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The "title" is the last word before the huge  z climax in "Awaken" - from the Yes album "Going for the One" - whose central section is suggestive of one the movements of this song (and of course, it's also the last track on the disk). If you get tired of watching the "OctaMEDPlayer" display (while these songs are playing) and want something else to look at, try the "AVS-Pic" - hopefully you'll find sufficient visual information to keep your mind busy for a while longer. Unfortunately the display-program quits o ZX a song with a rather steep appreciation (as opposed to learning) curve. This is overcome within the first few minutes though, and the song then has some wonderfully sublime moments - from both a sonic and compositional point of view. The song also takes some quite colossal risks in its variations, even running juxtapositions of tuning (against the more familiar ones of tempo, style and form, which normally appear in my work). The "title" is the last word before the huge  fiJrated into a synthesiser-based composition - but with classical variations. By breaking up the song into a series of vignettes (most importantly by "interrupting" the rhythm-track, from time to time), a feeling of spaciousness is created within the song. The title comes from the fact that I wrote this track and the OctaMED review at approximately the same time - using the character of the music to influence my thoughts and ideas about the program; "FAREWELL": This is Bis a "dance" song; the movement implied through the rhythmic variations are purely for aural stimulation. The song -title arises because of the problems that I've had with the song, since I first wrote it (almost a year ago) - plus its medical (scratchy) nature; "REPORT": Another remix/rewrite of an "OctaSongs" track - but, with almost almost nothing in common with its forebear, it's virtually a new track. It is basically a "textbook" example of funk-progression, orchestύes of quick juxtapositions, which help to develop the song at a faster faster rate. The song-title comes from the music's enigmatic nature; "PROBLEM": This is basically just a "remix" of a track from "OctaSongs". I had written a number of variations for the track - but deciding to keep it simple and straightforward, so shortened it accordingly. My only regret is I couldn't create a nice saxophone solo for the song. Listeners might note that I haven't attempted to make th9 about the songs: "QUESTION": As previously mentioned, this was created from the instruments of the OctaMED 3.00 demo-song. Since I didn't use my "own" instruments the sound was rather diminuitive and tinny, so I "boosted" the instruments. In terms of composition-style, I wanted to get away from the long (and rather protracted) style of composition that I used on "OCTAROCK" with its single ideas being drawn-out almost to the point of tedium - instead, I've used a seriƦ" with a program such as OctaMED - rather than using it to churn-out something more familiar or "trendy". My background as a musician and appreciator of music extends to all fields - rock, jazz, classical, ethnic and beyond. This obviously has an effect on the music which I compose; which can sometimes gets a little strange as I stretch and merge the boundaries of individual styles but the fundamental "musicality" remains intact. Anyway, it's time for a few wordsHk5 crazy time for me over the last few weeks, due to the combined pressures of work, university and personal commitments. As a result, these songs have been composed with little thought for posterity. Little use has been made of OctaMED 3.00's many new features - especially the note-effect commands - but that doesn't mean that I disown the tracks as a result. I should point out, though that I'm more interested in exploring the potential for creating new "soundscapeshe current module; - "S" shows the position and length of the playing sequence list; - "B" shows current block number and total number of blocks in the song; - "L" is the current line-number. Watch out for possible problems with song icon-defaults (the path to the OctaMEDPlayer must be specified), if you want to use OctaMED songs on other disks. Other than that, there shouldn't be any trouble with them.  THE SONGS:  --------- It's been a fairlyn in the top left-hand corner of the "MEDPlayer" window. There are more advanced song-loading capabilities for WB 2.0 owners - who can use the "File Requestor" (FReq) option. In any event, "MIDI" can't be used with these songs; nor can the "<" and ">" buttons, which allow the switching of songs saved in "multi-module" format. Song-information is presented like "Sg01/01 S:001/010 B:00/08 L0000", where: - "Sg" shows the current song, and number of songs in thԠ7 functions: - Other songs can be selected by clicking inside the the "song-title" area then typing in the new song-name (capitals aren't required) and pressing return. The "Start" button must be then pressed for the song to start; - Pressing the "Stop" button pauses the song; it can then be continued by pressing the "Cont(inue)" button, or re-started by pressing "Start"; - To stop the music playing altogether (and return memory to the system), click the buttoR  SOME NOTES ON THE SONGS AND THE "OCTAMEDPLAYER" PROGRAM   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  "OCTAMEDPLAYER":  --------------- It's quite easy to play any of the songs in the "Music" drawer - just double-click the song-icon of the one you'd like to hear. Once the player program has been activated - i.e. when it is visible from Workbench" - you can also perform the followingW5me (02) 528-4329 - outside "office-hours" .  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ted otherwise. I don't mind swapping my work for quality PD/original disks - but I reserve the right to determine what a fair exchange is. I can also process any "open" orders, where people can let me select disks for them - based on an indication of the sort of work they want and the amount of money they send. - Correspondence, chequves & Money Orders should be made-out and sent to:  Alex Van Starrex  4 Westward Street  Kareela N.S.W 2232  AUSTRALIA. - Anyone phoning within Australia (check your directory-guide if you live overseas) can usually reach me on the following numbers (ask for Alex): - Work (02) 542-0200 - during normal "office-hours"; or - Hox[  --------------------------------------- - The above disks are "copyware"; price is $ 5.00 per disk - unless stated otherwise. I don't mind swapping my work for quality PD/original disks - but I reserve the right to determine what a fair exchange is. I can also process any "open" orders, where people can let me select disks for them - based on an indication of the sort of work they want and the amount of money they send. - Correspondence, chequou)  ------------------- - "(various)" - Disk-swapping, conventional ordering and magazine (with cover-disk) buying has resulted in a large range of PD- disks being collected by me: approximately 300 disks of various types: megademos, Fish-disks, AO-stuff and lots more - details of these are in my "Catalogue" disk.  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  PAYMENT DETAILS, PERSONAL CONTACT, ETC. in-digitising piccys (no sound)(A) - "Astronuts" - Works of the artist/photo-montagist Tsunehisa Kimura (M) - "3D-Girls" - 2 disks: the world's first 3-D slideshows? (no sound)(A) - "3D-Room" - My own pictures - from my own "3-D" process!! (no sound) - "Blockhead" - Pictures from a bizarre French computer-animation (M)(B) - "AlteredTruths" (in production) - "Altered States"'s true-story (M)(T)(B) - "MindExpansion" (in production) - Some interesting books and l3-D pictures are for red/blue or red/green glasses) - "FREAKED-OUT!" - Mind-bending 32-colour (self-produced) pic slideshow (S) - "VIBRATIONS" - Cosmic, spaced-out Deluxe PaintIII "cyclic" pictures (S) - "JapanTour" - A travel-guide, based on my 1991 trip to Japan (M)(T)(B) - "BaliTour" (in production) - My travelling into the "real" Bali (M)(T)(B) - "FeelGood" - From my first attempt at digitising magazine-pics (M)(A) - "RGB-Girls" - My first colour magazinelim-program - "DemoMaker-Demo"-Description, review and examples of this great program - "MED-TUNES" - More "Art of MED" era songs with a new graphics-program - "OCTAROCK-3D" - 8-channel songs and 3D-graphics (for red/green glasses) (September, 1992 update comes without the 3-D graphics)  SLIDESHOW DISKS  (M):MED-music, (S):sampled-sound; (T):text-screens);  --------------- (B):black-and-white pictures; (A):for "adults-only"; (1RK (Music, Art &/or Animation, Writing on the one disk)  ------------------ - "AVS-Showcase" - "Classic" assorted material in a special presentation  MUSIC + GRAPHICS DISKS (with emphasis on the musical side)  ---------------------- - "Sight&Sound" - Extravaganza of MED1.12 songs & colour-cycling pictures - "Art of MED1.5"- In my humble opinion, the best music-disk in the world - "MED-SHOW 1.5" - Best MED 2.10 songs (& MED-tutorial) plus anZMtails, reviews and assessments of the 150-plus disks which are currently available in the "AVS-Amiga" range, plus details of the equipment and PD disk-collection which I have (Catalogue last updated in June, 1992).  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  A SELECTION FROM THE BEST OF THE CURRENTLY-AVAILABLE "AVS-AMIGA" DISKS:  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  MIXED/GENERAL WOh  "AVS-AMIGA" PRODUCT INFORMATION - September, 1992 version  AVS-NOTE: I am not a "PD-distributor" as such - I produce and collect work for my own recreation and interest. Occasionally, I release my work to the public-domain market, but the vast majority of it is kept privately by me. Apart from collected and re-distributed PD-programs, all work is original. "CATALOGUE-DISK": Version 5.0 of this bootable disk is currently available, containing dewand their musical horizons (with or without MIDI). All in all, a delightful, engrossing and rewarding program to use. Review copies from: Amiganuts United Australia 199 Taylor St TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Ph: (076) 346948; Message/fax: (076) 331172  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OctaMED format (and which, in time, will do the opposite, plus do M usicX-conversions) - contact Amiganuts for more details. AMOS will soon support OctaMED files, also.  Conclusions: OctaMED Professional is the "king" of stand-alone music-sequencers on the Amiga, but the results that users achieve with it will only ever be as good as the musical-ability of those users. It won't make another Stravinsky out of a tone-deaf novice, but it's just the thing for experienced users of MED or SoundTracker/ProTracker who are looking to exp 5nk installing and MIDI-initialisation, amongst other things, and all of the program-functions are covered in great detail. Of course there are other ways to learn about OctaMED, especially loading and/or modifying other people's songs. Interestingly enough, there is a new program available - called AMFC (Amiga Music File Concerter) V2 - which can convert StarTrekker, Oktalyzer and even SMUS files into OctaMED format (and which, in time, will do the opposite, plus do Mever and the program's copyright situation has changed, but on the whole it isn't a major upgrade. The accessory-disk and manual really make the upgrade-package (particularly the latter). The manual is in a plastic-covered, plastic ring-bound format i.e. useful for keeping open at whatever page you wish without excessive coffee stains. It is well-written and comprehensive, though surprisingly it lacks an index or a contents-page. Instructions are contained for hard-disX The manual is practically a necessity (unless you're experienced in using earlier versions of OctaMED), since the "how-to-use" text-file has now been deleted from disk (the all-too-brief introduction in July's CU-Amiga leaves out many of OctaMED 3.00's important features e.g. the keyboard-shortcuts). Version 4.00 of OctaMED isn't greatly different to version 3.00; its main claim to fame is to be free of a couple of bugs. There are a few "cosmetic" enhancements howhfloppy-disk. In turn, this will have an effect on the music that users create with it. And - as I mentioned earlier - it helps to save a song in MM0 format (as opposed to "MM1") since significant file-reductions (around 20%) are possible this way.  Version 4.00 and the Manual: I'll discuss these together, since it's a fair bet that many readers will either settle for the version 3.00 CU cover-disk or else "go the whole hog" and get version 4.00 with the manual. U orchestrate a simple musical idea. But the beauty in hearing a well-written eight-channel passage makes it easy to "forget about" four-channel music. I even find it difficult now to work with four-channels: though its music has higher-fidelity, its composing-restrictions are sometimes difficult to bear (i.e. it's too easy to run-out of channels). It didn't take long to get used to the new song file-size - it just means that fewer songs will now fit on a standard }Жlp to make this the first really "useable" version of OctaMED. I even composed a piece of music during the first session (which may or may not be on this issue of Megadisc), which surprised me since I hadn't created any new songs for some time. A couple of weeks and songs down the track, that enjoyment hasn't ceased. Mind you, it does take a while to learn how to make best use of the "extra" channels - and there is now much more detail-work required to flesh-out, orLwaMED; PROCESSOR REQUIREMENTS: OctaMED is quite useful without a 68020+ processor, provided that you choose the "Dep 2" preference - which runs the program in four colours, instead of eight. It becomes rather difficult to tap-write in fast tempos however, and the "high-quality" playback option is unavailable.  Practical Use: Despite all the niggling problems, I found myself enjoying OctaMED 3.00 - its tap-writing, line-playing and tempo-varying facilities all heϢuG-VERSION INCOMPATIBILITY: I'd already noticed alarming and undocumented incompatibility problems between MED 3.00 and 3.11 songs: songs produced on version 3.00 and played on 3.11 (or its equivalent MEDPlayer) never managed to "recover" from "volume fades" of instruments. OctaMED 3.00 has now taken an even greater step towards incompatibility with earlier versions by using an altered note-definition - so songs created with it cannot be loaded into earlier versions of Oct SoundTracker equivalent. OctaMED 3.00 has gone the opposite way: file sizes can be huge. To give an example, I loaded a 63k OctaMED 1.00 song into version 3.00, and then saved it without any further modification: the new version had "grown" to 127k - and one of my new songs had even grown over 400k before I saw fit to "prune" it. I haven't conducted any tests with powerpacking files as yet - but I can indicate that it helps to save modules in the "old" MM0-format; SONN half the Workbench area, and obscuring any disk-icons that may be underneath it. This isn't too practical and with the large program and OctaMEDPlayer icons, uses up a lot of memory. I would expect this to be changed, since, amongst other things, it means that users can't access the "accessory" disk from the "OctaMED" Workbench. FILE SIZE: MED always used to save its song+samples modules in a compressed format so that a MED module was always rather smaller than its  $usic-press). Perhaps the "high-quality" mode of OctaMED means that this may now be possible on a single machine! Anyway, it's now time to mention some of the less-desirable "features" of the program.  Problems: I'll mention these at length, since they're going to catch-out any unwary users and may spoil their enjoyment of the program as a whole: WORKBENCH LAYOUT: "Booting" with the supplied disk loads a special screen - like a huge advertisement - covering jg seen, these point to a much-improved version of the program, if perhaps running a little short of the "Professional" tag. I was starting to wonder what sort of "professional" would use MED/OctaMED, anyway, when news of the English "Urban Shakedown" duo arrived ("Amiga Format": August, 1992) - it seems they use two Amigas running MED simultaneously, to produce dance music which is both released and charting well (and received "single of the week" coverage in the English m B ted in freehand; - there's now a much larger, and more comprehensive, file-requestor used; - a constant readout of system ram and chip-memory is displayed onscreen; - new "module" formats have been developed, for loading and saving songs; - the ability to use powerpacked files - including songs and instruments; - a "high-quality" playback function is supported, for 68020+ processors; - there are extensive "two-way" program-control functions for MIDI-users. As can be ^ute" in 8-channel mode (i.e. as the music plays); - improved quantisation-support (an essential part of the above feature); - tempos can now be varied, from the 3 or 4 "useful" SoundTracker-speeds; - blocks can be "scrolled" and played a line at a time - even backwards!; - block-length has been expanded - allowing up to 3,200 lines per block!; - there are new effects, including combinations of e.g. volume and pitch; - instruments can be fine-tuned, edited or even drawn/edi  \e it is contained in one of the cover-disks. Version 4.00 comes with a comprehensive 126-page manual, plus a second disk of samples and example song-parts. Total cost of the package from Amiganuts United Australia is $ 85.00. Here are just a few of the new features of version 3.00 - rated according to my order of "importance" (as readers and users will have their own ideas about such things - especially if they have a MIDI system running): - the ability to "tap wrigڷngs with it - free-plug for my "OctaStuff" disk - and gotten used to its very different means of operation. But before I could put the finishing touches on the review, Amiganuts United Australia sent me out Version 4.00. Luckily, OctaMED 4.00 it isn't too different from version 3.00 - so most of my comments will apply equally to both versions.  Features: Purchasers of July 1992's "CU Amiga" magazine should be familiar with the workings of OctaMED 3.00 - sincXHo be a curious novelty and v.2.00 to be a half-baked attempt to improve it. What was version 3.00 going to be like? I wasn't particularly keen to find out - so it was with some misgivings that I loaded a "review" copy from Megadisc. Now that I've been using it for a while, though, I'm happy to say that it's a much better program than either of its predecessors. Having had the opportunity now to use OctaMED 3.00 for a couple of weeks, I've completed a collection of so2 sion 2.0 of OctaMED was in my opinion a transitionary one - since the innovations it introduced (chiefly the ability to create songs in 5-7 channels, and a form of single-bar stave-notation) had not been sufficiently thought-through for them to be actually useful - which is where OctaMED 3.00 and 4.00 come into the picture. For all my enthusiatic support of the normal MED program - not to mention its part in the creation of around 150 songs - I'd found OctaMED 1.00 t='t work as well in extended mode. The program seemed more like an eight-channel version of SoundTracker that a variation of MED, anyhow, without the benefit of MED's greater tempo range - and added to this were an overall loss of sound-clarity and volume, a limited facility for instrument-use and a huge drain on processing power. But OctaMED's programmer, Teijo Kinnunen, has never been one to surrender in the face of adversity - so "improvements" started to appear. Ver9ts programmer as the final version to be released, with attention being directed to its eight-channel equivalent, OctaMED. I wasn't overly fond of the early versions of OctaMED. It seemed that too many corners had been cut in order for it to achieve the impossible: having an "eight-channel" sequencer that operated on a four-channel computer. Many of the features that originally made me prefer MED over its rival program - SoundTracker - either weren't available, or didnxC\{come rather complex - at least for beginners - and slow since the first versions appeared. Now further development is said to have been ceased. The pinnacle of MED's development was version 3.00 - a powerful, fast and easy-to-use program. Later versions used medium-resolution screens and some rather-unnecessary graphics-logos - cutting into startup-time, slowing down overall performance and requiring at least 1 meg to run on. Version 3.22 is now being advertised by i |iga enthusiast, Alex is a law-student, a writer and a mean guitarist.  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Introduction: For those who have yet to find out, OctaMED is a variation of "MED", once the best freely-distributable music-program available for the Amiga - I say "once" because not only has the program gained serious competition from the likes of ProTracker (especially the excellent version 2.2), but it's beeg REVIEW  OctaMED 3.0/4.0 Professional  by Alex Van Starrex BIOPIC: Alex has produced hundreds of disks of creative work, since buying his Amiga 500 in 1988. He is best known for his MED music - which has been featured by "Amiga Computing" magazine, "Jumpdisk" and the Fish Disks. His "Art of MED" disk is available in England (where it was a top-selling disk in late 1991), America, Japan and Australia. Besides being a devoted Am]? 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Special mentions for Tim Strachan at Megadisc, Richard Ramella of Jumpdisk, Ray Burt-Frost of Amiganuts (and Kevan Fitzalerley,  dEVits Australian licensee and distributor) and programmer Teijo Kinunnen. Final dedications go out to Madelaine, as a source of inspiration (of things musical and otherwise). A.V.S. - September, 1992. (P.S. Though it's not directly related to this disk, I've borrowed the icon for this file from Ed Mackay's excellent "EdPlayer" utility. Apart from the fact that it's a really neat icon, the main-program itself is brilliant: it plays SoundTracker/ProTracker and MED e7s and PD-distributors alike. Without any "feedback" from the public-at-large, I find it difficult to direct and balance my work; so feel free to write if you've got the slightest inclination to. My thanks, as always, go to those people who support my work - by getting or carrying my disks, or writing, sending me software to review, and so on. Special mentions for Tim Strachan at Megadisc, Richard Ramella of Jumpdisk, Ray Burt-Frost of Amiganuts (and Kevan Fitzalerley, fpk is bootable, for those users who prefer to run it that way (it looks a bit snazzier too) though it works just as well from an already-loaded Workbench. Like most of my other PD-disk releases, "OctaStuff" is shareware - to the extent that those people who get a copy are encouraged to register with me, in order to receive news of updates and other past/present/future releases. Letters of appreciation (especially with cheques attached) are also welcome - from end-userg$:w#not be loaded into earlier versions of OctaMED. Owners of Amigas with ordinary run-of-the-mill 68000 processors (like me) will, of course, note that OctaMED songs "drain" a lot of processing-power. As a result of this, it may be wise to "pause" the songs, when carrying-out other disk-based processes or accessing files. Processor "speed-freaks" and A3000 owners, on the other hand, shouldn't find any problems (unless you've got a monitor with no sound-output). This dishFIlanatory, in terms of contents and layout. Any readers who don't "boot" with the disk may have problems if their boot-disk doesn't have the libraries which the OctaMEDPlayer needs to run - though no other "system-requirements" are needed. I haven't tested this disk on other Amigas (my own is a one-megabyte A500 with 1.2 ROM) - but I'd still suggest that half-megabyte machines may have a hard time running some of the larger OctaMED songs. I've also noted that the songs cani7d done, I had enough material to fill a disk, so I strung it all together and added some finishing touches. I've consciously "borrowed" material, such as icons, to add to the "ad hoc" look of the disk while other things - like the "AVS-Pic" (courtesy of "DigiView", Canon A11E camcorder and "DeluxePaint III") - were specially created for this purpose. All that's left is for the public at large to appreciate the results.  Disk-features: The disk is fairly self-expjnd with the instruments on the demo-tune and created "Question", pretty much from start to finish. The rest of the tracks gradually came together during one or two further experiments with the program, using tracks from my - incomplete and unreleased - "OctaSongs" disk of late 1991. Due to the fact that I was just toying with ideas, the songs developed in a sort of stream-of-consciousness way - though there is some excellent writing in them. And, when all was said ankփnity to try and "introduce" the program to large numbers of people was hampered shortly afterwards, when "CU Amiga" magazine released it in on their July, 1992 cover-disks (which arrived here in Australia much later). To add to the confusion, I got a phone-call a few days later from Amiganuts United Australia, promising to send me out a copy of version 4.00 (which arrived just as I was finishing this disk). Anyway, I loaded up the Megadisc-supplied program, played aroul)hT "Music" drawer contains the songs I created while using/testing "OctaMED" 3.00. The reason I called the disk "OctaStuff" - as opposed to something more extravagant - is that I didn't set out to create a new music-disk; the contents of the disk more or less fell into place over time. The disk started out fairly modestly - I had intended to merely write the the OctaMED 3.00 review for "Megadisc" who very graciously supplied me with the review copy. However, an opportum  "OctaStuff" - OctaMED 3.00 (and 4.00) material  by Alex Van Starrex  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Introduction: Welcome to "OctaStuff", a disk based around my work with OctaMED versions 3.00 and 4.00. The "Info" drawer contains a review of these programs (which I wrote for "Megadisc" disk-magazine), together with other text-files and a tastefully-executed picture of yours-truly; and theL=CCH,xN$@JfA\NA\N#ClNh#g*CmNh#g @ hxo.infopu>T8kLxo1.3 2.0 Music OctaMEDPlayer Info Introduction  u Disk.infopwxѝyxnEn Music.infopwyM9pLgpx{M@guZ(;9i0 $ $ $ $$$ ?03777*77?76?9j5UUUUU\@@@ @ @ @@wtA?0"UUUUUP????*????LSt2.0pz{h@~}|{:E/gOctaMEDPlayer.infopz|f Jvyde +Jxx@@1a q @@@@@B  @B  @B"@B"@DŽAc` AcC@AAc| A@z}{q- y \@?@A \ AA@\ @ !!\@ A@ @s @@@~<UW?9> fafa/O???> ~<~9}|9}<99z~nuE99<>?<?""?""?""?""???xg?g?#_#@_zzWp|>@ @    P@P@P f ~|` ` 0@@  "D0B ! BA   " BC1 a" " AB "0 " D"FD00 >&L]0yts9@! (@@B@ {UT*zvI@p~@@  @ P !@ O@ "D"D d D""$"D"D!G@  zb()( AzoJz 7?p?p?p3?`< ;@ 888@@? ?@@ W @  @ 0fa_Bfa!?!?/?!7O???z hhh????? ????~||?~y>s>s?s?{?s?s?y""?""??""?""??}?~??p????ax??x??z ǢOg???g?_#H OH _       @ @`@@@@@8 @ppz ӱ?p@ p `/ z o @ (8@@( /@D  W$*0 0~@B@! @  @ P   O@! 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