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But one thing is good, no stinky german all around!! (exept finnish!! Tata kielta harva pullianen osaa, vain tuo alkukantainen, raaka pohjoisen kansa osaa paastella kurkustaan sellaisia aanteita, mitka eivat muilta ihmisiin kuuluvilta heimoilta onnistuisi!!) I noticed, it is more easily to wri- te in finnish than in english!! (Amigaman/Wizzcat) --------------------------------------- then walk to local-4՞'ur cristmas pre- sent, give top games and also add the skandinavian list, too. In case not so many letters will come we'll drop this off, ok. (EDITORS) --------------------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- Advertisements !!! --------------------------------------- Want to swap ? Then write to: fSkandinavian News 4/884}KFetH,z"zg NBAWN#Jg,z"zN3 "yN$@A1R1jp*1@A,zN:By*@JgN,zz"z~AN,zf M,CN@ MX P,zL"zPN,z8 MN,z. z6gN#9 f,z"zgN,z zg NB,zClpN"z,ygNbapNuHA(rtX2AA0 :mAQLNuHA4:hSBrpbQ R@LNuCNu8ChGBris's SoundInterruptciaa.resourcealpNuA~"XBQNuA3BhBhBhBhByBBNuAByBhBhBhBh1|NuHRy yfByaLNu~IMKHaL QLNu0g2kl0,2,@b0;@9@Nul0,2,@m0`. g g g g g ghNuNuNuxBT9Vt.BJDgDB8t.J0A 2 AgAgTH`JJDfDB00 9@Nu9@NuP`AHp09S@H pNB2.A 40PgT`B.`B.`4.;BNuB. gV;VNuB. gV;VNuA,&H$HA| :B2~ ҺnByI.KM~aQ0:F30<,QMK~* ;nQJyg4 mBR0:":ڲ@fBNuBJyg,XB Vg. JgBC^(SBJ-q =sH=sH63HJCg$.ԃ-B =sH6.`$.ԃ-B =sH6..B g f,t.BJCjIBC`t.BJC C@o6<@;C Vf3Bn`HJVgDBT=V3/><,Q. VfBm`+n;n;n0.yNuintuition.librarygraphics.libraryiff.library@JVX(\:}hS@. xqqqqqqqqqqDDDD,! `x1tXd| ,|"SONG8voices20?`snare3?bass57hihat1<;light1 Hsynth6 S!ou:?kay?nain7t 1/voices1 1 synth3V5@synth5 >%whistle ?bass2 V?yeah~?  @0@@ S@}0@0Ltlibrary (Not amiga's!!), and borrow books like: 2001 and 2010 by Arthur.C.Clarke. Of- course there are better books, but translating from finnish to english by books real name is just too hard for me !! Usually mega-swappers and lamers has no time for reading, but read before you go sleeping! Note: there are Artur's continue to 2001 and 2010 by name 2060!!! (Amigaman/Wizzcat) --------------------------------------- #move 325,0 -----------------C6 qL---------------------- What to write?? --------------------------------------- It isn't hard question to me, 'coz now I am writing!!! I think you can write everything which belongs to computers. (Is it that way Evil??) And Scandinavian News has lot's of free space, 'coz pages are not piccies, like they used to be in 'Cracker Journal', or in 'Bad tongue'. Altough here can be piccies!! It is good, that here appeared good magazine from scandinavian, altough it isTC ٍ---------->>> #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION No character lettering is dis- Check U3 (ROM) played the screen. U2 (CIA) Graphic characters instead of U19 (VIC II) letters displayed. Power up message appears but no U1, U15, U7, U4 cursor. cursor jumps back to home pojO$h?~ {?< @~ {< ^ {<  {|<߻?@ 8 8V x7p@<?p>?jPHۃ0<`?;  ? o 8 A? 0 }p 3x_jQp. @O{ 0v|? ?xw? p/p @? (H`/` }?? ($pg8  :w9cc $7y c -P >(jSAygF8@ ǁ0 8N# u7p.x `0  00(`0 >ʟ ?@ 0` O  {P `c0x ']_?\ `[1\h @ `G2@)Z0assette runs extremely slow. The U7 program seems to load but will not run. When loading from a cassette, the U20 'SYNTAX ERROR' message is displayed. DEVICE NOT PRESENT ERROR is displayed U1 when disk is used. U7 R28, R29, R30 Disk drives continue to search when U2 trying to load. ------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> jTR00#o`pa 0_t/? @jx02w ?@w [??0C`?G ????jBS?RVO) R1 (possible BAD connection) On power the cursor locks up. U7 U20 (556 IC) When 'RETURN' is pressed after a run U3 (ROM) command, the cursor goes back to home position. Poke command does not work U3 (ROM) Joystick does not operate correctly. U1,U28 (6526 CIA) Wrong frequency. C70 ---------------------------------------------R 0---------------------------->>> ors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION Blank screen on power up. Check U26 (74LS373 IC) Powers up with all the char- acters displayed as blocks. Intermittent display C88 (possible BAD connection) Powers up with 'PRESS PLAY ON TAPE' message and the display blanks. U7 (6510 MPUTM"Bsition. U7 Abnormal colors appear in the letters. U6 (2112 RAM) U16 (4066 IC) Different characters are displayed Check RAM and cursor is locked when turned on and off. System does not reset and the 'RESTORE' U20 key does not work. White band scrolls down the screen. External power supply (60Hz HUM) VR2 (5V Regulator) ---------------------------------------------------------------Yd0 ?30< 3?< 03<  <33? ? ? ?y?>0>>> x?>=0?=`> =?x <_!"awkwind/RFW-Team 49120 Nebulus Hawkwind/RFW-Team Compiled Obliterator NJG/System II 180290 Platoon Mystyx/Axenon Completed Rocket Ranger Amigaman/Wizzcat over250000(notdead) Starglider II Hawkwind/RFW-Team 5.314.071 Star Wars I Hawkwind/RFW-Team 72415 Test Drive VYV TUMB/Accession END f_ Wizball NJG/System II 74840 Zynaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next time all compiled games will be history !!! /RFW-Team 212910 (END) Army Moves VYV TUMB/Accession END Barbarian I (Palace) ale/Wizzcat END Bardstale Hawkwind/RFW-Team 760560 Bomb Jack Hawkwind/RFW-TeaPa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION Blank screen on power up. Check external power supply U4 (Kernal ROM), U17 (PLA) U7 (6510 MPU), U3 (ROM) U8 (7406 IC), U19 (VIC II) U9-U12 (4164 RAM) Pb? : U21-U24 (4164 RAM) VR2,CR4,VR1 Out of memory error on power up. U9-U12 (4164 RAM) U21-U24 (4164 RAM) No cursor displayed. U1, U15, U7 Intermittent blank screen. U2, U7 Powers up with graphic display and U14 (74LS258 IC) blinking cursor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------->>> P۷ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION Blank screen on power up. Check external power supply U4 (Kernal ROM), U17 (PLA) U7 (6510 MPU), U3 (ROM) U8 (7406 IC), U19 (VIC II) U9-U12 (4164 RAM) d*F? ?0?0? ? ??0<0???<?<3<<?3?<< ?0?3?< 0e_?< 00?< 030??0 ?0?0 30?00?3?3???^nno?ߟv4!ȃB@@"C#@AB  >< 2 2 : 0,;aaJnH!`?@g@`E } ~G| +fѳ, P]E/ BB[!cC 5`R_!Z~}~:ATQQ ` ش$8P@Pࠐ^J^޿|Ѐ=>X + KP3"V 98`A?|?bp> #J$(8 @@!~?_޾$Ղ    @ )CB2P@. }-@!?> J P?'|/:@hK  ``p0@x)f`?^ځ'ৣ!.!yU0Pea@ނPW|>#} P?؊r/ @/80"}" x0+s}A|A"^|@ 0 gqP8Q}0e|<Ԣ A<z z ͿT& J0_}|- !PK4_ ÿ/Шzz/FD($@ P= Wؑ P>z(Ђ9}_p ?Ղ@20@Ё' y,1?A |_fn&~ ?4zL< `By-W`B\ق?+ŀ-B @@ ߀@(hV ~7i +^<\8$}_|W%/HOv]_ IB1w pS W@` n_ 8! 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I drove to XYZ-Soft's place and he fixed it in no time. Anyway, I didn't have the time to do magazine when I was back home, so that's why I'm finishing it at the moment. And now I have little difficulties with the Magazine routine, it refuses to work. z4fbpage47CpT}l41-741422 ! West-Germany -------------------------------------- 1988 (C) Skandinavian News -------------------------------------- ...Advertisements..................... -------------------------------------- Scandinavian News is going to give ya a Cristmas present, I hope you use yar opportunity. Read more about the pre- sent from HEADLINES. Next news will be released probaply in time, on the 1st mon?a?b?cCle, so it had to be fixed. I drove to XYZ-Soft's place and he fixed it in no time. Anyway, I didn't have the time to do magazine when I was back home, so that's why I'm finishing it at the moment. And now I have little difficulties with the Magazine routine, it refuses to work. Then I changed the music and it still didn't work, but then I discovered that I had little virus on disk. And now you can enjoy !! Yes, We in SN will give you a Cristmas present, you cCL̯an have a FREE ad in next number. (SN #06) At the same letter you can send your TOP lists and maybe some #move 325,0 critism. Don't waste your opportunity, it'll be the last time to get FREE ad. Some limits must be set: NO extra large ads and no greeting lists !!! 39 chars per line and 8 lines would be nice. Close but not enough. No, we didn't break the 50 pages limit. Well, I think 49 pages takes sometime to read over. I think there will be disk space for at least 100Cx pages so we have something to aim about. Hey you all graffiti gurus, where are you ??? We need those little drawings of yours. Little things with just a few colors. Like 40 * 40 pixels and not more than 3 planes. If you think you have some funny pictures, feel free to send lots of them to me or anyelse of main- or fulltime-Editors. (EVIL) --------------------------------------- Hello HEIKO/Megaforce !!! Pleez, send me the interview soon. (EVIL) -----C`---------------------------------- Enjoy this trip! Yes, It's a trip, a trip to a complete pleasure. (heh heh) --------------------------------------- home, so that's why I'm finishing it at the moment. And now I have little difficulties with the Magazine routine, it refuses to work. Then I changed the music and it still didn't work, but then I discovered that I had little virus on disk. And now you can enjoy !! Yes, We in SN will give you a Cristmas present, you c?h㫶                                              ?i/R             !    #!!  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Write to: ** F R E E D O M F O R C E ** LUCIFER Aittapellonk. 6D72 15170 LAHTI FINLAND OR CRAYONE P.O.Box 35 01650 VANTAA FINLAND --------------------------------------- This is notice to ya, who, missed my last notice in SN#04! Notice to ya cool , fast and good swapper anyway !! This may be your last change! Don't miss it! FIZZ of FREEDOM FORCE/Finland P.O.b2Box 36 29251 NAKKILA FINLAND Phone: 358-39-73994/Ask KAI Greetings to all contacts all over the world!!! All contacts of FIZZ of MIRAGE please greetings to my new crew! Thanx!!! --------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Wanted: Amiga contacts & VHS swappers. Contact: ZIP of MJM-SERVICE/AXION 1999 P.O.Box 63 01360 VANTAA, FINLAND --------------------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- Wanna s *XsdNBPO+@Jg @B m"m fN]NuNUH0Bm"-$<,l N+@Jf/-HlNPOah/-aXO FORMg"-,l N/-Hl NtPOa8/-aXO/-+@aXO ILBMg"-,l N/-Hl$N6POaYJmf$ l"-,l N/-HlFNPOa/-avXO/-+@ahXOQ+@o"-,l N/-Hl`NPOa - CMAPf -rN)+@"-A$&-,l NB"-겭lD Ѐ剒t5v5v5 m 1R`;|`-gR"-$-v,l  +0N -`"-,l NL@ N]NuNUH?p;@;@"-$<,l N+@Jf/-HlxNPOax/-a(XO FORMg"-,l N/-HlNPOaH/-aXO/-+@aXO ILBMg"-,l N/-HlNFPOa YJmfJ l"-,l N/-HlNPOa/-aXO/-+@axXOQ+@o"-,l N/-HlNPOa - BODYgt BMHDf"-A$v,l Np0-r2-t-&(؄+@ N(P)m X;|+@)A \+A+B+D`RJmf"-,l N/-HlN* ,6}POa, 5JgaBA 0 -"-$-,lhNz|lF "A 8/H -r,xN: o Jf"-,l NHlNHXOaR`-JfdB"-Ȳl~B"-IJl@ A 8 -"-/HN'V"o Q/H"-$/&-,l NR`R` -r,xN:+@Jf"-,l NHl*NXOa"-$-&-,l N+mB"-ȲlB"-IJl A 8 -"-/HN&"o Q*+HJgp| mR l R m"m ,xNݭݭ` o <,~ mR HH///-aO ݭ -E`R`RR`:"m -,xN.;|`-gR"-$-v,l N -`"-,l NL@N]NuNUH#J, 5g>0, 02, 2$,~p, 5d$ "A 8/H o"P ,xN.R`B, 5L@N]NuNUH0"-A$v,l N -L@ N]NuNUH $m.- - SJgR`LN]NuNUH/"m i;hBm mnA `Bm+H2-ml m >T "IA 4-, "IA *  @"( "Ё"Ё m0TRm`p m,lhNn0-H/ /@ mC ` /,lhN@0-HЀ Rm`L@N]NuNUH/"m i;hBm2-ml6 HЀA H/A/H"m i /,lhN o0Rm`;|JmkA C `Bm+H+I2-ml m>T "4-H/@ N#V, /" N#8* /"N#( "Ё"Ё m0TRm`V m,lhNn0-H/@ mC ` /,lhN@Sm`L@N]NuNUH ";|A ,llNv9|P 9|( 9| 9|2 AX)H At)H AL)H | B,j]^NkÁx~syHws "3e`xPlKp  h  B,C РBl>@$,,B$~р@$|?V~# A "l J,llNJfp`T l J+hR l J <,llNjp+@Jmg"l J iVp(r$ ,xN"l J iV,xN+@Jg m+h+h"m,xN - @g fA"l JE ,llN2` m0(& @gf @g @f ,+@ m bo("l J i.,llNA"l JE ,llN2`JBm+@A "l J,llN`.Bm`& l J -,llNj"- g/)A ^aXOp`pLDN]NuNUH "p(+@"l J i.,/aXO)l F J l >,/H o Cp,lhN@ l >,p///Hx/N#O l :,/H o'kB8l & fast contact ?? If so, don't wait anymore and write with news: HAWKWIND/RFW-TEAM Purotie 8 79700 HEINAVESI FINLAND P.S. Greetings to all contacts from this planet !! --------------------------------------- Wanted: Amiga contacts & VHS swappers. Contact: ZIP of MJM-SERVICE/AXION 1999 P.O.Box 63 01360 VANTAA, FINLAND --------------------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- Wanna s2}g_he fishing-rod. After the week is over, one gets new money and a new attempt. The graphics is just little better than average but the soundfx are very neat. The motivation is high, but fishing needs a long time and fishers have to be patient. As the idea is brand new, this will animate you to play for some time. And believe me, the playability exists. Graphics :* * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * d,* * * * * * : Idea :* * * * * * * * * * * : Overall :* * * * * * * * * : with it around. You have one powerful and loud rear motor and one not-so-powerful and not-so-loud bow motor. The fishing itself is very good. I don't know the exact technique, but you have to try it a bit with the mouse. With the left mouse button, you control the left arm and you can strike the lure with it. With the right, you control the right arm and hold tFd :* * * * * : Overall :* * * * * * * * : MANDO - DEMO This is just a demo game, but it's quite fine. You control a vehicle and drive from the left to the right. At the above (in the space) there are different flying creatures, that throw bombs on you. And sometimes, in front of you, there are obstacles, which hinder you from going on. Therefore, there is the possibility of jumping over the obstacles. As you can see, the principle of the5Oother bus station in front of the party place. Well done, THRUST! I was late, so most of the people were already there. There was some neat stuff and, for example, people from World of Wonders, Sunriders and Mega- force on Amiga. Some demos were spread and so, the party was lame,but not the No.1 lame party ever happened. It started on 22.10.88 on 9.00 AM and should end on 12.00 PM. I arrived on 1.00 PM. At about 5-6 PM, one guy did a fine joke. He shouted that the cops 62were coming and so, half of the people decided to flee with there computers. #move 325,0 Everybody who stayed knew it : This party was such a lame party, even the cops didn't come. I was informed that THRUST wanted to organize a Demo-Competition, a Crack- Competition and show VIDEO films. But this all didn't come true. The guys sat in somewhat corner and tested a lot of music track. Nice music, well, but they did it at a high volume. The music was cool, but THRUST ex7+aggerated a bit much. TNT of Genisis * Project drawed a poster from the party,but as he did it before the party took place the people on the poster weren't on party and the other way round. Again I was informed that it was planned to let him draw the poster on the party. He did a nice and intelligent job. For example the poster included a drawing from Finnish Gold and Byterapers. Did he really expect these guys to come?? At 8.00 PM there were just some few guys left Land as I left at about 9.00 PM, I dunno if there was anybody left at 12 PM. I don't think so. MORAL: ORGANISATION IS EVERYTHING !! ame party, even the cops didn't come. I was informed that THRUST wanted to organize a Demo-Competition, a Crack- Competition and show VIDEO films. But this all didn't come true. The guys sat in somewhat corner and tested a lot of music track. Nice music, well, but they did it at a high volume. The music was cool, but THRUST exj&4(gp勀 1 ` ?\@! '& _ ?9 ~`o~>~:iMFalready passed by, walls build up. If you hit one of these walls, you are dead. You play against other bikes. Ya got to cut their way in order to kill them. As I told you, the screen is very small, so I hope that this 'game' isn't more than just a Megaforce joke, and not serious. And why this pseudo- Uridium???? Graphics :* * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * : Playability:* * : Idea :Idea? Joke, eh;rYp6? : Overall :* * : #move 325,0 BUGGY COMMANDO - DEMO This is just a demo game, but it's quite fine. You control a vehicle and drive from the left to the right. At the above (in the space) there are different flying creatures, that throw bombs on you. And sometimes, in front of you, there are obstacles, which hinder you from going on. Therefore, there is the possibility of jumping over the obstacles. As you can see, the principle of the3T game is quite primitive and you nearly only have to shoot. As the version was only a demo, after few time, you passed the same section. But the overall graphics is quite fine and the sound is really nice. The difficulty is somewhat high, but we better wait for the final version. Just another shoot'em up. And just a let's wait. Graphics :* * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * * * : Idea =Nlqe way, this game doesn't have any title music, but nice soundfx during the gameplay. The intention of the game is probably to fuck some evil wizard, but I don't know exactely. But as it's always the same, I think so. The game consists of #move 325,0 22 (short) levels which you don't only have to cross. In some levels you have to collect things without you aren't able to fullfill your mission. The playability of the game is high. Perhaps, if you tried a certain area, and did>,!n't manage it through, you are bored, but normally it needs some time to get bored. The player spends most of the time shooting, as everything is overcrowded with zombies, krakes, bats and all the other creatures. The biggest disadvantage is, that the game is very hard and your mission is very difficult.Your vitality decreases steadily, and so, one small mistake can be deadly for the whole mission. Overall one can say, that although the visual effects could have been some 3better, the game is convincing and is worth to be played for some time. Hit the evil wizard! Graphics :* * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * * * * : Idea :* * * * : Overall :* * * * * * * * : . In some levels you have to collect things without you aren't able to fullfill your mission. The playability of the game is high. Perhaps, if you tried a certain area, and did@7tter than SMART. #move 325,0 X-COPY: This is a new copy-program that was done by F. Neuhaus. You have three different copy-modes (doscopy,doscopy+ and nibble-copy) and the possibility to let the computer check disks. If I am not wrong, this proggy needs as long for a backup like FAST-LIGHT., but in FAST-L. there was just the possibility of editing the syncs. Here you can also edit the sector length and if you want to copy the disk on both heads or just 0 oA5yzr just 1. Another advantage is, that you needn't wait until the end if you want to know where errors appeared. On the screen, there are two big blocks, that show the sectors copyed and if there were errors or not(on block for each head). You can max. copy with 4 drives and 81 tracks. Of course there is the possibility of copying with verify. If I were you, I would never use this product without verify, because partly the software doens't work then. At least, thiDЏs was my experience. Take the tip seriously! ram that was done by F. Neuhaus. You have three different copy-modes (doscopy,doscopy+ and nibble-copy) and the possibility to let the computer check disks. If I am not wrong, this proggy needs as long for a backup like FAST-LIGHT., but in FAST-L. there was just the possibility of editing the syncs. Here you can also edit the sector length and if you want to copy the disk on both heads or just 0 oCs1;vnd $200 per day. The higher the price, the bigger the fish. But you have to pay attention. The conditions vary from very poor to excellent. This depends on the weather. Another thing you can do at home is to hear the weather report or to read the daily tip from a wellknown master fisher. After you chose a lake, you can drive to the shop and buy a new boat or lures (!). I fished using a 'spinnerbait' lure all the time and it worked very well. But now to 1j4the practical part of the #move 325,0 game. You are in your boat at the chosen lake and drive with it around. You have one powerful and loud rear motor and one not-so-powerful and not-so-loud bow motor. The fishing itself is very good. I don't know the exact technique, but you have to try it a bit with the mouse. With the left mouse button, you control the left arm and you can strike the lure with it. With the right, you control the right arm and hold tE?ͨ are trains passing your way and pedestrians, who throw bombs and of course(how could it have been different) you can collect some extra weapons. You can either have spiked wheels or a turbo-booster (not both at the same time) and in the back of your car: grenades or (!) oil or (!) missiles. If you shoot a train, #move 325,0 the police will come and try to ramm your car in order to destroy it.Better ya stop and wait until radar warning is off. But if ya got spiked whe7Үels you needn't worry. Then the cops ain't able to do anything against you. Fuck the police. Graphics :* * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * * * : Idea : No comment! : Overall :* * * * * * * * : URBO! And I've to say that this game is from the firm who did FIRE POWER (can't remember the name) and that this game is much better than M. MOTION. For example there ?be on level 2. You can easily modify the time, date, name or protection bits. Now the file,track and sector modules. They are very useful if you want to edit part of a file or so. Using SMART DISK, you weren't able to modify files and this is one big advantage of this tool. But this isn't all. There's also a bitmap module and a track and amiga- dos module which is also very useful. Overall, this is the best tool for the edit of files, sectors and dirs at the present date. Be'Hng Hardware manual opened Amiga and found two CIA Chips (marked 8520A-1), then I just removed, Swapped and put'em back so that was ODD CIA now becoms EVEN CIA (READ YOUR HARDWARE MANUAL). #move 325,0 Then I tested my printer and it worked out well. Exept my computer now don't load anymore any programs that need SYNC-pulses, like old Psygnosis-Barba- rian. If that CIA-chip brokes badly you will not be able to start your Amiga after that switching operation. So'Iă either way you can be sure that you really have bad chip in your computer and start looking for new CIA-chip for replace- ment. Please don't accuse me for killing yar computer or its mother(-board) if you make some Goofs or Ooops while doing this hard test! (Scorpio) --------------------------------------- Editors or publisher will take over NO responsibily when YOU blow up your Amiga. So be careful !!! (Editors) -------'!Fr-------------------------------- and found two CIA Chips (marked 8520A-1), then I just removed, Swapped and put'em back so that was ODD CIA now becoms EVEN CIA (READ YOUR HARDWARE MANUAL). #move 325,0 Then I tested my printer and it worked out well. Exept my computer now don't load anymore any programs that need SYNC-pulses, like old Psygnosis-Barba- rian. If that CIA-chip brokes badly you will not be able to start your Amiga after that switching operation. So)Kahave only done this to originals. In theory this memory expansion is somewhat different from ALL other memo- ries in Amiga system. Firstly it's not autoconfigurable nor you don't need to use Addmem to get it into free memory pool in exec. This trick is available. One of AGNUS lines are directly con- nected to A500 internal expansion port, and while cold-boot it checks if this line is grounded (inside memory exp.). If grounded it means '512K more memory available'. J)LkP@iust cut this wire, and you can have expander installed without computer using it. what use are for not having that 512K of memory on? Some commercial programs #move 325,0 and nearly all demos won't work with this fast memory on. It's a lot easier to flivk switch than remove expansion inside Amiga when you suddenly find a program that simply won't work correct with this addional memory. This job is quite small work, but help quite a lot later. How to do it? First )MV9remove your inter- nal memory expansion from Amiga, then unsolder metal clips to open metal case that hide PCB (Printed Circuit Board). While looking PCB when connector facing toward you and chips are in above PCB count from left edge of connector the 13th hole bottom row. (In case you are unwilling to count 13 then start right and count 16!) Mark copper on the bottom side of PCB and cut it near sol- dering. Now you are ready to test this modification in Amiga ()!N carefully, please!). Insert expansion and boot computer, if everything went fine now you see that there is about 400K memo- ry available! Next thing to do is to solder two wires into expansion PCB (remove it first!!), connect first wire ----> expansion inside Amiga when you suddenly find a program that simply won't work correct with this addional memory. This job is quite small work, but help quite a lot later. How to do it? First  )2cJf/-NXOHl/-+@NPO+@Jg @R/NPXO/+@NXOHl/-+@NbPO+@Jg @R/NXOHl h/+@a&POHl harXOJ Jf l ff)l B J`)l F JJ fA )H A C p@,xN l J Bf2, 8 Ag9A Hx/, \/, X/-/-/(2p//Hl 0N0BO$aLDN]NuNUH $m~R HHAg HH ` HH, 0m 9n " HHҀ0.` Am Fn " HHҀ7.` LN]NuNU/-NXO+@ @ "f&R mHx"/+HN`PO+@Jg" @B`Hx /+@PCK fly around and so, you are far more manuverable than by driving your old,slow scooter. The bad thing about it is that I did not find any method how to leave the spaceship after entering it. And as I don't know how to collect things from space, this is a fuckin' shit. Did you already guess it? Yep, graphix and sound is usually fine. But what's the intention? Graphics :* * * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * : Playability:* Q* * * * * * : Idea :* * * * * : Overall :* * * * * * * : #move 325,45 Now, after a while of waiting, the final version of EXCALIBUR reached our screens. As most of you know, this is a kind of DEFENDER. It's not as good as STARRAY, but as it got very fine graphics and animated sprites and an overwhelming title song, this game can overall declared as good. But as it's just a shoot'em up, after a while, it becomes boring. The preview version had a not-so-long digitized sound. This version got a fine music track, that is indeed good. Sometimes, while playing, I thought that the sprite-collisions weren't working during a fast flight. A very positive bug. Graphics :* * * * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * * : Idea :....zzzzzzzz.... : Overall :* * * * * * * * : * * * * : Playability:* SrcYr of Accession. You will find our addresses somewhere in this magazine ---------------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- Peasants' Complaints --------------------------------------- People of Amiga! It is time to elevate Scandinavian News into a new age of size and prosperity. This title is the first start of the public letter depart ment. Here you can send letters, where you can ask those questions about computers yTH1ou can't ask from your friends because they would laugh at you. Please, send us letters. We know it all. --------------------------------------- A Game Problem: I have a Spectrum 48K and my friend has an Atari ST. I have borrowed some games from him but they don't work. Why? Tell me, I'm desperate to play all those good looking games. Or is there something wrong in my computer? Yes, and I have another problem, too. Can y\ou tell me how I can load from ST 3.5"s with my cassette recorder. I have tried about every possible way. Seeker of knowledge --Seek next page for answer !!--------- aints --------------------------------------- People of Amiga! It is time to elevate Scandinavian News into a new age of size and prosperity. This title is the first start of the public letter depart ment. Here you can send letters, where you can ask those questions about computers yV.E\ing a good time. Andreas from Sweden #move 325,0 Dear Andreas from Sweden; we strongly recommend you to get a monitor or a TV-modulator. !EDITORS --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- So if you have problem what is im- possible to solve without professional aid, just turn on us and we'll help you in every possible way. Our motto is: If we can't help you, there's nothing to do !!! !ED.%L AITORS --------------------------------------- 0mm blade. Then make a hole carefully and presto, it works (at least did when we tested it)! !EDITORS Using Amiga: I have had a Commodore Amiga for two months now. I have done everything the way the hand book says but I still can not play any games I have bought. The red light on top of the com' is alight and everything else seems to be all right. Could you help me,please. I have had to lie to my parents that I'm hav- %1Hsnbig greetings to Sector 9 for writing this long report from their party we are warmly welcoming all party reports and will surely publish'em if you just send'em to us.Send invitations too, coz' wouldn't it be fun having own Skandinavian News partyspecial from yer party??? ------> ners, Force10, Raw Deal, Shape (ex. ZCF ), The Techincal Trio, Equinoxe and lots of other guys. There were a lot of people from the press at the party so if you wanna read about th'Gcorpio Writing. I'm planing to write some useful, fun, quick hardware hackings I have found out. Ok. Let's GO... 28. September I was cracking one game, I needed print out dissassebled gameloader, But by printer mystereoysly refused to do it. Great! perfect timing! There're 3 possible failures in Amiga- printer link. After testing printer and centronics cable, using my friends Amiga, I knew that printer port in my Amiga must be broken. So I after read- i%ZeXere?) but I think that they told us this only to scare us a bit. Some guys ( 10 - 15 ) left immediately after the cop had arrived. In the evening one (!) police constable arrived but he didn't even think of confiscating any computers. He was just briefing on some pictures and looked at our nice demos.He also admitted that he had copied some stuff himself when he had a C64. So all in all we can say that this guy was a quite nice guy. There were almost no people%[yH coming from outside Norway and Sweden (As a matter of fact I can't remember one single one) but that didn't make the party boring. Some of the people on the #move 325,0 party were The Gang, Route 66, TSF,TNT, The Link, The Arcadia Team, Sphinx, Rawhead, SCT, Network, Academy, Crypto- burners, Force10, Raw Deal, Shape (ex. ZCF ), The Techincal Trio, Equinoxe and lots of other guys. There were a lot of people from the press at the party so if you wanna read about th%We party then look out for Aftenposten (A-Magasinet), Dator (Norway and maybe Sweden) and the new Norwegian mag called 'Norsk data tidene' ( Or something like that). Now and then we were showing videofilms, mostly hard violence like Evil Dead II and Friday the 13th part 155. I think we can say that the party was a success even if only 2/3 of the people who said they would come did so. (Sector 9/Razor 1911) ---------------- INFO ----------------- Really U3eed an electrical high-speed drill and a 10mm blade. Then make a hole carefully and presto, it works (at least did when we tested it)! !EDITORS Using Amiga: I have had a Commodore Amiga for two months now. I have done everything the way the hand book says but I still can not play any games I have bought. The red light on top of the com' is alight and everything else seems to be all right. Could you help me,please. I have had to lie to my parents that I'm hav- ^kؾ,lhN l F"h2p,lhNp)@ 9| 8B 9| fr )A Nr)A Rr)A ZHl/-)@ VNPO+@Jf/-HlN&2POa m (Jf/HxcHl NO JgA "HJfS A B, #f/- /, JaPO"l J i.,/, /a PO l J FfF2, 8 Ag< h.,p0, 8"$///Hx/N4OL@N]NuNUH"RHl./-N!PO+@Jg @BR/-N!:XOHl0/-+@N"POJfJHl8/-N"POJf 9| f`Hl>/-N!POJf 9| f`nHlDN$XOa`\Hll/-N!POJfHxHlt/-N!O Jf, mXHl h/aPOHl Hl haPOA )H `~ lJ "ҁAN# /-/HaXO o 0Hlz/-N zPO+@Jg @R/N 6XO+@R`A )H `Hl|/-N!POJf/-aXO9@ 8`Hl/-N POJfF/-NjXOHl/-)@ VN PO+@JgH @R/NXO/+@N6XO)@ Z`(Hl/-N POJfF/-NXOHl/-)@ NNPO+@Jg @R/NbXO/+@NXO)@ R`Hl/-N ,POJfJg"l,lhNB mHl/+HN@PO+@JfHlN"XOa)m mR/NnXO9@ A"H$mfp@ @ Hl a*XO)@Jf8p0, //, HlN O a`Hl/-NtPOqaGdpage15page16page17Jpage18page19Rpage2 page20Vpage21apage22erpage23.page24 page25page26MemqbLx^page27page28opage29picpage30cpage30page31fopage32orOpage33~page34fopage35epage36page37nfopage38foq2page39page4Dpage40e3page41e.cpage42e.readmepage43page44fopage45page46page47page48page49Qpage5dQ.Vnd Thranx form an imperium ,Commonwealth, which consists of about 1000 planets. In the beginning of the book Flinx is in Alaspin, where he in an earlier book of the series found his telemphatic pet ,minidrag called Pip. When returning from jungle he runs into a lightly attired woman in the middle of nowhere. How she got there? Why? Who is she. These and many other questions will find an answer in 'Flinx in a Flux'. Vocabulary:slightly difficult; Plot :ene"_joyable ; Interest :like glued ; --------------------------------------- #move 325,0 #pens 9,9 A warning example about lamerism of the worst kind #pens 9,0 This is a sad, sad story about a mjh of Exizus. He is such a lamer that the pronoun 'he' cannot be used of both real humans and mjh both. Therefore here is a new pronoun to use in connect on with mjhs and other side-splitting lamers. The pronoun is 'nit',a mix bet- ween terms 'fit' and 'nit-wit' which both amply describe mjh. mjh is a lamer. Nit is the worst kind of a lamer there is. Not only nit is so incredibly stupid and slow-witted that when ni was born, it took nim about three hours to realize that something had changed, and that nit did not get air through the umbilical any longer. That's one of the reasons for nis wondrous lack of abilities. In a confidential discussion with mjhs parents it came out that nit is so slogw to develop for example physical skills that it took nim twelve years to learn not to pee into nis pants. He still does not know what the WCs are for, though. That's probably why nis room and 3.5"s stink. izus. He is such a lamer that the pronoun 'he' cannot be used of both real humans and mjh both. Therefore here is a new pronoun to use in connect on with mjhs and other side-splitting lamers. The pronoun is 'nit',a mix bet- ween terms 'Rը muzax freak and one swapper so consider joining us! 3. We are going to found Accession Sweden we need a some cool dudes to join us from there, coder, gfx, muzax, swapper. The best would me if you were a team !!! You should represent us in those parties we are unable to come from the headquarters. We are poor school boys with no almost no money. At least most of my money go to tobacco and alcohol. So you should write to me or Evil or any other membeiday of December. (Evil) -------------------------------------- #move 325,0 -------------------------------------- C R E D I T S -------------------------------------- MainEditor1&Publisher Evil/Accession MainEditor2 Mystyx/Axenon Routines XYZ-Soft/Accession Music Lord Chris/Accession Fulltime-Editor TWS/Accession Fulltime-Editor Growl/Byterapers Fulltime-Editor Cherokee Partytime-Ed&itor NJG/ZONE 3 Partytime-Editor Amigaman/Wizzcat Partytime-Editor Hack-Man/DeathStar Partytime-Editor XYZ-Soft/Accession partytime-Editor Wyzinski partytime-Editor Sector9/Razor 1911 Partytime-Editor Scorpio Graffix Moku/Accession Graffix Copyrate/The Supervisors -------------------------------------- Juha Torstensson ! Skandinavian News Kaivotie 7 ! Postlagernd 40900 SAYNATSALO ! 4986 BIEREN SF 358-+k^Qact while computer is on, it will IMMEDIALTELY FORGET MEMORY, so you will get bullet- proof GURU !!! Again if you make your computer blow up you pay ! (Scorpio) --------------------------------------- Commodore-64 Emulator on Amiga --------------------------------------- With the 64-Emulator you can use 1541 and 1571 disk drives as well as print- ers equipped with Commodore Serial Bus with your Amiga. All you need to do is to buy an interface to c+l-օonnect your Amiga and C64 peripherials together. There is also another way to go: To build the interface by yourself. All #move 325,0 you need to do that is: -a 6-pin DIN-plug for your 1541 -a 25-pin D-connector for your Amiga A1000: female connector A2000: male connector A500 : male connector -a piece of shielded cable (with at least 4 insulated wires. C64 pin 2 to Amiga pins 20 and 21 C64 pin 3 to Amiga pin 5 C64 pin 4 to Amiga pins 6 and 8 C64 pin 5 +f to Amiga pins 7 and 9 DO NOT CONNECT: C64 pins 1 and 6 Amiga pins 1-4, 10-19, 22-25 These connections work with A1000,A500 and A2000 computers although the paral- ler port is a bit different on the A1000. TURBO LOADERS won't work with the C64 Emulator. (Pink Floyd, Turbo Disk) But Geos works !!! (Anonymous) --------------------------------------- Skandinavian News 4/884pxւ'C\pN)@ gNuNUH p+@ o$Hl* m /(N,POJfp )@&SX "- gWgHl0N/^XOBNXO f m )h" m /(NXO)@ b m coHlfN/XOBNXOp)@ ^B, 5Cp!,xN)@hJhfa$Cp!,xN)@lJlfaCp!,xN)@pJpfHlN.XOaA,lhN)@JfapH"<,xN:)@JfaAn,llN:)@ :J :fa)l :A,llN4)@ BJ Bfap l :p,llN l :,/H oCp ,lhN@A,llN:)@ >J >fa*)l > A,llo_*!ur cristmas pre- sent, give top games and also add the skandinavian list, too. In case not so many letters will come we'll drop this off, ok. (EDITORS) --------------------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- Advertisements !!! --------------------------------------- Want to swap ? Then write to: PALE of WIZZCAT Kokintie 11 96200 ROVANIEMI FINLAND or AMIGAMAN of WIZQZCAT Asentopaikka 4 96440 ROVANIEMI FINLAND or BLACK PHANTOM Vaernesgt. 5 7500 STJ0RDAL NORWAY --------------------------------------- Very much thanx to Neck coz' he paid the money what he owned to me. Smooth going, I'm a bit drunk coz' I celebrated it.! (SKATEVIL?) --------------------------------------- ya should send postcard or letter and enclose a list of your choice. At the same time you use yoq>JP8N4)@ FJ Ffa l >p,llN l >,/H oCp,lhN@ l >,p///Hx/N<:OB J l >,llNp/)@ ^aXO gxp+@ l J <,llNj"l J iVp(r$ ,xN"l J iV,xN+@Jg m+h;h;h"m,xN - g( f0- @ig @hfp+@`p+@`-f0-r]Ak|{fN_`BE`2$`"N`O`p+@`Jp+@`@p+@`6p+@`,p+@`" g l Jp,llNj -m lN`` ``a`arWP-`a`a``"l J i.,/a XOaL@N]NuNUH#J, 5g>0, 02, 2$,~p, 5d$ "A 8/H o"P ,xN.R`J Bg l B,llNJ :g l :,llNJ Fg l F,llNJ >g l >,llNJg "l,lhNJg "l,lhNJg"lpH,xN.Jhg "lh,xNbJlg "ll,xNbJpg "lp,xNbBN@XOL@N]NuNUH"$m m JfS "j4p0)ѭ+H"Jp,lhN -R"-R/@/A "J /"/ ,lhN"J -,lhN"J m -,lhN"J -"-,lhN"J -,lhN"J m ]߆ -,lhNLDN]Nu", ^ oS ^/, ^aXONu", ^ blR ^/, ^aXONuNUH~ l "ҁ Ѐ lBpR`~ l "ҁ ЀA"l3R` - r N4, - r N3*~ lT "ҁ Ѐ/@ rN4A"Hp/@ N4|Ap"/Ҁ l / 1,R`p//r///,/-N7OLN]NuNU/-/,"HlHl hN"nO/-Hl haPON]NuNUH J Jg"l J i.,/aXOB J l >,/H oCp,lhN@ l >,p///Hx/N7O l :,/H oCp ,lhN@ l B"h2p>7uaaa`aax`a`fa``xaa` ` a`x ` ~ g` g a`x 7v6> f ya xf `xgygaa`gyx`x`` ga ~f ``` f~x ` ``y~xa aa7w#e~af`~xf~xyafaa`~~afy ~x `~~~a``~`~`7x{s~xa~~f~f`fa ~x~`ax~f~~fx~yy~xff~aya `yx~x a~~ f` ffx 7y"x ~ gy ~~ ```~g~gya``~ `~`x` 營 ffg yfxg x`g g` fy `  x` ~ 7z a`~a```x~`xfff`xffx~f`f`ff7{V7 |T7 }R7 $Aub and know how to collect things from sail to the next. Within this space, this is a fuckin' shit. time you can get bonus time by As you already guessed, graphix shooting fishes.......... Good and sound is usually fine. What climbing!!!!!!!! is the mission? Graphics :* * * * * * : Graphics :* * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * : Idea vsJh :Converted : Idea :* * * * : Overall :* * * * * * : Overall :* * * * * : You then fly around and so, you convertation and it is not bad are far more manuverable than at all. The graphics and the by driving your scooter. soundfx are usually good and The bad thing about it is that there's fine animatoion. I didn't find any method how to After finishing one of the leave the plane and as I don't towers, you take your s)zto the right and the other way round.......(lesson: how to destroy all your old Quickshot II!) One important thing are the shoes with which you enter the competition. If you choose the wrong shoes, this can ( and will ) be deadly for the qualification...... The first event is 100 meter sprint and you have to do it with those 'running shoes'. At first you see a fine picture that shows our friend Daley at the start and then, ya have to pay attention becvause of the start shot. This comes very quick,so be con- #move 325,0 centrated.Then you have to be good and pull the stick. Got it? Okay, then choose the 'short spikes' for the long jump. The 3rd is shot put and I don't know which shoe is the best.The 4th is high jump and I want you to write it to me if you know how to do it right! I don't, and so I need your help! Pleeze write something !! At first, ya always see a nice titlepic for each event and then you have to p:CBroove your condition and pull the stick... One tip for shot put: Be sure not to press the button late, coz in will be too late. Not to forget: you can go to training before the decathlon starts. You can gain extra energy there (joker) which makes it nearly impossible for you to loose.For example you can get the 100m in 6 seconds without any problem. (Faster than B. Johnson,hehehe!) Graphics :* * * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * : Playabijbzlity:* * * * * * * : Idea :* * * * * * : Overall :* * * * * * * : nd pull the stick. Got it? Okay, then choose the 'short spikes' for the long jump. The 3rd is shot put and I don't know which shoe is the best.The 4th is high jump and I want you to write it to me if you know how to do it right! I don't, and so I need your help! Pleeze write something !! At first, ya always see a nice titlepic for each event and then you have to p k~ `  `x ` `````g``yy g~g`` b'jg fa~`yfgg faaa  a ~ya~yxa x `~a ~ S@- xxgx`x  sj tژ?x??"χ>||?x??"χ>||?x??"O~>"χ>||?x??"χ>||?x??"χ>||?x??!`@p `@ ` 8 "?߇???"?߇???"?߇???"?߇???!`0  ````j w "?߇???"?߇???"?߇???"?߇???"~@"?=?x@"??x@"??x@"??x@">@ ?"?8?x@"??x@j8u"??x@"??x@"?<<8|~ ?x   ??_0 @ 08} p0@0Y8 L2l :* * * * * * * : #move 325,0 BATTLECHESS: Whoooopppeeeee! Did you ever play this game? No? Did the title shock you, coz you hate chess? Well, this may be a good reason for erasing the disk, but believe me, pal, this game is really worth playing it. From the beginning on, you have a 3D chess game on the screen (you can choose between 2D & 3D and of course 3D is much better). The graphics is close to perfection and certainly, the sound effects are good, too. You discover the best part of the game as soon as you go and play. The parts when the figures move are very good animated, but they are even better when two figures are going to fight against each other. Another positive thing is that it's quite easy to learn the rules if you didn't play chess before. Graphics :* * * * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * * * : Idea :* * * * * * : %Overall :* * * * * * * * : 325,0 BATTLECHESS: Whoooopppeeeee! Did you ever play this game? No? Did the title shock you, coz you hate chess? Well, this may be a good reason for erasing the disk, but believe me, pal, this game is really worth playing it. From the beginning on, you have a 3D chess game on the screen (you can choose between 2D & 3D and of course 3D is much better). The graphics is close to perfection and certainly, the sound effects are good, to~1lane and you are able easy...... to enter it by pressing space. Now we got the fine amiga You then fly around and so, you convertation and it is not bad are far more manuverable than at all. The graphics and the by driving your scooter. soundfx are usually good and The bad thing about it is that there's fine animatoion. I didn't find any method how to After finishing one of the leave the plane and as I don't towers, you take your s)Schematic what I had, had bug on it. ( Huh!) Only trouble after I fixed the pin 13 was that the Frekvence voltage is not stabile, it crawles up and down. And R2 doesn't have much effect. I think it can be fixed easily. Anyway, Mr. Juntunen said that the sample quality is better than he has heard on some commercial games. As far as I have tested it, I think the qua- lity is quite good. I used AudioMaster only, but there might be some differences between other prPÅ!ograms. The A/D converter (ADC 0820) might be a bit hard to get in finland but ask around. (EVIL) -------------------------------------- #move 325,0 -------------------------------------- #pens 9,8 WHAT A HELL !!! #pens 9,0 -------------------------------------- If you find (sure you do!) anything worth of critism, please send a letter to main-editor1 (Juha Torstensson). letter will be published on next SN. Critism can be negative or positi`ve, as far it's constructive it will be published !!! (EVIL) -------------------------------------- #move 325,242 (Pic By MOKU) n't have much effect. I think it can be fixed easily. Anyway, Mr. Juntunen said that the sample quality is better than he has heard on some commercial games. As far as I have tested it, I think the qua- lity is quite good. I used AudioMaster only, but there might be some differences between other prei@Vnally, although it got marvelous visual & aural effects, it is really shit. Play it if can't sleep, because while playing, you will sleep. Like everytime, you can gain extra weapons and all this shit. Tip of the week: Be economical, don't waste disks for shit games like this one. Graphics :* * * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * : Idea :Yooohoo!???! : Overal7ups which are expect- ed to come are SCT, The Link and many others. You can read about the party in the next SN. I hope it's going to be more news when the next SN is rele- ased. (Cherokee) -------------------------------------- MAIL in time !!! -------------------------------------- I think if Cherokee is fast enough, his next news will be on this same magazine. this was meant to be on issue four but it was too late. In future I hope .}you all writers will send your articles in time. Let's take an example, in last month issue, SN made competition for everybody, but #move 325,0 unfortunately it was on wrong mag. It was meant to be on number three, but I got it too late. So if you write an article which must be on particular number, please send it on time. (EVIL) --------------------------------------- - What keeps surgeon happy ??? - He can cut people Kaand even get paid for it !!! --------------------------------------- an read about the party in the next SN. I hope it's going to be more news when the next SN is rele- ased. (Cherokee) -------------------------------------- MAIL in time !!! -------------------------------------- I think if Cherokee is fast enough, his next news will be on this same magazine. this was meant to be on issue four but it was too late. In future I hope v>se, coz otherwise they wouldn't reach him in time. #move 325,0 JOOOHHHHHHOOOOO!!! -------------------------------------- Oke guyz.... I can understand that you all are lazy, but why don't I get any statements about the mag for people who don't live in Scandinavia? This mag is no rival to the CJ at the present date, I know, but why don't ya make any positive or negative statements and send'em to me? Don't you think that the SN is worth a simple )[ statement? If so, fuck you, dammned sucker. -------------------------------------- ALWAYS THE SAME .... -------------------------------------- In nearly all those games which I test for the magazine, there are cute and fine graphics and good soundeffects. Because of this fact,I am bored of writing this down all the time and waste space (Well, I ain't claim never to waste space in this fabulous mag). So guyz, in the future I will zO{)only write about graphics and the sound if it's bad (in my opinion), ok? So, have a look at the evaluation. --------------- Oke guyz.... I can understand that you all are lazy, but why don't I get any statements about the mag for people who don't live in Scandinavia? This mag is no rival to the CJ at the present date, I know, but why don't ya make any positive or negative statements and send'em to me? Don't you think that the SN is worth a simple Ae$. Wether he calls to president or order some mags to Willy's name. On this week epi- sode, Alf did some painting. Finally there was paint everywhere but not on the wall. Alf said. "At least I didn't get any on ۣL$ me!" Well, that's Alf for sure. I could write about him for ages but I think it's better not. Watch ALF. -----------EVIL--- e from pla- net MELMAC. All the time he's try- ing to do somekind jokes or anything funnyh9Rxide.(C64)........ ...A.word.of.warning.................. ...Advertisements..................... -------------------------------------- Scandinavian News is going to give ya a Cristmas present, I hope you use yar opportunity. Read more about the pre- sent from HEADLINES. Next news will be released probaply in time, on the 1st mon^BzJm 209700 (END) Ikari Warriors Hawkwind/RFW-Team Mission28 (END) Interceptor NJG/System II 52780 Katakis Hawkwind/RFW-Team 185740 (END) Menace Hawkwind/RFW-Team Compiled Mercenary Frak/Wizzcat Compiled Mercenary Frak/Wizzcat Compiled Mercenary II Mystyx/Axenon 11:47 min Motorbike Madness H;6dy out there. Be careful when reading the next SN, could be dangerous ! The reason for not doin' much articles this time is that my Amiga was damaged for a long time. At first,the keyboard was broken and after it was repaired.. the shitty internal drive did not work anymore.... FUCK! Therefore, I didn't have the time to write long articles, because I got it back just 14 days before releasing the new number and I have to send the articles to EVIL one week before the relea[ o (War whels) Altered beast ANCO ------------------ #move 162,72 Quantox Face Off Highway Wawks Robbeary ARCANA ------------------ Mars Cops Crater Wars Androld ASL ------------------ Helter Skelter CASCADE ------------------ 19 Part 1-The boot Camp #move 322,0 CREATION ------------------ Sormtrooper - CRL ------------------ Tau Ceti Academy Ludicurus Ballbreaker DIGITAL INTERGRATION ------------------ ATF DOMARK ------------------ Live and let die Return of the Jedi ELECTRONIC ARTS ------------------ Skate or die Neuromancer Battle Chess Powerdrome #move 490,0 Bards Tale III Chuck Yenger's Adv. Flight Tr. ELECTR. DREAMS ------------------ Super Hang OKp0{n Super Sprint ELITE ------------------ Paper Boy Space Harrier Overlander Space Harier 2 Hopping Mad Ghosten Gobli. F.I.L. ------------------ Continental Circus Shinobi Ninja Warriors Silk Worm The Radical Ninja -----------------> ------------------ 19 Part 1-The boot Camp #move 322,0 CREATION ------------------ Sormtrooper {he game is a bit too hard, of course if game is easy, you don't play it more than 10 minutes. Graphics : * * * * * * * * * * : Sound FX : * * * * * * * : Playability : * * * * * * * * : Overall : * * * * * * * * * * : ------------------------------EVIL---- hers as well. -------------EVIL-- #move 332,0 -------------------------------------- ROBBEARY (Anco software) -------------------------------------- I was really surprised because I discoverj<_Wings GO! ------------------ Wizard Wars Sunny Jane Of Ark GRAND SLAM ------------------ The Running Man Thunderbirds Pac Mania Espiponage GREMLIN ------------------ G.L. Super Skil. Ultimate Golf LANKHOR ------------------ Get Dexter #move 322,0 LINEL ------------------ The Crown Solaria The Champ Dragonslayer MANDARIN ------------------ Rally Run MASTERTRONIC ------------------ Double Dragon Motorbike Madness Lord of The Rings MICRODEAL ------------------ Goldrunner II International Soc. Tetra Quest Fright Night Airball MICROPOSE ------------------ #move 488,0 Red Storm Rising Covert Action Samurai Microsoccer Inside Trader Space Rouge Ultima V Prototank Corporate Raider Soccer OCEAN ------------------ Guerilla Wars Victory Road D.T. Olympic Chal. Vulcano Ventura Gryzor Combat School Te5}yphoon Salamander Operation Wolf Match Day II Rambo 3 Arkanoid - The Revenge Of Doh ing Man Thunderbirds Pac Mania Espiponage GREMLIN ------------------ G.L. Super Skil. Ultimate Golf LANKHOR ------------------ Get Dexter #move 322,0 LINEL ------------------ The Crown Solaria The Champ Dragonslayer MANDARIN ------------------ Rally Run MASTERTRONIC ------------------ Double Dragon Motorbike Madness Lord of The Rings MICRODEAL ------------------ Goldrunnee Barbarian II Rimrunner PRISM ------------------ Terraforce Who Dares Wins Zed The Kristal Rocket Roger Battlestations Artifical Dreams Trap Arac Pub Games #move 322,0 PSYGNOSIS ------------------ Aquaventura Cluster Time Lord QUICKSILVA ------------------ Pac Land ROBTEK/DIAMOND G. ------------------ Terminator SATRY ------------------ Hot Ball SUPERIOR ----------------P-- Conqueror Zarch THALAMUS ------------------ Hawkeye Bamboo #move 488,0 Armalyte TYNESOFT ------------------ Superman II SUPER SOFT ------------------ Lone Wolf SYSTEM 3 ------------------ The Last Ninja The Last Ninja II TELECOM (RAINB./FIREB) ------------------ Savage Earth Light Project 5 Soldier Of Fortune Fish EPT Dick's Special S.T.A.R. Weird Dream em-Up Costr. Kit PALACE ------------------Jave appeared on market but mainly not. Also if anybody knows more, please inform us. It is interesting to know what is going to happen in near fut- ure. I'm really looking forward to see few of those games in the list. Games like Ghost n' Gobl. and some others as well. -------------EVIL-- #move 332,0 -------------------------------------- ROBBEARY (Anco software) -------------------------------------- I was really surprised because I discoverg9ed really good platform game with stunning graphics. Game is almost like an arcade game. Ok, some funny creatures chase you in a platform, you shoud avoid the crea- tures and collect fruits or berries. Sometimes after eaten item you found something under it. There can be dia- monds, keys or nearly anything. Game controls are good, control is very playable. No title music, but other sound FX's are quite good. Game characters are big and well animated. I think t^ yQQj"O|;K? $ |7݇@7 yzo<~@ q8x~?`{/ iD.|0w 8 q08 ~0O `Ā0 m,|8c6w| >_ qF8o?P? `Pi,gP w| ? 9~N 3  ($M 0# i0,O` 4 ?|0 # )?~7L~ 8 O}@$ mz4?}@ 9{3 A ?e?@4 /}? $ 9|uK Ff_>A_ k}?@_ 9 ?!  ?'t?>c}??8y?@ S FF 0'@>c=0@0FgA' >K] yƌ/g@~<{ ώp?@!f7@<{E@!? ; or ?'P{o<{p? ?8 o  '(' ?# 7p Ϟ9} k0</=C!{x|b` =7` ?y f, `%< O@ ! 9<9@? Ze4 7, O#? b<pD c)0_ ?? 0,>, c +0 @ "p}o)3P@s,, >p}`` 37 1?3D*ۜ#  37 2g| > ?c?>Hc?< C .c! ?O{8 ?0T ? ?/ @8ߠ?r ppg 8~@0  ;ߠÀ~@?m?''#'?C@8? ''#'?:9D` 2Cl;!o!'?988# /Px |:g@p pxg ƿg$'?8u8 O '&'?8`p~p?p& s0. >p/p.?8?w@M8?@ p?/. <`0>@?0  ?<  ~@l@? 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Try DIR ?!?L Don' you even try !!!BHey, press del to destroy whole line !! And press other keys too !15Evil was here ! Dontcha think I'm quite evil ???ZSame here, pal !AEYou don't need return or do you ??? Just use the function keys ! -1Absolutely number ONE in Finland is AccessionATBSC @D A exs1 10~ tlb2 11~ thrust 12~ 8fblasterdemo1 13~  the_band 14~wow 15~ kefrens 16~ e game 17~ e menu 18~ e greetinx 19~?~EvilingsAlbert S.&@($  dL  *&" you can fuck the rest !!!@@Heh heh ## ()*You're looser, zero, nothing !!!)) !"#$$$You're boring !!E Info ??? 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J (F =<;:9NMLKJIHGFEDYXWVUTSRQPO_^dcba` ~8Setkeyr`Wn SYS:copylisBtԉ#B`Rrp(jtN#A JgB$B(""0p(jN$) !(")! #i ""Jf")N$B") pX(jxN") pX(jxNJfG" pX(j$NrpX(jNNNqBackground CLI [CLI %N] !Unable to create backgrs ~devspۨ ~system-configuration,@& 58  8 # U%,genericK Bgeneric ~setmapr3  ~keymapsP4 ~Evilings2L.=6EGCGCCGCGGB@A@DBAAAAAAAAAAAAAA@~`~`$$4%%5^^6&&7**8((90_-_-+=+=|\|\0QqWw[RrTtYyUuOoPp{[{[}]}]123AaSsFfGgHhJjKk:;:;"'"'456>.>.?/?/.789+ ~lpbs:    x ~ Ram-HandlerW  E HB A"B ,xNLBNEE$#p(r p(jtN#A $G$" p(jNBXr-p(jtN%A\r#At-nҪ\Brҩ`"*\t!r%Ahv ֪\$") p(jNrҪ\p(jXNp(j8N$)!(r#At nҩBrҩ`") p(jTN#Ap(j8N$)!(")t!")B ")B")!DOS %itvt"p(jNp(jN#A`")p0IN&*l$")p (jN`")p0I(N&*l$")p (jN`v$*t")5S8 ~RDisk-Validatorl'G$ #Bv lt "*Nt0҂`r $)( r0Ҫ$)( "*XW%A%j$*XS%BB"*p(jxNB#jr#A nҪt!rҩ `t "*NJg0r#At #B "*N") $)"*Ҫ!$*"*p(j$N$*"*p(jN#A$*"*p(jNҩ%A`J$< rp(j(N"*@&)$0(G" p(jNJf"p(jNrp(j N"*@Jg"p(jNB#j"*#A nL#Atāv#C#A$) m o$) GT ~ Port-HandlerULLL$#p(BB #p(v։#Cx,؉#D(z@ډ#E<,<܉#FB kickstartin kirjoitussuojaus poistuu ; -> kone resetoituu. ; ; 2) boottaa kone levylt joka EI lataa worbenchi ; ; 3) addkickmem -> lis osa kickstartista vapaan muistin listaan ; -> sinulla on 36k lis muistia! ; ; 4) LoadWB -> kone kaatuu, koska olemme juuri hukanneet ; kikstartista ne osat jossa Workbench majailee. ; ; 5) jt kohta 4 vlist, ,ނ>=<;:987654IHGFEDCBA@?TSRQPONMLKJYWVU_^]\[ZS4W>ALFpZ/FORMSILBMBMHD@ @CMAP`PPЀ`@ppP@@p0P ` p0p0@@ P P @@@PPP```pppDPPVhh@ZCRNG*h CRNG*h  CRNG CRNG  BODYR?i?4OM'& `0?|??rM &ܓCoI$$<@Gy #<ǞH1\     ('&%$#"! 3210/.-,+*)[4W~bustp)}wFORM[ILBMBMHD@ @CMAP`pp@@ `@ ` P P 000DPPVhh@ZCRNG R  CRNG R CRNG CRNG BODYZ}@` *4WM conquerorpzFORM"ILBMBMHD@ @CAMGCMAP0000Ѐа @@@`pBODY``` @ q@` @@  D` @? @@ $` @@ ?@@ @  @  @   4W excalibur7prFORMILBMBMHD@ @CAMGCMAP0АPpР``ppBODYW ei9~?u!gfw=0`|>~3p'0 13.|x˟8OqX H?c<``0/?0 aH 038 _aw @p0 z@/ ?aj0 $,3wvutsrqpB4Zgreatppȿ+FORM:ILBMBMHD@ @CMAP0PPPPpp@p @p`pDPPVhh@Z9[[CRNGpCRNG$ CRNG CRNG BODY)y`fa?~?10p? ?HH84W Tkickp8|],xNjANpNge ~$libsp[0onQ* 6page49pn8Å#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 --------------------------------------- Leading five in Skandinavia !!! --------------------------------------- This is based on letters which I have received after last time. 1. IPEC ELITE 2. TETRAGON 3. NORTH STAR 4. ACCESSION 5. STACK & X-MEN If you aren't happy with this then ya should send postcard or letter and enclose a list of your choice. At the same time you use yo?\Bih?,4e.page3pZYXmlkjihgfedcxX4Zgurup. s543210/.4`mboxpx{2FORMPILBMBMHD@ @CMAP0PPPp` @ P PPPDPPVhh@ZCg"Cg"+Vs@@ItCRNG CRNG CRNG CRNG BODY@??????0 ?0  4Z#mailpcFORMzILBMBMHD@ @CMAP0PP000``` @p`pDPPVhh@ZCRNG,CRNG ^ CRNG CRNG BODYj{+B??????????0? ????r00??? ? ?? ???????????? ????????????????0<????<??????0?????c?????0??00  ????4?0? ? ??????????????3 ????Y .??????????????????????RO3?????0???<???????????? Zf?????????????0??0????????? l>3>3<<<<?>??>?<<<<?????<?<?<?< lL<<?????<?<0<?? @  ?00 ??  8?00??  x <00 ??  ?=xC 0?  ????``~?``~>? 8???3 8???xx 0???xx 0?@|| 0=||```bh`@0p~x `8 `8@ @`8?8? `hX,a`@ ` !c`À <` < @???'x?B @??????@@??@@?`aSAzzp|?? ~??@?? @?????? ??? ??0 ???;~????#~??p1???????????^0@!`_'^`_'^` @@@   L!@  L!@   g@  @ @ To  @A @  ?&0@@ @>0HA  @&0HA   g~ p # 1@`@ 0&` @ 0&` *$?@@d @@d x; ??  `0 p  `0 p     6x ї^ x ^0a`0a @ |`L  `  @@  0``0`0` ~~>~>~>> Ҩ%]P>0 00    Ԕ^4^ ypage10p'%#move 0,0 -------------------------------------- COMING SOON TO A MARKET NEAR YOU !!! -------------------------------------- This section should contain nearly everything that should appear on the Amiga.(Some of them are already in the market.) ACTIVISION ------------------ Afterburner Ace Attacker Time Scanner Fighting Soccer Hot Rod SDI Super Wonder boy Sobic Boom Predator R-Type Galaxy Force The Real Ghostbu. Turb֔^ 4^ Rpage11JpVd#move 0,0 Mickey Mouse Hercules Hot-Shot(Soccer) Night Raider HEWSOM ------------------ Astaroth The Angel of Death Roadstar XRI Exelon Ranarame Eleminator INCENTIVE SOFT. ------------------ Total Eclipse Dark Side Driller INFOGRAMES ------------------ Hostages Action Service Time Soldiers Heavy Barrel #move 162,0 Kid Niki Paddle Mania Vigilant Gemini ؔ^4_"page12jp{#move 0,0 where The Time Stood Still Red Heat Green Beret Robocop The Vindicator MIRRORSOFT ------------------ Speedball Main Frame TV Sports Football Bomboozaball Lord Of The Rising Sun Fernandes Must Die Dungeon Master Theatre Europe Gunship Pirates Blasteroids Foxx Fights Back NOVAGEN ------------------ X-Terminator #move 162,0 Battle Island Damocles OUT LAWS ------------------ The Shoot' em-Up Costr. Kit PALACE ------------------ڔ^4_page13p-2#move 0,0 Verminator US GOLD ------------------ Adv. Dungeons And Dragons Sidearms Shackled Out Run Road Blaster Gauntlet II Desolator California Ga. Street Sport Basketball Led Storm The Deep Out Run Europa Forgotten World Ghost 'n Gobl. 2 Last Duel 1943 (NJG) ------------------- This list might be a bit old in end of #move 167,0 this month but in good luck NJG will send new list in to number #06. As you all might notice, some of the games in the list hܔ^4_page14-p #screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "mail" #pens 1,2 #picture 380,50,"mail" #move 0,0 -------------------------------------- Norwegian News !!! -------------------------------------- This time this article is short, be- cause there isn't so many news from Norway now. the reason could be that there is going to be a copy-party in Stjordal, Norway from 7.10 to 9.10. Amiga and C64 freaks will come. The party is held by Razor 1911,The Cartel and Abnormal. Groޔ^a4_page15pr#move 0,0 -------------------------------------- 36k Memory exp. to Amiga 1000 -------------------------------------- 1) First run kick. -> It erases the kickstart writeprotect. -> Amiga will reset. 2) Boot Amiga from disk which DOESN'T include Workbench. 3) addkickmem -> Adds part of kick- start to free memory list. -> You got 36 kbytes more memory! 4) LoadWB -> Amiga will crash, because we have lost those parts from kick- start where WorkbenchۣUg lives. 5) Do NOT test the point 4! (It isn't free to use!) 6) If you reset the Amiga, you must reload kickstart. AbsExecBase equ 4 AddMemList equ -$26a MEMF_PUBLIC equ 1 MEMF_FAST equ 4 move.l AbsExecBase,a6 moveq #MEMF_FAST!MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 #move 325,0 moveq #0,d2 lea $feb500,a0 move.l #$8ca0,d0 sub.l a1,a1 jsr AddMemList(a6) Ɛ moveq #0,d0 rts end (XYZ-Soft & Wyzinski) -------------------------------------- This 36k memory expansion is Public Domain. It means, it can be freely co- pied to your purposes but use in any- kind of commercial purposes is stric- ly prohibited. Anyway, feel free to send some use- ful stuff (NOT games !) All necressary programs to memory exp. are on this disk.(kick,addkickmem) Wyzinski the Orc Ainolantie 2 40520 JYVASKYLY&wA FINLAND (XYZ-Soft & Wyzinski) -------------------------------------- Amiga, you must reload kickstart. AbsExecBase equ 4 AddMemList equ -$26a MEMF_PUBLIC equ 1 MEMF_FAST equ 4 move.l AbsExecBase,a6 moveq #MEMF_FAST!MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 #move 325,0 moveq #0,d2 lea $feb500,a0 move.l #$8ca0,d0 sub.l a1,a1 jsr AddMemList(a6) ^^4_page16p3"'_#screen lores #font topaz.8 #colors from "alf" #pens 1,2 #picture 0,20,"alf" #move 0,0 ------------------ ALF ------------------ The ALF, sympatic creature from pla- net MELMAC. All the time he's try- ing to do somekind jokes or anything funny^J4_5page17pJU#screen lores #colors from "bust" #pens 1,2 #picture 0,0,"bust" #move 0,0 ZYXmlkjihgfedcxX4Zgurup^ 4_page18p5K#move 0,0 FINE NEWS -------------------------------------- Hello all you out there! Here is Mystyx talking to you and I have some good news for you!!! In this number of the SN, I will not pest you with so many software-tests like in the other numbers. This was the good news, but of cause, the medal got another side!! I am now fully motivated to write lots of articles about every shit comin' to my mind and which doesn't interest anybo^hR4_Qpage19pR'tC#screen lores #colors from "platoon" #pens 1,3 #picture 0,0,"platoon" #move 0,220 6_b4_Skandinavian News 4/884^ ]>r 4\page2Zpؓ|#move 0,0 C O N T E N T S -------------------------------------- .1.Title.Page......................... .2.Contents........................... .3.Contents.and.Credits............... .4.Headlines.......................... .5.Masters.of.Score................... .6.Masters.of.Score................... .7.Top.10.lists....................... .8.Advertisements..................... .9.Advertisements..................... near you!..]"V4_page20pV׹L#screen lores #colors from "platoon.2" #pens 1,3 #picture 0,0,"platoon.2" #move 0,220 6_b4_fSkandinavian News 4/884^ ]a4_Mpage21pŋu#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "guru" #pens 9,0 #picture 320,90,"guru" #move 0,0 -------------------------------------- #pens 9,9 BUGS ??? BUGS ??? BUGS ??? BUGS ??? #pens 9,0 -------------------------------------- Bugs ?? No, Just bug. Mr. JUNTUNEN from Finland found one bug from last month SN (SN #04) . There was a bug on the sound digitizer. The bug was on the chematic. Pin 13 in ADC 0820 must be connected to ground, no place else. It wasn't my fault. The ] 4_page22pay#move 0,0 MENACE: This is a quite new game in which you have to fight against certain kinds of creatures in different 'seas'. This sounds strange (?), but wot if I tell you that it is another kind of DELTA or KATAKIS? The only intention is to shoot and destroy the enemy, as usual. The graffixs and the sound/fx are very good, but there are a few problems with one of the most important things: there was no motivation! At least I was bored like in playing a breakout! Fi]~.4_page23pC#move 0,0 #font topaz.9 NEBULUS: FUSION: Hey! You remember old 64 days? In this neat game, you control Nebulus was the name of the a kind of scooter and drive game and it got a funny new around and shoot on enemies and idea. You controled a creature you can collect some things looking like a frog and with which help you to fullfill your this you had to climb towers mission. At a certain place, ya at the outside. But it wasn't find a p] r 4_apage24p#move 0,0 D.THOMPSON'S OLYMPIC CHALL.: Well... now the Olympic Games of Seoul are over and new sports games are out (SUMMER OLYMPIAD). It's decathlon this time and here, you take over the role of Daley Thompson to try to get gold! But as we all know: The king is dead, long life the king! Daley didn't make it (and won't manage it in the future anymore) so,don't be angry if ya don't get it, too. In nearly all the events, the technique is the same: pull the joystick from left \6QPO~ page33pO}$#screen hires #colors from "excalibur" #pens 1,0 #picture 350,5,"excalibur" #move 0,0 FUSION: In this neat game, you control a kind of scooter and drive around and shoot on enemies and you can collect some things which help you to fullfill your mission. And this is my problem. I do not know what your mission is! So, unfortunately, you have to find this out for yourself. At a certain place, ya find a plane and you are able to enter it by pressing space. You then\5>=< page34p< iD#screen hires #colors from "warlock" #pens 5,0 #picture 60,7,"warlock" #move 0,80 This is a nice game with an idea that hasn't been realized on Amiga in this form yet. It's a kind GHOSTS'N GOBLINS in which you take over the role of a warlock who has to fight against lots of strange creatures, zombies and all the rest. The graphics isn't very good but average and the sprites are a bit too small. But as we all know, if a game is good does not only depend on the graphics. By th\8:ED page35pDAT#screen hires #colors from "turbo02" #pens 1,0 #picture 30,10,"turbo01" #picture 365,125,"turbo02" #move 0,80 Well, here you got a nice game with a very primitive idea: You drive a car and got to drive other cars off the road and destroy them on a certain course. No no, it isn't MAJOR MOTION, it's TURBO! And I've to say that this game is from the firm who did FIRE POWER (can't remember the name) and that this game is much better than M. MOTION. For example there \.A@?F vpage36pFj]#move 0,0 DISCOVERY: On this page, you see quite unusual software-tests.As DISCOVERY is no game but a very useful tool. DISCOVERY is like SMART DISK. You can edit the directory of a certain disk or modify the sectors for themselves. The directory module is very good, as the user doesn't only watch the main dir, but the contents of all the dirs. A number shows in which level the file is (e.g. in which dir). 0 is the root, 1 the main dir and the contents of the 'c' dir would \*z Hpage37pm #screen hires #colors from "conqueror" #pens 1,0 #picture 45,0,"conqueror" #move 0,56 Titus striked back!!!!! This time with GALACTIC CONQUEROR. As usual, graphics and sound are very good, but game itself is (as usual) pure shit. Well, right, this is another kind of 'race'. But this time with serious enemies and in space. The difference to OFF SHORE WARRIOR is, that you can fly higher or lower, but that's all. The game ain't make fun nor any sense I searched for motivat?\{ion, but didn't find any. Perhaps someone can tell me why Titus tried it one more time. Perhaps now, just the sprites were changed and one new routine installed in the game (high-low). Graphics :* * * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * : Idea :* * * * : Overall :* * * * * * : #move 325,0 MOTORBIKE MADNESS: This her is a motorbike race. You sit on your enduro and d0rive up and down the hills. This is not (!) like KICK- START. You drive from the top of the screen downwards. You have to complete the 100% of the course and every 10% you stop and you can repair the bike. You pay with score. The score isn't needed for the ranking after race. Ya just need a good time.After some tries you are familiar with the bike, but it's still not easy to fullfill the course. The hardest part is after you completed 40%. Then you have to be goJ{od. The rest is easy and just a matter of time. From the beginning on you shouldn't drive to get a good time, because first you need training. The graphics is better than average & there are nice soundfx. As it isn't easy, you aren't bored soon. Graphics :* * * * * * * * : Sound/FX :* * * * * * * * : Playability:* * * * * * * * * : Idea :* * * * * * : Overall :* * * * * * * * : u sit on your enduro and d\*21CB  zpage38pBE#move 0,0 GONE FISH'N: This game is one of the few that have a perfect cool and new idea. The idea this time is fishin'. It starts with a nice title pic that show half-done work in your garden & your car with a boat. You start with $250 and you can have to choose the days you want to fish per week (6 days max.). For every day you have to pay $20. Then you sit at at home and choose the lake you want to drive to. There are some different lakes whick cost between $60 a\)3;:9  ^page39p9IC#move 0,0 TRON: Well, I hope it was a joke. I found it on a Megaforce disk. At first, one could play a kind a very-slow Uridium and after loosing one live, the player had to press the left mouse-button and TRON was loaded. Yes, TRON. Similar to Rasterbike. But here, the screen was very small and so, for example at the start, one couldn't even see where TRON was. For all of you who never heard of it: You drive around on a bike. Behind the bike, at the places you [-#76543  page40qp4N0D#move 0,0 THRUST & G*P & MCG PARTY - REPORT -------------------------------------- Well, here comes a report from the Copy-Party that was mainly organized (?) by Thrust. It happened in a town in Germany, that one calls Nuernberg. I arrived at the train station, then entered the underground and finally I had to drive by bus. I jumped off at a certain station, that was mentioned in the invitation, but where was party ?? I had to walk another 500m and re- cognized an  Z@     C4qpage5p  #G------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A S T E R S O F S C O R E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zombie 53000 Amoeba Invanders Evil/Accession 437819 Better dead than alien Patrick/Powerslaves 62300/compiled Beyond the Ice palace Zombie 98000 Bionic  5 Commandos Mika Halonen Over Million Bobo (total) Goofy & his sister 100 stage Bubble Bobble Hawkwind/Rfw-team 756740 Bubble Bobble Wildcat/Electronic Arts 103320 Buggy Boy Hawkwind/Rfw-team 74480 Cybernoid Goofy/Horizon 875560 Future Tank Patrick/Powerslaves Compiled Great Giana Sisters Goofy/Horizon   c^Y 600 Gridstart II Amigaman/Wizzcat All completed Interceptor S.O.B./Accession 63400 Larrie... Wildcat/Electronic Ar. 86500 Leatherneck Fizz/Norther Mirage 214 L S Larry I T L L Axa/X-Men 78520 Major Motion Zulu/Zone 3 13817250 Pinball Wizard V1.0 Zombie Genius/until end Ports of   Lcall Zombie Compiled Road wars 2000 Zombie 66385 Tetris Zombie 163200 Thundercats Goofy/Horizon 36355 Zoom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scores to Pinball Wizard played with V3.3 aren't acceptable. !!! ck/Powerslaves Compiled Great Giana Sisters Goofy/Horizon YB'_^4tpage6p4------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M A S T E R S O F S C O R E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hawkwind/RFW-Team 212910 (END) Army Moves VYV TUMB/Accession END Barbarian I (Palace) ale/Wizzcat END Bardstale Hawkwind/RFW-Team 760560 Bomb Jack Hawkwind/RFW-TeaXP#\[b4hLpage7p[. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T O P L I S T S T O P L I S T S T O P L I S T S T O P L I S T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOP 10 GAMES TOP 5 TEAMS Robbeary World of Wonders Rocket Ranger Quartex Nebulus Wl"('0 page8p0 uQ#move 0,0 --------------------------------------- As usual, the SN-editors & the publish- er neither take over any responsibility for the contents of the advertisements, nor for the people who want us to rel- ease them. Signed: The SN-Editors --------------------------------------- Yo, do ya wanna swap with us on Amiga ? Then Contact: ZONE 3 PostBox 3 2013 SKJETTEN NORWAY --------------------------------------- Hi! Looking for cooVd( page9p#move 0,0 -------------------------------------- Mystyx searching for people to swap strategical & tactical simulations with (SSI,SSG,..). Mystyx/AXENON P.O.Box 2001 4986 ROEDINGHAUSEN West-Germany I don't want to swap anything else and no dealing! -------------------------------------- HUOMIO! ATTENTION! Contact us for swapping the latest stuff. Note: NO lamers, loosers and suomalaisia! So, write to: ACCESSION (Zebra) Kalastajanka~tu 20 A 3 80110 Joensuu FINLAND P.$. Message to all my contacts: SORRY for delay but finnish post FUCK my sendings, But no more!!! -------------------------------------- NECKBREAKER of STICK sends very much Hellos to SAXA of EX-MEN! I hope your herpes is gone and we can enjoy real analsex again !!! I'm not lame !!! -------------------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- ****** Only for the coolest ones ****** Con Vntact TWS of ACCESSION for really hot stuff and anything else which can be swapped...girlfriends etc. Write to : Timo Vehmaro Viertotie 9 74300 Sonkajarvi Finland or call me 358-77-61530 after finnish time And to all lamers it's just waste of stamps to try write to me !!!!! ********* NO FAKE STAMPS!!!!!!********* coz' I'm NOT going to pay the postal fees for you !!!! --------------p@6------------------------- It's NECKBREAKER again, Hey all mastur- bators in Tampere, come into my place so we can masturbate together !!!! OWN HANDS TO COMPLETE HAPPINESS !!! Could anybody send me some money becoz' I broke my neck again. As we say, Break a neck. So long. See you in our next demo, coming soon!. --------------------------------------- ------------------------- #move 325,0 --------------------------------------- ****** Only for the coolest ones ****** Co]+fedc  -page25pcgnփ#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "guru" #pens 9,9 #move 0,0 Alan Dean Foster:Flinx in Flux #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- Alan Dean Foster is the man who wrote the book 'Splinter of Minds Eye', which has been translated into Finnish by name 'Mustan lordin paluu'. This brand new book of his tells about a guy call- ed Flinx. He is a student of life in a universum where man has a FTL-drive and a successful merger with an alien race, Thranx. Man a]*TSRg^  /page26pgP($#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "guru" #pens 9,9 #move 0,0 New Members Wanted #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- 1. We need one really COOL swapper from Finland to join our force. We expect that you are famous you have at least 25 contacts in europe or overseas and that you have room for at least 20 more coz' I(TWS) have much too many contacts so I will give you about 20 of my contacts. 2. We need more members from Germany. one coder,]8VU\ |page27p\U9#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "mbox" #picture 360,50,"mbox" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 Dear Seeker of knowledge, we know your problem very well, since we have a similar combatibility problem between Vic-20 and Amiga. We are simp- ly dying to be able to play all those great Vic-Games like Jupiter Lander with our Amiga. We have something that you could try. The main problem is that a cassette recorder has two spinning knobs where a disc has only one hole. So you n ]+x$#"!  page28p!21#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 --------------------------------------- #pens 9,6 Loser list of the month in Finland #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- When I(TWS) was talking with Hack-man of Deathstar in the telephone about the millions of lamers, who hide their slimy arses in the swamps of Finland. We decided to do a list every month about those who you slould beware when they contact at you. And if you already") swap with one of these hopeless animals I really am sorry for you. Here they are: 1. BloodSuckers(hoffi ja muut lihat) 2. Destiny(ex. Exizus) 3. Axion 4. HTG 5. Northern Mirage 6. Phalanx 7. 777-team(especially fat-ZAN) 8. Immortal Icarus Imperium 9. Action Force/Byterapers Inc. 10. RFW-team To all in this list try to get this magazine before year 1991! Next month new rankings list !!!!!!!!!! #move 325,0 ------------------#}àH--------------------- RAZOR 1911/ABNORMAL/THE CARTEL Copy-Party in Stixrdal/Norway --------------------------------------- The party was originally held 7-9th October. But some people (TTT, Academy, The Quackers and The Gang) arrived already at the evening of 5th October. But most people arrived at Thursday (6th) evening and in the morning of Friday (7th). All in all we were about 140 persons at the copy-place. Not bad,if you think of how far north S$k/8ktjx- rdal is (Middle of Norway by a city called Trondheim). At Friday we had a couple of break- downs for the power-supply but we manag ed to fix the whole shit later on. There was a demo competition on both C64 and Amiga. Rawhead took the 1st price on C64 with a mind-blasting demo. On the Amiga The Arcadia Team won with their cool demo-disk. On the Amiga there were 8 participating demos and on the C64 there were 11. There weren't really much 'burninKZg hot' stuff on the party but some few -> --->> Stixrdal/Norway --------------------------------------- The party was originally held 7-9th October. But some people (TTT, Academy, The Quackers and The Gang) arrived already at the evening of 5th October. But most people arrived at Thursday (6th) evening and in the morning of Friday (7th). All in all we were about 140 persons at the copy-place. Not bad,if you think of how far north S%&]/W[ZY& page29p%Y8#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 new games and a lot of new demos of course. At Saturday the police arrived and asked if we did some illegal copy- ing and of course no-one were copying one single game.The cops said that they would come back later the same evening and if they saw some illegal copied stuff then they would confiscate the disk-owners computer equipment. They also told us that they had insiders on the party. (Who? Wh'(\93IHGX( page30p'Xj4#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #picture 410,200,"chip" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 AND then important message it doesn't matter wether you write with ed or txed but use 39 chars per line no single char longer lines!! (I had to edit this text nearly an hour 'coz it was written the whole screen wide. --------------------------------------- #pens 9,9 HARDWARE HACKER'S GUIDE (PART1) #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- Hello, This is S)*\6MLKJ* Apage31p)JP#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 --------------------------------------- #pens 9,9 HARDWARE HACKER'S GUIDE (PART2) #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- Are there any A500 owner who still have his Amiga working after my last hardware article. GOOD! In this article I show how make disable-switch to 512K memory expansion (original A501 Com- modore/AMIGA expander). This might work with any other 512K expanders too, but I +,\lkj,O4page32p+jK3#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 to that soldering (cutted circuit, re- member?) and another to some good ground point in PCB. Now if you keep these wires connected (use switch) you have expanded memory, but if you let those wires open, Amiga forgets that you ever had memory expansion. NOTE1! You need to make Power-down reset to make that memory visible again, keyboard reset is not enough. NOTE2! If you open cont-8 >=<;:98 R4` pchipp/#u}FORMILBMBMHD@ @CMAP0P`PPp` @ P PPPDPPVhh@ZCg"Cg"+Vs@@ItCRNG CRNG CRNG CRNG BODYxfa`0k``x~``g~~a`x````````11H`````yy`````````2~`  `   ` xx  ` x  ` xxx`xx`yxx3n5>`y```````````4``` ` `x ` ` ` x``x```xa5Mg` `  xx` x~ xx```f``f`` n` ```x``````~````````x` ~6 ` +*a`;4 ~T pagetestp7 @}|{zyxwvut@44a~exlop-9/,FORM JILBMBMHD@ @CMAP0P PPp`p@ P PPPDPPVhh@ZCg"Cg"+Vs@@ItCRNG CRNG CRNG CRNG BODY :x``````xx-:U````f~xxx~`g`y``fg`f`xgx-;\`L~a~a``~```````` `````` --N #move 0,0 C O N T E N T S -------------------------------------- ...motorbike.Madness.................. 38.Gone.Fish'n........................ 39.Tron............................... ...Buggy.Commando.demo................ 40.THRUST.&.G*P.&.MCG.PARTY.-.REPORT.. 41.TroubleShooting.Guide.(C64)........ 42.TroubleShooting.Guide.(C64)........ 43.TroubleShooting.Guide.(C64)........ 44.TroubleShooting.Guide.(C64)........ 45.TroubleShooting.Guide.(C64)........ 46.TroubleShooting.Gu7t<6FORM,ILBMBMHD@ @CMAP`` 0@P`ppp DPPVhh@ZxxaaCRNG CRNG CRNG CRNG BODYAB^0B *page1pA ɻ#screen lores #colors from "title" #picture 0,0,"title" #pens 1,1 #pens 22,22 RELEASED ON 9.11.1988 #pens 23,23 PRESS HELP-KEY FOR INFO #pens 24,24 SKANDINAVIAN NEWS BY: ACCESSION #pens 25,25 Hit both mouse-buttons to exit music! I< titleApCE[FE94zjpage4pD(GW    GK4HImagpC`!^#move 0,0 --------------------------------------- H E A D L I N E S --------------------------------------- Two days late, oh shit. But I have good explanation for it. At the day before release I didn't have all the articles which I was waiting. Still some of them are missing (Reward !!!) And when it was time to finish the job, I tried what the music is like, but the music which Mr.Moonlight gave to me didn't work with other programs at the same timF I%|I< titleApD z ))H~K4$H$I,x)N@)OLBHN&@)k8Jgp )@az k"h r)ITЁRBgR@UBw Sԁ SQ S Q"O/ `l)k:aa)@H/$@ *$g,l @"()A8N"* g$<N)@Pg @'h lH/Hl h$)hTG r < `&QNp` // ,,g @NN%,x"l NbJ g"l NbJ g"l NbJXg"lXNbJHg$",;N4Bstartup-sequenceF'5,FORM>> " #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION Cursor disappears after the Check U1 system warms up. SYNTAX ERROR displayed after the RAM, U3 (ROM) system warms up. Wavy screen after the system warms up. External power supply U31 (74LS629 IC) Z[[R[4Qpage45pZRX #screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION Cassette motor keeps running even Check Cassette port for SHORTS after a program is done loading. R4 (Possibly open) The TIP 29 transistor gets ex- tremely hot and the fuse may pos- sible blow. The cursor disappears when the cas- U7 sette plugged in. C\d[ kid4Zhpage46p]^] ^~ ~T.fastdirr]~\AL setmapRun enmantSetkeypic.infoTypeeAssignMem EchockMem.info0clsliCDcuteicWait ~T@Cp_hge ~$libsp6a  H~K4$H$I,x)N@)OLBHN&@)k8Jgp )@az k"h r)ITЁRBgR@UBw Sԁ SQ S Q"O/ `l)k:aa)@H/$@ *$g,l @"()A8N"* g$<N)@Pg @'h lH/Hl h$)hTGr <`&QN,p` // ,,g @NN,x"lNbJg"lNbJg"lNbJXg"lXNbJHg$",NA"Hpr@RAQ"JpNA"HpRl"JpaNK#& Mp"DrQ\i]|#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM POSSIBLE SOLUTION When loading from disk and any Check U20 key of the 4th row of the key- R35 (Possible BAD connection) board is pressed, the cursor key goes to home position. When loading from disk, a 'FILE U4 (ROM) NOT FOUND' message is displayed. e f4:f$ ~diskfont.library_eg;"9E`NJP# 0Pdiskfont.librarydiskfont 35.33 (18 Dec 1987) HACE" <8NLJg "@#H"NtpNu/ @#,@#Cp/,yN,_#gJCrp/,yN,_# gA* XB!H ,_Nu"y/,yNb,_"N0.nH/,yN.,_p`dos.librarygraphics.library #!6 LZJ,/ $n*JgNJjTg hJAh ~conhandler.library_g@pNuJ fy j0&4Bl N Nl$@ fy.0^ / *@+N"+H*ChpN+@&g&ACBprNDf A2a ` "m&Nbp*_NuRn  NuSn fN.gFJn f: .*H*N,m""ManCBN>"m&Nb"Mp0-mN.L``pNupNu  H @!INuA (!I"#@ @ Nu"P g #H\kU2 (6526 CIA) OUT OF MEMORY ERROR is displayed U20 when disk is used. i hope that this Troubleshooting guide is useful when you operating with old but trusty C64. I have found this very handy when trying to fix C64. Well, sometime oldies have so good (?) bugs that they are really hard to found with or without this. Remember, SN will take no responsibility what you may do with this guide !!! (Ejm<BTSQPON].&8wvutsrqponm.v   backup.picp\ IVIL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bye for this time. Oh, not just yet, I got something from post! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ any Check U20 key of the 4th row of the key- R35 (Possible BAD connection) board is pressed, the cursor key goes to home position. When loading from disk, a 'FILE U4 (ROM) NOT FOUND' message is displayed. lzZ+~}|{z4fbpage47CpjnFORM.nILBMBMHD@ @CMAP`PP`p` @ P PPP` P P 000@@@PPP```@@`PppDPPVhh@ZCg"Cg"+Vs@@ItCRNG( CRNG? CRNG CRNG BODY--joh !>8y>|8x|>>!>8y>|8x|>>!>8y>|8x|>>!>8y>|8x|>>!>8y>|8x|>>"?!>8y>|8x|>>!>8y>|8x|jpN>>!>8y>|8x|>>!>8y>|8x|>>@ "<~<??"<~<??"<~<??"<~<??! 00`0"<~<??"<~<??"<~<??"<~<??jql"??"||???"||???"||???"??"||???"||???"||???! 8 p8 "?~x||>?~x| ~"?~x||>?~x| ~"?~x||>?~x| ~!jr+O0`   ` ``10`"?~x||>?~x| ~"?~x||>?~x| ~"?~x||>?~x| ~"?|߁~~5?"<~8|<>À~p|>"<~8|<>À~p|>"<~8|<>À~p|>"?ρ?>~?>|"<~8|<>À~p|>"<~8|<>À~p|>"<~8|<>À~p|>" 8`jskP` 00`00@p"x8|>>p|?? "x8|>>p|?? "x8|>>p|?? "``` 00`000"x8|>>p|?? "x8|>>p|?? "x8|>>p|?? "?~ ?"8|>>| ?"8|>>| ?"?~jt!K"8|>>| ?"8|>>| ?``0A`00``"|>>|x?"|>>|x?``0A`00``"|>>|x?"|>>|x?!p`0`00``@@"ρ|>>πx||"ρ|>>πx||!0`8`810`p`ju"ǁ|>>ǀx|<"ǁ|>>ǀx|<!0`8`810`p`"ǁ|>>ǀ}|<"ǁ|>>ǀ}|<!0``00`0`"ǁ|>>ǀ}|<"ǁ|>>ǀ}|<!8`a00a0p"|>>|?y "|>>|?y "}??~j vW)??"|>>|?y "|>>|?y "??~??"|>>??|x"|>>??|x! ` ` `0``0"|>>??|x "|>>??|x"|>>??|x!` ` `0p`8!<>>?|x~!j w>%<>>?|x~!<>>?|x~"~??~ !>>?|x~0`!>>?|x~!>>?|x~"Ԝ~??~" ?>>?|?x>~``" ?>>?|?x>~" ?>>?|?x>~"<矀~?|?~y" ?>>?|?x>~``j u" ?>>?|?x>~" ?>>?|?x>~" `?O`8@0` A"??<|>|8x8~"?? |>|8x8~"?? |>|8x8~"`` >` ``0 ``0 @"??<|>|8x8~"?? |>|8x8~"?? |>|8x8~"ߏ}_~~"χ?>||{004dSpx9:4rb :```@```` ^``` `!/W`%$`n`;[`UU``@@@@@@ @ `@?@@@@@@@@@@DPaint:DPaintFILETYPE=ILBMl{SL##screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 --------------------------------------- #pens 9,9 Cheat + laws #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- Another day in my (amigaman) life was one friday, when I went to my post box to get my stuff. Okey, There was one note from post, and there was, that I should contact post-officer. I thought, it was only someones letter without stamps. I contact them, and one big man saidl|o me to come upstairs to offices. Oh shit, now they caught me!! - I first thought it. Man said, that there was something very important and seri- oysly things, cheat-stamps!.. Okey, no panic!.. Okey, we were in office, and then big post man showed me letter with very BAD cheats.. He wanted to know sender of that letter, but ofcourse I didn't tell it to them!!. 'Coz it was Evil/Accession. Hey Evil, be more care- fully!! You scared me pal!! Anyway, I am not caugl}-ht by post, al- tough my addie has been wanted. Now, it is began known, that cheatting in home- country mailing isn't too sure. If they find cheat letter from post, they just #move 325,0 call to other one, and information is more spreadful (??). Finnish-police has waken. Few guys has caught by them selling games. Lets see when here appear laws for pirates. Here is somekind of laws for selling games, and that is for protect original maker, but what cracker care al~sF;bout that ?? (Amigaman) --------------------------------------- #pens 9,8 A word of warning !!! #pens 9,0 --------------------------------------- Ya wasn't the first to call me that my sending has been on post to check out. I think the reason for terrible stamp was/is because people send same cheat stamp about 10 times. And of course the quality gets worse all the time. So if somebody still uses cheat stamps, do not send any of them tl*bo me because I may have some problems with it. I think it's too bad that police is waking all the time to catch crackers. That's why no illegal things will be done in SN (????) (EVIL) --------------------------------------- ). Finnish-police has waken. Few guys has caught by them selling games. Lets see when here appear laws for pirates. Here is somekind of laws for selling games, and that is for protect original maker, but what cracker care a[CLK4lpage48 pK###screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 --------------------------------------- STARTING TO READ SCI-FI!! --------------------------------------- Now I want say word from books, which I like very much. Ofcourse it is Scifi! I have seen many guys, who has read nothing of Scifi ever in their life. That is sad, 'coz just looking shitty killing-fucking movies get no real fine feelings. If you haven't ever read Sci- fi, then walk to local-[D~4}page49pD8#screen hires #font topaz.8 #colors from "Guru" #pens 9,0 #move 0,0 --------------------------------------- Leading five in Skandinavia !!! --------------------------------------- This is based on letters which I have received after last time. 1. IPEC ELITE 2. TETRAGON 3. NORTH STAR 4. ACCESSION 5. STACK & X-MEN If you aren't happy with this then ya should send postcard or letter and enclose a list of your choice. At the same time you use yo%][n letters which I have received after last time. 1. IPEC ELITE 2. TETRAGON 3. NORTH STAR 4. ACCESSION 5. STACK & X-MEN If you aren't happy with this then ya should send postcard or letter and enclose a list of your choice. At the same time you use yoH2sr~})('&%$#"!6543210/.-,A@?>=<;:987JIHGFE8& ntestpE7hs@bb`R``SoundFX Player V2.2 by Christian Haller 1988 by LINEL Switzerland,yN(@Jg afpNuCRNh#A\NA\N#$@ j$,z "Na*,yN|"zNBNudos.library,yCNh#CNh#CpN#Jf ,zNa`xA aXE Ch~"Q,yCspN#3a,zfCpNJfra^ajaByNu,z*NNN9gJg0:J@gaH)76543210EDCBA@?>=<;PONMLKJIHGF[ZYXWVUTSRQfedcba`_^]\qponmlkjihg|{zyxwvut@r     $#"! /.-,+*)('&%:98ݲ & test.infopO7HĄĄHĄ<@@@@p@x@@8 jꪪ@  j@  UJ@  T6w0c^; {b:w{窠1c gg;u뿮?c jF  qpm?@;?ē?@?a@?>?cy??>?0?r?>O?>?H??O>ȀFA9l xG ?>Ā'=0?' c=`>| =??x x ~ <?A~<2@~ {?AF"Yf< @~ ? {?<?? ^~ {<  {|<߻?@>0 8| 8Vx?FѬ ?x??7xp@p<?p>?0<`?;  ? o 8F\B A? 0 }p 3x_ @O{ 0v|? ?xw? pFsN/p @? (H`/` }?? 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