amiga du5 Problemchildhas beenkick"dueinactivitQIa\y`DisqBljoinphreakerBad Boy nevNwaP member,hz didntgeo tqualifikations tradF & Whizs   f 3 wREBELS%-QRebels SF left and formed MovementUAstro(ex.) join Bizzare Toastmer/BaciaPhagon has neverbeen in!ar !Scud/anVThoq/N0sis we the same guyHe w| buGd by french policeClawez,BraiildQj~SpiralyncVodkaosojoinTSB fr Idealhc Franc9o   Etern i nowapur production.VNex.Stagditor ofY1r 911 7FScoop DesignLibera withhFBBSMelancholicThoughtAbuth. aferwhileMovement X] Zakka\ Alpha Fli3 }Flip the page for more news} ivisions in Austria,Norway{GermanyBMENACE%-- Menace isa ne&groupfoundedbysome ex. Zenith members" sPKL!   NEWS S-X  jI7& fD" SANITY %-- KR'33 joined Lemon. - Tron (ex.Anarchy) Sanity- They are workingtheir next dwhich will be called: Bumble| A SCEPTIC %-- Crun left_hipmania got w menu for his pack!- They a BBS from 2000 ADT SCOOPEX %-'Sigma Analog andjoined them.%'ll organizepartytogerwith Equinox Halloween kend!in Swed(see P-Zone forfo)Salvatore PLW%(ex.Alpha Flight)YLink6 Dual CrewzocoopexMery Profecy. Jab Absolute~TZooy (USHQZandUDams Boiler RoomWCompl4rad(SysopaNwRespect| iswatch+tRpolicex- MastHBros Alcatraz bureSCXfawhC with twvcoders fr3ATZ4AngelDawn renamto Godflesh- Thera)rumour*Wotw/DualCrew had WInobody knows ifrightcbFade iswe nworld lerSCX/Energy/ManiPMatoupartyeasterin Innsbruck/Austria  more-> jI7& fD"- Thewill rePsea trackmohGa&ringwithco by(pycatc,gfxUno and souHi-Lite! - Freddy Krueggot kicked Parallax is now designs ofScoopeFinl Kamenski left to Crystal  SURPRISE! PRODUCTIONS/SCOOPEX %-- AfterGracedied Dragos`.Grell Wild Rage jointhem6  Whiplash (Swap) Frantic to  - Thei\ completY member-liPN/%=st is:K, JuzEddi++ElwoodFreHighlerJesuJ.O.E, Ki֢ LukeMiReebokRGBPh SabadonSerop TriWild RagWhiplashfZwullo. -cene Lyrics will bereleased uZurprise! Productqlabel now.Rancoϲ(Musician) left minNorway to joAbsoluteO ` splittbp8oopex decidkickout,andonlysom ex.S!P members werallow_j S SCOOP DESIGN %-- 911 left Rebels DedB PO -  $ MovementV#  RPIO #( Sane(Leader,Swap)has 6 thscene== more-> jI7& fD"kWantedrtrackmobyOcorpio isdelayed again! (for 3nths!: Array(#andeird(Musician ve  , too DIcelord(Coderm joincVous Quazar `RadiumGraphicsto Centura #was nevera membof Jetsetis still ScorpioA musiconPack van pee/ Smade byx of  - They're deadA XPP F SHINING %-- Zephyr/ex.Silents joined Shining"-aggy was kickout ofDaryl atThe Party II kyman h neverbeen a member 4 left t{ Amiga scenecaus<piss=f ytg. HilreturxsucodDarylskSpaceballsbout jo;blyfyd2 g SHINING 8 %-- Orion(swapper)leftm toborn Angels- Gorgonzola ed is nowcosysophElevat\s SHQ Flashtrade~ Newl @Oscene!! } PQƝjI7& fD" THE SILENTS %- Alex, ex.catraz joined Willow thenThe Silents. Nam has left is nfrenchader ofSL FranceWotw+D-Sign/Dual CredT- Some members inurora sto !Visioncc Des-  whole DutQdiv got kick\izz/ex.Silents DigitalPhag out and renam backMSwaveSubmis ZephyrShiningClofR, hastopphiAmigaactivitieH thePRMPCscene. Insane disk mag cancelled.Alex (Graphics) an9NamCoder) lefDmDreamDealers  irculator@2000 ADBasBarock !ir groupca<No SoulProdukktionkIt saithaywoc)s alskDenmark4bJasonp Crusa musician Rave (swapper) bough PC Slash TSL Sweden!TMB-DesigY t.paceballs.Barockex. nearly quite thscene!! Visioneropensa bbs cKCpresHill! IP S0tsindy BBS - Theyll organizeparty with PHA andLight GoOnburg 29-31 May 1993!!- Swedish divU are gonna releas music-cFMasterpiecesV- Also dentro coming at irV:'9kick lotof members somemonths.. ; % jI7& fD" SKID ROW %-- Boman & Willy/ex.TKK joined- They have now got a Legal division.ڢJanitorKaosDesignhas foundeda new sub group of Skid Row Quasar leftangZeh sysop P T#WIlluQto Angels - Rumours bout dead\ Europeare onlyrubbish[they'stillalive!!. Bbut..rsayingthamkicked!!  P WHjI7& fD"V-Cut~Addonicb-  2000ADVZiptrk& Elevat\ Flaming Death BBS got kickSynchzer(ex. o)xwi his  Ghos did n Crystal,he nowindepent > SUBZERO %-MSlick TNM'NOT left them!! ynchronizer oubmission withhis BBS * SUPPLEX %-Mlasohas&% YZboardCrazy World +join Aurora8 chizopplex Noxious.Decca/Adept ed Grim (ex.Digital)PXm}ed M SYMBIOSIS %-MCrunch(from dict$ #Hijackhas leftthe german sectionof Symbiosisto  forces Palace Mystra e anded  TALENT %-sTalenwill release a Trackmo calledQed& - Mos,we members+! PremierbsProductionnot anWE one{ jI7& fD" TCC-DESIGN %-QVisrer 1The SiPsl d' TFA '*9CrimeCity BBS (AHQ)has now aDual StandardCentric wt busted by tPYzPpolic I THE ELECTRONICKHIGHTS%-(R jI7& fD"TRSI arebackdemo sceneSEgggeadm, P\UeMaxicodempiderDominonFlamC3m fromritWh #nowma{organizerofnectionl Fade One/ex.Bl0Robes{.Emax (Pc)  H VANISH %-MVXshdid notNMitry as ademodivision1Dioxin(ex.DSR)edAscenderlefGothicand.TekknomaDead-City-BBS polloVSHto)P|c}Xeorph($emtrarNgot cosyHeavens DooQ  (. Eurdquart= $ VEGA %-#Android/Vega wAWE,P]_Zhe wa$sk toY LegeLbut refusedO is completely d! W VICIOUS %-OGodfather (Graphician) leftmFreestyle DefBeaŲC-64scene andedas a mus - Sommembersweraksijsibuty refu[ d IcelordCoder)xwfterOha>Scorpio - Trumoudth CrewO! is nofrue! 5more-> jI7& fD"- Insa}nev3wFalon but Vicious anchangdle toila9n - was ask(nor did hP^ze)v Scorpio Dukis kicoCofHJunebug/, leftG sceneRavedownWw WHQ Vulcan and  illstartpackingA Phryme,MacrowElessurre Mca (Musan) join2ggto release a highquality magaz(!) callMer 7 VIRTUAL %-'Tekknolover (ex.Archeron) jE aswapperB- They havesetout areward on thguy whockir bo! T WILDFIRE %-- Wildfire anot dead. R?r didn'leftscenP_y bdoreleasanymow-ps ler,TighandDoc Holidaex.Y joined AbsoluteCrusader-X  s secomailtr5wki d a fewlater againA  go:a nGFX-man callMlmoon. RBG/Amnesiatrito - Ma8couldn't^ will releasNmusicdisk ov3 s spring'93C  jI7& fD" WILLOW %-- /low is deadjAlex, ex.catraz joined thenThe SilentsNamhas leftonfP`2!renchader ofSL FranceMitزquitscene and bought a PCFulcrum got bust:bycops!! O XENTRIX %-OAcewaskickQout becausoflazyness. TDD andHW joinm |nt to opena boarcallThe Mystic Mazev 6methisE %a swapperHaywire startcoding X-TRADE %-CountachleflFreestyle togSerwit G  CyberSpacan-.V Slam (ex.Acrid)up! Kreator/Devils  radeThwFuturZonBBSPdظJnowhGerman Headquart of  DuffyYQzXW" m }Flip page for more news rackmoteasTg T jI7& fD" SPACEBALLS %-- X-Treme(Modemder) leftthem join TRSI- Godfar(Swap Jetset Bizarre nevhas been a memberMCM(ex.Anarchy)ed up Germany.TMB-DesigySilents _edDaryl askEbu3y refus $ SPIRIT %-- Denmark division HmTRSI. QOSPREADPOINLO)Vindex/AntOb%   NEWS Z-OTHERS  jI7& fD" ZENITH %-- Samiris the newleader ofZenithandNeptun no maiguybehiswiss modem chart. - Fox joine from LegeSwitzerl~ Vital/ renamtoHitler. HQC onlI memb/FunTrestofwere kickou `Crackbrain/ex. quitscencoz bought a PC-computer!!! Pegasus lefndjoin{Ministry a`modemtraderd Sudden Impact BBS (Norwegian HQ)fromOc%3Hgot bustedMonr|eLor_Incogoare nowGerm^TBeacdGBlis onl again.Leon (swapper) kicked out! Dr. Joones]SmiRifinally for`military service QuasarleftSkiR joXZenit9as sysop Anome/rscene4PSI  working ona newofdemo wichll be clNucleaStefJFighter ArHitlnCompost Ras:orystal w" hboarrBlack Tower ark AngeLegend Morty 4 OdTmore-> jI7& fD"OTHER NEWS &- Blueboxing in Germany is dangerous!!- Theseboards are busted at the samti  Norway: Totalpanic,PurplHazeMExtensionMitelin Gutze'n'GloryPyramidCreepshow,HofR wallNoAccessMoonage DaydreameWh{us_Sudden Impact0@eLT. - Som Blueboxers e[landgotbusteCmselves a litt+f m questioto whoscene:WhowiwnbetwePC OeAnAmiga 1200? - Kimb[i.most ha'pv7 soldBBfos4germaelecom talkq about blueboxing aaTV programcall̢Monitor!!!He isalsosysop ofboard Dop   somBBS Ssoftwarpaniesl iresponsiforYl thbustos inGy d wi ggaithe TV anMmakeorH|port  -die3onwx- ex.Equinox membDr.Zone has openeaboar.Finls,it'scAbysst -nish national sigO@}_]s )$ymoreSF nowFIN= Q Tha,please continue to sen in your newsus.k8Ys NEditor Jonez/Equinox... s{.Emax (Pc)  H VANISH %-MVXshdid notNMitry as ademodivision1Dioxin(ex.DSR)edAscenderlefGothicand.TekknomaDead-City-BBS polloVSHto)P|c}Xeorph($emtrarNgot cosyHeavens DooQ  (. Eurdquart= $ VEGA %-#Android/Vega wAWE,NgCc NEXT ISSUE  !)NextIssuewillbouthe 1st ofMay 1993*CRIMEFILE:Fromn]i^nCrimefileQSdigitizedinHAMwithaHIRESresolution.That'givyourealphotoquality, so sendr pictutoyj NOW!5Various:- Preferences (Ptr,inteNTSC/PAL)- Animated Iconenvironment BackgroundeffectsTotal Keyboard trol Help functionModule Sel_New Charts:?BestDemoBwill be renamed to1-fi@d.MegaN#Multiload ing planned Thereqcome a BEST HANDLE c,thanks[Mystra fore idea]Slshows : Intros (Max 64kb big)/Hopeyouthinks'niceimprovementsand.tcontinuereadingr favite Scene-mag!*Rioter of EquinoxMain-Editor rtcoding X-TRADE %-CountachleflFreestyle togSerwit G  CyberSpacan-.V Slam (ex.Acrid)up! Kreator/Devils  radeThwFuturZonBBSMi E*P3 EQUINOX & SCOOPEX CONF. 1993  /\___ _/\=silencer_/ . \=||  \_-+=:g |__\:| f /[:\_/9>! ..yL/ |  V_:\l=+- __.:/==:\||_|-+=\    /\_  .-_/ . \_--- |\_|MjCO|::\:)f /|\D(/>!/   \: // / \:._/::\_.: .:|: | `-\/-silencer93-  'U__'/__)/o&\u  PRE-RELEASE of the invitation to THE AMIGA HALLOWEEN CONFERENCE 93 C~XWHY?K~KAs we are responsible for thleases offab European TMk"Ddop 20 andalso will dealScene Oscars Rewards,decided torang} Hu Conference in Sweden. ThiN\suGbebiggest everd ![aT%1out at .l'Wha>n?@~&The ConfYnce will according to tname be held on Halloween 93.in4th biggestwnSweden, Jnkp. It'situateCentre of a huge c c.6%Facilities:D ~$- 6 BIG conference locals for special invited (300 persons each). - A hug with plMl\aover 7  ReRestaurant 24Hours/dayYou can buy rfood any time ylike Also Candy, Chipsd Junkwill be availabl- Plenty of showtoiletsoihat awful smell-h cleaning staffkeep it possif for youwalk around  TVannels!th PERFECT qualiB broadcastedhot movies on 1c1parinfo - Big-Screen6show Mcontribution@perfectB - PHi-Fi souequipment for demomusicmpetiH- LocMmO;aluter stordwill sehard-waredisks 24hourazDisc play the latest movieuggage room_ y safely$A SynusiXConcertth_ b` computer-musicians around^oud-speaksysteWprdUinformation-lfereg BBSstuff and all party releasesbe online Discoteque nearby, ~osere";'Scene Oscar Awards:<~'The[ s will be aRed tsecond day.ose who are nominat told, soypresent atference. If Mn 7you a~not'lopr chavget of1993. A Jury_pick out, alBuRfirst daydecidwinner in each cgory. T mainly sid Editors from famousmags,:ibe ask=[jok] OscaCommittee duringp1993.V'_petitions:B ~'Of\urse we will have the usual c> , Demo, Music, Graphics andIntro . Winkprizes wh you'makit worthming.DemoMusicGrapsIntr L1.10SEK2 Mo \2` 5 Q  \3`2_  7$We will also get Hardware from our Sponsors whichbe added to the prizes p$The# 6some minor entertainm competitions:- IQstC - Real-TiKDemo CZ from Scratch&- Bootblock 7- Gae s<- More c will be stated lrO'Rules:I~!'- Boozing not allowed.9- Smook inside the build%- No fight (Outwe don't mind)brea]ofconferencentresterior. You'll havo pay for eveMpKrythyou with a hG rateest- Acrim{wibe reportedPPoliTaccordSwedish laws - We don't take ANYsponsibiltyftributionCopyrA Software9xhavirGa proffess*al Securi Force which will make sure those rules followed. If you don't, wtANY responsibilwhaheymight to!  Note:J~#B!We have invited a couple of Newspapers, TV and Radiotworksome bigcomputer magazinesSoftware Canies.uM ȍMake suvto get the Iation Trackmo8ded by Photon/Scoopex which willbe out Spring/Summ1993 _&Final Words:C ~&Well, this have hopefully made you interested to attenthe Cool partyever. Make sureweekfree right away. Gtsom arrangers.n&NoteGTOP20-Editors:7~&After the release oftextfile you have justad,re's come up sinfo which w orgot toll 4Date: 5-7 NovembR1993 'V- Probably a Lazershow with 9(!) l!v gaLrp\ GATHERING 93  t h eg ar i n1 9 9 c o m p un fec!ga lkf(la s)c The Gathering 1993 is}follow-up to  very successful conferenc held easter2.year,organization called'Romdke DatafoW'sistKof members from Crusad, Deadlin] and Exile will be#arrang.Tbdate Uisferenc= 7th - 10of April 1993rThe location seems to be Skedsmohallen, as it wtast time._`genLsIeral concepzill]somewhat likehpreviousfere, bue expect moreoplcomputerssoftwaheand just aboof everything.Prerelease!W  r e g i s trns ym3f om ainqA8ou all know, thegistering sym we used last time was one of thsat camoproblems for.oThif@=i be doIquitifferently\lRememberratms Oa prrlease, and matters have not9enD settled yet8l(Before you arritOn the invitLtڼ.dT w)\quess like name/handle, group, on.Z_When you arriH%5At the entrance, billions and of small slippaper w  be available. Yes,same regiswt form aninvit siI 99%kyoumhavegotte%rest n'tceive t all.tYnowto fthis m ouLu:` t (bynd) bee'can enterDYWhenxpay(OOn each form there is a unique number. Th will be used lat* , person receiveingfeecheckr handwritto sif it's humanly possibleread - or not. So, compuds whi_regis :-)Yfwill also be given a badge unlikhe one used at TParty II in Denmark.isshowyhave payed.jWhileip-(& 1)!Ou run around having the best time ofr life, dozensslaveswill punchanamLv>6into a humongous database. Each person ua unique number.l While you party (P 2)!q3There will be a big monitor constantly runningslide showthinformation.isat atimesthe number of peoplxho have regist\d. Also,rdepia rs< vailable.Time to vote wWhen it's tp , a specialing form will be available. This  hav field where you must enter the sanregisedwith and umbonr sticker. IfLwHdoesn'tmatch,%discarded. AfZaCil! a)h`Nin,Van even biggbunof slQscountingts us well-writttsoftwyato Eurochart.ut h eg ar i n1 9 9 35pryb b s" OXThere will NOT be a party BBS at Gating 1993!eresons haveeen explained many times, but 8Yy aag.[* We nevALL people we can get toilpings runll with party no&left overbe SLxX[yysopof such a system.* For us, The Gathering 1993 will%even morxpencive than 2, sotraes ofhardwarequired(modem_computernetwork, telephone linetc) simply8Bwe cafford.* Even`oughe party BBS system at TGaring 1992 didn'twork asllit sld have,reasons fora  ibe first place is only to makMreles availablepeopnot& Usoonpossi. RfromTGar91993 wibXnstalledQ THIS systemead.a* We cLySOanpreven ny oO group#sett>up party BBS  but remembthat if such should be,ey will _located cplace6d w1eforhavedesireffect. Also, CrusadersDeadlinedshes toNO RESPONSABILITY WHAT SO EVER oystems!Update 17.02.932t h eg ar i n1 9 9 3qms{c opitn sfrl-genr{lj bsaiadm>Yt[2g p hc 2m u2pdm $>General InfL zormation<-n Contestants for ANY of the main competitions mustntactInma Desk BEFOREdeadline to receive a special envelopand i sheezat isbe filled out^eringoproduct. Onyouacouple ofelds'gardw* P}spat have been entered oUr5mpetis can NOTbe anyma r* Media (diskettes)cont_Vproduct will,return+]* Once a|is entered,d may notemodifiefurr[* Deadlines willheld as faL {w#rpossible, but weof courseaccept(sshorhile af since it seems toim foomefinishthing at the righi:-)h'Best Amiga Demo' Competition InAma%(-K** *MUST* run without problems Kickstart 1.3 and 2.0machinesB R* Demo *MUST* run without problems on  512K, 1 and 2MbpMEM* ALL entered d+ll be shown in fulengn* One persoxrom the groupat is pres>ing; *MUST*'available to control anyteractivarts ofL | (Psmouse,lfeatu with joystickd so on)\'Best Amiga Ig' Competitionforma$)-J** The size of tfile(s) (executables, graphicmusic etc)at make upintrot not exceed 40Kb total.t* Ig *MUST* run without proms on Kickstart 1.3 and 2.0machines&; 512K, 1Mb pMEMt * ALL entered intro ll be shown fulengthn* One persoyrom the groupat is pres>ing; *MUST*(available to col anyeractivarts ofL }} (Psmouse,lfeatu with joystickd so on)\'Best Compu$ Graphician'etition Informa1-B** All pitures wibe judged in ONE category onlyn* Piccfrom ANY machinehnSentered, but for thecompetition,notatible with ECS pset Amigaranginga1 to 6 bitplanes,llZconverted^closestmatch usproper graphicssA software. Contantsc9e1|mselves or hav ar( do it. ALLmpetZsavailable in BOTH anL ~J d.diginal form.* P"*MUST* enter4on a sing3.5 AmigaDOS0 MS-DoubDensityat diskettef * If more than a certain number of pictures aenteredcompetition,jurynsistingnon-graphictswill|k outpoonbna finalg'Best Musician' C Inkma'&-M** All modules wibe judged in ONE category onlyn* Mdfrom ANY machineinTentered, but for thompetitionnot playable& Amigau with NO extra soundenhLancing hardwarelleconverted toilosest=tch us propYs8soft.{* ContNationenF Vrt Land%  PulsBGDet NyeHNatt og DagDRevolver_GReportIVi MennGPCompu Specialized Magazines:0-'AmigaForum, Norway=Dator, Sweden:PC WorldbEByte, USAFatiaHPNews OrganizVons:<-'NorLwbsk Telegrambyr,way5Reuter Ass. Press=So why on earth invite all these ? Thnswer is very simple. We feel  it's VERY ortantat as many from media show up. Mco~ageusuRy[thousands, perhapilliofoC4watching. Ifheada larsoftwar when wVYOUR demoxlaymoduor picture,chances gettontractyour life withatSalmost guaranteed!Gm o r ei n fm a toQFor those of you who are not familLiar withat The Gathering 1993 is,ea lo information sources available.b* TeleVoice?QCrusaders and Exile art this time installing a/ box will ow you to cspecial numbergetformation abou wevwant regardtThe Gather1993.< servDXbvailab i shortile. Yneedphonth #2* signs use.Y * Newspapers[At the moment,computer magazinalled 'AmigaForum' are printing ir latesL[ht issue. This will include sformationenewavaiable at youoes stand a short whil\* QuAsyIf you have specific qLabout The Gathering 1993,can eilea message to SYSOP on this board, orlle ofe follow numbers:Dr. Outtasight/CrusadL+47-6-833754C2-470708C31-41160tI should be able to give you the informationneed.peeknorwegian, english and some gen.ʢt h eg ar i n1 9 9 3i >mKSc opL'MAtn sp/zIn order tak:urhat your work is well awad, haveedrdbe ablo offprizesasomewld rec{! Thtal valuee 1stmaround 50.000,- NOK !!nNotL3thli]erelease, a^EreD9=more details will follow shortly.4NAmiga Demo Competition9-v1st prize:A4000 (unknown model at thisment)%Valu15.-2,NBeGraphician Competition4- v1prize:OpalVisGraphics Adapter Card/Valu10.000,- NOL Kc Best Musician Competition6-^'1prize:Vector 68030 25MHz Acceleraw/math Co-Processor, MMU,4Mb RAM, SCSI-2ntrol5ValuX10.000,- NOK'Best PC Demo Competition7-w1prize:486 50MHz, 4Mb RAM, 130hard drive, SVGA Adapter andmonitor, Gravis UltraSoumusic a.&ValuX18.000,-All 1st, 2*a3rd places in aAmiga competitions wialso receivea fuyear subscrip ofForumxIf the?nnerkGraphics and Music are ows9500's,LA8Bprizbe equipmentth a valuto 10.000,- NOK Ys8soft.{* ContWe'll havegboard supportingparty with late7stuff, which is available inpcopy- room. If you gonna release someth6at#SYSop's of 'No Respect' (ScoopexK,6 AHQ) and 'Crime CityTFAwill spreadBr$productions worldwide.9Every day at least two movies are shown on%a 2.5 xveo screen]7The competi mholdPtlM@"about 12 AM.will beEdemo, - intr#-gfx and souU for^Amiga'AtDys mu'run a 5Gchip faam. Kickstar.3 Inot#be longe%an 40 k%'Ifere aenaugh C64 maenes at pFy!willUalso competitions foFeH$Tentrance fe 200.- ATS<9Party-support: If you wanK(jt to pFth*new stuff, spreadinginvitations,..(call 'Crime City' at +43 (0)5225 4447*or contacaddy belown(N CPTresses: To get in touch with/organicers,for road-maps,invitatiorackmo,)table- and youdhostel ?erv_,writeffollowing adds:MANITOU WHQDPO. BOX05D6600 REUTTECA U S T R Icontact this addy also for joining2and/ELITE-swapp5 Gm o r ei n fm a toQFor those of you who are not familJ]N`xFJ)  MOUNTAIN CONGRESS 1993  OO OOOOOO OOObOOnOb+OOK PLZ--- THE MOUNTAIN CONGRESS 1993Andsecotimewe are proud to invite youour next party Zywiec!InJun'92 organized similar oaguests' opinion it was qugood.Nowhavso^mo` experiencopMountaCongress will bf}better..1 WHEN?RE?C -"NDate: 16th of April - Friday (10:00 to J*'), 17- Satur09 and 18un 16.v  ATTENTION! !F&InvitationIntrowasreleased.First had a fatal mistake in texi6Therewrittehate MountaCongresill beldJune-it'oSo if you'veincorrect vers5of'0n ki`mmediatelyT0 party wLbe held Zywiec/Poland. is y nice town,placed mountains An important- faor tjBESTishbeer!!!also |cheap cyeignerkPlaJO ce:'Srubka' ClubUAddress13 Grunwaldzka Street, Zywiec City, Poland^HOW TO REACH THE PARTYPLACE?3-A'By train...DOYouhavetoreachKATOWICE by an international/And Katowice y take aZywiec (direcs:, Sol, Zwardon)LehJ out,g=opposite side ofroadThere isbus-stopr no1,10,15 agetf atwellgned (look for banners  something liat> reachpartyplace!<'By cartwFromnoJ'rrthor west take the direction at KATOWICE4Then wyou'll be near townevlier look fsign-poCIESZYNBIELSKOWell, ifvnotfoundiajuentered, go CENTRUMreachedamn cralcross-roaallRONDyIf ha~problems, ask someonabouq Opayw6attion!!!YOU MUST take direcWARSZAWA-KRAKoWfreputtin'frself %good laneElefRightrStramiddle T ISVERYIMPORTANT Befo`wi bNJG$to se inmaplswith@ main direcs at.Theshouldlso 've foundsign-postCIESZYNNenteringcityBjugo a it'Lall BUT *sseDarchprinfo-aboroaa lways takeior WarnIThe8 canba traposeaonly who ANNOUNCE[exit!!#DON'TTURNRIGHOO FASTSome meters la you'lles sign-postonground..6That i eifG goodroad can relaxrmSntJuogo stJSraight, fabutrefully ( an he,he!)Fe problems begin when nearMBIELSKO townATTENTION!Befo city limitsseeMbig cross-.called THE SNAILx infopannelsonplac; directiat ZYWIEC!!lNowvtmingzr speed,ssright lanlook ( exit KRAKoW(Cracow)7ArememberxeaBIELSKO city,& CIESZYNNOTsam% s.Well, after a small rounail!no en^Thei canlyy:STRAIGHT1 TO,Ja<sogsign-postshouldn't havny problemsAremembwvgolden ruleIF YOU'RESURE, ASKNjah, is worse hm?AfpassingVSHITnalisat who:maigreen,,ill endNo7Jufollowxayou'sureachZywiec IfnearshouldE und:orailwabridge (to CENTRUM)go stghtt:v'T' lett cross-BwitsignalisationLYonftaONqturnh firstrrTheis a-poat KORBIELWIfN'J,vdonwe;:shoul!e BUS STOP Now follxmai{tiForAtcross-$%gstra Aftabou30secondsH with leveling' Tei RIGHT BEFOREbLEFTjustAFTERNow9:a9Zbus-stoppass ,eeofis shor5  raN foll main atvft side youuld seeeasy-recognizable PARTY PLACE w5will be WELCOMED by someone from GRiIfcSOUTH passJ Antier UCIESZYNRtake diqtionC BIELSKOpZywiec (saSNAIL cross-) aftdo just lie|peop\ingZKATOWI:}.mON THE PLACE...@-H'Entrancefeis10DM(toocheap?)Thonlyewithoutsleepingplace,bthere asome (really) hotels and camroundSo no problem..w<OS.general rules on party:y- BOOZINGf place is not permitted!RememberBut don't worryThera pub called'Kufloteka' with sa beer,ne and vodkaJ fd;.Youcan getboozed,b ifywill agressive, destructso#n kick^out[! - SMOKINGispermitt?ly indicaplaces non smokers aremoimportant.If you don't like"se rules,5not forcto come9x"FACILITIESE -"Q- enough place for 200 visitorsonly AMIGA freaks!!!- cinema-hall with bigscreenxcellent competitions (we think so),- fastod bar insiduof and drs- a guardian (noteagonwhoKkeep eye on yoJ Gur macfes dugnight&- b%etin boYrth anpossible informations about everyt_g (trainpcMmamonumentnd so(.-alwaysme surprises...~Just ckXlookliq !COMPETITONSD -"OAs always the holy trio...1.MUSIC-COMPETITION (beginGt 11:00 Saturday)KRules:j- the compo iknonymous (voting for musics, not ians),- ONE mod7one, but max. TWOsa grouptime limit: 2 minut30 secondi+- disk should be well indicated (title, auJ !thor `here canonly $(in ''- ap particular marks[_ () anotowed -v madgProtracker (2.2a or hig)we responsabfincorrect playing of NoiseTSt2rekos\- if youuscprogram,Lk execut}supporXit withreler0-composjt be present onp"y (no cheatedemtradModules){-lmember: SADDAM (=a clone)disk equalsification!!! - deadlinea hour`forusic-E.pWewill useaspecJ 6ial replayer (with Pro2.2Bce)6w=notsponsabl  the bugs in it2. GFX-COMPETITION (begins at 19:00 Saturday).Rules:k- the compo ijnonymous (voting for pic\es, notgraphicians), - max. 3one  - disk should be indicated (as previQlyy must ntainblyP compo (the root-Zviewable from Deluxe Pt 4.1 (not possi? - no signsi - makt:#canings and stoneagKs# - SADDAM (you know!A 0- deadline2 hours J?before gfx-compo.3. DEMO-COMPO (begins at 22:00 Saturday)Rules:p- the demos must run on a stadrd Amigakick 1.3 and 1 megabyte (ifreasome particularities indicaitisk),-ly brnew productionsreleasedoury- all makers not permitted  -adline: a hZbeforezcompo.PRIZES?This notHurri-lameparty so the prizes willbe very big.Now,warunabltosay youdetailsWe'do aossiformaking it asTheJ*wiCbefrom Friday afternoo+o Monmorning!)o you'll be near townevlier look fsign-poCIESZYNBIELSKOWell, ifvnotfoundiajuentered, go CENTRUMreachedamn cralcross-roaallRONDyIf ha~problems, ask someonabouq Opayw6attion!!!YOU MUST take direcWARSZAWA-KRAKoWfreputtin'frself %good laneElefRightrStramiddle T ISVERYIMPORTANT Befo`wi bNI׆?; X HOLLAND IS OK 93 - REPORT (L)EGE .K. PARTY.)Written by Wizard/CenturaOWe left at 10 o'clockcar, first we picked-up Elessar/Centura and thendrove towards s'Hertogenbosch. ego little bit lost, but nforlong... A we'N shopping coso I knew couldn't be fafromre I saw LEGEND paintedhg onXwall wash findWUarriv(+/- 12 o'clock)wat ofpeopllready in ro1=ouOa nicpa?MITprtygon! FirstcopisomreleasesXst=kHwchrwithbig screen,y'.playingmovie 'Virtual Reality' on it,oklQol! Afterwhileawegettpry hungryzn't allow/eany food/drinks>ch you bght-frhome(2@organisers: Couldtellis before?), soSntnearest cafe-tariaqd ordTdmeies. (ponCy Ink iastbad...). Back *party place everybody was exicozstripteas[4 yon.E lIiookingage,curtens openedmusic beganrB A niXDutch girl dancon Queen's 'Anoe hidust'[languk. BefoYhoworuizersrX  to takphotobut some guys didIent of withoHXpussy!Bwa~restRhwas great... AftYyou could go 1leepqall inownsvisidisc. WedecideNoILots of guys whole night, butIdn't feel lik First wembooze,nplayrsoccer8IVfrisbee with Funky/AFor dudez. TfunrowRK;/TEK arouin hisD bag. Next day lots ofguys left. A1 o'clock, competitiontarted. Fo- mtnt it wasn'tsure ifwould b?ea demo-.zonlyfew ry's...T|vot= done byeLegePcrew. Wichmy op L not realfairll seemed to likVouseHiassults but IymembermI8Democomp: 1st place: Overload IIJetse~pGfx ]???A2nd Sec4/?3r FImet/LemonMusic comp: 1st[ A dude from Digital Research(2n  ViciousuI'm sorry but it's hard to remember all of them... A lotguysought3tune was better, even1st prizinnerNobody gmoney cozsome shiad\rned aailet anVhGbe payedSLege  sa scaZ,v t=minute(forpolice came, we knewywecog. We)tio hide our illegal warez,tissn'ereason whynazi dick<paintetika's alls.AfteIa6ar[po lotf guys starYleavaldecE  TfirsOabo2300present ansecoday100. Manynoo go`yFzmajor assholarumthaewas cancelled. FFbrought Elessar hPnw?towards oun. Wcaronlying Int&0do: SLEEP!!!DArticlrittfby:WizG/C;ura tradModules){-lmember: SADDAM (=a clone)disk equalsification!!! - deadlinea hour`forusic-E.pWewill useaspecHz VARIOUS PARTYINFO  %-Compact/Emergency copy-party(private) this winter. Pure Illegal, so no d and location std. Our friendll be inviSe for about 150Personswn discots of fun!&Plknhold a v germanythe_ginningApril 93 &Assembly II by Complex, TMovement+Accession at~eJune, Clx is just givhname for7doesn'akey*organiz.Anyhow, is goto iggebedFinl%-Data-LiHuve'93hely PleasurParanoidqICEStx: 24th of April 9.00 AM End:25 4P Where: Dessau lsachsen AnhaltBerufsbildendeschul1Schlossplatz V-5Pric15DM for boys, 5 girls10 3(regist%d)Actions:Demo, gfx and soucompo flipperurpriseSaturdaynight discoplaceO500 guy P.S Watch outthe intro official partyfos! %-z 8842-780  DPOLANDC(sorry, no phone!)nYou can trytch our HQ at:4N+48(0)83-841644, ask for Michal (only G`F} NOTE TO PD COMPANIES  - /DISTRIBUTORIYouareallowed to make ANY form of profitthis versione EquinoxEuropeanTop20. If ywantsell haveagreemewith us.Whesuch }made'receia special_whimay. Gen aa'address:LEQUINOX SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONSCompBl2%Thi:H-designerE/sandgraphicians inScene. We needtoknowwhat Awards Cupsshoullook likSo if youinkhavagood ideait seai a0an IFF-file orsimplyPaper-drawingCwon'tjudgh@ erhare, onlyrdesigcapability for c.@It hEtob0iginal, justink ofHwOscar}Cy-Prize:T Auth}Cup we considerJLbeRwill get- Same  competition 1-  journey thisyearwardPAID by European Top 20.  hankD SCENE AWARDS - COMMITTEE  INVITATION$~ Weneeda Scene Awards Committee whowillpickoutthomis in eachcategorysometimduringSummer1993,an alsod finaljudgemenhoursbeforT.DThi bbuilQbypeople fromDl major Scene-mags,Iwouappreciate if& Main-Editor aresentant cget in touchwithus as soonpossibQso we canstart organizingc C+TMain-Editor or a representant fromeveryAmiga-SceDbnemagshould get intouchwitus as fastpossible sotwork fw can start!+EuropeTop 20/_AwardsSolrosga$ 4575 36EKSJOSwedenK, Or use our Voice-Mailbox:3+46-381-1253 ; isementaoreturnchart. If aisfaulty we'llrow it away3won't genyz+- Tzpay[forE(- Your votesy.  Subscriptions= %Taking up a s is absolutelytheeasiest way to makere that youwill get anew European Top 20'sdirectlyCf  HOW TO VOTE  How to vote = Tomake sure we'll get yourshav send themus bying oneof followmethods:2Mail!Equinox European Top 20Solrosgat4575 36EKSJOSweden6FAX! 'Cone/TRSI' +31-1685-2497%Modem Online voting{Snakebite (RZR 1911)49-727-149232Psycho Terminal (EP+1-203-698-0583Zoomed RealityQX6-40-426360Techno C 233325Traders PaisYR-66]%Voting=Rules:- Cv1:sYou may NOT vote for yourself  own productions.-ke hownys asli ineach category. No.1 gets 3points,no.22 and threst1d#If`wa tot: parPourexcelle+ing-lottery,cluderaddfs whenejWe'llr2omly pick 1-5 winners evissuzwhichwi subscriptions,adtismesormayba jnney-a big/yr 80FM .35 D1T2p qdptB! WELCOME Welcome to Issue 5 - March 1993!!~Yeah,we'rebackagainOk, I hopethis i will satisfy you even moranthprevious.Hamdigitizings,newsand messageAdverements fora swapperoutVfirsinvitnon toconfnce ofoyearwithSCENE AWARDS*probablykeepbusreadBfsomhours!Awnotbegotten,@whar.study1Oh,:laweeks haveenZanizYp@tnoweverythseemsc c*toger.BF`It' loofc)aroundtsponsorsUequipment,informatio andstuflikhat!I`p%keep -promisegavinpre-releaseUinvit!) reyA coolReacIarticle ; morefo A)Ihopyoudon'+think mNOTcB becaus^l REALLYgotobpconferencYeary6HaveJall freaks outgotrAGAchipse'yet?NoWell, gitsoonn,uain somssue willEuropean Top 20n versionandECSgI promigthaBgKׄpw<paI}s'(mad ifdon'v ...4Rioter of EquinoxMain-Editor vagood ideait seai a0an IFF-file orsimplyPaper-drawingCwon'tjudgh@ erhare, onlyrdesigcapability for c.@It hEtob0iginal, justink ofHwOscar}Cy-Prize:T Auth}Cup we considerJLbeRwill get- Same  competition 1-  journey thisyearwardPAID by European Top 20.  hankA jpC@R!HI^<<aVN|aP/I<<<aFQ ,xN.SF Ffa0B$n$*gԂԂ$BE<$ԂԂAf"$BLNu>C"QQXNuCzRFNJj IRFN,I$N8<H<N&IaFjRE Ef,x n%eNNuЀja$"ga<N& taԀ׳(Sf`g"Ka`CpgUf !NuH&J:IV4f>JBg SEkJ SBfSg>f dVf dFf d6f d&f d ~`,~f Q\~`p~`p~` p~`p~6A~4Kf d f d"|;pX` f B`|;pf BSfF|:F>f d6Cf d$:{0P`" @@@@:{0X;pj gf FSfRF˻cĽf*JSEk%Sf` `H9Lo`zR}>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>AЅ#|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>AFC|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>A^|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|A^t>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|AV,G>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|7'%?'&#&|&O>&%'?''9%$?&'z&& M~'''O8?'x'G&y?u x8L?cG-ߋ#!<A&_}0!G#=~2y{y|ʀ'=(&?%7'L6þQL7PnOH1 ?:G&>&c!Op?''cV >!Ï'l%Lc'&?'$Q DώO'?rB< G;dG(^#C #?# | #vOG#'O%|8"_#K#X/,wp' !e~# ω9}`9m܆f6a`m|`6}x}=$3%|$l_ %\ϙ1(O>so@B$F^?>HB08J?H z5Q'_;1P?xÏ|'p}'~|/>; 6hG ~pA>h@߄:a1/o@>?`(t"3:G pPpM'pL4gxtO ?|cA “a69DO~c   ?8??'x2}_ $?8V!O?#>? {D"}!t2.|<w5#}~*{?E1 # ?>j/9~ ob~zj _A<"S?OD@pCx1`c^s_?oU$$OAD  ``# "Gp @SG0 >W?D@SG`c:>( c m Cp1 ?40O?"E~!9's%?A ø4 $c>@c#p`&W@''}&<'?%?" ?!N7@? cOwo#/???<'#\_G#??8 (o0MhqpG |!G#g> y!쀵30"ɰz74O(#(G~#T<??~ #" '?p'c%`H=xDp0C> <!D8030hq `<=H`E<0" 'p @%)%'?'%$ï #(X QB?C?? 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